April 2021 - First Christian Church

Page created by Justin Murphy
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Courier                                                       April 2021

          Miller in the Middle
    My first “job”, in ministry (for a room in my brother’s   In This Issue...
basement and meals in his house) took place the summer
of 1966 in Clear Lake, Iowa, the town where Buddy Holly          Church Calendar
had recently died. My brother and his forbearing wife had        Outreach Update
invited me. The heart of my work was a door-to-door             Easter Tea & Palm
canvass looking for people to invite to the church.
Sometimes it was rewarding, but as the weather grew                  Sunday Pics
hotter and more humid, I preferred mowing the church                Elder Serving
lawn on a riding tractor mower pulling a trailer of three                Schedule
rotary blades.
    My brother recalls teaching a “pastor’s class” in that
church to prepare fifth and sixth-grade kids for baptism       Upcoming Events &
and church membership. One girl had come with her                           More!
single mom, who had been sentenced to attend church as
part of her probation for a drug possession charge. This
girl brought an outsider’s perspective to the class.
    When they read the stories of the Resurrection, she
blurted out, “I don’t believe it! That couldn’t have
happened!” I wasn’t there, but I assume she was
permitted to join the church anyway. After all, she and her
mother had enough problems to face as it was.
As if to complicate matters, Paul wrote to the Corinthians
(first letter, chapter 15) that the Resurrection of Christ
presumes the more general resurrection of the dead.
However, the gospels (written later than First Corinthians)
seem to portray everyone as astonished by the

April 2021 - First Christian Church
Alfred, Lord Tennyson said, “There lives more faith in
honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.” The
doubting Thomas types among us love that quotation.
 However, our “honest doubt” can lead to “more faith” as
we continue to ponder the varying presentations in the
gospels, and as we seek meaning for our own lives by                   We are currently
viewing them through the lens of the Resurrection.                        looking for
   Often, it has been a challenge for me, yet always my             volunteers to join us
good fortune, to teach and preach a story I’ll spend my                 for Worship &
entire life trying to comprehend. My understanding of the            Wonder training, as
Easter story has changed a number of times since I was
                                                                      well as individuals
the age of that young girl in Clear Lake.
                                                                      18+ who would be
   Anselm, a Benedictine monk who became Archbishop
of Canterbury a thousand years ago, said, “For I do not
                                                                    interested in working
seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I                   in the church
believe in order to understand. For this also I believe-that               nursery!
unless I believe I shall not understand." I’ll be interested
to hear how it shapes your faith.

—Phil Miller

                           Earth Sunday
                          Event- All Ages
            Join us for a special outreach project, young & old
           together! We will plant veggies and fruits, container-
          garden style, for individuals who may not have regular
          access to fresh fruits and veggies. ITs a fun chance to
            gather together and share skills and sow seeds of
                        connection and fellowship.
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Palm Sunday
 A beautiful tradition at First Christian Church,
the Palm Sunday Procession was precious! So
  glad to have our children and adults able to
participate this year in person! It is lovely to see
  so many generations represented and 'new'
             friends and families too!

