In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock

Page created by June Brooks
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
FBCRR        In                                          JULY, 2021


                First Baptist Church Round Rock
        306 Round Rock Avenue ~ Round Rock, TX ~ 78664
                 512-255-3454 ~
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
A WORD FROM DUSTIN                                                                          Page 2
                                           As I write this, I am at South Padre Island with 25 students plus
                                     adults, finishing up our arrival day to Camp Generate youth camp. I’m
                                     certain it will be a life-changing trip for many of these students. I’m
                                     quickly realizing how great our youth volunteers are and how blessed we
                                     are by Tim & Jenni Darst, and Chrissy Thurman, and her family!! These
                                     staff families invest well in our students, and I hope you will tell them
                                     how appreciative you are that they are working, serving diligently to raise
                                     up the next generation of church leaders!
                                           Last week, I attended the Southern Baptist Annual Meeting in
                                     Nashville, TN. I shared with you on Sunday how I felt the almost
                                     16,000 messengers left the meeting largely unified on most issues, and
completely unified on the unique biblical beliefs we hold dear. There has always been back and forth on
tertiary issues, but we are committed to the essentials.
        As a group, we enthusiastically adopted Vision 2025, a call for us to “Reach every person for Jesus
Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation.” This Great Commission driven vision has six
goals to help direct us:
 1. Increase our total number of full-time, fully funded missionaries by a net-gain of 500.
 2. Add 5,000 new churches to the SBC through church planting and multi-site.
 3. Emphasize “calling out the called” in our churches in order to train and send new workers into the
 4. Turn around the decline in salvation and baptisms in those under 18 years of age.
 5. Increase our annual giving to surpass $500 million given through the Cooperative Program for Gospel
 6. Prayerfully endeavor before God to eliminate all instances of sex abuse and racial discrimination among
our churches.
        I am excited about these six goals because they help direct us towards reaching our world for
Christ! I am also excited about First Baptist Round Rock’s part in seeing this vision take place. As we begin
analyzing the information from the Church Health Survey (Thank you who have taken it so far! If you
haven’t yet, you can find a QR code on page 14 where you can scan and take the survey.) we will be able to
prayerfully develop our own set of goals as we boldly and confidently look toward our future together.
        I am excited about what God has in store for this incredible church!
Expecting God’s “More,”
Pastor Dustin
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
A Note From Kirk...                                                            Page 3
Well...summer is here! As I’m writing, it’s actually the first day of summer. The students
left for summer camp, the children just got back from preteen camp, and VBS planning
is narrowing to a start date of July 18th. God is at work in the life of the church. I love
to watch as he moves in the lives of so many during the summer. I’m sure we will see
baptisms in the near future! Speaking of you remember the day you were
baptized? I was 12 years old when I accepted the Lord and was baptized. Wow...that was
43 years ago. I remember the water was warm and the weight of the white robe made me
feel...well, special. I also remember baptizing my children. What an incredible experience!
Probably the most memorable part of each of my children’s baptisms was when they came
up out of the waters. Each one of them flew into my arms for the most unforgettable
hug ever. Joy was literally flowing through their little body as I carried them out of the
water. Take a moment and think about the day you were baptized. Thank God for the
reminder today that you have been crucified with Christ, and are now living a resurrected
life in Him through His sacrifice on the cross for you. He was raised from the dead and lives
today so you can have a life with Him for eternity. I also realize you may be reading this
and have not had the experience of baptism. You know him as Lord, but have not taken
that first step toward obedience. There is no time like the present to step into the waters of
baptism. Reach out to one of the staff members, or call the church office and ask to speak
with Lori. We will be glad to get you on the schedule in the months ahead.
Come on in...the water is fine…

 Kirk and Kie Wooldridge                                 Bo and Olivia Faulkner

                 Kirk Wooldridge                               Lori Hatfield
                 Associate Pastor                              Administrative Assistant
                 512.255.3454                                  512.255.3454
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
WORSHIP MINISTRY                                                                   Page 4

A       From Bo:
Church Family,

                                                             Adult Choir
Summer is here and ministries typically look
a little different for a couple of months. VBS,
camps, and fellowships fill the calendar for
our preschool, children, and youth ministries.
Remember to pray for them. This is when so           Wednesday night rehearsals,
many give their lives to Christ! What an exciting     6:30 PM in the Choir Loft
time for our age group ministries.
Normally choir takes a break in the month of               Sing Sundays in our
July, but we’re going to continue rehearsing on              8:30 AM Service
Wednesday evenings and singing on Sundays
this year. Would you consider joining us? We’d
love to have you!
                                                     “Sing praises to the Lord, O you
                                                    His saints, and give thanks to His
                                                         holy name.” Psalm 30:4

