SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church - SS. Peter and Paul Church
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SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church Parafia Świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła Celebrating Catholic Tradition For 98 Years 1923 - 2021 May Jesus Christ be honored, worshipped, and glorified here and everywhere! Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 Niedziela Zwykła June 27, 2021 A Personal Parish Established to Serve the Polish Catholic Community in the Archdiocese of Detroit "Glory to you, hidden Son of God, because your healing power is proclaimed through the hid- den suffering of the afflicted woman. Through this woman whom they could see, the witnesses were enabled to behold the divinity that cannot be seen. Through the Son's own healing power his divinity became known. Through the afflict- ed women's being healed her faith was made manifest. She caused him to be proclaimed, and indeed was honored with him. For truth was being proclaimed together with its heralds. If she was a witness to his divinity, he in turn was a witness to her faith... He saw through to her hidden faith, and gave her a visible healing." Jesus also gave supernatural hope to a father who had just lost a beloved child. It took considerable courage and risk for the ruler of a synagogue to openly go to Jesus and to invite the scorn of his neighbors and kin. Even the hired mourners laughed scornfully at Jesus. Their grief was devoid of any hope. Nonetheless, Jesus took the girl by the hand and deliv- ered her from the grasp of death. Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD), an early church father who was renowned for his preach- ing at Ravena, comments on this miracle: "This man was a ruler of the synagogue, and versed in the law. He had surely read that while Meditation by Don Schwager God created all other things by his word, man (c) 2021 Servants of the Word had been created by the hand of God. He trusted therefore in God that his daughter would be recreated, and restored to life by that same Do you approach the Lord Jesus with expectant faith hand which, he knew, had created her... He or with skeptical doubt? People in desperate or helpless cir- [Jesus] who laid hands on her to form her from cumstances were not disappointed when they sought Jesus nothing, once more lays hands upon her to re- out. What drew them to Jesus? Was it hope for a miracle or a form her from what had perished." word of comfort in their affliction? What did the elderly wom- an who had suffered miserably for twelve years expect Jesus to do for her? And what did a grieving father expect Jesus to In both instances we see Jesus' personal concern for do for his beloved daughter who was at the point of death? the needs of others and his readiness to heal and restore life. Jesus gave hope where there seemed to be no human cause In Jesus we see the infinite love of God extending to each and for it because his hope was directed to God. He spoke words every individual as he gives freely and wholly of himself to of hope to the woman (Take heart, daughter!) to ignite the each person he meets. Do you approach the Lord with confi- spark of faith in her (your faith has made you well!). dent expectation that he will hear your request and act? Ephrem the Syrian (306-373 AD), an early church Lord Jesus, you love each of us individually with a Scripture scholar and author of hymns and commentaries, unique and personal love. Touch my life with your saving reflected on the miracle of the woman who was healed of her power, heal and restore me to fullness of life. Help me to flow of blood: give wholly of myself in loving service to others.
