Butterfly and Moth Events in Dorset - Butterfly Conservation Dorset Branch No. 90 - Butterfly Conservation ...

Page created by Wade Morris
Butterfly Conservation Dorset Branch

                Butterfly and
                 Moth Events
                    in Dorset
                                      No. 90
                April 2019 to September 2019

Butterfly Conservation is an organisation dedicated to saving
wild butterflies and moths and their habitats. Dorset has a very active
branch of the Society which, as well as carrying out conservation work,
organises guided walks and survey days.
•    Everybody is welcome at all events, except the few marked
    ‘members only’.
•    Most events are free - if there is a charge it will be mentioned in
    the listing, unless it is an event put together by another organisation in
    which case we may not have received the relevant information.
•    Butterflies will not fly unless it is fairly warm and sunny, so if
    the weather makes you dubious you are welcome to phone the
    contact listed for each walk.
• Reduce the risk of being bitten by ticks: avoid exposed skin by
  wearing long trousers tucked into socks and long sleeves, avoid long
  and overhanging vegetation, keep to footpaths and consider using
  insect repellent. Check skin and clothing when in the field and again on
  return home.
•    Some of the walks are on private land which is not open to the
    public at times other than those stated.
• Conservation work days start at 10.00am unless stated, and are
 suitable for all the family except the very young. Children should be
 accompanied. Please wear stout footwear and protective gloves, and
 bring a packed lunch. You are advised to ensure your tetanus injections
 are up to date.

                     BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION
      Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England (2206468)
    Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset BH20 5QP
               Charity registered in England & Wales (254937)
                          and in Scotland (SCO39268)
                     Tel: 01929 400209 Fax 01929 400210
                    Email: info@butterfly-conservation.org
SUNDAY 28 APRIL                         species that thrives on this site and
POT PLANT PREP PARTY                    which has been the target of a lot of
Lyn Pullen in Winfrith Newburgh         our recent management efforts.
sells plants in aid of Butterfly        There will be a choice of two walks
Conservation from her driveway          at either 10.30 am or 2.00 pm, both
over the summer months, giving us       starting from the Village Hall car
a very useful source of income. She     park and finishing in St Mary's
needs some help with getting the        Church for refreshments approx 2
pot plants which have been sitting      hours later. The charge for the walk
over the winter weeded, possibly re     and tea will go towards St Mary's
-potted and generally tidied up. A      church funds and the other Festival
little bit of gardening knowledge       charities. For further information go
would be helpful, but there will also   to: http://cernegiantfestival.uk/.
be jobs like cleaning up labels and     Contact is Nigel Spring on 07981
pots for re-use.                        776767 or email
Tea and cake will be supplied and       nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
you will be welcome to look round
the garden, though there are no         SUNDAY 12 MAY
guarantees as to the state it will be   GUIDED WALK – CHASE
in!                                     WOODS
Please let Lyn know if you are          Spring butterflies and wild flowers
planning to help, in case the weather   are our targets on this walk. Expert
is bad and the event has to be re-      help will be on hand for the plant
scheduled.                              identification which should include
Cobblers Cottage, Winfrith              some ancient woodland specialities.
Newburgh. 2.00pm - 5.00pm.              Bring lunch.
Contact Lyn for details of how to       Meet 11.00 am inside the gate to
find her if you need them. Email:       Greatstone Coppice on the north
cobblers@btinternet.com. Tel:           side of the B3081 about one mile
01305 853946                            west of Sixpenny Handley, map
                                        reference ST 978 173.
SATURDAY 4 MAY                          Contact is Arthur Bryant on 01747
CERNE DOWNS - Landscape,                228252 or 07711 404190 on the
flowers and butterflies                 day.
