CORE VALUES - South Colonie

Page created by Douglas Stone
                BOARD OF EDUCATION

                               July 10, 2018
                               District Office
                           Immediately Following
                          Re-Organizational Meeting

           CORE VALUES
  We Believe:
   That all children can learn.
   In educating the whole child so he/she can meet the
    District’s Standards.
   In focusing on student achievement.
   In providing a comprehensive and enriched curriculum for
    all students reflecting the needs and available resources of
    the community.
   That the combined commitment of the Board of Education,
    staff, families, students, and community is the key to
    educational success.

                         MISSION STATEMENT
 Preparing successful contributing citizens of the world through school, family
and community partnerships, while addressing the diverse needs of all students.
AGENDA                    Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                          2


The Regular Meeting of the South Colonie Board of Education will be called to order by the
President of the Board of Education.


   _____ Brian Casey                 _____ Colleen Gizzi           _____ James T. Ryan
   _____ Stephanie Cogan             _____ Neil Johanning          _____ Edward Sim
   _____ Rose Gigliello              _____ David Kiehle

   Also Present:
      Jonathan Buhner, Superintendent of Schools
      Tim Backus, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
      Sherri Fisher, Assistant Superintendent for Management Services & Strategic Planning
      David Perry, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Safe Schools & IT
      Jamie Mroczko, District Clerk


   The President of the Board of Education will lead the pledge to the flag.


   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   _________________________, seconded by _________________________, that the minutes
   of the Regular Meeting of June 28, 2018 be approved.

   _____ Yes        _____ No        _____ Abstain                  Carried:




   Board Committees have met since the last Board of Education meeting. Chairpersons will make
   recommendations to the full Board, and/or seek clarification on issues. Board members who are
   liaisons to District-wide committees will also report at this time.

      1. Mr. Kiehle, Committee Chair will provide a report on the Audit/Finance Committee
         meeting that was held June 28, 2018.
      2. Mr. Johanning, Committee Chair will provide a report on the Policy Committee meeting
         that was held July 9, 2018.
AGENDA                   Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                             3


     A. Requests to Speak on agenda or non-agenda items should be made on the forms
        available and should be given to the District Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. The
        Board will entertain comments from the public on any issue with a time limit of three
        (3) to five (5) minutes per person and a maximum of 15 minutes per issue. The President
        of the Board reserves the right to limit the time of all speakers for the purpose of
        conducting regular Board of Education business.


  The Superintendent recommends approval of the following:

     A. Committee on Special Education

         Placements as indicated on the attached sheets.

     B. In-Service Courses (Pages 10-11)

         Approval of in-service courses as per attached list. Interested staff may register for
         courses on PD Express.

     C. Agreements

         1. Approval of an agreement between the Town of Colonie and the South Colonie
            Central School District for providing a Colonie Police Department Officer to serve
            as School Resource Officer for the 2018-2019 school year. The South Colonie
            Central School District will reimburse the Town of Colonie $40,000.00 to make the
            police officer available to the District as the School Resource Officer.

         2. Approval of an agreement with the Spotted Zebra Learning Center, 26 Computer
            Drive, Albany, NY to provide related services of occupational, physical and speech
            therapy as well as counseling and Special Education, based on the attached
            compensation schedule. This agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 2018 through
            June 30, 2019.

         3. Approval of an agreement with the Hudson Valley Community College for the 2018-
            2019 school year to provide High School students with access to higher education
            through delivery of College in the High School courses per attached agreement.

         4. Approval of an agreement with All Language Translations, 600 Franklin Street,
            Schenectady, NY 12305 to provide foreign language translation services on an as-
            needed basis for South Colonie Central School District for the 2018-2019 school
            year. The District will pay the contractor a fee of $65.00 per hour with a two (2)
            hour minimum charge for oral interpretation and $16.00/100 words for written
AGENDA                   Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                              4

         5. Approval of an agreement between Carolyn M. Keenan, MT-BC, 4 Mohican Way,
            Waterford, NY 12188 and the South Colonie Central School to provide music
            therapy during the school day. The agreement is to include preparation time, direct
            therapy, required documentation, and IEP paperwork at a rate of $50.00 per 30
            minutes. The agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

