ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY

Page created by Bruce Newman
ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page

            ST. ROSE OF LIMA
                                                       MUSIC MINISTRY
Fr. James Rodriguez, Administrator
Fr. Slawomir Sobiech, Parochial Vicar                  Mr. James McCabe
Fr. Robert W. Czok, In Residence                       Mr. Jaroslaw Lepkowski
                                                       Mr. Angel Guivas
Deacon Juan M. Carattini | Deacon Gilberto Laboy
Mrs. Bridget Murphy, Director of Religious Education
Ms. Sally Flores, Youth Minister
Mrs. Erin Romain, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Luz Rivera, Business Manager
ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 2

Dear Parishioners,                                      casa. En estos días de verano es bien fácil perder
                                                        nuestra disciplina, pero tenemos que seguir usando
As I write these words, rain from Tropical Storm        las mascaras, manteniendo distancia apropiada, y
Fay is whipping against my office window. I’ve          lavándonos las manos con frecuencia. Gracias
been here a little over a year and I’m learning         también a los que nos han mantenidos con sus
something all of you already know: Rockaway can         oraciones y contribuciones en la colecta. Me
weather the storm. As we continue to struggle with      inspiran con su generosidad. Espero que muy pronto
the Covid-19 pandemic as a diocese, a city, and a       podremos abrir aun más, siendo mas lo que somos:
world, I am happy to tell you that last week’s          un hogar espiritual y un refugio en las tormentas de
reopening went well. I was concerned that either no     la vida, acercándonos siempre más al prójimo y a
one or too many would come, but the numbers were        nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
manageable. I am grateful to those who came, it was     Padre Rodriguez
good to see you, and for those who did not, since we
have to continue to exercise caution now more than
before, when the temptation to become lax can be as
strong as the heat on a sunny July day at the beach.
We should continue to wear masks, practice
distancing, and maintain a high level of cleanliness.   Drodzy Parafianie,
Thank you to all of the parishioners who have
sustained us with your prayers and financial            Kiedy piszę te słowa, deszcz tropikalnego sztormu
contributions. I have truly been humbled by your        Fay uderza o okno mojego biura. Jestem tu nieco
generosity since, as you well know, every bit helps     ponad rok i uczę się czegoś, co Wy już wszyscy
here. I pray that we can continue to expand and be      wiecie: Rockaway potrafi przetrwać burzę. Podczas,
more fully a home for the people of Rockaway, a         gdy nadal walczymy z pandemią Covid-19 jako
refuge from the storms of life, growing closer to one   diecezja, miasto i świat, z przyjemnością informuję,
another and to the Lord Jesus Christ.                   że ponowne otwarcie kościoła w ubiegłym tygodniu
Fr. Rodriguez                                           przebiegło pomyślnie. Martwiłem się, że albo nikt,
                                                        albo zbyt wielu przyjdzie, ale liczby były możliwe
                                                        do opanowania. Jestem wdzięczny tym, którzy
                                                        przyszli, miło było Was widzieć, i tym, którzy
                                                        zostali w domu. Musimy bardziej niż kiedykolwiek
                                                        zachować ostrożność, pokusa, aby się rozluźnić,
Estimados feligreses,                                   może być równie silna jak upał w słoneczny lipcowy
                                                        dzień na plaży. Powinniśmy nadal nosić maski,
Mientras que escribo estas palabras esta cayendo una    zachować dystans i utrzymywać wysoki poziom
lluvia fuerte afuera. En poco mas de un año me he       czystości. Dziękujemy wszystkim Parafianom,
dado cuenta de algo que ya ustedes saben:               którzy wspierają nas modlitwami i wspierają Parafię
Rockaway es un lugar fuerte, y vamos a sobrevivir.      finansowo. Doceniam Waszą hojność. Dobrze
Las tormentas no nos pueden derrumbar si estamos        wiecie, że teraz każdy datek to wielka pomoc.
edificados sobre la roca de Jesucristo. Me alegra       Modlę się, abyśmy mogli dalej się rozwijać i być
decirles que el fin de semana pasado nos fue bien.      prawdziwym domem dla mieszkańców Rockaway,
Estaba un poco preocupado, pensando que no iba a        schronieniem przed burzami życia, zbliżającymi się
venir nadie, o que iban a venir mas personas de lo      do siebie nawzajem i do Pana Jezusa Chrystusa.
que podemos acomodar. Gracias a Dios, vinieron
bastantes, y hubo espacio para todos. Gracias a los     Ks. Rodriguez
que vinieron, y también a los que se quedaron en
ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 3