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: The long- się, tylko wierz”. Przełozony synagogi, wbrew oczywistej po suffering of parents, by Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD) ludzku sytuacji, nie wycofuje się, ale konsekwentnie idzie za Panem. Przychodzą do domu i Jezus mowi „dziewczynka nie "Let us, if it is pleasing to you, speak for a moment of the pains umarła, tylko spi”. Więc w oczach Pana Boga rzeczywistosc and anxieties which parents take upon themselves and en- moze wyglądac zupełnie inaczej. To, co ludzie uznali za dure in patience out of love and affection for their children. smierc, Jezus uznał tylko za sen, z ktorego mozna się obudzic. Here, surrounded by her family and by the sympathy and af- I tak się stało. Boski Dawca zycia wskrzesza dziewczynkę i w fection of her relations, a daughter lies upon her bed of suffer- ten sposob przywraca rodzinie utraconą nadzieję. ing. She is fading in body. Her father's mind and spirit are Rowniez i kazdy z nas moze przezywac sytuacje worn with grief. She is suffering the inward pangs of her sick- zagrozenia zycia swojego czy najblizszych. Nie wystarczy ness. He, unwashed, unkempt, is absorbed wholly in sorrow. wtedy jedynie fachowa opieka medyczna dla naszego ciała, ale He suffers and endures before the eyes of the world. She is warto spojrzec na trudne doswiadczenie rowniez w perspek- sinking into the quiet of death... Alas! why are children indif- tywie wiary. I powierzyc sprawę „szlachetnego zdrowia” ferent to these things! Why are they not mindful of them? opiece Boskiego Lekarza Jezusa, ktory jest Panem zycia. I Why are they not eager to make a return to their parents for ktory przyszedł po to, abysmy „mieli zycie i mieli je w ob- them? But the love of parents goes on nevertheless; and what- fitosci”. ever parents bestow upon their children, God, the parent of us Wiara okazuje się według Jezusa koniecznym all, will duly repay." (excerpt from SERMON 33.2) warunkiem uzdrowienia. Oznacza ona przekonanie, ze Bog z mocą działa przez Jezusa i dokonuje przez Niego cudow, a [Peter Chrysologus, 400-450 AD, was a renowned preach- wszystko z miłosci do ludzi i pragnienia, by uczynic ich er and bishop of Ravena in the 5th century] szczęsliwymi. Dzięki ufnej wierze człowiek moze autentycznie spotkac się z Bogiem, doswiadczyc Jego obecnosci i w W stronę życia konsekwencji zawierzyc Mu swoje zycie. Wejscie w zazyła Lekarze, ojciec czy matka walczą o zycie dziecka. Ile relację, w komunię z Bogiem jest w stanie przyniesc takich historii spotykamy na co dzien w naszym zyciu, człowiekowi nie tylko uzdrowienie, ale moze go wyrwac na- czytamy o nich w Internecie czy oglądamy w telewizji. Jedną z wet z otchłani smierci. Warto więc pamiętac stając prze nich przedstawia ksiązka pt. Mam odwagę mowic o cudzie Jezusem, nawet w najtrudniejszych sytuacjach, ze warto (Znak 2015). To zapis rozmowy z prof. Januszem Skalskim, walczyc do konca i wierzyc Boskiemu Nauczycielowi. wybitnym kardiochirurgiem dziecięcym i człowiekiem ks. Leszek Smoliński głębokiej wiary. „Mam odwagę mowic o cudzie” – powtarzał Profesor w grudniu 2014 roku po godzinach walki o zycie 2,5- letniego Adasia, najbardziej wyziębionego człowieka swiata. Lekarz, ktory pomogł Bogu przywrocic chłopca do zycia, w duecie z Bogiem uratował juz szesc tysięcy dziecięcych serc. Stawia dobro innych ponad swoje, a sam doznał zawału w trakcie walki o zycie pacjenta. Jego zyciorys pokazuje, ze zawsze trzeba walczyc. In St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthian community, he Dzisiejsza Ewangelia przywołuje obraz Jaira, jednego reminds them that they are abundantly blessed in all things ze zwierzchnikow synagogi, ktory myslał o swoim dziecku through Christ. He encourages them to give from their surplus znajdującym się w niebezpieczenstwie smierci. Ten niepokoj in relief of others, especially to the struggling Church in Jeru- skupiał całą jego uwagę, przysłaniając wszystko inne. Wielkie salem. The scribe of the Book of Wisdom professes that our cierpienie i wielka wiara sprawiły, ze przyszedł do Jezusa, i generous God made us in His image. This same teaching is upadł Mu do nog prosząc usilnie: „Moja coreczka dogorywa, found in the Book of Genesis. The evangelist St. Mark de- przyjdz i połoz na nią ręce, aby ocalała i zyła”. Czy Jair mo- scribes in his Gospel how Jesus, moved by demonstrations of mencie mogł myslec, ze „dla Boga nie ma nic niemozliwego”? deep faith, restored Jairus’s daughter to life and cured the woman afflicted with hemorrhages. Do we, as faithful stew- Jezus spełnił prosbę ojca dziewczynki i udał się we ards share our many blessings by generously giving to the wskazanym kierunku. Jednak okazało się, ze ludzie przyniesli parish offertory and the Catholic Services Appeal? Do we wiadomosc o smierci corki. Chociaz sytuacja wydawała się show Christ-like compassion to our fellow parishioners and byc rozstrzygnięta kategorycznie, Nauczyciel mowi: „Nie boj brothers and sisters in need?
