DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...

DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...
                        St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish
                              Bellaire - Neffs - Shadyside - Powhatan Point
SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                             JULY 25TH, 2021

St John Church (SJ) - 415 37th St, Bellaire, OH
St. Mary Church (SM) - 350 E 40th St, Shadyside,
OH 43947

              WEEKEND MASSES
  Saturday 4:00 PM - SM Saturday 5:30 PM - SJ
  Sunday 11:00 AM - SM Sunday 9:30 AM - SJ
                WEEKDAY MASS
6:00 p.m. (Mon.) SJ 8:00 a.m. (Wed. & Fri.) – SJ 8:00
            a.m. (Tues. & Thurs.) - SM
                                                                                  Prayer for the Week
      Saturday: 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. - SM                 O God, protector of those who hope in you, without whom
       Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - SJ                   nothing has firm foundation, nothing is holy, bestow in
        Monday: 5:00p.m. - 5:45p.m. - SJ                    abundance your mercy upon us and grant that, with you as
    Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30 -7:45a.m. - SM                 our ruler and guide, we may use the good things that pass in
   Wednesday & Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:45a.m. - SJ            such a way as to hold fast even now to those what ever
                                                            endure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, you Son, who lives
               CENTRAL OFFICE                               and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
       3745 Tallman Ave., Bellaire, OH 43906                for ever and ever. Amen
        Phone - 676-0051 - Fax - 671-9776                            Collect of the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
          Email: stjohns3745@comcast.net
                                                                  PRAYER FOR THE FIRST WORLD DAY FOR
      Office Hours: M,W,F - 8:00am-4:00pm                            GRANDPARENTS AND THE ELDERLY
     Fr. Daniel Heusel, Pastor (SJ), Pastor (SM)            I thank You, Lord, for the comfort of Your presence: even
           Mrs. Tonya Grimm- Secretary                      in times of loneliness, You are my hope and my confidence,
    St. Mary Central Grade School, Martins Ferry            You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth! I
                  (740) 633-5424                            thank You for having given me a family and for having
           Mrs. Theresa Young, Principal                    blessed me with a long life. I thank You for moments of joy
                                                            and difficulty, for the dreams that have already come true in
          www.fb.me/stjohn.bellaire.neffs                   my life and for those that are still ahead of me. I thank You
          www.fb.me/stmary.shadyside.powhatan               for this time of renewed fruitfulness to which You call me.
                                                            Increase, O Lord, my faith, make me a channel of your
                                                            peace, teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me,
                                                            to never stop dreaming and to tell of your wonders to new
 Combined bulletin for St. Mary and St. John parishes:
                                                            generations. Protect and guide Pope Francis and the Church,
 To submit something for the bulletin please email Tonya,
                                                            that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the
   our central office secretary, by Wednesday at noon:
                                                            earth. Send Your Spirit, O Lord, to renew the world, that
                                                            the storm of the pandemic might be calmed, the poor
                                                            consoled and wars ended. Sustain me in weakness and help
Do you know someone who would like to become                me to live life to the full in each moment that You give me,
Catholic? Why not invite them to our RCIA classes.          in the certainty that you are with me every day, even until
Call (740) 676-0051 for info. Classes meeting online        the end of the age. Amen.
through Zoom Thursdays at 7:00pm. Everyone invited!
DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...

