Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha

Page created by Diana Gomez
Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha

Receptionist (Temporary)
Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
Welcome From The Principal               DOHA

                                                   Thank you for showing          of education is offered at King’s.
                                                   an interest in joining the
                                                   team at King’s College         As Principal, I am extremely proud of the King’s
                                                   Doha.                          staff team and every member has access to
                                                                                  support and training to help them develop
                                                   This is a very exciting time   professionally throughout their time at the school.
                                                   to be joining the school
                                                   because we recently            I hope that you will enjoy reading about this
                                                   announced the extension        position and that you will decide to apply to
                                                   of our world class offer       join the King’s team. I am confident that you will
                          to the full age range 3 to 18 at our new state          find the position truly rewarding; schools are
                          of the art Mesaimeer campus. Opportunities              wonderful places to work in and King’s is a unique
                          at the School will therefore be wide and varied         school which is warm, friendly and welcoming.
                          in the coming years with many development
                          opportunities for King’s staff.

                          Every individual member of staff contributes to a
                                                                                  Oona Carlin
                          student’s journey through the School and has a
                                                                                  Principal, King’s College Doha
                          critical role to play in ensuring the highest quality

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
Our Vision and
 DOHA                                                       About King’s College Doha

Values                                                      King’s College Doha opened in September 2016 in
                                                            partnership with its UK sister school, King’s College
                                                                                                                       potential when they feel happy, supported and at ease
                                                                                                                       in their surroundings. All members of staff, therefore,
                                                            Taunton with the objective of bringing over 140 years      work hard to build a strong sense of community
The vision for King’s College Doha is to provide            of outstanding education experience to Doha.               and promote supportive relationships, ensuring that
the best possible all – round education that                                                                           children know that they always have a peer or an adult
empowers, inspires and nurtures every child                 Today, King’s College Doha provides:                       to whom they can talk.
for success as global lifelong learners.                       • a premium, diverse British education in the
                                                                                                                       The structure of King’s College Doha is:
                                                                 international context of Qatar;
Our values are based on six key attributes:
                                                               • academic excellence for all;
                                                                                                                                                Pre-School -            3-7
Academic Focus – to enable all children to realise                                                                            Pre-Prep:
                                                               • outstanding pastoral care and opportunities                                      Year 2             years old
their full academic potential and instil an enthusiastic         for personal development;
and engaging approach to lifelong learning.                                                                                                                            7 - 13
                                                               • a unique focus on specialist teaching                             Prep:       Year 3 - Year 8
                                                                                                                                                                     years old
Curiosity – to inspire children to develop an                    whereby all subjects are specialist led from
                                                                 Year 5 onwards; and                                                            Year 9 - Year         13 - 18
intellectual curiosity that extends beyond the                                                                          Senior School:
                                                                                                                                                    13               years old
curriculum into the world around them.                         • a broad range of co-curricular activities as
                                                                 part of a fulfilling and extended school day.
Care for Others – to instil an understanding
                                                                                                                       The School is conveniently located in the district of
that strong communities are built on a sense of             The partnership with King’s College Taunton, is a          Al Thumama, easily accessible from most parts of
responsibility and commitment to the service of others.     great source of strength. Significant collaboration in     Doha and only a twenty-minute drive from the City
                                                            areas such as vision and ethos, curriculum planning,       centre. Our impressive campus houses some of the
Respect & Tolerance – to develop an appreciation            professional development and co-curriculum                 finest Prep School facilities in Qatar. These include a
of human diversity and the promotion of an inclusive        opportunities, ensures that we maintain the highest        dedicated library, a central atrium, a science lab, an art
spirit with respect to others.                              international standards. Through the strength of           and design centre, music and drama classrooms and
                                                            our partnership, both children and teachers in Doha        practice rooms, a mac lab, a sports hall, an outdoor
Endeavour – to create a culture of self-discipline in       benefit from the expertise and reputation King’s           25-metre pool with learner area, and outdoor games
which children increasingly take responsibility for their   College has built in the UK over the past century and a    courts.
own learning, behaviour and involvement in wider            half.
                                                                                                                       Opening in September 2022, award winning architects
                                                            We combine an academic focus with a broad co-              have completed the design for our new first class
Leadership, Teamwork & Enterprise – to                      curriculum, offering all our students an extended and      campus at Mesaimeer which will boast some of the
encourage creativity, innovation and collaboration to       fulfilling day. In most schools, general class teachers    finest School facilities in the region. Our second
equip children as potential leaders of the future.          cover all subjects to Year 6. Uniquely for Qatar, King’s   campus is a short drive away from our current School
                                                            offers specialist teaching in all subjects from Year 5     and will ensure that pupils can complete their school
                                                            extending down to Pre-School in some subjects.             education at King’s College, Doha.

