School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987

Page created by Brent Fox
School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
School plan 2018-2020

               Rosebank Public School 2987

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School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
School background 2018–2020

    School vision statement                                  School context                                           School planning process
     At Rosebank, our ‘end in mind’ is the delivery of       Rosebank Public School is a picturesque small            At the end of 2017, members of the Rosebank school
     engaging, evidence–based educational programs           school set in the lush green hinterland behind Byron     community met for a series of planning forums. Parents
     that nourish mind, body and spirit, ignite curiosity    Bay. The school is held in the warm embrace of           and students each participated in a World Café
     and nurture creativity. Learning programs are highly    parents, friends and community, with children            (Brown, 2001) process, where they collaborated to
     personalised, with an uncompromising focus on           enjoying the fruits of positive school–community         answer important questions about our school's
     academic and personal growth in an environment          partnerships. Our expansive grounds offer multiple       strengths and opportunities for growth.
     that is both challenging and highly supportive.         opportunities for outdoor learning and we often
                                                             venture further afield, with children enjoying quality   Teachers also met to analyse a variety of school data
     Teaching at Rosebank is responsive to individual                                                                 and reflect on our school's improvement journey using
                                                             outdoor education experiences including Little Bush
     and group capabilities and promotes respect,                                                                     the School Excellence Framework. These activities led
                                                             Scrub, our popular bush school program.
     integrity, service and excellence. Students, teachers                                                            to the development of our school’s strategic directions:
                                                             Our school draws on the wealth of talent in our local    Growth, Creativity and Citizenship.
     and parents form mutually supportive,
     interconnected learning communities, continuously       community to enrich Creative and Performing Arts         In 2018, we will administer surveys to further evaluate
     striving for ‘next practice’ as we set out              (CAPA) programs and support the cultural learning        student and parent satisfaction with our plan and its
     to extend, enrich and innovate on prior learning.       of students. Don’t be surprised to find                  implementation.
                                                             us building bush shelters on the adjacent Nature
                                                             Reserve, weaving baskets with a local artisan,
                                                             learning about Aboriginal cultural business from a
                                                             Bundjalung Elder or learning about electrical circuits
                                                             with a local sparky.

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School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
School strategic directions 2018–2020

                   Growth                                                               Creativity                                                 Citizenship

      As a school community, it is our shared intention to raise     All learners (students and teachers) are encouraged to take        Rosebank students are learning to be people of good
      individual and collective student achievement, especially in   managed risks, think 'outside the box' and embrace                 character, who will make a positive contribution to their
      targeted areas of Science, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation      cognitive dissonance when designing, creating,                     world and within the microcosm of their social
      and Grammar. Teachers and school leadership will               representing or communicating. Learning programs and               relationships. To assist them, the school will continue to
      promote personal and school excellence and communicate         products will reflect the diversity of skills, talents and ideas   develop its leadership, social learning and wellbeing
      a sense of shared pride in students' achievements.             of our learning community, with students given opportunities       programs, enabling each student to connect, thrive and
                                                                     to use multiple modes of representation to demonstrate             succeed.
      Students and teachers will strive to improve, forming clear    what they know and understand.
      understandings of learning strengths, capabilities and                                                                            The school will enable students' growth as secure,
      opportunities for improvement based on skillful                The Creative and Performing Arts will form a valued part of        confident, digitally literate and critically engaged global
      interpretation of formative and summative information. The     school programs, with teachers and students identifying            citizens, with a strong service ethos and commitment to
      school will continue to grow its feedback culture, with        opportunities to incorporate artistic expression into daily        shared, sustainable futures. Learning programs will be
      students and teachers actively seeking, interpreting and       activity and other key learning areas. Teachers will be            designed to enable students' development of 21st century
      applying information to set and achieve personal learning      encouraged to design new, innovative ways to enable                learning capabilities.
      goals.                                                         student learning growth and provided with the resources
                                                                     and support necessary to turn inspiration into reality.            Learners will be supported and enabled to engage in
      Our education programs will be highly personalised,                                                                               positive behaviour for learning, ultimately taking
      meeting each learner where he or she is today, and giving                                                                         responsibility for their own motivation and learning and
      each learner explicit and guidance about how to progress.                                                                         instinctively reflecting on how their choices impact on
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                                                                                                                                        others.                                            Printed on: 17 April, 2018
School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
Strategic Direction 1: Growth