         6. Approval of an agreement with the College of Saint Rose, 432 Western Avenue,
            Albany, NY 12203 under the School Psychology Program to place one (1) student in
            an internship position from September 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. South Colonie
            Central School District will pay the college $10,000.00 to primarily fund a stipend
            for the intern, payable to the College in a series of four (4) equal payments of
            $2,500.00 to be paid September15, 2018, December 15, 2018, March 15, 2019 and
            May 15, 2019. South Colonie Central School District will pay the College $465.00
            per intern to offset costs of program coordination, payroll related expenses and intern

    D. Independent Contract Agreement

         Approval of an Independent Contract Agreement with Beth Laddin, 506 Highwood
         Circle, Albany, NY 12203 to provide therapeutic crisis intervention services training
         during the 2018-2019 school year at a rate of $160.00 per hour, with an annual cost not
         to exceed $15,000.00.

    E. School Meal & Milk Prices – 2018-2019

         Set prices for following items:
                                              Current Price        New Price

           Breakfast (Elementary)                  $1.30              $1.35
           Breakfast (Middle School)               $1.75              $1.80
           Breakfast (High School)                 $1.75              $1.80
           Lunch (Elementary)                      $2.55              $2.60
           Lunch (Middle School)                   $2.90              $2.95
           Lunch (High School)                     $2.90              $2.95
           Milk                                    $0.60              $0.65

    F. Bid Award – Vehicle

         Recommended award of Class 1 & Class 2, light duty vehicle awarded by NYS Pro
         Vehicle Market Place for the purchase of the following vehicle meeting specifications
         as follows:
            Item:                  One (1) 2019 Chrysler Pacific LX Mini-Van
            Award To:              Central Dodge Inc., d/b/a Central Chrysler Dodge Jeep
                                   Raynham, MA 02767-5445
            Bid Number:            18060092
            Bid Amount:            $25,567.74
            NYS Contract:          PC67687, NYS Contract Mini-Bid
AGENDA                  Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                          5

     G. Tax Refunds – 2015-2016

         1. Approval of a 2015-2016 tax refund for Wembley Square Associates, LLC in the
            amount of $3,138.72. The property is located at 7 Wembley Court, Albany, NY
            12205 (Tax Map #29.2-1-12.2).

         2. Approval of a 2015-2016 tax refund for 1698 Central Avenue, LLC, in the amount
            of $1,893.54. The property is located at 1698 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12205
            (Tax Map #29.19-5-8).

     H. Tax Refunds – 2016-2017

         1. Approval of a 2016-2017 tax refund for Wembley Square Associates, LLC in the
            amount of $3,197.28. The property is located at 7 Wembley Court, Albany, NY
            12205 (Tax Map #29.2-1-12.2).

         2. Approval of a 2016-2017 tax refund for 1698 Central Avenue, LLC, in the amount
            of $1,894.48. The property is located at 1698 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12205
            (Tax Map #29.19-5-8).

     I. Donations

         1. Donation from Michael Kane through Mr. Kane’s Corporate Employee Giving
            Program, 6111 W. Plano Parkway, Ste. 1000YC, Plano, TX 75093 to Colonie Central
            High School Athletic Department in the amount of $4.80 to be used towards the
            purchase of uniforms.

         2. Various donations received by Colonie Central High School Athletic Department in
            the amount of $1,100.00 to be used towards the purchase of new ice machines.

     J. Re-Appropriation of the 2017-2018 Budget - Revised

         1. Approval of the revised re-appropriation of the 2017-2018 budget for June 5, 2018
            in the amount of $99,809,906, due to a clerical error.

         2. Approval of the revised re-appropriation of the 2017-2018 budget for June 28, 2018
            in the amount of $99,810,304, due to a clerical error.

     K. Re-Appropriation of the 2018-2019 Budget

         Re-appropriation of the 2018-2019 budget in the amount of $1,105.00. The total re-
         appropriated budget is $102,197,570.

     L. Claims Auditor Quarterly Report – April, 2018 to June, 2018

  If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
  ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the above stated
  Reports and Recommendations be approved.

  _____ Yes       _____ No       _____ Abstain                 Carried:
AGENDA                   Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                        6


   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the Instructional
   Personnel changes listed on the attached sheets dated July 10, 2018 be approved.

   _____ Yes       _____ No       _____ Abstain                Carried:

10. PERSONNEL – SUPPORT (Pages 16-17)

   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the Support
   Personnel changes listed on the attached sheets dated July 10, 2018 be approved.

