Retiree Bulletin From the Chairman - US Army ...

Page created by Wendy Jennings
Retiree Bulletin From the Chairman - US Army ...
Fort Jackson - South Carolina

Retiree Bulletin
                                                                                           Volume 1 * 2021
                                                                                   The Council will do it’s very best to continue keeping everyone informed.
        From the Chairman                                                          The CG and Garrison Commander continue to get the word out in all ways
                                                                                   possible. They routinely communicate with the Council on changes that
                                                                                   affect our constituency and are doing virtual Town Halls live streamed on
     Greetings from your Retiree Council. It is my pleasure to inform you          Face-Book. In addition, the FTJ, Garrison and Moncrief’s Facebook pages
     that the CG has approved going forward with our annual Retiree                as well as the new Digital Garrison App provide up-to-date information.
     Appreciation Days. This year beginning with the BCT Graduation on 29          Recommend, if possible, you tie into all if you haven’t already.
     April, the Golf Tourney on Fri-day, Facebook Messages from the                There is no greater responsibility for a Retiree than to help ensure the
     Garrison Commander, TRICARE, Survivor Benefits Briefings and                  continued support of the men, women, and Families who have so
     Giveaways at AAFES and DECA. Saturday morning, COVID-19                       selflessly served their Nation. Whether you retired many years ago or
     vaccinations, Drive thru Expo and ID Card Support. Like most events           last week, the Retiree Council is here for you and interested in doing its
     this past year, ours will be modified due to ongoing COVID-19                 best to represent your interests. We can’t promise change on every
     concerns. The great news is we’re having them. For the BCT graduation         individual issue, but we can assure you your input will be heard and
     there will not be a breakfast at the Club; however, we will meet at the       considered, and you will receive a response from us. Please seek us out
     NCO Club at 0800 and bus over to Hilton Field. The guest speaker will         when you need help or have questions. Our names and numbers are at
     be the new SC Secretary of Veter-an’s Affairs, MG (R) William Grimsley.       the end of the bulletin.
     There will not be an option to march this year; however, we will have         You can also provide feedback to the installation on any Retiree issue
     designated, socially distanced, seating to enjoy the event. On Friday         you deem appropriate by using the Interactive Customer Evaluation
     we will have the annual RAD Golf Tournament. The CG has approved a            (ICE), which you can access online through the Fort Jackson website
     shotgun starting at 1000. Hope all you golfers can make it. It will be a      homepage or through use of the ICE cards that are located at all key
                                                                                   points of service on Fort Jackson. I encourage you to use whatever
     great day as always.                                                          means you are most comfortable to ensure you are heard.
     On Saturday the Retiree Expo’s traditional location will change and will      A special thanks to BG Beagle and COL Hankins for their exceptional
     be conducted this year in the Parking Lot of the STROM THURMOND               support to our community during their tenures. BG Beagle will change
                                                                                   command on 16 June and depart to become the 10th Mountain Division
     BUILDING from 1100-1300. Retirees and their Families will be able to          CG at Ft Drum. COL Hankins will change command 15 June and depart to
     drive through and receive bagged information from vendors who                 become the Chief of the Army G1’s Strategic Initiatives Group. Our
     support us every year at the Expo. During this drive through, the             constituency could not have been in better hands with these two great
     Retirement Services Office will also be collecting email addresses from       Army Leaders these past years especially during the management of
     all Retirees and Family members in order to allow the passing of              COVID. Our eternal thanks to both of you for your loyalty and exceptional
     up-to-date information to our Constituents quicker and more                   support. Best I’ve experienced in my 17 years on the Council. As always,
     efficiently. Really need your support for this one if at all possible.        we would like to also thank the entire FTJ and Garrison staffs who
     Finally, Moncrief will make COVID-19 vaccines available in the                consistently make it happen for our Constituents. COL Hall hit the
                                                                                   ground running and has orchestrated exceptional support to our
     Solomon Center from 0900-1300. For this event, there will be no need          constituency. Again, special thanks to her, LTC Matt Hanna, the
     for appointments. Check the rest of the bulletin for additional RAD           COVID-19 vaccine Chief, and her entire staff for their exceptional vision
     specifics, events and times. We are very appreciative of the FTJ Leadership   and support. Last, but certainly not least, our thanks to the many other
     and all staffs’ willingness to make the RAD happen this year. Our hope        agencies across Fort Jackson for their continuing support of our community
     is by next year we’ll be able to return to a something more traditional.      and for all they are doing to help us during these extraordinary circumstances.
     Keep your fingers crossed. Hope you can all make it.                          We greatly appreciate your care, concern, support, and efforts on our
     Our thoughts continue to be with each and every one of you and your
     Families during this difficult period, especially those who have been              In this issue ...
     affected directly with serious illness or the passing of loved ones.                Retirement Services Office..............p2
     Moncrief and the Dorn VA have done a tremendous job to date getting
     info out and providing COVID vaccines to eligible beneficiaries.                    ID Card Services.............................p3
     Continue to stay informed of changes and updates, do your best to                   Casualty Assistance Center............p4
     follow the evolving health guidelines and by all means get yourself
                                                                                         Family and MWR.............................p5
     vaccinated. There are now multiple opportunities for you and your
     Family members to do so.
Retiree Bulletin From the Chairman - US Army ...
From the Chairman                                                                   Retirement
              (Continued from page 1)                                                        Services Office

