13 30 APRIL 2020 To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund

Page created by Hector Hamilton
13 30 APRIL 2020 To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund

                   13 – 30
                                pray for the
                                To help you

                   APRIL 2020
                                               BARNABAS FUND - AID AGENCY FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH

                                               BRINGING HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS
13 30 APRIL 2020 To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
April 2020 2

               Thank you for praying for the persecuted      From 13 to 30 April, prayer points then
               Church. For March and April 2020 we are       continue in this issue of Barnabas
               providing suggested prayer points in two      Prayer. Please use Barnabas Prayer in
               different ways.                               conjunction with the Praying for the
                                                             Persecuted Church booklet. You can
               From 1 March to 12 April (Easter Sunday)      follow our recommendations on page 53
               you can use the newly revised and             of the booklet for dates from 1 March to
               updated 2020 edition of the Praying for the   12 April (Easter Day), then switch to using
               Persecuted Church booklet to guide you        this Barnabas Prayer to guide you in your
               in your prayers for persecuted Christians     prayers for the suffering Church from 13
               around the world. The booklet, enclosed       April onwards.
               with this issue of Barnabas Aid, gives
               detailed information on 39 countries          If you don’t have a Praying for the
               where Christians are facing pressure and      Persecuted Church booklet, or would like
               persecution and prayer points highlighting    additional copies, please get in touch
               their needs. On Page 53 of the booklet,       with your local Barnabas Fund office (see
               a schedule is provided of how to use the      back page for contact details) or visit our
               booklet in your daily intercessions for       website: barnabasfund.org/shop
               countries where Christians are persecuted.
13 30 APRIL 2020 To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
Thank you for your prayers for our              early December, which left seven
persecuted brothers and sisters in              Christians dead and 21 kidnapped.
Christ, which make such a difference to         Remembering that the psalmist said,
them. We sometimes have to change or            “My tears have been my food day and
omit their names for security reasons,          night,” pray that our brothers and
and we have only limited space to share         sisters in this part of Cameroon will
their stories. But the Lord knows the           be wonderfully enabled to hope in
people and places we are praying about.         God and praise Him as their Saviour
Please do not feel limited by the specific      (Psalm 42:3,5).
prayer requests, but pray as you feel led.
On each Sunday we have provided a set           TUESDAY 14 On 26 December 2019,
prayer; please feel free to use these in        Islamic State in West Africa Province
their current form, to adapt them as you        (ISWAP) posted video footage of its
prefer, or to use the information they          militants beheading ten Christian
contain to frame your own prayers.              men and shooting dead an eleventh.
                                                The killings are believed to have
                                                taken place on Christmas Day and
April                                           the martyrs to have been abducted
                                                from Borno State. ISWAP claimed the
MONDAY 13 “Helpless before the                  Christian deaths were to avenge the
terrorists, the people had only their           killing of its leader and his spokesman

                                                                                              April 2020 3
eyes to cry.” These were the words              in US military actions in Syria in
of a Barnabas contact, as he tried to           October. Pray to Him who is able
explain the terrible distress and utter         to do immeasurably more than all
destitution of Cameroonian Christians           we ask or imagine for an end to the
who had fled for their lives, leaving           violence against Christians in Nigeria
behind everything they owned, when              (Ephesians 3:20).
Boko Haram militants attacked
Zangola village on 2 December 2019.             WEDNESDAY 15 Nigerian pastor Lawan
This was just one of a spate of similar         Andimi was a target of Boko Haram
attacks in Cameroon’s Far North in              for years. A convert from Islam

It is believed that the martyrdom of these eleven Nigerian Christians occurred on Christmas
Day 2019
13 30 APRIL 2020 To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
himself, he led many other Muslims            FRIDAY 17 The small West African
               to Christ, including his father-in-law        country of The Gambia is 85-90%
               who was a famous mallam (Quranic              Muslim. In the last three years
               scholar). Pastor Andimi survived              the state has favoured Islam over
               attempts on his life in 2015, 2016            Christianity in many ways, including
               and 2017. Finally, he was seized by           building 60 mosques but no churches,
               Boko Haram on 2 January 2020.                 paying Islamic scholars but not
               After demanding an impossibly                 Christian scholars, and preferential
               large ransom, they killed him on 20           treatment of Islam on the public
               January. In a video released by Boko          TV station. Not a single Christian
               Haram on 5 January he urged loved             has been nominated to the National
               ones to “thank God for everything”            Assembly. In the last two decades,
               and affirmed that we are all in the           Christian schools have suffered
               hands of God whatever happens to us.          much interference, such as forcing
               He recognised that it could be God’s          them to have Quranic teachers and
               will that he did not see his family again     to introduce the wearing of the hijab.
               (in this life). Pray that his inspirational   Government scholarships favour
               message from captivity will encourage         Muslim young people and neglect
               other Nigerian Christians facing              Christian young people. All this
               violence and console his widow and            the Christians “have borne without
               seven children.                               much noise” but now are determined
April 2020 4