   _____ Yes       _____ No       _____ Abstain                Carried:


   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the 2016-2017
   Audit Risk Assessment Report, as prepared by Michael Wolff, Wolff Advisory Services, be

   _____ Yes       _____ No       _____ Abstain                Carried:


   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the 2016-2017
   Internal Audit Report, as prepared by Michael Wolff, Wolff Advisory Services, be approved.

   _____ Yes       _____ No       _____ Abstain                Carried:


      A. Single Reading & Approval

          Policy 2130 – Board Member Resignation
          Policy 2150 – Unexpired Term Fulfillment
          Policy 2410 – Development, Adoption, Amendment & Abolishment of Policies
          Policy 5300 – Code of Conduct
          Policy 5300.1 – Code of Conduct Plain Language Summary
AGENDA                    Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                              7

  On behalf of the Policy Committee, upon the motion made by Committee Chair/Member
  ______________________, recommendation that the revisions made to the above stated
  Policies (2130, 2150, 2410, 5300, 5300.1) be approved as presented.

  _____ Yes         _____ No        _____ Abstain                  Carried:


  WHEREAS, Leonard Motto was elected to the Board of Education of the South Colonie Central
  School District on May 16, 2017 for a term of five years beginning on July 1, 2017 and ending
  on June 30, 2022; and

  WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Officers Law § 31(1)(h), Leonard Motto has submitted a letter
  of resignation from the Board of Education effective June 30, 2018 due to health concerns.


  RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall formally accept the letter of resignation from
  Leonard Motto; and

  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the South Colonie Central
  School District shall appoint a qualified candidate to fill the vacancy created by the resignation
  of Leonard Motto within ninety (90) days pursuant to Board Policy 2150.

  If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
  ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the above stated
  Resolution be approved.

  Roll Call Vote:         Brian Casey                     Colleen Gizzi              James T. Ryan
                          Stephanie Cogan                 Neil Johanning             Edward Sim
                          Rose Gigliello                  David Kiehle

  _____ Yes         _____ No        _____ Abstain                  Carried:


  WHEREAS, the South Colonie Central School District has evaluated digital educational
  resources for Reading instruction and recommended the Reading and
  by LAZEL, Inc. d/b/a Learning A-Z, to the Board of Education as the product that will best meet
  the pedagogical needs of the District; and

  WHEREAS, the South Colonie Central School District wishes to renew the digital licenses of
  Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids during the 2018-2019 school year for use in Grades K-4 Reading
  instruction; and
AGENDA                   Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                           8

  WHEREAS, no other instructional materials provide substantially equivalent or similar benefits
  to that provided by Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids; and

  WHEREAS, after reviewing the benefits to be received from the Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids
  online instructional resources, the cost of said instructional materials is reasonable in
  comparison to other resources in the marketplace for digital Reading instruction; and

  WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the governing board
  may approve such sole source procurement without competitive bidding when the possibility of
  competition does not exist for the product or service; and

  WHEREAS, the South Colonie Central School District desires to procure the Reading A-Z and
  Raz-Kids by LAZEL, Inc. d/b/a Learning A-Z for Grades K-4 based on the attached proposal
  from Learning A-Z, which is the sole source vendor for this product, for an annual investment
  of $19,520.90 to be funded from the 2018-2019 General Fund State-Aided Computer Software


  RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent
  and authorizes the procurement of the Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids digital licenses by LAZEL,
  Inc. d/b/a Learning A-Z for a total annual sum of $19,520.90 and authorizes the purchase as a
  Sole Source Procurement; and

  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective upon adoption.

  If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
  ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the above stated
  Resolution Authorizing the purchase of Reading and digital licenses as
  a Sole Source Procurement be adopted.

  _____ Yes       _____ No        _____ Abstain                 Carried:


     August 7        Public Hearing re: Code of Conduct – 6:00 pm – District Office
                      Board of Education Meeting – following Public Hearing – District Office
     August 21       Board of Education Meeting – 6:00 pm – District Office
     September 3     District Closed – Labor Day
     September 11    Board of Education Meeting – 7:00 pm – District Office
     September 25    Board of Education Meeting – 7:00 pm – District Office
AGENDA                      Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                  9


It is anticipated that the Board may enter Executive Session at this time.