                Sending out special thanks to
               Martha Cobb, Gina Dixon, Jillian
                  Fitchetola, and the Young
                Disciples & Youth that helped
              make our first Easter Tea & Treats
                         a success!
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Judy Ridings            April 1
Edwin Luxon, Jr.       April 1
Bruce Begley            April 4
Jennifer Brandenburg   April 4     New Babies
Martha Cobb             April 8
Clay Fichetola          April 10   Congratulations to Dr. Jenna Begley Bishop
                                   and Danny Bishop on the birth of their son,
Cameron Goucher        April 11
                                   Barrett Rex Bishop on February 25. The proud
Grant King             April 11    grandparents are Bruce and Cathy Begley.
Jilllian Fichetola     April 12
Austin Ramey            April 12   Kate Congleton and Aaron Morris welcome a
Barbara Hendren        April 15    new baby girl, Kamiyah Danielle Morris, born
Becky Sills             April 16   on March 29. She is welcomed home by her
                                   big brother Kayden, proud grandparents, Rob
Bill Adams              April 17
                                   & Kathy Congleton, and prouder grandparents,
Hunter Conner           April 17   Edwin and Janice Luxon and Tommy and
Kathryn Cosby           April 17   Darnetta Congleton.
Cady Gordon             April 18
Abby Tudor
Graham Edwards
                        April 18
                        April 20
Kristin Congleton       April 20                             25th,
Cathy Roberts          April 22
Brennan Horn            April 23                             2021
Shirley Kearns          April 23
Shellby Poindexter     April 23     The Women's Fellowship Group would like to
Linda Fortney           April 25    invite everyone to a "Baby Shower" on
                                    Sunday, April 25th. Kayla Whitlock Pitts is
Lloyd Rhodes           April 25
                                    expecting a baby boy in May. Due to Covid
Norma Robinson         April 25     restrictions, we are unable to celebrate with
Lauren Stapp           April 25     her at a traditional baby shower. We plan to
Tonya Singleton         April 26    have a table set up in the loggia to leave a gift
                                    or card for Kayla and the baby, either before
John Tudor             April 26
                                    or after the service. Gift ideas include-
Kathryn Brown          April 27     diapers, wipes, books, and 9 month+ clothing.
Kayla Horn             April 27     Gifts may also be dropped off at the church
Betty Ward             April 27     prior to the 25th if you will not be attending in-
Evie Mullins           April 28     person worship on that day and would still like
                                    to participate.
George Ridings, Jr.    April 30
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Community                                              Elder Serving Schedule
.                                                         April 4 Bob Vickers
                                                                   Susan Willis
                                                          April 11 John Tudor
                                                                   Carol Vickers
                                                          April 18 Mike Stapp
                                                                    Leslie Stapp
                                                          April 25 Robin Tudor
                                                                    Bill Shaffer

                         Craft Fellowship Group Meets

                        Each Monday from 6-8- Join us

                          to learn a new skill, explore

                         different mendiums, or share
                                                                   SUPPORT LOCAL SMALL
                           your talents. No previous               BUSINESSES IN APRIL-
                         experience required! Use our
                                                                 FOOD TRUCK TUESDAY AT
                                                                  THE IRVINE-MCDOWELL
                          supplies or bring your own

                             project to work on!

                                                                     PARK FROM 5-8

                Reminder- if you weren't able to or forgot to turn in your
                yearly pledge card, please contact the church office and we

                can assist you with this!

April 2021 - First Christian Church
                        APRILMON               TUES             WED             THURS              FRI         SAT

                                                                                           1              2          3

                                                                              Service- 6PM
       Easter 4
        4                            5     10:00 Staff   6                7              8                9          10
7:15 Sunrise Service
FCC Parking Lot                             Meeting
10:40 Worship Service
No Young Disciples or
Youth Group
                      6:00   Craft Class

               11                    12    10:00 Staff   13              14             15                16         17

10:40 Worship Service                       Meeting
 4:00 Young Disciples                                         7:00 Elders'
5:20 Youth
                        6:00 Craft Class                        Meeting

 10:40 Worship 18                    19    10:00 Staff   20              21             22                23         24
                                            Meeting                                            Deadline for
 3-5 Earth Sunday
 Event                                                                                         May Courier
 5:20 Youth
                        6:00 Craft Class

              25                   26      10:00 Staff   27          28               29                 30          1

10:40 Worship Service                       Meeting
                                                                                               Youth Lock-In
4:00 Young Disciples
5:20 Youth
                        6:00 Craft Class
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Celebrating our Children & Youth

                 ADNU   Y
                                                  2020 made our plans to spark new life in our children's and
                                                  youth ministry programs more difficult than we ever

