Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW

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Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
The AIS Leadership Centre

Flagship Program
2018 – 2019
a rigorous, holistic program for
experienced senior leaders and
aspirant principals
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
For aspiring principals and senior leaders, The Flagship Program is designed to
uncover your purpose and prepare you for your next leadership position. A year-
long program, it begins in December each year. Applications are invited from
current senior leaders in schools across all sectors within Australia and beyond.

                                                                                     Tim Hildebrandt, St Peter’s Catholic College, NSW

 What do participants say?                                                           The Flagship Program was undoubtedly the most
                                                                                     valuable professional learning experience I have
                                                                                     ever been engaged in. There was a solid academic
                       Elizabeth Brooks, St Vincents                                 base evidenced through a selection of well curated
                       College, NSW                                                  academic readings and an expectation of rigour
                        The Flagship Program has                                     in the written tasks. The learning experiences
                        enabled depth and breadth of        were varied and each very powerful. I interacted with international
                        learning through the experience     experts in educational leadership. I spent quality time with my Professional
                        of sharing the journey with         Companion. I visited schools and engaged in shadowing experiences and
                        colleagues from varying             most significantly, had the opportunity to learn with a strong team of
 educative contexts within an absolute climate of trust.    dedicated educational professionals who were passionate about their own
 The professional rigour of the program enabled me          journey through leadership. My learnings from the Flagship Program have
 to seek refinement through dialogue with the high          served me well so far and will continue to do so for many years to come. I
 quality academic research and current practice of          highly recommend this program to any aspirational school leader.
 expert voices. The opportunity to facilitate a project
                                                                                     Fiona Johnston, Australian International
 in my own school context challenged me to transfer
                                                                                     School, Singapore
 theory into practice, requiring a willingness to take
 risks to improve core purpose. I feel confident that my                              The Flagship Program has provided a wonderful
 continued growth as a leader will build the capacity of                              opportunity to meet and learn alongside fellow
 myself and colleagues to influence learning success for                              aspiring educational leaders. Involvement in the
 our students and their future.                                                       program enabled me to take time for reflection,
                                                                                      ask myself some of the challenging questions that
                       Belinda Vertriest, Billanook         leaders need to ask and combine my practical experience with theoretical
                       College, VIC                         knowledge. The opportunity to shadow an experienced Principal, to develop
                                                            the confidence to lead a school through change and to learn new skills has
                        Involvement in the Flagship         been invaluable. It has been an enriching and rewarding leadership journey.
                        Program has been a gift in my
                        professional leadership journey.                             Sean Corcoran, Redlands, NSW
                        Contemporary research on
                                                                                       The Flagship Program was the best professional
                        leadership profiles and practices
                                                                                       learning in which I have participated over the
 was explored through rigorous academic reading,
                                                                                       course of my career. Underpinned by extensive
 writing and the exceptional quality of speakers
                                                                                       theoretical research and practical experience,
 throughout the program. Of most value to me has
                                                                                       it allowed me to broaden and deepen my
 been the opportunity to share and learn collegially
                                                                                       understanding of educational leadership, while
 with others in similar roles.
                                                            also further develop my own personal values and vision as an educator.
 Our leadership challenges, fears, joys and dreams
                                                            We were able to learn from leading academics in the educational leadership
 were discussed in a collaborative relational context.
                                                            field and to shadow current leaders. In addition, the opportunity to be
 The Flagship Program has reinvigorated my passion
                                                            supported by a Professional Companion was priceless. Working and
 for leading the learning in my school and has unlocked
                                                            reflecting collaboratively with the other participants was enriching and
 self-knowledge that will undoubtedly remain with me.
                                                            has allowed me to develop a strong network which will be a valuable
                                                            support for me in the future. Rigorous, reflective and enriching, the Flagship
                       Alan Jones, Christ Church            Program is a must for anyone who wants to further explore educational
                       Grammar School, WA                   leadership opportunities.
                        The AIS Flagship Program is
                                                                                     Dr Nicole Archard, Loreto College, SA
                        the best professional learning
                        opportunity I have had the                                   The AIS Flagship Program is a wonderful
                        privilege of participating in.                               opportunity to make new connections and learn
                        Challenging and engaging, yet                                from other people’s experiences, as well as reflect
 highly collaborative and supportive, the program ticks                              on theoretical understandings of leadership.
 all the boxes for high-end educational leadership.                                  In particular, the school visits and Principal
                                                                                     shadowing experiences have been enlightening
                                                            with regard to understanding different models of Principal leadership
                                                            and school structures. This program has enabled me to reflect on my own
                                                            practice in many positive as well as challenging ways.
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
“The most valuable personal and professional
  development I have ever undertaken.”
  Terrie Jones, St Michael’s Grammar School, VIC