Motion by _______________________, seconded by _________________________, to enter
Executive Session to discuss fiscal and employment matters relating to particular persons.

_____ Yes        _____ No         _____ Abstain                      Carried:

Time: ________________________

Motion by _______________________, seconded by _________________________ to adjourn
Executive Session.

_____ Yes        _____ No         _____ Abstain                      Carried:

Time: ________________________


   If the Board approves, the following suggested motion is in order: Motion made by
   ______________________, seconded by ________________________, that the Regular
   Meeting be adjourned.

   Time: ________________________

   _____ Yes         _____ No        _____ Abstain                   Carried:
AGENDA                  Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                   10


    B. In-Service Courses

         Course Number:      2017-18 #293
         Title:              Math 6-8 Summer Support Network
         Credit Hours:       20.00
         Sponsor:            Greater Capital Region Teacher Center
         Time:               8:00 am to 12:00 pm
         Location:           Lisha Kill Middle School
         Proposed by:        Katherine Detrick
         Dates:              June 29, 2018; July 13, 27, 2018; August 10, 24, 2018

         Course Number:      2017-18 #294
         Title:              Advanced Placement World History Training
         Credit Hours:       36.00
         Sponsor:            College Board
         Time:               11:00 am to 5:00 pm – June 3, 2018
                             5:00 pm to 11:00 pm – June 4-8, 2018
         Location:           Online
         Proposed by:        Bryan Dailey
         Dates:              June 3-8, 2018

         Course Number:      2017-18 #295
         Title:              Foundations Training
         Credit Hours:       6.00
         Sponsor:            South Colonie Central School District
         Time:               8:30 am to 2:30 pm
         Location:           Lisha Kill Middle School
         Proposed by:        Jennifer Wells
         Dates:              June 26, 2018

         Course Number:      2017-18 #296
         Title:              Leah Mermelstein Training
         Credit Hours:       12.00
         Sponsor:            South Colonie Central School District
         Time:               8:00 am to 3:00 pm each session
         Location:           Lisha Kill Middle School
         Proposed by:        Jennifer Wells
         Dates:              June 27 & 28, 2018

         Course Number:      2017-18 #297
         Title:              Planning Argument Writing for ELA and SS
         Credit Hours:       32.00
         Sponsor:            South Colonie Central School District
         Time:               8:00 am to 4:00 pm each session
         Location:           Lisha Kill Middle School
         Proposed by:        Jennifer Wells
         Dates:              June 25-29, 2018
AGENDA                Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018   11

         Course Number:    2018-19 #33
         Title:            Boot Camp for Co-Teachers
         Credit Hours:     15.00
         Sponsor:          Greater Capital Region Teacher Center
         Time:             8:00 am to 1:00 pm
         Location:         Guilderland High School LGI
         Proposed by:      Stephanie Crisci
         Dates:            First Meeting: August 13, 2018

         Course Number:    2018-19 #34
         Title:            Creative Bookmaking Techniques
         Credit Hours:     45.00
         Sponsor:          Creative Teacher Education Institute
         Time:             Online
         Location:         Online
         Proposed by:      Betsy Ryan
         Dates:            July 1-30, 2018

         Course Number:    2018-19 #35
         Title:            UHS Statistics
         Credit Hours:     3.00
         Sponsor:          South Colonie Central School District
         Time:             9:00 am to 12:00 pm
         Location:         Colonie Central High School
         Proposed by:      Erin Botta
         Dates:            July 11, 2018
AGENDA                 Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                           12


    A.   Creation of Position

         Create the following temporary position for the 2018-2019 school year:

         (1)   1.0      Special Education Teacher

    B.   Appointments

         1.    Name:                   Hannah Miner
               Address:                20 Dory Lane, Albany, NY 12205
               Type:                   Probationary – 4 year
               Tenure Area:            Special-Teaching Assistant
               Location:               Sand Creek Middle School
               Effective Date:         August 31, 2018
               Salary:                 As per SCTA TA Contract
               Education:              B.S. from The College of St. Rose
               Certification Status:   Initial in Childhood Education (Grades 1-6)

