Saint Henry Catholic Church

Saint Henry Catholic Church
Most Reverend
Thomas G. Wenski
                                                             Saint Henry Catholic Church
                                                               1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp.                                      
Fr. Hector Perez                                                                  August 15, 2021
Msgr. James B. Reynolds
                                                                           MISSION STATEMENT
8:00 a.m. (English)
7:00 p.m. (Spanish)                        Drawn together by our common bonds of Faith, Hope and Love, we strive to serve God and
                                           one another as members of a parish family under the patronage of Saint
SATURDAY VIGIL MASS:                       Henry. With ardent faith we celebrate the Eucharist, sharing the mystery of Christ's pres-
4:00 p.m. (English)
7:00 pm. (Spanish)                         ence in our Holy Communion. Compelled by the love of Christ, we reach out
                                           beyond the walls of our church and minister, not only to members who are unable physi-
8:00 , 10:00, & 11:30 a.m. (English)
                                           cally to attend and participate actively in the Liturgy, but also to people near and far, who
1:30 p.m. (Spanish)                        need our services.
6:00 p.m. (English)

8:00 a.m., 12:00, (English) & 7:00 p.m.

Monday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass

Saturday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass

Devotions First Saturday after 8:00 a.m.
Meetings Tuesdays after 8:00 a.m.

Contact the Parish Office for

Phone: (954)785-2450
Fax: (954) 785-6958

Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Six Month Preparation Period Required.
Parishioners should contact the Parish
Office at least nine months in advance
to make appt.

Parishioners: contact the Parish Office
for appointment with the pastor three
months prior to Baptism
English - First Sunday of the Month
Spanish - Last Sunday of the Month

Before every Saturday Vigil and
Sunday Mass and by appointment

Sundays - September to May
9:45am English & 11:45am Spanish
Saint Henry Catholic Church
August 15, 2021                                         15 de Agosto de 2021
   The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                 Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María

After the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre          MI ESPÍRITU SE LLENA DE JÚBILO EN DIOS
in 336, the sacred sites began to be restored and           La asunción de María es un dogma de la Iglesia Católi-
memories of the life of Our Lord began to be celebrat-      ca, que nos dice que ya ella participa de la gloria del
ed by the people of Jerusalem. One of the memories          Padre Dios, por la acción de la muerte y resurrección
about his mother centered around the "Tomb of               de su Hijo Jesucristo y nos pide que hagamos de Je-
Mary," close to Mount Zion, where the early Christian       sús nuestro guía, porque todo lo de María es importan-
community had lived.                                        te porque el Hijo de Dios se encarnó en ella.

On the hill itself was the "Place of Dormition," the spot   María es una mujer de pueblo, de pueblo pobre, como
of Mary's "falling asleep," where she had died. The         lo es Nazaret y por esa condición, podemos decir que
"Tomb of Mary" was where she was buried. At this            es luchadora y servidora.
time, the "Memory of Mary" was being celebrated. Lat-
er it was to become our feast of the Assumption.            La visita a Isabel y las Bodas de Caná, nos muestra
                                                            esa cualidad. Isabel, su pariente, necesita de ella y sa-
At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when bishops            le inmediatamente a ayudarla, para serle útil, que es
from throughout the Mediterranean world gathered in         condición indispensable para ser cristiano. El cristiano
Constantinople, Emperor Marcian asked the Patriarch         es servidor por excelencia.
of Jerusalem to bring the relics of Mary to Constanti-
nople to be enshrined in the capitol. The patriarch ex-     En las bodas de Caná, cuando se acaba el vino de la
plained to the emperor that there were no relics of         fiesta del matrimonio, ella toma la iniciativa para resol-
Mary in Jerusalem, that "Mary had died in the pres-         ver el problema y así los novios y sus amigos disfrutan
ence of the apostles; but her tomb, when opened lat-        ese momento especial de la vida. Entonces, ella llamó
er . . . was found empty and so the apostles conclud-       a Jesús.
ed that the body was taken up into heaven."
                                                            La enseñanza es que siempre estemos atentos para
All the feast days of Mary mark the great mysteries of      servir y que en los problemas de la vida y en las dificul-
her life and her part in the work of redemption. The        tades del servicio, llamemos a Jesús, es decir, que ore-
central mystery of her life and person is her divine        mos, que contemos a Jesús el problema y seguro ven-
motherhood, celebrated both at Christmas and a              drá la solución, no la que quisiéramos, sino la que Dios
week later (Jan. 1) on the feast of the Solemnity of        quiere.
Mary, Mother of God. The Immaculate Conception
(Dec. 8) marks the preparation for that motherhood,         El Evangelio de hoy nos narra la visita a Isabel, quien
so that she had the fullness of grace from the first mo-    le dice: “dichosa tú que has creído”. Es como si nos
ment of her existence, completely untouched by sin.         estuviera diciendo, dichosos nosotros, si confiamos en
Her whole being throbbed with divine life from the          Dios, porque tendremos confianza en nosotros mis-
very beginning, readying her for the exalted role of        mos, en el servicio a los demás.
mother of the Savior.
                                                            María le respondió con la oración del Magnificat, que la
The Assumption completes God's work in her since it         rezan todas las tardes los ministros ordenados: Ella
was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God   ora por nosotros asegurándonos la misericordia de
himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assump-         Dios para toda la humanidad: “Santo es su nombre y
tion is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her         su misericordia llega de generación en generación a
earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our       los que lo temen” y su oración se convierte en un lla-
eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our       mado a nuestra liberación y de toda la humanidad:
earthly life is over.                                       “dispersó a los de corazón altanero”
In     1950,      in     the     Apostolic  Constitu-       Previamente, proclama su seguridad en la acción de
tion Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII pro-             Dios quien está en favor de los humildes, es decir, de
claimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma of the Cath-         los que no se sienten poderosos ni autosuficientes.
olic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother          Ella dice: “Mi alma glorifica al Señor y mi ESPÍRITU SE
of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the          LLENA DE JÚBILO EN DIOS, mi salvador, porque pu-
course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul       so sus ojos en la humildad de su esclava”.
into heaven."
                                                            Diácono Eduardo Martínez
-Excerpted from Fr. Clifford Stevens in Catholic Heritage
Saint Henry Catholic Church
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                                                                                                  Page 3

