FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Page created by Tony Casey
FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
FEBRUARY 21, 2021
FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
OUR LADY OF LOURDES, CINCINNATI, OH                                                         FEBRUARY 21, 2021
                    GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             VISION
                                                                                               Our Lady of Lourdes
  Parish Office: 3450 Lumardo Ave. 45238                                                       Parish strives to be a
                                                                                               welcoming community of
  Parish Telephone: (513) 922-0715
                                                               missionary disciples who proclaim the good news of
  Parish Office Hours: 8:30 am-1:00 pm                         Jesus Christ, inviting all people to embrace a deeper
                                                               relationship with Christ and to find a home in the
  Email: parish@lourdes.org
                                                               Catholic Church.
  Website: http://www.lourdes.org
                                                                      OUR LADY OF LOURDES MISSION
  Facebook Page: Our Lady of Lourdes Church                    Our Lady of Lourdes Parish commits itself to following
                          & Our Lady of Lourdes School         the example of our patroness the Blessed Virgin Mary
  My Parish App: Our Lady of Lourdes                           … celebrating our faith together in prayer and worship,
  Instagram: OLL Tigers                                        … giving our personal witness to Christ,
  YouTube: Our Lady of Lourdes Cincinnati                      … offering mutual support,
          _______________________________________              … growing in community,
                                                               … serving our neighbors, and
  The Catholic faithful who reside in the Archdiocese of       … providing faith formation for
  Cincinnati continue to be dispensed from the obligation of
                                                                  children, youth, and adults.
  attending Sunday Mass. Those who wish to participate
  in Mass and receive Holy Communion can do so by at-
  tending any Mass any day of the week.                                             WELCOME!
                               MASS TIMES                      If you are moving into the parish, welcome to
                 Saturday     4:00 pm                          our parish family! Call the office at 922-0715
               Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am
                                                               for a parish registration form or go to our web-
     Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am
      Holy Days of Obligation 8:30 am & 5:30 pm                site www.lourdes.org. About Our Parish

                  EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                        INFANT BAPTISMS
                                                               Please contact the Parish Office. We request
            Saturdays Noon-3:30 pm                             that you contact us 3 months in advance for
          Sacrament of Reconciliation                          infant baptisms.
    Saturdays 2:00-3:30 pm and by appointment
                                                               Please contact the Parish Office. We request
                                                               that you contact us 8 months in advance of
  In case of emergency, death or serious illness,              wedding date.
              please call 513-608-0201
                                                               HOSPITAL/NURSING HOME NOTIFICATION
                                                               If you are going to the hospital or nursing
                                                               home, please notify the office.
  Fr. Len Wenke, Pastor
                                                               PRAYER CHAIN
  Fr. Ryan Ruiz, Weekend Assoc.                                Please call the parish office If you wish to
  Deacon Thomas Westerfield, Senior Status                     place yourself or someone else on the prayer
  Ed Bayliss, Parish Administrator
  Erin Dwyer, Pastoral Associate                               ST. VINCENT DE PAUL

  Heather Bessler, Principal                                   Food pantry is open monthly: 1st Wednesday
                                                               3-4 pm, 3rd and 4th Saturday 10:00-11:00 am.
  Kristina Krimm, Dir. of Religious Education                  Please call (513) 922-0715 ext. 3702 for assistance.

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FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

