BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes

Page created by Derek Jackson
BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
BULLETIN                                                          JULY 11th
                                                                                        11 de JULIO

Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger, Pastor
Parochial Vicars:      Deacons:
Rev. James Arriola     Dcn. Michael Plummer Dcn. Jorge L. Matamala
Rev. Alberto Chavez    Dcn. Isidoro Villa   Dcn. Ricardo J. Rauseo

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
Church & School - 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 - (305) 386-4121               ololourdes.org
BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
July 11, 2021 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

General Information                                                                        Mass Schedule, Reconciliations, Devotions
Parish Office                                                                               Mass Schedule                       Location                             English                                            Spanish
Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm                          (305) 386-4121                   Mon- Sat                             Church                              8:00am                                                   -
(closed for lunch 12:30pm - 1:30pm)                        (305) 386-6881
                                                                                            Mon- Fri                             Church                                   -                                             7:00pm
Christian Formation/Sacraments ............ ext. 107
Youth & Young Adult Ministry .................. ext. 106                                    Saturday Vigil                       Church                             5:00pm                                              6:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                     7:15am                                              8:30am
Parish School
                                                                                                                                                                    10:15am                                             1:30pm
   (305) 386-8446             (305) 386-6694                                                Sunday                               Church
                                                                                                                                                                    11:45am                                             6:30pm
Hospitalité de Miami
                                                                                                                                                                    5:00pm                                                    -
   (305) 386-4121 ........................................ext. 242
                                                                                           Holy Days of Obligation
                                    Holy Boutique                                          Vigil .......................................................................................... 7:00pm (Bilingual)
Hours of Operation                              From                    To                 Holy Day ...................................................................................... 8:00am (Eng), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (Eng), 8:00pm (Spa)

Monday to Thursday                            6:00pm                 8:00pm                Other Masses
                                                                                           French Mass ............................................................................ First Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 9:30am
                                              8:00am                 1:00pm
Friday                                                                                     Mass for the Blessed Mother ................................................. First Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 8:00am
                                              2:00pm                 8:00pm                Latin Mass ............................................................................... Second Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 9:00am
                                              8:00am                 12:00pm               Divine Mercy Chaplet                                                          Sundays, 3:00pm
                                              6:00pm                 8:00pm                Reconciliation / Confesiónes
                                              8:00am                 3:00pm                1 hour before daily Mass. Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, in the Chapel.
Sunday                                                                                     No Confessions on Holy Days / No habrá confesiones los Día de Precepto.
                                              6:00pm                 8:00pm

                                                           Mass Intentions - Intenciones de Misas
    SATURDAY, July 10th                                                       5:00pm † Orlando Zuniga                                                          THURSDAY, July 15th
    8:00am † Ernesto Rodriguez                                                       † Olga Gongora                                                            8:00am † Benjamin Enrique Velazquez Sarda
            † Joaquin Espada                                                  6:30pm † Bella Nila Pin                                                          7:00pm † Edelmira Martinez
            † Ramon Matos                                                            † Haydee Maria Morales de Velásquez                                              † Alfonso Arenas
            † Alyce Marie Robertson                                                  † Carlos Federico Lozada Vallejo                                                 † Daniel Gustavo Otero
            † Francisco Burga                                                        † Carlos Florez Severino                                                         † Celina Mendieta
            † Humberto Viana                                                         † Jesus Florez Severino                                                          Accion de Gracia a La Divina Misericordia
            † Danny Trujillo                                                         Por la sanación de Janeth
            For the recovery of Baby Talia Totel
                                                                              MONDAY, July 12th                                                                FRIDAY, July 16th
    9:00am Pro Populo
                                                                              8:00am Pro Populo                                                                8:00am † Wendell Karcher
    5:00pm † Jeremias Bruno                                                                                                                                            † Otto Kaselow Maldonado
            † Dario Cartaya                                                   7:00pm † Carlos Augusto Taylhardt                                                        Birthday Wishes to Sheena Yap
            † Guillermo R. Alsina                                                    † Carlos Arturo Taylhardt                                                         Thanksgiving to one more year of Life
    6:30pm † Fernanda Marianella Sanchez                                             † Silvia Carbajal
                                                                                     Por la salud de Fernando Salgado                                          7:00pm † Luisa & Alfonso Garcia
            † Alfredo & Felicia Abreu                                                                                                                                  † Napoleon Gianoli
            † Maria Regla Torres                                                     For the health of Silvio Noel Ramirez
                                                                                                                                                                       † Andrés Ayauca
            † Francisca Theis de Perez                                                                                                                                 † Sandra Chigne
            † José Domingo Figueroa                                           TUESDAY, July 13th
                                                                                                                                                                       † Estella Garces de Lozada
            Por la salud de Fernando Salgado                                  8:00am Pro Populo                                                                        † Oscar Delgado Home
            Por la salud de Yolanda Cofiño                                    7:00pm † Leo y Maria Rodriguez                                                           † Aura del Carmen Peña
    SUNDAY, July 11th                                                                † Isabel Tobon                                                                    † Violeta Borgono
                                                                                     † Leonor Ramirez                                                                  Por los almas en Purgatorio
    7:15am †Anne-Marie Carter                                                                                                                                          Por la sanación de Janeth
            † Benjamin Enrique Velazquez Sarda                                       Por la salud de Fernando Salgado
            For the health of Kathryn Fonseca
                                                                              WEDNESDAY, July 14th
    8:30am Por la conversion, sanación y liberación
              de Frank y Angelo Lopez                                         8:00am Pro Populo
            Acción de gracia al Santísimo de La Familia Alvarez               7:00pm † Gilberto Padilla
    10:15am For the health of Silvio Noel Ramirez                                    † Diahann Isabel Ramos
            In Thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary                                   † Angela Rincon de Chica
              & Guardian Angels                                                      Por la salud de Fernando Salgado
    11:45am † Angelo Luis Sanchez
            Intenciones para La Familia Altimari-Alves
    1:30pm † Juanita Perez
            † Pedro Parra
            Por la salud de Fernando Salgado

