St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

Page created by Linda Smith
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
                            Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
                           1801 Sage Road | Houston, Texas 77056
    Daily Mass              Tel. 713.621.4370 | Fax 713.850.8341
8:15 a.m.|12:10 p.m.
      Saturday                  December 17, 2017
      8:15 a.m.

   Sunday Mass
   Saturday Vigil
      5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.|9:00 a.m.*
    11:00 a.m.*
12:45 p.m.|6:00 p.m.
*Nursery Available

      6 -7 p.m.
  8:45-10:00 a.m.
 or by appointment
    with a priest

   Tuesday after
  12:10 p.m. Mass
   until 10 p.m.

Parish Office Hours
    Mon -Thurs
   8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
   8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

   After Hours
Number for Grave
Illness or Death:
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Parish Contact Information
Rev. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor          Mary Caprio                           Business Office
                                      Evangelization, Finance, Facilities   John Amalokwu, Parish Accountant
Rev. Michael Applegate,               Adult Faith Formation (AFF) and
Parochial Vicar                       Natural Family Planning               Liliana Olivares, Parish Bookkeeper 
                                                                            Angelica Aguilera,
In Residence
                                      Children Faith Formation (CFF)        School Bookkeeper
Rev. Leon Strieder, S.L.D.,
                                      Maria Groff Reynolds, Director
Rev. Dominic Pistone                                                        Administrative Support
                                      Youth Faith Formation (YFF)           Lilian Ninh, CFF,YFF, Facilities and
                                      Mike Cleary, Director                 Technology
Deacon Robert Hesse, Ph.D.,
                                      Matt Zelinsky, Asst. Director         Minnie Romo, AFF, Sacramental
Deacon David Hust
Deacon Thomas Newhouse
                                      Music                                 Jasmine Webb, Database & Liturgy
                                      Chris Popelka, Director of Music
St. Michael Catholic School           Mattia Maldonado, Weddings
                                      Community Ministries
Dr. Kathleen Cox, Principal
                                      Jennifer Gonzalez,                    Receptionists
                                      Director of Social Justice            Amy Taylor
Pastoral Associates         
Justin Aquila                         Sr. Ginny Braniff, M.A.,              Celia Thomson
Evangelization, Personnel,            Director of Pastoral Care   
Communications and Stewardship
                                      Facilities Management
                                      Derek Roy, Director of Facilities
Ann Cashiola                                                                 Bulletin submissions are due
                                        Monday by 9:00 a.m.
Liturgy, Sacraments and Music
                                      Carlos Meija, Evening Custodian       Please e-mail information to:
                                      Jose Moreno, Maintenance    
                                      Silvino Anuario, Maintenance

                                          Pastoral Council
                       President: Skip Redd Vice President: Lou Pelz
                    Members: John Barry | Will Cravens | Michael Garofalo
   Matt Harris | Melissa Kidonakis | Nick Lanza | Jessica Matuszak | Bobby Northrup
                         Darryl Shields| Tom Scott| Amy Taylor
       Please contact a Pastoral Council member with any comments or concerns about our parish.
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Sacramental Care
Baptism                                        Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Infants and Children under 7 years old         (RCIA)
All parents are required to participate in a   Non-Catholics (non-baptized or baptized in a
baptismal preparation process prior to the     non-Catholic, Christian denomination) who
baptism of each child and are strongly         are interested in learning about the Catholic
encouraged to attend the classes during        faith and may want to become Catholic
the second trimester of pregnancy.             should contact the Office of Adult Faith
                                               Formation, 713.403.4114.
Please call the parish office, 713.403.4112,
to register for classes and to schedule        Pastoral Care & Holy Communion to the
baptisms.                                      Sick and Homebound
                                               Do you know someone who is ill, home-
Older Children - 7 years of age and older      bound, in the hospital, or in an assisted living
Please contact the Office of Children Faith    facility and in need of pastoral care? For
Formation, 713.403.4122, for information on    those in need of prayer, Holy Communion, a
the Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for   pastoral visit and/or those who are interested
Children.                                      in visiting the homebound or assisted living
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist         in need of prayer shouldcontact Sister Ginny
Please call the Office of Children Faith       Braniff, MA at 713.621.4370.
Formation, 713.403.4122, for information.      Anointing of the Sick
Confirmation                                   Parishioners scheduled for serious surgery
High School Students - Contact the Office of   should receive the Sacrament of the
Youth Faith Formation, 713.403.4122.           Anointing of the Sick prior to their
Adult - Contact the Office of Adult Faith      hospitalization. Please contact the parish
Formation, 713.403.4114.                       office, 713.621.4370.

