Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - May 22, 2022 website: 260-432-0268 -

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - May 22, 2022 website: 260-432-0268 -
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton                      May 22, 2022
  Catholic Parish   10700 Aboite Ctr. Rd   website:
                    Fort Wayne, IN 46804   260-432-0268
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - May 22, 2022 website: 260-432-0268 -
            A er most weekday Masses and
            Saturday, a er the 8:15 am Mass

 MASS TIMES                              INTENTIONS
 Monday, May 23
 6:30 am     † Janet Enrie o
 8:15 am     † Homer (Butch) Foster

 Tuesday, May 24
 8:15 am         Living & Deceased Members of the
                 Sunderland Family
 Eucharis c Exposi on a er 8:15 am Mass un l 6:00 pm           S             R
 and following the 6:00 pm Mass un l 8:30 pm                   M       22, 2022
 6:00 pm         Adult Family (Living)
 Wednesday, May 25 ~ Memorial of Saint Bede the                Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a & 9b; Jn
 Venerable, Priest and Doctor of the Church                    15:26—16:4a
 6:30 am       † Richard Ciesielski
 8:15 am       † Lucy Cucinelli                                Tuesday
                                                               Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8; Jn
 Thursday, May 26 ~ Memorial of Saint Philip Neri, Priest      16:5-11
 8:15 am      †
 6:00 pm                                                       Wednesday
                                                               Acts 17:15, 22-18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14;
 Friday, May 27 ~ Memorial of Saint Augus ne of                Jn 16:12-15
 Canterbury, Bishop
 6:30 am       † Raymond Deasy                                 Thursday
 8:15 am       † Michael Onulak                                Acts 18:1-8; 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; Jn 16:16-20

 Saturday, May 28                                              Friday
 8:15 am       † Wayne & Peggy Perry                           Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Jn 16:20-23
 Eucharis c Exposi on and Confessions following the 8:15
 am Mass un l 9:45 am                                          Saturday
 4:30 pm       Pro Populo                                      Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; Jn 16:23b-28

 Sunday, May 29 ~ Ascension of the Lord                        Sunday       Ascension of the Lord
 8:00 am      † Charlene Wenzel                                Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Eph 1:17-23 or
 9:45 am      † Harber/Doust Families                          Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53
 11:30 am     † Helen Starnes
 5:30 pm      † Samuel & Angelina Ventruella

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Page 3

                                FR. TERRY COONAN FROM THE PASTOR

                                                     IN ALL THINGS, PRAISE GOD

                    A son of the parish, Seminarian David Langford was ordained a deacon yesterday in a ceremony in South Bend.
                    Along with four other seminarians, these men are now entering into their last stage of forma on towards diocesan
                    priesthood. Two other men in their ordina on class will be ordained in Rome in September because they are
                    studying abroad for their years of seminary. Please con nue to pray for their new role in the church. We are
                    delighted to welcome Deacon David to preach his first homilies at the two early Masses on this Sunday morning,
                    before he heads to his summer parish assignment. As I write this ahead of me, I s ll don't know what parish he
                    will be at, but should be able to tell you on Sunday. God bless him and all the new deacons.

                    Another son of the parish, Dcn. Mark D. Hellinger, will be ordained a priest in two weeks me, along with two other
                    men of our diocese. Deacon Mark is also studying in Rome, and will return for further studies for God-willing just
                    one more year before returning to the diocese and serving in parish ministry. As a parish we prayed the novena for
                    our new Dcn. David Langford, and so too will we start a novena for Dcn. Mark.