SS. Peter and Paul Parish Parafia Świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła Invites you to observe with us The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Sunday, July 4, 2021 10:00 a.m. Mass SS. Peter and Paul Parish Presents Mass in Commemoration The First Friday of our Patron Saints and the Organ Recital Series 98th Anniversary of our Parish! Friday, July 2, 2021 ONE MASS ON THIS DAY 6:00 p.m. IN ENGLISH & POLISH Dave Calendine, Organist Celebrating Catholic Tradition For 98 Years 1923 - 2021 A SS. Peter and Paul Parish favorite, Dave Calendine, will per- form an entertaining program of organ music in celebration of the July 4th Holiday Weekend! First Friday Organ Recitals are thirty minutes in length before First Friday Mass, featuring tal- ented local organists performing on our Parish’s majestic pipe organ. There is no admission charge and all are welcome. Peter’s Pence This week, we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which unites us and Catholics around the world more closely with the Holy Father in two ways: it supports the structures of the Holy See through which the Pope governs the Church as well as his charitable efforts to assist victims of war, oppression, natural disasters, and others most in need. Please be generous. For more information, visit
Restoring the Sacred—Catholic Tradition SS. Peter & Paul Parish invites you to observe with us Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. & Every First Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Upcoming Liturgical Schedule Mass is in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Latin Mass), Monday, June 28, 2021 Low Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass For further information, please contact Tuesday, June 29, 2021 Father Jerry Pilus at 313-846-2222 No Mass The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite is the lit- urgy of the Catholic Church in use before the reforms of the Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Second Vatican Council. This includes the Mass, the Sacra- ments, various rites of blessing and more. 6:15 p.m. Confessions On July 7, 2007, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is- sued an apostolic letter called Summorum Pontificum. In this 7:00 p.m. Mass & letter he declared that older form of the Roman rite was never Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion abrogated, and that it “must be given due honor for its venera- ble and ancient usage.” (SP Art. 1) His Holiness termed the traditional Latin Mass – the Thursday, July 1, 2021 older form – the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. This older form has been in use for many centuries. During this 12:15 p.m. Mass time it was at the heart of the Church and Western culture, nourishing countless generations. Friday, July 2, 2021 An Invitation to the Men and Boys of our Parish! 7:00 p.m. We are in need of Altar Servers for Holy Mass! First Friday Mass & Our parish altar servers provide a liturgical ministry for assis- tance at all parish Masses. Currently, we are seeking altar Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus servers for all Masses! Generally, after boys receive their First Holy Communion, they become eligible to be trained as altar servers. The men of the parish are also encouraged to be Saturday, July 3, 2021 trained to serve at the Holy Altar of God. The parish, preserv- 9:00 a.m. First Saturday Mass (Latin) & ing the tradition of men and boys serving at the altar, hopes to foster many vocations to the Catholic priesthood. Please speak Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with Father Jerry for more information. 3:00 p.m. Confessions 4:30 p.m. Mass (Vigil) Sunday, July 4, 2021 Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles 10:00 a.m. Mass ONE MASS ON THIS DAY IN ENGLISH & POLISH
Pray for the Sick All-powerful and everlasting God, your Son accepted our suf- fering to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brothers and sisters. May all who suffer know that they are joined to Christ in His suffering for the salvation of the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mass Intentions for the Week Catherine Anderson Edward Paslawski James Antolak Dale Patterson Monday, June 28, 2021 Mary Antoncew Mario Pereyra 9:00 a.m. Shawn Armstrong Steve Peet † John and Florence Czachor by Friends Stella Bednarczyk Irena Pilus Lorraine Belanger Jennifer Ragland Tuesday, June 29, 2021 Zigmund Bieniek Cinde Rutkowski No Mass Carol Bonczkiewicz Stella Sakowicz Stephen F. Dewitt Amy Sauve Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Carol Elliott Julius and Jean Simon 7:00 p.m. Margaret