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JANUARY 26 2020   26 DE ENERO, 2020
26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                                                      SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

             Saint Peter                                                      Weekly Schedule
           Catholic Church                                     Sunday January 26
                                                                 01:00pm Carmelites Meeting
             100 Saint Peter Drive                             Monday, January 27
                  P.O. Box 248                                   08:30am Mass
                                                                 10:00am Knitting Group
               Douglas, MI 494061Q
                                                                 06:00pm Adult Formation
Parish Office:     269-857-7951                                  08:00pm AA Meeting
Website:     www.stpeter-douglas.org                           Tuesday, January 28
Facebook:       @stpeterdouglas                                  08:30am Mass
                                                                 09:00am Bible Study
Pastor:          Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                         09:30am Open Vessels Women’s Faith Sharing
                 fr.garzon@stpeter-douglas.com                   06:00pm RCIA, Parish Office
Deacon:          Dcn. Tony Nethercott (Retired)                Wednesday, January 29
                 Dcn. Arthur Morsaw                              No morning Mass
Sisters:         Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND                         05:00pm Spanish Class Vatican Room
                 Hna. Maria Eugenia Gómez, MSDE                  07:00pm Choir Practice
                 sr.maria@stpeter-douglas.org                  Thursday, January 30
Pastoral Associate                                               08:30am Mass
Rick Hardy                                                     Friday, January 31
rick.hardy@stpeter-douglas.org                                   08:30am Mass
                                                               Saturday, February 1
Business Administrator:
                                                                 08:00am Catholic Men’s Fellowship, Rectory
Ralph Hensley                                                    08:30am First Saturday Mass
ralph.hensley@stpeter-douglas.org                                12:00pm AA Meeting, Room 10
RCIA, Pastoral Care & Administrative Assistant:                Next Sunday February 2
Marianne Hoffman                                                 03:30pm Sacraments of Reconciliation, Church
Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization:
Alisha Giles                                                   Christian Neighbors is need of volunteers in the Food
                                                               Pantry on Monday or Tuesday. Volunteers are also needed in the
alisha.giles@stpeter-douglas.org                               Office. The days in the office are flexible.
Communication Coordinator:
Liliana Van Dam                                                Christian Neighbors is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
liliana.vandam.@stpeter-douglas.org                            Friday from 9:30 am to noon. It is located at St. Peters 100 St.
Liturgical Director:                                           Peters Dr. Douglas, Michigan.
Nancy Maslanka
                                                               If you are interested, please contact JoAnn DeJonge, director, by
nancy.maslanka@st-peter-douglas.org                            phone 269-857-1050 or email christianneighbors@yahoo.com.
Music Director:
Sr. Olivia Latiano,SND
Maintenance:                    857-7951                           Mass Intentions for the week
Funeral Planning:               Parish Office ext. 0
Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org         Saturday, January 25
Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org             5:00pm     Pro Populo
Capital Campaign: OnTheRock@stpeter-douglas.org                Sunday, January 26
                                                                 8:00am     For the Homebound Communicants
ST. PETER MASS SCHEDULE                                          10:30am † Michael Klosner (anniversary of death)
Saturday:            5:00 pm                                                by Esmeralda Klosner
Sunday:              8:00 am and 10:30 am                      Monday, January 27
Week Days:           8:30 am M, T, Th, F                         8:30am     Margarat (Meg) Hughes by the Hallacy Family
(if a funeral is scheduled, there will be no mass that morn-   Tuesday, January 28
ing)                                                             8:30am     Betty Tomeczak & Family by Sharon Amaya
Holy Days:           8:30 am and 7:00 pm                       Thursday, January 30
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am, M-F                                     8:30am     River Rilley by Bob and Jackie
Confessions:        Sat 3:30 to 4:30 pm                        Friday, January 31
Eucharistic Adoration on the 2nd Thursday of each                8:30am     Paul Hoffman by Jim and Marianne Hoffman
                                                               Saturday, February 1
month from 9 am - 9 pm in the Church.
                                                                 5:00pm     Pro Populo
Holy Hour of Reparation in the church on the 13th of
                                                               Sunday, February 2
each month at 6 pm except Saturday and Sunday,
                                                                 8:00am     Mark Hoffman by Jim and Marianne Hoffman
Otherwise, the Friday before                                     10:30am Timothy Steemwyk by Karen Steemwyk