             Mass Intentions Of the Week                                             Minister Schedules                   August 21st & 22nd
                                                                                     Sat. 4:00 PM
Saturday, August 14th St. Maximilian Kolbe
 8:00am      † Gladys Nelson By Sherry & Herb Miller                                 Celebrant                            Fr Hector Perez
 4:00pm      † Catherine Roberts By Sherry & Herb Miller                             Lector / EM                          Thomas Kostolansky
 7:00pm*     † Juan Percy Burga By wife, sons & brother
                                                                                     EM                                   DC Kiyemba
Sunday, August 15th — The Assumption of Mary
  8:00am     For all the members of this church By the pastor                        EM                                   Marie Moecia
 10:00am     (L) Jake & Adriah Restituyo By Rev Kris A Bartos                        EM                                   Jim Schmidt
 11:30am     In Honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
             and in thanksgiving & special intentions By Rose                        Altar Server                         NONE
             Masters                                                                 Saturday 7:00PM Español
             † Aneyda Caceres By family
 1:30pm*     † Guadalupe Alquisiras By Jamie & the Quezada                           Celebrant                            Fr. Hector Perez
             family                                                                  Announcements                        Homero Montes
             † Ignacio Quezada By Jamie & the Quezada
             family                                                                  Lector                               Abel Perez
Monday, August 16th St. Stephen of Hungary
                                                                                     Lector                               Blanca Perez
 8:00am      (L) Jeanne Binette By Lauretta Brennen
             (L) Janet Lopez By Lopez Family                                         EM                                   Victoria Flores
 7:00pm *    (L) Amelia & Jacob Restituyo
                                                                                     EM                                   Marcia Noreiga
             By Rev Kris A Bartos
 Tuesday, August 17th St. Hiero                                                      EM
 8:00am      † Myrna Afek By son, Steve Afek                                         Sunday 8:00 AM
             (L) Janet Lopez By Family
 7:00pm*     (L) Carlos Martinez By Amy Cumming                                      Celebrant                            Fr Francis
Wednesday, August 18th Sts. Leo & Juliana
 8:00am      † Janina Turkowid by daughter, son & family                             Lector                               Samanthani Singh
             (L) Janet Lopez By Family                                               EM                                   Sabrina Pereira
 7:00pm*     † Gerarld & Gean Bartos By Rev Kris A Bartos
 Thursday, August 19th St. John Eudes                                                EM
 8:00am      † Robert J. Boyle By Joan Ryan                                          Altar Server                         NONE
             (L) Janet Lopez By family
 7:00pm*     (L) Elias Alvarez                                                       Sunday 10:00 AM
Friday, August 20th St. Bernard                                                      Celebrant                            Fr Hector Perez
 8:00am      † Felipe Mijares By Rose Masters
             (L) Janet Lopez By family                                               Lector                               Susan Dimond
 7:00pm*     † Felix & Agnes Stanek By Rev Kris A Bartos                             EM                                   Ellie De Pasquale
 Saturday, August 21st St. Pius X
 8:00am      (L) Janet Lopez By family                                               EM                                   Susan Gingerich
             † Sole of Juana Rodriguez By the Lopez family                           EM
 4:00pm      † Guy & Berthe Blanchard By Karine Blanchard
 7:00pm*     (L) Manuel Alba By Maria Feliciano                                      Sunday 11:30 AM
Sunday, August 22nd — 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time                                   Celebrant                             Fr Francis
  8:00am     (L) Dr Richard Covce By Maria Feliciano
 10:00am     For all the members of this church By the pastor                        Lector                               Elisabeth Chew
 11:30am     † Felice Quaglia By Mary, Julian & Christofer                           EM                                   Alex Martinez
             To St Jude for a safe trip back home
             By Hilda Morejon                                                        EM
 1:30pm*     † Anthony & Mary Bartos By Rev Kris A Bartos                            Sunday 1:30 PM Español
                                                                                     Celebrant                            Fr. Hector Perez
For the month of August the Tabernacle Lights sponsored                              Announcements                        Maria Zarcos
in memory of the Murray & Knechtel families and the Hosts                            Lector                               Carmen Zarcos
& Wine sponsored in memory of the Gillespi family.
                       Mass Intentions                                               Lector                               Evelia Santander
 A beautiful way to remember our deceased loved ones,                                Prayers of the Faithful              Deacon Eduardo Martinez
honor someone special, or to mark a special moment is to
offer a Mass intention, Call the church office to schedule a                         EM                                   Ligia Bonilla
week day or weekend Mass intention.                                                  EM                                   Olga Muniz
                                                                                     EM                                   Deacon Eduardo Martinez