Looking Forward to Fall:                             Orchestra and Adult Handbells
                                                       Play in our Worship Orchestra or
Children’s Choirs Kick-Off - Sunday, August                  Adult Handbell Choir.
22nd                                                Handbells will play occasionally on Sundays.
  *For children, age 3 by 9/1/21 through                Rehearsals will begin in September.
  those in 6th grade                                   Orchestra is contacted for rehearsals
                                                            and will play as scheduled.
Adult Choir Kick-Off ~ Wednesday, August             Contact Bo or Denise to be included.
  *For anyone, college age and up

Watch for more news about these and more

                       Bo Faulkner                                     Denise Chesser
                       Worship Pastor                                  Music Associate
                       512.255.3454                                    512.255.3454
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
Larry's Lines...                                                                             Page 5
                          The Importance of Making Disciples

                          This brief article is the third in a summer series on discipleship. Last month I focused on
                          the importance of fellowship because discipleship builds on relationships. Few would argue
                          the importance of a focus on discipleship, we only need look at the great commission
                          statements of Christ, the most well-known being Matthew 28:16-20 - the call to the task to
                          share the gospel message and instruct new believers to know and follow Christ. Certainly
                          not an easy task, but something Christ instructed to the original 11 disciples and that carries
                          forward to believers today.

    Before I share a thought or two on discipleship, let me share what discipleship is not. This list comes from 7 Lies
    About Discipleship and What To Do About Them, by Dennis Garcia, Facts and, 2019

•    Busyness Equals Godliness
•    Serving is Optional
•    Knowledge Equals Discipleship
•    Accountability is Legalism
•    Worship is an Experience
•    Talking about Giving is Taboo
•    Only Super-Christians Share the Gospel

    Mr. Garcia defines discipleship as “the practice of training or developing a disciple (pupil, learner, student) in
    the ways of a particular teacher or system.” Garcia, and I agree, makes the case that every church is a disciple-
    making church. The question becomes one of effectiveness and the measure of effectiveness has to be more
    than just an attendance number, program mix or budget level.

    What if an effective disciple-making church involved every member on a clearly defined path? Maybe a
    path of personal discovery, growth and replication leading all members to become equipped to engage the
    community and beyond with the love of Christ.

    What if the journey started with every new believer having a faith mentor, maybe a close friend who shared
    Christ with them? What would our church look like if that faith mentor would introduce new believers to a Bible
    Study Group that would provide both Bible Study and fellowship connections? Then with the aid of a mentor
    and Bible Study Group, that new believer became involved in a small accountability group and was invited to
    begin exploring opportunities for service and mission involvement.

    Then, what if our church provided additional discipleship opportunities to learn effective practices and life skills
    that could answer Biblical questions about sharing faith, managing resources, parenting effectively, leadership,
    etc.? And then tailor those discipleship experiences based upon perceived needs and opportunities.

    Finally, what if there was an expectation that every believer would one day become a faith mentor? I do
    wonder. Maybe the process of growth begins with the seasoned saints of all ages who are willing to lead, share
    and mentor.

    Certainly something to pray about.

In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
ADULT MINISTRY                              Page 6

           Larry Stehr          Karen Hierholzer
           Minister to Adults   Ministry Assistant
           512.255.3454         512.255.3454
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
PRESCHOOL MINISTRY                                                       Page 8
                                    We don’t want trusting God to be hard for our
                                    preschoolers. God has done so much to show us that
                                    we can trust Him. That is why we are going to continue
                                    teaching our preschoolers that they can Press Play
                                    and trust God with everything. The music, the dancing,
                                    and the instruments continue this month. And, most
                                    importantly, we have more true stories from the Bible of
                                    people who show us why we can trust God. We want
                                    preschoolers to trust that God is always with them. We
                                    want them to look to Jesus so He can show them they
                                    can trust God. We want them to put on the armor of God
                                    and trust Him to use it to make them strong. And, we
                                    want them to trust that nothing can ever separate them
                                    from God’s love. It is our prayer that they will always
                                    remember all of the reasons why they can trust God.