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com            Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net
3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                               3ER DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO
Domingo:     12:30pm                                                                                                    A Note From
Jueves:       6:30pm
Confesiones: Jueves por la tarde o por cita                                                                         Pastoral Associate Desk
Diácono:        Dcn. Maximino Rodríguez
Administrador parroquial: Joe Marble
                                                                                               Who Do We Think We Are? Understanding our Mission
Saturday:       5:00pm & 7:00pm (Spanish)                                                      by Understanding Ourselves
Sunday:         9:00 and 11:00am
M T & W:       9:00am                                                                          On various occasions, my mother would ask me, “Who do
Friday:       5:00pm                                                                           you think you are?” This was not meant as a friendly con-
Confessions:  Saturdays 4pm                                                                    versation-starter. It was a rhetorical question whose rather
                                                                                               pointed purpose was to remind me who I am and what type
Stmt. of Activity (Income Statement) for 01/2020
                                                             Year to Date Year to Date
                                                                                               of behavior was expected from me.
                                     01/2020       01/2019 07/2019-01/2020
                                                                                               Who we think we are does indeed inform and shape our be-
                                                                                               havior. Asking ourselves this question is no less important
     4010 Sunday & Holy Day Collections
                                  $17,811.00 $21,789.00 $216,259.00 $210,924.00                for members of a faith community than it is for any individual.
     4011 Legacy on the Rock Capital
                                      Campaign    $0.00 $709,154.00         $0.00              So, who do we think we are? We are the Church. And the
-Total Parish Income-            $375,711.00 $33,407.00 $1,174,538.00 $272,449.00
                                                                                               Church is the Body of Christ. So we are the Body of Christ.
--Total All Parish Income--      $376,661.00 $33,632.00 $1,205,235.00 $303,246.00
TOTAL ALL INCOME                 $376,661.00 $33,632.00 $1,205,235.00 $303,246.00              That is who we think we are. And that is what must shape
Total Parish Salaries             $23,864.00 $13,676.00 $116,127.00 $118,708.00                what we do.
Total Parish Expenses              $3,127.00 $5,813.00     $92,491.00 $69,614.00
Total Plant Operations             $8,917.00 $11,300.00    $65,510.00 $83,766.00               St. Paul is the one who first referred to the Church as a
Total Benefits and Insurance           $0.00 $1,474.00     $10,544.00 $10,459.00               “body.” As the body has different parts, and as each one is
Total Religious Education Expenses     $0.00 $2,527.00     $15,983.00 $19,154.00
                                                                                               essential to the body’s function, so each of us is unique and
     5708 Transfer to Deposit and Loan$0.00
                                       Fund       $0.00 $469,000.00         $0.00              essential to the growth of the Body of Christ. No part of the
                                       $0.00      $0.00 $469,000.00         $0.00              body exists on its own; when separated from the body, it
                                                                                               dies. Similarly, when we separate ourselves from Christ, we
Total All Parish Expense            $35,909.00 $34,792.00     $809,600.00 $329,661.00
                                                                                               separate ourselves from the source of our life. (1 Corinthi-
**TOTAL ALL EXPENSES**              $35,909.00 $34,792.00     $809,600.00 $329,661.00
     Net Income /Loss              $340,751.00 -$1,159.00     $395,635.00 -$26,414.00          ans 12:12-27)
Collections from the Legacy on the Rock Campaign are re-                                       In this image, then, each one of us has a unique and indis-
ported on the second line. They represent payments on                                          pensable role in the Body of Christ. The Body is less com-
pledges both for December and Year to date.                                                    plete without us, and we are weaker when separated from
$469,000 has been transferred to our account at the Dio-
cese of Kalamazoo and we also sent an additional                                               the Body. When we gather for worship, we are not merely a
$342,000 to our deposit and loan account. All proceeds                                         “congregation” of individuals, but an “assembly” which is in
from the Campaign are maintained in a separate restricted                                      fact the Body of Christ at prayer. This is why the gathering
funds account.                                                                                 of the members is an important part of the worship experi-
                                                                                               ence. It’s why a specific gathering space is so important — it
                                                                                               provides a place for the process of gathering, greeting, sup-
              Additional Announcement                                                          porting, and caring for one another, so that our assembly
              Year End Tax Statements                                                          becomes stronger and its members more aware and sup-
                                                                                               portive of each other.

