RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING AND DESIGN STATEMENT Demolition of Existing Cottages and Erection of Replacement Dwelling at 1+2 Shoeluck ...

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RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING AND DESIGN STATEMENT Demolition of Existing Cottages and Erection of Replacement Dwelling at 1+2 Shoeluck ...

 Demolition of Existing Cottages and
Erection of Replacement Dwelling at
1+2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane,
      Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


          February 2021
RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING AND DESIGN STATEMENT Demolition of Existing Cottages and Erection of Replacement Dwelling at 1+2 Shoeluck ...
1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


        1.         Summary

        2.         Introduction

        3.         Site and Surroundings

        4.         Proposal and Design

        5.         Policies and Assessment

        6.         Conclusion

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING AND DESIGN STATEMENT Demolition of Existing Cottages and Erection of Replacement Dwelling at 1+2 Shoeluck ...
1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

Aerial photo of site context.

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING AND DESIGN STATEMENT Demolition of Existing Cottages and Erection of Replacement Dwelling at 1+2 Shoeluck ...
1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

1.      SUMMARY

1.1     The application concerns the removal of two existing cottages,
        together with a considerable number of outbuildings, and the
        erection of a new dwelling.

1.2     The application relates to Nos. 1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages,
        Church Lane, Abridge, a pair of semi-detached two storey
        former farm workers cottages located in the Green Belt. The
        site is served by a single access providing access to 1 Shoeluck

1.3     The current proposal seeks to remove all of the existing
        structures from the site. A new two-storey dwelling is
        proposed, to be constructed in a slightly amended position, set
        further back from the line of the existing cottages in order to
        to facilitate access, visibility, parking and landscaping. It is
        proposed to enlarge the existing position of the access following
        pre-application discussions with Essex County Council, the
        Local Highways Authority, these comments are to follow.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


2.1     Shoeluck Cottages have no formal planning history. They are
        indicated on a map dated 1872 but the dates they were built is
        unknown. Internal timber framing could indicate some history
        though not necessarily any value. It is believed that they were
        extended in the early 1960s with the addition of rear two storey
        flat roofed extensions. They were in the same ownership at that
        time and matching extensions were added simultaneously to
        both properties to provide a ground floor bathroom and a third
        bedroom on the first floor.

2.2     It is understood that planning permission was not then required
        or sought. Other alterations and additions have occurred since
        then though there is no record.

2.3     A considerable number of outbuildings exist and have been
        constructed within the rear gardens of the cottages. They are
        of various forms, sizes and for a variety of ancillary purposes
        associated to the dwellings.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


3.1     Shoeluck Cottages are located on the south side of the A113
        (Ongar Road) and on the east side of Church Lane close to the
        junction of Ongar Road with Church Lane. The 40mph speed
        limit sign posts lie to the south of Church Lane. On Ongar Road
        the 40mph sign posts are located to the east of the cottages.
        There are existing bus stops adjacent on both sides of Ongar
        Road very close to the cottages. The nearest station is at
        Theydon Bois some 3 km away.

3.2     No. 1 has a vehicular access off Church Lane and ample parking
        and garaging within the site while No. 2 has a rough gravelled
        parking area outside the plot frontage and directly abutting the

3.3     The combined site of the cottages is roughly triangular. The
        plots for each house are unequal in size with No. 1 Shoeluck
        Cottages having the larger extent. The total site extent is 0.13
        ha. (0.33 acres).

3.4     The landscape is agricultural, arable and rural. Fields are
        generally extensive and geometric in form unless crossed by
        watercourses including the sinuous River Roding to the north
        and east. Abridge lies to the south west while Ongar lies to the
        east beyond the M25 corridor.

3.5     Shoeluck Cottages comprise a pair of semi-detached farm
        workers cottages of uncertain date. They are no longer
        associated with the farm to which they belonged historically.
        They are not well-built properties and though extended to the

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        rear in the 1960s to provide improved facilities and an
        additional bedroom, they have been little altered and never
        updated. They lack central heating, they are damp, they are
        poorly insulated, and they have single glazed windows. They
        are on mains water and have an electric supply. Drainage is not
        mains and there is no gas. They are also modest in size, visually
        almost appearing to be one dwelling rather than two.

