Fall 2021 - Hopewell Reformed Church
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Fall 2021 Table of Contents Page # Message from the Pastor 2 Children’s Ministry 3,4 VBS Fun 5 They’ll Know We are Christians 6,7 Fall Kickoff 8 Prayer 9 Stamp Ministry 10 Tres Dias/Vida Neuva; 11 Remembering Bernie Thank yous
2 Every once in a while, about twice each year, I like to de-clutter my living space. I used to clear out the clutter and enjoy the simplicity of a clean home. Sarah and I have been doing a lot of that over the summer as we merge our two households together. We are enjoying de-cluttering as we both want our home to be simply fur- nished and free of clutter. I like to do this with my office as well. Working in a simple, organized environment keeps me on track and free from distractions. Albert Einstein said, “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony.” Our personal lives need to be de-cluttered from time to time as well. Our day-to-day lives can become so jum- bled with a thousand little unrelated tasks that we become distracted from our greater purpose. In my last job, my life was cluttered with too many commitments, and I was juggling too much. I was traveling 50% of my time to ten different countries where we were accompanying peace and reconciliation processes. I was manag- ing the New York office. I was working constantly. At one time I was serving on 8 different boards, and I real- ized it was too much. It was exhilarating, but left no time for a personal life beyond work. I am so happy now to have only three commitments: faith, family and serving as HRC’s pastor. And those three commitments align with my personal purpose – to be a servant to God for the purpose of bringing the life -giving, life-restoring Gospel of Christ to people in the Hudson Valley. Everything I do now revolves around that purpose. Simple. Jesus was a master of simplicity. He lived and spoke within a complicated religious climate. He took 613 laws from the Old Testament and summarized them in one statement, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and the most important commandment. 39 The second most important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ 40 The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40) Simple. Elegant. What do you need to simplify in your life? What can you streamline so that your activities are in sync with your life’s purpose? It helps to start by defining your purpose. Who are you? Who is God calling you to be? What do you want to accomplish? The staff and consistory and I are reading a great book now called Simple Church by authors Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. The book presents the results of research with hundreds of congregations in the United States. The researchers discovered that the most thriving churches are also the simplest churches with activities and programs that align with clear purpose. This year, starting in September, we will be going through a few months of discernment together. We will be preparing to de-clutter and simplify as we define our strategic plan for the next several years at HRC. Our guiding questions will be: “Are the people in our church and community experiencing a personal transformation, personal growth and depth of faith through the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” “Are we becoming and making disciples?” “Are our activities strategically designed around helping people to grow in their faith?” If not, what activities and programs might need to be strategically redesigned so that they accomplish this goal? Consistory and I are counting on everyone at HRC—members, friends, and staff—to participate in this conver- sation. We want your input and advice about the new strategic plan. This is going to be an exciting year as we lay the groundwork for the next several years at HRC. Pastor Doug
3 Submitted by Sheryle Silvern, interim Co-ordinator SonGames VBS SonGames VBS was great thanks to the leadership, vision and energy of Karen Shogren and a committed team of teachers and helpers. We are grateful for the 30+ children who attended, perfect weather and safety from bumps and bruises and COVID. We journeyed with Paul on the road to Damascus, to a jail in Philippi, through stormy seas to Rome. We played fun Olympic themed games in Rec and made very neat Olympic at- tire in Crafts. We joined forces with HRC’s youth group and congregation to raise money to fill backpacks for kids through Sparrow’s Nest. We are excited to share that we raised $1600 at SonGames VBS! Our thanks to everyone who helped make SonGames VBS and mission project so successful. Nursery Our nursery is open and ready to welcome infants and toddlers during both services. We are blessed that El- der Marjory Fiorile and Christine Harrington are coordinating the nursery. If you would like to help provide this important ministry to young families, please email hrchildren167@gmail.com. Thank you! Sunday School Fall Sunday School will begin on September 19th at both the 8:30 and 10:45 services. We are very thankful that we can gather in person. We look forward to sharing God’s stories, playing games, and crafting together as we continue to build relationships and share truth that are critical to spiritual formation. Autumn is a time to play Let’s thank God for every day Jesus Loves Me Cont’d on page 4
4 Our youth group and VBS supported Sparrow's Nest in their effort to supply backpacks and school supplies for children of the families they care for. Sparrow's Nest is a local organization that supplies homemade meals and school supplies to families in the Hudson Valley facing a cancer diagnosis. The physical and mental toll of a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming for families. With your help, at this time of the year, Sparrow’s Nest relieved some of that burden by providing families with school supplies for the children in these families, many of which are already financially challenged. It can cost up to $150 to get a child ready for school. We received monetary donations totally $5,025, enabling us to fill the backpacks of 20 children. This would have been very costly for these families. Thank you for helping us support families in our community.
