Tydings - Episcopal Church of the Incarnation

Page created by Ana Kim
Tydings - Episcopal Church of the Incarnation

                                         THE CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION

Two Saturdays ago, I participated in a program            The way to listen can actually al-
called Conversations that Matter at Cranaleith            low the other person to bring
Spiritual Center in Northeast Philadelphia. The           forth what is true and alive to
topic was “The Non-violent Heart: A Personal              (him or her). Sometimes we have
Transformation”. A lot of the time was spent              to do a lot of listening before the
on listening. We were facilitated through some            fountain is replenished. Have you
exercises that opened and revealed to us as               ever noticed how some people
participants how we listen. For the most part             seem to need to talk? They go on
we lack the skill in authentic listening. This pro-       and on, usually in a very superfi-
gram inspired me to offer a series on the art of          cial, nervous manner. This is often
listening during Adult Forum on Sundays begin-            because they have not been truly listened to. Pa-
ning in Lent. As an introduction to this series I         tience is required to listen to such a person long
am offering this excerpt from the book The Art            enough for them to get to their center point of
of Sacred Listening by Kay Lindahl, founder of            tranquility and peace. The results of such listen-
The Listening Center.                                     ing are extraordinary. Some would call them
“…one of the most precious and powerful gifts
we can give another person is to really listen to         Listening well takes time, skill, and a readiness to
them, to listen with quiet, fascinated attention,         slow down, to let go of expectations, judgment,
with our whole being, fully present. This sounds          boredom, self-assertiveness, defensiveness…(W)
simple, but if we are honest with ourselves, we           hen people experience the depth of being listened
do not often listen to each other so completely.          to like this, they also begin to listen to others in
                                                          the same way.
Listening is a creative force. Something quite
wonderful occurs when we are listened to fully.           Listening is an art that calls for practice. Imagine
We expand, ideas come to life and grow, we                if we all spent just a few minutes each day prac-
                                                          ticing the art of listening, being fully present with
remember who we are. Some speak of this
                                                          the person we are with. There would be a collec-
force as a creative fountain within us that               tive sigh of contentment and joy…”
spring forth; others call it the inner spirit, intelli-
gence, true self. Whatever this force is called, it       I hope you find this inspiring and illuminating.
shrivels up when we are not listened to and it
thrives when we are.                                      Faithfully,
Tydings - Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
FEBRUARY 2020                                                                      Page 2

Parish Staff                                                        REMEMBERING THOSE
                                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Rev. Harriet Kollin, Rector
                                    February Birthdays               WHO HAVE DIED IN
Michelle Stawicki, Administrator                                       THE MONTH OF
Linda Dellmuth,                                                          February
       Parish Custodian                Charlet Kiefer
                                          Judy Lott                      Richard Fiedler
Vestry                                 Destiny Petro                     Marian Fiedler
Rector’s Warden John Bigelow          Christine Hughes
Acct. Warden Linda Froelich                                            Margaret Wilkinson
                                         Bill Skuse
Vestry Members Joy Burnett,           Thomas Polistina                    Stan Morgan
Dave Dixon, Joe Gantz, Dan Grib-                                        Charles Costellos
bon, Heather McClure, Marcie
                                        Jerry Burnett
Venella, Micki Wisdom                 Dottie Fitzpatrick                 Bernice Ulrich
                                       Rick Froelich                  Cathy Daubert Larson
Deanery Reps                          Linda Dellmuth                       Jean Dixon
Dave Dixon                             Marcie Venella
Dayna Gribbon                                                           William B. Parent
                                      Richard Johnson
                                                                          Dimitri Litus
Ministry chairs
                                                                        Hannah Pearson
Sunday School: Diane Kern
Adult Ed.: Andrena Wishnie                                             Charles Thompson
Communications:                                                           Phyllis Kent
Bldg. & Grounds: Rick Froelich
                                                                        Ronald Oehmig
Fellowship: Marcie Venella
Fundraising: Dayna Gribbon                                               Mary L. Shields
Outreach: Diane Kern                                                     Grattan Shields
Pastoral Care: Claire Heinbach                                           Chris McIntosh
Worship: Dave Dixon
Ushers: Dan Gribbon
Altar Guild: Susan LaRosa/
                                   AVERAGE SUNDAY
Christine Hughes                     ATTENDANCE
Flowers:                                                             Let light perpetual
Susan LaRosa/Linda Dellmuth                 January        44
Refreshments: Micki Wisdom                                            shine upon them,
                                                                           O Lord.

