JULY 25, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Page created by Kimberly Campbell
JULY 25, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
JULY 25, 2021
JULY 25, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
OUR LADY OF LOURDES, CINCINNATI, OH                                                                           JULY 25, 2021

                                                                       Our Lady of Lourdes Parish strives to be a welcoming
                    GENERAL INFORMATION                                community of missionary disciples who proclaim the good
                                                                       news of Jesus Christ, inviting all people to embrace a
Parish Office:                   3450 Lumardo Ave. 45238               deeper relationship with Christ and to find a home in the
Parish Telephone:                (513) 922-0715                        Catholic Church.

Parish Office Hours: 8:00 am-4:00 pm                                          OUR LADY OF LOURDES MISSION
Email:                           parish@lourdes.org                    Our Lady of Lourdes Parish commits itself to following the
                                                                       example of our patroness the Blessed Virgin Mary by…
Website:                         http://www.lourdes.org
                                                                       … celebrating our faith together in prayer and worship,
Facebook Page:                   Our Lady of Lourdes Church
                                                                       … giving our personal witness to Christ,
                                 & Our Lady of Lourdes School
                                                                       … offering mutual support,
My Parish App:                   Our Lady of Lourdes                   … growing in community,
Instagram:                       OLL Tigers                            … serving our neighbors, and
YouTube:                         Our Lady of Lourdes, Cincinnati       … providing faith formation for
      _______________________________________                             children, youth, and adults.

                                                                       If you are moving into the parish, welcome to our
                              MASS TIMES
                   Saturday: 4:00 pm
                                                                       parish family! Call the office at 922-0715 for a parish
                   Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am                             registration form or go to our website
      Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 am                     www.lourdes.org.
       Holy Days of Obligation: 8:30 am & 5:30 pm
                                                                                       ABOUT OUR PARISH
                    EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                              INFANT BAPTISMS
                     Saturdays Noon-3:30 pm                            Please contact the Parish Office. We request that
                                                                       you contact us 3 months in advance for infant bap-
          SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                  tisms.
        Saturdays 2:00-3:30 pm and by appointment
                                                                       Please contact the Parish Office. We request that
 In case of emergency, death or serious illness,                       you contact us 8 months in advance of wedding
             please call 513-608-0201                                  date.

                                                                       HOSPITAL/NURSING HOME NOTIFICATION
Fr. Len Wenke, Pastor                                                  If you are going to the hospital or nursing home,
                                                                       please notify the office.
Fr. Ryan Ruiz, Weekend Associate
Deacon Thomas Westerfield, Senior Status                               PRAYER CHAIN
                                                                       Please call the parish office If you wish to place
Ed Bayliss, Parish Administrator                                       yourself or someone else on the prayer list.
Erin Dwyer, Pastoral Associate
                                                                       ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
Keith Minnery, Music Ministry Coordinator                              Food pantry is open monthly: 1st Wednesday
Heather Bessler, Principal                                             3-4 pm, 3rd and 4th Saturday 10:00-11:00 am.
                                                                       Please call (513) 922-0715 ext. 3702 for assistance.
Kristina Krimm, Dir. of Religious Education

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JULY 25, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

           Jesus takes the little that is offered to
           him in today’s Gospel; he gives thanks      SUNDAY, JULY 25Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary
to God and feeds five thousand people. This is                                                   Time
the only miracle story that is told in all four of
the Gospels. A miracle in St. John’s Gospel is a       8:30 a.m.  Barb James; Renie O’Conner;
“sign.” It points to something beyond itself, to                  Carol E. & Andrew C. Meyer, Jr.;
the identity and truth of Jesus. St. John is con-      11:00 a.m. Dee Bruns; Ed Topmiller
cerned with how people are responding to Jesus.
Notice that those who follow Jesus are enthusias-      MONDAY, JULY 26-Sts. Joachim and Anne
tic about his healings; they hope to get some-
                                                       8:30 a.m. Sr. Rita Kruthaupt
thing out of following him.
                                                       TUESDAY, JULY 27
Jesus asks Philip where they can buy food for the
people. Philip responds in a very practical way.
It would cost one half an annual salary to feed        WEDNESDAY, JULY 28
the people. Andrew tells the Lord that there is a      8:30 am       Velia Dirr; Dottie Westerfield;
young boy who has two dried fish and five barley
                                                                     Evie Corcoran (L)
loaves. Jesus takes what is given and offers
thanks to God. He asks that the food be distrib-
uted. Jesus makes sure that the fragments lefto-       THURSDAY, JULY 29-St. Martha
ver are collected. The crowd reacts and would          8:30 am        Elise Earley
like to make him king, but He slips away.
When we gather for the Eucharist, we bring what
                                                       FRIDAY, JULY 30-St. Peter Chrysologus
we have. We bring all the moments of our lives,
our inadequacies, our successes, our failures, our     8:30 am       Keith & Kyle Connelly (L);
hopes, and our fears. We bring them to a loving                      Edward & Catherine Imof
God – the fruits of earth, the work of our human
hands and these small gifts are transformed and            SATURDAY, JULY 31-St. Ignatius of Loyola
offered back to us as the sacramental Body and
Blood of Jesus. This is thanksgiving for God’s         4:00 pm        Bill Vornhagen; Children of Peggy Bill (L)
eternal generosity.
                                                       SUNDAY, AUGUST 1-Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary
What does the feeding of five thousand reveal to                                                Time
you about who Jesus is?                                8:30 am       Marie Martino; John Corcoran; Lou Mersch
A special thank you to all those who participated      11:00 am      Anna Mikula; Kathleen Buzek; Peggy Bill-
in the Lourdes Summer Celebration. We are es-                                                        Monnic
pecially grateful to those who took care to put
this event together.                                       Readings August 1-Eighteenth Sunday in
                                                                                        Ordinary Time