              First Sunday of Lent

                                                          SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21-First Sunday of Lent
In today’s responsorial psalm, we pray, “Teach me
your paths,” we open ourselves to the full knowledge      8:30 a.m. Joseph Wira III
of divine compassion as we begin this Lenten season.      11:00 a.m. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family
We seek to understand God’s way in our entire being.
We want to be moved to the same loving identifica-        MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22-Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
tion with others that moves God’s love for us. In our
sincere prayer to know God’s ways, we are praying for
                                                          8:30 a.m.
a conversion that will turn us from a focus on our-
selves toward sharing God’s great love for every living   TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23-St. Polycarp
As we learn in our reading from Genesis, a covenant       WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24
is the deepest and most unique concept in the He-         8:30 am
brew religious tradition. A covenant is a free promise
on God’s part. God’s offer is unilateral, it does not
depend on humanity’s response. The essence of the         THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25
covenant God established at the time of Noah is eter-     8:30 am       Ed & Joe Menkhaus
nal compassion. “Never again!” will God repay hu-
manity with what our wickedness earns.
                                                          FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26
Jesus emerged from the desert after being tempted by
Satan with his own answer to the human quandary.
                                                          8:30 a.m. Pat Luken
He proclaimed, “This is a time of fulfillment. The
kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in
the gospel.”                                              SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27
As Lent begins, we are reminded that these forty days     4:00 p.m. Arnold Barnett
are a time to repent, return to the Gospel and recom-
mit ourselves to our baptismal promises. I urge you
to find sacred moments during the days ahead to re-       SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28-Second Sunday of Lent
flect on your faith journey.                              8:30 a.m.      Lou Mersch
This past week we made a change in our music              11:00 a.m. David James
ministry leadership. Peg Delaney is no longer
working with us. We will have musicians and
cantors that will serve at Mass on an inter-
im basis while we begin the process to fill the               Readings February 28-Second Sunday of Lent
music ministry leadership role for the par-
ish. Your prayers for all involved would be ap-
preciated.                                                    First Reading:     Genesis 22:1-2, 9a-13, 15-18

Have a blessed week! Fr. Len                                  Second Reading:         Romans 8:31b-34
                                                              Gospel:     Mark 9:2-10
                                                              Psalm:       Psalm 116:10, 15-19

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FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
OUR LADY OF LOURDES, CINCINNATI, OH                                                                        FEBRUARY 21, 2021

                                   Michelle Senger,                    Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion
                                   Greg Zaffiro, Hel-                     Celebrated on February 20 at 4 p.m. Mass
                                   en Barhorst, Tra-
                                                                    On Saturday afternoon we will celebrate the Rite of
                                   cy Smith, Dee
                                                                    Election with our catechumens and the Call to Con-
                                   Bruns. Mike Sen-                 tinuing Conversion with our candidate for full com-
   ger, Mary Ann Fuchs, Gina Michael, Joseph                        munion with the Catholic Church. Ordinarily, this rite
   Carter, Peggy Trentman, Nick Handorf, Geri                       occurs at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, but Archbish-
   Schloemer, Susan Salzl, Jim Raker, Joyce Martino,                op Schnurr has delegated it to pastors due to the
   Margie Heidemann, Karl Fry, Peggy Jung, Carolyn                  pandemic. The Rite of Election marks the beginning
   St. John, Erica Weast, Ron Metzler, Julie Russo,                 of the catechumens’ final period of preparation for
                                                                    the Sacraments of Initiation which they will receive at
   Pat Schwetschenau, Thersea Damen, Matthew
                                                                    the Easter Vigil. It also recognizes the desire of the
   Trame, Evelyn Berkemeyer, Mary Spaeth, Jean-                     baptized candidate to receive Confirmation and Eu-
   nette Ash, Mary Smith, Thomas Jenkins, Patricia                  charist within the Catholic community. Please con-
   Collopy, Peggy Sue Bowling, Kathleen Streithorst,                tinue to pray for our catechumens (Gregory Mosher,
   Jim Edwards, Gerald Cappel, Loraine Liegibel,                    Jr. Andrew King, Briana Wenke, and Landon Casey)
   Stacey Steers, Susan Arnett, Bill Neiheisel, Dave                and candidate (Mandy Stanley).
   Backer, Betty Mersch, Juanita Dizon, Mary Thom-
   as, Dan Saunders, Joan Wellbrock, Mary Veid,
   Joey Westerfield, Jan Sheaf, Michael Holmes,
   Johnny & Pat Hammann, Marilyn Neihaus, Loret-
   ta Moulliet, Charles Moulliet, Laura Foster,
   Elaine Billman, Carole Brown, Hilda Froehlich,
   Elizabeth Cook, Peggy McElroy, Christian James,
   Mary Pollman, Ed & Janey Schuerman, CC Ander-
   son, Anne Tierney, Claire Schulz, Martha Duwel,
                                                                                    LOURDES SYMPATHY
   Ruth Koppenhoefer, Asher Cooley, Kim Smith,
   Denny McBreen.                                                   Loving prayers and deepest sympathy are
                                                                    extended to the family of Velia Dirr who was
                                                                    called herveternal reward in recent days. Please
                        WEEKLY COLLECTION                           pray for her and all the faithful departed.
  The collection for the weekend of February                        Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetu-
                                                                    al shine upon them. May their soul, and the souls of all the
  13-14 will appear in next week’s bulletin.                        faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest
                                                                    in peace.
 In January, the Festival Planning Committee began meet-
                    ing to discuss options for an outdoor
                    event later this summer. As we contin-
                    ue to be attentive to the health con-
                    cerns, safety and well-being of every-
                    one, the Committee is also mindful of
                    the benefits of fellowship that flow from
                    coming together as a parish, in commu-                THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK
                    nity to celebrate as a family connected
                                                                               Michael C. Toms D.D.S. M.S.
                    by our faith. As ideas become plans,
                                                                             Frances M. Herrero D.M.D. M.S.
 the Committee will share updates. You may contact Molly
 Vance, Jessica Heckman or Steve Auer through the par-                             5532 Muddy Creek Rd., Cincinnati
 ish office with your ideas and suggestions.                                                   513-922-7300
                                                                                 Practice limited to Periodontics and Dental Implants

