Magazine Profile Hamburg, AWA 2020 - Jahreszeiten Verlag
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Magazine Profile Hamburg, November/December 2020 AWA 2020 AW Architektur & Wohnen wins again significantly: + 70.000 readers in comparison to the previous year
AWA 2020 – AW convinces & inspires sustainably Reach in Mio 0,38 0,31 0,24 With 380,000 readers, AW is THE LEADTITEL in the competitive environment° AW stands for reliable performance, popularity and acceptance also in the reader market AWA 2018 AWA 2019 AWA 2020 18.11.2020 Source: Basic coverage AWA 2018/2019/2020 2 °) AWA ranges 2020: AW 0,38, AD 0,24, Häuser 0,24, Atrium 0,22
Top marks rated by our readership! Current online-reader survey confirmed brand strength Attractive AW readers male & female 41+ 41 – 60 years 54% Very loyal AW readers Already read 94% Bought again 91% AW selection of themes scored Interior design 91% Architecture 82% Design trends 73% Passionate AW readers Selection of themes 90% very good/good Inspiration 87% very good/good Information content 83% very good/good Style of writing 89% very good/good Source: Online-reader survey as a part of an competition with AW 04/2020, period 06.10.20 Jul/Aug 2020 , n=1.100 3
New editor-in-chief Dr. Thomas Garms, Head of Editorial and Editor-in-Chief AW Architektur & Wohnen, heads up the editorial board of Germany's leading interior design magazine together with Karen Hartwig: Dr. Thomas Garms wants to significantly strengthen the creative of the magazine: "Our magazine is a young and always innovative classic. Supported by the Frankfurt design guru, typographer and concept artist Peter Zizka (H/L/Z), we will further build on the exceptional visual strengths of AW Architektur & Wohnen." Karen Hartwig adds, "AW Architektur & Wohnen is an innovative and style-building impulse generator for everyone who deals with building, living and furnishings in public and private spaces. It intelligently and creatively combines aesthetics and emotions." 11/18/2020 4
AW Architektur & Wohnen More than 64 years' inspirational space The subject of home living is extremely emotional and personal. The scope of topics is huge, ranging from the basic human need for comfort and security, to the culture of living together, to deep into the discussion today on changes taking place in society. Home living today is far more than a question of style. It is a question of how life feels. AW Architektur & Wohnen is the only multi-thematic and internationally recognised lead magazine on architecture, design, home living and garden planning that takes an emotional approach rather than one of cold distance. That's why AW Architektur & Wohnen is appreciated equally by both its readers and industry professionals – and for premium and luxury brands is excellently suited to develop the German market. 11/18/2020 5
Excellent, established, top-class. AW Awards - the most popular jury prizes in the magazine scene AW regularly portrays in great detail personalities who set styles in the architecture and design industry. It also discovers young, up and coming artists. The editorial team awards the AW-Award each year to honour high-calibre achievements and individuals. In this field AW enjoys an international reputation as an authority in the German-speaking world. Big anniversary 2021: The "AW-Designer of the Year" award, which has been presented for 25 years, has become the most coveted and important design prize of the entire magazine scene in Europe. AW Architektur & Wohnen presents this editorial award to an outstanding, internationally renowned designer personality. The jury prize known as the "Oscar" will be awarded in January - in 2021 with a big anniversary "25-year AW designer of the year." In May 2012 AW nominated the “AW-Architect of the Year” for the first time. Since then a prominent, international architect, (or architect’s office), who attracts attention with outstanding buildings, is presented with the award. Since 2019 the “AW-Architect of the year” is presented at the AEDES Architecture Forum Berlin. 11/18/2020 6
Topics + Dates # 01-03/2021 AW Architektur & Wohnen + AW Spezial Magazine Res Issue PD AD CD Topic AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 01/2021 04.01.2021 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 25 Years AW-Designer of the Year : Review & Outlook AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 01/2021 04.01.2021 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 AW-topic of this issue - THE NEW START: HELLO FUTURE AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 01/2021 04.01.2021 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 Cheeky, but please with style: Interiors free from conventions The year after the break: Building 3.0. Architects and designers are setting signs for the future. AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 01/2021 04.01.2021 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 Plus buildings from the 3D printer AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 01/2021 04.01.2021 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 Portrait of the AW-Designer