                                                    ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES
                                                           February 26th
                                                        12 noon & 7:00 p.m.
 Worship Schedule
Wednesday (1st, 3rd, 4th)
       9:00 am
                                                      Our Mission Statement
    Morning Prayer
   Wednesday (2nd)                         Drawn together by faith and nourished
       6:00 pm                                       by the bread of life,
    Evening Prayer                          we welcome Christ into our daily lives
           Sunday                                    and distant dreams.
          10:00 am                         We rejoice in our calling to build a world
    Holy Eucharist Rite II                 renewed and sustained by bold actions
                                                 of reconciliation and peace.
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FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                              Page 3

                                                                                        RETIRED MEN’S
                                                                                       BREAKFAST CLUB
                                                                                 This group had its first meeting at the
                                                                                 Squirrels Nest in Morrisville on Tuesday,
                                                                                 February 4th. Many stories were told at
                                                                                 the meeting.

                                                                                 The group decided to meet on the first
                                                                                 Tuesday of each month and move the
                                                                                 location to various restaurants. Next
                                                                                 meeting will be March 3rd at Café
                                                                                 Chorba in the Garden Farm Market
                                                                                 shopping center in Morrisville at 9 a.m.

                                                                                 We will be comparing AARP member-
                                                                                 ships so please bring your card.

                         Sacred Ground – A Dialogue Series on Race
Last summer I read The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. The author chronicles the migration of black
citizens from 1915 – 1970 who leave the South for northern and western cities in search of a
better life. I remember marching for civil rights when I was a teenager in the 1960’s. In Oc-
tober I saw a short blurb in the Diocesan website about some sort of meeting about race. I
was curious so I decided to go because it was near my home. Next thing you know I am de-
ciding to attend Sacred Ground meetings and doing “homework” from October – May. I
guess downsizing and planning to move wasn’t enough to keep me busy! We meet several
times a month at Trinity Buckingham. Thirteen of us are taking the class – we represent four
parishes – Trinity Buckingham, St Paul’s Doylestown, Incarnation and St Philip’s. Reasons for
taking the class are varied – one woman has biracial grandchildren so she wants to become
more aware of issues, another toured civil rights sites in the South and wants to learn more
about the history. For me, I have lived a life of privilege and want to have my consciousness raised about race –
“White people just don’t get it.” One of the books we are reading is Waking Up White by Debby Irving.

       Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. America’s history
       of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional iden-
       tity are discussed. The series is designed around an online curriculum of documentary films and readings
       that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European
       American histories.

       Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to
       racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. The series is
       especially designed to help white people talk with other white people. Participants are invited to peel
       away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded
       in our call to faith, hope and love.

One thing that has become apparent to me is that details and facts we have learned in Sacred Ground were left out
of American history textbooks and curriculum that I studied. Meetings so far have touched on Black History, roots
of whiteness, Native Americans, slave trade and Latino history. Our discussions are lively and sometimes revealing –
I am learning a lot. – Susan LaRosa
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FEBRUARY 2020                                                                               Page 4

              PANCAKE SUPPER

                                                        IS COMING TO INCARNATION!

                                                                Friday, March 6th
                                                                 6:00-9:00 p.m.
                                                                  $5 per person
           Tuesday, February 25th
               5:30-7:00 p.m.