          Fr. Dan’s Intentions for the Week                                    Offertory Collection
Saturday, July 24th, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00p.m. (SM) + Larry Phillips (Dale & Irene Louda)                    For the weekend of July 17/18, 2021
5:30p.m. (SJ) + Harold “Buzz” Donahue (KofC #1246)           St. Mary’s: Adult (41env) $1,144, Loose $91, Peter ’s
Sunday, July 25th, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time              Pence (1env) $20, Building Fund (11env) $265, Candles
9:30a.m. (SJ) + James Lee “Jimmy” Romish (Michael &          $41
Kathryn Kelly)                                               St. John’s: Adults (95env) $2,931, Assumption (1env)
11:00a.m.(SM) For the People of St. John’s & St. Mary’s      $20, St. Vincent de Paul (5env) $52, Grade School (1env)
Monday, July 26th, St. Joachim & Anne,                       $5, Building Fund (4env) $85, Candles $52.55
                                                             Please remember to use your offertory envelopes when writing
Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary                           a check. It helps us to effectively document your donations. If
6:00p.m. (SJ) + Bernice, Bruno, Louie &                      you do not have envelopes please contact the parish office and
Mike Maffe (Shelia, Tom, Casey, Megan,                       remember to make your check out to your parish, no matter
Gracyn & Berkeley)                                           what kind of envelope (collection) you use. Don’t make your
Tuesday, July 27th                                           checks out to the Grade School or St. Vincent de Paul, etc. The
8:00a.m.(SM) + Larry Phillips (Bob &                         Parish will do that! Thanks!
Theresa Baker)
Wednesday, July 28th                                                               PRAYER LIST
8:00a.m. (SJ) + Jean Lucci (Mike & Kathy B)                  Please Note: This pr ayer list is an impor tant par t of our
Thursday, July 29th, St. Martha                              love for our brothers and sisters in need. Names will be
8:00a.m. (SM) + Louise Cicogna birthday deceased             included on this list for four weeks at a time. After four
(Family)                                                     weeks a person’s name will be removed but can be added
Friday, July 30th, St. Peter Chrysologus                     again the next week simply by calling the office. Please
8:00a.m. (SJ) + Helen Dye (Rick & Ann Johnson)               pray for the following: Vicky Oboy, Lindy & Don Freed,
Saturday, July 31st, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time            Verna Kiss, Debbie (Donahue) Duzik, Jax McCort,
4:00p.m. (SM) + Andy & Al Klika 67th Wedding                 Dominic Alexander, Richard Althar, Lou Ann Kinder, Fr.
Anniversary (John & Shari Rowan)                             Sam Saprano, Jeremy Chirpas, Ayda Klee, Dorothy Kresak,
5:30p.m. (SJ) For the People of St. John’s and St. Mary’s    Cisci Deschaine, Gaye Griesedieck, Jules Coleman, Ray
Sunday, August 1st, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time             DeNoble, Frances P. Hartman, Joseph P. Stemkowski Jr.,
9:30a.m. (SJ) + Rose Rico (Stanek Family)                    Will Mason, Guy Albert Bates, John Bergund, John
11:00a.m. (SM) Jack Klug Birthday Blessings (St. Mary’s      Santavicca, “Ceci” Rotilio, Meg Griesedieck, Khristian
Parishioners)                                                White, Scott White, Talia Duffy, Stella Donley, Sheri
                                                             Kapolka, Luke & James Andres, Sharon Wiesner, Eric
                                                             Regoli, Zachary Gooch, Steve Beltrondo, Willie Merryman,
                Lord, bless and protect those serving our    Bob Dalrymple, Dom Gentile, Everett C. Sommers, Jeff &
               country, especially: Major Brian Zeno,        Mandy Fahey, Quentin Scott Coyne, Eli Heval, Stacey
                Airmen 1st Class Curtis McElfresh, Sgt.      (Nixon) Gilli, Tyce Hughes, Anna Marie Malek, Mary Kay
                Christopher Wetzel, Lance Corporal           Hanasky, Tom & Mariann Finan, Susan Falbo, Jason
                Zachary Knowlton, Staff Sgt. Wm. Kayne       Meholovitch, Charlene Breedlove, Carol Dalrymple, Judy
Melko, HTF Kory Melko, Sgt. Joshua Hall, Staff PFC Cody      Hinton, Mary Ryncarz, Jon & Greg Forbes, Magan
Anderson, Staff Sgt. Aaron Loeffler, Tech Sgt. Craig         Sechrest, Megan Sechrest, Jay Mc Laughlin, Kindra
DeBeni, Major Trey Vasey, Capt. Tom Dyer, Staff Sgt.         Filburn, Dawn White, Beverly Flemming, Randy
Josh Pempek, Mitchell Rataiczak, Master Sgt. Chris           DiGiandomenico, Richard and Betty Cope, John Patt,
Dipold, Sgt. Ryan James, Sgt. Dylan Frizzi, Sgt. Jake        Leonard White, Dominic DeFelice, Shirley Wise, Janice
Foster and Pvt. Zachary Popovich, Lance Cpl. John            Kovack, Tina Nardo, Tara Nightengale, Mary Margaret
Morgan, Jr., Pvt William Clegg , Petty Officer Alex Rader,   Kotson, Anna Marie Davis, Jim Hindman, Makayla
Lance Corporal Zane Merryman, Pvt. Colton T. Selmon,         Demavich, Irene Camsky, Patrick Strain, Virginia Wagner,
2nd Lt. DJ Olexa, Staff Sgt. Kelsey (Ryncarz) Turner,        John Hanasky, Vincent Kolenich II, all people suffering
Corporal Vincent J. Kolenich II                              from mental illness, addictions, our world, our nation, our
                                                             church, and all those suffering because of the coronavirus.
      Memorial Donations to St. John’s Church
In Memory of Linda Ball by Bob & JoAnn Rankin and                  St. John Vianney Week coming next weekend!
Ted & Linda Talay                                            We will be celebrating the memorial of St. John Vianney