5 Submitted by Pastor Doug We had so much fun at VBS last month. I was encouraged to see that we had a larger group of children again this year. Thanks to Karen Shogren, Shireen Gilbert, Sheryle Silvern and all the volunteers for their great work. In this lesson I was teaching the children about the power of working as a team. I asked the children if any- one wanted to come forward to try to lift the large table in front of us using just one finger. One brave girl stepped forward and gave it her best. Of course, she couldn’t lift it. I showed her how I couldn’t lift it either using just one finger. I thanked her for her courage in trying. Then I invited all the children to come around the table and using just one finger, try to lift the table together. They all lifted the table above their heads with ease. It is incredible what we can do when we work together. That is true in our lives, and it is true in this church. We can accomplish more than we imagine when we all work together "Let us help one another to show love and to do good." Hebrews 10:24,
6 Submitted by Nelson and hands and feet of Christ that day. It er hesitated to come to the aid of Sue Nieves reminds me of the song lyrics, “we complete strangers and never gave will work side by side”. up banging until he saw us out It was early Sunday morning, and safe. God placed this angel in the we were still asleep. We were The blessings did not stop there. woken up by someone we later Texts, calls, meals, showers, cards, right place at the right time to save us. God was definitely in control as called our guardian angel, banging and many other offers of help came he worked through this man. relentlessly on our door. Little did each day. Pastor Doug mentioned we know that the back of our how we were so vulnerable by hav- Normally Red Cross would step in house was on fire and would soon ing all our personal possessions to find us temporary housing, but reach the attic and enter the house. laid out on our lawn, but we were we did not need that. Our parents We heard no smoke alarms since it never concerned about that. They had recently gone on to glory and was not entering the main portion were all our family, our Church their home, only a mile away, was of the house. family, as we are all God’s chil- still vacant. We were never home- dren. We want to thank everyone less because we were able to move Things got crazy: call 911, get who came that day, who reached in immediately. God provided us dressed, move cars, get the garden out to us, and all who prayed for immediate shelter in a home that hose and call family. Soon our us. We are truly blessed to be part we had come to love, and be com- house was surrounded by fire of a congregation who cares fortable in, for the last 30 years. trucks, fire fighters, police, and enough to reach out to others in eventually friends. We were lucky their time of need. Three days later, HRC had planned that only one room was seriously a special healing service. As part damaged, others had water damage We were able track down our of the prayer group, we attended and the whole first floor and attic guardian angel, who we also refer the service so we could help pray had smoke damage. We still had to as a hero. A humble man who for others. All of a sudden, some- our home, we still had most of our wants to stay anonymous and is one grabbed our arms and pulled things (thanks to the fire fighters simply relieved that we are okay. us into the center of the group. Nu- who carefully removed our treas- We found out that there were small merous hands were laid on us as ures off our walls), we still had our miracles that placed that man at our church family once again memories and we still had our our door at such an early time on a reached out to us in prayer. They lives. Sunday morning. It was his day praised our guardian angel and off, but a certain job had been giv- thanked God for sending him our That’s when we realized how im- ing the company trouble and he way. This service was uplifting, portant family and friends are. Our decided to volunteer to take it on. inspiring, and comforting, as the kids were amazing, they came to- He was supposed to start around Holy Spirit filled the sanctuary, gether in every way possible to 9:00am, but being Sunday morn- and brought peace and love to all help us. They planned a way for ing, he decided to start super early who were down and hurting. others to help us by inventorying so he could salvage the beautiful all our possessions for insurance The process of rebuilding our Sunday afternoon. Upon passing house will be slow. We really do purposes. We needed many hands our house at a time when the sun is to accomplish this in basically one barely breaking through, he man- not know what the future holds for day. Now came the time for HRC aged to see some smoke coming us but we are not worried. We to shine. With only a night’s no- know that our family will be by from behind the house. Realizing our side, our church family will be tice, more than 30 people came to that it was way too early for people our aid. They worked for hours praying for us, and God will be to have a barbecue, he made a U- working his specific plan for us. inventorying our items while hav- turn and parked by our mailbox. ing fellowship with others. They He then noticed an orange glow. Psalms 23:4 “We will fear no evil accomplished what we never could He got out of his truck and ran to for you are with us; your rod and have. They were definitely the the back to see the flames. He nev- staff – they comfort us”. Cont’d on page 7
8 Our annual Church picnic will take place on Sunday Sept 12 at East Fishkill Rec Park at 10:30 AM The Church will be serving fried chicken and ask that everyone bring a side dish and/ or dessert to share. It is imperative that we receive RSVP from all who are planning to attend so we can order enough chicken. Please RSVP to hrcfellowshipevents@hrcrca.org with the num- ber of people attending. We need volunteers to setup and cleanup. Please indicate in your email, if you are willing to do either. Thank you.