         2.    Name:                   Gina M. Gizzi
               Address:                249 Thimbleberry Road, Malta, NY 12020
               Type:                   Probationary – 4 year
               Tenure Area:            Special Education
               Location:               Lisha Kill Middle School
               Effective Date:         August 31, 2018
               Salary:                 Schedule II, Step 4 as per SCTA Contract
               Education:              B.A. from Siena College,
                                       M.Ed. from College of St. Joseph
               Certification Status:   Professional in Students with Disabilities (Grades 5-9)

         3.    Name:                   Brian Scalzo
               Address:                35 Archer Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065
               Type:                   Temporary 1.0
               Tenure Area:            Administrative Intern
               Location:               Sand Creek Middle School
               Effective Date:         August 31, 2018
               Salary:                 Schedule III, Step 15 as per SCTA Contract
               Education:              B.A. from Siena College,
                                       M.S. and C.A.S. from College of St. Rose
               Certification Status:   Initial in School Building Leader
AGENDA                    Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                         13

   C.    Temporary Appointments

         1.    Name:                     Amanda Basle
               Address:                  8 Daniel Lane, Albany, NY 12205
               Type:                     Temporary Part-Time (.80)
               Teaching Area:            Mathematics
               Location:                 Sand Creek Middle School
               Effective Date:           August 31, 2018
               Ending Date:              June 30, 2019
               Salary REVISED:           Salary Schedule II, Step 1 as per SCTA Contract (pro-rated)
               Education:                B.S. from RPI; M.S. from SUNY Albany
               Certification:            Initial in Mathematics (Grades 7-12)

         2.   Name:                      Christina Coogan
              Address:                   1810 Avenue M, Schenectady, NY 12304
              Type:                      Temporary Part-Time (.443)
              Teaching Area:             Art Teacher
              Location:                  Lisha Kill Middle School
              Effective Date:            July 1, 2018
              Ending Date:               June 30, 2019
              Salary:                    Schedule II, Step 3 as per the SCTA Contract (pro-rated)
              Education:                 B.S. from College of St. Rose; M.A. from SUNY Albany
              Certification:             Initial in Visual Arts

   D.    Summer School Appointments

         Approval of the following Summer School appointment, per the Board of Education
         Policy 9290. Each person is certified and understands that the appointment is contingent
         upon sufficient enrollment for the 2018 Summer School Program:

         7-12 Summer School Program 2018 – Session Amounts to be Determined
         Lisa Marcone                          English 7-12

   E.    Department Chairpersons – 2018-2019 School Year

         Approve per the SCTA Contract:

         Music District Wide                     Peter Cannistraci

   F.    Greater Capital Region Teacher Center Teacher Leadership Coaches for the
         2018-2019 School Year

         Approve per Board of Education Policy 9290:

         Teacher Leadership Coach-World Languages Level 1

         Tiffany Phelps
AGENDA                  Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                       14

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Elementary Education Level 2

         Lorena Hurst

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Visual and Performing Arts Level 1

         Kate Jarrard

         Teacher Leadership Coach-English as a New Language Level 1

         Gretchen Oliver

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Science Level 1

         James St. Denis, Jr.

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Special Education Level 1

         Elizabeth Daley

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Mathematics Level 2

         David Fields

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Mathematics Level 1

         Mary Ann Nickloy

         Teacher Leadership Coach-Technology Integration Level 2

         Geoffrey Bizan

         NYSTC Leadership Program Director

         Valerie Lovelace

   G.    Cafeteria Supervision for the 2018-2019 School Year

         Appoint the following previously approved positions at the approved rate of

         Shaker Road Elementary School

         Michael McCulloch               1.0           Jamie Stutzman              1.0
         Tracy Krom                      1.0           Sean Merchant               1.0
AGENDA                 Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                        15

         Lisha Kill Middle School

         Michelle Brighton               1.0           John Dolny                  1.0
         Kimberly DonVito                1.0           Kellie Gaffney              1.0
         Linda Gresens                   1.0           Lynn Jeram                  1.0
         Michelle Malatesta              1.0           Wendy Kelley                1.0
         Dawn Peplowski                  1.0           Michael Mensching           1.0
         Joseph Repko                    1.0           Gina Mooney                 1.0
         Nicholas Southworth             1.0           Janae Vanderpeol            1.0
         Michael Trimarchi               1.0           Patricia Vardaro            1.0