                                                            Underpinning our curriculum is the value we attach to
                                                            pastoral care. We understand that children fulfil their

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
                                                                      Our Founding School              DOHA

                                                                    – King’s College Taunton
King’s successfully achieved the Qatar National
Schools Accreditation in record time following
an inspection in March 2019 and is a member
of the British Schools of the Middle East (BSME).
According to the Ministry of Education, King’s was   King’s College in the UK is a co-educational             facilities as well as from outstanding facilities for sports,
rated among the most outstanding schools in          independent school in the UK. The School’s history can   music, arts and outdoor education. Children emerge
Doha after only three years of operation.            be traced back as far as 1522. The current campus was    from King’s as well-qualified learners who are able to
                                                     established in 1880 to educate 750 boarding and day      progress through to the best British universities and
                                                     pupils between the ages of 3 and 18.                     become well-rounded, balanced individuals.

                                                     The College prides itself on being an outstanding        Our connection with King’s College Taunton permeates
                                                     educational establishment with a busy and purposeful     the School at every level from governance and
                                                     school community. Children enjoy a challenging,          management to classroom practice, co-curricular vision
                                                     holistic education in a progressive and stimulating      and the staff appointment process.
                                                     environment. They benefit from first-class teaching

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Living in Qatar

Surrounded by clear, shallow waters on three coasts,
Qatar is one of the smallest Arab states in the Gulf
                                                            “Whether it’s the stunning and constantly
region. Despite this, it has a big heart, huge ambitions,
and a reputation for hospitality that reaches far beyond
                                                            changing skyline or the massive investment the
its borders.                                                Qatari authorities are making in landmark
                                                            cultural icons, this is a city oozing confidence
Qatar has seen rapid growth and development over            and style, as at ease in its modern shopping           shops, well known supermarkets, an efficient
the last two decades. Helped by its rich oil and gas        malls as in its traditional souqs. Wander              health system, five-star hotels, to name but a
reserves, Qatar now has one of the world’s highest          the reinvented and fabulously atmospheric              few.
GDP per capita incomes. Much of the country’s               Souq Waqif, wonder at the sheer beauty of            • Despite being a modern city, Doha retains
progress has been centred on Doha, and there are            the world-class Museum of Islamic Art and              many traditional elements and, through its
few signs of this slowing. Lonely Planet articulates the
                                                            its exhibits or head out to Katara to explore          world famous museums and cultural centres,
sense of the excitement and energy currently felt in
                                                            – wherever you look, Doha is threatening to            is a regional hub for art and music.
                                                            eclipse Dubai as the Gulf ’s most dynamic            • Doha has much to offer for those interested
Doha has a significant expatriate population, drawn to      city. Throw in a new Metro system in the               in playing sports and partaking in outdoor
the City for several reasons:                               making and the 2022 FIFA World Cup on                  pursuits. The beautiful waters of the Persian
                                                            the horizon, and the chances are that things           Gulf offer excellent water sports
    • Its growing status as a regional economic and         are only going to get better.”                         opportunities and the surrounding desert
       industrial centre means there are a range of                                                                provides great conditions for pursuits such as
       exciting job opportunities in various sectors                                                               dune buggying and quad biking. Furthermore,
       such as healthcare, education, financial                                                                    Doha has invested in several outstanding
       services, engineering, and hospitality.                                                                     green park spaces and has some of the finest
                                                                                                                   sports facilities in the world.
    • It is complete with all the conveniences and
       luxuries you would expect to find in a                                                                    • Doha is also a regular venue for professional
       developed western city: international                                                                       sporting events. Amongst others, it currently
       restaurants, luxury shopping malls, coffee                                                                  hosts international competitions in tennis,
                                                                                                                   athletics, cycling and squash; attracting
                                                                                                                   leading athletes in all cases. Its reputation as
                                                                                                                   a sporting hub will only be enhanced by the
                                                                                                                   football world cup in 2022 and the national
                                                                                                                   sides recent victory in the AFC Asian Cup.