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FEBRUARY 21, 2021 - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

   8:30 am Mass (Fr. Len)
   7:00 pm Boy Scouts-Trinity Hall

   TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23                                           FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26
                                                                  8:30 am       Mass (Fr. Mike Savino)
   6:00 pm Lenten Reflection presented by Fr. Len
            in Church and Live Stream
                                                                  SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27
                                                                  12:00 pm       Adoration in Church
                                                                  2:00 - 3:30 pm Confessions in Church (Fr. Len)
   8:30 am Mass (Fr. Len)
                                                                  4:00 pm        Mass (Fr. Len)
   2:30 pm Girl Scout Troop Meeting (Monnig)
   7:00 pm First Penance Services-Church
                                                                  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28
                                                                  8:30 am       Mass (Fr. Len)
                                                                  9:40 am       Religious Ed Classes-St. Bernadette Hall
   8:30 am   Mass (Fr. Len)
                                                                  11:00 am      Mass (Fr. Len)
   2:30 pm   Play/Musical Practice-St. Bernadette Hall
   6:30 pm    RCIA-POC Library
   7:00 pm   First Communion Parent Night-Trinity Hall

                                                                    Join a Small Faith-Sharing Group for Lent

                                                                Our parish small faith-sharing groups will resume during
                                                                the first week of March and continue for six weeks. The
Monday evening group will meet online and the rest will meet in-person in St. Bernadette Hall while following all of the cur-
rent health guidelines. The meeting times appear below along with the book that each group will use. If you would like to
grow spiritually and meet your fellow parishioners, we welcome you to participate. Please contact Kristina Krimm at 347-
2646 or kkrimm@lourdes.org for more information. You may sign up in the Gathering Space on Feb. 20/21, by send-
ing her an e-mail with your preferred day & time, or by completing the registration form on the parish web site at

        1. Mondays, 7–8:30 p.m., Mar.1–Apr. 5 (online only), Mary: Jesus’ Mother & Ours, a study of biblical passages
              related to Mary.

        2. Tuesdays, 10–11:30 a.m., Mar. 2–Apr. 6, Becoming a Praying Person, explores what different biblical
              characters show us about prayer.

        3.   Tuesdays, 1:30–3 p.m., Mar. 2–Apr. 6, Living for a Just Society, examines Old & New Testament stories
                which call us to act justly.

