Dilworth Senior Campus - Year 11 Option Choices 2021 - Dilworth School

Page created by Angel Miller
Dilworth Senior Campus - Year 11 Option Choices 2021 - Dilworth School
Dilworth Senior Campus

         Year 11
   Option Choices 2021
Subject Pathways
                  Year 10              Year 11                Year 12                 Year 13

                                      Accounting      ®     Accounting        ®     Accounting
                 Studies        ®     Economics       ®     Economics         ®     Economics
                                                                              ®       English
ENGLISH           English       ®       English       ®       English
                                                                              ®       English

                  French        ®       French        ®       French          ®       French

               Te Reo Māori     ®    Te Reo Māori     ®    Te Reo Māori       ®    Te Reo Māori
                                                            Advanced          ®    with Calculus
                                                      ®    Mathematics             Mathematics
MATHEMATICS    Mathematics      ®    Mathematics                              ®    with Statistics

                                                      ®    Mathematics        ®    Mathematics

PERFORMING        Drama         ®       Drama         ®       Drama           ®       Drama
ARTS              Music         ®       Music         ®        Music          ®        Music
                 Physical              Physical               Physical                Physical
                Education       ®     Education       ®      Education        ®      Education
PE & HEALTH       Health

                                      Transition             Transition              Gateway

                                                              Biology         ®       Biology

                                                             Chemistry        ®      Chemistry
SCIENCE           Science       ®      Science        ®    Earth & Space           Earth & Space
                                                              Science         ®       Science
                                                              Physics         ®       Physics

                                      Geography       ®     Geography         ®     Geography
               Social Studies
                                        History       ®       History         ®       History
SCIENCES                                                  Classical Studies   ®   Classical Studies

                                                           Media Studies      ®    Media Studies
              Design & Visual       Design & Visual       Design & Visual         Design & Visual
              Communication     ®   Communication     ®   Communication       ®   Communication
              Hard Materials        Hard Materials        Hard Materials          Hard Materials
                Technology      ®     Technology      ®     Technology        ®     Technology
                                     Digital Design        Digital Design          Digital Design
                                     Technologies     ®    Technologies       ®    Technologies

TECHNOLOGY                                                  Hospitality       ®     Hospitality
& ART                                                                               Electronics

                                                                              ®       Painting
                                                      ®       Painting
                    Art         ®         Art                                 ®     Printmaking

                                                      ®    Photography        ®    Photography
Accounting                                                                                NCEA Level 1
This course aims to promote knowledge and understanding of accounting as a financial language for individuals,
community organisations and businesses. It provides students with knowledge and skills that can apply to practical

Students will learn about accounting concepts, financial statements including budgets, and the analysis and
interpretation of the accounts of a business.

An in-depth study will be done on Accounting for clubs and non-profit organisations.

This course is suitable for any student with an interest in business.

Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for entry to this course. All students are welcome
You do not have to be good at Mathematics.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                         Title                                  External/Internal      Credits

  90976       Accounting concepts for small entities                                       External             3

  90978       Prepare financial statements for sole proprietors.                           External             5

              Prepare financial information for a community organisation’s annual
  90979                                                                                    Internal             4
              general meeting.

  90981       Make a financial decision for an individual or group                         Internal             3

  91386       Demonstrate understanding of an Inventory Subsystem                          Internal             3

                                                                                       TOTAL CREDITS            18
English                                                                                    NCEA Level 1
Level 1 English is a compulsory subject for all students in Year 11.

This course has an academic focus and involves the exploration of a range of written and visual texts to enhance
students’ understanding of how language is used to form our ideas and opinions. In Year 11 English, students are
given the opportunity to enhance their skills in reading, writing, speaking and presenting.

Internally, students will cover three areas:

    •   Wide Reading, where students will independently select and study a range of texts, forming personal
        responses to the ideas and techniques found within;
    •   Formal Speaking, where students will structure and develop an oral text that will be presented in front of a
        group of their peers; and
    •   Creative Writing, where students will learn and practise the skills to develop and structure original ideas in
        the written form with accuracy.