Engaged couples desiring to marry in the       Those in danger of death due
Church need to attend an introductory
marriage preparation class, offered monthly,
                                               to sickness or old age should
which begins the process. Please call             be anointed and receive
713.403.4112 for information and                   Viaticum. Please call

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Stewardship Information
                                   Collections                                           December 10
          The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary                             $4,791.00
                                  5:00 p.m. Vigil                                          $7,159.54
                                     7:30 a.m.                                             $3,487.00
                                     9:00 a.m.                                             $6,889.00
                                     11:00 a.m.                                            $8,107.00
                                     12:45 p.m.                                            $4,504.00
                                     6:00 p.m.                                             $3,788.00
                                   Faith Direct                                            $24,467.04
                2nd Collection-Retirement Fund for Religious                               $5,954.00
                                 Debt Reduction                                            $2,880.00
 Children's Collection for Shrine of the True Cross School in Dickinson                     $387.50
                                Mail and Drop-off                                          $40,868.00
                                  Grand Total:                                           $107,571.08
Stock Donation - Many parishioners prayerfully make their end-of-year gifts at this time. Gifts of stock
are a popular form of end of year gift and are encouraged. The Office of Development for the Archdiocese
of Galveston-Houston is available to assist with these transactions. The Letter of intent form is available
at You are encouraged to make direct inquiries to Michael
Schillaci at 713-652-4418 or Michelle Muñoz at 713-652-8242 for the proper procedures. The Office of
Development acknowledges all stock gifts in writing. Any donor not receiving proper acknowledgement
is asked to call Michelle at the downtown Chancery.