Guided walks along the Cerne
Downs at Cerne Abbas. This should
be a perfect time to see the rare
Duke of Burgundy butterfly, a
WEDNESDAY 22 MAY                         SATURDAY 25 MAY
GUIDED WALK – THE                        WORKSHOP ON
LULWORTH                                 & RECORDING
This is the first of a series of walks   BUTTERFLIES AND DAY-
that are being hosted by The             FLYING MOTHS
Heritage Centre at Lulworth Cove         In Dorset we run more than 60
throughout the summer. These             transect walks for 26 weeks a year.
will be led by either a Ranger or a      That is more than 1500 walks, each
representative of BC. The walks          requiring a skilled walker to record
will involve a climb onto Bindon         all the butterflies seen. We also
Hill which will be steep in places.      take part in the national Wider
The events are free to BC                Countryside Recording Scheme,
members but pre-booking is               garden recording and casual
advisable as numbers may be              recording. This means that we are
limited. Charges apply in the large      always looking for more recorders,
car park next to The Centre, map         and to help you get started, we
reference SY 822 801.                    offer a free workshop for beginners
Target species are Adonis Blue,          and those who would like to
Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak,         improve their skills in order to take
Small Blue and Small Copper..            part in recording.
On later walks, Lulworth Skipper,        Cerne Abbas Village Hall, 9.30 am
Dark Green Fritillary and Chalkhill      to 4.00 pm. Weather permitting,
Blue will be among the target            the workshop will consist of an
species.                                 indoor session including learning
The start time is 11.00 am and it is     from specimens, photos and
expected that the walk will last         presentations, followed by an
about 2 hours after which you may        outdoor field visit to nearby
wish to stay on the hill with lunch      butterfly-rich Giant Hill where we
or visit The Heritage Centre.            hope there will be plenty of
For further details and booking,         opportunity to put your ID skills
ring The Heritage Centre on 01929        into practice. Please note that the
400155.                                  hill, like many butterfly sites, is very
                                         steep in places and you will need
                                         sturdy footwear.
                                         Numbers are limited, so to book a
                                         place, please contact Robin George
                                         on rab.george@btinternet.com
BALLARD DOWN                          GUIDED WALK - THE
(SWANAGE)                             BUTTERFLIES OF
A walk along the lower slopes of      LULWORTH
Ballard Down to enjoy this chalk      For the second of our visits see
downland site with its stunning       May 22 for full details.
views and the spring butterflies.     Target species on this walk will
Target species are Green              include Adonis Blue, Lulworth
Hairstreak, Wall, Dingy Skipper and   Skipper, Small Blue and Wall.
the first broods of Adonis Blue and
Brown Argus. Meet 11.00 am at        THURSDAY 6 JUNE
Ulwell lay-by on the Swanage to      GUIDED WALK – WINSPIT
Studland road, map reference SZ      VALLEY
022 809.                             This walk will follow the route of
Contact is Lorraine Munns on         the Winspit Valley Butterfly
07973 853628.                        Transect with an additional
                                     diversion down to Winspit Cove
MONDAY 27 MAY                        for the lunch stop. The route is
GUIDED WALK - LYDLINCH moderately steep in places and may
COMMON                               be slippery after rain so wear stout
This is a key site for the Marsh     footwear. Bring lunch.
Fritillary and our winter work       Meet 11.00 am at Worth Matravers
programme here is designed to        car park, map reference SY 974
maintain the habitat for this        776.
species. With luck, there will also Contact is David Lonsdale on
be nightingales singing.             01202 743609.
Meet 2.00 pm in the lay-by outside
the village on the north side of the SUNDAY 9 JUNE
A357 near the turning to             GUIDED WALK – ALNERS
Sherborne, map reference ST 737 GORSE BUTTERFLY
137, nearest postcode DT10 2JD. RESERVE
Contact is Colin Burningham on       Guided walk to enjoy the
01935 873219 or 07849 921594.        butterflies and other wildlife and to
                                     hear the Nightingales if they are
                                     still singing. Meet in the hut in the
                                     wood at 2.00 pm or arrive at 1.00
                                     pm if you would like to have a
picnic lunch there.
Alners Gorse reserve entrance is      WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE
on the road from Kings Stag to        GUIDED WALK - THE
Hazelbury Bryan beside the            BUTTERFLIES OF
Hazelbury Bryan village sign and 30   LULWORTH
mph sign. Park on the wide straight   For the third of our visits see May
road verge on the Kings Stag side     22 for full details.
of the village sign, well away from   Target species include Wall,
the dangerous bend. Map reference     Lulworth Skipper and Adonis Blue.
is ST 736 100.