The external component of this course covers two areas:
    • The Study of Written Text, where students will study, as a class, an extended text OR a series of short texts,
        paying attention to the structures and techniques used by the author to develop ideas and appeal to
        audiences; and
    • The Study of Film, where students will study, as a class, an extended visual text, paying attention to the visual
        and aural techniques used by the director to develop a story and to evoke thought and emotion in an

Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites to study Level 1 English.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                        Title                                   External/Internal      Credits

  90052       Produce creative writing.                                                     Internal              3

              Show understanding of specified aspects of studied written texts,
  90849                                                                                     External              4
              using supporting evidence.
              Show understanding of specified aspects of studied visual or oral
  90850                                                                                     External              4
              texts, using supporting evidence.
              Form personal responses to independently read texts supported by
  90854                                                                                     Internal              4

  90857       Construct and deliver an oral text.                                           Internal              3

                                                                                        TOTAL CREDITS            18
French                                                                                     NCEA Level 1

French at Level 1 is not difficult, but does require a considerable time commitment, as students must be prepared to
thoroughly learn the requisite vocabulary and structures.

Achievement Objectives are to: give and follow instructions, communicate about problems and solutions, talk about
future plans, hopes, wishes and intentions, communicate in formal situations, talk about present and past states,
feeling and opinions, past activities, events, habits and routines, describe and compare people, places and things.

Themes include: Self, family, friends and home; What I have done and what I used to do; Holiday destinations in NZ
and France; Travel and transport; Problems and solutions (including health and travel); What I will do; Plans for the
future; My city and region.

Level 1 French assesses the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with particular emphasis
on speaking, for which there are two standards, worth a total of nine credits; speech and interaction. There are three
internal and two external standards. Intercultural learning, while not assessed per se, is still an invaluable component
of the course

Entry Requirements

Students may not begin French at this level – they must have taken it in Year 10.
It is recommended that students have had sound grades in the Year 10 course and be motivated to succeed.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                        Title                                   External/Internal      Credits

              Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken French texts on
  90878                                                                                     External             5
              areas of most immediate relevance
              Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates a personal
  90879                                                                                     Internal             4
              Interact using spoken French to communicate personal information,
  90880                                                                                     Internal             5
              ideas and opinions in different situations
                      Demonstrate understanding of a variety of French texts on
  90881                                                                                     External             5
              areas of most immediate relevance
              Write a variety of text types in French on areas of most immediate
  90882                                                                                     Internal             5

                                                                                        TOTAL CREDITS            24
Te Reo Māori                                                                               NCEA Level 1

The Level 1 course will utilise Te Reo Māori as the medium of expression in the areas of listening, reading, writing,
Tikanga and presenting. Instruction will be bi-lingual and as the year progresses, parts of the programme will be solely
in Māori.

Each term will consist of both summative and formative assessments in both listening and written language. Both
assessments are internally assessed.. The reading comprehension component is externally assessed at the end of
year. Students will experience and be enriched with Māori experiences outside of the classroom.

Entry Requirements

The pre-requisite for Year 11 Te Reo Māori is a completed Year 10 Te Reo Māori programme of study, or a suggested
entry level with the equivalent to the grammar, construction and vocabulary of Te Pukaki, of the ‘Te Ia Reo’ Māori
Language programme.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                    External/Internal      Credits

  91085       Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o tōna ao.                                     Internal             6

  91087       Pānui kia mohio ki te reo o tōna ao.                                         External              6

  91089       Waihanga tuhinga I te reo o tōna ao.                                          Internal             6

              Tikanga: Describe the characteristics and actions of a selected atua
 US16160                                                                                    Internal             3
              in accordance with ngā kōrero tuku iho.
              Tikanga: Describe a hui and the roles associated with hui in
 US27106                                                                                    Internal             2
              accordance with tikanga/ or kawa.

                                                                                        TOTAL CREDITS           23
Mathematics                                                                                NCEA Level 1

Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 11 because the skills taught and habits developed are essential for most
learning areas and career pathways. All strands of the New Zealand Curriculum are covered and students who are not
consistently achieving at Level 5 or 6 of the Curriculum will receive extra support to ensure they are achieving success
in NCEA Level 1.

The Year 11 Mathematics course focuses on key skills that are essential for laying the foundation for success in
Mathematics. In order for students to have the broadest possible pathways beyond school (and ensure smooth
transitions through learning while at school) students’ learning will focus on Number and Algebra – looking at linear,
quadratic and exponential relationships in some depth to ensure applications of these relationships are clear.