                                                                     Please pray for the sick
 John Fanning, Beverly Theis, Diane Valek, Kathy Bailey, Eliza Feldman, John Clough, Diane Kent, Dolores Santa Lucia, Kathy Bailey, Mickey Hatmaker, John Oliva,
Christel McSwiggan, Terry Rogers, Ed Miller, Abreu Noriega, Landon Mc Chesney, Peggy Woehry, Georgia Goodell-Bresnhan, Logan Pamparatto, Barbara-Ann Ives,
 Kathi Hockbrueckner, Matt Moran, Talel Said, Robert Wright, Joan Hoch, Margaret Leona, Helen Godfrey, Eileen Blackmore, Megan Sereseroz, Marilyn Smith, Laura
Fassig, Marie Martes, Anthony De Michele, Rebecca Zung-Clough, Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Paul Brennen, Edgar Breenen, Michael Bierman, Doug River, David
                                                             Zwiercan, Anna Vaccaro, & Anna Srednick.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                                                      page 4

                                                              Readings for the Week of August 15, 2021 /
Nuestra ofrenda del fin de semana del 7 de Agos-
 to y 8 se desglosa aquí . Gracias por su apoyo.           Lecturas por la Semana del 15 de Agosto de 2021

                                                     Sunday/      Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed
Our offertory collection for the weekend of August                Virgin Mary
7th & 8th is broken down here. Thank you for
                                                     Domingo      Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Santísima
your support.
                                                                  Virgen María
 Day/Dia            Time/Hora Offertory Subsidy                   Día: Apoc 11, 19; Apoc 12, 1-6. 10; Sal 44,
 Saturday/Sabado    4:00pm     $1304         $276                 10bc. 11-12ab. 16; 1 Cor 15, 20-27a; Lc 1,
 Saturday/Sabado    7:00pm     $107          $52                  39-56
                                                     Monday/Lunes Saint Stephen of Hungary
 Sunday/Domingo     8:00am      $313          $61
                                                                  San Esteban de Hungría
 Sunday/Domingo     10:00am     $241         $215                 Jue 2, 11-19; Sal 105, 34-35. 36-37. 39-40.
 Sunday/Domingo     11:30am    $348          $247                 43ab y 44: Mt 19, 16-22
 Sunday/Domingo     1:30pm     $223          $149    Tuesday/     Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-12, 13-14;
 Ont time donations              $0            $0    Martes       Mt 19:23-30
 Total                         $2531       $1000     Wednesday/ Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mt 20:1-16
                                                     Thursday/      Saint John Eudes, Priest
           WE NEED YOUR HELP!                        Jueves         San Juan Eudes, Presbítero
 This year, St. Henry Church’s ABCD goal is                         Jue 11, 29-39a; Sal 39, 5. 7-8a. 8b-9. 10;
 $59,076. Progress to date totals $51,450,                          Mt 22, 1-14
 leaving a balance of $7,626 to reach our            Friday/Viernes Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbot and
                                                                    Doctor of the Church
                                                                    Memoria de San Bernardo, Abad y Doctor de
                                                                    la Iglesia
                                                                    Rt 1, 1. 3-6. 14b-16. 22; Sal 145, 5-6ab. 6c-7.
                                                                    8-9a. 9bc-10; Mt 22, 34-40
                                                     Saturday/      Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope
                                                     Sábado         Memoria de San Pio X, Papa
                                                                    Rt 2, 1-3. 8-11; 4, 13-17; Sal 127, 1-2. 3. 4. 5;
                                                                    Mt 23, 1-12
                                                     Sunday/        Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                     Domingo        Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo
          ¡Necesitamos su ayuda!                                    Ordinario
 El avance hasta la fecha asciende a $51,450,                       Jos 24, 1-2a. 15-17. 18b; Sal 33, 2-3. 16-17.
 quedando un saldo de $7,626 para alcan-                            18-19. 20-21. 22-23; Ef 5, 21-32; Jn 6,
 zar nuestra meta .                                                 60-69