   H.    Study Hall Supervision for the 2018-2019 School Year

         Appoint the following previously approved positions at the approved rate of

         Lisha Kill Middle School

         Susan Campbell                  1.0           Jessica LaFex               1.0
         Andrea Bourgeois                1.0           Michael Mensching           1.0
         Eric Obermayer                  1.0           Jacqueline Frank            1.0
         Gina Mooney                     1.0           JanaeVanderpoel             1.0
         Shannon Koon                    1.0           Laura Yerou                 1.0
         Tami Hanley                     1.0           John Meurs                  1.0
         Scott Hodge                     1.0           David Conway                1.0

   I.    Interscholastics for Fall – 2018-2019 School Year

         Appoint the following previously approved positions at the approved rate of

         Colonie Central High School

         Assistant Coach Varsity Boys Football         Mark Cerrone                1.0
AGENDA                  Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                  16


     A.   Appointments

          1.   Name:                    Michael Rottingen
               Address:                 12 Willow Avenue, Albany, NY 12205
               Position:                Probationary Custodial Worker
               Effective:               July 9, 2018
               Salary:                  Schedule G, Start Rate, per CSEA Contract
               Hours:                   8.0 hours per day
               Current Location:        Shaker Road Elementary School
               Probationary Period:     July 9, 2018 through January 7, 2019

          2.   Name:                    Thomas Meisner
               Address:                 10 Oxford Drive, Apt. 3, Latham, NY 12110
               Position:                Probationary Custodial Worker
               Effective:               July 16, 2018
               Salary:                  Schedule G, Start Rate, per CSEA Contract
               Hours:                   8.0 hours per day
               Current Location:        Lisha Kill Middle School
               Probationary Period:     July 16, 2018 through January 13, 2019

          3.   Name:                    James Casey Sr.
               Address:                 66 Jones Drive, Schenectady, NY 12309
               Position:                Probationary Custodial Worker
               Effective:               July 16, 2018
               Salary:                  Schedule G, Start Rate, per CSEA Contract
               Hours:                   8.0 hours per day
               Current Location:        Lisha Kill Middle School
               Probationary Period:     July 16, 2018 through January 13, 2019

          4.   Name:                    Joshua DiPiazza
               Address:                 245 Vly Road, Schenectady, NY 12309
               Position:                Part-Time Custodial Worker (.50)
               Effective:               July 1, 2018
               Salary:                  $16.96 per hour per CSEA Contract
               Hours:                   4.0 hours per day
               Current Location:        Veeder Elementary School
               Probationary Period:     July 1, 2018 through December 30, 2018

          5.   Name:                    Joseph Schillaci
               Address:                 189 Sycamore Street, Albany, NY 12209
               Position:                Custodial Worker Substitute
               Effective:               July 11, 2018
               Salary:                  $13.25 per hour
AGENDA                  Board of Education Meeting – July 10, 2018                        17

         6.   Name:                     Kemm Cameron
              Address:                  41 Maple Drive, Apt. 9, Albany, NY 12205
              Position:                 Temporary School Monitor (.81)
              Effective:                July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019
              Salary:                   $12.16 per hour per Teamsters Contract
              Hours:                    6.5 hours per day
              Current Location:         Forest Park Elementary School

         7.   Name:                     Mosammat Sultana
              Address:                  206 Harvard Road, Watervliet, NY 12189
              Position:                 Temporary School Monitor (.81)
              Effective:                July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019
              Salary:                   $12.21 per hour per Teamsters Contract
              Hours:                    6.5 hours per day
              Current Location:         Forest Park Elementary School

         8.   Name:                     Kristy Scalise
              Address:                  45 Joy Drive, Loudonville, NY 12211
              Position:                 Permanent School Monitor (.81)
              Effective:                July 1, 2018
              Salary:                   $12.03 per hour per Teamsters Contract
              Hours:                    6.5 hours per day
              Current Location:         Shaker Road Elementary School

    B.   Summer School Appointments

         K-8 Special Education Summer School Program

         Mary Lynch                Personal Care Assistant 1.0       Stipend per Policy 9290

         Summer School Transportation Program

         Roberta MacFarlane        School Monitor                    Monitor base hourly rate

    C.   Change of Hours

         Effective July 1, 2018:

         Stephen Gay        Custodial Worker        Saturday 12-hour shift to       HS
                                                    4.0 hours per day (M-F)
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