Entry Requirements
Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 11

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                    External/Internal      Credits

  91026       Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems                                   Internal             4

  91027       Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems                               External              4

  91028       Investigate relationships between tables, equations and graphs               External              4

  91029       Apply linear algebra in solving problems                                      Internal             3

  91037       Demonstrate an understanding of chance and data                              External              4

                                                                                        TOTAL CREDITS           19
Drama                                                                                     NCEA Level 1

The aim of this course is

    •   To develop practical knowledge in drama performance and critique.
    •   To initiate and develop ideas collectively and individually.
    •   To study theatre form in detail; understanding the form and its purpose in historical context.

A high degree of commitment to rehearsals and performances is required, which will include in and out-of-class time.
Students who have completed the Level 1 Drama course satisfactorily will be given preference when entries to Level 2
Drama are considered.

Entry Requirements

Any student who displays interest in Drama may take this subject after consulting the HOD Drama or HOF Performing
Arts. Students who have participated to a good level in Year 10 Drama are advantaged.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                   External/Internal   Credits

  90006       Apply drama techniques in a dramatic context                                 Internal          4

  90997       Devise and perform a drama                                                   Internal          5

              Demonstrate understanding of features of a drama/theatre
  90998                                                                                    External          4

  90999       Use features of a drama / theatre in performance                             Internal          4

  91000       Demonstrate understanding of a significant play                              Internal          4

                                                                                       TOTAL CREDITS        21
Music                                                                                      NCEA Level 1

This course is designed for students who are interested in music, or a career in the Arts or Media, and also for those
who want to broaden their scholarship.

This course of study is designed to follow on from the Year 10 course. Particularly successful Year 10 students may
carry assessment evidence forward into the Level 1 course.

Entry Requirements

Students entering this course are expected to be Grade 3+ standard in both performance and music theory. Students
who have learned an instrument for three years or more may be accepted for the class at the discretion of the Head
of Faculty.

Level 1 Music is a prerequisite for the Level 2 Certificate Music Course

NZQF Standards
 Number                                        Title                                   External/Internal      Credits

  91090       Perform two pieces of music as a featured soloist                             Internal             4

  91091       Perform one piece of music as a member of a group                             Internal             4

  91092       Compose two original pieces of music                                          Internal             6

  91093       Demonstrate aural and theoretical skills through transcription                External             4

  91094       Demonstrate knowledge of conventions used in music scores                     External             4

                                                                                        TOTAL CREDITS           22
Physical Education                                                                          NCEA Level 1

This course will develop students’ knowledge of the basic concepts and theories that underpin sport and physical
activity. They will learn basic anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, skill learning theories as well as improve
the quality of their movement in sports.

This course continues on from the knowledge and skills learned in Physical Education from earlier years, and prepares
them for Level 2 Physical Education. The knowledge attained will also offer a pathway towards careers in sport,
exercise prescription, coaching and teaching.

Students have four lessons of Level 1 Physical Education per week. The course balances physical activity with theory
to ensure students will learn in, through and about movement.

All five assessments are compulsory; however, students will have some choice with regards to contexts for certain

Entry Requirements

There are no prerequisites for students to study this course.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                        Title                                    External/Internal      Credits

              Participate actively in a variety of physical activities and explain
  90962                                                                                      Internal             5
              factors that influence own participation
              Demonstrate understanding of the function of the body as it relates
  90963                                                                                      Internal             5
              to the performance of physical activity
              Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical
  90964                                                                                      Internal             3
              Demonstrate strategies to improve the performance of a physical
  90967                                                                                      Internal             3
              activity and describe the outcomes
              Demonstrate self-management strategies and describe the effects
  90970                                                                                      Internal             3
              on participation in physical activity

                                                                                         TOTAL CREDITS           19
Science                                                                               NCEA Level 1

Level 1 Science is compulsory for all boys at Dilworth

The basic principles and concepts developed in the Junior Science course are now advanced in the main areas of
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Topics are developed through a thorough practical course to increase investigative
and problem-solving skills.