    Request a Mass Online                                               Pedir una Misa en linea
    In order for the Mass intention be printed/                         Para tener una intención de Misa impresa en el                                        www.ololourdes.org/MassIntentions
    announced in the parish bulletin, the request                       boletín, la solicitud de la Misa debe ser por lo
    for the Mass needs to be made at least 2                            menos con dos semanas de anticipación.
    weeks in advance.

    2                             www.ololourdes.org                             OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL                                         @ololourdes                                   @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
11 de julio de 2021 - 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                                       Sunday, July 11th                         Tuesday, July 13th                  Thursday, July 15th                        Saturday, July 17th
                                       Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time         Saint Henry                         Memorial of Saint Bonaventure,             1st: Ex 12:37-42
                                                                                                                     Bishop and Doctor of the Church
                                       1st: Am 7:12-15                           1st: Ex 2:1-15a                                                                RP: s 136:1 and 23-24, 10-12, 13-15
                                       RP: Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14              RP: Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34       1st: Ex 3:13-20                            Gospel: Mt 12:14-21
                                       2nd: Eph 1:3-14                           Gospel: Mt 11:20-24                 RP: Ps 105:1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27
                                                                                                                                                                Sunday, July 18th
                                       Gospel: Mk 6:7-13                                                             Gospel: Mt 11:28-30
                                                                                 Wednesday, July 14th                                                           Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                       Monday, July 12th                         Memorial of Saint Kateri            Friday, July 16th                          1st: Jer 23:1-6
                                                                                 Tekakwitha, Virgin                  Our Lady of Mount Carmel
                                       1st: Ex 1:8-14, 22                                                                                                       RP: Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
                                       RP: Ps 124:1b-3, 4-6, 7-8                 1st: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12                 1st: Ex 11:10-12:14                        2nd: Eph 2:13-18
 Readings                              Gospel: Mt 10:34-11:1                     RP: Ps 103:1b-2, 3-4, 6-7
                                                                                 Gospel: Mt 11:25-27
                                                                                                                     RP: Ps 116:12-13, 15 and 16bc, 17-18
                                                                                                                     Gospel: Mt 12:1-8
                                                                                                                                                                Gospel: Mk 6:30-34
 for the