                                                             to speak out for their rights. As
               THURSDAY 16 Thirteen Nigerian                 anti-Christian discrimination and
               Christian young men died (nine                marginalisation increase, pray that
               of them the breadwinners of their             our brothers and sisters will be shrewd
               families) on 11 January when                  as snakes and innocent as doves
               armed Fulanis attacked a Christian            (Matthew 10:16).
               community in Mangu Local
               Government Area, Plateau State.               SATURDAY 18 A Constitutional Review
               Christians learned that the Fulanis           Process has begun in The Gambia.
               had earlier vowed to seize all the            The first draft of the proposed new
               cows of the Christians in the area,           constitution has caused much concern
               saying that no “infidel” (meaning             amongst the country’s Christian
               “Christian”) has the right to own             minority (9%), for example omitting
               cattle. Pray for those who mourn,             to specify that it is a secular state.
               especially for the young widows and           This is of vital importance, given that
               little children of the nine married           a former president had declared the
               men. Some of the remaining                    country to be an Islamic state and
               Christians fled, while others have            since then the issue of whether it is an
               stayed but dare not go to their               Islamic republic or a secular republic
               farmland as militant Fulanis typically        has gone to and fro, with various
               do a follow-up attack. Either way, they       official name changes. Christians are
               have lost their means of livelihood.          also very concerned that the draft
               Please pray that the Lord will provide        constitution considerably strengthens
               for them.                                     the position of sharia. Pray that their
voice will be heeded and that the new         State, Myanmar (Burma) by the United
constitution will be fair, not enshrining     Wa State Army which controls the
in law the de facto discrimination that       Wa Special Region, bordering China.
Christians already face.                      Local church leaders had pleaded
                                              for prayer when the China-backed,
SUNDAY 19 O risen Christ, we ask for          communist-influenced separatist group
Your resurrection power to be poured          closed more than 100 churches in
out on Your faithful followers in North       2018, demolishing some. At least 200
Korea. We praise You for their courage        Christian leaders and workers were
and perseverance in the hardest and           detained for a while. A Bible school was
harshest of situations for Christian          also shut down and 41 students forced
believers in the whole world. Help us         into hard labour as military porters.
to learn from their example. Give us          Pray that the few Christian properties
grace to cling to You and not to waver,       still closed will be reopened.
no matter what we may have to endure
and suffer. May we cheerfully deny
ourselves, willingly take up whatever
kind of cross is given to us, and follow
You with faith, hope and love, to the
glory of Your Name. (Matthew 16:24)

                                                                                             April 2020 5
MONDAY 20 Authorities in five of
China’s provinces warned the unofficial
Protestant “housechurches” in
December not to hold public gatherings
to celebrate Christmas. This was
followed on 1 February 2020 by the
implementation of new “Administrative
Measures for Religious Groups”
which mean that every aspect of daily       Rohingya Christian families fled their homes,
activities of religious groups must         taking refuge at administrative offices in the
now be approved by the government.          camp, when their community was violently
Article 17 demands that “religious          attacked by Rohingya Muslim extremists
organizations must spread the
principles and policies of the Chinese        WEDNESDAY 22 Late January saw a
Communist Party.” Pray that Christians        huge upsurge of violence against the
in China will not lose heart and remain       Rohingya Christians who live as a
steadfast in their faith under increasing     tiny minority within a community
pressure from the authorities, knowing        of about three-quarters of a million
they are being renewed day by day             Rohingya Muslim refugees who fled
(2 Corinthians 4:16).                         ill-treatment in Myanmar and now
                                              live in camps in Bangladesh. At least
TUESDAY 21 Praise God for answered            eight Christians had to be hospitalised
prayer as more than 50 church                 and many of their homes and a church
buildings have been reopened in Shan          building were damaged. “Oh Lord,
please forgive our persecutors!” posted    SATURDAY 25 When Egyptian President
               the Rohingya church on Facebook,           al-Sisi, a Muslim, attended a Christmas
               and quoted Acts 7:54-60. Pray that the     church service in Cairo, he said,
               large moderate majority of Rohingya        “If we love God, we must love each
               Muslims will reject the violence of        other.” Thank the Prince of Peace for
               the small extremist group that is          President al-Sisi’s unwavering support
               responsible for the attacks. Ask that      and affirmation of Egypt’s Christian
               the Bangladeshi authorities will exert     minority. Pray that his attitude will
               themselves to protect these very           become the norm amongst Egyptian
               vulnerable Christians.                     Muslims. Praise God too for another 90
                                                          churches and church-affiliated buildings
               THURSDAY 23 Tomorrow is the first          being granted licences on 31 December.
               day of the Islamic fasting month
               of Ramadan. During this period,
               Muslims are often more committed in
               their religious practices, which they
               believe will earn them more merit
               if done in Ramadan than if done in
               other months. For extremists this
               can mean they are more active in
               attacking non-Muslims, which they
April 2020 6

               think is pleasing to Allah. Ask the
               Lord to protect Christians and other
               vulnerable minorities in Muslim-
               majority countries over the next
               30 days.