                                                                    Deacon’s Corner
                                                               THE CHRISTMAS WORKS!
                                                        Shopping, wrapping, kids out of
      Catholic Counseling for Parishioners              school, decorating, cooking, baking,
       Are you in need of emotional healing?            travel, house guests, parties, cards,
           Are you discouraged by your                  money….whew!
          relationships with loved ones?
         Now is the time to get the help and
                 healing you need.                      Isaiah: “Rejoice!” St. Paul: “Rejoice!”
           Counselors are now available.
 To learn more, or to schedule an appointment call
              (844) 295-3167, or visit                  Try it! It works!
  4                                           Deacon Tom
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Readings for the Week († - Deceased)
 Sunday, December 17      7:30 a.m.       The People of the Parish   Is 61:1-2a, 10-11;
                          9:00 a.m.       Uche Agbai                 Lk 1:46-50, 53-54;
                                      †   Ranee Gunaratne            1 Thes 5:16-24;
                                          Carl Halik                 Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
                          11:00 a.m. †    William Calledare
                                     †    Jo Ann Zinnante
                                     †    Suzanne Chatelain
                         12:45 p.m..      Joe Friesenhahn
                                     †    Gary Hall
                                          Justin Hart
                          6:00 p.m. †     Joseph Graml
                                    †     Salvadora Cazalot
                                          Jobie Flowers
 Monday, December 18      8:15 a.m. † Kathrin and Frank McNamara     Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13,
                                      Charlie Flowers                18-19; Mt 1:18-25
                                      Taylor Flowers
                         12:10 p.m.   Maria L. Baldasso
                                      Carlos and Lili Gonzalez
                                    † Jose Luis Alvarez
 Tuesday, December 19     8:15 a.m. † Thomas Hargis                  Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-
                                    † Jeffrey Daily                  4a, 5-6ab, 16-17;
                                      J. J. Clark                    Lk 1:5-25
                         12:10 p.m. † Gabriel Zaragoza Lopez
                                      Agnes Shimonek
                                      Joan Fusselman
Wednesday, December 20    8:15 a.m. † William Dunn                   Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-
                                       Mary Jones                    4a, 5-6ab, 16-17;
                                       Kent and Sue Hamby            Lk 1:5-25
                         12:10 p.m. † John Patrick Smith
                                    † Olga de Lasse and Ana Paola
                                    † George Van Os, Sr.
Thursday, December 21     8:15 a.m.   The Canik family               Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a;
                                    † Deacon Darvin Bordelon         Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21;
                                      Tiffany Halik                  Lk 1:39-45
                          12:10 p.m   No Mass
 Friday, December 22      8:15 a.m. † The Wilde family               1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-
                                      Isaac Kuriakose                8abcd; Lk 1:46-56
                                    † Carol Bordelon
                         12:10 p.m. † William G. O’Leary
                                    † Oghenekevwe Michael Sejebor
                                    † Cecilia Davidson
 Saturday, December 23    8:15 a.m.   Kristin O’Hara                 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25:4-
                                      Carl and Paula Halik           5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66
                                      Cecil Ellis
                           5:00 p.m † Jim Nabors
                                      Jacqueline Adele
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Social Justice News
Below are some quotes from St. Michael families about their experience:
•       “The most wonderful experience ever. Loved the family which we were given.” -Ali and
•       “It was truly a blessing!” -Diane
•       “We especially enjoyed the opportunity for our kids to play with the student and his
        family at the school.” -Shawn
•       “We had a wonderful time and really preferred this format over going to the family’s
        house since we could really interact more.” -Lindsay
•       “It was fantastic to partner with the San Francisco Nativity Academy. We enjoyed
        meeting our family and having a chance to positively impact their lives and make their
        Christmas special. It was awesome for our kids to see the impact of how more
        important it is to give than receive...we really enjoyed the morning.” -Alan
•       “I thought it was easy and fun. I love the fact that you told me what the child wanted,
        that helped so much.” -Stephanie
•       “This is an amazing school. We enjoyed meeting our adopted children and mothers.
        What precious children. Please do this again next year.” -Mary

                                       Christmas Toy Drive
                Thank you to all those who participated in our Christmas Toy Drive!

                                                                                All toys were
                                                                                delivered to
                                                                                CCSC’s Jingle
                                                                                Bell Express.

                     Penance Activity-Winter Items for the Homeless
    As part of our Advent theme, Becoming Christmas, the activity of Tuesday, December
    19 will be collecting new winter accessories for the homeless. These items include
    scarves, gloves, socks, and hats. Please bring items to the Penance Service that Tuesday
    at 7pm. All items will be donated to SEARCH Homeless Services.
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Children Faith Formation
             •   Dec. 19: Confessions continue at St. Michael the Archangel! Our newest
             sacrament recipients and their families are invited to continue preparing their
             hearts for Jesus’ arrival by returning Tuesday evening, Dec. 19, for our parish
             Penance Service.

             •  Jan. 7: CLOW and CFF classes resume. Have a blessed Advent and
             merry Christmas holiday.

             •  Jan. 18 and Jan. 22, 7:15-8:00 PM (PLC-A): Mandatory 1st Eucharist parent
             meeting. One parent from each family is required to attend either one of the two
             meetings. Baptism Certificates are due at the 1st Eucharist parent meeting.

                   Adult Faith Formation
      Women at Daybreak is reconvening

        Tuesday Morning                          Start the new year right!
     once a month beginning
                                                  Join us for the program
January 23, 2018 – 7:00 to 8:00 am
                                                 “DISCOVER CHRIST”
   Parish Life Center –Room A

                     2018 Adult Confirmation Classes
                       If you are a baptized Catholic who received first
                       Holy Communion but were never confirmed, you
                          are eligible to participate in classes for the
                                  Sacrament of Confirmation.