For further information, contact      SATURDAY 22 JUNE
Nigel Spring on 07981 776767 or       MOTH TRAPPING IN
email nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk         MILLENNIUM WOOD,
SATURDAY 15 JUNE                      Organised by the Gillingham Action
GUIDED WALK – MARTIN                  for Nature Group
DOWN                                  The light traps will be put out in
Joint with Wiltshire Branch           the wood the previous evening and
Martin Down NNR is worth a visit      the catch analysed 9.30 – 10.45 am
at any time during the butterfly      on the Saturday morning. A good
season. Our targets on this, St       opportunity to get to know your
Swithun’s Day, will be early-         moths! It is hoped that this will be
summer species like Small Blue,       a family event, all welcome! There
Marsh Fritillary and Dark Green       will be refreshments and bacon
Fritillary. Martin Down is also       sandwiches available.
renowned for its orchids.             Car Parking at ‘Little Gems
We meet at 11.00 am at the car        Nursery’ 21 Brickfields Estate,
park, map reference SU 058 192, at    Gillingham SP8 4LT. Approach off
the top of Sillens Lane which runs    New Road onto Brickfields
from the triangular green in Martin   Industrial Estate, past South West
village. Bring lunch if you want to   Packaging, go between Stiles Metal
stay for the afternoon but there is   Craft and Brickfields Car Sales to
an option to return to the car park   Little Gems. Walk through the
for those who want to leave early.    gates to Tinknell Fuels depot and
Contact is Andrew Daw on 07778        the wood is round the back.
146297                                Coming by train to Gillingham
                                      Station - exit station on South side
                                      opposite the ticket office side. At
top of footpath - turn right past     database of information about the
Little Gems to Tinknell Fuels and     site.
Millennium Wood - 200 metre           Accommodation will be in tents
walk.                                 next to the farm buildings at Wyke
Contact is Bob Messer, email          Farm or in B&B’s nearby. Day
bobmesser@hotmail.com or              visitors also welcome. Booking is
phone 01747 821269.                   essential for this weekend. Contact
In the event of bad weather, this     is Nigel Spring on 07981 776767 or
event will be held on the Sunday      email nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
                                      SATURDAY 29 JUNE
FRIDAY 28 – SUNDAY 30                 GUIDED WALK –
JUNE                                  BLANDFORD FOREST
BIOBLITZ WEEKEND –                    This will be an exploration of field
CHEDINGTON WOODS (nw                  margins as well as mature and
Dorset)                               coppiced woodland. Silver-washed
This is a joint venture between the   Fritillary will be among the regular
Dorset branch of BC and EuCAN         summer species to be seen here.
Community Interest Company.           Meet at 1.00 pm at the picnic area
We are looking for a team of          on Okeford Hill, grid reference ST
experts and trainees, both            812 094,
amateurs and professionals, to take   Contact is Richard Norman on
part in a weekend of surveying and    01258 472887.
recording a wide range of animals
and plants in this under-recorded     SUNDAY 30 JUNE
area of Dorset. This will include     GUIDED WALK –
moth trapping, bird ringing, bat      CHEDINGTON WOODS
detecting, butterfly counts and       AND WHITEVINE FARM
surveys of wildflowers and lower      SSSI
plants. A comprehensive survey of     Chedington Woods is an area of
this land was carried out between     hardwood and softwood
2006 and 2010 with the first          plantations with some coppice
weekend event last year. The          woodland and with many species-
owners and the forester               rich wet flushes, on landslips west
responsible for Chedington Woods      of Halstock. Whitevine Farm
are very keen to continue this on a   adjacent to the woods to the north
regular basis to establish a public   contains extensive hay meadows
renowned for their botanical            07711 304412
diversity. This walk, part of the       WEDNESDAY 3 JULY
survey weekend (see separate            GUIDED WALK - THE
entry), will provide an opportunity     BUTTERFLIES OF
to explore the fauna and flora on       LULWORTH
these two sites and is part of a        For the fourth of our visits see
weekend of biological surveying         May 22 for full details.
instigated by the landowner and         Target species on this walk will
the forester to add to the records      include Marbled White, Lulworth
for the area.                           Skipper and Dark Green Fritillary.
Meet at the farm buildings at Wyke
Farm at map reference ST 500 070   SATURDAY 6 JULY
at 1.30 pm for a 1.45 start .Tea will
                                   DEADMOOR COMMON –
be available at the end of the walkTHE HUNT FOR THE
(approx 4.30 pm).                  ELUSIVE PURPLE EMPEROR
Contact is Nigel Spring on 07981   Deadmoor Common is one of the
776767 or email                    last remaining tracts of what was
nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk            once a wonderful species-rich
Please email or phone in advance   habitat that extended over the
to book a place.                   Blackmore Vale.
