Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School

Page created by Jacob Ellis
Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
Community School
Specialist School in Maths & Computing

2017 – 2020
Our Journey to Outstanding

                            Learning for life, success for all.
Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
      Community School

                         Introduction		                                         4

                         Harrow Way – What is in our DNA?                       7

                         HWCS Core Values                                       8

                         Our Journey to Outstanding                             9
                         Strategic Intent                                       10

                                 Strategic Intent 1:
                                 Leadership and Management                      10

                                 Strategic Intent 2:
                                 Teaching, Learning and assessment              11

                                 Strategic Intent 3:
                                 Personal Development, Behaiviour and Welfare   12

                                 Strategic Intent 4:
                                 Outcomes for pupils                            12

                         Key Performance Indicators                             14

                                 Priority 1:
                                 Leadership and Management                      14

                                 Priority 2:
                                 Teaching, Learning and assessment              16

                                 Priority 3:
                                 Personal Development, Behaiviour and Welfare   17

                                 Priority 4:
                                 Student Outcomes                               18

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Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
       Community School

Harrow Way School
Strategic Vision 2017 –2020
At Harrow Way Community School, we have a simple ambition:
to be the finest secondary school for miles around. By this we
mean that all our students will receive a better education at                                 Statement, Harrow Way DNA and ‘Core
Harrow Way than they would at any other local establishment.                                  Values’ that governors and staff agree
                                                                                              should be at the heart of how the school       useful reference point each year. The staff
We want Harrow Way students to leave             planning and will underpin our three-        operates and develops.                         vision-building session was very simple:
us with:                                         year strategic planning through to 2020,
                                                                                              The plan is in two layers: A draft three-      staff were asked to think about the school
                                                 ensuring we are a high performing,
l Better qualifications than they would                                                       year plan and this School Improvement          that they’d like HWCS to be , referencing
                                                 inclusive and oversubscribed school of
  achieve in any other school                                                                 Plan with actions for 2017/18. The three-      a list of categories. Alongside this as a
                                                 choice for the local community. We have
                                                                                              year plan will inevitably develop over the     rights respecting school, with the support
l The skills and attributes needed to live       also considered our Ofsted Priorities
                                                                                              next few years. Harrow Way’s vision needs      of our student peer educators, we came
  and work in tomorrow’s global society          from our report in May 2017: Leaders
                                                                                              to reflect our ambition to be innovative,      up with and launched with our school
l The values and morals to be good               and those responsible for governance
                                                                                              creative and have high expectations of all     community our ‘Core Values’
  citizens                                       should ensure that:
                                                                                              our learners. It needs to be understood        All four areas of our improvement
We believe that great schools never              l Pupils’ achievement in English             and supported by all stakeholders. The         planning are underpinned by our mission
stand still and strive at all times to excel       improves so that it matches the strong     expectation will be that all Department        statement ‘Learning for life, success
in every area of its performance, for the          progress in other subjects                 Action Plans and all Performance               for all’ our ‘DNA’ and ‘Core Values’
benefit of all our young people and other        l Disadvantaged pupils and boys              Management Objectives will be linked           with reference to our fundamental
stakeholders.                                      continue to make rapid progress so         to this document. It is important staff        appreciation of the importance of
In our common pursuit for excellence               their outcomes are equal to others         understand the milestones in this SIP          Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
for all, we believe that everyone in our                                                      and their part in supporting the school in     education and preparing our students to
                                                 l Attendance continues to improve for
community must be involved in our                                                             reaching them successfully.                    be active citizens in a local, national and
                                                   disadvantaged pupils and those who
strategic forward planning. From robust                                                       At the end of my first year as Headteacher     global environment.
                                                   have special educational needs and/or
and honest self- evaluation of where we            disabilities.                              of Harrow Way we involved all staff/
believe we are at the end of academic                                                         students with a vision building exercise ‘A
                                                 This document is intended to set the
year 2016/17, we have devised together
                                                 overall direction for the school for the
                                                                                              Vision for HWCS’ from this we produced           Our Mission Statement
the following key priorities below which                                                      a document entitled - What is in our
will govern our short and medium term
                                                 next 3 years. It also outlines the Mission
                                                                                              DNA? This will continue to serve as a
                                                                                                                                                 ‘’Learning for life,
                                                                                                                                                   success for all’’
4 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                         Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 5
Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
       Community School