                    In various bulle n columns since my February retreat, I have shared about the journey of spiritual healing that God
                    desires for each one of His sons and daughters. One of the great ways I encourage you to grow more deeply is to
                    listen to an interview with one of my retreat directors: Sr. Miriam Heidland, SOLT. She was interviewed in a recent
                    episode of the podcast: Pints with Jack, posted on April 21st (Season 5, episode 37). If you simply do an internet
                    search (or at YouTube) using the words "Pints with Jack" and "Sister Miriam," you should find it without any
                    trouble. I find her way speaking about this topic to be very powerful, authen c, and edifying. I hope it whets your
                    appe te to learn more about personal spiritual healing in Christ and through His Church.
                    Sr. Miriam is a former Division I athlete who had a radical conversion and joined the Society of Our Lady of the
                    Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) in 1998. Her story has been featured on EWTN’s The Journey Home, SEEK Conferences,
                    Steubenville Conferences and other outlets. She holds a Master’s degree in Theology from the Augus ne Ins tute
                    and speaks extensively on the topics of conversion, authen c love, forgiveness and healing. She is also affiliated
                    with the John Paul II Healing Center in leading healing retreats for priests and religious sisters across the na on,
                    which is how our paths crossed this winter, where she helped with presen ng the material for the group and also
                    worked one-on-one with some of the priests, including myself.
                    She is also one of the cohosts of the Abiding Together Podcast with two other Catholic women (not religious
                    sisters), and I only hear good things from the women who listen to this podcast.
                    The interview on Pints with Jack is one of many videos of Sr. Miriam you can find online. All her talks do a
                    phenomenal job of sharing how the healing process takes flesh in our personal experiences. Her talk at a
                    Steubenville Conference would be great for a high school audience. Her talk at the Focus conference would be
                    great for college students or adults, as well as her talk on the show Pints with Aquinas (via YouTube). Due to her
                    personal story's details, which she discusses tastefully, I would recommend previewing these before sharing with
                    children. I hope they are a blessing to you as they have been to me!

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                            MAY 22, 2022                            SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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                                                    LOIS WIDNER                   SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
                          GREETINGS SAINT                                                         HASA
                       ELIZABETH ANN SETON
                                                                      Dining to Donate is scheduled for May 24th at Casa Ristorante on
                           PARISHIONERS!                              Jefferson. Show the flyer when ordering to have 10% of your
                                                                      purchase donated to our school. Thank you!

 It is hard to believe we are star ng the last week of school. Our
 8th graders will graduate on Wednesday. Please pray for them
 as they move on to high school and beyond.

 On Tuesday, we are having a Rosary Rally on the football field
 at 1:30PM. Sister Igna a Henneberry of Sisters of St. Francis of
 Perpetual Adora on will be our guest speaker. Our fourth
 graders have been praying the rosary every day for the
 students in our school and will lead our rosary on Tuesday.

 Have a great week,
 Miss Widner, Principal

                     SCHOOL NEWS                                             Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is hiring!
                                                                      We have openings for a Nurse and Instruc onal Assistants! Contact
 As we finish out a year of learning, we think back to all that we
                                                                      Lois Widner at for an interview or apply at
 accomplished and experienced throughout the year. We thank
                                                                       Employment Opportuni es - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic
 our parish, teachers, and parents for giving us the opportunity
                                                                                            School (
 to grow in our Catholic faith by following God’s will through
 our mind, heart, and soul.

                                                                                               Virtue = Temperance
                                                                        This is the strength to moderate the a rac on to pleasures and
                                                                                  provides balance in the use of created goods.

                                                                     May 23: Kindy 500
                                                                     May 24: Rosary Rally 1:30
                                                                               Dining to Donate at Casa 5-9PM
                                                                               8th grade Awards 6:30PM
                                                                     May 25: 8th grade Gradua on 8:15AM
                                                                     May 26: Field Day & Chalk Day
                                                                     May 27: Last day for students

 ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                              MAY 22, 2022                         SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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            CAROLE YANEY            FORMATION                                KIM CONTE             YOUTH FORMATION
   Ext. 107                               Ext. 111