of the year 2021 AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Design 01/2021 04.01.2021 26.10.2020 19.11.2020 Big anniversary edition: 25 years AW-Designer of the Year AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 AW-topic of this issue: BELLA ITALIA AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 The most beautiful interiors between the Alps and Sicily AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 Building material glass: Insight. Perspective. Outlook AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.0120.21 02.02.2021 Styleboard Kitchen Couture: stylish, chic, extraordinary The design specialists: The triumph of Italien Style would be unthinkable without the know-how AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 and commitment of the numerous manufactories AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 02/2021 02.03.2021 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 Out into the fresh air: The new outdoor furniture AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 02/2021 02.03.2021 23.12.2020 21.01.2021 Hometextile- & Fabric-Trends AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 03/2021 04.05.2021 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 AW-topic of this issue: HAPPINESS! AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 03/2021 04.05.2021 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 Houses with happiness factor. How home lifts the spirits. Furnishing with emotions AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 03/2021 04.05.2021 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 Tiny Kitchens AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 03/2021 04.05.2021 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 Style-forming architecture from Japan AW Architektur & Wohnen Design 03/2021 04.05.2021 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 Kaldewei Future Award by AW AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Bath 03/2021 04.05.2021 26.02.2021 22.03.2021 Bathroom & Wellness + the best Bathroom Studio addresses in Germany 11/18/2020 7
Topics + Dates # 04-06/2021 AW Architektur & Wohnen + AW Spezial Magazin Res Issue PD AD CD Topic AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 04/2021 01.07.2021 14.05.2021 02.06.2021 AW-topic of this issue: LIFE AT SEEING SITES! Living where others spend their vacations. The house on the beach. The view on the mountain. AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 04/2021 01.07.2021 14.05.2021 02.06.2021 In harmony with nature AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 04/2021 01.07.2021 14.05.2021 02.06.2021 AW-Architect of the Year AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 04/2021 01.07.2021 14.05.2021 02.06.2021 New German Style. The young Germans take off. Five favorites for the trendsetters of tomorrow AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 04/2021 01.07.2021 26.04.2021 20.05.2021 Home office & New work + the best adresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 05/2021 01.09.2021 19.07.2021 04.08.2021 Niemeyer and his heirs. Where the concrete dances Samba AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 05/2021 01.09.2021 19.07.2021 04.08.2021 Pillow talk. As you make your bed, so you sleep. The most beautiful beds for sweet dreams AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 05/2021 01.09.2021 19.07.2021 04.08.2021 New carpets + floor coverings - samples, material, production AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Kitchen 05/2021 01.09.2021 19.07.2021 04.08.2021 Kitchen trends + the best Kitchen-Studio adresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 06/2021 02.11.2021 15.07.2021 23.07.2021 AW-Topic of this issue: THE ART OF LIVING AW Architektur & Wohnen Living 06/2021 02.11.2021 16.09.2021 04.10.2021 How great art enriches the living space. Also: Exclusive insights into artists' apartments AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 06/2021 02.11.2021 16.09.2021 04.10.2021 Cool East. Often misunderstood, here on a big stage: outstanding buildings in Eastern Europe AW Architektur & Wohnen Architecture 06/2021 02.11.2021 16.09.2021 04.10.2021 Glass manufactories AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 06/2021 02.11.2021 16.09.2021 04.10.2021 Sustainability (design, furniture, materials) + the best addresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Design 01/2022 11.01.2022 31.08.2021 22.09.2021 AW-Designer of the Year 2022 11/18/2020 8
Schedule 2021 AW Architektur & Wohnen AW Publication Week Advertisments Ad Specials Ad Specials Architektur & Wohnen date Booking and Advertisments Booking and Delivery cancellation date Copy deadline canellation date Print Shop 01/2021 04.01.2021 1 12.11.2020 01.12.2020 30.10.2020 09.12.2020 02/2021 02.03.2021 9 15.01.2021 02.02.2021 06.01.2021 10.02.2021 03/2021 04.05.2021 18 16.03.2021 01.04.2021 02.03.2021 13.04.2021 04/2021 01.07.2021 26 14.05.2021 02.06.2021 30.04.2021 11.06.2021 05/2021 01.09.2021 35 19.07.2021 04.08.2021 01.07.2021 12.08.2021 06/2021 02.11.2021 44 16.09.2021 04.10.2021 31.08.2021 12.10.2021 01/2022 11.01.2022 2 23.11.2021 09.12.2021 05.11.2021 17.12.2021 18.11.2020 9