                   What is RCIA? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—How do I become Catho-
                   lic? How do I prepare to receive the sacrament of First Communion or Confirma-
 tion? If you are an adult seeking the answer to any of these questions, you should consider partici-
 pating in our RCIA program. Please email or call the church office if you are
 interested in learning more about out RCIA program.

                      ¿Qué es RICA? Es el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos - ¿Cómo me
                      hago católico? ¿Cómo me preparo para recibir el sacramento de la Primera
                      Comunión o Confirmación? ¿Cómo encuentro más información y formación
                      en la fe católica? Si Ud. es un adulto que busca la respuesta a cualquiera
 de estas preguntas, debería considerar participar en nuestro programa RICA. Si está interesado en
 obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a o cualquier pregunta
 comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia al 954 785 2450.
Asunción de Virgen María                                                                    page 5

                              CCD Registration Window is Now Open
 CCD registration period begins July 1, 2021 until September 12,2021. Registrations received by
 4:00pm August 31 will qualify for a $10.00 registration discount per child. Registration is required for
 new and returning students. No exceptions. The registration forms are available on the tables at the
 entrance of the church, and at the office.

                                         La inscripción para las clases de catequesis (CCD) se
                                                         encuentra ahora abierta
                                   El periodo de inscripción para las clases de educación religiosa CCD
                                   será desde el 31 de julio hasta el 12 de septiembre del 2021. Si re-
 gistra a su hijo antes del las 4:00pm del 31 de Agosto recibirá un descuento de $10.00 por niño. La
 inscripción es requerida para los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso y para quienes ya habían sido inscri-
 tos anteriormente. Las planillas para inscribirse ya se encuentran disponibles en las mesas a la en-
 trada de la Iglesia y en la oficina.
 The Serra Club of Broward County invites all Catholics to pray for all seminarians as they discern their call to the priest-
 hood, especially for the following seminarians celebrating their birthday in the month of August who are enrolled at St.
 John Vianney, Redemptoris Mater, St. Vincent DePaul Regional Seminaries.

 Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for these men whom You have called to discern priesthood. We beg Your continued blessings
  on our Diocese and families. Call forth even more men of generous spirit and fervent love whom You desire for this holy
                                     work. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. AMEN

                  Ordene sus ladrillos grabados para nuestro Golden Jubilee Garden
               Aceptamos pedidos de ladrillos grabados para nuestra próxima instalación en
               nuestro Golden Jubilee Garden. Si no lo ha hecho, ahora es el momento de ha-
 cerlo. Las solicitudes que se reciban antes del 30 de agosto se incluirán en nuestro pró-
 ximo envío e instalación. Los formularios para solicitarlo se encuentran en las mesas de
 la iglesia y en la oficina.

                        Order your Engraved Bricks for our Golden Jubilee Garden
            We are accepting engraved brick orders for our next installation in our Golden
            Jubilee Garden. If you haven’t ordered your engraved brick, now is the time to
            do it. Orders received by August 30th will be included in our next shipment and
 garden installation. Order forms are located on the tables in the church and church office.

  Oremos por los estudiantes y maes-
   tros que comienzan el año escolar
 próximamente, para que al enseñar y
      aprender nuevos conocimien-
 tos, cumplan el mandamiento de amar
      al prójimo como a sí mismos.
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