Have a blessed week! Fr. Len                               First Reading:     Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
                                                           Psalm:             78:3-4, 23-25, 54
                                                           Second Reading: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
                                                           Gospel:            John 6:24-35

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OUR LADY OF LOURDES, CINCINNATI, OH                                                                         JULY 25, 2021

                                                                          ST. VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION
                                                                                          The St. Vincent de Paul baskets
                                                                                          will be on the table in the Gath-
                                                                                          ering Space next weekend, July 31
      CC Anderson                            Betty Mersch                               & August 1, to receive your dona-
      Susan Arnett                           Gina Michael                               tions for the needy in our area.
      Jeanette Ash                           Roberta J. Mohris
                                                                          Thank you for your generosity!
      Linda Avellano                         Charles Moulliet
      Dave Backer                            Loretta Moulliet
                                                                              World Day for Grandparents & the Elderly
      Helen Barhorst                         Marilyn Neihaus
                                                                                                  July 25
      Evelyn Berkemeyer                      Bill Neihiesel             Pope Francis has designated the 4th Sunday in July as
      Karen Bertke                           Richard & Lavern           the World Day for Grandparents & the Elderly in or-
      Elaine Billman                          Pohlman                    der to honor the important role they play in passing
                                                                          on their faith and wisdom to younger genera-
      Carole Brown                           Mary Pollman
                                                                          tions. Let us pray for our grandparents:
      Gerald Cappel                          Julie Russo                Loving God, we thank you for the gift of grandparents.
      Patricia Collopy                       Geri Schloemer             May all families develop a deep sense of appreciation
      Elizabeth Cook                         Ed & Janey                 for their experience and insight. Bless in a particular
                                                                          way those grandparents who are raising grandchil-
      Asher Cooley                            Schuerman
                                                                          dren. Give them the strength, energy, and stamina for
      Theresa Damen                          Pat Schwetschenau          such a task. Hold in your heart all grandparents who
      Jim Edwards                            Michelle Senger            are experiencing ill health or disability. Help them to
      Laura Foster                           Mike Senger                tap the inner resources built over a lifetime. In grati-
                                                                          tude for the gift grandparents are to all of us, we pray.
      Karl Fry                               Jan Sheaf
      Mary Ann Fuchs                         Kim Smith
      Johnny & Pat                           Mary Smith                               WEEKLY COLLECTION
       Hammann                                Tracy Smith                                 July 18, 2021
      Nick Handorf                           Stacey Steers              COLLECTION (includes EFT)                    $13,462.00
      Margie Heidemann                       Kathleen Streithorst
      Michael Holmes                         Mary Sunderhaus            Candles                                         $175.00

      Christian James                        Nolan Tenbrink             TOTAL SUNDAY OFFERINGS                       $13,637.00

      Peggy Jung                             Mary Thomas                ST. VINCENT DE PAUL                             $346.00
      Ruth Koppenhoefer                      Anne Tierney               TUITION AID                                      $30.00
      Loraine Liegibel                       Erica Weast                CASH RESERVE FUND                                $65.00
      Mary Sue Loftus                        Anna Jackson Webb
      Kimberly Mangus                        Joey Westerfield
      Joyce Martino                          Rosie Wikette              TOTAL OFFERINGS                              $14,078.00

      Denny McBreen                          Ellen Witsken               THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:
      Peggy McElroy                          Greg Zaffiro

 * New names placed on the prayer list will be in bold.
   If you know of anyone who would like to be added to our
   prayer list, or, if you are no longer in need of prayer and
   would like to be removed from our list, please call the Par-
   ish Office.