                                                  imagined- we tried different approaches and ways to

P R O M O T             N                         connect- but with busy families and digital burn-out, it was
                                                  very challenging. There were so many milestones we didn't
                                                  get to celebrate with our congregation- of course our
                                                  graduates, but also those children who moved from nursery
                                                  to our children's program, from our children's program to
                                                  our Youth group, and more. We want to recognize and
                   Y  un
                     ou ng
                         g                        affirm these moments, these rights of passage, for our

                                                  children and youth. We invite all parents and guardians to
                    scciip    s
                 D                                let us know if your child/children have had milestone such
 Our K-5th grade group, Young Disciples,          as those mentioned above in the past year, and invite them
continues to meet on Sunday afternoons            to be present on May 30th for a special recognition moment
from 4-5:15. We invite children to join us        in our church service. We will be handing out special
for fun and fellowship, God, and games!           momentos such as Bibles and devotionals at certain
We will be helping to plan for the May 30th       milestones as well. Thanks- if you have questions, email
Youth & Children's Sunday event soon- so          emily@fccrichmond.com.
make sure to attend so you can learn how                   YOUTH SUNDAY- MAY 30TH- MARK YOUR
we will be involved!
                                                           CALENDARS NOW. SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

            H C A MP
      U R
    CH ATEC                              Camp registration forms for children, youth, and
                                     volunteers are now available. Additional information is on

                                           our website and the regional church website.

                                                                    Hi everyone!
                         We are continuing to meet in person for the youth group on Sundays from 5:30-7. I am so
                         excited for the upcoming months as I am working on several fun events for the youth! This
                           month we are going to have a small lock-in on the last Friday of April. This will serve to
                          help us prepare for youth Sunday that is planned for May 30th. We will also have games
                           and other activities to keep it fun. If anyone has ideas that they would like to do with the
                          youth group don’t hesitate to contact me and we will see if we can fit it into the schedule!
                         The school year is coming to a close! Please help us recognize our graduates this year by

YOUTH                                          sending in any pictures you would like to be used.
                            Registration forms for Camp Wakon’da-ho are now available! This year the guidelines
                           have changed a little. Youth are being asked to only sign up for one week so make sure
                            you register early to get the same week as your friends! This does not apply to anyone
                          registering for Eighters camp as their second week. Digital and paper copies can be sent
                                                         out to anyone who needs them!
                                                                  Thanks a bunch,
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Prayer Concerns
Recent: Sharla Davidson, Bill Curwood, Betty Blakemore, Jimmy Lynch, Bob
Turpin (Billy Glenn Turpin's brother), Bob Salmans (Billy Glenn & Mimi Turpin's
son-in-law), Jennifer Neal (Ronnie & Mary Jane Ginter's daughter), Mike Sills,
Raisa Lynn Mohon, (Rebecca Hall Davis' granddaughter), Stephen Robbins
(Glenn & Jayne Birkett's nephew)

Ongoing: John Baker, Patricia Beck, Pearl Biggin, David Cosby, Laura Cruse,
Elizabeth Duerson, Ed Ford, Ronnie Ginter, Kay Jones, Jeffery King, Lacey
Luxon, Jean Metcalf, Kathryn Power, Julia Ramey, Angie Rhodus, Norma
Robinson, Tonya Singleton, Aaron Stidham, Martha Witt

Family: Wanda Dixon (Gina Dixon's mother-in-law), Margaret Grindstaff,
Patricia Hicks (Joe Rice's mother), Matti Houndshell (Karen Tilllie's sister),
Kenny Jones, (Kevin Jones' brother), Carol Kinzer (Scott Browder's mother),
Butch Lane (Jackie Goucher's brother-in-law), Betty McLocklin Morris (sister to
Martha Craft and Peggy Coy), Mike Morgan (Heather Shepherd's cousin),
Charleen Powers (Anna Land's sister), Leona Stark (Frank Abraham's
mother), Kimberly Stephens (Gina Dixon's sister), Susan Waters (Richard
Waters' mother)

