St. Justin School Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 - Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
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St. Justin School Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) September 2018 Page 1
St. Justin Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 School Mission: The mission of St. Justin Catholic Elementary School is to bring Christ’s message into our students’ everyday lives through modeling our teaching and our daily contact with them while developing their unique individual capabilities to live and learn in a responsible manner according to Christ’s principles. School Vision: In a Christ-centered supportive environment, we will strive to inspire our students to reach their potential, while celebrating their unique gifts and talents, and preparing them to be environmental stewards and successful 21st century learners. School Charism: St. Justin School, through the charisms of faith, social justice support, and leadership, nurtures an enriching Catholic learning community for all to reach their full potential and become living witnesses of Christ. Data Analysis: Areas to celebrate Accountability Pillar Measure Category: St. Justin School scored above District and was ranked Excellent in the following areas: SAFE AND CARING SCHOOLS, STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES – Education Quality, PREPARATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING, WORLD OF WORK, CITIZENSHIP – Work Preparation and Citizenship, PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – School Improvement Acceptable: STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT– PAT: Improvement Improved Significantly: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT– School Improvement—from Very High to Excellent Improved: STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT– PAT: Acceptable from Low to Acceptable District Satisfaction STUDENTS Grades 4-6: Survey Students scored above District Average in 24/25 areas. Regression Analysis Grade 6: There has been an improvement in the scores for our students in the following subject areas: Mathematics PAT/Diploma analysis The school continued to improved significantly over last year in the following subject areas: • English Language Arts: Writing Standard of Acceptable • Social Studies: Standard of Acceptable September 2018 Page 2
• Mathematics: Acceptable Standard Our School Survey Social Emotional Outcomes: St. Justin School was above District Average in the numerous categories including the following: Feel Safe Attending This School; Positive Teacher-Student Relations; Positive Learning Climate; Expectations for Success; Importance of Religious Celebrations and Prayer; Exploring their Love of God and Service to Community 5 Marks of Catholic The areas where we grew were as follows: School Identity Mark Three: Animated by a Faith Infused Curriculum Assessment Standard Three: An excellent Catholic school has an academic curriculum that integrates a vision of faith within the learner outcomes and teaching strategies. The school offers a Catholic faith-infused curriculum (the lessons of which) that could not be duplicated in a non-Catholic school. The curriculum addresses the spiritual, moral and ethical life of the student, either explicitly or implicitly. Gospel values and Church teaching are regularly and consistently incorporated into planning and instruction. Mark Five: Shaped by a Spirituality of Communion Standard Five: An excellent Catholic school recognizes that each and every stakeholder is responsible for the common good. The school has an active and vibrant parent advisory council working with a shared purpose. (Although our school council is small, it is very active.) The Catholic school has a plan to increase involvement of parents in the life of the school and parish. Areas to target for growth Data Source Measures Goals in response to data Accountability There are no areas of decline. Several areas that we will continue to Pillar work on and address are: STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT: PAT – Acceptable; PAT Excellence. We will work on these through our goals of Literacy and Numeracy. District No concerns Parents are encouraged to Satisfaction participate in their children's Survey learning by joining School Council, volunteering, reading, attending numeracy sessions, participating in student led conferences and functions; and supporting student learning at home (i.e. Home Reading, numeracy basic facts, signing student agenda). The use of technology to assist staff’s instructional practices, and students in their learning, has also been heavily invested in over the past several months. September 2018 Page 3
Regression Regression Analysis: Both Literacy and numeracy Analysis We will continue to focus our support on literacy continues to be our main areas of (nonfiction – science related) and numeracy. focus in our goals and we support these two components in our school PAT/Diploma We will continue to focus support on Mathematics, and district growth plans. Ongoing analysis Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts Professional Development opportunities for our St. Justin School teaching staff that directly impact student learning. 5 Marks of Need to work on: We have identified the need to create Catholic Mark Two: Imbued with a Catholic Worldview a sacred space for students and adults School Standard Two: An excellent Catholic school has a to engage daily with their faith: Identity visible and tangible Catholic vision evident in its witness, pray, reflect, worship, and Assessment physical space, liturgical celebrations, and prayer life. put their beliefs into practice. We have identified the need to create and sustain opportunities to enhance our partnership between home, school, and parish. Goals: Goal 1: Students will meet or exceed their predicted levels of achievement on school-based assessments and PAT exams. District Correlation: ECSD Goal One: ECSD students are successful 1.2 Identify and implement best practices that align with excellent early learning pedagogy and learning environments. 