Year End Tax Contribution statements are currently being                                       As the assembled Body of Christ, we share in the three-fold
prepared and edited, and will be mailed out by the end of                                      identify of Christ: Priest, Prophet, and King. Priest, because
this week. If you receive your statement and have any                                          we engage in the offering of the Sacrifice of the Mass,
questions, please contact the Business office at the par-                                      Prophet, because we are called upon to proclaim the Word
ish. 269-857-7951 ext. 103. Statements are being mailed                                        of God to the world, and King because we have a responsi-
to those who have contributed over $250.00.
                                                                                               bility for leadership, outreach, and service (that is the kind of
If you need a statement, please contact the office, and we                                     King that Jesus is).
will be more than happy to get you one. Thanks for your
help and cooperation.                                                                          Who are we? We are the Body of Christ. How did we come
                               Ralph Hensley                                                   to be this body? That’s for next time....
                           Business Administrator                                              Rick Hardy
                          St. Peter Catholic Church
                                                                                               Pastoral Associate

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26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                                                     SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

 Meeting for annual St. Joseph Tavola                                     GOSPEL MEDITATION
                   Sunday, February 2                                 UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE
               9:30am in the Vatican Room
 Volunteers are needed for the St. Joseph Tavola               It begins! Jesus is doing something new. “He left Nazareth
         to be held on March 21, 2020.                         and went to live in Capernaum by the sea.” Jesus leaves
                                                               his family, his profession of carpentry, and everything he
              Come one, come all!!                             has known and loved for the previous 30 years. He goes
 If you cannot attend the meeting and want to help please      because it is time. Something new is beginning, and Jesus
 call, Marsha Maslanka (616-558-4757), Linda Jensen (616-      will not begin it alone. “As he was walking by the Sea of
 283-2205), or Janice Firmiss (616-312-4751)                   Galilee, he saw two brothers … he walked along from there
                                                               and saw two other brothers.” What does he say to these
                                                               men? “Come after me.” These words are for Peter and An-
     “Lord, the one You love is sick.”                         drew, for James and for John. They are also for all of us.
                                                               “Come after me.” The adventure of discipleship will be
The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners in a spirit of   strange, wild, and unexpected. The Apostles surely didn’t
Christian Charity to pray for the needs of our parishioners,   know what they were getting into. But the invitation is ac-
especially: Tom Fox, Carole Lavery, Jackie Diaz, Reese         companied by a promise. “I will make you fishers of men,”
Holmes, Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Mike             Jesus tells the first Apostles. No more will their priorities be
Jamrog, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon              limited to this particular village, to the square miles of the
Tony Nethercott, Dolores Snyder, Br. Larry Sparacino,          Sea of Galilee. Their eyes will be open to the kingdom of
OSA, Tom Doucette and all the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer       God, and their priorities will shift.
Line. The group will continue to pray for your request until
they hear differently from you.                                Most of us will not be called to roam the countryside, but we
                                                               are invited to a similar shift of priorities. “Come after me,”
                                                               Jesus says. “At once they left their nets and followed him.”
          Readings for the week of                             Drop the nets of what you’ve demanded your life to be.
             January 26 , 2020                                 Drop your self-seeking priorities. Drop your concept of reli-
                                                               gion as a Sunday obligation and no more. Drop your disre-
Sunday: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools          gard for those outside your immediate social sphere. What-
          Week Is 8:23—9:3/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/1 Cor        ever it is that keeps you from seeing as Jesus sees, from
          1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17                    loving as he loves, start to drop it today. Because the king-
Monday: St. Angela Merici, Virgin                              dom of God is waiting for your yes!
          2 Sm 5:1-7, 10/Ps 89:20, 21-22,
           25-26 [25a]/Mk 3:22-30
Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest &
          Doctor of the Church
          2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19/Ps 24:7, 8,
          9, 10 [8]/Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17/Ps 89: 4-5, 27-28,
          29-30 [29a]/Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Ps 132:1-2, 3-5, 11, 12,
          13-14 [Lk 1:32b]/Mk 4:21-25
Friday:   St. John Bosco, Priest
          2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6a,
          6bcd-7, 10-11 [cf. 3a]/Mk 4:26-34
Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Ps 51:12-13, 14-15,
          16-17 [12a]/Mk 4:35-41
Next Sunday: The Presentation of the Lord; World Day
          for Consecrated Life
          Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [10b]/Heb 2:14-18/Lk
          2:22-40 or 2:22-32
                                                                 Sponsor: Jim Hoffman      Sponsor: Larry Rasmussen, Jr.
          Collection Counting Team                                    Angelica Ross               Rebecca Whitten
               Needs Your Help
                                                               On Sunday, February 9th, at the 10:30 am Mass, we will
The collection counting teams are searching for new volun-     welcome Rebecca Whitten, who wishes to become a
teers who want to help manage the temporal goods of the        member of the Catholic Church. She will enter a stage
church. If you can count, use an adding machine, copy          in the RCIA program called the Rite of Acceptance,
machine and have some fun with the other team members,         which will mark her further instruction in the Catholic
please contact the business office.                            Faith. Angelica Ross will continue her instruction which
This is an every-other-week commitment of about 2 hours        will prepare her to receive the sacraments of Confirma-
each week. It’s a great opportunity to help out. Please        tion and Holy Eucharist.
consider volunteering.
View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com            Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net

