Seven Holy Founders Parish
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Seven Holy Founders Parish 6741 Rock Hill Road – Affton, Missouri 63123-3198 Tel: 314-638-3938 – Fax: 314-638-0613 – Website: Parish Mission Statement “We, the community of Seven Holy Founders, invoke the Spirit to lead us in worship, education and SERVICE. Through the teaching of Jesus, we are led by HOPE to promote healing. As people of FAITH, we support our Parish with our time, talent and treasures.”
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 PARISH STAFF: Rev. John Brennell — Pastor Dear Parishioners: Rev. Ken Brown —Priest in Residence August has come, the children are heading Rev. Donald Buhr — (Retired) Living at Regina Cleri back to school, college students to their 968-2240 Rev. Mr. Thomas A. Schiller — Deacon campuses, where did summer go? As al- 486-8600 ways happens as summer wanes, parishes begin to get Rev. Mr. Charles W. Lombardo — Deacon (Retired) focused on the future. Sr. Patricia Kofron, ASCJ — Pastoral Associate This is an opportunity for me to share some updates on Mrs. Jenifer Broyles — PSR Coordinator the spiritual and material life of the parish. Mrs. Gail Duvall — Business Manager Concerning the spiritual life of the parish, I announced at our annual parish meeting that I hoped to ex- Ms. Mary Truetken — Web Master plore opportunities to invite the entire parish into a spiri- Child Safety Coordinator tual formation experience. We are blessed with many pro- Mrs. Mary Eggleston – Music Coordinator — 842-4049 grams offered throughout the year. We are looking for Mrs. JoAnn Lombardo — Wedding Coordinator one offering that may appeal to all parishioners so that we Mrs. Chris Schiller — Wedding Coordinator can share a common experience. Website: A small group of parishioners are searching for one pro- gram that might help all parishioners grow in faith. Keep Parish School of Religion (PSR) our efforts in your prayers. 633-0123 We are also working towards one Sunday of the month having the 9am Mass be a Mass where our PSR and HCA Seven Holy Founders, Secular Servites children will help minister. We hope to offer a Children’s Janet Paluczak — liturgy of the Word at that Mass for our parishioners who St. Vincent de Paul Society: 631-8248 have little ones. There will be more details coming soon! Over the summer we have been able to complete work on School: Holy Cross Academy: 475-3436 our drainage issues at the Parish Center. Surprise! It be- came a much bigger project than anticipated. Soon we will be able to move the Adoration Chapel to the larger LITURGY SCHEDULE remodeled space! We will be working on those plans in Saturday: 4:30pm the near future! Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am We continue to work with the Archdiocese to see if there Monday through Friday at 8am are any parties interested in purchasing Tiger Field. As I Saturdays at 8am wrote in the past, there will be a certain sadness in the Holy Days & Holidays: Consult the bulletin. property off of Tesshire no longer serving the parish. At this point the reality is that none of the Holy Cross Acad- emy Parishes, where our children play CYC Sports, are SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE interested in using the property. There has been vandalism Baptism: Celebrated by appointment only. Call the Rectory on the property and we are still paying for insurance cov- Office for Baptismal Prep Class details etc. erage of the property. I’ll let you know if there are any updates. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm. Marriage: As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact the To all our children, blessings on a new school year, espe- Rectory Office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to cially to our college students returning to their campuses! schedule the wedding and preparation. Communion to the Homebound: Call the Rectory. In Christ, Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month after the Fr. John 8am Mass and upon request. St. Peregrine Devotion: Mondays after 8am Mass.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 Parish Calendar Sunday Monday August 11, 2019 August 12, 2019 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Jane Frances de Chantel 7:00am SHF Parishioners 8:00am Kathy Coco 9:00am Marie Antonacci 11:00am Wilton “Bill” Whaley 6:30pm Scout PLC Mtg./Brd. Rm. 7:30pm Scout Troop Committee/Brd. Rm. Tuesday Wednesday August 13, 2019 August 14, 2019 Saints Pontain, Pope and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr 8:00am Joseph C. Witzig 8:00am Laverne Jones Coffee & Donuts after Mass in the Mary Rm. 9:00am Adult Bible Study/Brd. Rm. 7:00pm Knights of Columbus/Jos. Rm. 9:00am St. Juliana Quilters/St. Juliana Rm. 7:00pm Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly/P. Hall Eucharistic Adoration In the Ursuline Chapel from 9am to 8pm Divine Mercy Chaplet at 8pm Thursday Friday August 15, 2019 August 16, 2019 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven Saint Stephen of Hungary and Martyr 8:00am Bill Baragiola 8:00am Deceased Members of the Milstead Family 12:15pm The Intention of Greg & Joan Hempen 6:30pm SHF Parishioners Saturday Sunday August 17, 2019 August 18, 2019 8:00am All Souls Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am SHF Parishioners 9:00am Patrick McVey Sacrament of Reconciliation 3pm to 4pm 11:00am Ann Lampen 4:30pm The Special Intention of Art & Fran Paule On their 73rd Wedding Anniversary 3:30pm-6:30pm In the Parish Hall