    Please read the entire bulletin. You will find additional details on      RSO News - 2021 Brings Changes
    RAD and other information of interest that may answer a question          The Army Echoes newsletter will increase publication from three times
    you have about current circumstances or provide you something you         per year to four times per year. You will now receive Army Echoes
    can use day to day. Should you have questions or need immediate           electronically, in February, May, August and November. Hard copies are
    assistance, call the Soldier for Life - Retirement Services Office at     mailed to Gray Area Retired Soldiers and Survivor Benefit Plan
    803-751-5523/5495. We have a new Retirement Services Officer,             Annuitants for the February, May and November editions. Current and
    Mrs. Regina Harlan, who I know will be happy to hear from you and
                                                                              previous editions of the Army Echoes are always available to you on the
    provide the necessary support. Congratulations, Regina, on the
    new job and welcome to the team.                                          website at
                                                                              You can now manage your retired pay or Survivor Benefit Pay (SBP) pay
    All of us have a story to tell and it’s a great way to continue our       account through myPay. myPay is available at or
    service by finding opportunities to tell that story to young men and      can be reached telephonically at (888) 332-7411.
    women, their parents, and the community at large about the
    positive affects it has had on our lives, Families and Nation. Let’s do   Ask DFAS Online Forms: Now Retirees and annuitants can get 1099-Rs
    all we can to continue encouraging America’s youth to serve.              sent to their mailing address on record or to a one time, temporary
                                                                              mailing address by submitting the request online at AskDFAS,
    Finally, my sincere appreciation goes out to each of you for your (Note: If your mailing address on
    service to our Nation and your continued support of its interests.
                                                                              file with DFAS is current, retirees can get a copy of their 1099-R through
    You and your Families can be very proud of the legacy of excellence
    and service you left behind. That legacy is embodied today in the         Retiree DFAS telephone self-service option by calling (800) 321-1080.)
    outstanding service our current Leaders and other Service
    Members are providing. They protect us, our Nation, and its               SPECIAL NOTICE
    interests all around the world. Don’t forget to say a prayer for all      Retiree Services Special Notice
    those great Americans who are in harm’s way today and the                 Retirees, we are here for you!! For assistance with your myPay reset,
    Families that await their safe return. Say a prayer for each other        award letters if purchasing a home and Survivor Benefit Plan election
    and our families, as well, as we navigate through this current crisis.    changes. You can walk-in to the Strom Thurmond Building, room 211,
    Thanks again, to every Retiree and your Families for all you have done    Monday-Friday 0800-0930. Appointments can be made by calling (803)
    and continue to do to support our Armed Forces, our Community, and        751-5495 or (803) 751-5523.
    our Nation. It is a privilege to serve you.

    Hang in there and have a great Spring and Summer. I’ll look
    forward to seeing you at FTJ and in the community. Take good care
    of yourselves and wish everyone well and good health as we
    continue to navigate this coronavirus threat. We’ll get through this.

    God Bless you, your Families, and the USA.

    Very Respectfully,

    Mike Molosso, Colonel, USA, Retired
    Chairman, Fort Jackson Retiree Council
    "Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier, A Soldier for Life!"