                                                            Harrow Way – What is in our DNA?
                                                            Learning for life, success for all.
                                                            Outstanding teaching and learning               High standards in all that we do
                                                 INSPIRE    Striving for the highest quality in Teaching    The culture that has been established
                                                            and Learning is the bedrock of Harrow           is about a relentless focus on high
                                                            Way. Every decision is made with the            standards in all aspects of school life:
                                                            question in mind ‘will this help the            learning, behaviour, attitude, uniform,
                                                            students to learn better and achieve            attendance and punctuality. We insist
                                                            more?’ We believe in a relentless focus on      upon consistency and a commitment to
                                                SUCCEED     high achievement in all areas of the life of    shared values – by individuals, groups
                                                            the School.                                     and the whole community. We will always
                                                                                                            challenge anything that is less than the
                                                            We believe all students can achieve             very best that each individual can give.
                                                            Outstanding progress is achievable by
                                                            all. We believe all students deserve an         All are role models
                                                            education that will challenge, inspire, and     We instil in our students from the start
                                                            prepare them for a better future. We want       a sense of integrity and confidence. As
                                                            our students to have high aspirations           a ‘Rights Respecting School’ every adult
                                                            for themselves and to become resilient          in our community is a role model; every
                                                            learners. At Harrow Way we want our             student is a role model and we all have
                                                            students to be relentlessly optimistic          the opportunity and responsibility to have
                                                            about possibilities and their capacity to       a positive impact on the lives of others.
                                                            learn. Every student at Harrow Way will         We all ‘walk the talk’ and create a positive
                                                            be expected to achieve the best outcomes        learning environment in all that we do.
                                                            possible; that means not only through           We give trust and respect at all times
                                                            excellent examination results at the end        regardless of whether it is earned, and
                                                            of Year 11 but in every student’s day-          ensure that students have fun and are
                                                            to-day work, in all their taught subjects       happy in their learning. This ethos has
                                                            and in after-school and extra-curricular        established a success culture that we
                                                            activities. We will strive to balance           celebrate at every opportunity .
                                                            academic achievement with 21st Century
                                                            learning skills.

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Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
           Community School

                                                                                                               HARROW WAY STRATEGIC VISION 2017-2020
   HWCS Core Values                                                                                                OUR JOURNEY TO OUTSTANDING
   United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 28/29

   All children and young people have a right to an education.
                                                                                                                                                     EPE                                                       CT FUL
                                                                                                               Core Purpose                             NDE                                                ESPE                                Core Values
                                                                                                               At Harrow Way Community
                                                                                                               School, we have a simple ambition:
                                                                                                                                                                            CONFIDENT                     R      •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Allow teachers to teach and encourage

                                                                                                               to be the finest secondary school for miles                                                                                          others to learn.
                                                                                                               around. By this we mean that all our students                                                                 •Try your best at all times in school.

                                         Students                                                              will receive a better education at Harrow Way than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Accept consequences when given.

                                                                                                               they would at any other local establishment. We want
           Students                      & Adults                       Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Listen to and follow instructions.
                                                                                                               Harrow Way students to leave us with:
                                                                                                               • Better qualifications than they would achieve in any                                        •   Respect the classroom and school environment.

                                                                                                                                                                            RESILIENT                                •Act positively upon feedback given by staff.
                                                                                                                   other school.
Allow teachers to teach and         Treat others as you want to be         Provide a safe and stimulating
                                                                                                               •   The skills and attributes needed to live and work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •Complete homework and hand in on time.

encourage others to learn.                     treated.                     learning environment.                  in tomorrow’s global society.                                                                                               Students & Adults
Try your best at all times                                                     Plan interesting lessons to     • The values and morals to be good citizens.                                                              •   Treat others as you want to be treated.
                                    Don’t accept/allow aggressive/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 •   Don’t accept/allow aggressive/ humiliating or

                                                                                                                                                                                         CRE DWO
                                                                                                                                                               ON S
               in school.            humiliating or intimidating                meet the needs of individual   We believe that great schools never stand still

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            intimidating behaviour.