        The view from Church Lane.

3.6     The original cottages are of a traditional scale and mass with a
        double pitched hipped and tiled roof form and a heavy brick-
        built central chimney stack set within the forward roof section
        (maximum height 7.5m with ridge at 6.40m). The exterior walls
        are finished with smooth painted render and have a dark
        painted plinth course. On the front elevation there is for each
        cottage one tripartite window to the ground floor, serving the
        lounge, and a similar window above at first floor, serving the
        largest bedroom. The front elevation to Church Lane is
        rhythmic and pleasant.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        The view from the junction of Ongar Road and Church Lane.

3.7     The cottages are entered from the side elevations to the north
        and south. A simple canopy marks the doorway and there is a
        small window adjacent. There is a further tripartite ground floor
        window towards the back of each cottage. It serves the kitchen
        in both cases. No. 2 has a tall narrow chimney externally
        attached to the side elevation accommodating a log burner. The
        windows to the second bedroom in both cases are located on
        the rear elevation of the original dwellings. Windows for the
        bathrooms and the third bedrooms are on the ground floor rear
        and first floor side elevations within the poorly designed rear
        extensions. The flat roofed rear extensions are unsightly and
        join poorly with the traditional original cottages. In addition,
        No. 1 has a small single storey lean to porch abutting the flat
        roofed rear extension. It has a simple clay tiled roof.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

3.8     The gardens are mature with trees, hedging and shrubbery.
        From Ongar Road views of the cottages are restricted by a
        hedge but the inferior quality and awkward design of the two
        storey additions is clear to see.

       The view from Ongar Road.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


4.1     It is proposed to demolish all buildings within the residential

4.2     The option of forming one house from the coalescence and
        conversion of the two cottages and extending them has been
        fully explored and costed. However, it has been found unviable
        on the basis of cost, impracticality and the technical problems
        of providing low energy and high-performance specifications,
        services and finishes.

4.3     The cottages are to be replaced by a contemporary dwelling of
        two storeys. The proposal represents the kind of sustainable
        development          promoted        by    the     National   Planning   Policy
        Framework (NPPF).

4.4     The existing properties combined comprise 92 square metres
        in terms of floor area, No. 1 being slightly bigger as a result of
        the rear single storey porch extension. Cottage No. 1 has
        outbuildings of 46 square metres and Cottage No. 2 has
        outbuildings totalling 27 square metres. The total existing floor
        area is 255 square metres. The footprint is 165 square metres.

4.5     The volume of the existing cottages is 496 cubic metres and
        the outbuildings a further 181 cubic metres making a combined
        total of 677 cubic metres. The figures stated here do not include
        any allowance for development (outbuildings or extensions
        including porches) that could be constructed under existing
        permitted development rights.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

4.6     All calculations are shown on the submitted drawings Nos. 20-
        010/01, 20-010/02, 20-010/03, 20-010/04 and 20-010/05.

4.7     The proposed dwelling has a ground floor of 155 square metres
        and first floor of 145 square metres giving a total floor area of
        300 square metres. The volume is 725 cubic metres. The
        maximum roof height is 7.30 metres.

4.8     Turning to a comparison of the existing and the proposed
        dwelling, it is the case that the proposed dwelling is bigger than
        the existing cottages in terms of floor area and volume.
        However, the proposed dwelling is smaller in terms of footprint.
        The importance of the smaller footprint is that the site will
        appear to contain less building coverage, will be less cluttered
        and will visually comprise less in the way of physical
        development of the site. Though the proposed floor area is
        bigger than the existing, the increase is relatively modest and
        represents the size of a large double garage, something that
        could     be    constructed        in    each     garden   without   planning
        permission. In terms of volume, it is accepted that the increase
        appears substantial but a great part of that is due to the
        unusual roof forms of the existing cottages, with a large flat
        area of roof as well as a double-pitch.