    Purpose                                          People                                                  Processes                                     Practices and Products
     As a school community, it is our shared         Students                                                 "What Works Best" themes incorporated        Practices
     intention to raise individual and collective                                                             into school planning processes.
     student achievement, especially in targeted     Students gather and analyse learning                                                                  Exemplars presented to enable student
     areas of Science, Writing, Spelling,            information, including diagnostic test results           Ongoing formative and summative              visualisation of excellence in various
     Punctuation and Grammar. Teachers and           and work samples, formulating personal                   assessment as per School Assessment          learning contexts
     school leadership will promote personal and     learning goals and monitoring progress                   Schedule.
     school excellence and communicate a             towards achievement of those goals                                                                    Data conversations at staff meetings and
     sense of shared pride in students'                                                                       Articulation of whole school Science,        staff development as well as with individual
     achievements.                                   Students engage with teachers in focused                 Spelling, Grammar and                        students and student groups.
                                                     data conversations where they receive                    Punctuation Programs including Scope and
                                                     in–depth information about learning                      Sequence charts.                             Classroom observations of teaching
     Students and teachers will strive to improve,
                                                     strengths and opportunities for growth and                                                            followed by collegial coaching framed by
     forming clear understandings of learning
                                                     explicit guidance on how to address areas                Implementation of Seven Steps Writing        school pedagogical framework and aligned
     strengths, capabilities and opportunities for                                                                                                         to WWB themes.
                                                     targeted for improvement.                                Program as whole school focus.
     improvement based on skillful interpretation
     of formative and summative information.                                                                  Teachers form a Seven Steps Professional     Products
                                                     Staff                                                    Learning Community, sharing "What
     The school will continue to grow its                                                                     Works" at weekly staff meetings and          A School Spelling Program will be
     feedback culture, with students and             Teachers collect short, mid and long cycle               comparing writing samples.                   produced that outlines the school's
     teachers actively seeking, interpreting and     learning information that they use to inform                                                          approach to the Teaching of Spelling along
     applying information to set and achieve         and differentiate instruction.                           Supported analysis of ICAS assessment        with a scope and sequence of required
     personal learning goals.                                                                                 data to identify areas for improvement for   learning and identified learning outcomes
     Our education programs will be highly           When preparing assessments, teachers                     both individuals and group.                  by stage.
     personalised, meeting each learner where        present visible success criteria, with
     he or she is today, and giving each             students provided with samples that show                                                              Parent Library with titles related to
                                                                                                              Supported analysis of PAT–R                  children's learning and development,
     learner explicit and guidance about how to      what "excellence" looks or sounds like.
                                                                                                              Comprehension tests data to identify         parenting and family/child wellbeing
     progress.                                                                                                opportunities for targeted teaching and
                                                     Teachers provide students with                           individual support.
                                                     opportunities to edit, revise or re–iterate                                                           Reading Eggs program made available to
                                                     projects or pieces of work so that feedback                                                           children attending Rosebank Preschool
                                                                                                              Teachers K–6 access quality professional     and eligible for enrolment at Rosebank
                                                     can be applied immediately to enable
                                                                                                              learning to enhance STEM teaching, with      Public School.
    Improvement Measures                             improvement
                                                                                                              particular emphasis on coding and design.
     Students demonstrate growth (Y3–5) equal                                                                                                              ILPs on file for all students identified as
     to or greater than projected in NAPLAN                                                                   Parent education resources and               requiring targeted intervention.
     (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and        Parents/Carers                                           experiences available to all current and
     Punctuation and Mathematics)                                                                             future parent members of the school          School Assessment Schedule embedded in
                                                     Parents access information about how to                  community.                                   practice
     2018–2020, parent survey results (TTFM or       support and enable student learning growth
     other) evidence increasing parental             and wellbeing.                                                                                        Student personal data files documenting
     agreement with statement "Our school                                                                                                                  personal learning goals, progress towards
     provides me with information that enables       Parents are visible in the school as active                                                           those goals and ultimate achievement.
     me to help my child with his/her learning"      supporters of and partners in their child's
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School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
Strategic Direction 1: Growth

    Improvement Measures                           People                                                  Evaluation Plan
     Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for all                                                             Each NAPLAN cycle, the relative growth of
                                                   Community Partners                                     students between Years 3 and 5 will be
     students identified as needing adjustments
     to their learning program – Signed off by                                                            interrogated to determine the degree to
                                                   Community Partners visit the school to                 which the school adds value to each
     parents, student and teachers by end Term     enable extension and enrichment
     1 each year.                                                                                         student's learning trajectory.
                                                   opportunities for students and inspire them
                                                   to excel                                               ICAS results (Science, Writing and
     ILP End of Year Reviews completed for all
     students with an ILP in place by end Term                                                            Spelling) will be interrogated to identify
     4 each year.                                  Leaders                                                emergent trends and issues common to
                                                                                                          groups related to teaching of each..
     Best Start, PLAN data or Learning             The principal articulates high expectations
     Progressions updated prior to completion of   for all areas of school life.
     school report cards each semester.
                                                   The principal communicates information
     33% families (n = 12) are involved in         about "What Works Best" to all teachers
     regular support of classroom programs as      and supports them to align pedagogy to
     evidenced by completion of Appendix 5 for     WWB themes and school pedagogical
     WWCC policy compliance                        framework.