                                                   WHY APPLY?
                                       • Posion yourself for principalship
                                       • Gain hands-on experience in leading school-wide change
                                       • Enhance your ability to lead confidently and courageously
                                       • Be stretched by a rigorous program that blends theory and pracce
                                       • Develop the knowledge and skills needed for successful senior
                                       • Bring new energy and insight to your role and career
                                       • Gain 25 per cent of a Master of Educaonal Leadership degree
                                         or possible arculaon towards a higher research degree

                                                   AIS Leadership Centre
                                                     Flagship Program

       WHY INVEST?                                                                      WHO IS IT FOR?
    • Your school will gain new insights from key                                 • Experienced senior execuve leaders who want
      research and praconer wisdom that can be                                    to deepen their knowledge and re-energise
      shared with the school community                                              their pracce
    • The capacity of senior leaders and the school                               • Those considering principalship within
      will be enhanced and sustained                                                a year or two of being credible
    • A priority area of school life can be addressed                               applicants
      through the professional project component

“Educational research continues to shape new thinking for what works best for learners. Technological
advances are shaping educational directions, and the cultural diversity of school communities is
increasing. As a result, the role of school principal in Australia is complex and evolving. By developing
a disposition for learning, a broad range of skills, and the confidence and aptitude to apply them with
impact, aspiring and new principals will be better prepared to keep pace with tends and new research,
and respond effectively to culturally diverse communities. This helps to develop principals who are
agile, informed and successful in the role.”				                           AITSL, 2017
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
What is The Flagship Program all about?
About the AIS Leadership Centre                             The time frame
Our purpose is to develop authentic,                        The 2018 – 2019 Flagship Program begins on Sunday, 9th December
purposeful people who lead the learning                     2018 and ends in mid-October 2019.
and growth of students, staff and school                    Full attendance at all program days is required.
communities. Our programs, processes and
services to schools are soundly underpinned
by contemporary theory, delivered by top-level              Features of The Flagship Program
presenters, and focus equally on practitioner
                                                            • Commitment to understanding leadership as an inner and outer
and academic perspectives.
                                                              journey and articulating purpose, vision and values
                                                            • Critiqued and endorsed by key stakeholders and our Academic
                      David Smith, Calrossy Anglican          Reference Group of leading international scholars
                      School, NSW                           • Leading practitioners and scholars as presenters and facilitators
                        The Flagship Program is the         • University credit towards a Master of Educational Leadership
                        most significant and valuable         degree, or possible contribution towards a higher research degree
                        experience I have undertaken as     • Addresses both the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
                        an educator and school leader.        and the Australian Professional Standard for Principals. This
The combination of contemporary leadership theory,            Standard applies to current and emerging Principals and executive
best practice and practical experience in the year-           team members
long program was formative and inspiring. I greatly
                                                            • Ongoing evaluation – formative, summative and longitudinal
benefited from access to world leaders in education,
the opportunities to reflect, feedback from peers and
undertaking a professional project in my school context.    The format
Most valuable were the experiences in shadowing a
                                                            • Ten face-to-face course days and three days of focused school visits
Principal, undertaking a 360 evaluation of my own
practice and working with a Professional Companion          • Online meetings
for the year. Participation in The Flagship Program         • Ongoing journalling
equipped me with the confidence and awareness               • Pre-reading tasks
required to take on the role of school leadership.
                                                            • Ten hours of Professional Companioning
                      Deb Magill, Roseville College,        • Regular feedback on the progress of the Professional Project
                      NSW                                   • Summative presentation of the outcomes of the
                                                              Professional Project
                       The AIS Flagship Program is a
                       leadership course like no other.     • Final reflective paper
                       It is a program built on a sound
                       research base and with a clear       The venues
expectation of rigour. It offers solid content as well as
guided reflection on current practice and the challenge     The Flagship Program face-to-face days will be held at either the AIS
of personal reflection of one self. Two distinguishable     Conference Centre or at the The SHORE School.
factors I truly appreciated were the personalised           (see detailed program on page 6).
learning through a 360 Degree review process and the
                                                            AIS Conference Centre                 SHORE
privileged opportunity for Professional Companionship;
                                                            Level 12, 99 York Street              Blue Street
the learning from both of these experiences was
                                                            SYDNEY NSW                            NORTH SYDNEY NSW
then contextualised through the professional
project. I am encouraged by the ongoing nature of
                                                            (easily accessible from               (easily accessible from
trusted connections made through the program with
                                                            Town Hall or Wynyard stations)        North Sydney station)
peers, experienced school leaders and Professional
Companions. If those in senior leadership positions are
                                                                  Accommodation for the residential component is at the
thinking about Principalship, I highly recommend The
                                                               North Sydney Harbourview Hotel, 17 Blue Street, North Sydney.
AIS Flagship Program.
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW