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                             THE WEEK AHEAD IN OUR PARISH

                                                              FRIDAY, JULY 30
 8:30 am Mass (Fr. Phil Seher)                                8:30 am Mass (Fr. George Schmitz)
 7:00 pm Boy Scout Meeting-Trinity Hall                       9:30 am Consecration to St. Joseph Discussion Group
                                                                                        St. Bernadette Hall-Rm. 4

                                                              SATURDAY,       JULY 31
 TUESDAY, JULY 27                                             12:00-3:30 pm    Adoration - Church
                                                              2:00-3:30 pm     Confessions –Church (Fr. Dan Dorsey)
                                                              4:00 pm          Mass (Fr. Dan Dorsey)
 8:30 am Mass (Fr. Len)
                                                              SUNDAY, AUGUST 1
 THURSDAY, JULY 29                                            8:30 am   Mass (Fr. Dan Dorsey)
 8:30 am    Mass (Fr. Len)                                    11:00 am  Mass (Fr. Dan Dorsey)

                    Father Dan Dorsey of the GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS will celebrate and speak at our
                    Masses next weekend, July 31/August 1, sharing about Glenmary’s missionary efforts, which
                    focus on serving the spiritual and material needs of people right here in the United States!
                    Hundreds of counties in the United States do not have a Catholic church or resident priest.
                    This means no celebration of the Eucharist, no sacraments, or a parish community in which to
                    find fellowship and support. Glenmary Home Missioners is working hard to fill that void—to
                    bring the love of Jesus and His Church to the small towns and rural areas of our nation.
 This is a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about Glenmary’s missionary outreach in Appalachia and
 the rural South. We invite you to share your prayers and financial support for this important ministry.

 We will have a separate collection next weekend if you wish to donate. Thank you for your generosity.

                                                     Pregnancy Center West 40th Anniversary Banquet
                                               Our 2021 Annual Banquet is fast approaching, and will be held on Thurs-
                                               day, August 12th at The Woodlands beginning at 6:30 pm. We're so
                                               excited to have Shawn Carney, the co-founder, president and CEO of
                                               40 Days for Life as our guest speaker for the event! Seats are filling
quickly - so if you are able to join us for the event, please register ASAP to assure that you and your friends/family
can all reserve a spot!
You can register by emailing richard@pc-west.org, or by calling us at 513-244-5700.

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OUR LADY OF LOURDES, CINCINNATI, OH                                                                         JULY 25, 2021
        2021 Summer Celebration Gift Basket Raffle                   More to come!! Join us after Mass at the Summer Cel-
        Tickets: $1.00 each, 6 for $5.00, 25 for $20.00              ebration on July 24 to take a chance on additional gift

  St. X Spirit (Value $75.00) Donated by St. Xavier High         Cozy Comfort (Value $75.00) Donated by Esther Price &
  School: Bag, S t-shirt, M t-shirt, blanket, blender bottle,    OLL Families: Fuzzy blanket, fuzzy socks, Bath & Body
  insulated cup, ice pack, pen                                   Works boy care set, $25.00 Esther Price gift card, wine

  Eat, Drink & Be Merry (Value $75.00) Donated by Ja-            For the Girls (Value $100.00) Donated by OLL Families:
  net Edwards: Serving platter with wine accent and spe-         American Girl craft kit, wire jewelry kit, coloring book, colored
  cial Santa surprise accent, kitchen hand towels, wine          pencils, decorate your own dry erase board, Snap Pets, $10
                                                                 iTunes gift card, 2 General Custer’s BOGO passes, 2 Skatin’
                                                                 Place admissions
  Baseball Time (Value $125.00) Donated by Meyer Fu-             Date Night (Value $150.00) Donated by Cincinnati Museum
  neral Home & Neihard Minges Funeral Home: Jersey,              Center, GameWorks & OLL Families: $100.00 dining gift
  2 Sun Deck tickets to Reds home game on August 20th at         card, 2 Museum Center admissions, 2 GameWorks 30 minute
  7:00 p.m. (Fireworks Friday)                                   game passes, wine