Living World:
    § Genetics
The Material World:
    § Acid/base reactions
    § Practical Investigation
The Physical World:
    § Mechanics
    § Practical Investigation

The course forms the basis for Year 12 Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Entry Requirements

There are no prerequisites for entry to this course.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                External/Internal     Credits

  90930       Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction            Internal             4
              Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a linear
  90935                                                                                Internal             4
              mathematical relationship, with direction
  90940       Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics                        External             4

  90944       Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases                  External             4
              Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic
  90948                                                                                External             4

                                                                                   TOTAL CREDITS           20
Geography                                                                                 NCEA Level 1
The syllabus is designed for pupils taking the subject for the first time.

             ▪     The extreme natural events topic will focus on tropical cyclones or volcanic eruptions.
             ▪     The application of skills, concepts and ideas in a geographic environment.
             ▪     Research fieldwork will focus on Traffic flow around Dilworth.
             ▪     The global topic will focus on the production of coffee.
             ▪     The Current Geographic Issue will focus on Muriwai Beach access to vehicles.

School Geography aims to help students develop an understanding of the natural and cultural environment as the
home of people.

Students at all levels learn from practical work both within the classroom and by completing fieldwork outside of
the classroom. Skills and techniques will be developed and applied in geographic enquiry and interpretation tasks.
Students develop thinking skills relating to planning, collecting, recording, processing, interpreting and critically
evaluating research data to reach conclusions

Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for entry to this course.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                            Title                              External/Internal      Credits

                 Demonstrate geographic understanding of environment that has
   91007                                                                                   External            4
                 been shaped by extreme natural event(s).
                 Demonstrate geographic understanding of the sustainable use of
   91009                                                                                   Internal            3
                 an environment.
                 Apply concepts and basic geographic skills to demonstrate
   91010                                                                                   External            4
                 understanding of a given environment.

   91011         Conduct geographic research, with direction.                              Internal            4

                 Describe aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic
   91012                                                                                   Internal            3

                                                                                       TOTAL CREDITS           18
History                                                                                  NCEA Level 1
An important aspect of History is the development of skills which can be useful for a wide variety of occupations
and learning experiences. These include learning how to research, essay and report-writing skills, analysing and
interpreting a variety of material and developing an argument based on evidence.

Year 11 History builds on the skills and knowledge developed in Social Studies. We study a broad range of key
events in the 20th Century with particular focus on:

    ▪   Origins and Course of World War II 1919-45 looks at the reasons for the outbreak of war in 1939 starting
        from the events following the end of World War I, and then at how the war unfolded including some of
        the major battles of the war. We will then briefly examine events at the end of the war including the
        development of the United Nations and the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union.
    ▪   Black Civil Rights in USA 1954-1970 studies the civil rights movement fight to end racial segregation and
        discrimination, including Martin Luther King and radical black protest.
    ▪   The depression of the 1930s in New Zealand. This will mainly be studied through internal standards.

The course will introduce students to the study of History. A wide variety of very useful skills will be developed
including research skills, selecting for relevance, analysing a wide variety of resource material and learning to write
a formal essay.

Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for entry to this course.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                  External/Internal       Credits

              Carry out an investigation of an historical event or place, of
  91001                                                                                    Internal             4
              significance to New Zealanders.
              Demonstrate understanding of an historical event or place, of
  91002                                                                                    Internal             4
              significance to New Zealanders.
              Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New
  91003                                                                                   External              4
              Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in
  91004                                                                                    Internal             4
              an historical event, of significance to New Zealanders.

  91005       Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event.                External              4

                                                                                      TOTAL CREDITS            20
Design & Visual Communication                                                              NCEA Level 1
In Design and Visual Communication Level 1, the students will learn to communicate ideas and information within a
product and spatial design context. This involves visually communicating ideas through freehand sketching,
instrumental drawing, 3D modelling, and CAD (computer-aided design).

The students will gain an awareness of design in its broadest sense by recognising functional and aesthetic
characteristics of influential designers, past and present and integrating these into their work. They will develop
inquiry skills and a design thinking approach which fosters innovation and creativity. The course provides a variety of
design, drawing and presentation strategies that will be challenging, creative and useful.

Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for entry to Level 1 Design and Visual Communication

NZQF Standards
 Number                                      Title                                  External/Internal      Credits

  91063       Produce freehand sketches that communicate design ideas                    External             3

              Use rendering techniques to communicate the form of design
  91066                                                                                  Internal             3

  91067       Use the work of an influential designer to inform design ideas             Internal             3

  91068       Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice            Internal             6

              Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using
  91069                                                                                  Internal             4
              visual communication techniques

                                                                                     TOTAL CREDITS            19
Hard Materials Technology                                                                 NCEA Level 1
This is a practical course, which means students will learn by doing. Students will be able to learn by seeing a skill
demonstrated then practising it until they achieve the set standard. Students will develop their technological
literacy through the integration of, project planning, brief development, outcome development and the

Although the course is based on hard materials (e.g. wood, metal and alternative materials), the skills learnt are
suitable to be used for many industries.

Examples of Year 11 projects:

    ●   Mirror stand – Cheval
    ●   Wooden puzzles to set specifications
    ●   Kitchen steps
    ●   Desk tidy
    ●   Planter box
    ●   Personal storage unit

Entry Requirements
It is suggested that the course is a continuation of Technology and will be taken in Years 11 – 13.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                       Title                                   External/Internal       Credits

              Use design ideas to produce a conceptual design for an outcome
  91046                                                                                    Internal              6
              to address a brief
              Implement basic procedures using resistant materials to make a
  91057                                                                                    Internal              6
              specified product
              Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts used to make
  91059                                                                                    Internal              4
              products from resistant materials
              Produce instrumental paraline drawings to communicate design
  91065                                                                                    External              3

                                                                                       TOTAL CREDITS            19
Digital Design Technologies                                                             NCEA Level 1
Digital Design Technology allows students to investigate new and emerging digital practices and trends. The nature
of this subject is very fluid and is continually being revised. Digital Design Technologies is not just for computer
nerds, hackers and geeks, but for those with an interest in how to be better equipped for an ever changing digital
world. Every industry is being disrupted and redefined by digital technology. This course will challenge students to
think creatively about design and human-computer interaction; empowering them with the skills and techniques
to make the transition from consumer to creator.

At Level 1 students are introduced to the world of Digital Design. We begin to establish skills to equip students for
the Year 13 “Passion Project”, where students are given three terms to complete the project of their choice. In
preparation for that, students will complete projects in Branding and Identity Design, Programming and
Augmented Reality Development.

This is a project-based course which means students will learn through doing extended projects. Students are able
to learn by planning and executing a project.

Examples of Year 11 projects

    ●   Website Design
    ●   Coding and Programming
    ●   Digital Design and Branding

Entry Requirements
Any student who displays interest in Digital Design Technologies may apply to take this subject.

The course is limited to 22 students. If more boys apply, an interview process will take place to determine the
most suitable candidates

NZQF Standards
 Number                                      Title                                  External/Internal       Credits

  91053       Demonstrate understanding of design elements                               External              3

  91878       Develop a design for a digital outcome                                     Internal              3

  91880       Develop a digital media outcome                                            Internal              4

  91883       Develop a computer program                                                 Internal              4

              Use basic iterative processes to plan and develop a digital
  91884                                                                                  Internal              6

                                                                                     TOTAL CREDITS            20
Art                                                                                      NCEA Level 1
The aim of this course is for students

    ●   To develop perceptual awareness and understanding of their cultural environment.
    ●   To develop observational skills and apply practical knowledge through creativity.
    ●   To develop a wide range of technical skills in drawing, printmaking, painting and design.
    ●   To develop critical evaluation skills and an awareness of the cultural values of the community.
    ●   To work towards the development of art processes and techniques.

Entry Requirements
Any student who expresses an interest in Art may take this subject. Students who have taken Year 10 Art are
advantaged. Students who have completed the Level 1 Art course satisfactorily will be given preference when entries
to Level 2 Practical Art and Photography are considered.

NZQF Standards
 Number                                      Title                                 External/Internal      Credits

              Demonstrate understanding of art works from a Maori and
  90913                                                                                 Internal            4
              another cultural context using art terminology
              Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field
  90915                                                                                 Internal            6
              of practice
              Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which
  90916                                                                                 External            12
              develops ideas, using a range of media

  91096       Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter of art works              Internal            4

                                                                                    TOTAL CREDITS           26
You can also read