  Please Note: The Maximum number of
 persons at each Mass will be limited to 75
ALL Masses will be celebrated in the Church
  Enter using the Beach 84th Street Doors
  DAILY Masses - Monday-Saturday - 8:30am Mass
                   SUNDAY Masses
             Saturday at 5:00pm (English)
       Sunday: 8:00am (English), 9:30am (Spanish)
          11:00am (English), 12:30pm (Polish)

        NOTE: Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
    have Moved to the Church. Chapel is CLOSED.
                    Daily - 8:00am to 6:00pm
              Please follow the Guidelines on page 4!

    Saint Rose Masses and Devotions Online
                  MASS / Sunday: Regular Schedule
             MASS / Monday to Saturday: 8:30am (English)
ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 4

                  Guidelines for Masses and Adoration
   Due to the Coronavirus, safety precautions need to be followed.
• Social distancing will be strictly enforced. (Note: It will be okay for
  couples and families to sit together.)
• Everyone who enters church MUST wear a face mask covering both
  nose and mouth.
• There will be no entrance procession for any Masses.
• There will be no holy water in the fonts. Please do not touch the
  statues or other devotional objects.
• There will be no missalettes, worship aids or other types of reading
  materials in the pews. You CAN bring your own worship aid, but must
  take it with you after Mass.
• There will be no Handshake of Peace during the Mass.
• Catholics at Mass should receive Holy Communion in the hand, not
  the tongue. There will be no distribution of the Precious Blood.
• Observe a social distance when processing up to receive Communion.
• Wear your mask when you receive the Sacred Host in your hand.
  Then use social distancing to move to the side, lift your mask and
  consume the Sacred Host before returning to your seat.
• Before and after Mass it is suggested that there be no gathering in
  groups to talk.
• Please do not come to church if you do not feel well. It is encouraged
  that our elderly and other high-risk parishioners remain at home.
    For those who are not able to participate in person, the dispensation from the
           obligation to attend Mass remains in effect until further notice.
 Diocesan Masses will continue to be broadcast live on the Diocesan cable channel,
 NET-TV, and streamed online. NET-TV is available in the New York City market on
   Spectrum, channel 97; Optimum, channel 30; and Fios by Verizon, channel 48.
             SEE PAGE 3 for Saint Rose Online Mass Information
ST. ROSE OF LIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Rose of Lima | Rockaway Beach, Queens NY
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 5

                                                      Spiritual Communion Prayer

                                        My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most
                                         Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I
                                        desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at
                                       this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least
                                         spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You
                                        were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
                                         Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

                  GOD’S WORDS
     Each day we are bombarded with thousands of                                        LIVE TODAY
                                                                              Live today the way you will wish you had
words. From the moment our clock radios click on
                                                                         lived when you stand in judgment before God.
in the morning, until the last moment of the day                                                Anonymous
when the television is turned off or someone bids us
“good-night,” our life is filled with words. Some
words that we hear bring news that leaves us
feeling low. Some words lift our spirits. Many of
the words we hear are trying to get us to buy
something. Some words are hurtful. Today the
Church focuses our attention on hearing the word
of God. Are God’s words just more of the same—                            During this challenging time, when some are
part of the endless stream of words that flow into                       unable to attend Mass. The Word Among Us,
our ears each day? The challenge today is to allow                     with the help of the USCCB, is honored to provide
God’s word to inspire us in new ways so that our                     complimentary access to the daily Mass readings and
outlook and attitudes align themselves more closely                    our entire website to help people pray from home.
with the heart and mind of Christ Jesus.                                         Web Address: WAU.ORG
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                                            AA INFORMATION
             Life for most of us can be uncertain at times, but so much more when it is
           coupled with the isolation we can feel. The the pressure can be overwhelming.
                               Help is available at the QUEENS AA Intergroup
                               REACH OUT. THEY ARE THERE FOR YOU.
                               HOTLINE: 718-520-5021 - 24 hours a day
         Website: -- for current online meetings and other information.