                                                                                                                                                            ATI ADER
                                                                                                               and strive at all times to excel in every area of its
                                              behaviour.                        students.                                                                                                                                • Deal with situations calmly and respect

  Accept consequences                                                                                          performance, for the benefit of all our young
                                                                                                               people and other stakeholders. We would                                                                                  everyone’s personal space.
           when given.              Deal with situations calmly and              Set targets and mark work                                                                                                       •

                                                                                                                                                         PIR LE
                                                                                                               like outcomes in 2020 to place us in the                                                               Try not to shout and lose your temper. Arrive
                                     respect everyone’s personal                 when agreed.

                                                                                                               ‘Top 5%-20%’ of schools nationally.                                                                        at lessons on time and be fully prepared.
   Listen to and follow                          space.                                                                                                                                                              •   Listen to everyone and accept that people
          instructions.                                                          Give regular feedback.                                                                                                                             have different opinions/beliefs.
                                    Try not to shout and lose your                                             Harrow Way – What                                            Our                                                                •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dress appropriately.

 Respect the classroom                                                           Never issue whole class
and school environment.
                                     temper. Arrive at lessons on
                                      time and be fully prepared.               consequences for the actions   is in our DNA?                                           Harrow Way                                                                            Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •Provide a safe and stimulating learning
                                                                               of individuals.                 • Outstanding teaching and                                Learner

       Act positively upon          Listen to everyone and accept                                                  learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Plan interesting lessons to meet the

   feedback given by staff.                                                 Make an effort to get to know
                                      that people have different                                               • We believe all our students can                                                                                     needs of individual students.
                                           opinions/beliefs.               and understand your students.           achieve - outstanding progress is                                                                             •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Set targets and mark work when
        Complete homework                                                                                          achievable by all.                                                                                                                      agreed.
             and hand in on time.                                       Give rewards to those
                                         Dress appropriately.                                                  •   High standards in all that we do.                                                                                       •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Give regular feedback.
                                                                      who try their best.                                                                                                •
                                                                                                               • All are role models.                                                        Never issue whole class consequences for the actions of individuals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •  Make an effort to get to know and understand your students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Give rewards to those who try their best.

                                                                                                               Strategic Priorities 2017-2020
                                                                                                               Strategic Intent 1: Leadership          Strategic Intent 2: Teaching,         Strategic Intent 3: Personal            Strategic Intent 4: Outcomes
                                                                                                               and Management                          Learning and Assessment               Development, Behaviour                  for Students
                                                                                                               All leaders will be highly              The highest quality teaching,         and Welfare                             Outstanding and ambitious
                                                                                                               ambitious for the school                never less than typically good        The highest standards of                progress for all our students
         INSPIRE                                                                                               and demonstrate an                      and with frequently outstanding       personal behaviour and                  that compares highly favourably
                                                                                                               uncompromising and relentless           underpinned by high quality           individual responsibility,              with national and local averages
                                                                                                               drive for excellence and                and targeted professional             consistently managed at all             in respect of new performance
                                                                                                               continual improvement in                development.                          times in all areas of the school,       indicators and new grading
                                                                                                               achievement.                            “All teachers need to improve         underpinned by our ‘Core Values’        system and leaves no group
                                                                                                               “Never doubt that a small group         their practice—not because            and 3 Simple Rules – ‘Be Ready,         falling behind our highest
                                                                                                               of thoughtful, committed people         they are not good enough,             Be Respectful, Be your Best’.           expectations of attainment.
        SUCCEED                                                                                                can change the world. Indeed, it        but because they can be even          “At all times – Calm: Clear :           “No GAPs, No Dips, No
                                                                                                               is the only thing that ever has.’’      better.’’– Dylan Wiliam               Confident : Consistent.’’               Excuses.”
                                                                                                               – Margaret Mead.