  All you can eat pancakes, sausages, fruit,
             coffee, tea and juice
                                                       Disney themed Quizzo night at
                 Adults: $6.00                            Church of the Incarnation
           Children under 10: $3.00                 1505 Makefield Road, Morrisville, PA

                                                    Team or individual players welcome
           GROCERY SCRIPTS                            3 rounds, 10 questions per round
                                                    Prize for team/individual with most
                  Thank you to our parish
                  family that currently buy                points at end of night.
                  grocery script cards on a
                  regular basis. We met our
                  budgeted goal for income in             PROGRESSIVE DINNER
                  2019!                                  Saturday, March 28th
 Purchasing scripts is easy and you can work it
 into your Sunday “routine” or stop in during      Sign up sheet will be available soon. We will be
 the week and pick scripts up in the church of-      progressing through the various rooms at the
 fice. If you grocery shop — you can do this                            church.
 without it costing you any extra and helping
 the church in the meanwhile!                         You will be asked to bring an appetizer or
 If you are interested in being part of the team
 of sellers on Sunday morning, please let us         This event is free and open to you and your
 know. The more people selling, the longer                               friends.
 the rotation.
                                                      Dinner will be provided by Marcie & Rick.
 If you have not purchased grocery script cards
 and would like to know more about them,            One stop, plenty of food and drink, fun for all!
 please ask Marcie or Les Venella when you
 see them at church.
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FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                        Page 5

                                                                           FREE THE GIRLS
                                                                             BRA DRIVE
                                                                  Free the Girls is an international non-
                                                                  profit that began as an answer to the ques-
 We are so thankful for your contributions          tion — what happens after a woman is freed from slavery?
 to this very important and most appreci-           How does she reintegrate into society and support herself?
 ated outreach program. Donations have              FTG trains women in simple business techniques and gives
 been so wonderful and our recipients are           them their first consignment of bras to sell in the second
 so grateful to receive them each month.            hand clothing markets. When she returns for her next
                                                    load of bras, she pays a discounted rate for them. In this
                                                    way, she can still make a living wage and the in-country
                 Continue to spread the             program can be self-supporting. Second hand clothes are
                 word to family, friends and        sold widely in the third world and bras are especially in
                 neighbors about this out-          demand.
                 reach program.
                                                    For the month of February we will be collecting gently
                                                    used or new bras for this program.

                                                    There are boxes in both the Narthex and Parish Hall for
          AID FOR FRIENDS                           all donations.
          Upcoming packing dates:
     Wednesday, February 19th—6 p.m.
     Thursday, February 20th—9 a.m.

                    Highlights of the 2020 Annual Parish Meeting
 Our annual parish meeting was held after the service on Sunday, February 2, 2020. First, we had to en-
 joy the delicious potluck lunch and then the meeting was called to order. Here are the highlights:

       Dan Goode was elected as the meeting secretary
       Dan Gribbon was elected to serve a three-year vestry term
       Dave Dixon, Claire Heinbach and Susan LaRosa were elected to represent the parish at the Dioce-
        san Convention
       Dave Dixon and Dayna Gribbon were elected to serve as Bucks Deanery Delegates
       Presentation of staff gifts
       Linda Froelich presented an overview of the proposed 2020 budget
       Linda Froelich presented a report outlining the expenses associated with the shingled roof re-
        placement work that took place in 2019
       Meeting attendees filled out a communications survey about Incarnation
       Attendees picked out a reflection question from a basket. Then we shared our response with a
        partner. It was a sharing and conversation exercise.
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FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                                       Page 6

                          Women Connecting
                            A time and place to
                               nurture our soul

              Saturday, March 7, 2020
                       9:30 am-1 pm
           St. Andrew’s Church, Yardley

  The intent of this mini-retreat is to provide a safe and hospitable
  place in which to nurture one another on our journey towards a
  fuller and more authentic participation in the life of Christ in the
  world. In this place we share our stories and offer each other our
  listening hearts and deepen our relationship with one another,
  with ourselves, and with God. Come with an open mind and
  an open heart. Come with your hopes, your doubts and
  your fears.