                            Deacon Mark Hellinger is in his     many fond memories at the school, though I spent most of
                              final period of preparation       my time in school at the St. Joseph campus. One memory I
                                 before celebrating his         have from second grade was dressing up as a priest for a
                           ordination to the priesthood on      “dress up for what you want to be when you grow up” day!
                             Saturday, June 4, at 11 am, at
                           the Cathedral of the Immaculate      Who will be doing the homily at your first Mass on June
                            Conception in Fort Wayne. All       5, at 2 pm? Why did you select this person? Fr. Andrew
                              parish family members are         Budzinski, currently the pastor of St. John the Baptist in Fort
 invited to attend his first Mass here at St. Elizabeth on      Wayne as well as the Vocations Director, will be the Homilist
   Sunday, June 5, at 2 pm. We will have a reception            for my first Mass. I asked him to do it for a couple reasons,
                     following Mass.                            first, because I enjoy his preaching style. Second, because
                                                                he has been a priest with a big impact on my vision of
  We praise God for Deacon Mark responding to God’s             priesthood and helping me form a priestly identit
 call to holy orders and ask that you pray the novena in
       this bulletin starting May 27 through June 4.
                                                                What are you most looking forward to about being a
We asked Deacon Mark to answer some questions about             priest? It’s hard to say. Like all vocations that God calls us
   himself. Below are his responses to some of the              to, there are so many aspects that I look forward to that it’s
   questions. More responses will be in next week’s             difficult to pin-point one thing. I particularly enjoy preaching
                       bulletin.                                and teaching, which the Second Vatican Council emphasizes
                                                                is one of the primary tasks of priests. Obviously, the
                                                                celebration of the Sacraments is something I deeply long to
                                                                do regularly – most of all the Eucharist. I also particularly
                                                                look forward to accompanying the sick and the dying and
How long have you been a parishioner at St. Elizabeth?
                                                                ministering to their families. At the end of the day, I look
I’ve been a parishioner for as long as I can remember, and I
                                                                forward to offering myself to the service of the Church in this
believe that it has been my whole life. I was not baptized
                                                                wonderful diocese, whatever shape and form that takes as
here, but that is because my cousin, Fr. John Delaney, was
                                                                well as whatever demands it makes of me as a priest, I look
pastor of St. Peter’s at the time I was born and so he
                                                                forward to with joy.
baptized me there. But other than that, all of my life as a
Catholic has been with St. Elizabeth as my home.
                                                                Who will be vesting you at your ordination and why? Fr.
What is your favorite memory about the parish? When I           Dan Scheidt, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Fort
think of St. Elizabeth I think of the Baptismal Font. That is   Wayne, will be vesting me as a priest. Though many don’t
because of two things that come to mind immediately. One        always see the ritual of the vesting of new priests (if you are
(and more important) is the several Easter Vigils I have had    at the ordination look for it after the Bishop prays the Prayer
the pleasure of serving and the joy of being around that Font   of Ordination), it is a beautiful ritual action of a priest giving
as men and women are Baptized into Christ. In fact, last        the new priest the vestments of his office. And because no
summer I even had the opportunity to baptize my niece in        one takes on ministry in the Church of his own initiative, the
that very source of life. No other memories come close to the   new priest (and deacon) is first dressed by someone else
joy at the work of God there. The second thing that comes to    (think of what Jesus says to Peter…that someone else will
mind around the Baptismal Font is actually an embarrassing      dress him and lead him where he does not want to go).
moment when I was younger. I was serving as an Usher; I         Generally, a new priest asks someone who has had a
am not sure how old I was. I passed out right in front of the   meaningful impact on him as he has discerned and formed a
Font and hit my head so loud that Fr. Jim had to stop and       priestly identity. It’s no different in my case. Fr. Dan is a
ask if there was a doctor around. I was very embarrassed at     priest whom I admire greatly and has been a model for me of
the time (when I came to).                                      priestly zeal and a love for priestly ministry.

                                                                                  More to come next week!
What is your favorite memory about the school? I have

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                              MAY 22, 2022                        SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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                                 Ben Wedler               Liturgy                     RAEANN MULLEN LITURGICAL PASTORAL ASSOCIATE

                              Ext. 105                                      Ext. 104

 There will be Server training for new Servers only on Wednesday, June 1 from
 5:00 to 6:30 pm. This is for all incoming 5th graders and older.

 There will be training for all new liturgical ministers on Wednesday, May 25
 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.

               You do not need to a end if you are already trained.