1.3 Ensure that flexible and responsive programming meets the diverse needs of all learners. ECSD Goal Two: ECSD supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success Objective: In collaboration with our Indigenous communities, we will continue to be at the forefront of developing best practices to ensure success of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. 2.1 Increase academic success and cultural knowledge by promoting successful practices to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. a) Continue programs and enhanced academic and cultural supports for all students. ECSD Goal Four: ECSD has excellent teachers, and school and school authority leaders Objective: We will provide an optimal learning and working environment that fosters a culture of faith, trust, unity, inclusivity, confidence, respect, value and appreciation for one another. September 2018 Page 4
4.1 Provide professional learning opportunities that build the capacity and leadership of all staff to improve learner success. 4.4 Promote excellent teaching practices consistent with the Teaching Quality Standard, which guides student achievement. 4.6 Ensure that every school and department create the conditions for optimal student learning and achievement within the context of a Catholic learning community. a) Engage in professional learning aligned with the provincial focus on the learner competencies, literacy and numeracy, conceptual and procedural knowledge as per the Ministerial Order on Student Learning (May 6, 2013), and continue to focus on the foundations of literacy and numeracy and Alberta Education’s key competencies. b) Ensure that assessment practices focus on improved student learning c) Ensure that schools and departments are given flexibility in allocating resources to meet their unique needs. Sub Goal A: Students will increase their reading levels as measured by Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Tool, as well as improve their ability to express themselves in written form. Strategy 1: Certificated staff will be trained to administer and interpret standardized reading assessment tools and use the data. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Lead teachers will participate in district professional effectiveness development through the district and provide professional Continued improvement in development to teaching staff, sharing best practices. classroom based and standardized student 2. Through Communities of Practice, teachers gain skill in achievement results as a administration and interpretation of data gained from using result of intentional targeted the F&P Benchmark Assessment Tool. literacy teaching: • F&P scores indicate decreasing numbers of struggling readers • PAT Language Arts Scores (Part A and B) 3. All teachers Grades K-6 receive coaching and modeling. reflect higher number of students achieving at 4. Community of Practice on site. acceptable and excellence levels Consistency throughout staff in delivery and interpretation September 2018 Page 5
of data of F&P Benchmark Assessment tool. Students will display their interest and passion for reading/literature through authentic oral and written responses shared with the student community. Strategy 2: Certificated staff will utilize strategic text to deepen knowledge and expertise of literary practices in the area of writing, and to further enhance students’ learning Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Continued professional reading. effectiveness Deliberate practice in 2. Staff professional development sessions targeted on the teaching writing skills to topics of reading/writing site with Language Arts Consultants students in Kindergarten – Grade 6. 3. Expert modelling of writing lessons in each classroom 3-4 times throughout the school year for all staff. Collegial sharing. 4. Planned school wide and district opportunities for Visible growth in skill of authentic writing experiences ongoing throughout the school student writing; quality and year. level of confidence in writer. 5. School-wide Write On experiences, paired with teacher Students will participate in collaborative marking opportunities and professional authentic writing dialogue with colleagues to follow, twice per year. opportunities. Enhance student pride 6. Authentic student writing samples (i.e. welcome, through a variety of publicly commitment to Catholic Schools) on display in main office shared writing samples. (Celebrating Local Student Authors) Strategy 3: Increase school wide and community focus on fostering positive attitude towards reading Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Extend Read In Week to include the full school year effectiveness 2. Celebrate student birthdays with the gift of child’s choice Student excitement about a of a new book variety of guest readers in school (i.e. parents, community and public figures) September 2018 Page 6