  Contact: Harriet Kollin at harrietkollin@msn.com

            LOOKING AHEAD AT 2020                                        Kayla’s friend Shannon MacBride joined her this
                   Save these dates:                                     month as a torch bearer. The girls are a refreshing
                                                                         addition to our altar server volunteer group!
   February 25th—Pancake Supper—5:30—7p.m.                               If you are interested in joining our servers in any ca-
                                                                         pacity (Crucifer, Assistant or Chalice Bearer), please
       March 6th—Quizzo Fundraiser—6-9 p.m.                              get in touch with Dave Dixon or contact the church
                                                                         office. We are always happy to have new faces on the
             March 28th—Progressive Dinner                               altar!

         April 3rd—Designer Bag Bingo—7 p.m.

    April 12th—Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Service                                        SIGN UP REMINDERS

              April 16th—Jazz & Joe—7 p.m.                                                  Altar Flowers
                                                                                 Sign– up on poster on bulletin board
                  June 14th—Parish Picnic
                                                                                          Sanctuary Candle
          October 16th—Wood Pallet Painting
                                                                                    Sign up on table in Parish Hall
    November 13th—Designer Bag Bingo—7 p.m.
                                                                                  Sunday Coffee Hour Refreshments
      December 12th—Cookie Sale & Craft Show                                        Sign up on table in Parish Hall
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FEBRUARY 2020                                                                         Page 7

                MONEY MATTERS
                    Financial report from
             Linda Froelich, Accounting Warden                 NO REGRETS
                        January 2020
                                                       Isn’t it good at the end of the day
The summary of our finances through January
                                                     To look up at God and be able to say
2020 is:
                                                     “Dear Lord, helped someone today.”
                                                    But isn’t it sad if instead you must say
  We started off the year in January with:             “Dear Lord, I hurt someone today.
      Pledges at 130% of budget YTD                   I drove the nails a little bit deeper
      Investment dividends at 102% of            and forgot that I am my brother’s keeper.”
        budget YTD                                    Isn’t it better when the day is done
      Total expenses exceeded our income           to know that you have injured no one.
        by approx. $1300                                  From the time of your waking,
                                                             til you lie down to sleep,
  The Incarnation Finance committee is meet-     remember the promises that we should keep,
  ing with our investment representative from       to love one another as He love us, too,
  Janney Montgomery on February 11 to review     and you’ll never regret any good that you do.
  our investment portfolio and to determine if
  we need to make any changes.

                                                         HELP WANTED!
           INCOME & EXPENSES                        The church is in need of
              January 2020                         help with putting church
                                                    events on our Facebook
                                                   page. If you are a user of
      Pledge Payments    $9,925.00                   Social Media, we could
      Plate Offerings    $ 141.00                        use your help!
      Other Income       $2,176.22
      TOTAL             $12,242.22                 Please contact the church
                                                     office or speak to Rev.
                                                   Harriet if you are able to
      Payroll           $7,803.08                        help with this!
      Utilities         $ 1,430.47
      Other Expenses     $4,409.15
      TOTAL             $13,642.70
Tydings - Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
The Church of the Incarnation
          1505 Makefield Road
          Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067                           Postage

              UPCOMING EVENTS
                                                        Contact us:
February 12     Evening Prayer—6 :15 p.m.
February 12     Vestry Meeting—7 p.m.
February 13     Contemplative Prayer—12:30 p.m.
February 19     Morning Prayer—9 a.m.
February 19     Aid for Friends—7 p.m.
February 20     Aid for Friends—9 a.m.
February 20     Contemplative Prayer—12:30 p.m.
February 25     Pancake Supper—5:30-7 p.m.
February 26     Ash Wednesday Services
                  12 noon & 7:00 p.m.
February 27     Contemplative Prayer—12:30 p.m.       Michelle Stawicki
                                                     Parish Administrator
                      MARCH                              Comcast.net
March 4         Morning Prayer—9 a.m.
March 5         Contemplative Prayer—12:30 p.m.     Office: 215-295-2259
March 6         Quizzo Fundraiser—6:00-9:00 p.m.     Fax: 215-295-9540
March 11        Evening Prayer—6:15 p.m.
March 11        Vestry Meeting—7 p.m.              www.incarnationepiscopal.org
March 12-15     Holy Cross Retreat
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