4.9     The erection of a well-designed replacement dwelling offers a
        valuable       opportunity to improve the visual amenity of the
        Green Belt. To this end the proposal is a clearly modern
        dwelling not a pastiche of traditional forms or styles. It employs
        traditional natural materials together with high specification
        construction methods to deliver a dwelling with inherently low
        energy and low water consumption. Air source heat pumps are

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        to be implemented along with the installation of Photovoltaic

4.10    The position of the proposed house has been set further from
        the Church Lane road frontage. There are a number of reasons
        for this and they include making the dwelling better relate to
        the plot and making the access as safe and useable as possible.
        It is also important to ensure that the hard and soft landscaping
        of the site is considered at an early stage. It is essential to
        ensure that visibility is not comprised but enhanced and to
        ensure that all vehicles entering and leaving the site can so
        safely and without any adverse effect upon other road users.
        Landscaping is very important is making certain that the
        proposal works well in its immediate environment.

4.11    In summary, it is proposed to construct a dwelling with a
        footprint smaller than the existing cottages, but with a floor
        area larger than the cottages. The increased floor area would
        not be significantly or unreasonably so, taking into account the
        removal of the outbuildings and permitted development rights.
        Removal of the outbuildings would be considered beneficial in
        visual and character terms.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


5.1     The site lies within the Metropolitan Green Belt.

5.2     The Development Plan comprises the rather dated 1998 Epping
        Forest District Local Plan, adopted January 1998, and the Local
        Plan Alterations, adopted July 2006, where consistent with the
        National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). All LPA policy
        documents predate the NPPF. Green Belt policies within the
        EFDLP/LPA generally reflect PPG2, previous national planning
        guidance which is no longer in effect. The policies of relevance

        Policy GB2A – Development in the Green Belt

        Policy GB15A – Replacement Dwellings

        Policy DBE4 – Design in the Green Belt

        Policies NC1-NC5 – Nature Conservation

        Policy RP4 – Contaminated Land

5.3     Policy GB2A sets out that in the Green Belt new buildings (and
        changes of use as well as extensions to buildings) are not
        appropriate unless they fall into certain specified categories.
        Sub-section (vi) states that a new building is appropriate
        where it is a replacement for an existing dwelling and in
        accordance with policy GB15A.

5.4     In turn, Policy GB15A is concerned only with replacement
        dwellings. Existing permanent dwellings may be replaced with
        a new dwelling where the replacement would not be materially

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        greater than the original one and would not have a greater
        impact upon the openness of the Green Belt and would not
        necessitate more garden ground.

5.5     Policy DBE4 is concerned with the design of new buildings in
        the Green Belt. It is stated that they should respect the wider
        landscape setting and should respect local character in terms
        of plan form and detailing.

5.6     The emerging Epping Forest Local Plan Submission Version
        (2017) has not been adopted and does not form part of the
        statutory development plan. It is a material consideration. In
        moving forward, it must be found to be consistent with the
        National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Hearings were
        undertaken in early 2019.

5.7     Policies from the LPSV (2017) that may be considered to be
        relevant include:-

        Policy SP6 – Green Belt and District Open Land

        Policy DM4 – Green Belt

        Policy DM9 – High Quality Design.

5.8     Policy SP6 advises that the openness of the Green Belt will be
        protected from inappropriate development in accordance with
        national planning policy and Policy DM4.

5.9     Policy DM4 sets out the purposes of the Green Belt, in other
        words repeats and restates the NPPF position (and the PPG3
        position before that) that new buildings are inappropriate
        unless they fall into stated categories. It goes on to say that in
        accordance with national policy within the Green Belt planning

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        permission will not be granted for inappropriate development
        unless very special circumstances exist. In the third part of
        the policy a list of exceptions is set out in which new buildings
        may be appropriate.

5.10    Sub-section (iv) confirms that replacement of a building is
        appropriate provided that the proposed building is of the same
        use and not materially larger than the one to be replaced. Other
        sub-sections set out that the redevelopment of previously
        developed land is not inappropriate where the impact on
        openness is not greater.

5.11    Policy DM9 relates to the need for high quality design in all new
        developments. All development should be design led. This
        relates to context, place, sustainability, climate change as well
        as landscaping, amenity and amenity considerations.