       Tracey Mayo             Nicole Estrada                          Chrissy Thurman
       Minister to Preschool   Children/Preschool                      FSLC Assistant Director
       512.255.3454            Administrative Assistant                512.255.3454         512.255.3454                  
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY                                                                  Page 9
A Note from Melva...
SUMMER has been a BLAST so far! Can’t wait for July! My husband,
Clark, has made a couple of water bottle rocket launchers for Science
with Erick at Kidz Kamp! The kids will design their very own rockets…
then…AAAAHHH!….as the rocket launches above us the water splashes
all over us below! What a Blast!
Have you ever been to Israel? We’ll take a trip together traveling to Israel
on an archaeological DIG during Vacation Bible School! Heading first to
Bethlehem (where Jesus was born), then to Siloam’s Pool (where Jesus
healed a blind man’s eyes). Next stop, Jerusalem’s Kidron Valley and the
path to Gethsemane (where Jesus was betrayed and rejected), then to
a rolling tomb stone (Jesus rose from the grave and appeared to several
people). Last stop, Samaria, a road to Gaza (where Philip reads from
Dead Sea Scrolls). It’s going to be a trip of a lifetime and we’ll discover
along the way the story of JESUS! Don’t miss it! Get it on your calendar;
come hang out with us! We missed being together last year; that makes            Science with Erick
this year much MORE SPECIAL!
                                                                                   Making Bottle
I want to hear from you; what’s your favorite place in Israel? Get back
to me; let’s talk and learn from each other about these amazing places           Rockets to Launch.
that we read about in the Bible!
See you there!
Ms. Melva

                                                                    Qumram Caves
                                 Marc & Barbara
                                  in Gethsemane                   Sea of Galilee
                              at very old Olive Tree

Mark & Rachelle
at Empty Tomb                                                        in Israel
  in Jerusalem

              Melva Shubert                                           Nicole Estrada
              Minister to Children                                    Children/Preschool
              512.255.3454                                            Administrative Assistant
In The FBCRR - First Baptist Church of Round Rock
Page 10
Page 11

 Church family! Here is your opportunity to help ensure a fantastic vacation
bible school 2021 by donating needed items. Just drop the items off at
                             the church office.

                               Vbs props:
                        Tan canvas drop cloths
                         Big sytrofoam blocks
                               Clay pots
                             Burlap sacks
                             Rustic crates
            Props that would go with an archaeology theme
                 Small and medium size amazon boxes
                           Paper towel tubes

                  Food items (needed by july 14th):
       Monetary donations for chick-fil-a night and pizza night
                              Hot dogs
                            Hot dog buns
STUDENT MINISTRY                                                                                                   Page 12
  A Word From Tim:
 “And when Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “put out into the deep and let down your
Nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But as at your
  word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish,
  and their nets were breaking. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help
them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw
 it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, oh Lord” and Jesus
 said to him, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” And when they had brought
               their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. Luke 5: 4-8, 10-11              Summer Bible Study
I have thoroughly enjoyed so many of the events we have done this summer with our students. One
   of my favorite times, however, has been going through The Chosen series with them and asking
  pointed questions to stir up discussion. In Luke 5, leaving everything behind was quite literal for
 Simon and the rest of the disciples; their livelihoods were one-hundred percent dependent on their
boats and fishing gear, not to mention their time on the water. But when Simon Peter realized Jesus
  was the promised Messiah, he fell to his knees quickly in a manner of unworthiness and acknowl-
   edgement of Jesus’ holiness. Any previously held notion of control disappeared, and in its place
were respect and a desire to serve the One who was actually in control. And then Simon did the only              Please Join Us!
logical thing...he surrendered and called Jesus Lord. I love the beauty of the realization that faith in    Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
         Jesus is free. Jesus gives hope and life. However, following Him costs us everything.                  As we watch the
                                                                                                             videos of The Chosen
                                                                                                           and dig deeper with small
 I want to ask that you continue to pray for our students as we enjoy the summer, but dig deeper             group discussions and
into scripture and understanding our faith. Pray that God would continue to give specific direction          walk through the Bible
for the decisions they have to make and for the way they need to go. Pray for humility and resolve                   Study.
                                      to keep following Him.
                                             Tim Darst