   8 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                                                              Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 9
Strategic Vision 2017 - 2020 Our Journey to Outstanding - Harrow Way - Harrow Way Community School
Harrow Way
       Community School

Strategic Vision 2017 – 2020
Strategic Intent 1                                                                           Strategic Intent 2
Leadership and Management                                                                    Teaching, learning and assessment
All leaders will be highly ambitious             l Safeguarding to be everyone’s             The highest quality teaching, never less         of literacy, language (oracy) and
for the school and demonstrate an                  responsibility and a regular topic        than typically good and with frequently          numeracy across the curriculum
uncompromising and relentless drive for            of conversation through sharing           outstanding underpinned by high quality
                                                                                                                                           l Ensure that teachers consistently
excellence and continual improvement in            information and ensuring that training    and targeted professional development
                                                                                                                                             use assessment information to plan
achievement.                                       is appropriate
                                                                                             “All teachers need to improve their             learning that provides high levels of
“ Never doubt that a small group of              l Maintain high morale and staff            practice—not because they are not good          challenge for all students. Teaching
thoughtful, committed people can change            wellbeing, leading to strong retention    enough, but because they can be even            to be based around high expectations
the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that       at a time of multiple pressures           better.’’– Dylan Wiliam                         and careful planning ensuring that
ever has.’’– Margaret Mead.                        including reduced funding, curriculum                                                     every second in the classroom (and
                                                                                             l Ensure that the quality of teaching
                                                   reform and issues with teacher supply.                                                    outside of the classroom through well
l To further develop an inclusive,                                                             over time is reflected in outstanding
                                                                                                                                             structured and meaningful homework)
  innovative and diverse curriculum that         l Continue to work closely with the           outcomes for students at Harrow
                                                                                                                                             counts and is uninterrupted by any
  is supported by systems, processes               governing body, ensuring that they          Way. Our mantra will be ‘plan-
                                                                                                                                             form of disruption
  and delivery focussed on improving               are fully informed and can consistently     teach-feedback’ . Plan great
  outcomes for all students and                    hold school leaders rigorously to           lessons, teach well and feedback to         l Refine our Key Stage 3 curriculum
  that provides planned specialised                account and ensure financial stability,     students effectively. Our Professional        and assessment. Learners helped
  intervention if adequate progress is not         including the effective and efficient       Development programme will enable             to mastery by building confidence
  being made.                                      management of financial resources           teachers to be better than they were          and resilience, including boys and
                                                   (including pupil premium and Year 7         last year.                                    disadvantaged students. Teachers will
l Self-evaluation continues to be
                                                   Catch up funding, curriculum costing                                                      plan for this through low-stakes testing
  rigorous and captures a realistic                                                          l Rigorous use of the Harrow Way
                                                   and staff deployment)                                                                     to recap current and prior learning and
  picture of the school’s performance                                                          ‘feedback’ policy by all teachers,
                                                                                                                                             through planning learning activities
  ensuring that all stakeholders are                                                           including high quality questioning
                                                                                                                                             that demand higher order thinking.
  positively challenged to improve in                                                          and planned lesson time dedicated
  everything they do - creating aspiration                                                     to students reading and responding          l Continue the significant task of
  through inspiration.                                                                         to that feedback in lessons leads             planning for new specifications across
                                                                                               to measurable impact on students’             GCSE including developing memory,
                                                                                               progress. Feedback and planning               revision techniques and extended
                                                                                               should further develop the teaching           written answers.

10 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                     Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 11
Harrow Way
       Community School