                                                             (August 4) with thr ee special events: Tuesday, August 3
          St John Finance Council Meeting                    at 6:30pm - Evening Prayer. Wednesday, August 4 -
     Wednesday, July 28th, 7:00pm, St. John Rectory          6:30pm Mass and Social. Thursday, August 4 - 6:30pm -
                                                             Holy Hour for Vocations - all at St. Mary’s Church!
DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...
SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                  JULY 25TH, 2021
                    Fr. Sam’s 50th Anniversary                                                    GOSPEL MEDITATION
                    On May 14th Fr Sam celebrated his                                             St. Oscar Romero said,
                    50th anniversary of ordination to the                                         “We cannot do everything,
                    priesthood. I asked Fr. Sam if we could                                       and there is a sense of
                    have an anniversary party for him in the                                      liberation in realizing that.
Fall, and he was grateful for the offer, but he declined                                          This enables us to do
because it’s hard for him to travel. What we can do is send                                       something and to do it very
him a card or a note of congratulations and thank him for      well. It may be incomplete, but it is the beginning, a step
his service to our diocese and our parishes! His address is:   along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter
930 Debbie Ct, Dayton, Ohio 45415.                             and do the rest.” There were a group of ladies many years
                                                               ago who made quilts. They were beautiful creations
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week                         reflecting inspirational designs artfully composed from the
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, July 25-31 this        simple scraps of fabric each woman would bring to their
year, is a national educational campaign. The Natural          individual pieces. There was no plan for the finished project
Family Planning Program of the United States Conference        as each finished work became the combined creation of
of Catholic Bishops develops a poster each year with basic     what each woman contributed. They abounded in vibrant
supportive materials. It is the individual dioceses and        colors and dazzled the beholder with intricate patterns and
parishes, however, that offer a variety of educational         their myriad textures. They were so beautiful that they
formats in the local church to focus attention on Natural      became coveted family treasures passed from generation to
Family Planning methods and Church teachings that              generation. Those women never realized the power of their
support their use in marriage. The dates of Natural Family     work. Countless babies rested in the comfort of those quilts
Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the       warmly nestled in the legacy of tradition they were
papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates     fortunate to inherit. They adorned countless homes with
Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love, and     their beauty and brought joy and solace to many faces. We
responsible parenthood. The dates also mark the feast of       cannot do everything. We are not meant to. Our work in life
Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the          is to contribute our individual piece, a piece that reflects the
Blessed Mother. Pope Francis has designated that feast as      unique thumbprint I claim as my own. We only have to do
World Grandparents Day, a fitting commemoration during         small things well. Then, as St. Oscar Romero reminds us,
National NFP Awareness Week! We have a bulletin insert         the Lord’s grace will enter and do the rest. We have to trust
this weekend that describes the gift of God’s wisdom           that this is true just as those women trusted in the eventual
expressed in Church teaching about the gift of married love    beauty of their final work. Eucharistic blessings are
and responsible parenthood. We will also be scheduling a       blessings that start small and multiply. We all come to life
series of introductory classes, held throughout the year,      with only a few loaves of bread and a few fish. Not any
taught by the Steubenville FertilityCare Center, that will     single one of us has all that it takes to transform our world.
introduce and teach married and engaged couples the            Who knows what God will do with the little we have and
blessing of the Creighton model of Natural Family Planning     how many will benefit from our kindness, compassion,
and infertility treatment!                                     wisdom, courage, conviction, love, warmth, zeal, faith, and
Year of the Family and first World Day for                     hope? That young lad never dreamed that his few leftovers
Gradparents and the Elderly                                    would do all that they did. God shows up in unexpected
On March 19, 2021, the Church celebrated the fifth             ways! Where would life’s adventure and fun be if it were
anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’s apostolic     any other way? Being able to be part of bringing God’s
exhortation Amoris Laetitia, on the beauty and joy of love     creative, transforming, healing to the world opens us up to
in the family. On that same day, Pope Francis launched the     wonder, awe, and excitement! We can all bring our little