        Classes begin Wednesday, January 31 at 7:00 pm
Visit for registration information and schedule
     or contact Mary Caprio at
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Youth Faith Formation

         Parish Life
                 Art and Environment Committee
                  Call for creatives, crafters, and
                  curious helping hands.
                  The A & E Committee is looking for
                  volunteers to assist with transforming our
                  beautiful church for Christmas this year.
                  Anyone wanting to be contribute to the visual
                  experience of the Christmas Mass should
                  contact Ann Cashiola or the church office.
                  Helpers are needed from Dec 20th - Jan 8th to
                  set up the Church and Narthax, install the
                  Nativity, care for and water the live plants and
                  set up for the overflow Masses. If you are
                  looking for a way to contribute to our
                  community's Christmas experience, please join
8                 us!
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Parish Life
                                           Sociable Seniors
                         Donations for the food pantry gratefully accepted at all meetings.

                                        Upcoming Events & Trips
December 20 (Wednesday) Silver bells....silver             Cost: members $14, non-members $16. Call Jerry
bells...soon it will be Christmas time in the city! So,    Ziemnicki at 713-622-9001 for more info.
we'll hop on our "county sleigh" and tour some
                                                           February 11th (Sunday) Matinee Theatre Outing in
of Houston's famous and most beautiful Christmas
                                                           Conroe. Hop on a blue and white community bus at
light displays in River Oaks, Tanglewood, and
                                                           9:30 am on Del Monte/Sage. Leaving at 10 am Treat
beyond. This is a ride-around - no walking. We will
                                                           yourself to an early 11 o'clock brunch at "Texas
stop for a Restroom/Ice Cream break at McDonald's
                                                           Roadhouse" (2230 Interstate 45 N). We head to the
Post Oak. Early dinner at Luby's Post
                                                           Crighton Theatre in time for the 2 o'clock "Hello
Oak. Cost: Members- $5.00; Non-Members
                                                           Dolly" show. Returns around 6 pm. Ticket Cost for
$8.00. Bus boards at Del Monte & Sage at 4:45 pm,
                                                           members is $20 and non-members is $22. Limited
leaves at 5:15 pm, Returns approx. 10:00/10:30
                                                           tickets. Deadline is January 22nd. For further info
pm. No refunds after December meeting. More info
                                                           please contact Hanan Patel at 832-228-1495.
call Margie McIntyre 713 782-5650
                                                           Mah Jongg Players
January 23 (Tuesday) Guided tour of the                    Every Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., PLC, Rm C.
Battleground at San Jacinto with a tour of the             For information, call Fran Dermody at 713.622.0601.
Monument's museum, and a documentary film about            Checks for trips or dues payable to St. Michael
the battle. Lunch on your own at the Monument Inn.         Sociable Seniors. Please e-mail Margaret Fuller,
Bus boards at Delmonte and Sage at 8:30AM and              President, at for further
leaves at 9:00AM. Returns at approx. 3:30PM.               information

                 The St. Michael Wedding Guild
  December 29/30 - Butcher/Hall - Maldonado, Rockefeller, Lord, Spiller
  December 29/30 - Cowan/Magee - Cielieska, Maldonado, Washington
  January 5/6 - Burke/Vivas - Macey, Lynn, Marino
  January 26/27 - Martin/McKenna - Cavanaugh, Genitempo, Drew, Spiller
  February 2/3 - Harris/Speed - Shields, Cimo, Macey
  February 9/10 - Nangcas/Caguioa - Spiller, Royds
  February 9/10 - Bruchmiller/Schwarzbach - Royds, Marino, Russell
  All Guild members are asked to please contact Sherry O'Connor ( with any
  schedule changes.

  If you are considering joining a ministry at St. Michael's and would
  like to know more about the Wedding Guild, please contact our
  President, Marlyn Greiner (                 9
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Parish Life
                            Experience St. Michael’s Advent theme “BECOMING
                            Christmas” (that is, becoming more like Christ), based on the book
                            The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. This wonderful and
                            inspiring book explains the 4 signs – Prayer, ongoing Faith
                            Formation, Generosity and Evangelization.