Strategic Intent 3                                                                           Strategic Intent 4
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare                                                  Outcomes for pupils
The highest standards of personal                l As a Level 2 Rights Respecting School     Outstanding and ambitious progress for          l Continue to strengthen Key Stage
behaviour and individual responsibility,           further enhance our cohesive learning     all our students that compares highly             3 outcomes/progress through
consistently managed at all times in all           community by basing the school            favourably with national and local                refinement of our Key Stage 3
areas of the school, underpinned by our            culture around respect for each other,    averages in respect of new performance            curriculum and assessment processes.
‘Core Values’ and 3 Simple Rules – ‘Be             keeping each other safe and keeping       indicators and new grading system                 Where there is under performance it
Ready, Be Respectful, Be your Best’                oneself healthy in body, mind and         and leaves no group falling behind our            is identified and addressed quickly to
                                                   relationships.                            highest expectations of attainment.               demonstrate rapid improvement. All
“At all times – Calm: Clear : Confident :
                                                                                                                                               students to be “Secure” or better for
Consistent’’                                     l To maximise opportunities for             “ No GAPs, No Dips, No Excuses.’’
                                                                                                                                               their pathway in KS3.
                                                   leadership among our students and         l Disadvantaged pupils and boys
l Further reduce the number of fixed
                                                   promote student voice                                                                     l Further Strengthen and develop
  term exclusions by developing our                                                            continue to make rapid progress so
                                                                                                                                               Careers Education including the
  good behaviour for learning so                 l To continue our drive and focus on          their outcomes are equal to others
                                                                                                                                               essential elements of Career Planning,
  that low level disruption becomes                raising the life-long aspirations           within school and nationally (Ofsted
                                                                                                                                               Careers Information, Work-Related
  extremely rare both in and out of                of young people because it is the           action point)
                                                                                                                                               Learning and Employability Skills
  lessons with positive attitudes to               key to releasing their potential and      l Pupils’ achievement in English                  so that students achieve relevant
  learning displayed across the school.            improving their life chances by working     improves so that it matches the strong          qualifications and receive the guidance
                                                   collaboratively with Harrow Way             progress in other subjects (Ofsted
l Ensure that the attendance of all                                                                                                            to enable them to choose an FE/HE
                                                   families to ensure positive outcomes        action point)
  students and especially Disadvantaged                                                                                                        pathway appropriate to their career
                                                   for all
  and SEND students continues to                                                             l To rapidly reduce in-school variation of        plans.
  improve (Ofsted action point)                                                                student progress between subjects and
                                                                                               in identified student groups and further
                                                                                               develop the role of the Year Leader/
                                                                                               Tutor in monitoring students’ progress.



12 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                       Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 13
Harrow Way
       Community School

Key Performance Indicators                                                                 Expected Outcome 2017/18 Expected Outcome 2018/19 Expected Outcome 2019/20
                                                                                                     (Top 20%)                          (Top 20%)                         (Top 20%)

2017-2020                                                                                  Through strong leadership,
                                                                                           HWCS will have achieved all
                                                                                                                             Through strong leadership,
                                                                                                                             HWCS will have achieved all
                                                                                                                                                                Through strong leadership,
                                                                                                                                                                HWCS will have achieved all
                                                                                           of the targets in the above       of the targets in the above        of the targets in the above
Priority 1                                                                                 areas for 2017/18 and
                                                                                           developed leadership at all
                                                                                                                             areas for 2018/19 and
                                                                                                                             developed leadership at all
                                                                                                                                                                areas for 2019/20 and
                                                                                                                                                                developed leadership at all
Leadership and Management                                                                  levels of the organisation to     levels of the organisation to      levels of the organisation to
                                                                                           set the foundations to move to    set the foundations to move to     set the foundations to move to
Leadership and Management – All leaders will be highly ambitious for the school and        outstanding attainment and        outstanding attainment and         outstanding attainment and
demonstrate an uncompromising and relentless drive for excellence and continual            progress for all students         progress for all students          progress for all students
improvement in achievement.                                                                Embedded, coherent and            All possible flexibilities fully   All major external changes
                                                                                           rigorous 11-16 curriculum         embedded in highest quality        interpreted meaningfully
An outstanding curriculum which is flexible and accessible but always ambitious            with new specifications in        11-16 curriculum which meets       into long term strategic
and rigorous meeting the diverse needs of all learners (with particular emphasis on        Maths and English firmly          all needs in diverse cohort        planning leading to secure and
                                                                                           embedded at GCSE and other        ranging from the most able to      significantly above average
nationally underachieving groups)
                                                                                           option courses secure for first   the most vulnerable Mastery        progress for all students
                                                                                           accreditation.                    Curriculum successfully            underpinned by the highest
High staff morale with accountable, cohesive, consistent leadership and management
                                                                                                                             embedded in Year ⅞.                quality pastoral structure to
which is proactive to external change and the pressures of financial contraction playing   New Year 7 Mastery
                                                                                                                             Penultimate stage of national      enable individual success and
                                                                                           Curriculum successfully
a key role in the LEARN Teaching School Alliance and the national agenda for system                                          changes embedded and all           fully realised ambition.
                                                                                                                             necessary lessons learnt.
wide transformation.                                                                                                                                            High quality and financially
                                                                                           Extended professional
                                                                                                                             A Lead for Leadership              robust staffing structure
Maximising resources through effective deployment of funds and staffing. Building          development for aspiring
                                                                                                                             development across Teaching        embedded with improved site
Work/life balance and staff well being into our work. Designing, implementing and                                            Alliances with several             ensuring long term viability
                                                                                                                             members of SLT/ Middle             as outstanding, popular
maintaining streamlined and effective systems.
                                                                                                                             leaders trained as SLEs/           community school.
                                                                                                                             Ofsted Additional Inspectors