  Schedule of Ministers ~ May 28 & 29                     (***Sub Request)
                                                                                                                               Please support
               Saturday       Sunday          Sunday      Sunday      Sunday                                                   Redeemer Radio
               4:30 pm        8:00 am         9:45 am     11:30 am    5:30 pm                                                  and all of the
 Lector        Elaine         Maggie          Brian       Jenny       Steve
                                                                                                                               programs they offer
               Pon llo        Landrigan       Hill        Andorfer    Reed
                                                                                                                               By listening to
               Sue            Dan             Cindy       John        Carmen                                                   106.3 FM
               Lucas          Landrigan       Barne       Mullen***   Reed***
 EMOC          Mark           Joseph          Joanne      Jane        Kelley
               Clay           Toliver         Leja        Francis     Doyle

               Debby          Chie            Tom         Dave        NOT
               Williams       Valcarcel       Quigley     Francis     FILLED

               John           Kathy           Jason       Katherine   NOT
               Rang           Walker          Close       Barondeau   FILLED
 Server        Caroline       Andrew          Elizabeth   Andrew      Julia
               Elder          Langford        Hill        Campbell    Dluzak

                                                                                       Engaged couples wishing to marry at St. Elizabeth should
               Gabrielle      Ethan           Noah        Alex        Avery            contact Raeann Mullen at 432-0268, before reserving a
               Howard         Landrigan       Barne       Birkle      Parrish***       wedding date. Weddings typically take place at the Catholic
                                                                                       parish where the bride or groom has been registered for some
               Dominic        Jack        Maggie          Kayla       Timothy            me and are a ending Mass regularly. Marriage prepara on
               DeLuca         Stockmaster Barne           Smith       Rowan***         classes take about six months to complete, and it is never too
                                                                                       early to begin the prepara on program.

 Usher         NOT            Rodney          Michael     Jacob       John
               FILLED         Schroeder       Shade       Gibson      Dluzak

                                              Bob Hoppe   Rich
                                                                                        Bap sms are typically celebrated at 12:30 pm on the 2nd and
 Welcome       James          Peter           Mel         Inez        NOT               4th Sunday of the month. Please contact Raeann Mullen in
 Center        Zollinger      LaMaster        Shade       Skillman    FILLED            the parish office at 432-0268 to schedule a bap sm.

 ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                            MAY 22, 2022                       SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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                         JENNIFER ENGQUIST                                FINANCE
           Ext. 112                                                            Clergy:

                                                                                          Fr. Terry Coonan ext. 108

                                                                                          Associate Pastor:
                                                                                          Fr. Stephen Felicichia ext. 109

                                                                                          Associate Pastor:
                                                                                          Fr. Luke Okoye ext. 103

                                                                                                      Facili es Manager:

                                                                                          Rob Slocum ext. 110

                                                                                                   Office Administra on:
          The Annual Pentecost Collec on for Seminarian Educa on will be
                held the weekend of June 4th and 5th. Thank you.                          Parish Office Administra on:
                                                                                          Bulle n Editor:
                                                                                          Sue Ogg ext. 101
                           SUMMER HOURS
         Please note that the parish office will close at noon on Fridays from              Parish Office Administra on:
                    June 3rd through September 2nd. Thank you.                            Social Media Editor:
                                                                                          Bonnie Ra ext. 100

                                                                                                Parish Office Hours & Info
              What’s the difference between a mansion and a manse?                               10700 Aboite Center Road
                                                                                           Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                                                          June 3 - September 2 we will be closing
                                                                                                     at noon on Fridays
                            $ 15,429.62
                            $ 20,826.65                        SPECIALIST                           Anoin ng of the Sick
                                                                                          Please call the parish office to keep us
                            $ 36,256.27                       RYAN MOORE                  informed of the sick and homebound or
                                                              260-436-7394                to schedule an anoin ng at 432-0268
                            $      102.32
                                                         Please patronize our sponsors,             Saint Vincent de Paul
   Week of 5-8-22
                                                         they make the bulle n possible   For assistance with food or u li es,
                                                                                          please call 260-399-9092

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                     MAY 22, 2022                 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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                                                                 Most Precious Blood FunFest
                                                    Most Precious Blood Church is celebra ng FunFest on June 3 and 4! Join us
                                                    for children's games, raffles, bingo, inflatables, trackless train, silent auc on,
                                                    and MORE! Food provided by Big Eyed Fish and Booker's BBQ. Live music
                                                    includes Randara on Friday 6/3 and Fort Wayne Funk Orchestra on Saturday
                                                    6/4. Join us for food, fun, and fellowship! For more informa on, please call
                                                    260-415-3784. Thank you.

 ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                    MAY 22, 2022                           SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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                                                        View this bulletin online at
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 Monday, May 23
 7:00 am St. Paul Street Evangeliza on                                     Parish Conf. Room
 9:30 am Mary & Martha Lds. Prayer Group                                   Fr. Solanus

 Tuesday, May 24
 10:00 am Library Staff                                                     Library
 6:30 pm VBS Prep Night                                                    Cafe
 6:30 pm 8th Grade Awards                                                  Church
 6:30 pm CYO Mee ng                                                        Mother Teresa
 6:30 pm Small Faith Community                                             Library
 7:30 pm Men’s Basketball                                                  Gym

 Wednesday, May 25
 6:30 am Men’s Group                                                      Mother Teresa
 9:00 am 8th Grade Gradua on                                              Church
 1:00 pm SEASCS meet with Priests                                   Media Center/Youth Room
 5:30 pm Liturgical Minister Training                                     Church
 7:00 pm Catholicism 201                                                  Library

 Thursday, May 26
 SEASCS Field Day K-7                                                     All Day Event
 10:00 am Bible Study                     Fr. Solanus, Library, Mother Teresa, Nursery, St. JP II
 6:00 pm Bible Study                      Fr. Solanus, Library, Mother Teresa, Nursery, St. JP II
 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Meet                                                  Café
 7:00 pm Kingdom Builders                                                 Church
 7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 300                                              Boy Scout Room
                                                                                                               SONS OF SETON CELEBRATION?
                                                                                                    In the months of May and June, two of our young men
 Friday, May 27                                                                                     are being ordained, David Langford and Mark
 Last Day of School                                                                                 Hellinger. In the past, June has been a popular month
                                                                                                    for the FTW-SB Diocese to receive men accepted by the
                                                                                                    Bishop Rhoades to receive the Sacrament of Holy
 Saturday, May 28
                                                                                                    Orders. On June 26th, 2010, our diocese celebrated
 7:00 am St. Paul Street Evangeliza on                                     Youth Room
                                                                                                    Bishop’s laying of hands on the brothers Terry and Ma
 1:00 pm Quinceanera - Soto                                                Church
                                                                                                    Coonan who we now acknowledge as Father Coonan
 3:00 pm Private Bap sm - Kocevar                                          DMEC
                                                                                                    and Father Coonan. Anyone who was at Fr. Dave
                                                                                                    Rupert’s first Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton held on an
 Sunday, May 29                                                                                     October Sunday, got a chuckle when he began his
 7:30 am Rosary for Pro-Life                                               Church                   homily, “Oh great, my first Mass and the Gospel reading
 6:30 pm FIAT                                                              Youth Room               is, “Call no one Father.” Of course, Ma hew 23 also
 6:30 pm HAWC                                                              Library                  goes on to say, “Call no one Master.” Cri cs of Christ’s
                                                                                                    Church who pick-and-choose scripture lines ignoring a
                                                                                                    more learned context complain Catholics wrongly call
                                                                                                    priests Father. Centuries of Church teaching based on
                       Central Catholic High School                                                 careful Biblical study of Christ’s instruc ons makes it
                                                                                                    clear that He was cri cizing hypocri cal Pharisees who
 2022 marks 50 years since Central Catholic High School Fort Wayne closed. To honor all             put themselves in the place of God not prac cing what
 that CC stood for and meant to us, there will be a celebra on for all former students,             they preached yet demanding the tle of Teacher or
 staff and faculty on Saturday June 11, 2022 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the CC                      Father. Our humble priests deserve the respect for
 Memorial Plaza located at 130 E. Lewis St. in Fort Wayne.                                          dedica ng their lives to serve others leading those who
 There is no charge for a endance, but we appreciate your RSVP to                                   will listen on a path to an eternity with Christ whose with your name (including maiden), class year, and                       message is eternal life with His Father.
 number a ending. Food trucks will be available for lunch purchases or you may bring
 your own. Thank you.                                                                               Above informa on by Allen County Historian Tom Castaldi

 ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                                 MAY 22, 2022                          SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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