9 Submitted by Diane Volk As a church we have held prayer and healing services in the past. July 28th was the first one that I attended. Prayer has always been an active powerful part of our All I can say is wow! How powerful to pray together church. There has been an active prayer group on share and be anointed with oil. We gathered together, Thursday evenings lead for many years by Carol prayed written prayers, laid hands on individuals as O’Malley. This prayer group meets religiously wheth- we anointed them with oil, and prayed one on one. er there were 2 or many gathered. They pray for peo- Wayne and Lynn Morrison played beautiful music ple near and far, for those known and unknown to our and many of us who arrived with heavy hearts felt church. This past year Carol decided to step down lighter as we left. Thank you to all who made this a from leading this prayer group. But, no worries, she is wonderful service. Look out for more services like still very active in prayer in our church. The Thursday this in the future. Come be a part of the power of night prayer group is still active. A different person prayer. facilitates the group each Thursday and presently is meeting by Zoom. We hope to begin to meet in person soon. Everyone is welcome to join at any time, when- ever you can make it. You will find the Zoom link on our website. If you are interested in being a facilitator, contact Diane Volk. There are so many active prayer warriors in our church and prayer is in the very fabric of our being. Ginny Young coordinates a person to pray at each ser- vice. This person prays for us all as we worship. They receive the prayer cards during the service and pray for those requests. These prayer cards are also shared with the Thursday night prayer group and on the pray- er wall, if you so indicate on the card. You note where, when and how you want your prayer requests shared. If you would like to be a part of this group, contact Ginny Young. If you submit a prayer request, Carol O’Malley puts them together weekly and shares with the Thursday night group. Carol also moderates the prayer wall. You can go to our website and add a prayer request there and/or pray for other prayer requests at any time. So many have shared how it has helped them, know- ing that others are praying for them, through difficult times.
10 Submitted by Doug & Dianne Archer Have you ever heard about Wycliffe Associates (WA) Stamp Ministry? It's a very active ministry on the Or- lando campus during the winter “snowbird “season and continues throughout the year. The dedicated volun- teers who work in the Stamp Ministry meticulously solicit, collect, sort, and then market suitable stamps on- line to a world-wide market of stamp collectors. This is a great project for individuals, groups, office staff, or any organization that gets snail mail to lots of mail. All proceeds go to projects supporting Bible translation. Thank you for serving in the Lord's work through your efforts in collecting, saving, and trimming stamps. If you have any specific questions, please contact Doug and Dianne Archer. Here are a few guidelines: save all stamps, US and foreign, canceled and uncanceled, and computer vended postage for stamps on envelopes, when possible, leave a ½ inch border around the stamp do not attempt to trim too close we also collect postcards we also collect stamp collections, accumulations, and any other stamp-related items deposit trimmed stamps in a collection container provided by your church, office, school, etc. and then hand deliver them yourself or via anyone you know who is coming to Orlando (The Archers go every win- ter) or you can mail them to the address below (this may be rather costly) Wycliffe Associates Stamp Ministry 10306 John Wycliffe Blvd. Orlando, FL 32832
11 Submitted by Doug Archer Tres Dias (for adults) There are still no set dates when Mid-Hudson Tres Dias weekends will be able to restart. A major concern which was recently announced was that the retreat location in Wappingers Falls announced they no longer wanted to host retreats in 2021 and 2022, so Tres Dias is looking for a new retreat location. There are lots of variables during these times. Preparations for future weekends are ongoing. Mid-Hudson Vida Nueva 2021 weekends (High School aged youth retreat): Mid-Hudson Vida Nueva currently does not have weekends scheduled. The Mid-Hudson Vida Nueva Coun- cil, however, is meeting monthly. If anyone has any questions, please contact Doug Archer, Charlotte Garrison, and Scott Snow. Updates will be posted on the church website under Discipleship – Retreats. Remembering and Celebrating the Life of Bernie Neufville Dear HRC Family! It was lovely seeing you again with In the Spring of 2020, we said good-bye our recent visit to New York! We to Bernie Neufville. His wife, Joyce has enjoyed worshipping together and shared a link to a video celebrating his catching up with those we were able life. There are memories from his family to see while there. and friends. It is a beautiful tribute to a much loved member of our congregation. Thank you for all you support and Please copy and paste this link into your generous gifts at the table after the computer’s browser and enjoy! service. Your support helps to make disciples who make disciples in Af- rica and beyond. https://drive.google.com/file/ We love and appreciate you! d/1xREczv817TERQXb1fxQT5FfOmFs LZVtp/view?usp=sharing With love and blessings, Warren & Lynette Jee
12 Hopewell Reformed Church 143 Beekman Road Hopewell Jct NY 12533 Phone: 845-221-9542 Fax: 845-227-1908 E-mail: hrchurch@hrcrca.org We’re on the Web! HrcRca.org
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