14 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                       Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 15
Harrow Way
       Community School

Priority 2                                                                                         Priority 3
Teaching, Learning and Assessment                                                                  Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
The highest quality teaching underpinned by high quality and targeted professional                 The highest standards of personal behaviour and individual responsibility,
development and training thereby creating aspirational, creative, independent and                  consistently managed at all times in all areas of the school, underpinned by our ‘Core
resilient learners who embrace risk, learn from their mistakes and make outstanding                Values’ and ‘3 Simple Rules’
                                                                                                   An embedded and proactive approach to preventing bullying and all potential breaches
A first class, robust assessment system which supports learning and enables real                   of equality with outstanding safeguarding procedures resulting in all students feeling
progression from KS2 through to KS4 with gaps in progress immediately identified with              safe, happy and therefore academically challenged at all times.
adapted provision and intervention put in place.
                                                                                                   Full student understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences
An embedded and inclusive “professional learning community” enjoyed by students and                which have shaped them as individuals and as part of the wider collective local and
staff with continuous “active learning dialogue” resulting in sustained progress.                  national community leading to their confident preparation for life in Modern Britain.

 Expected Outcome 2017/18 Expected Outcome 2018/19 Expected Outcome 2019/20                         Expected Outcome 2017/18 Expected Outcome 2018/19 Expected Outcome 2019/20
           (Top 20%)                        (Top 20%)                         (Top 20%)                       (Top 20%)                           (Top 20%)                         (Top 20%)

 85% of CPD Evaluation Good       90% of CPD Evaluation Good        95% of CPD Evaluation Good     Attendance: 95%                     Attendance: 95.5%                  Attendance: 95. 8%
 or Better                        or Better                         or Better
                                                                                                   Disadvantaged 92.8%/PA 21%          Disadvantaged 93.2%/PA 18%         Disadvantaged 93.5%/PA-15%
 A Harrow Way pedagogy is         All staff are accessing           Staff develop and share best   Attendance: In Line/Above NA        Attendance: In Line/Above NA       Attendance: In Line/Above NA
 designed and consistently        professional development that     practice, learning from one
 implemented across the the       improves their practice           another to create a cycle of   SEND(K) In Line/Above NA            SEND (K) In Line/Above NA          SEND (K) In Line/Above NA
 school                                                             continuous improvemen          Attendance: 92.7%/PA 19%            Attendance: 93.0%/PA 17%           Attendance:93.2%/PA 15%
                                  Very large majority (80%-
 A large majority (65%-79%)       96%) of effective feedback that   Almost all (97%-100%) of       Persistent Absence:                 Persistent Absence:                Persistent Absence:
 of effective feedback that has   has been acted upon and has       effective feedback that has    11% (NA 12.4%)                      10% (NA 12.4%)                     9% (NA 12.4%)
 been acted upon and has had      had an impact                     been acted upon and has had
 an impact                                                          an impact                      Fixed Term Exclusions: In line NA   Fixed Term Exclusions: Below NA    Fixed Term Exclusions: Below NA
                              Robust performance
 Robust performance           development processes                 Robust performance             Large Majority (65-79%)             Very Large Majority (80-           Almost all (97%-100%)
 development processes ensure ensure the majority of staff          development processes ensure   display consistently excellent      96%) of students display           students display consistently
 that most staff continuously continuously improve their            that all staff continuously    attitudes and behaviour             consistently excellent attitudes   excellent attitudes and
                              practice                              improve their practice         learning                            and behaviour learning             behaviour learning
                                                                                                   A ‘Culture of Safeguarding’       Outstanding Safeguarding             Outstanding Safeguarding
                                                                                                   resulting in all students feeling procedures resulting in all          procedures resulting in all
                                                                                                   safe and happy                    students feeling safe and            students feeling safe, happy
                                                                                                   Audit students’ understanding                                          Students highly adept at
                                                                                                   of all forms of bullying.         Students demonstrate a good          managing their own behaviour.
                                                                                                   Students demonstrate a good       attitude towards learning and        Instances of bullying
                                                                                                   attitude towards learning and     others in school. Instances          exceptionally rare. Students
                                                                                                   others in school. Instances of    of bullying are rare. Students       understand very clearly what is
                                                                                                   bullying are rare. Students feel understand what is unsafe and         unsafe and how to stay safe
                                                                                                   safe at school.                   how to stay safe.