Be sure to follow us at
 Sunday Night After Church
                                                                                                              Dogs at the Diamond!
                SNAC                                            Thursday, July 1st
                                                                                                              Baseball & $1 Hotdogs
        Sunday, July 11th                                            1-3PM
             6-9PM                                             Smash Brother Toury                           (More Details to Come)
           FLC - Gym
  Come out for a great evening
                                                               Student Game Room                             Monday, July 12th
 of games & fellowship together.                                                                                7:05pm Game time

                     Tim Darst                                                                                   Chrissy Thurman
                                                                           Ashley Grafe
                     Minister to Students                                                                        Ministry Assistant
                                                                           Student Intern
                     512.255.3454                                                                                512.255.3454
FINANCE/ADMINISTRATIVE                                                                                   Page 13
Worship Through Giving
                                  5/31/2021        6/6/2021      6/13/2021      6/20/2021             Year to Date
Giving Needed                      $40,566.00       $40,566.00    $40,566.00       $40,566.00                $486,792.00
Giving Received                    $62,041.37       $52,130.58    $29,964.27       $31,571.28                $502,954.56
Giving Over (Under)                $21,475.37       $11,564.58   $(10,601.73)     $(8,994.72)                  $16,162.56
                                                                                                     Project to Date

Legacy Renewal Campaign               $435.00        $1,380.00     $1,425.00        $2,160.00              $1,584,001.17

                                                                                            Since Note Consolidation on
                                                                                            11/27/2018, we have reduced
                                                                                            principal by $1,131,830 and
                                                                                            we have paid down 66% of
                                                                                            the original note. We are
                                                                                            55 months ahead of straight
                                                                                            amorization! All current
                                                                                            Legacy giving is applied as
                                                                                            extra principal toward the
                                                                                            note balance.

A Note from Bob...             JULY already! Our fiscal year has started off with a bang as we begin our
                               recovery from COVID-19, closing the books on our first quarter of Financial

Our Consolidated Loan balance at the end of May was $586,169.00; below $600K … and we are now 55
months ahead of a straight amortization schedule. It just keeps getting better and better as God blesses us
and you remain faithful to His calling.

Programs are beginning to restart and we’ve accomplished the following:
• Ministerial staff retreat at Camp Tejas,
• Added 2 portable check-in stations for Bible Study,
• Men’s Breakfast and Summer Literature order,
• Graduating Senior recognition,
• Replacement of faucets in Building D.

And, in addition, there’s money for replacement of landscaping which was severely damaged in our final
blast of winter. We also have funds for needed HVAC replacement as summer falls closely on its heels as
well as for Camps and VBS which have begun and will continue to happen this year. Attendance in both our
worship services and Bible Study continues to grow; rapidly approaching pre-COVID values.

As we gradually return to our pre-COVID lifestyles, let’s not forget to be thankful for all God has given us as
He has brought us to this point. God truly is good … ALL THE TIME!!

                          Bob Hawkins                                                        Judy Adams
                          Business Administrator                                             Financial Administrator
                          512.255.3454                                                       512.255.3454
MEMBERS NEWS                                                               Page 14
                                                              July Staff Anniversaries
     In-Person                       Bible Study
       Totals                        In Person &                               Nicole Estrada
  5/30        194*                  On-line Totals                         Administrative Assistant
  6/6         406                  5/30        281                                7/8/2019
  6/13        185*                 6/6         403                                 2 Years
  6/20        385                  6/13       330
                                   6/20       328                                Larry Stehr
 *8:30 worship attendance
info unavailable                                                           Minister of Discipleship
                                                                                   9 Years

                Rachelle Baker                       Marc Alarcon                    Buddy Hierholzer
                Receptionist                         Facilities Director             Facilities Technician
                512.255.3454                         512.255.3454                    512.255.3454
Fixed Sunday Morning Schedule                             Page 15
9:45    Adult Bible Study                                                        In-Person
8:30    Choir Led Worship Services                                               In-Person & Online
11:00   Contemporary Worship Services                                            In-Person & Online
            Start Date     Start Time    Title                                   Buildings/Rooms