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday, August 15th is the Feast of Robert Abbott the Assumption; a Holy Day of Obliga- Judy Lowe Hal Brinkmann Donalyn Pieschel Cissell tion. Mass will be celebrated at 8am, Bob & Nancy Schukai Larry Manion 12:15pm & 6:30pm. There is no Mass Pat Voss Betty Rumbolo of Anticipation. Louise Carcagno Ruth Gezella Linda Makarewicz Luke Harashe INTERESTED IN THE Douglas Pelikan Jeanne Alphin CATHOLIC FAITH? Herman Krus Verna Bankhead Are you interested in learning more Alice Shelton Christine Lewandowski about the Catholic Faith and rich Lorraine Sullivan Susan Rauh Catholic tradition? A new group of Kirby Kelso Jackie Eickenhorst adult inquirers is forming in early Charlie Bezdeck Tim O’Donnell September. Please consider joining Larry Brdzilauskas Cooper Treacy our inquiry group if you: Carmen Waluska Myra Heaghney Virginia Worley Bernie Weiss Have never been baptized? Melika Panneri Margaret Black Were baptized in another Christian tradition and Carol Meyer-Gewercki Geraldine Rodriguez are thinking about becoming Catholic? Bob Kalert Don Schisler Or, were baptized Catholic but never completed Joseph Vansaghi Joe Hackney the Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and/or Bertha Brownell Ella Pittman Confirmation)? Marge Bornhauser Lois Gladden If you are interested or know of someone who might be Gil Hagan Leo O’Leary interested, please call me (Sister Pat) at 314-638-3938 or Donnell Valenti Dorothy Bosch email me at Marty Gerau Adele O’Sullivan You can join the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Deacon Ted Rodis Roger Huber Adults) process at any time during the year. Generally Celeste Kolkovich Janet Paluczak we meet on Sunday mornings during & after the 9am Mass Jared Miller Bob Keilholz Jr. Linda Virga until approximately 11:15. If your schedule doesn’t allow Mike Peroutka Pat Endraske for you to meet at that time, other arrangements can be Jill Maglasang Peter Wong made. Doris Schieber Meredith O’Connor Teresa Leos George Bell Join us for a delicious Spaghetti Dinner Sunday, August 18th/ Parish Hall From 3:30-6:30pm Raymond Boubek Cost is $8 for adults — $5 for children Beloved Husband of Millie Boubek Included in the dinner are Homemade spaghetti sauce Enedina “Nina” Gutierrez & meatballs, Ron & Shirley’s salad, garlic bread Beloved Mother of Debora Welch and great desserts. Beloved Sister of Marta Reyna Bring family and friends as we enjoy a nice Sunday Barbara Klaus meal together with fellow parishioners! Beloved Mother of Sharon Noland Please consider signing up to help at the Spaghetti Dinner Any questions please contact Monica Hartmann In Prayer and Gratitude to our at St. Vincent de Paul Society Members & Benefactors Affton Christian Food Pantry Our SHF group that works at the Affton Chris- tian food Pantry needs your help. We are in need Your Weekly Donations For of additional volunteers to work the 4th Monday July 28, 2019 of every month. Volunteers are needed from noon to 3pm. $8,826 was collected in contribution enve- The Pantry provides such a wonderful service to those who lopes to the General Fund. Many thanks. are in need of food. Call Melanie at 283-5719.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 Attention SHF Fundraiser/NFL Survivor Pool ALL SHF Groups & Please consider playing in an NFL SURVIVOR Pool with half of your entry going to the winner (s) and the other half will Organizations!!! help support the many Ministries that we have at Seven Holy Please submit in writing the dates you need reserved for Founders. This can be a significant fundraiser for the parish if your group and organization meetings for 2020. Even if everyone can get their family and friends to join. Please invite you have met the same day, time, and used the same as many to play as you can. Deadline for entry is September space, it still needs to be reserved for the 2020 calendar 8th at NOON. year. The sooner you get your calendars into the Rectory It is easy to play and doesn’t require any knowledge of foot- Office, the sooner they can be entered in the scheduling ball other than picking ONE team each week to win. As long book. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation. as your team wins, you remain in the game. If your team loses in a particular week, you are eliminated. The cost to play is For several weeks in the bulletin, just $20. Half of which will be paid to the winner (s) and the we’ve been advertising the Grief- other half will go to SHF to help support the many Parish Ministries. For every 100 people that play, it is $1000.00 for Share program. If you have experi- the parish and $1000.00 for the winner (s). Here are the di- enced the death of a spouse, child, family member or rections for joining: friend and would like some help and encouragement, 1. Go to: please consider joining Seven Holy Founders Grief Sup- port Group. Beginning on Thursday morning, August 22, 2. Enter POOL ID: 75670 the group will meet weekly on Thursday mornings for 13 3. Enter Join Password: Founders