                            Upcoming Activities

                            December 19th 7:00 pm– Penance Service –
                            Penance Activity– See page 6

                                                   Evening Prayer
                                                      and the
                                                “O Antiphons”
                 December 17th following 6:00 pm Mass
                    December 18th – December 23rd.
           6:00 pm in the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel
                     Deacon David Hust, Presiding
   In anticipation of the immediate event of the celebration of the birth of
   Christ, join us for the ancient tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours and
   the “O Antiphons”- seven sung refrains that are chanted before the
   Magnificat in Advent Evening Prayer.

   Each antiphon highlights a title for the Messiah: O Sapientia (O
   Wisdom), O Adonai (O Lord), O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), O Clavis
   David (O Key of David), O Oriens (O Rising Sun), O Rex Gentium (O
   King of the Nations), and O Emmanuel. (God With Us)

   Each title refers to the prophecy of Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah
   and salvation. These beautiful antiphons of the day announce Christ
   with ancient title and implore Him for our salvation. Join us for prayer as
10 we count the final days before Christmas!
Parish Life
                                                                                              50+ Singles
               Grieving   with
                  The Women’s Guild provides
                       opportunities for women of the

             HOPE      parish to get to know each other,
                       share our faith, form friendships,                                   Happy Hour
                       and provide service.                                       El Tiempo Mexican Restaurant
                                                                                  Friday December 22nd 5:30PM
                     Are you interested in welcoming
New Parishioners? Greeting and assisting guests and                                2605 S. Gessner at Westheimer
parishioners at the Welcome Center in the Narthex?
Serving as hostesses to families and friends at a
  Join usofWednesday,
Celebration                     December
               Life? Creating social            6th
                                      get-togethers?                                For more information contact:
Choosing speakers for our luncheon-speaker series?                                   Jo Ann Chetta 713.863.8587
            6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Please Activity
       join us as weBuilding
                     help developRoom      24
                                   a welcoming
community at St. Michael. For more information,                                     Dottie Morrogh 281.558.9390
contact Marlene         Facilitators:
                  Shields at                          
    Diane Nuar MA, LPC -Rejoice
Our next general meeting is January 11, 2017.

                       Catholic Daughters of the Americas
                  Contact: Glenda Bautista, 713.882.9617 or

The Catholic Daughters pictured are, left to right, Celia Vasquez, Myrna Alfonso, Mecedes Cook, Glenda Bautista and Margaret Fuller
Not pictured: Mary Ellen Bermudez.

76 Gift bags filled with various goodies were shared with Seminarians at St
Mary Seminary on Dec. 5th. Thank you to all who donated and participated
Visit for more information and a letter from our
Court Regent, Glenda Bautista.

     All other daily and Sunday masses will be celebrated according to our regular Mass schedule.
                            Visit for more information

                               TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 7:00 pm
                        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament closed at 4:00pm

                                 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT
                                    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24,
                                   CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING
                                  Mass at 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am

                                  SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24
                                  4:00pm Vigil Mass – Church
                               4:15pm. Vigil Mass – Tiger Gym & PLC
                                      6:30pm Vigil Mass – Church
                             11:00pm Lessons & Christmas Carols
                                  12:00am -Midnight Mass – Church

                                MONDAY, DECEMBER 25
                               Mass at 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am
                                No afternoon or evening Mass

                                    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26
                                     No Masses or Confessions

                        HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH
                           Saturday, December 30, Vigil Mass - 5:00pm
              Sunday, December 31st Mass at 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:45pm, 6:00pm

                            MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 2018
                               Mass at 8:15 am, 12:10 pm
                           This year, it is not a holy day of obligation

 The parish offices will close on Friday, December 22rd at 12:00pm and open on Wednesday,
 December 27th at 8:00am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will not be held on Tuesday,
 December 26th. No confessions on Tuesday, December 26th. The parish office will be closed on
 Friday, December 29th and open on Tuesday, January 2nd at 8:00am. The clergy and parish staff
 wishes you joy and a blessed Advent and Christmas season!
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