5.12    Policies NC1 to NC5 aim to protect the natural environment
        and to ensure that there is no los s of biodiversity or loss of
        habitat. Wildlife is protected by the policies whether in
        statutorily designated sites, and the aim is to prevent loss of
        wildlife and habitat, to replace habitats where possible and to
        promote in its widest sense nature conservation in all localities.

5.13    This application is accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological
        Appraisal Survey undertaken by the specialist advisors Arbtech.
        It is a through document researched as a desk study and on
        site. The starting point is that the site is not subject to any
        designation.        There       are    no     statutory   or   non-statutory
        designated sites within one kilometre of the site. One kilometre
        is considered to be the zone of influence of this development.
        The report makes recommendations about landscaping/habitat

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        enhancements, construction advice and possible further survey

5.14    Policy RP4 relates to contaminated land. A report from Ground
        and Environmental Investigation Limited accompanies this
        application. Such a report was requested due to the existence
        of Ministry of Defence land adjacent to the site. There is no
        indication or suggestion that the site itself is contaminated.

5.15    Ministry of Defence land is located to the south and west of the
        site and it comprises undeveloped land (fields). There may be
        asbestos in buildings on the site and that might be expected.
        Removal is straightforward with a suitable contractor. In all
        other respects the risk to human health, water resources,
        plants, and buildings is low as no sources of ground
        contamination have been identified.

5.16    The NPPF is considerably more up-to-date than the Local Plan
        1998 and 2006 Alterations. The golden thread running through
        the NPPF from its arrival in 2012 and as amended more recently
        is the promotion of sustainable development. In terms of Green
        Belts, they are to be protected in policy making and in terms of
        development management and there is an explicit recognition
        of the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.

5.17    In the Green Belt the fundamental aim is to keep land
        permanently open. The essential characteristics of Green Belts
        are their openness and their permanence. The construction of
        new buildings is inappropriate, and always has been, though
        there are exceptions both in national policy as well as in local
        policy as set out earlier.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

5.18    Two exceptions are relevant here and set out a para. 145. Sub-
        section d) indicates that a replacement building should be in
        the same use as that removed and not materially larger. This
        accords with the adopted policies and the emerging policies of
        Epping Forest District Council. Sub-section g) indicates that the
        redevelopment of previously developed land (PDL) accords with
        Green Belt objectives provided that development would not
        have a greater impact upon the Green Belt than existing
        development. The application site – being residential and not
        in a built-up area - comprises PDL where the definition in the
        NPPF Glossary is employed.

5.19    The proposal to replace the cottages with one dwelling does not
        conflict per se with national or existing or emerging local plan
        policies.     The matter of size needs to be carefully considered
        and will be explored further. The requirement is that the
        replacement dwelling should not be ‘materially larger’ though
        no guidance is provided on how that may be judged.

5.20    Before the matters of size and design are further considered, a
        different matter should be evaluated. The NPPF identifies
        planning’s key role in inter alia, meeting the challenge of
        climate change and flooding, in conserving and enhancing the
        natural environment, promoting sustainability and requiring
        good design. In relation to housing, there is a need and
        Government directive to increase supply and to deliver a wide
        choice of high-quality homes. In this particular case, the
        existing cottages are not of high-quality in terms of standard of
        construction and facilities. While on the face of it, it might seem
        desirable to upgrade, extend and conjoin the dwellings to form
        one dwelling, this option has been fully explored and it is simply
        neither economically realistic nor sensible to retain the existing
1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        structures. They are not capable of providing a house fit for the
        21st century, a house that needs to be fuel and water efficient,
        of a sustainable construction and designed to take account of
        climate change.