The Flagship Program Learning Framework
The four content areas                                         The four core elements
Contextual leadership                                          • An emphasis on the person of the leader, ‘understanding
The program supports participants to connect not only            self’, including completion and debriefing of The
with their local context, but also with national, global and     Leadership Circle Profile, an internationally recognised
educational contexts                                             360° survey

Instructional leadership                                       • Professional Companioning – a paired process, conducted
How to lead learning in all the diversity necessary for          by former Principals who have been trained as coaches. It
holistic student achievement and enhanced quality of             addresses both the ‘self’ of the leader and the context of
teaching                                                         their work
                                                               • Peer learning – the group learns with, through and from
Relational leadership
                                                                 each member of the cohort
A pivotal area of contemporary leadership which includes
communication skills, building effective professional          • A professional project – leadership of a school-wide
relationships, working in teams and with a board                 change initiative which each participant identifies,
                                                                 implements and evaluates within their own school,
Organisational leadership
                                                                 supported by an in-school mentor
Included in this area are strategy and direction;
understanding culture; leading change and innovation; legal
and accountability matters; and resource management

     “Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength;
     mastering yourself is true power.”                                     Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
Dates                       Mode    Program Event
                                            Term 4, 2018
                                            Sunday – Monday                     Program Days 1 and 2
The Flagship Program 2018 – 2019 Schedule
                                            9th – 10th December                 SHORE, Blue Street, North Sydney
                                                                                Please note: RESIDENTIAL
                                                                                on the evening of 9th December
                                                                                at North Sydney Harbourview Hotel
                                            Term 1, 2019
                                            Early February                      Completion of The Leadership Circle™ 360O profile

                                            One day to be completed             School visit day 1
                                            by Friday 8th March

                                            Tuesday 12th March                  Online meeting 1
                                            9:00am – 10:30am

                                            Term 1, non-term time
                                            Monday – Wednesday                  Program Days 3, 4 and 5
                                            15th – 17th April                   AIS Conference Centre
                                                                                (includes one-to-one Professional Companioning)

                                            Term 2, 2019
                                                                                One-to-one Professional Companioning

                                            One day during Term 2               School visit day 2

                                                                                One-to-one Professional Companioning

                                            Monday 3rd June                     Online meeting 2
                                            11:00am – 12:30pm

                                            Term 2, non-term time
                                            Wednesday – Friday                  Program Days 6, 7 and 8
                                            17th – 19th July                    AIS Conference Centre

                                            Term 3, 2019
                                            One day during Term 3               School visit day 3

                                                                                One-to-one Professional Companioning

                                            Friday 16th August                  Online meeting 3
                                            9:00am – 10:30am

                                            Thursday and Friday                 Program Days 9 and 10
                                            29th August – 30th August           AIS Conference Centre

                                            Second week of                      One-to-one Professional Companioning
                                            October 2019

                                            Monday 14th October                 Completion of final paper
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
Application process                                                                       What do Principals say?
The Flagship Program is open to experienced senior leaders from                           Phillip Heath, Head of Barker
                                                                                          College, Sydney, NSW
across and beyond Australia, and from all education sectors. Places
are limited and competition for these places is keen, so potential                        The AIS Flagship Program combines
                                                                                          deep scholarship and research with
participants are encouraged to apply early. Applicants need the                           outstanding practical experiences of
endorsement of their Principal and, in consultation with their                            reflective leadership in real settings.
Principal, will identify a senior leader within their school who will                     Participants in the program bring
                                                                                          their extensive personal attributes
act as an in-school mentor for the duration of the program.                               to learn collaboratively and respectfully from others.
(The in-school mentor may be the Principal.)                                              The professional shadowing experiences offer insights
                                                                                          into the layers of leadership that are required to
The application form is available from the AIS Leadership Centre                          inspire the culture of a thriving school. The calibre
website:                                                                                  of participants in the Flagship Program fills me with
                                                                                          hope for the future of leadership in independent
http://bit.ly/Flagship_Application                                                        schools.
For more information please contact Kelly Sinclair                                        Megan Krimmer, Headmistress,
                                                                                          Abbotsleigh, NSW
at adminLC@aisnsw.edu.au
                                                                                          The AIS Flagship Program is
               Applications close on Friday, 7th September 2018.                          impressive in its research based
                                                                                          and scholarly approach to leading a
                                                                                          school in the 21st century Australian

The AIS Leadership Centre                                                                 context. The readings, thinking and
                                                                                          resulting discussions are rich and lead
                                                                                          to quite profound insight. The program is equally
Academic Reference Group                                                                  impressive in the practical arena. Those undertaking
                                                                                          the Flagship Program have opportunities to learn
This is an advisory body of renowned national and international                           from a variety of Principals and to shadow an
                                                                                          experienced Principal. I have found that participants
scholars, from educational leadership and related fields, who act as
                                                                                          have developed a deep knowledge of strategic,
critical friends to the AIS Leadership Centre Flagship Program.                           macro and micro thinking and have understood
                                                                                          as much about what the role of principalship truly
                                                                                          entails. The Flagship Program certainly provides an
                                                                                          excellent preparation for an aspiring Principal.