                                                                           What’s Happening...
     Sunday, July 11th / Domingo, 11 de julio              8:15 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                                KEY:
                                                           • Comunidades de la Nueva Evangelizacion (Room 119)
8:00 pm –10:00 pm
                                                           8:15 pm – 10:15 pm                                       AR                          Kit                         SL
• 1ra Comunidad NeoCatecumenal (BFI)
                                                                                                                    Art Room                    Kitchen                     School Library
                                                           • Escuela de Evangelizacion (Room 113)
      Monday, July 12th / Lunes, 12 de julio                                                                        BFI                         MR                          St.B
                                                                   Friday, July 16th / Viernes, 16 de julio         Bishop Fernando             Music Room                  St. Bernadette Hall
7:45 pm – 10:15 pm
                                                                                                                    Isern Hall
• Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH)                           8:00 pm –10:00 pm                                                                    MS                          SDLM
                                                           • Emmaus Women - Spanish (PH)                            Chu                         Middle School               Capilla Señor de
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                                                  Church                                                  los Milagros
• ITER 4.12 Young Adult Bilingual                                                                                                               OA
                                                               Saturday, July 17th / Sábado, 17 de julio
  Group - Ages 18-38) (BFI)                                                                                         Cha                         Outside Altar               TBA
• Legion de Maria (Virtual - Zoom)                         8:00 pm –10:00 pm                                        Chapel                                                  To Be Assigned
                                                           • HdM Board of Directors (PH)                            CR                          Parish Hall                 TL
• Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)
• Señor de los Milagros (MR)                               8:00 pm –10:00 pm                                        Conference Room                                         Teachers Lounge
• Emmaus Women Spanish (Room 120)                          • Camino Neocatechumenal - Eucharistic Mass (PH)         NCR                         Parking Lot                 OCR
                                                                                                                    New Conference Room                                     Office Conference Room
     Tuesday, July 13th / Martes, 13 de julio                                                                                                   Rm
                                                                                                                    ER                          School Classroom
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm                                                                                                   Expansion Room
• Escoge Path Youth Group (MR)                                                                                                                  School
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
• Emaus de Hombres - Español (St.B)
• Emmaus Men - English (Room 121)
• Emmaus Women - Spanish (BFI)
• St. Vincent de Paul (Room 123)
• Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)
• 2nda Comunidad Camino Neocatecumenal (ER)
• Cursillos de Cristiandad (Room 122)
8:15 pm – 10:15 pm
• Emmaus Women English (LR)

  Wednesday, July 14th / Miércoles, 14 de julio
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
• Niños en Victoria (Room 123)
• Matrimonios en Victorias (St.B)
• Separated and Divorced (Room 122)
• Camino Neocatecumenal (ER)
• Divine Will (Virtual - Zoom)
• JUMP! Retreat Team Formation/Preparation (BFI)
• Salve Regina Haitian Group (Room 121)
8:15 pm – 10:15 pm
• Emaus de Mujeres- Español (PH)

     Thursday, July 15th / Jueves, 15 de julio
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
• Boys Scouts (MR)
• Venture Crew (Room 110)
7:30 pm –10:00 pm
• Spirit Life HS Youth Ministry (PH)
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
• Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)
• Emaus Español Retiro #56 (BFI)