    THUR       7/1/2021    7:00 PM      Celebrate Recovery                     FLC
    THUR       7/1/2021   6:00 AM       Kids Camp                              FLC: Gym
    THUR       7/1/2021    7:00 PM      Salt and Light                         FLC: D270
    THUR       7/1/2021    1:00 PM      SM Smash Brothers Tourny               FLC: Assembly Area
    THUR       7/1/2021    6:30 PM      WM Women of the Bible Summer Edition   FLC: Assembly Area
      FRI      7/2/2021   6:00 AM       Kids Camp                              FLC: Gym
    MON        7/5/2021    7:00 PM      714 Prayer Group                       Lane House
    MON        7/5/2021   8:30 AM       Pre-K Camp                             FLC: PreSchool Hall
    TUES       7/6/2021   8:30 AM       Pre-K Camp                             FLC: PreSchool Hall
    TUES       7/7/2021   8:30 AM       Pre-K Camp                             FLC: PreSchool Hall
    WED        7/7/2021    6:30 PM      Science with Erick                     FLC: B Hall
    WED        7/7/2021    6:30 PM      SM Summer Bible Study                  FLC: Assembly Area
    WED        7/7/2021    6:00 PM      Sunday Worship Band Rehearsal          Worship Center
    THUR       7/8/2021    7:00 PM      Celebrate Recovery                     FLC
    THUR       7/8/2021   8:30 AM       Pre-K Camp                             FLC: PreSchool Hall
    THUR       7/8/2021    7:00 PM      Salt and Light                         FLC: D270
      FRI      7/9/2021   9:00 AM       SM Froth & Food                        Off site
     SUN      7/11/2021   12:00 PM      Singles Luncheon Fellowship            Lane House: Lane House
     SUN      7/11/2021   9:30 AM       SM Birthday Bash                       FLC: Assembly Area
     SUN      7/11/2021    6:00 PM      SM SNAC                                Gym
     SUN      7/11/2021    5:00 PM      SM SNL                                 FLC: Parlor
     SUN      7/11/2021    4:00 PM      VBS Clinic                             FLC: Assembly Area
     SUN      7/11/2021   12:00 PM      VBS decorating                         FLC: B Hall & Preschool Hall
    MON       7/12/2021   7:00 PM       714 Prayer Group                       Lane House
    MON       7/12/2021   6:30 PM       SM - Dogs at Dell Diamond              Dell Diamond
    WED       7/14/2021   6:30 PM       SM Summer Bible Study                  FLC: Assembly Area
    WED       7/14/2021   6:00 PM       Sunday Worship Band Rehearsal          Worship Center
    THUR      7/15/2021   7:00 PM       Celebrate Recovery                     Lane House
    THUR      7/15/2021   6:00 PM       Gideons                                FLC: Parlor
    THUR      7/15/2021   7:00 PM       Salt and Light                         FLC: D270
    THUR      7/15/2021   6:30 PM       WM Women of the Bible Summer Edition   FLC: Assembly Area
      FRI     7/16/2021   6:00 PM       SM Nacho Night                         FLC: Assembly Area
     SUN      7/18/2021   6:00 PM       VBS                                    Campus Wide
    MON       7/19/2021   7:00 PM       714 Prayer Group                       Lane House
    MON       7/19/2021   6:00 PM       VBS                                    Campus Wide
    TUES      7/20/2021   6:00 PM       VBS                                    Campus Wide
    WED       7/21/2021   6:00 PM       VBS                                    Campus Wide
    THUR      7/22/2021   7:00 PM       Celebrate Recovery                     Lane House
Start Date   Start Time   Title                                  Buildings/Rooms
  FRI    7/22/2021    6:00 PM     VBS                                    Campus Wide
 SUN     7/25/2021    6:00 PM     Quarterly Church Conference            Worship Center
 SUN     7/25/2021    5:00 PM     SM SNL                                 FLC: Assembly Area
MON      7/26/2021    7:00 PM     714 Prayer Group                       Lane House
MON      7/26/2021    1:00 PM     SM Mario Cart Tournament               FLC: Assembly Area
WED      7/28/2021    6:30 PM     Science with Erick                     FLC: B Hall
WED      7/28/2021    6:30 PM     SM Summer Bible Study                  FLC: Assembly Area
WED      7/28/2021    6:00 PM     Sunday Worship Band Rehearsal          Worship Center
THUR     7/29/2021    7:00 PM     Celebrate Recovery                     FLC
THUR     7/29/2021    7:00 PM     Salt and Light                         FLC: D270
THUR     7/29/2021    6:30 PM     WM Women of the Bible Summer Edition   FLC: Assembly Area

                     The Church office will closed Monday, July 5th in
                          observance of the 4th of July holiday.
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