Friends: Angela Blair ( friend of Lisa Gamble), Susan Long (friend of Jennifer

    In Loving Memory...
      David M. Jones         Given by: Nancy Cotton
                                       Fanny Rice
                                       Jan Barnes
                                       Frank & Mary Lillian Abraham
                                       Richard & Rita Smart
                                       Clyde & Martha Craft
                                       Hank & Linda Everman
                                       Mike & Jane Gordon
                                       Mildred Brandenburg
                                       Melony Lane
                                       Bert & Donna Cox
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Eight members of the Board (not a quorum) postponed
official business at the March 17 meeting but discussed
some of the ideas brought by those in attendance,

                                                                            SPLINTERS FROM
including the feasibility of having a “garden for others” NO BOARD
either on church property in partnership with First       MEETING IN
Presbyterian Church or elsewhere, not far from the          APRIL
downtown area. No decisions were made on anything
discussed.                                                                    THE BOARD

                                                               Parents, students, and families- we will be

                          Achievements                         recognizing our graduates on May 30th during
                                                               a special moment in the service. We would love

                          to Celebrate!                        to have photos and information about each
                                                               graduate we have had in the last 12 months to
                                                               share on our online site and our livestream as
                                                               well. E-mail info to emily@fccrichmond.com

Dear Congregation,
It has been great to get back together face to face, or at least mask to mask. Hopefully, we are all getting
vaccinated and will be able to do more of this. To keep you all in the loop, the Vision team has been
meeting and we are actively looking for and installing leaders into the various ministries. In addition, we
have been getting Phil acquainted with the church and its members and the historic views and future story
of First Christian. Soon we hope to start the search process for a new minister. However, we just want to
do this right. So we appreciate the understanding and patience. It has been a difficult time to keep those.
2020 was a rough year for many and only now does some of that seem to be getting behind us.
Also to note, I want to thank all the First Christian staff for their dedication and hard work. For years we as
a church had not made new investments in technology and training. Emily Fritz has worked very hard,
donating her time, to keep us afloat. Now we are making all the right steps with a new service provider
installing fiber optics and purchasing updated equipment to meet our needs. COVID has taught us a lot of
things. And nothing is more important than coming together to help do God's work.
And speaking of God's work. The Room In The Inn wrapped up our Emergency Motel Voucher Program
on the 15th. We housed 127 different individuals, rented 1586 rooms, and served over 4700 meals in a 13
week period. The work of RITI and the continued work of MadisonHome to help house and council those
in need is making a lasting difference in the lives of many. Thank you Kathy Congleton for working on the

meal program for us with RITI. This work is a fruit of the Epiphany process we started in 2018.
I am excited about the work and good we can do when we work together. Thank you for the wonderful
God Bless

Reid Singleton
MadisonHome, Inc
April 2021 - First Christian Church
Health Safety Assessment Team

                                     Five members of the HSAT met with Phil Miller via Zoom on March 18 to analyze the
                                     details of reopening the church building for worship and other activities. During March,

       from the                      the average in-person attendance was 48.
                                     The team requested our Elders to call their care group members to see if anyone

      Health &                       needs help scheduling a vaccination and to get an idea of how many people expect to

                                     attend on Easter.
                                     The team determined that our children would be able to safely process in the opening

      Committee                      ceremony of Palm Sunday.
                                     The team also followed up this meeting by reconfiguring the seating arrangement in
                                     the sanctuary to expand our capacity within the safety guidelines. There’s space for
                                     you, and if by chance we fill the available seats, we will have space downstairs with a
                                     live telecast of the service.
                                     Emily Fritz has set up the nursery in the Banquet Hall to allow for more social
                                     distancing among parents, workers, and children. She has prepared extra sanitation
                                     in this environment and fun activities for the little ones.

                                                                                                           Non Profit Org.
             P.O. Box 216                                                                                 U.S. Postage Paid
             Richmond, KY 40476                                                                            Richmond, KY
                                                                                                           Permit No. 100

          Find us on Facebook-
Follow us on Instagram- @fccrichmondky
  Our Website- www.fccrichmond.com
       Location- 412 W. Main St.
          Richmond, KY 40475
             (859) 623-4383
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