                                   In 2017, the Dorset branch of
SUNDAY 30 JUNE                     Butterfly Conservation received a
GUIDED WALK ON                     retrospective report of three of
BROADCROFT QUARRY                  these iconic butterflies feasting on
RESERVE                            a deer carcase and several years
At this time of year there should  ago another record was sent in.
be plenty to see! An impressive    Unfortunately these reports were
colony of Silver-studded Blues can not followed up but we would like
be found in this quarry reserve.   to survey the area to see whether
Meet 1.00 pm for approx. two       this elusive and charismatic species
hour walk. To find Broadcroft      can be confirmed here. The area is
Quarry Reserve, turn left off      also likely to be full of Silver-
Easton Road onto Grove Road and washed Fritillaries, Hairstreaks and
about 100 yards on the right is a  possibly White Admirals,
track (opposite Portland Football The habitat is certainly suitable as
Club) which leads to the car park, there are plenty of oaks and a few
map reference SY 695 723.          goat willows.
Contact is Bernard Franklin on     We will be meeting for a 10.00 am
start on the sharp bend in the track    Contact is Tom and Jean Smith on
to Smetherd Farm at map                 01305 567537 or 07717 437250 on
reference ST 747 104 – see this         the day.
Google map:
http://tinyurl.com/y4j97qwg         SUNDAY 7 JULY
Please wear thorn-proof and tick-   MOTH TRAPPING AT
proof clothing, bring plenty to     CHETTLE HOUSE, nr
drink as well as a picnic lunch as we
will be out until about 2.00pm.     Courtesy of Mr and Mrs Sweet
Binoculars will be very useful for  -Escott
identification.                     We have been invited by the
Contact is Nigel Spring on 07981    owners to set up moth traps on
776767 or email                     the night of July 6th to assess the
nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk             moth fauna of the land round
                                    Chettle House. Members of
SUNDAY 7 JULY                       Butterfly Conservation and the
GUIDED WALK –                       Dorset Moth group are welcome
MISTLEBERRY AND                     to join in the opening of the light
GARSTON WOODS                       traps and analysis of the catch from
We are heading towards Garston 9.00 am on the Sunday morning.
Wood, where the Purple Emperor Anyone who would like to bring a
was seen last year, to look for     trap and spend the Saturday
woodland butterflies along the      evening there (there are also
rides recently enhanced by the      facilities to camp overnight) should
RSPB’s management. After lunch, contact Nigel Spring 07981 776767
we will return via a brief visit to or by email
the eastern end of Chase Woods. nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
Meet at 11.00 am at Shermel Gate,
map reference ST 989 192. North
of Sixpenny Handley, turn onto
Dean Lane, signposted to Deanland
and Newtown and continue until                     Our website:
the road ends. This road is narrow        www.dorsetbutteflies.com/events
in places so should be followed           will take you to a map of any
with caution.
                                            of the events listed here.
We will be out until about 3.30 pm
so bring lunch and plenty to drink.
FRIDAY 12 - SATURDAY 13                 woodland, scrub and grassland off
JULY                                    the Bristol Road. The Terrace
MOTH NIGHT and GUIDED                   Meadow is a fascinating patch of
WALKS – RYEWATER                        limestone grassland adjacent to
NURSERY, BISHOPS DOWN                   Sherborne’s Terrace Playing Fields
The Dorset branch of BC has been        sports facilities. It is of particular
invited back to Ryewater for a          interest as the soil is unusual for
weekend of mothing and butterfly        the area, and supports flowers
walks on this fascinating and           (including orchids), butterflies and
inspiring estate. We will be setting    other species not generally seen in
up moth traps in a number of            the locality.
different places on the Friday          Join us for one or both guided
evening – meet at 7.30 pm and           walks, with flower and insect
bring a tent if you would like to       identification sessions. We will
stay overnight. Map reference for       meet on the Quarr at 11.00 am and
parking and camping in the ‘R field’    at the Terrace Meadows SNCI at
is ST 664 108.                          2.00 pm. Tea will be available
On the Saturday morning we will         afterwards.