Anniversary: 25 years AW-Designer of the Year Your advertisement in jubilee AW Spezial # 01/2021 The "AW-Designer of the Year" award, which has been presented for 25 years, has become the most coveted and important design prize on the entire magazine scene in Europe. AW Architektur & Wohnen presents this editorial award to an outstanding, internationally renowned designer personality. The jury prize known as the "Oscar" is awarded in January - in 2021 with a big anniversary "25-year AW designer of the year“. With a booklet size of 60 pages, the AW Spezial # 01 a tribute to the 25 previous winners with illustrated portraits and 2 works AW Spezial-Preis € 8.200,- each - presented in entertaining chapters! Directly in this anniversary AW Spezial we offer some limited ad spaces. Be there and look forward to a unique design print event that, according to AWA 2020, will reach 380,000 readers*! AW Special Price € 8,200.- Circulation: 100,000 copies / Dates AW Spezial 01/2021: supplement in main issue Publication date 04.01.2021 Size: 56 + 4 pages Booking/cancellation date 10.11.2021 18.11.2020 Format: 191 x 280 mm Copy deadline 02.12.2021 *) AWA 2019 10
Highest utility value + information on a topic: AW Spezial - as inner insert in the total circulation AW Spezial is always monothematic and with its depth of information offers a clear added value for readers and advertisers. Since April 2020, AW has dispensed with the foil bag in a resource-saving manner - AW Spezial is enclosed as an inner supplement, which is communicated in a correspondingly eye-catching way on the cover. AW Spezial is published in the total circulation without reading circle with AW Architektur & Wohnen (approx. 95,000 copies), format 191 x 280 mm. Advertising rates: Double Page € 16,400.- Full Page € 8,200.- Full Page IFC/OBC€ 10,200.- Magazine Res Issue PD AD CD Topic AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Design 01/2021 04.01.2021 26.10.2020 19.11.2020 Big anniversary edition: 25 years AW-Designer of the Year AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 02/2021 02.03.2021 23.12.2020 21.01.2021 Hometextile- & Fabric-Trends AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Bath 03/2021 04.05.2021 26.02.2021 22.03.2021 Bathroom & Wellness + the best Bathroom Studio addresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 04/2021 01.07.2021 26.04.2021 20.05.2021 Home Office & New Work + the best addresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Kitchen 05/2021 01.09.2021 15.07.2021 23.07.2021 Kitchen trends + the best Kitchen-Studio adresses in Germany AW Architektur & Wohnen Spezial Living 06/2021 02.11.2021 31.08.2021 22.09.2021 Sustainability (design, furniture, materials) + the best addresses in Germany 18.11.2020 11
AW – 64 years of inspiration! Frequency AW Architektur & Wohnen is the only multi- bi-monthly thematic and internationally recognised lead magazine on architecture, design, home living Copyprice and garden planning that takes an emotional € 9,90 approach. The magazine stands for an exquisite selection of topics in top journalistic Ad rate 2021 quality, for international trends and qualified 1/1 4c € 21,800.00 analysis. That's why AW Architektur & Wohnen is appreciated equally by both its readers and Format industry professionals. 210 mm width 280 mm hight AW is the premium title for design, home living, architecture and garden in Germany. Paid circulation 66.606 Exemplare AW Architektur & Wohnen presents its own editorial awards and has itself been commended several times in recent years. The Reach AW-Designer of the Year is the most sought 0,38 Mio after and prestigious design award in the entire European home interior scene. This acknowledgement confirms the status of AW as lead magazine. 18.11.2020 Source: AWA 2020; IVW III/2020; 2021 rates 12
Relaunch – Experience AW Architektur & Wohnen digital in a completely new way AW Architektur & Wohnen Readers 11/18/2020 13
Relaunch What‘s new? New high-quality design in line with the demands of the style-forming magazine Native advertising possibilities only instead of programmatic advertising Curated service orientation for users: • Designer Dictionary • Encyclopedia of architects • Brand dictionary 11/18/2020 14
Media package BANNER The „Place to be“ for digital campaigns The package includes: 1. Premium Banner on home page (run on site – 300.000 AIs/year guaranteed) 2. 6 Social Posts 3. Advertorial page (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain Premium Banner to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Running time (1.–3.): 12 months with quarterly reporting 3.a. Brand Advertorial (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Remains minimum 2 years online – a permanent Integration on website as editorial content is possible Booking Rate: 13.800 € 11/18/2020 It is based on the price lists 2020 and the general terms and conditions. Online sales are not 15 subject to discounts and are eligible for discounts, but are eligible for AE (exception: design costs).