16 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020                                                                                 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 17
Harrow Way
       Community School

Priority 4                                                                                                              Expected Outcome          Expected Outcome           Expected Outcome
                                                                                                         KS4                2017/18                   2018/19                    2019/20
Student Outcomes                                                                                                              (Top 20%)                 (Top 20%)                 (Top 20%)
Outstanding and ambitious progress for all our students that compares highly                      (9-5) EM                     35-40%                    38-42%                     40-45%
favourably with national and local averages in respect of new performance indicators
                                                                                                  English 4+                   72-75%                    73-76%                   78% - 83%
and new grading system and leaves ‘no group’ falling behind our highest expectations
of attainment.                                                                                    English 5+                   51-54%                    52-55%                   59% - 65%

Highly literate, numerate and resilient young people who are fully confident when                 Maths 4+                     72-75%                    72-76%                   79% - 83%

articulating themselves ensuring they become successful learners and achieve their full           Maths 5+                     49-53%                    51-54%                   61% - 67%
potential.                                                                                        EBacc Entry/Actual       E (28%) A (24%)           E (31%) A (28%)           E (40%) A (30%)
* Please note school targets are set using Fischer Family Trust estimates which would place the
                                                                                                  Attainment 8            In line/Above NA          In line/Above NA              Above NA
school in the top 20% of all schools nationally in 2018 and 2019 and in the Top 5% in 2020.
                                                                                                  Progress 8            Positive Progress 8        Positive Progress 8       Positive Progress 8
                                                                                                                       Overall, Includ-ing 3/5    Overall, 4/5 subjects      Overall, 5/5 Subjects
                                                                                                                        Subjects Ebacc & a           Ebacc & a large         Ebacc & most (80%-
                                                                                                                       majority (51%-64%) of      majority (65%-79%) of        96%) of groups
                                                                                                                               groups                     groups

                                                                                                  Diminishing the      Disadvantaged, Boys and SEND K students secure progress that is rapidly
                                                                                                  differences Boys/    increasing to be in line with that of other students nationally and those who
                                                                                                  Disadvantaged/       have similar starting points
                                                                                                  SEND K

                                                                                                  General              KS3 Tracker shows that students continue to make strong progress based
                                                                                                                       on previous years
                                                                                                                       Assessment at KS3, now free from levels, gives us the green light to make
                                                                                                                       assessment as robust as possible in subject contexts
                                                                                                                       Destinations data 94%+ of students are in sustained education,
                                                                                                                       employment or training after key stage 4. In line or above the NA.

18 Harrow Way Community School Strategic Improvement Plan 2017 –2020                                                                  Harrow Way Community School Strategic Vision 2017 –2020 19
Harrow Way
                                Community School
                                Specialist School in Maths & Computing

                                Harrow Way Community School
                                Harrow Way
                                SP10 3RH
                                Telephone: 01264 364533

Learning for life, success for all.
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