                          Looking for Brooklyn? Intergroup HOTLINE: 718-851-3039

      NYC Intergroup -- -- 212-647-1680 / Phone volunteers: 9am to 2am
    Web Chat – Available daily, 9am to 9pm, Use “Click to Chat” on bottom right of their home page
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 6
Summer Conferences                     THIS YEAR...                                                    SAINT KATERI
                                      Conferences for                                                  TEKAKWITHA
                                  Adults and Teens will                                                  (1656-1680)
                                  be livestreamed NEXT                                                     July 14
                                  weekend -- July 17-19
                                                                                                Though the New York
                                                                                               State Thruway runs
     Steubenville Live: July 17-18, 2020                                                       close by the North
           For Teens & Families                                                                American Martyrs’
Live-streamed from Steubenville Florida, this engages not only
            high-schoolers but their families, too!
                                                                                               Shrine, the traffic’s
      And, as an added bonus, everyone who registers                                           roar never pierces the
          for Steubenville Live gets free access to              peace enveloping Auriesville—Ossernon to Native
    Real Life Catholic’s I AM 30-day coaching program.           Americans—in the lovely Mohawk Valley, where
     Cost is $40 per person or per family of four.               Kateri Tekakwitha was born barely ten years after
 ************************************************                the martyrdom of Isaac Jogues and his Jesuit and lay
                                                                 companions. Daughter of a Christian Algonquin
          Night of Hope: July 19, 2020                           mother and non-Christian Mohawk chief, Kateri’s
                   For Adults                                    parents died in a smallpox epidemic widely blamed
            Keynote Speaker: Dr. Scott Hahn                      on the missionaries. Moreover, many Native
    You don’t have to feel alone or disoriented by the
                                                                 Americans had experienced exploitation at the
    shadows hanging over our world. Come together
         as Church for this FREE virtual event,                  hands of “Christian” traders and trappers, further
       live-streamed from Franciscan University!                 discrediting the faith Kateri embraced in baptism,
                                                                 then pledged to live even more intensely in vowed
 *************************************                           virginity. Misunderstanding led to harassment,
         For Additional Information and                          prompting her move to a Christian village farther
         Registration (Now Open) visit:                          north along the Saint Lawrence River. Despite this,                             Kateri’s faith remained undaunted, her selfless
                                                                 charity undiminished. Both before and after her
                                                                 death at twenty-four, this young “Lily of the
             Pantry Thank You                                    Mohawks” drew countless converts to Christ by the
      We are grateful to Gloria Saphia for her                   fragrance of her goodness. Through us, does “the
    recent donations to the pantry in memory of                  aroma of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15), attract others
                   Anne Bogart                                   to the beauty of his gospel?
                  Peggy McHugh                                   Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

            Supporting the Parish with a ONE-TIME Donation
 If you are able and wish to make a special donation, please use
       the DONATE tab on the Parish Website Home Page.
     The link will take you to the WeShare site where you can
   make a one-time donation. No recurring donations required.
   We appreciate all who are continuing to make their monthly
    donations electronically, leaving at Rectory and/or by mail.
         May God bless you all for your faithful support.
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 7
                                                            Religious Education News
                                                           The Religious Education Office is keeping in touch
                   SEE Below for the                       with our families by email. If the office does NOT
   SCRIPTURE READING LIST FOR THE WEEK                     already have your email address, please send it to:
               Take a few quiet minutes                       ******************************************************************************************************************

             each day with the readings.                    ! ! ! NEW INFORMATION ! ! !
    As you reflect on a Scripture passage, ask yourself:    We hope to begin VIRTUAL Religious Education
          What does the Scripture passage say?
         What does the Scripture passage mean?               Classes on Sunday, September 20th at 9:15am.
      What does the Scripture passage mean to me?                             ENROLLMENT
             What am I going to do about it?               •   Please email Mrs. Murphy to enroll.
    What is the challenge of today's Scripture Passage?    •    If you were in the program this past year, there is
                                                               NO tuition fee. If you already registered, you will
                          YOUTH MINISTRY                       receive a refund.
                            We trust our youth             •   New to the program? The fee is $45.
                                                           •   Questions? Please email Mrs. Murphy.
                          are doing okay during
                                                                       VOLUNTEER TEACHERS
                            this difficult time.             If anyone would like to volunteer to be a teacher,
                         See Info on Page 5 for                         please contact Mrs. Murphy.
                            Steubenville Live                           SACRAMENTS UPDATE
                         Virtual Event - 7/17-18           We still do not know when any sacraments will take
                                                             place. That decision must come from the Bishop.

                          Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Academy
                                     2020-2021 School Year Registration
  Even though we are closed for the rest of this School Year, September registration IS still happening.
       Email the School about your interest:                  APPLICATION: Download at our website:

            ! ! ! ! ! Check out our Facebook Page to see who we are ! ! ! ! !

          READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                          TODAY’S READINGS
Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
        Mt 10:34 — 11:1                                       First Reading — My word will achieve the end for
                                                                     which it was sent (Isaiah 55:10-11).
Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24
Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15;            Psalm — The seed that falls on good ground will yield
          Mt 11:25-27                                                 a fruitful harvest (Psalm 65).

Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21;      Second Reading — We, who have the firstfruits of the
         Mt 11:28-30                                        Spirit, groan within ourselves awaiting the redemption
                                                                        of our bodies (Romans 8:18-23).
Friday:   Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;
          Mt 12:1-8                                         Gospel — Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit
                                                                        (Matthew 13:1-23 [1-9]).
Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
                                                             The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass
Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16;                  © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English
        Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30]                                  in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 8
Military: We continue to pray for all
US Armed Forces personnel serving
throughout the world
Sick: Carmen Baez, Bob Benacchio, Liz Bennett, Melissa
Blake, Carol Brothers, John Caetano, Deacon Juan M.                         15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carattini, Madeline Carroll, Liza Casillas, Francesca
Corteciano, Doreen Cregg-Archibald, Sr. M. Doretta                 Saturday, July 11
Cornell, Jimmy Cushley, Fr. Robert W. Czok, Lisa                   5:00pm Virginia and Martin Parlo (Deceased)
Dinoffer, Joanne Dombkowski, Phyllis Falletta, Nancy
Fasano, Elmer Fonseca, Jayne Gallo, Fr. Peter Gillen,              Sunday, July 12
Lucy Gomez, Gloria Gonzalez, Juan Camilo Gori, Alicia
                                                                   8:00am   People of Saint Rose
Greenberg, Marylou Grimaldi, Sister Patricia Hannan
RDC, Mary Hynes, Joseph Kessler, Thomas Kirby,
Borghild Kristiansen, Robert LaMantia, Steve LeMoine,              11:00am Sal Cori (Deceased)
Denise Ledwith, Joanne Lindner, Christine Logue, Kari              12:30pm Andrzej Sadlowski (Deceased)
Lynch, Diana Lyons-Dillard, Norma Manzo, Graciella
Marrugo, Tony Martinez, Patti McCabe, Robert Angelo                Monday, July 13 (S. Henry)
Meano, Jennifer Mejia, Mary Mills, Patricia Mills, Larry           8:30am   John McMullan (Deceased)
Moyse, FM, Bridget O'Connor, Benedict Onugha, Icenie
Paite, Ronnie Page, Jeriel Palguachi, Brendan Raftery,             Tuesday, July 14 (S. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Patricia Rome, Muriel Rope, Andrea Rosario, Pat S.,                8:30am    Wha Yoang Suh, Raymond Suh and
Richard Schwarz, Patricia Sellier, Elaina M. Stevenson,                      Family (Living)
Steven Stevenson, Felix Suero, Patricia Tuite
                                                                   Wednesday, July 15 (S. Bonaventure)
Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel                                 8:30am
         Feast Day: July 16th
   O most beautiful Flower of Mount                                Thursday, July 16 (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
  Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of                              8:30am   Brighly Margaret Daugherty (Deceased)
 Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of                              Friday, July 17
 God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me this                            8:30am
my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me
and show me herein you are my Mother.                              Saturday, July 18 (S. Camillus de Lellis)
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and                    8:30am
       Earth, I humbly beseech you from the
bottom of my heart, to succour me in this necessity;                        16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
   there are none that can withstand your power.
                                                                   Saturday, July 18
  O, show me herein you are my Mother, O Mary,
                                                                   5:00pm Brighly Margaret Dougherty (Deceased)
    conceived without sin, pray for us who have
                recourse to thee. (3X)                             Sunday, July 19
Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (3X)
                                                                   8:00am   Compton Payne (Deceased/Birthday)
                                                                   11:00am People of Saint Rose

            Altar Gift This Week
      The Bread and Wine have been donated
               in loving memory of
              Michael E. Tritschler
        (10th Anniversary - April 4, 2010)
                   by his Family                                                     GOD WITHIN
   [Note: this memorial gift had been donated for the weekend of               In everything, be it a thing sensed
      March 29th. Due to the Rectory closure the information
     was not available for inclusion in the bulletin until now.]
                                                                         or a thing known, God is hidden within.
                                                                                        —St. Bonaventure
Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY  July 12, 2020  Page 9
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