Retiree Bulletin Fort Jackson
                                                                              Primary Identity Source Document
                                                                              - U.S. Passport or a U.S. Passport Card
                  ID Services                                                 - Permanent Resident Card or an Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form
                                                                              - Foreign passport; Employment Authorization Document that
    Fort Jackson Identification (ID) Card Facility Location                     contains a photograph (Form I-766)
    The Fort Jackson Identification (ID) Card Facility is located in room     - Driver's license or an identification (ID) card issued by a state or
    109, 5450 Strom Thurmond Boulevard.                                         possession of the United States provided it contain a photograph
                                                                              - U.S. Military ID card; U.S. Military dependent's ID card
    Hours of Operation                                                        - Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card.
    We are open Monday through Friday from 0800-1700 by
    appointment, and closed on weekends and all federal holidays.             Secondary Identity Source Document
    Customers with emergencies will receive service during hours of           The secondary identity source document may be from the list
    operation on a case-by-case basis for lost/stolen, inoperable ID cards,   above, but cannot be of the same type as the primary identity
    and for all DEERS transactions. All customers with an appointment         source document.
    have priority ahead of customers who walk-in without an                   - U.S. Social Security Card issued by the Social Security Administration
    appointment. The ID Card Facility closes the 1st & 3rd Thursday of        - Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state,
    every month at 1330 for training.                                           county, municipal authority, possession, or outlying possession of
                                                                                the United States bearing an official seal
    Appointment Instructions                                                  - ID card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency or
    To schedule an appointment go to or          entity, provided it contains a photograph
    Google “RAPIDS Appointments”. Schedule appointments no more               - Voter's registration
    than 90 days prior to the expiration date on your ID card. You must       - U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
    schedule one appointment for each person receiving an ID card.            - Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Form N-560 or N-561)
    Anyone arriving 5 minutes late for an appointment can either              - Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550 or N-570)
    reschedule or be seen as a walk-in. If you do not have internet           - U.S. Citizen ID card (Form I-197)
    access, you may phone (803) 751-6024 to schedule an appoint-              - Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United States
    ment.                                                                       (Form I-179)
                                                                              - Certification of Birth Abroad or Certification of Report of Birth
    How does Medicare affect your Military ID?                                  issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545 or Form DS-1350)
    Your military ID card expires on the first day of the month that you      - Temporary Resident Card (Form I-688)
    turn 65, so you will need to make sure to renew your ID in order to       - Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A)
    keep your TRICARE eligibility. You can do this by enrolling in            - Reentry Permit (Form I-327)
    Medicare online at or by calling the SSA at                  - Refugee Travel Document (Form I-571)
    1-800-772-1213 or by visiting your local SSA office. You may apply        - Employment Authorization Document issued by Department of
    1-3 months prior to turning age 65. Once you have your Medicare             Homeland Security (DHS)
    card provided by the Social Security Administration, please               - Employment Authorization Document issued by DHS with
    schedule an appointment to have your ID card renewed. At your               photograph (Form I-688B)
    appointment, you will need to present your Medicare card and two          - Foreign ID with photograph; Driver's license issued by a Canadian
    acceptable forms of identification.                                         government entity
                                                                              - Native American tribal document
    College Age Family Members                                                - Foreign Birth Certificate with certified English translation (USID
    Unmarried children 21 or 22 years of age and have not attained the          ONLY).701679
    age of 23 must provide two valid forms of identification along with       The New USID Card:
    a letter from the school registrar certifying full-time course of         The USID replaces the Retired (blue), Reserve (red), and Family
    study leading to an associate’s degree or higher and anticipated          Member (brown) Teslin cards. The USID cards categories are Sponsor
    graduation date. Students must be attending an accredited                 Identification Card and Family Member identification card. You do
    college or university.                                                    NOT have to replace your current Teslin card with a USID card until
                                                                              your Teslin card expires. See USID card sample below.
    Department of Defense List of Acceptable Identity Documents ID
    card applicants 18 years and older are required to provide two
    valid forms of identity source documents in original form, shall be
    neither expired nor cancelled. If the two identity source
    documents bear different names, evidence of a formal name
    change must be provided.
Legal Advice
                           Fort Jackson Casualty Assistance Center
                                                  MILITARY FUNERAL HONORS