  Dinner Party (Value $100.00) Donated by Werhaus                What’s For Dinner (Value $100.00) Donated by Local Busi-
  Pizza & Bon Bonnerie: Lasagna, salad and bread for 8-          nesses: $10.00 Diane’s gift card, LaRosa’s Buddy Card, Penn
  10 people, $25.00 gift card to Bon Bonnerie                    Station 50% off coupons, Arby’s slider coupons, 4 Lee’s Fa-
                                                                 mous Recipe 2 piece dinner coupons, 10% off GFS coupon,
                                                                 $25.00 McDonald’s gift card, $25.00 Champions gift card
  Christmas Party ($50.00) Donated by Janet Edwards:             For the Reds Collector (Value Priceless) Donated by OLL
  Bottle of wine with Reindeer Bottle Buddy, coasters,           Families: Variety of Reds bobble head and memorabilia
  Christmas serving knives

  For the Home (Value $100.00) Donated by Janet Ed-              Go Reds (Value $50.00) Donated by OLL Families: T-shirt,
  wards: Serving bowl with matching candlesticks, kitchen        2 drawstring bags, calendar, bobble head, trading cards
  towels, wine $20.00 Nick & Tom’s gift card

  Picnic Time (Value $50.00) Donated by Hatings and              Adopt A Dog (Value $150.00+) Donated by SPCA Cincin-
  OLL Families: Picnic blanket, insulated cooler bag, cups       nati Volunteer: Dog adoption fee certificate (includes fee to
  with lids, wine glasses, bottle of wine $20.00 Hattings gift   adopt dog of choice, collar leash, 1 month of Heartgard and
  card                                                           Nexgard) bog of dog food, treats, toys, bowls

  Christmas Collection (Value $75.00) Donated by OLL             Margarita Time Donated by OLL Teachers
  Families: Santa, music box, fuzzy socks, nail polishes,
  gift bags, ornaments, crafts

  Mercy McAuley Spirit (Value $75.00) Donated by Mer-            Gift Cards Galore (Value $150.00) Donated by Local Busi-
  cy McAuley High School: Car magnet, Tervis cup, hat,           nesses & OLL Families: $25.00 Champions gift card, $10.00
  S t-shirt, M sweatpants, M long sleeve t-shirt, L sweatshirt   iTunes gift card, $10.00 Starbucks gift card, $25.00 Panera gift
                                                                 card, $25.00 Bath & Body Works gift card, $25.00 Michaels gift
                                                                 card, LaRosa’s Buddy Card, 4 Skatin Place admissions, 3
                                                                 General Custer’s 3 game pass, 2 General Custer’s BOGO
  Golf Galore (Value $150.00) Donated by Aston Oaks,             Staycation (Value $150.00) Donated by Local Businesses:
  Great Parks of Hamilton County & Rising Star Casino:           2 GameWorks 30 minute game passes, 4 RockQuest admis-
  18 holes of golf at Aston Oaks, 2 9-hole green fees at         sions with equipment, 2 Highfield Discovery Garden admis-
  Meadow Lands Golf Course, Hamilton County annual               sions, 2 General Custer’s 3 game passes, 4 General Custer’s
  park pass, 2 free rounds of golf with a cart at The Links at   BOGO passes, 4 Cincinnati Fire Museum admissions, 4 Skat-
  Rising Star, golf balls, wooden sign                           in’ Place admissions, $25.00 Champions gift card, LaRosa’s
                                                                 Buddy Card
  Summer Picnic (Value $100.00) Donated by Wardway               Fine Wine and More (Value $120.00) Donated by Claire &
  Fuels and OLL Families: Drink dispenser with glasses,          Jeff Rack: Contains 1 bottle red & 1 bottle white wine. Book
  picnic basket with plastic plates, bowels, utensils & cups,    introducing wines; 2 kinds of openers, crystal wine stoppers,
  $25.00 Wardway gift card, grill seasonings                     wine glass charms, 2 wine glasses, wine sticks to stir your
                                                                 wine and remove the sulfites, and a wine plaque and charm.
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                                    Dear Friends,

                                    We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to all of you who helped
                                    our family member when she passed out during the 4:00 Mass on July 17th.
Those who caught her before she hit the floor; those who helped her up; got her a wheelchair; directed the fire-
fighters and paramedics; those who stayed with us while she was being attend to and for the many prayers and
good thoughts. She was released from the hospital later that night and is doing well. We have been part of this par-
ish for almost 50 years. Many of the names and faces have changed, but the kindness and compassion continue to
live on! Thank you again and God bless all of you!

Sincerely—Linda Bihm, Judy Foster, Paul & Mary Jo Seiler and Noёl Buschle

                                                           WNOP 740 AM/ WHSS 89.5 FM


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