             Adult Faith Formation

                                                                           In honor of the Day of Prayer for
                                                                           the Legal Protection of Unborn
                                                                           Children, our 5th through 8th grad-
                                                                           ers made this Pro-life Ro-
                                                                           sary. Come and see it hanging in
                                                                           the hallway of the school building.

                                                                           Candlemas Candles are available
                                                                            in the vestibule of the Church
                                                                             $5/box Suggested Donation

   Jim Hoffman, Karen Martin, Rick Parent, Patti Reiss, Rose Giles            First Communion Meeting
         Keith Aulderink, Kathy Loew, Liz Parent, Pat Higgs
                                                                                  Sunday, February 9
      Our Faith Formation Class meets every Monday                                  9:15 to 10:15am
                       from 6-7pm                                          All students who are preparing for their
                                                                           First Communion must attend this meeting along
We examine the truths of our faith as expressed in the Catechism and       with at least one parent or grandparent. Please
as they relate to our personal lives. That relationship reveals a deeper   continue working on your prayers and complet-
understanding of ourselves, of our life experience and our significance    ing the BLESSED SERIES. Questions? Contact
in God’s plan.                                                             the Faith Formation Office, 857-7951 x4.

                                     Souper” Bowl Potluck

Despite the snowy weather, many gathered together last Sunday for Faith Formation where we
learned about the Sanctity of Life. Everyone also warmed up during our “Souper” Bowl Potluck,
which was followed by a 1st Reconciliation student/parent meeting. See you on Sunday, February 16,
for our next monthly class!