5.21    Turning to the matter of size, the footprint, floor area and
        volumes of the existing structures (with outbuildings) are set
        out on the submitted drawings. The proposed figures are set
        out too. It can be seen that in some respect the proposal is
        larger than existing and in some respects it is smaller. The
        actual figures do not matter. Neither local nor national policy
        set out size parameters. Government guidance is absent. Policy
        refers to the replacement house not being materially larger
        than existing. In considering the redevelopment of previously
        developed land the important factor is the matter of impact.
        The impact on the openness of the Green Belt should not be

5.22    It is considered that the key aspect of the replacement of the
        cottages and outbuildings is the floor area as this is such a
        fundamental factor in the perception of development. The site
        currently has a very large amount of development, of buildings
        of a variety of shapes and forms. They cover a large part of the
        site leaving little open space. The outbuildings comprise visual
        clutter. There could be even more as permitted development
        right would permit further outbuildings and further significant
        extensions. The proposal has clear and substantial merit in that
        it would ensure that the existing visual clutter and plot
        coverage in terms of footprint was consolidated onto one part
        of the site leaving the remainder open and undeveloped.
        Openness would be enhanced, and the plot coverage (footprint)

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        would      be    reduced        even     without         taking   unextinguished
        permitted development rights.

5.23    It is accepted that the proposed house would be higher than
        the existing cottages, but its slight relocation further into the
        site, further distant from Church Lane would make perceived
        height less apparent and reduce any adverse visual impact. The
        impact upon openness should be considered to be neutral in
        this respect. It is accepted also that the volume of the building
        would be greater but that is made on the basis of the
        replacement of the existing with the proposed single house.
        Taking into account the fact that the cottages could both be
        further extended, and additional outbuildings provided, the
        effect upon the Green Belt (of volume changes) is best
        described as neutral. It should be noted that in all respects
        what is proposed would improve the appearance of the site by
        removing a random and incoherent collection of structures and
        buildings and would provide a significantly better standard of
        residential accommodation than exists at present.

5.24    Taken in the round the proposal does not inherently conflict
        with national or local policy as it is not materially larger than
        the cottages and outbuildings that are to be replaced.

5.25    In terms of design, while it may be tempting to employ a style
        of architecture that harks back to bygone days, and is a
        pastiche of historic forms, this approach has been considered
        and ruled out here. A more honest approach has been adopted
        with the design of a house fit for its site and fit for its time. A
        simple form is proposed with a limited palette of materials –
        slate, render and stone. The roof pitches and the spans relate

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

        well to traditional forms in the locality, but the design is of 2021
        with high quality materials and specification.

5.26    Attention can be drawn to many examples of replacement
        houses in Epping Forest District Council’s area. In the past
        policies appear to have been implemented rather inconsistently
        and enormous houses have been permitted as replacements for
        modest structures. The Elms (to the south and indicated on
        the aerial photo below) is one such case. It is close to the
        application site. The original ranch-style dwelling has been
        replaced by a house, a mansion, many, many times larger in
        terms of height, volume and floor area. Officers appear to have
        overlooked the introduction of a basement floor and not taken
        account of (alternatively they accepted at face value) the very
        substantial increases both in height and volume. It was
        concluded in the case of The Elms there was no harm to
        openness despite some very obvious indications that there was
        no or no comparison between the original and the replacement
        dwelling by any standard.

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB

5.27    In the current case, it is clear that the proposed replacement
        dwelling accords with policy in all respects, namely in terms of
        size, use and design. It is not materially larger than the
        cottages       and     accords       with      national   and   local   policy
        considerations. It also raises no issues in connection with
        ecology and nature conservation nor in terms of land

1 and 2 Shoeluck Cottages, Church Lane, Abridge, Essex RM4 1AB


6.1     The proposed replacement dwelling in the Green Belt wholly
        satisfies all policies both local and national. It is an exception
        to the policy of restraint. It will not give rise to harm to
        openness, to character or to the purposes of the Green Belt. It
        will not harm nature and natural assets. There is no risk as a
        consequence of ground contamination as none has been found.

6.2     The application offers a significant opportunity to promote a far
        better designed and superior quality dwelling on a developed
        site without loss of openness or loss of permanence to the
        Green Belt. The proposal does not offend the aims or purposes
        of Green Belt designation and would improve the visual amenity
        of the Green Belt in that location by removing a large number
        of outbuildings and some poorly extended and low-grade
        cottages. Moreover, it would provide for a significantly more
        sustainable form of development than exists on site at present.

6.3     Officers are urged to support the application.

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