sessions in the Parish Center Mary Room from 9:00 – 4. Join either as a new player or an existing player if you 10:30 a.m. The GriefShare sessions are self-contained, so have played before. if you are unable to attend every session, you are free to 5. Remember your Username and Password. You will need attend when you can. Contact the rectory office for more this to log in each week to pick your team. information. (314-638-3938). To register, please call the Mail $20 to Mike Twellman (Pool Administrator) 10132 rectory office or email me (Sr. Pat) Stonell Dr., Saint Louis, MO 63123 at The registration fee is Checks made payable to: Seven Holy Founders $15.00 to cover the cost of the workbook (scholarships Or: VENMO: @Mike-Twellman available). Brochures about the GriefShare program are Call Mike at 314-960-5478 with any questions. available at the church entrances. You can also register or read more about the GriefShare program on the web- SHF Scout Troop 165 site Consider bringing a friend who is also grieving the loss of a loved one at this time. Trash Bag Fundraiser!! SHF Scout Troop 165 will be con- ducting a trash bag sale starting Au- gust 12th and going through August 26th! Order forms are available in the back of church. Orders will be available for pick up on Sunday, September 8th in the Parish Hall. Here’s what’s available: Yellow – 39 gallon – 25 bags per roll Pink – 39 gallon – 25 bags per roll Red Holiday – 39 gallon – 25 bags per roll White – 15 gallon – 65 bags per roll Blue – 55 gallon – 16 bags per roll Cost is $10 per roll Proceeds from this Trash Bag Sale will go toward mem- Church Cleaners Needed!!! bers of SHF Scout Troop 165 camp expenses. Every Friday, a wonderful group of volunteers to Order forms are available in the back of church and do light dusting and fill the holy water fonts. at the Rectory Office. Return completed order forms to You would only have to volunteer once a month. the Rectory Office or the collection basket. Please call Melanie Fechter @283-5719 or Call Janice Siess @ or at 314-756- 7448 with any questions. Many thanks!
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 JOIN US AS WE RUN/WALK The St. Juliana Quilters FOR A CURE FOR NEURODE- Wednesday, August 14th— St. Juliana Quilters at 9am in the St. Juliana Rm. GENERATIVE DISEASES 4th Annual August 11th Theresa Twellman Memorial 5K Run/ Nineteenth Sunday Walk for a Cure for PSP/CBD/MSA in Ordinary Time Saturday, August 17th. In today’s Gospel, Jesus says “Sell Race starts at 9AM at Babler Memorial State Park at your belongings and give alms. Pro- the Walnut Grove Shelter in Chesterfield. vide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, Complimentary refreshments before and after in- an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can cluding snow-cones!! If you would like to register, reach or destroy. Help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring respite and hope to the elderly who are not able to find re- SHF BOOK CLUB lief from the summer heat, and you will find an inex- Tuesday, August 27th haustible treasure in heaven!” Call 314-631-8248 to the Mary Room learn more. We’ll Be Discussing: Finding Dorothy Invitation to Divorced and by Elizabeth Letz Separated Catholics A richly imagined novel about the story behind The Wonderful Whether you’re in the courts now or Wizard of Oz. divorced for many years, you CAN Grace Kruger - 578-1394, or find hope and healing. Surviving Divorce is a 12-week Joan Finder - 849-1426, DVD program featuring Catholic experts, and lay men All are Welcome. Join Us!!! and women on the journey to healing. Topics include denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the kids, Card Roundelay Have fun playing cards once a month at the ex-spouse, spirituality, annulment and much each other’s home. I have a couples Pi- more. Seven Holy Founders Parish is hosting the program nochle group, a ladies Pinochle group, and beginning Thursday, September 5th and running through a Canasta group. We would love to in- Thursday, November 21. Starts at 7pm. For information, clude a couples Bridge and ladies Bridge to add to our contact Lori Ann @314-753-3038 or Don existing groups. (You may also join solo. I will try to or 314-406-3098 to register find you a partner). Our card schedule goes from Septem- or if you have questions. This program is supported and ber 2019 through May or June 2020. Sign-up starts Au- gust 3rd and ends August 17th. For more information, endorsed by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. please call Yvonne Dematti @314-752-9097. All pro- ceeds go to our St. Vincent de Paul Society. St. Philip Benizi August 23 is the Feast of St. Philip Benizi, a Servite Priest, Cardinal, Prior General, and considered a “Father of the Order”. St Philip was born Aug 15, 1233 in Florence, Italy of wealthy parents. He had degrees in medicine and theology. He became a Servite and is credited with saving the order from suppression. He is credited with calling Mary Our Lady of Divine Provi- dence since two baskets of bread were found by the mon- astery door at a time when the priests had nothing to eat. Our Secular Order will distribute bread the weekend of Aug. 24/25 to celebrate this Servite tradition.
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