     Teachers who identify STEM professional       The principal grows the school's data
     learning goals during PDP processes           culture, leading the generation and analysis
     demonstrate achievement of those goals.       of high quality information to support
                                                   decision–making and differentiation of
     Students engage in increasing weekly          learning programs.
     teaching of STEM as evidenced by analysis
     of curriculum programs.                       The principal monitors trends in student
                                                   learning information using SCOUT, PLAN
     Students show positive growth over time on    and Best Start and responds to those
     assessments of Science knowledge and          trends with targeted programs
     understanding (ICAS).

     Records show gradual increase of
     borrowing from Parent Library 2018–2020

     WWB themes increasingly visible in
     classroom teaching practice as evidenced
     by observational data generated against
     school pedagogical framework

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School plan 2018-2020 - Rosebank Public School 2987
Strategic Direction 2: Creativity

    Purpose                                          People                                                  Processes                                     Practices and Products
     All learners (students and teachers) are        Students                                                 Professional learning to support             Practices
     encouraged to take managed risks, think                                                                  implementation of inquiry and/or
     'outside the box' and embrace cognitive         Engage in self–directed learning projects of             project–based learning programs              Staged implementation of Project–Based
     dissonance when designing, creating,            their own design, related to their own                                                                Learning
     representing or communicating. Learning         interests.                                               Inclusion of open–ended problem solving
     programs and products will reflect the                                                                   (eg: Rich Mathematical Tasks) in all KLAs.   Assessments allow multiple modes of
     diversity of skills, talents and ideas of our   Engage in learning organised around the                                                               representation for demonstrating
                                                                                                                                                           knowledge and understanding.
     learning community, with students given         solution of unfamiliar, complex,                        Evaluation Plan
     opportunities to use multiple modes of          transdisciplinary problems.
                                                                                                                                                           Real–world experiences and activities that
     representation to demonstrate what they                                                                                                               promote STEM, CAPA and other learning
     know and understand.                            Experience diverse activities design to                  Monitoring of milestones.
                                                     further develop individual gifts and talents,                                                         through partnership with community
                                                     eg: Tournament of Minds.                                 Program analysis for evidence of inquiry     experts, eg: Artist–in–Residence, Tinker
     The Creative and Performing Arts will form                                                                                                            Time.
                                                                                                              or project-based learning experiences.
     a valued part of school programs, with
                                                     Explore learning concepts and skills
     teachers and students identifying                                                                                                                     Products
                                                     through a variety of modes, including
     opportunities to incorporate artistic
                                                     creative modes such as music, drama,
     expression into daily activity and other key                                                                                                          Classroom programs that evidence
                                                     dance and the visual arts.
     learning areas. Teachers will be                                                                                                                      differentiated instruction
     encouraged to design new, innovative ways       Staff
     to enable student learning growth and
     provided with the resources and support         Design learning experiences that activate
     necessary to turn inspiration into reality.     multiple intelligences and modes of
    Improvement Measures                             representation.

     Participation in Tournament of Minds,           Differentiate instruction according           to
     earning increased competition points over       students' individual learning profiles
     planning cycle particular in group
     improvisation (collaboration) task.             Parents/Carers

     Increased visibility of inquiry and             Propose ideas and offer support for
     problem–based learning in classroom             education programs that respond to diverse
                                                     student learning profiles


                                                     Lead design and implementation of inquiry
                                                     and project–based learning programs.

                                                     Practise pedagogical leadership to model
                                                     and enable problem–based pedagogies.

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Strategic Direction 3: Citizenship