               FRIDAY 24 Roar Fløttum is a Christian
               street preacher in Norway. One day four
               Muslim men asked him to come with
               them to pray for an injured friend they
               claimed to have. They pushed Roar
               down a flight of stairs, beat his head,    Barnabas helps support vulnerable Egyptian
               took his bank cards and tried to force     Christian women
               him to recite Arabic words – probably
               the Islamic creed – demanding at           SUNDAY 26 O Lord Jesus, we praise
               knifepoint that he “convert to Islam or    and thank you for the growth of Your
               die”. Roar is determined to continue his   Church in Nepal. Please strengthen
               evangelistic and healing ministry on       the faith of our Nepalese brothers
               the streets of Trondheim. Pray that the    and sisters, so vulnerable to being
               Lord will use him in a mighty way. Pray    arrested and punished, just for
               also that many of Norwegian’s Muslim       speaking of their love for You. As
               population (estimated at 5.7% in           they face the current legal situation in
               2016) will have a personal encounter       Nepal, fill them with the wisdom from
               with Christ.                               above that Your Word promises to
all believers who ask. May the trials         surveillance powers. Ask that the Holy
they face produce perseverance and            Spirit will give Russian Christians the
maturity, especially for the many who         right words to say in every situation
have only recently made the decision          (Luke 12:11-12).
to follow You. (James 1:3-5)
                                              WEDNESDAY 29 “Apart from God we are
MONDAY 27 The United Christian                on our own,” wrote a church leader in
Forum (UCF), a nationwide Indian              north-east Kenya to Barnabas Fund,
organisation, recorded 17 incidents of        after more Christian schoolteachers
harassment affecting 69 Christians, in        in Garissa county were attacked by Al
the first 19 days of 2020. The incidents      Shabaab terrorists on 13 January. Caleb
occurred in nine Indian states, and were      (28), Titus (29) and Samwel (29) died.
mostly mob threats and intimidation,          Joshua (30) was wounded and Robert
but also included one physical assault,       (53) escaped, climbed a tree, and was
one incident of damage to church              not spotted by the gunmen. “We mourn
property, and the arrest of one pastor.       in grief for our departed brothers …”
All were reported to the UCF Helpline,        said the message, “We contemplate
meaning that there are likely to have         what future may be ours. May God
been more anti-Christian incidents            make us more aware of His presence
during this short period, some not being      with us.” Pray that Christians in north-
reported to UCF. Remembering that our         east Kenya may feel Christ’s peace

                                                                                         April 2020 7
heavenly Father sees and knows it all,        that passes understanding, and know
pray for His protection of His people in      themselves to be in His loving hands,
India, where the Church is growing fast,      whether they live or die.
but so is persecution and oppression.
                                              THURSDAY 30 Earlier in January, Al
TUESDAY 28 “Almost every Sunday a             Shabaab, intending to kill Christian
police squad interrupts our services          teachers, had accidentally shot dead
… Sometimes, local authorities dress          four Muslim children who were
up like civilians and knock on our            staying in teachers’ accommodation
door, asking to be let in so they can         at their boarding school. On realising
‘pray’. If we don’t let them in, they film    their mistake, the terrorists went in
us turning them away and then use             to bandage other Muslim pupils they
the footage against us. And if we do          had wounded. Pray that the Lord will
let them in, then they take pictures          take from the terrorists’ hearts their
inside the church to identify ways that       great hatred of Christians. Recalling
we are violating the ‘Yarovaya Law’.          Isaiah 35, Kenyan Christians in the area
We have had to pay several fines for          requested of Barnabas Fund: “Please
‘illegal missionary activity’.” This is the   pray with us: Strengthen the weary
experience of a pastor of a Protestant        hands: make firm the feeble knees.
congregation of about 50 people in            Say to the anxious: Be strong, fear not,
Moscow. The Russian 2016 legislation          your God is coming with judgment:
known as the “Yarovaya Law” gives             coming with judgment to save you. The
harsh penalties for vague offences            ransomed of the Lord shall return, and
and allows the authorities sweeping           sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
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                      Published by Barnabas Aid
                      1934 Old Gallows Road Suite 350, Vienna, VA 22182, USA
© Barnabas Aid 2020
                      Front Cover: South Sudanese refugee boy in Uganda with his goat, a
                      precious source of income, given by Barnabas Fund
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