Students are excited about choice of books for birthday acknowledgements, purchase, or borrowing from Learning Commons 3. Continued opportunities to experience excellent quality High level of student books: participation: • Scholastic Book Fair • voting for YRCA 2018 • Used book sale/exchange for students • visiting Book Fair, • Continued additions to complement and grow the used book sale Learning Commons collection of resources • Participation in YRCA 2018 Students and families gain • Edmonton Public Library presentations on site awareness of Edmonton Public Library programs 4. Provide students experience to interact with authors, Select students provided illustrators or literacy productions: opportunity to participate in • Young Author’s Writing Conference Young Author’s Writing • Host an author visit Conference. • Theatre production celebrating reading/literacy Increased awareness of (Rooney and Punyi Reading presentation) author collections and the craft of writing. 5. Continued acknowledgement of student participation in Learning Commons Home Reading programs: circulation continues to • Draws to participate in Pizza lunch grow. • School wide Pizza lunch Excitement and enthusiasm • Student goal setting twice per year for reading and growth in student participation and parent support for Home Reading programs Strategy 4: Final stage of Learning Commons transformation; creating a well-organized and easily accessible center for learning and literacy for the school community. Actions Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness Emily Rowan Library and Music Memorial Endowment Fund Additional purchases of recipient as well as continued partnership with School highly requested Council: materials/resources for students and staff, including completion of seating and shelving projects. September 2018 Page 7
• Continue to add to our library collection (STEM/STEAM resources, high quality literature, YRCA collection) Student and staff are aware of and follow common expectations. Complete organizational structure of materials in Learning Commons and develop a culture of understanding of the common expectations and organization of the learning space Sub Goal B Students will be more efficient, accurate and flexible in their ability to work with basic facts appropriate to their level. Strategy 1: Certificated staff will participate in a variety of professional development opportunities. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Professional Development with math consultant and effectiveness partner school. Increase in achievement 2. Staff representatives collaborate with math curriculum levels at the acceptable and consultant to analyze and interpret assessments. excellence levels for Math: • PAT Part A • Regression analysis 3. COPs for staff focusing on best practices and activities to support the acquisition of successful strategies to promote Professional collegial sharing flexibility and accuracy to increase student success with basic of learning. fact fluency. Assessment tools will help to 4. School wide focus on computational fluency with basic successfully identify and facts to promote flexible thinking strategies. strategically implement targeted instruction. 5. Collaborative teaching and planning will occur to enhance understanding the continuum focus with COP grouping to share/create activities. 6. Students will have opportunity to teach peers and learn from peers in mathematical learning experiences. Strategy 2: Interactive visual displays will continue to build throughout the school year. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. SIOP strategies encouraged to enhance the teaching of effectiveness basic fact fluency and foundational numeracy skills. Math is visible throughout 2. Interactive visual displays to support academic language the school (i.e. vocabulary, development will be posted in central areas accessible to all process thinking, math September 2018 Page 8
throughout the school year, as well as intentional school- journals, curriculum wide teaching through morning broadcast. outcomes) 3. Personal dictionaries, visual dictionaries, and/or classroom Students will use personal visuals will be used in all classrooms to enhance vocabulary dictionaries or other develop and to provide easy access for students to support vocabulary tools accessible to their learning in math and other content areas. them independently in the classroom to support learning and build confidence Strategy 3: Students will be able to use academic language to identify strategies used, along with an explanation as to how they were successful with basic facts fluency. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Students will articulate their understanding of strategies effectiveness used in their basic fact fluency to peers and adults. Staff and students regularly 2. Staff will identify and model academic terms related to hear appropriate strategies basic facts fluency. named and discussed related to basic fact fluency. Review Date 1: Review Date 2: Goal 2: Over the course of the year, we will focus on living our faith so that our students and our community grow together and develop an understanding of witness. District Correlation: Edmonton Catholic School District Goal: Live and enhance the distinctiveness of Catholic education This goal is central to our mission and fundamental to our being. We are called to live the Word of God through worship, witness, and service. 1.1 Demonstrate the distinctiveness and advantages of Catholic education. a) Continue to enhance the home – school – parish relationships. b) Cultivate and support a Catholic ethos/environment within each site. c) Demonstrate a way of life rooted in the Catholic Christian call to discipleship and service. d) Ensure that permeation of faith remains central in all our day to day practices. 1.2 Promote and foster the presence of Edmonton Catholic Schools in the education, Church, civic, business and government communities. b) Create opportunities to be a visible presence in the broader community including evangelization of our families. September 2018 Page 9