                                                              5      View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                                                              SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

  Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
          Calendario de la Semana                                        San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
26 de Enero – El Tercer Domingo del T. Ordinario                                             5586 117th Ave.
 11:00 a.m. Las clases de la Primera Comunión y                                                PO Box 558
  la Confirmación                                                                           Fennville, MI 49408
 12:30 p.m. La Santa Misa
  4:00 p.m. La Clase de Confirmación del Primer Año                        Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
                                                                           Fax:                              269-561-2192
Lunes - 27 de enero                                                       Página Web/Website: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
 6:30 p.m. Las Clases de Catequesis y el Estudio
 Bíblico con los Adultos                                                   En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
Miércoles - 29 de enero                                                        Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
 6:30 p.m. El Último Encuentro de “Vivir la Misa”
Jueves - 30 de enero
 6:30 p.m. La Santa Misa                                                             Ministerios Litúrgicos
 7:30 p.m. La Clase de Iniciación de Niños y Jóvenes
Viernes - 31 de enero                                                   Jueves 30 de Enero                      6:30 pm
 6:30 p.m. El Encuentro de Jóvenes
                                                                           Lector(a)                         Yesenia Lorenzo
2 de Febrero – La Presentación del Señor                                   Ministros Extraordinarios         Juanita Rodríguez
 11:00 a.m. Las clases de la Primera Comunión y                            de la Comunión                    & Ana Osorio
  la Confirmación
 12:30 p.m. La Santa Misa con la Bendición de Velas
                                                                           Monaguillos                          Voluntarios

                                                                        Domingo 2 de Febrero                 12:30 pm
                         Ofrendas                                         Lectores                              Se anunciarán
                                                                          Ministros Extraordinarios          Raúl & Tereza
                                                                          de la Comunión                     Morales, Mario &
    El Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario –19 de enero                                                     Socorro Carranza
                                                                             Monaguillos                        Voluntarios
                 La Primera Colecta $ 592.00
                 La Segunda Colecta $ 77.00
                La Venta de la Cocina $ 490.50                                    Las lecturas de la semana
                                                                                   del 26 de enero de 2020
              La Corresponsabilidad
Suelta tus redes y sé libre

Hay veces que deseo no tener obligaciones. Sería genial tomar la        Domingo: 3er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana de las
mano de mi esposa, subir al auto y conducir hacia la puesta de sol.           Escuelas Católicas
A dónde iríamos no importaría tanto como el hecho de que no                   Is 8, 23—9, 3/Sal 27, 1. 4. 13-14 /1 Cor 1,
tendríamos ningún lugar donde tuviéramos que estar. No habría                 10-13. 17/Mt 4, 12-23 o 4, 12-17
nada que tuviéramos que hacer. Sin facturas. Sin compromisos.
Sin problemas. ¡Libertad!                                               Lunes: Santa Ángela de Mérici, virgen
                                                                              2 Sm 5, 1-7. 10/Sal 89, 20. 21-22. 25-26 /Mc 3, 22-30
Sin embargo, la vida no funciona así. Cuando Jesús vino y les pidió     Martes: San Tomás de Aquino, sacerdote y doctor de la Iglesia
a algunos pescadores que dejaran caer sus redes y lo siguieran,               2 Sm 6, 12-15. 17-19/Sal 24, 7. 8. 9. 10 /Mc 3, 31-35
hicieron exactamente eso. ¡Vaya! De alguna forma, experimentaron
la verdadera libertad. Eso es lo que Jesús nos ofrece a todos. Sin      Miércoles: 2 Sm 7, 4-17/Sal 89, 4-5. 27-28. 29-30 /Mc 4, 1-20
embargo, la verdadera libertad se ve muy diferente al escenario de      Jueves:2 Sm 7, 18-19. 24-29/Sal 132, 1-2. 3-5. 11.
mis sueños.                                                                   12. 13-14 /Mc 4, 21-25
Al vivir en la verdadera libertad que ofrece Jesús, hay cosas que       Viernes: San Juan Bosco, sacerdote
debemos hacer y lugares a los que debemos ir. Esto se debe a que              2 Sm 11, 1-4. 5-10. 13-17/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6.
la libertad solo existe al seguir la voluntad de Dios, no la nuestra.         6-7. 10-11 / Mc 4, 26-34
Estamos llamados a ser y llamados a entregarnos completamente a
Dios sin reservas. Siempre tenemos el libre albedrío para no respon-    Sábado: 2 Sm 12, 1-7. 10-17/Sal 51, 12-13. 14-15.
der a su llamado, pero descubriremos que una respuesta negativa               16-17 /Mc 4, 35-41
puede complicar nuestras vidas aún más. El camino de Dios para          Domingo siguiente: La Presentación de Jesús en el Templo;
nosotros nos llama a dar libremente de lo que se nos ha dado. El              Día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada
camino de la voluntad de Dios puede parecer largo y ondulante, pero           Mal 3, 1-4/Sal 24, 7. 8. 9. 10 /Heb 2, 14-18/Lc 2,
es el que nos lleva hacia esa puesta del sol. Es el camino hacia la
verdadera libertad.                                                           22-40 o 2, 22-32