year “A moris Laetitia Family,” which will conclude on         piece to the bigger work of God that can result in being a
June 26, 2022, during the 10th Meeting of Families in          coveted jewel passed generation to generation. This is good
Rome with the Holy Father. Pope Francis invoked our            news indeed! Bread and wine transform into Christ’s Body
Blessed Mother: “May the Virgin Mary grant that families       and Blood and we become what we eat. Trust that. ©LPi
throughout the world be increasingly fascinated by the
evangelical ideal of the Holy Family, so as to become a                                 REST IN PEACE
leaven of [a] new humanity and of a genuine and universal             Please pray for the repose of the souls Phillip Gray,
solidarity.” Pope Francis also established throughout the             Virginia Poloski, Joan Betras and Pastor Larry
Church the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents       Copley. We offer our pr ayer s also for the comfor t of
and Elderly beginning in 2021 on the fourth Sunday of          her loved ones. If you have a family member that dies but
July, near the litur gical memor ial of Saints J oachim and    was not buried from our parishes please call the parish
Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. We celebrate this day for     office, we would like to include them here in this space.
the first time this weekend, Sunday, July 25!
DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...
          Readings for the week of July 25, 2021              2021 Diocesan/Parish Share Campaign Progress Report
Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18 [cf.         St. John Parish Goal: $23, 098 - Total Pledges or One-
16]/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15                                       Time Gifts = 110, Total Received to Date (Payments on
Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23            Pledges + One Time Gifts) = $26,487 Percentage of Goal
[1a]/Mt 13:31-35                                              Reached: 115%
Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28/Ps 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11,      St. Mary Parish Goal: $11,844 - Total Pledges or One-
12-13 [8a]/Mt 13:36-43                                        Time Gifts = 64, Total Received to Date (Payments on
Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35/Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 13:44     Pledges + One Time Gifts) = $20,730 - Percentage of Goal
-46                                                           Reached: 175% Thank you!
Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11
[2]/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42                                                         Traveling?    Don’t     forget
Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37/Ps 81:3-4, 5-6, 10                            Sunday Mass!
-11ab [2a]/Mt 13:54-58                                                                 Find a mass time by city, state
Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8 [4]/Mt 14:1-12                               or zip at www.masstimes.org
Next Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
[24b]/Eph 4:17, 20-24/Jn 6:24-35
                                                                                         Caring Crafters
Our picnic for both St. John’s and St. Mary’s parishes will              Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 28th at St.
be on Sunday, August 8 after the 11:00am Mass on the                     John’s Church Hall at 6pm. We have several
grounds of St. Mary’s Church. Sign up sheets are located      projects that we are working on and we have a lot of
at the entrances of both churches Please fill out the sheet   fun. Come share your talents and the love of God.
and drop it in the collection or call the office to let us
how many will be attending. You can donate a gift car d                    Parish Picnic Planning Meeting
or other door prize (new item $15 or less) - please drop      Our final parish picnic planning meeting will be this
them off at the parish office or place them in the bins       Wednesday, July 28th at 6:00pm in St. Mary’s Sartori Hall.
located in the back of the churches. If you have a canopy     All are welcome!
could we borrow it? Please bring it to church next
weekend, just make sure your name is on it!

      In Loving Memory of                                                              In Loving Memory of
  John, Rose & Cathy Magistro                      Pray for                        Masciarelli & Smigill Families
      By Bruce & Mary Ann                         Vocations!                         By Sunny & Anita Smigill

      In Loving Memory of                         In Loving Memory of
           Paul Cook                             Bill Kahl by Wife Karen
     By Wife Phyllis & Family              George, Bud, Murph & Jerry Snider
                                                   By Sister & Family

        In Loving Memory of                        Catholic Radio
  Rita Sharpe & Carmela Cerasoli
                                                       90.7 FM
      By John Jr, John III, Anita
             & Jeannine                          It can change your life!

   St. Mary Central School                                                             Bellaire Council
         Martins Ferry
         Educatin the entire
 individual - Spirit, Mind, and Body

DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ... DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ... DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ... DISCIPLES CALLED TO WITNESS - St John the Evangelist Parish / St. Mary Parish - St. Johns and St. Marys ...
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