c) Support and promote the work of the Edmonton Catholic Schools Foundation. e) Provide opportunities for relevant and authentic student engagement. 1.3 Demonstrate commitment to and excellence in Catholic education. a) Deliver and support our Religious Education programs to all students as a spirit- filled lived experience. b) Continue a focus on faith formation learning opportunities for all staff. c) Expect the same practice of excellence, professional preparation and quality of resource materials for Religious Education instruction as for other academic instruction. d) Continue to develop the role of the school-based chaplain to support the faith formation of students and staff and support sacred-space environments. g) Continue to enhance and strengthen our Catholic identity through revisioning the Five Marks of Catholic School Identity Implementation Plan (2015-2018) (Five Marks of Catholic Education) and continue teacher faith formation through the Five Marks of Catholic School Identity and the Excellent Catholic Teacher (The Excellent Catholic Teacher). Strategy 1: Create and sustain opportunities to enhance our partnership between home, school and parish. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Community will increase their involvement in our liturgical effectiveness life: Parents and families will be invited to join us for faith- Increased community based activities including school wide liturgical, class, and attendance at faith events parish celebrations. Information and invitations will be and experience the shared through a variety of ways: newsletters, website, opportunity to enter into student made invitations, as well as through Swift K-12. prayer together (classroom, school, and parish). Initiation of Catholic Education mass for our school at the parish. 2. Parish staff will have increased presence in our school.) 3. To further develop our relationship, parish events will be shared in the school newsletter and important school information will be shared in the parish newsletter to create All stakeholders will an awareness of and develop our sense of community experience the home, school, between parish and school. and parish community working together in a variety 4. We will enter into communication with the parish priest, of ways: district consultants, and district religious leaders about • District Satisfaction sacred spaces, and designate an area in our school for the Survey Results development of an indoor sacred space. • Our School Survey results September 2018 Page 10
• Five Marks year end assessment 5. Staff will enter into community through participation in a liturgical celebration with our Community of Schools at our designated parish. Visits go beyond celebrations to include presentations and participation in classroom learning – both in the religion 6. Invite parents to Education Week activities (grand re- class and beyond opening and dedication of the Learning Commons, as well as blessing of the new space, Learning through Games Math Event, Christmas concerts etc.) Increased parent attendance at religious celebrations and learning 7. Enter into partnership with School Council on targeted celebrations/demonstrations events connecting home and school: • Welcome Back Family Dance (new) • Learning evening for parents i.e. Internet Safety Increased participation in Session parish and school events, • Numeracy/Literacy afternoon/evening session during including volunteerism. Education Week Strong participation in celebrating the liturgy (mass) with our family of Catholic Schools on a designated Thursday afternoon in January. Increased parental attendance at events to support learning and celebration of student learning. Strategy 2: Create and sustain opportunities for student and staff commitment to acts of service and stewardship in and beyond the school. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. Students will engage in student-led service: G.O.D. Squad effectiveness (Giving of Ourselves to Do good) student leaders from grades 4-6 will actively plan service activities at the school and Students will articulate their community level to celebrate and support our school effort rationale for their social to visibly live our faith; Walking Together in God’s Love. justice choices and will September 2018 Page 11
2. Student leaders from grades 4-6 will have the opportunity demonstrate commitment to to attend WE Day and share their experiences and stories of their causes. inspiration at a student led assembly. 3. Teachers will plan cross-curricular activities or projects that go beyond our school and into the community to highlight Catholic social teaching, citizenship, and the Students will share stories of foundations of our faith. inspiration and ignite interest from students to become 4. Staff will engage community service opportunities: As a involved in Social Justice staff we will commit to providing one afternoon of service to initiatives at the school level a community organization in the first half of the year, and another in the second half of the year. These experiences will Staff will share their rationale be shared and reflected upon by staff with students at for the social justice choices assembly and at our Faith Day. made as well as the personal responses to their commitment to their causes. Students will see staff as models of authentic Christ- centered service in the community. Strategy 3: Create an environment conducive to hearing and proclaiming the Word of God clearly at school wide celebrations, contributing to a positive experience and understanding for all present; students, staff, parents, and guests. Actions Measures/ Evidence of 1. In partnership with School Council and through application effectiveness to the Community Initiatives Program (CIP) Grant, we will Successful application for CIP secure funding to rebuild the audio and visual equipment in grant with financial the school gymnasium. contributions from School Council. Students will use technology to lead celebrations in the gymnasium. Clarity of messages shared at celebrations (The Word of God) is high standard. More meaning is attained as a result of clear sound and visuals. September 2018 Page 12
Review Date 1: Review Date 2: September 2018 Page 13
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