Editorial Package big Our offer for digital storytelling The package includes: 1. Native teaser within the editorial content on home page 2. 3 Social Posts 3. Advertorial page (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Running time (1.–3.): 6 months in total 3 x 2 weeks top teaser 3.a. Brand Advertorial (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Remains minimum 2 years online – a permanent Integration on website as editorial content is possible Booking Rate: 10.235,- € 11/18/2020 It is based on the price lists 2020 and the general terms and conditions. Online sales are not 16 subject to discounts and are eligible for discounts, but are eligible for AE (exception: design costs).
Editorial Package small Our offer for your digital presence The package includes: 1. Native teaser within the editorial content on home page 2. 2 Social Posts 3. Advertorial page (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Running time (1.–3.): 6 weeks in total (3 x 2 weeks) 3.a. Brand Advertorial (text, visuals, video) with a link from a trusted domain to client homepage to designer dictionary (if matching designers involved) to list of showrooms/retail partners Remains minimum 2 years online – a permanent Integration on website as editorial content is possible Booking Rate: 6.900 € 11/18/2020 It is based on the price lists 2020 and the general terms and conditions. Online sales are not 17 subject to discounts and are eligible for discounts, but are eligible for AE (exception: design costs). Key Facts Reach (p. month)* Digital Touchpoints in total 400.000 Visits: 28.240 35 - 44 years: 53 % 47 % AIs: 206.580 48 % PIs: 165.000 3.742 Subscriber 5.639 Follower 76,9k Follower 11/18/2020 *Google Analytics June 2019 **Google Analytics April 2020 18
Your local contact persons We look forward to talking to you... Advertising Director Grossbritannien & Irland Schweiz & Liechtenstein International Business + Kontakt: Stefanie Stroh-Begg Kontakt: Eva Favre Frankreich & Monaco Mercury Publicity Ltd. Affinity-PrimeMEDIA Ltd Contact: Dagmar Hansen 99 Grays Inn Rd. Case postale 20 JAHRESZEITEN VERLAG GmbH London WC1X 8TY Route de Mollie-Margot 1 Harvestehuder Weg 42 T +44/ 7798-665-395 1073 Savigny 20149 Hamburg E T +41/21/781 08 50 phone: +49/40/2717 2030 E e-mail: Belgien, Niederlande & Luxemburg Italien Skandinavien Kontakt: Anita Rodwell Kontakt: Meike Belloni Kontakt: Finn Greve Isdahl Mediawire International Media & Service International Srl International Media Sales Plein 1945 nr. 27 Via Giotto, 32 P.O. Box 44 Fantoft 1251 MA, Laren 20145 Mailand 5899 Bergen T +31/651/48 01 08 T +39/02/ 48 00 61 93 T +47/55/ 92 51 92 E E E Spanien & Portugal Österreich Kontakt: David Castelló Kontakt: Michael Thiemann K.Media Jahreszeiten Verlag GmbH Calle Santa Engracia, 18, Alt Seckbach 5 Esc.4, 2 lzq. 60389 Frankfurt 28010 Madrid T +49/40/22 85 92 99-6 T +34/91/702 34 84 E E 11/18/2020 19
Backup AW Architektur & Wohnen Readers – new AWA 2020 11/18/2020 20
70,000 new readers are enthusiastic about AW! AW Architektur & Wohnen - the AWA winner 2020! AW Architektur & Wohnen convinces with 70,000 new enthusiastic readers and is thus the absolute leader in the segment of upscale design and living magazines. With this significant increase of 22%, AW Architektur & Wohnen now reaches a total of 380,000 readers, making it one of the Top 10 winners of the AWA 2020 - further proof of brand power, popularity and desirability in the target group. AW Architektur & Wohnen picks up everyone who wants to live a cultivated life. People who actively shape their living environment and who are just as enthusiastic about an aesthetic product as they are about an environment and future worth living in. What distinguishes them is the desire for beautiful things. The readers of AW Architektur & Wohnen have a high net household income and financial leeway. They are full of purchase plans and have a wide range of interests. They belong to the social upper class, are cosmopolitan and luxury-oriented consumers. In AWA, AW Architektur & Wohnen readers are mainly classified as Modern Home & Interior buyers - the experts for high-quality living and furnishing. 18.11.2020 Quelle: AWA 2020 21