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com                     Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
26 DE ENERO, 2020 JANUARY 26 2020 - cloudfront.net

 Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
     ¡¡¡ El Nuevo Grupo de Jóvenes                                     El Triduo de San Felipe
       De San Felipe/San Basilio !!!
                                                                         Los días 5, 6 y 7 de febrero
        Vamos a unir fuerzas a trabajar juntos                                    6:30 p.m.
  en la pastoral juvenil. Estamos formando equipo          vamos a celebrar el Triduo de San Felipe. Vamos a
para programar actividades para los jóvenes. Vamos         expresar nuestra devoción a San Felipe de Jesús, ca-
a tener el primer encuentro de jóvenes este viernes        minando juntos en imitación a él. Tendremos
31 de enero a las 6:30 p.m. aquí en San Felipe. El         actividades para los niños
     tema será: Tú puedes hacer una diferencia.            y oportunidad de convivir.
                                                           Que el joven mártir San
                                                           Felipe nos una para bus-
                VIVIR LA MISA                              car el Reino de Dios entre
          Este miércoles
   29 de enero a las 6:30 p.m.                                             Última Llamada
Para terminar este curso                                               El Retiro The Presence
vamos a analizar “La Misa”
                                                               Un retiro único para los jóvenes.
como motivo para entrar en misión. Nos
                                                             Encuentro con Cristo en la Eucaristía
guiarán la Biblia y la Carta Pastoral del Obispo.
                                                                       21-23 de Febrero
Participando en la misión de la Iglesia podemos
traer a todos al amor salvador de Jesús.                   HOY mismo necesitamos hojas de
                                                           inscripción para preparar la inscripción de
                                                           nuestro grupo.         www.presenceretreat.com
    El Levantamiento del Niño Dios
              El próximo domingo 2 de febrero es la              La Colecta de las Tres Iglesias
              Candelaria (La Presentación de Jesús
              en el Templo). Traigan su Niño Dios          La Colecta Anual para las Iglesias en África, Europa Oriental y
              para la Bendición y para levantarlo al       Central, y América Latina se llevará a cabo el fin de semana
              Final de la Misa y sus velas para            del 2 de Febrero. Su apoyo ayudará a proporcionar cuidado
bendecir.                                                  pastoral, catequesis, formación de clero, capacitación de líde-
                                                           res laicos, evangelización y otros programas para llegar a
Traigan un regalo para el Niño Jesús en forma de
                                                           aquellas personas que desean escuchar la Buena Nueva de
algún artículo para un bebé que
                                                           Cristo en cada región. Por favor den generosamente a esta
pueden donar a una madre ne-
cesitada poniéndolo en la cuna
que está al lado de la sacristía.                                            Los Monaguillos

                                                                         Es tiempo de entrenar nuevos monaguillos.
        La Clase de Confirmación                                         Los que están sirviendo no son suficientes.
                                                           Comenzamos después de la Misa los domingos por me-
La clase del primer año que se reúne en las tardes         dia hora. Si están interesados en que sus hijos sirvan
tendrá su próxima clase HOY 26 de enero a las 4            en la Misa, vengan un domingo, comenzaremos a pre-
p.m. Miramos el tema de “La Iglesia”.                      pararlos.

                                                       7       View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
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