                                                                                                               There is then the rest of the world. Doha’s location
                                                                                                               makes it an amazing point from which to travel the
                                                                                                               world during the holidays. Incredible destinations
                                                                                                               in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East are only
                                                                                                               a short flight away. With Qatar Airways flying direct
                                                                                                               to over 160 destinations, Doha is truly an excellent
                                                                                                               staging post.

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
• Leadership Team, and accepting and supporting final Leadership.
                                                                                                                                • Be punctual to and attend scheduled meetings.
                                                                                                                                • All members are encouraged to express their views, but are expected to work to the majority decision or
                                                                                                                                  the final decision of the Headmaster.
                                                                                                                                • Manage the sometimes, conflicting needs of transparency and confidentiality, at all times working as one
                                                                                                                                  team with the staff.

Appointment Details
                                                                                                                                • Avoid the ‘them and us’ ethos.
                                                                                                                                • Undertake specific tasks reasonably delegated by the Head of School or Headmaster.

                                                                                                                        This job description is indicative of the nature and level of responsibilities associated with the post. It is not
                                                                                                                        intended as an exhaustive list. Other tasks may be allocated as necessary to meet the changing needs of the
Post title		               :   Receptionist                                                                             school and new duties introduced after consultation with the post holder. Due to the nature of this position, there
Start Date		               :   July 2021 (TBC)                                                                          is an expectation that along with this role you may need to deal with school related matters outside of regular
Contract Type              :   Temporary - 3 months                                                                     working hours.
Salary Package             :   QAR 6000 - 7000 per month
Location		                 :   King’s College, Doha                                                                     It is expected that all King’s College employees understand the nature of our work is confidential and details about
Reporting to		             :   Head of Operations                                                                       our pupils and their families, associated services, pupil records and activities/incidents at the school should not be
                                                                                                                        divulged to members of the public. If there is a breach of confidentiality, this may result in disciplinary action been
Job Purpose
                                                                                                                        School Values and Ethos
To welcome visitors into the school and provide administrative and clerical functions for the school and its
staff. Ensuring that the services are provided in an efficient, effective and timely way and in compliance with the             • Actively promote our unique King’s College, Doha vision through enthusiastic participation in
requirements of the school’s Senior Leadership Team.                                                                              all areas of School life
                                                                                                                                • Always set high expectations, which inspire, motivate and support colleagues
                                                                                                                                • Ensure that you comply with any rules, policies and procedures implemented by the School
Main Duties                                                                                                                     • To ensure that you model the speaking of English when in the presence of pupils and in
                                                                                                                                  public areas of the school
A range of support functions including, but not limited to:                                                                     • To respect and support Qatar culture