                www.ololourdes.org                         OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL                         @ololourdes                       @OLOLCatholicMiami                             3
                                                                                                                                            View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
July 11, 2021 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Dear Family of                                                            Mi querida familia de
Our Lady of Lourdes,                                                         Nuestra Señora de Lourdes,
I was very happy to learn that my first priestly                              Me alegré mucho saber que mi primera asignación
assignment would be at this parish. I always heard                            sacerdotal sería en esta parroquia. Siempre escuché
that Monsignor Schwanger is a wonderful pastor,                               que Monseñor Schwanger es un pastor maravilloso,
has a great staff, and many fantastic and dynamic                             tiene un estupendo personal y muchos feligreses
parishioners. So, who would not be thrilled to be                             fantásticos y dinámicos. Entonces, ¿quién no estaría
here? Now that you know how I feel about my first                             encantado de estar aquí? Ahora que saben cómo me
assignment, I would like to share with you some things                        siento acerca de mi primera asignación, me gustaría
about my life, so that you can start to get to know me.                       compartir con ustedes algunas cosas de mi vida, para
                                                                              que puedan empezar a conocerme.
I am Father Alberto Jose Chavez, and I was born in
Asunción, Paraguay. I am the youngest of three boys.                          Soy el Padre Alberto José Chávez y nací en Asunción,
I grew up in a non-practicing catholic family. When I                         Paraguay. Soy el menor de tres hermanos. Crecí en una
was fifteen years old, I lost my father. This was a terrible                  familia católica no practicante. Cuando tenía quince
blow for me because being the youngest, I was his                             años, perdí a mi padre. Este fue un golpe terrible para
favorite, and he spoiled me silly. Soon after his death,                      mí porque siendo el menor, yo era su favorito, y él me
I was introduced to the Catholic Church through the                           consintió mucho. Poco después de su muerte, conocí
Neocatechumenal Way. This helped me because I                                 la Iglesia Católica a través del Camino Neocatecumenal.
began to realize that not only did, I still have my father’s                  Esto me ayudó porque comencé a darme cuenta de que
love, but I have the love of God, my true father.                             no solo tenía, todavía tengo el amor de mi padre, sino
                                                                              que tengo el amor de Dios, mi verdadero padre.
Around this time, I felt the call to the priesthood, but
I rejected it. I had “more important” things to do with                       Alrededor de esta época, sentí el llamado al
my life. I felt that I needed to prove to the world that I                    sacerdocio, pero lo rechacé. Tenía cosas “más
could be someone on my own! I went to college and                             importantes” que hacer en mi vida. ¡Sentí que
became a lawyer like my father. Even though I was                             necesitaba demostrarle al mundo que podía ser
having a rather successful and promising career, I felt                       alguien por mi cuenta! Fui a la universidad y me
something was missing in my life. You guessed it! I felt                      convertí en abogado, como mi padre. Aunque estaba
the call to become a priest, and through the providence                       teniendo una carrera bastante prometedora y exitosa,
of God, I was sent to the Redemptoris Mater Missionary                        sentí que algo faltaba en mi vida. Lo adivinaron, sentí
Seminary of Miami to begin my studies. In the seminary                        el llamado a ser sacerdote, y por la providencia de
I had a wonderful experience of God’s providence and                          Dios fui enviado al Seminario Redemptoris Mater en
love, I was also blessed to be in mission as part of my                       Miami para comenzar mis estudios. En el seminario
formation for three years in Brownsville, Oklahoma                            tuve una experiencia maravillosa de la providencia y el
& Chicago. On May 8th I was ordained a priest by                              amor de Dios, también tuve la bendición de estar en
Archbishop Thomas Wenski.                                                     misión como parte de mi formación durante tres años
                                                                              en Brownsville, Oklahoma y Chicago. El 8 de mayo fui
I am truly looking forward to doing the Lord’s work in                        ordenado sacerdote por el Arzobispo Thomas Wenski.
this fantastic parish.
                                                                              Realmente tengo muchas ganas de hacer la obra del
Father Alberto Jose Chavez                                                    Señor en esta fantástica parroquia.

                                                                              Padre Alberto José Chávez

    4                   www.ololourdes.org            OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL          @ololourdes        @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
11 de julio de 2021 - 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                      #5                                                  YES, He is calling you!
Are you living out your dreams?                                             Inviting Young Adults between the ages
Problems with trusting,                                                   of 18-30 years of age for an unforgettable
                                                                               weekend designed especially for you.
loving, forgiving?
                                                                                      Have your questions answered,
Are you happy?                                                                     be transformed and see the great
Do you want to know Christ?                                                                 things Christ has for you!

                  When Friday, August 20th @7:30 pm through Sunday, August 22nd @4pm
                               (concluding with the 5pm Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church)
                Where Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School,
                               14000 SW 112th Street, Miami, FL 33186
                Cost $125 per person (includes accommodations, meals & retreat materials)
            Payment Cash, Check, Visa/MasterCard Credit Cards
                               (Please do not let the cost affect your decision to come - contact us first)

To register or for more information:
Anagabriella Guerra: (786) 832-9416 - aners1996@gmail.com | Cynthia Blanco: (786) 457-5202 - cynthiablanco28@hotmail.com
Cristina Fernandez: Cristina@ololourdes.org

To download the registration form go to www.ololourdes.org/Jump2021 or scan QR Code.

       www.ololourdes.org               OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL             @ololourdes               @OLOLCatholicMiami                   5
                                                                                                       View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
July 11, 2021 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                     Parish Party

          Saturday, August 7th                                                    Sábado, 7 de agosto
          7:00pm - 11:00pm                                                        7:00pm - 11:00pm
          Festival Grounds                                                        Terreno del Festival
          FREE - Everyone is invited!                                             Gratis - ¡Todos están invitados!
          Free drinks, entertainment, music...                                    Bebidas gratis, entretenimiento, música...
          Bring your own food.                                                    Trae tu propia comida.
          Reservation Required (Tables for 8)                                     Se quiere reservar (mesas para 8)

                          Register now!                                                            ¡Regístrate ahora!