unisex. accessible. print affinity. The premium magazine AW Architektur & Wohnen is aimed at both sexes. Most of AW’s 380,000 readers belong to the advertising-relevant age group of 30- to 64-year-olds (77%). Gender % Index Men 51 103 Women 49 97 Age 20-29 8 62 30-39 19 130 40-49 13 88 50-59 140 26 60-69 19 131 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 22
affluent. independent. financially strong. AW readers have a very high net household income with it a generous financial leeway of € 1.000 or more per month to spend (30%, Index 195). Besides 34% of them enjoy the highest socio-economic status (level 1) and regard their economic position as very good (Index 297). % Index Socio-economic status 54 242 High (level 1+2) Profession 8 350 Proprietor, manager, professions Net household income € 4.000 per month and more 44 164 € 5.000 per month and more 30 208 € 6.000 per month and more 20 281 Disposable income € 1.000 and more 30 195 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 23
brand-orientated. prosperous. quality-minded. For AW readers quality is very important, and they are prepared to pay a lot for it. With their high purchasing power and financial resources they can afford to enjoy life to the full. A preference for exclusiveness and a keen interest in everything that is new plays a leading role in their lives as consumers and connoisseurs. Personal outlook Applies to me: % Index I am fascinated by luxury brands 29 234 I like to buy products with 40 254 modern design 45 729 Special target group: Modern Home & Interior Purchaser typology 32 301 Luxury-orientated consumers Predominantly quality-oriented 43 202 consumers 39 190 Mobile cosmopolitans 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 24
innovative. design-driven. exemplary. AW readers love living in the lap of luxury and can afford to do so. They belong to the upper social strata and they live highly cosmopolitan and discerning lives. Their lifestyle is reflected in the premium magazine AW Architektur & Wohnen. Social stratum % Index Upper class 16 368 Upper middle class 53 137 Innovation orientation Innovators 30 535 Trendsetters 17 159 Modern design Interested, often give advice and am seen as something of an expert 33 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 25
lovers of architecture. consumerist. interested. AW readers own high-quality and exclusive products. They delight their pleasure in buying valuable products and own, for example, quality home textiles, modern design furniture, valuable jewellery, etc. Household already has: % Index Modern furniture designed by highly 36 464 regarded designers 31 184 Quality home textiles 39 165 Valuable cutlery and tableware 24 234 Valuable jewellery Particularly interested in 39 534 Modern design 46 921 Modern architecture 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 26
established. elegant. engaged. AW is aimed at professionals as well as at architecture enthusiasts. Within the last 50 years AW became internationally recognised as a reliable source of reportings on architecture and as the most important opinion leader regarding style and architecture in Germany. % Index I am interested in building, modernizing and renovating, often give 35 274 advice and am considered an expert I am interested in home furnishing and interior design, often give advice and 46 284 am considered to be an expert I am professionally involved in the construction industry 27 266 I am professionally involved in 10 engineering sciences 11/18/2020 Source: AWA 2020, Index: Total population = 100 27
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