       • Reception and hospitality towards visitors to the school, offering warmth and promoting a welcoming
         image.                                                                                                         Safeguarding Responsibilities
       • Ensuring all visitors are signed in and out of the school.
       • Escorting visitors around the premises when necessary.                                                                 • To comply with all safeguarding policies and procedures and ensure that any safeguarding
       • Handling telephone enquiries from professional agencies, parents and others.                                             concerns are reported in line with policy
       • Take and relay messages.                                                                                               • To demonstrate a personal commitment to safeguarding and wellbeing
       • Photocopying, laminating, filing, binding, collating, etc.                                                             • To engage fully in all safeguarding training as required
       • Organise Meeting and prepare appropriate paperwork.
       • Control inventory relevant to reception area.                                                                  Other
       • Tidy and maintain the reception area.                                                                                  • To fulfil any reasonable additional responsibilities as requested by the Principal
       • Assisting the Office Staff with administrative tasks.
       • Preparation of letters and assorted internal documents.
       • Undertake additional responsibilities subject to the needs of the school.

As part of the King’s College Team, you are expected to:
       • Act with professional integrity at all times, notwithstanding issues of confidentiality and tact; act with
         honesty and transparency with regard to your work.
       • Identify and improve those areas relevant to your role that need to move from good to outstanding.
       • Maintain school policies and procedures relevant to your area and update whenever required.
       • Be present where required at meetings, performances and other functions/events.
       • Undertake a proactive part in those activities that are part of the self-evaluation of the school: upholding
         the standards of the school in all areas, being a presence around school, appraisal, performance and
         line management systems.
       • Work as part of a team, submitting draft proposals and documents for further development by the

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
Person Specification
                                      (E-Essential, D-Desirable)
                           Essential Professional Skills and                        Essential Personal Skills
                                                                                        • Must be honest, reliable and trustworthy
                               • Must be experienced and accomplished in the            • Able to satisfy enhanced Disclosure and
                                 use of office software including Word, Excel and         Barring Service (DBS) check that there are not
                                 Email.                                                   impediments to working with children.
                               • Have a minimum of two years in an office               • Empathy with young people, particularly those
                                 environment.                                             with additional Special Needs.
                               • Excellent customer care skills.                        • Able to manage and respect confidential
                               • Able to deal with enquiries, correspondence              matters.
                                 and reports dealing with complex educational           • Seeks opportunities for personal development.
                                 and professional issues.                               • Committed to achieving equality of opportunity.
                               • Good Standard of presentation and                      • Able to work under pressure and meet
                                 interpersonal skills – able to act as a reliable         deadlines.
                                 and effective first point of contact.                  • Able to work as part of a team.
                               • Sound organizational and planning skills and a         • Able to use own initiative.
                                 flexible approach.

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
How to Apply
In order to apply, please consider the details of the       Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Early
candidate information pack, complete all sections           application is advised for this outstanding opportunity.
of the application form including the supporting            King’s College, Doha reserves the right to make an
statement that sets out your interest in this position,     appointment before the closing date.
how you meet the requirements of the role and your
ambitions for the school. Completed applications            To arrange an informal discussion about the role,
should be sent to amaniallouh@kingscollegedoha.             please email Amani Allouh at amaniallouh@

Early applications are encouraged as applications will      Please visit our website at
be dealt with on receipt.                                   for further information about the School.

              Safeguarding and Privacy
King’s College, Doha is committed to safeguarding and       Foreign Affairs and Qatari Embassy in the applicant’s
promoting the welfare of children and expects all the       home country.
staff to respect this commitment. The post is subject
to applicants providing a satisfactory Police Clearance     By applying to this post, you agree to your data being
Certificate from their home country that is less than 6     held and processed by King’s College, Doha and its
months old. Three satisfactory professional references      affiliates. If you are appointed to the post you also
will also be required.                                      agree to additional information, including sensitive data
                                                            such as bank details and medical information, being
If successful, for visa purposes applicants will need       held by King’s College, Doha and its affiliates.
to supply relevant degree certificates, university
transcripts and proof of being a ‘full time’ pupil. These
documents will need to be attested by the Ministry of

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Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
Offering over 140 years of
           outstanding British
            independent school

Receptionist (Temporary) - INFORMATION PACK FOR THE POSITION OF APPOINTMENT FOR JULY 2021 (TBC) - King's College Doha
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