    6                   www.ololourdes.org            OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL          @ololourdes       @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
11 de julio de 2021 - 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

www.ololourdes.org   OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL        @ololourdes              @OLOLCatholicMiami                   7
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
July 11, 2021 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

        HOLY                                                           Monday to Thursday 6:00pm
                                                                       de lunes a jueves
                                                                       Friday             8:00am

        Boutique                                                       viernes            2:00pm                           8:00pm
        BOUTIQUE SANTA                                                 Saturday
                                                                                          8:00am                           12:00pm
                                                                                          6:00pm                           8:00pm
                                                                       Sunday             8:00am                           3:00pm
                                                                       domingo            6:00pm                           8:00pm

        ¿Su matrimonio va por el camino correcto                     Retrouvaille puede ayudar y ofrece la esperanza de una mejor relación.
        o está un poco fuera de ruta?                                Retrouvaille es un ministerio de parejas voluntarias que puede ayudarlo
                                                                     a aprender las herramientas de comunicación saludable, construir
        La vida puede ser difícil, y también lo pueden               intimidad y sanar, tal como lo han hecho en sus propios matrimonios.
        ser los desafíos que enfrentas en el matrimonio.
                                                                     Retrouvaille es de origen cristiano y católico, pero da la bienvenida a
        ¿La distancia entre ustedes parece amplia?                   todas las religiones, así como a los maridos y mujeres no religiosos.
        ¿Ya estás separado?                                          Podemos ayudar a que su relación vuelva al buen camino. Póngase en
        ¿Buscas una mejorar tu relación?                             contacto con nosotros.

                                            miami@retrouvaille.org | 305-915-4607 | helpourmarriage.org

    8                   www.ololourdes.org              OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes             @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
11 de julio de 2021 - 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

    Stop your tax dollars from                              No permita que el dinero de sus
    going to abortion.                                      impuestos se utilice para un aborto.


                                      When you add your information to the Parish Directory, you open
                                      your business doors to your spiritual community, letting everyone
                                      know who you are and what you do. It takes just a few moments of
                                      your time to fill out a simple form that will put your business in front
                                      of the entire parish.

                                      Cuando agregue su información al Directorio Parroquial, abres las
                                      puertas de su negocio a su comunidad espiritual, dejando que todos
                                      sepan quién es usted y que hace. Solo toma unos momentos de su
Add your                              tiempo para completar un formulario sencillo que pondrá su negocio
                                      al frente de toda la parroquia.
business to
the Parish                                               www.ololourdes.org/MyBusiness

                                                         to add your business | para agregar su negocio

Agregue su negocio al                                    www.ololourdes.org/Directory
Directorio Parroquial.                                   find a product or service you are looking for,
                                                         while supporting our brothers and sisters of
                                                         our parish family.
                                                         obtenga un producto o servicio que esté
It’s free and easy!                                      buscando, mientras apoya a nuestros
                                                         hermanos de nuestra familia parroquial.
¡¡Es gratis y fácil!!

  www.ololourdes.org     OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL                @ololourdes             @OLOLCatholicMiami                   9
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BULLETIN JULY 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes
July 11, 2021 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

        Expanding the                                                                                                 Ampliando
        Grotto Plaza                                                                                                    la Gruta
        with memorial bricks                                                              con ladrillos conmemorativos

                                                                                                    If you have any questions, please call
                                www.ololourdes.org/plaza                                                 Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a
                                request your brick / pedir tu ladrillo
                                                                                           Msgr. Schwanger at (305) 386-4121 ext. 100.