be going through the moth traps         For the Quarr, meet at the
from 9.00 am. The guided walks to       entrance by the Carpenters Arms
look at the butterflies and other       pub off the Bristol Road at map ref
wildlife will start at 11.00 am and     ST 637 174. For the Terrace
2.00 pm. There will also be access      Meadows, park in the Terrace
to the greenhouses to see the           Playing Fields Car Park, map
tropical butterfly collection. Please   reference ST 641 156, signposted
bring a packed lunch - and other        off the A352 just south of
food if you intend to camp.             Sherborne and follow the footpath
Contact for these events is Wren        back towards the town through the
Franklin on 07776 100613                patch of newly planted trees and up
                                        a few steps, map reference ST 637
SUNDAY 14 JULY                          156.
OPEN DAY AT THE QUARR                   For further information contact
LOCAL NATURE RESERVE                    Nigel Spring on 07981 776767 or
AND TERRACE MEADOWS                     email nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
The Quarr is Sherborne’s local
nature reserve, an area of young
WEDNESDAY 17 JULY                       Silver-washed Fritillary. There may
GUIDED WALK –                           still be White Admirals and White-
DUNCLIFFE WOOD                          letter Hairstreaks on the wing. We
This is our first visit for some time   plan to have a picnic lunch by the
to this extensive wood owned by         hut at around 1.00 pm.
the Woodland Trust. Silver-             Meet at 11.00 am at the Alners
washed Fritillary will be among the     Gorse reserve entrance which is
target species.                         on the road from Kings Stag to
Meet 1.00 pm in the car park (not       Hazelbury Bryan, near the 30mph
on the roadside) by the track that      and Hazelbury Bryan village signs.
leads up to the wood, map               Park on the wide straight road
reference ST 817 223.                   verge on the Kings Stag side of the
Contact is Robin George on 01747        village sign, well away from the
824215.                                 dangerous bend. Map reference is
                                        ST 736100.
WEDNESDAY 17 JULY                       Contact is Nigel Spring on 07981
GUIDED WALK - THE                       776767 or email
BUTTERFLIES OF                          nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
Continuing our visits, the target       WEDNESDAY 31 JULY
species will include Chalkhill Blue,    GUIDED WALK - THE
Lulworth Skipper, Essex Skipper         BUTTERFLIES OF
and Dark Green Fritillary. See May      LULWORTH
22 for full details.                    Our sixth visit to this splendid
                                        hilltop habitat. See May 22 for full
19 JULY – 11 AUGUST                     details.
BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT                     Chalkhill Blue, Dark Green
To find out more and how to take        Fritillary, Gatekeeper and Essex
part, go to                             Skipper are target species.
                                   SUNDAY 4 AUGUST
SUNDAY 28 JULY                     RODWELL TRAIL -
GORSE                              IDENTIFICATION WALK
Joint with Devon Branch            A walk along the old railway line
The Brown and Purple Hairstreaks between Weymouth and Portland.
will be among the targets, along   This walk is ideal for families and
with other summer species like the those wishing to improve
identification skills.                 the end of 2017. A formal transect
Meet at 2.00 pm at the café in         was set up last year and 28 species
Sandsfoot Castle gardens, Old          were recorded then. An impressive
Castle Road, Weymouth, map             colony of Small Blues has
reference SY 675 775, postcode         developed.
DT4 8QE.                               Meet at 1.00 pm at the truncated
Contact is Bernard Franklin on         end of the Broadmayne road where
07711 304412                           it meets the relief road, map
                                       reference SY 674 859. N.B. Access
THURSDAY 8 AUGUST                      is only possible from the eastern
GUIDED WALK - TYNEHAM                  side of the relief road.
and COASTAL PATH                       Contact is Adrian Neil on 01305
This walk may be steep in places       832937
but will bring rewarding sea views.
We will hopefully catch the            SUNDAY 11 AUGUST
emerging second brood of Adonis        GUIDED WALK – MARTIN
Blue and Wall and find Lulworth        DOWN NNR
Skipper which will be coming to the    Joint with Bournemouth
end of its flight period.              Natural Science Society
Meet 11.00 am at the Tyneham car       Target species include Silver-
park (charges apply), map reference    spotted Skipper, Chalkhill Blue and
SY 882 802 and bring a packed          hopefully second-brood Adonis
lunch. Contact is Tom and Jean         Blue. Bring a packed lunch as we
Smith on 01305 567537 or 07717         will be stopping for lunch about
437250 on the day.                     halfway round the walk but there is
                                       an option to return to the car park
SATURDAY 10 AUGUST                     for those who wish to leave early.