                                                                                          Kerrie Nelson, Principal, Giant
                                                                                          Steps Sydney
                                                                                          The Flagship Program is key in
                                                                                          developing leaders in NSW and
                                                                                          nationally. The program builds
                                                                                          on the skills and knowledge base
                                                                                          of all participants, is grounded in
Professor Louise Stoll      Professor Andy Hargreaves       Professor James Spillane      research and includes a practical
(UK)                        (USA)                           (USA)                         component. The school based projects bring
                                                                                          all the elements of leadership into sharp focus
                                                                                          as participants work at leading change in real
                                                                                          circumstances. The Flagship Program supports
                                                                                          participants to understand themselves as a
                                                                                          leader within a school context. The learning is
                                                                                          authentic and the bridge between research and
                                                                                          application is strong.

                                                                                          “Whatever one’s style, every leader, to
Professor Brian Caldwell    Professor Karen Seashore        Professor Christopher W Day
                                                                                          be effective, must have and work on
(Australia)                 Louis (USA)                     (UK and Australia)            improving his or her moral purpose.
                                                                                          Moral purpose is about both ends and
  “The AIS Leadership Centre has demonstrated that it offers                              means. Authentic leaders, in other
  world-class programs for the support of school leaders. It sets a                       words, display character, and character
  high benchmark for other organisations that seek to do this well.”
                                                                                          is the defining characteristic of authentic
                                                        Professor Brian Caldwell          leadership.” 			                  Fullan 2001
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
Message                                 Cost
                        from the Dean
                                                                  Cost for participants from:                         $9,800
                                                                  AIS Member Schools (in any state/territory)         GST inclusive
                                                                  Applications from any other school will be
                                                                  considered. Please contact Jennifer Davies
                                                                  at jdavies@aisnsw.edu.au to discuss.
   In these times of ambiguity, complexity and
   increasing velocity of change, senior leaders                The fee is inclusive of all materials, one night’s accommodation for
   and emerging Principals need more support                    the residential component, and the dinner on 9th December 2018.
                                                                Participants will be responsible for bookings and costs associated
   than ever. In the education and the corporate
                                                                with flights, ground travel and additional accommodation if
   sectors, leadership is now seen as both an                   required.
   inner journey of change and growing self-                    Participants and their schools might consider sharing the cost of
   awareness and an outer journey of acquiring                  the program.
   knowledge and skills. The Flagship Program
   incorporates extensive material for the
   outer journey – sound research, practical                    Scholarships
   strategies, knowledge and skill development                  Partial scholarships are available thanks to the generosity of
   – and also multiple opportunities to equip                   sponsors for which the AIS Leadership Centre is grateful.
   oneself for the inner journey to purpose and                 A scholarship application form is available at:
   authenticity.                                                http://bit.ly/Flagship_Scholarship

   Jennifer Davies                                              NGS Super – five $3,000 scholarships for
   Dean, AIS Leadership Centre                                  participants who are members, or eligible for
   The Association of Independent Schools of
                                                                membership, of NGS Super.
                                                                NGS Super Steiner Education Australia – two
                                                                $3,000 scholarships for participants from Steiner
The AIS Leadership Centre is proudly sponsored by:              Schools across Australia.

                                                                NAB Education – five $3,000 scholarships.
                                                                Successful applicants will demonstrate awareness
                                                                of NAB educational initiatives.

                                                                Aon – three $3,000 scholarships for participants
                                                                from schools who are clients of Aon Insurance.

                                                                QBE – two $3,000 scholarships for participants
                                                                from schools who are clients of QBE Insurance.

                                                                Integroe Partners – two $3,000 scholarships for
                                                                participants from rural or regional schools.

                                                                Nexia – two $3,000 scholarships for participants
                                                                from schools in rural locations.

                                                                Karen Seashore Louis – one $3,000 scholarship
                                                                to a participant from a school in South East Asia,
                                                                Papua New Guinea or Western Australia

                                                                AIS ACT – two $3,000 scholarships for participants
                                                                from ACT independent schools.
                   Completing The AIS Leadership Centre
                   Flagship Program will contribute 65 hours
                   of NESA registered professional learning     TES and Smart Teachers Australia – three $3,000
                   addressing 6.1.4, 6.3.4, 6.4.4 and 7.4.4     scholarships.
                   from the Australian Professional Standards
                   for Teachers towards maintaining Lead
                   Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW Flagship Program 2018 2019 - a rigorous, holistic program for experienced senior leaders and aspirant principals - AISNSW
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