    Purpose                                           People                                                  Processes                                      Practices and Products
     Rosebank students are learning to be             Students                                                 Form relationship with teachers affiliated    Practices
     people of good character, who will make a                                                                 with Bundjalung Language Nest at Gnibi
     positive contribution to their world and         Demonstrate positive behaviour in line with              College of Indigenous Australian People at    Aboriginal Language Teacher to participate
     within the microcosm of their social             school values of respect, integrity, safety/             Southern Cross University.                    in Rosebank Bush School Program,
     relationships. To assist them, the school will   service and excellence.                                                                                mentoring students into relationship with
     continue to develop its leadership, social                                                                Delivery of 15 weeks LOTE teaching each       Country that resonates with Aboriginal
     learning and wellbeing programs, enabling        Engage in authentic acts of community                    year by specialist language teacher.          culture.
     each student to connect, thrive and              service.
                                                                                                               Ongoing analysis of behaviour data to         Continued implementation of Positive
                                                       Act as actively engaged, skilful and ethical            identify emergent issues and trends and       Behaviour for Learning (PBL) including
                                                       online citizens, take action to ensure their            identify target PBL behaviour for explicit    SET planning and evaluations supported
     The school will enable students' growth as                                                                                                              by AP PBL.
                                                       own safety and that of others while online.             teaching.
     secure, confident, digitally literate
     and critically engaged global citizens, with a                                                            Regular explicit teaching of target PBL       Fund raising and other activities designed
                                                      Engage in structured leadership
     strong service ethos and commitment to                                                                    behaviours.                                   to support community organisations and
                                                      development program Years 5–6.
     shared, sustainable futures. Learning                                                                                                                   individuals identified as being in need.
     programs will be designed to enable                                                                       Ongoing evaluation of recognition and
                                                      Play an active role in school
     students' development of 21st century            decision–making.                                         reward programs to ensure effective in        Community Education Events highlighting
     learning capabilities.                                                                                    gradually enabling personal intrinsic         risks for children associated with online
                                                      Engage in meaningful environmental                       motivation.                                   engagement and strategies for
     Learners will be supported and enabled to        education and stewardship, including land                                                              management of those risks.
     engage in positive behaviour for learning,       care, demonstrating awareness and                        Design and implement community service
     ultimately taking responsibility for their own   management of their own impact on their                  projects and activities responsive to         Students K–6 experience 15 weeks of Bush
     motivation and learning and instinctively                                                                 students' and community's stated interests    School program (Little Big Scrub) each
     reflecting on how their choices impact on                                                                 and concerns, eg: Goals for Humanity,         year led by Bush School teacher and
     others.                                                                                                   Retirement Home Visitation, Flood Relief      supported by SLSO.
                                                      Support students language and cultural                                                                 Products
                                                      learning through cross–curricular                        Weekly STEM lessons targeting Coding
                                                                                                               and other digital literacies, including       Little Big Scrub Program and Satisfaction
                                                      integration.                                                                                           Survey
                                                                                                               technology and design.
                                                      Recognise or reward positive behaviour.                                                                Rosebank PS Cyber Citizen Code of
    Improvement Measures                                                                                       Education programs targeting cybersafety
                                                      Respond to negative behaviour in line with               that teach students about risks associated
     Pre and post–program assessments                 school's "Consistent Responses to                        with online engagement and strategies to
                                                                                                                                                             Rosebank PS Wellbeing Framework
     demonstrate increased cultural awareness         Negative Behaviour" procedure.                           manage those risks.
     and linguistic competence after 15 weeks
                                                                                                               Quality environmental education that          21CLD Learning Matrices
     language instruction.                            Monitor students' online engagement.
                                                                                                               incorporates bushcraft, land care,
                                                      Seek and act on students' perspectives                   Aboriginal connection to County, Aboriginal
     Parent survey data results evidence high         during class and school decision–making.                 language learning, learning about habitats
     levels of parent satisfaction with student                                                                and animal study.
     behaviour and its management.
                                                      Model and teach environmental
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Strategic Direction 3: Citizenship

    Improvement Measures                         People                                                    Processes

    Records show that parents of students with                                                              Waste management education
                                                 Parents/Carers                                             accompanied by student design and
    negative behaviour records have been
    contacted and behaviour plan activated.                                                                 ownership of waste management
                                                 Contribute their own cultural practices and                procedures in school.
                                                 perspectives to school community events
                                                 and dialogue.                                              Weekly STEM lessons targeting Coding
                                                                                                            and other digital literacy, including
     Years 4–6 students engage in at least one   Engage with school leadership and                          technology and design.
     community service project each year.        teachers to support implementation of the
                                                 school's Positive Behaviour for Learning                   Administration of 21CLD learning matrices
     Teachers self–assess with greater           program.                                                   to evaluate degree to which teaching and
     awareness and application of 21st century                                                              assessment promotes or measures 21st
     learning design on measures generated at    Enable and support student community                       century learning capabilities.
     end of planning cycle as compared to 2018   service.
     baseline.                                                                                             Evaluation Plan
                                                 Work with the school to develop policy
                                                 and procedures for online engagement.                      Monitoring of Milestones

                                                 Community Partners                                         Consultation with Aboriginal parents to
                                                                                                            evaluate authenticity of programming to
                                                 Support students doing community service                   enable Aboriginal cultural learning.

                                                 Share expertise to enrich education                        Bush School Survey to canvass parent
                                                 programs.                                                  satisfaction with inclusion of
                                                                                                            Aboriginal language and culture.

                                                 Identify and schedule opportunities for
                                                 students to experience language and
                                                 cultural learning that reflects the diversity of
                                                 Australian society.

                                                 Lead implementation of Positive Behaviour
                                                 for Learning, including liaison with AP PBL

                                                 Engage in ongoing evaluation and
                                                 adjustment of programs, practices and
                                                 initiatives associated with Rosebank
                                                 Wellbeing Framework

                                                 Plan and manage community engagement
                                                 activities to ensure strong sense of
                                                 community ownership of school

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