        4.   Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., Mar. 2–Apr. 6, Bored Again Catholic: How the Mass Could Save Your Life,
                reflects on the parts of the Mass to help us pray the liturgy better.

        5.   Thursdays, 1–2:30 p.m., Mar. 4–Apr. 8, What, Me Holy?, a study of how we can answer the call to holiness
                in our daily lives.

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                                                               FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT

                                                                      Providenza! Stories of St. John Bosco

                                                Join us for this uplifting, 50-minute presentation of the life of St. John Bosco, the
                                           Patron Saint of Youth. This lively, two-person play is perfect for the whole family!
                                           Written and performed by Tom and Geralyn Sparough, it will take place Wednesday,
                                           March 3 at 7 p.m. in the church.
      Among his many talents, the Italian-born St. Bosco was a juggler and acrobat. Tom Sparough, a professional
juggler who has performed at our church several times, portrays some of St. Bosco's juggling skills in the show. But
the performance also portrays many of the early hardships that St. Bosco suffered. Expect the evening to be both
entertaining and emotionally moving, and all centered on St. Bosco's love of God.
     Adding to the fun of the show, the Sparoughs like to joke that Tom plays one character, St. Bosco, and Geralyn
plays the 37 other roles in the show!
      Providenza, Italian for providence, means God’s Will working in our lives. The whole family will be inspired to
hear the stories and challenges of how this poor farm boy, who became St. Bosco, followed God’s calling and
changed the lives of countless children, then and now. Today, a little more than 200 years after his birth, St. Bosco’s
followers are in 129 countries and are recognized as the third largest missionary organization in the world.
                                                     White Oak                          JAMES L.
                                                       Garden Center                   SCHULTER
                    Pete Minges, Parishioner          LANDSCAPE • NURSERY            Certified Public Accountant
Janet McGrath
                         661-3022                        GREENHOUSE                   3645 Glenmore Ave.
                Pre-arrange your funeral online at
     Care          www.neidhardminges.com             WhiteOakGardenCenter.com           661-1887

                                                            WILLIAM O’CONNER, D.D.S.
                                                            GENERAL DENTISTRY
                                                          2745 Anderson Ferry Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45238
                                                                  513-922-4220 • 513-922-4238

                                                         Please patronize the
        Residential & CommeRCial                       sponsors of our bulletin.
 Steve Hutzel 531-6900      Parishioner
                                                                   Serving men, women & children                   Office Hours By Appointment
                                                                             since 1966               NEW
                                                                    513-922-7123                    LOCA
                                                                                                                   WESTSIDE ANIMAL
                                                                  3684 Muddycreek Rd.                               HOSPITAL LLC                       451-6474
                                                     REASONABLE     Color, Cuts, Nail Care,            QUALITY     Jack A. Shepherd D.V.M.
                                                                                                                                                 3700 Muddy Creek Rd., Cinci.
                                                       PRICES       Spa, Pedicures & More               CARE         6532 Glenway Ave.                  Doug Schmutte

                     WNOP 740 AM/ WHSS 89.5 FM

                                                                                      YOUR AD                                    Ohio
                                                                                       HERE                          CatholicMatch.com/goOH
                                                                                       CONTACT DIOCESAN
                                                                                        AT 1-800-282-5106

                                                                                 WM. KRAMER & SON, INC.
                                                                                                 SINCE 1907

                                                                                         NEW • REROOF
                                                                                     MAINTENANCE • REPAIR
                                                                                      ROOFING & SHEET METAL
© 2021 DIOCESAN                                                                  7
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                                                      Bonnie Perrino
               Nursing Care                          Owner & Parishioner

   Celebrating 25 years of Home Care Service
                                                                                                                                                            MIKE WRIGHT         JEANNE RIEDER             DOUGLAS ROLFES
                                                 Cleaning                                             Dan Walz
                                                 Restretching & Repair
                                                 Sales & Installation                        Interior/Exterior PAINTING                                                                             451-4800
                                                                                                        Residential • Insured                                                                          Serving Ohio,
                                                 513-574-5618                                             513-481-7912                                                                               Kentucky & Indiana
                                                  6081-A St. Rt. 128          3136 Hanna Ave.                               “It’s all in the prep work.”