GUIDED WALK –                          We meet at 10.30 am in the car
WEYMOUTH RELIEF ROAD                   park, map reference SU 058 192, at
During the construction of the         the top of Sillens Lane which runs
road an imaginative plan was           from the triangular green in Martin
devised to create new herb-rich        village.
downland on the slopes alongside       Contact is Mark Spencer on 01202
it. Informal monitoring of             760621 or 07926 556653.
butterflies started in 2012 and, as
the site developed, an overall total
of 29 species had been counted by
SUNDAY 11 AUGUST                      SUNDAY 18 AUGUST
BUTTERFLY WALK ON                     OPEN GARDEN –
BALLARD DOWN                          SHILLINGSTONE
(SWANAGE)                             Mike and Jennie Adams invite BC
A return visit to Ballard Down to     members and the general public to
see the second brood of the           visit their garden with broad
Adonis Blue, Wall and Brown           borders packed with a profuse mix
Argus which will now be on the        of plants – from the well-known
wing. Meet at 11.00 am at Ulwell      and old-fashioned across the
lay-by on the Swanage to Studland     spectrum to rare and unusual –
road, map reference SZ 021 809.       including perennials, self-seeding
Contact Jon Bellamy 01929 450182.     annuals, bulbs, climbers, shrubs,
                                      trees and edibles, covering the
WEDNESDAY 14 AUGUST                   ground and clothing fences, walls,
GUIDED WALK – THE                     hedges and wooden frameworks.
BUTTERFLIES OF                        They were in the National Gardens
LULWORTH                              Scheme Yellow Book for 20 years
On this, our penultimate visit this until 2015 (and open for Butterfly
summer, Adonis and Chalkhill          Conservation in 1994 and 95)
Blues, Grayling and Dark Green        opening every year in late August
Fritillary will be among the target   and so specialising in late-flowering
species. See May 22 for full details. and architectural subtropicals both
                                      outside and in the large glasshouse.
FRIDAY 16 AUGUST                      Non-botanical surprises too!
UPTON HEATH MOTHS                     Coombe Cottage (DT10 0SF) lies
AND BUTTERFLIES                       on the main A357 in the middle of
Joint with Dorset Wildlife            Shillingstone between Gunn Lane
Trust                                 (where parking is advised) and the
9.00 am Moths. The inspection of Old Ox pub. You are asked to
the overnight moth trap.              donate £3 per head (under-16s
11.00 am Butterfly Walk on            free), which will be donated in full
Upton Heath for Grayling and          to BC. There may also be a few
other wildlife.                       home-grown plants for sale. The
Meet at the Urban Wildlife Centre, garden will be open between 2.00
Corfe Mullen, map reference SY        and 5.30 pm and phone enquiries
977 948, postcode BH21 3RX.           may be made to 01258 860220.
Contact is Andy Fale on 07970
THURSDAY 22 AUGUST                    This is the week of The Great
GUIDED WALK -                         Dorset Steam Fair so avoid the
OSMINGTON (East of                    Blandford area at all costs.
Weymouth)                             Contact is Andrew Daw on 07778
A downland and country lane walk      146297.
on which we should find at least 15
species of butterfly. The targets    SATURDAY 24 / SUNDAY 25
will include Adonis Blue and Wall.   AUGUST
There is a choice to return to the   OAK FAIR, STOCK
start making a 2 hour walk or then   GAYLARD PARK
have a picnic lunch if you wish to   Stock Gaylard Estate is a small
continue to make a total of 4½       traditional country estate just over
hours walking and watching.          4 miles from Sturminster Newton
Meet at 11.00 am outside             and 8 miles from Sherborne.