                                  In Prayer Life - En la vida de oración
                  Please pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he so humbly asks of us to do; Por favor oren por el Santo Padre,
                    Papa Francisco, como él humildemente nos ha pedido… and for our following Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
    Aaron-James                       Diego Ruiz                        José Luis Moreyra          Marta Carrillo           Rev. Padre Jhonn Montoya
    Adelina Rey                       Domenick Russo                    José Ramón Perdomo         Martha Gavarrete         Reynaldo Estrada Velez
    Adrian William                    Elainne Marie Cancel              Juan F. Velazquez          Martin Campos Oliveira   Roberto Bravo
    Aileen Manso                      Elena Franco                      Julieta Blanco Romero      Max Omphalius            Roberto Jose Olivares
    Alejandra Dominguez               Elena German                      Justa de la Torre          Mayra Pendon             Roberto Torres
    Alejandra Escobar                 Elvio Amarilla                    Karel Gaitan               Melany Tercero
                                                                                                                            Ron Family
    Aliyah Petrone                    Edgar Lee                         Ken Panda                  Melody Musgrove
    Alvarez’ family                   Elizabeth Jordan                  Kaylen Estrada             Melina Depante           Ruben Oliva
    Ana Maria Manzano                 Emilia Jarquin                    Laura Valentina Montoya    Mercy Stieffel           Ruth Cardenas
    Anaiz Planas                      Erica Riviere                     Leonardo Gallardo          Mercy James              Ryan Guerrero
    Andres Mendez                     Eva Valdivia-Wheeler              Leonardo Moreno            Michelle Gallardo        Sandra Banky
    Anita Hernandez                   Fr. Adalberto Cortes              Liliana Ramirez            Michelle Swift           Sandy Poe
    Anne Calhoun                      Fr. Pedro Freitas                 Lisa Zemba                 Michael Holzli           Sebastian Janot
    Annie Meneses                     Francisco Del Llano               Lorna Sewel Degregory      Migdalia Diaz            Sergio Luis Pineda
    Ari Delgado                       Fredy Arango                      Lourdes Manso              Minda Villanueva         Stephan Calafel
    Beatriz Rivera                    Geraldine Overton                 Lourdes Pravia             Mirta Marcos             Stephanie Wunshel
    Blanca Escobar                    German Otero                      Louis Young                Monique McKay
                                                                                                                            Steven Medina
    Blanca Perera                     Giselle Swift                     Luis M Perez               Nadezda Vinck
    Brenda Cordoba Cardona            Gonzalo Palacio                   Luisa Granados-Varona      Nancy Rauseo             Sharon Armstead
    Brieanna                          Gorky Charpentier                 Luiz Fernando Ruiz         Nathan James Collazos    Sonia Butler
    Camilo Jarquin                    Hadley                            Luz Elena Osorno           Nelin Alvarez            Susy Lahr
    Caridad Sencion                   Heather Ahye                      Luz Jenny Otero            Nicasio Urbina           Tatiana Paolucci
    Carlos Helver                     Herold Patterson                  Lyla Williams              Noemi Rodriguez          Thalia Acosta
    Carlos Luiz                       Humberto Fasano                   Manuel Mendez              Norma Poveda             Teresa Aparicio
    Carlos Rodriguez                  Ilda y Americo Nieto              Manuel & Silvia Vasquez    Odalys Perera            Tommy Muñoz
    Carmen Caldera                    Ivan A. Zeruigon                  Marcelino Mora             Olga Peterson            Vicky Solares
    Cheryl Reed                       Jaime Palacios                    Margaret Shearon           Oracio Perez             Victoria Sultan
    Christian CruzSosa                Janelle Suarez                    Margarita Picado           Oraida Peraza
                                                                                                                            Walter Arango
    Christine Vasquez                 Jeronne Diaz                      Maria Asuncion Barahona    Oscar Andres Zuluaga
    Chrissie Hitchman                 Joanne Ortolan                    Maria Elena Frontela       Oscar Fernandez          William Swift
    Christine Belmau & family         Jonathan Vasquez                  María Nazareth Reyes       Oswald Young             Yolanda Kelemen
    Daniel Paez                       Jorge Pacheco Vivar               Maritza Ceballos           Paul Butler              Yolanda Urroz Arauz
    Deborah Lyn                       Jose Antonio Torres               Maria Isabel Amador        Paris Darrisaw           Zavier Estrada
    Delhi Ferreira                    Jose de Jesus Berrios             Mariana Lasprilla          Rakeish Williams

        Pray for those whom the Lord has called home - Oremos por aquellos que el Señor ha llamado a Su lado

    Ernesto Rodriguez                  John Bairon Pelaez Lopera         Joseph Wu                   Cristina S. Sabina       Mercy D. Martinez
    6/25/2021 - 89 years               6/10/2021 - 53 years              5/31/2021 - 78 years        5/28/2021 - 82 years     4/30/2021 - 93 years
    Nabil Fonseca                      Yonny A. Lopez                    Antonio Rey                 Mauricio V. Jiron        Antonio Jose Quintero Regalado
    6/19/2021 - 29 years               6/8/2021 - 41 years               5/30/2021 - 93 years        5/23/2021 - 67 years     4/30/2021 - 89 years

   10                      www.ololourdes.org                   OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes          @OLOLCatholicMiami
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