     The Fort Jackson Casualty Assistance Center (CAC) serves as              **Unpaid Pay and Allowances are a Retiree’s final paycheck
     the primary point of contact for surviving Spouses and Family            and any other money owed to the person designated as
     members of active duty and retired Service Members residing              beneficiary or surviving Family member. Once the Retiree’s
     in South Carolina. Fort Jackson CAC supports Army                        death is reported to DFAS, any remaining amount owed will
     dependents residing in all counties within South Carolina,               be paid to the designated beneficiary. If the Retiree participated
     except Beaufort and Jasper. Fort Stewart CAC services the                in the Survivor Benefits Plan, the surviving spouse or dependent
     Beaufort and Jasper counties.                                            child(ren) may be eligible for an annuity.
     There are a myriad of benefits and entitlements afforded to              Veteran Military Funeral Honors
     spouses and dependent (minor) children of deceased Service               • Provided to eligible deceased Army personnel who are not Active
     Members. The list includes providing confidential briefings                Duty, Retired, or Medal of Honor Soldiers
                                                                              • Includes Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Retirees, and
     with surviving Family members on their benefits; scheduling                Veterans
     Military Funeral Honors to Families of active duty, retired and
     veteran Service Members, as well as training and certifying              Full Military Funeral Honors
                                                                              • Provided for all deceased Active Duty, Retired, and Medal of
     Casualty Assistance Officers (CAO) to assist Spouses while                 Honor Soldiers
     processing documents for benefits and entitlements.                      • Consists of a firing team, flag folders, a Chaplain (if requested,
                                                                                subject to availability), a bugler (if available), and pallbearers (at
     When a Retiree dies, it is important to report the death to the            the gravesite)
     Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) as soon as
                                                                              Fort Jackson Casualty Assistance Center Caring For Families
     possible to avoid delay and possible financial hardship. DFAS is         Mr. Lewis Kellam, Director – Director of Directorate of Human
     located in Indianapolis, IN, and is the agency responsible for retiree   Resources
     pay matters. You can report the death by going online to https://        Mr. Curtis Jackson, Military Personnel Division Chief, Directorate of
                                                                              Human Resources                Ms. Elizabeth Matt, Chief, Casualty Assistance Center, Military
                                                                              Personnel Division, Directorate of Human Resources
     Fort Jackson CAC will provide a CAO if you require help
     completing and submitting documents to agencies for
     processing. Feel free to give us a call (803-751-4519 or
     803-751-7820), Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We                            SPECIAL NOTICE
     feel it is an honor to assist. Ensure you have required
                                                                                  Retiree Services Special Notice
     documents on hand: current military ID card(s), copy of your
                                                                                 Due to budget constraints, future correspondence
     marriage license, and the Service Member’s death certificates.
                                                                                 may be provided electronically, via email and website.
     Obtain death certificates from your contracted funeral home
                                                                                 Therefore, we request you provide your email address to
     prior to contacting Fort Jackson CAC. The death certificate
                                                                                 our Retirement Services Office at:
     provides proof of demise and is required prior to submittal of
     benefits and entitlements. Within 7 – 10 days after reporting     
     the death to DFAS, you should receive a letter containing the
     following documents:
     • SF1174 – Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased                                FORT JACKSON LEADER
       Member of the Uniformed Service                                              Stay informed on Fort Jackson events and
                                                                                    issues by visiting
     • DD Form 2656-7 – Survivor Benefit Plan Application                                 or access The Leader Online at
     • Annuity account forms and instructions (if the decedent was                
      enrolled in the Survivor Benefit Plan or the Retired
       Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan).