Osmington church, map reference      Come and find us on Conservation
SY 725 829.                          Row at this popular festival, details
Contact is Colin Burningham on       of which can be found at
01935 873219 or mobile 07849         www.stockgaylard.com/the-oak-
921594                               fair.asp
                                     Contact is Colin Burningham on
SATURDAY 24 AUGUST                   01935 873219 or mobile 07849
Joint with Wiltshire Branch          WEDNESDAY 28 AUGUST
The last Dorset refuge of the Silver GUIDED WALK – THE
-spotted Skipper, Fontmell offers a BUTTERFLIES OF
great opportunity to study this and LULWORTH
other downland specialities like     Our series of walks concludes
Brown Argus, Chalkhill Blue and      today. Adonis Blue, Grayling,
the second brood of Adonis Blue. Clouded Yellow and Wall will be
Bring stout footwear and a packed among the target species. See May
lunch if staying for the afternoon   22 for full details.
visit to the lower slopes.
Meet 11.00 am at the National        SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER
Trust car park, map reference ST     GUIDED WALK - WINSPIT,
886 187. There is alternative        PURBECK
parking around the triangle at ST    We end the walk season with a
888 185.                             pleasant coastal walk (steep in
places) for late butterflies and       is ST 736 100.
migrating birds. Wear stout            For further information, contact
footwear and bring packed lunch.       Nigel Spring on 07981 776767 or
Meet 11.00 am at Worth Matravers       email nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk
car park, map ref SY 974 776.
Contact is Arthur Bryant on 01747      THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER
228252 or 07711 404190 on the day.     NATIONAL MOTH NIGHT
                                       EVENT (See over for further info
SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER                     on National Moth Night)
DORSET COUNTY SHOW,                    Urban Wildlife Centre, Corfe
Dorchester Showground,                 Mullen,
Dorchester.                            9.00 am. Moth trap opening.
Come and find us in the Bee Tent Map reference SY 978 950,
at the top of the field, and visit our postcode BH21 3RX. Contact is
Information and Display Stall at this Andy Fale on 07970 552673.
busy show. Childrens’ activities, live
moths and sales.                       SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER
Contact is Colin Burningham on         CONSERVATION WORK
01935 873219 or 07849 921594           DAY
                                       Lydlinch Common
SUNDAY 22 SEPTEMBER                    Lydlinch is part of an area crucial to
CONSERVATION WORK                      the Marsh Fritillary. Conservation
DAY AT ALNERS GORSE                    work is vital to ensure that the
We will be continuing the              habitat is kept suitable for its
woodland and scrub management          survival. Meet 10.00 am and park
work to improve our wildlife           in the lay-by outside the village on
habitats on this fabulous reserve.     the north side of the A357 near the
There will be hot drinks and cake      turning to Sherborne, map
for refreshment. Join us if you can reference ST 737 137. The nearest
between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm            postcode is DT10 2JD.
Alners Gorse reserve entrance is       Contact is Colin Burningham on
on the road from Kings Stag to         01935 873219 or 07849 921594.
Hazelbury Bryan beside the
Hazelbury Bryan village sign and 30
mph sign. Park on the wide straight
road verge on the Kings Stag side
of the village sign, well away from
the dangerous bend. Map reference
                      MOTH NIGHT 2019
 To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Moth Night, this year there
        are two themes – Clifden Nonpareil and migrants.
 The Clifden Nonpareil was until recent years only recorded as a
  scarce immigrant but it is now thought to have colonised some
   southern counties and there is evidence that it is breeding in
Dorset. It is on the wing in September and October, so should be
                      at its peak at this time.
 September is an excellent month for migrants but their arrival is
          dependent on the prevailing weather conditions.

Any other events we organise for National Moth Night will be on
        our website: www.dorsetbutterflies.com/events

           Help us fill Dorset’s ‘White Holes’

2019 is an important year for butterfly recording, as this is the last
 year of our current five-year recording cycle. After this year, the
          slate is wiped clean and we start all over again,

 ‘White Holes’ is our local term for kilometre squares in Dorset
where no butterflies have been reported in the current recording
    cycle, and our aim is to fill as many as possible. A few are
 impossible because they are out of bounds, such as on the army
              ranges: we don’t want you to be shot!

  Our website has a map to show you where the white holes are.
 Searching them out can take you to parts of Dorset you’ve never
 seen before, and most of this County is very beautiful. Please do
not trespass, and if you are walking along a road, take extra care of
        the traffic: lanes are not as quiet as they used to be.

 Help us make this the best year ever for coverage of the County!
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