                                               ACME TREE SERVICE                     Michael C. Toms D.D.S. M.S.
                                                Trimming • Removing                Frances M. Herrero D.M.D. M.S.
                                                Spraying • Fertilizing
          COLLISION                                                                             5532 Muddy Creek Rd., Cincinnati
       & AUTO DETAILING                          513-574-1234                                                  513-922-7300
4342 Bridgetown Rd. Dan Wenger, Owner                   Visit us at                                 www.yourhealthygums.com
4363 Bridgetown Rd.   574-6020                 www.acmetreeandlandscape.com                 Practice limited to Periodontics and Dental Implants            SYLVIA KALKER           BILL DATTILO           TIM OBERMEYER

                                                                                                                                                           BOLTON & LUNSFORD                DABBELT INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                               AGENCY INC.
                                                                                                                                                             FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                                            Meem Breyer                                      3042 Harrison Ave.
                                                                                                              Jim Childs                                        Westwood
                                                                                                       Carl F. & Dolores Fessel                                                                      451-8050
                                                                                                          Daniel Locaputo                                       661-4059                             5932 Glenway Ave.
   SALES • REPAIR • INSTALLATIONS                                                                  Joe, Gert, John & Dick Ortman
GARAGE DOOR SERVICE                                                                                     Pamela Conners Taylor                                Dave Backer
    NEW DOORS & OPENERS                                                                                                                                         Auto                         Grill • Pool • Gas Fireplaces
                                                                                                                                                                 661-7500                       Heating Oil & Propane
                                                    5110 Crookshank                                                                                             6500 Glenway Ave.           “Serving Our Neighbors Since 1981”
                                                                                                                                                                  AUTO BODY                 574-0061            Bridgetown
            347-3000                             www.LutzFlowerHaus.com                                                                                     SPECIAL PRE-OWNED CARS          Kevin Ward          @ Glenway

Full Menu                 Service Delivery        Member of the Parish                                                       Amy Locaputo-Donnellon        SHAWN DORNHECKER D
                                                                                                                             Doctor of Audiology
                                                                                                                                                                       General Dentist
                                               NORBERT SCHEPER                                                                                                         513-347-3001
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                                               • Meal Preparation
                                               • Errands/Shopping                                                                                          Bill’s Battery Co.
                                               • Hygiene Assistance
                                               • Light Housekeeping                                                    Rosenacker & Sexton
                                                                                                                   Funeral Home & Crematory
                                                                                                                                                              Retail Sales at
                                                                                                                                                             Wholesale Prices
                                                                                                                                                                                                   YOUR AD HERE
     4619 Delhi Pike                                          598-6770                                                                                                                             CONTACT DIOCESAN AT
939-CARE (2273)                                         visitingangels.com                                                661-6200                         5221 Crookshank Rd.                        1-800-282-5106
www.vittstermeranderson.com                    Voted Best of the West Home Health 2018/2019                            Mike Sexton, Parishioner                  922-0100

                                                                                        Please Patronize the sPonsors
                                                                                               of our bulletin.
                                                                                                           their support makes this bulletin possible.

 George Nieman’s Landscaping & Design                                                                                                 Complete
                     On Facebook–                                                                                                  Plumbing Service              NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER
         George Nieman’s Landscaping and Design                                                                                                                            Dan Suer, Administrator
                   gwnieman@fuse.net                                                                                                 353-2230                             For a tour of our facility,

                                                                                                                                                                  please call Maddie Feldman at 574-4550.
 (513) 519-3375                                             Parishioner                             6071 St. Rt. 128, Cleves                                          www.hillebrandhealth.com
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