Stay Informed with the
     Army Digital Garrison App

What a long, strange year it has been! As we all slowly move
forward and more facilities open up in a not-quite-post COVID
world, it can be difficult and confusing to find information on what
is open and where you can go on Fort Jackson.
In addition to the Fort Jackson Leader, the Family and Morale,
Welfare, and Recreation website, Facebook page, and Facebook
pages for individual MWR facilities and activities, a new digital app
is making things easier than ever.
The new Digital Garrison mobile app makes getting information
easier and more efficient. The mobile app provides information and
facilitates access to a full array of on-post services, as part of a      Note to Retirees:
partnership with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, or AAFES.
According to an article published by the Army News Service, the           In order to better service you with information in a timely
app, which can be downloaded on Android and Apple devices,
provides users with secure access to facility information, including      manner, the Retirement Services Office ask that you provide
information pertaining to Family and MWR facilities, activities and       us with your current email address. Please complete the
events. Information is provided by consolidating data from three          below information card and drop it off during the RAD at the
related networks, said Scott Malcom, Army Installation Management         Drive Thru Expo.
Command Public Affairs Director.
“It puts real-time installation information in everybody’s pockets,”      Name:
Malcom said. “There are hundreds of thousands of people that
access Army installations every day. Almost every one carries a cell
phone. The app will add value to their time spent on an installation      ____________________________________
-- whether it is to live, work, train, or play.”
Within the easy-to-use app, retirees can access resources about
Fort Jackson Family and MWR, the Exchange and other services.             Email address:
Users can customize the app to meet their needs. Digital Garrison
includes an installation directory, gate locations and hours, fitness     ____________________________________
and recreation options, weather, event information, and more.
Digital Garrison also provides an in-app shopping function through, along with local AAFES shopping and                   This information can be emailed to:
restaurant details. It also features a mobile wallet function where
shoppers can use their MILITARY STAR card.

Useful Links
Digital Garrison for Apple:
Digital Garrison for Android:

Fort Jackson Retiree Council Members

    COL     Mike Molosso (Chair)      9 Whithorn Way                 Blythewood, SC 29216      260-8291   USA

    COL     John G. Gergulis          134 Belleford Ridge Rd         Columbia, SC 29223        764-2832   USA

    COL     Carl W. Horn              201 Tom Savage Rd              Prosperity, SC 29127      364-9200   USA

    COL     William A. Whatley        126 Peach Grove Circle         Elgin, SC 29045           661-8667   USA

    COL     Steve Vitali              9813 Windsor Lake Blvd         Columbia, SC 29223        556-2088   USMC

    COL     Thomas A. Robillard       208 Lake Carolina Blvd         Columbia, SC 29229        730-6109   USAF

    LTC     John R. Marcucci (V/Ch)   1391 Beechfern Cir             Elgin, SC 29045           736-5041   USMC

    LTC     Tom McAndrews             7217 Mountain Brook Drive      Columbia, SC 29209        776-1756   USA

    LTC     James Ross Snell          3056 Lawrence Road             West Columbia, SC 29170   603-4234   SCNG

    CW5     David A. Ratliff, (Sec)   229 Steeple Drive              Columbia, SC 29229        865-0120   USA

    CW4     Constantine S. Green      15 Walden Place Court          Columbia, SC 29229        402-2945   USA

    CSM     Russel Anderson           108 Healing Springs Road       Hopkins, SC 29061         776-0878   USA

    CSM     Michael L. Armstead       221 Worthington Parkway        Columbia, SC 29229        419-4261   USA

    CSM       for
          Jesse     Life-Retirement
                J. DeBerry     21 FeatherServices
                                         Run Court                Officer:   Gregory
                                                                     Blythewood, SC 29016 Fountain,  (803) 751-6715
                                                                                               786-4418     USA

    CSM     Carl M. Lopez             8 Windy Knoll Ct               Columbia, SC 29229        699-2512   USA

    MSG     Edward Lundeen            213 Sampson Road               Gilbert, SC 29054         894-6379   USA

    MSGT    Robert W. Barkalow, Jr.   324 Teague Park Ct             Columbia, SC 29209        936-0680   ANG

    MCPO    Jim Null                  108 South Branch Road          Columbia, SC 29223        243-9050   USN

    SGM     Robert B. Price           1648 Goldfinch Lane            West Columbia, SC 29169   794-8702   USA

    SGM     Joyce S. Roberts          377 Bloomsbury Circle          Camden, SC 29020          432-1088   USA

    TSGT    George Geriner            623 Plantation Point Dr.       Elgin, SC 29045           603-6015   USAF

    Mrs.    Angie Evans               876 Gardendale Court           Columbia, SC 29210        772-5077   Spouse

    Mrs.    Donnell Baker             104 Founders Ridge Rd          Columbia, SC 29229        413-5449   Spouse

    Mrs.    Pamela Wallace                                                                                Civilian

    Mr.     David Omura                                                                        776-4000   VA

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