Garrett Maria Sztuka Maria Gomez Delphine Truszkowski † Gary Dienes by Theresa Dienes Kim Hice Dan Urbiel James Kashinsky Frank Urbiel Thursday, July 1, 2021 Eugene Kopek Kathy Urbiel 12:15 p.m. Marie Kondrath Helena Wilk Wajda † Leon Schwartz by Cheri Carrico Joseph Kosek Richard Wallner Marc Kutylowski Bozena Wilinska Friday, July 2, 2021 Aaron Maddix Juliann Wellman 7:00 p.m. First Friday Irene Marchlewski Lorraine Witkowski - First Friday Memorial Association Selena Montes Justin Wood Tony Morales Saturday, July 3, 2021 Rosita Morales 9:00 a.m. First Saturday Rachel Palucki - For souls suffering in purgatory by Porcek Family 4:30 p.m. - For strength and healing for Frank Urbiel by Barbara Lesin- ski † John Czachor (20th Anniversary) by Czachor Family † Frank Jarosz (Anniversary) by Czachor Family † Mary Ann Jackson by Gordon Mydlarz † Jean Carrico by Cheri Carrico Sunday, July 4, 2021 10:00 a.m. † Ronald G. Machesky by Family † Stefania Ptasinska (Anniversary) by Władysław and Elzbieta Ptasinski † Stan Paul Maziarz by Wife † Ann Shewcraft by Friends † Mary E. Morales by Joan Mazur
Welcome to SS. Peter and Paul Parish SS. Peter and Paul Parish 7685 Grandville ▪ Detroit, MI 48228 Information There is a table in Church and a bookrack in the vestibule with 313-846-2222 (Parish Office) ▪ 313-584-1484 (Fax) new parishioner registration forms, mass intention envelopes, Parish Website: and many inspirational and educational brochures and CDs Facebook: available free of charge. Parish Email: Sacramental Preparation Policy Pastor Before any Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, Reconciliation, Rev. Jarosław (Jerry) Pilus ext. 102 Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Marriage) can begin, we Parish Office require that you be an active registered member for at least Gabriela Kash ext. 100 six months. This means attending a weekend liturgy with our Director of Music parish community, using your weekly offering envelopes, and Johnny Kash ext. 119 taking part in parish activities. Please contact the Parish Office Director of Music (Polish) for further information. Gabriela Kash ext. 100 Director of Religious Formation Anointing of the Sick Request Gloria Yarber ext. 100 If a family member is confined at home or a medical facility Saint Vincent de Paul Conference ext. 107 and wishes to receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Confession or Anointing of the Sick please call the Parish Of- Parish Office Hours by Appointment Only fice. Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Private Prayer Schedule Tuesday: Closed The church is open and available for private prayer 30 Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. minutes before every Mass. On Saturdays the church is open Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at 2:00 p.m. On Sunday mornings the church is open at 8:00 Friday: Closed a.m. Other opportunities for private prayer will be published Saturday & Sunday: Closed in the bulletin. Liturgical & Devotional Schedule Saint Vincent de Paul Conference, Food Pantry and Drop Box Weekday Mass If you are interested serving the needs of the community, Monday: 9:00 a.m., Tuesday: No Mass please consider joining the Parish St. Vincent de Paul Confer- Wednesday: 7:00 p.m., Thursday: 12:15 p.m., Friday: 9:00 a.m. ence. The SVDP Food Pantry regularly accepts donations. Bas- kets for donations are located throughout the church. The Sunday Mass SVDP Drop Box is located in the parking lot near the Activities Saturday: 4:30 p.m. (Vigil) Building. Clothing and shoes are accepted. For more infor- Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (Polish), mation contact the Parish Office. Thank you for generosity. 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. (Latin) 24 Hour Prayer Line The Nuns of the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament have a Holy Day of Obligation Masses twenty-four hour prayer line. Call 248-626-8253. 9:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (English & Polish) Sound Assist Devices First Friday Mass We have several sound assist devices available for use during 7:00 p.m. Mass followed by Exposition, Prayers to the Sacred Mass. Speak with Father Jerry before Mass. Heart of Jesus, Adoration, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Online Gift Giving Online gift giving is available. Your gift will be credited and First Saturday Latin Mass distributed directly to our parish. Please be assured of our (Low Mass, Extraordinary Form) prayers and the prayers of those who minister through your 9:00 a.m. Latin Mass followed by Exposition, Prayers to the generosity. To give a gift directly to support our Parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Adoration, and Benediction of the visit We thank you for your con- Blessed Sacrament tinued support of SS. Peter and Paul Parish! Sacrament of Confession (English & Polish) For Your Benefit Wednesday: 6:15 p.m., First Friday: 6:15 p.m., When attending Mass or other activities here at SS. Peter & First Saturday: 8:30 a.m., Saturday: 3:00 p.m. Paul we recommend for your own safety and security, as well as that of others, that you please park in the main (north) Rosary for the Purification of the Church parking lot. Security is provided for all Masses and events. Every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Parish Office with any Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion questions, concerns, or comments. After Wednesday Evening Mass
SS. Peter and Paul Parish First Friday Memorial Association September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2021 Expedito F. Antonio Liv. & Dec. Mem. Byczek & Partyka Families Janina Bak Liv. & Dec. Mem. Stanley & Rose Byczek Families Vera Ballard Liv. & Dec. Mem. Cholipski & Kolasinski Families Dec. Mem. Bara & Szewczyk Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Czachor Family Chester Bokuniewicz Liv. & Dec. Mem. Czorny & Langley Families Dolores & Raymond Bonczkiewicz Liv. & Dec. Mem. Digregio & Ortisi Families Matthew Cook Liv. & Dec. Mem. Dooley & Firestone Families Modesta Cueco & Digamo Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Ducan & Williams Families Florence Czachor Liv. & Dec. Mem. Gizowski & Sovel Families John Czachor Liv. & Dec. Mem. Glyn & Rybicki Families Mike & Marjorie Fedyk Liv. & Dec. Mem. Gorny & Kushnir Families Jerome & Regina Gould Liv. & Dec. Mem. Grden Family Barbara & John Gray Liv. & Dec. Mem. John A. Groszek Family Krystyna & Stanislaw Janulewicz Liv. & Dec. Mem. Jarosz Family Barney & Mary Jezuit Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kaluzny & Parsons Families Slawomir Krasuski Liv. & Dec. Mem. Karpinski Family Adam & Genevieve Larwa Liv. & Dec. Mem. Keiller & Marciniec Families Ronald G. Machesky Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kowalczyk & Dziubczynski Families Timothy Mason Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kurdziel & Porcek Families Stanley & Helen Matras Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kwilos & Stecker Families Walter Maziarz Liv. & Dec. Mem. Larwa & Postupalski Families Emilia & Joseph Mochol Liv. & Dec. Mem. Lazarski Family Mary & Frank Mydlarz Liv. & Dec. Mem. Lepkowski & Krygowski Families Michalina Palys Liv. & Dec. Mem. Lesinski Family Frank Paslawski Liv. & Dec. Mem. Londke & McGann Families George Peter Liv. & Dec. Mem. Machesky & Franco Families Reverend James H. Profota Liv. & Dec. Mem. Eugene Machowicz Karolina & Jozef Radkiewicz & Joanne Tuchowski Families John Rash Liv. & Dec. Mem. of Markiewicz & Pieczynski Families John & Corrine Roberts Liv. & Dec. Mem. Matras & Misiolek Families Arthur & Delphine Rutkowski Liv. & Dec. Mem. Mroz & Rutkowski Families Blessed Father Seelos Liv. & Dec. Mem. Nega & Idzikowski Families Leonard P. Seletyn Liv. & Dec. Mem. Onopa & Dobkowski Families George Peter. & Eleanor Siwak Liv. & Dec. Mem. Ossy & Janiec Families Blessed Father Solanus Liv. & Dec. Mem. John & Julia Panek Family John & Agnes Szarek Liv. & Dec. Mem. Partyka & Pelic Families Mary & John Urtczeck Liv. & Dec. Mem. Przybyla Family Helen M. Wozniak Liv. & Dec. Mem. Radecki & Uszynski Families Dec. Mem. Almquist & Ballard Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Joseph Ronevicz & Kososki Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Baca & Kucharski Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Seletyn & Cepiga Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Bajdo & Woloszyn Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Vasquez & Rand Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Barnes & Pilus Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. SS. Peter and Paul Altar Society Liv. & Dec. Mem. Boner & Radzilowski Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Urbiel & Patrus Families Liv. & Dec. Mem. Buckowski Family Special Intention for Garrett Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren Liv. & Dec. Mem. Burger, Hater, & Utter Families Special Intention of Larry & Carolyn Utter Liv. & Dec.. Mem. Burke & Mitchell Families Special Intention for an end to the corona virus Liv. & Dec. Mem. Bush & Wojtowicz Families Directors Jeffrey Boleski, Scott Boleski, Todd Boleski 25509 W. Warren Avenue Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 313-562-5120
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