St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church

Page created by Geraldine Harris
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
St. Matthew Parish
                                  1555 Glen Ellyn Road
                              Glendale Heights, IL 60139

                                        October 11, 2020

          Bishop Ronald Hicks
    Consecration at 1:30pm Sunday Mass
             on October 4, 2020
Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
My dear family of St. Matthew!                                             Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor
                                  Our beautiful Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is also our         (630) 469-6300 ext. 312
                        dear Mother, too! She is our Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness,
                        and our hope! In this month of October, we remember her especially as Our
                        Lady of the Holy Rosary, feast day October 7, and also as Our Lady of
                        Fátima, or even more formally known as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of
                        Fátima — that is one of her beautiful Catholic titles and is based on the
                        Marian apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova
                        da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal. The three children were Lúcia dos Santos and
                        her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto. A beautiful, recently-released 2020
                        movie simply entitled “Fatima” is based on these marvelous apparitions and
                        love of our Mother and on the the power of the Holy Rosary. Also, this is the
                        anniversary month of the final and amazing miracle, which by the way I think
                        is very well-depicted in the recent Fatima movie, called the Miracle of the
Sun. Mary had promised a miracle for the last of her apparitions on October 13, 1917, so a huge
crowd, possibly between 30,000 or even up to 100,000 people, including reporters and
photographers, gathered at Cova da Iria. According to accounts, after a period of heavy rain, the
dark clouds broke and the sun appeared as an opaque, spinning disc in the sky. It was said to be
significantly duller than normal, and to cast multicolored lights across the landscape, the people,
and the surrounding clouds. The sun was then reported to have careened towards Earth before zig
-zagging back to its normal position. Some people only saw the radiant colors, and others,             Above: Bishop Ronald Hicks
including some believers, saw nothing at all. Not all witnesses reported seeing the sun “dance.” preparing for the Final
Many witnesses reported that their previously wet clothes became “suddenly and completely dry, Blessing at the 1:30pm Sunday
as well as the wet and muddy ground that had been previously soaked because of the rain that           Spanish Mass on October 4,
had been falling.” The call of Mary for everyone at Fatima is one of penance and prayer,               2020, with Dcn. Len Penkala,
                                                                                                       emcee, at his side.
especially offering God her prayer of the Holy Rosary, a most powerful spiritual “weapon.”             Below: Final Procession.
          As I have previously mentioned in this bulletin platform, one of our retired
parishioners is a devoted Rosary-maker since 2010. This week and next week his handiwork
will be available for you to admire and, if so inclined, to take home with you or for a family or
friend, and we simply ask for a minimum $5.00 donation — half of your donation will go
directly to St. Matthew parish and half will go to the beautiful ongoing work of St. Padre Pio
of Pietrelcina through the hospital he was inspired to bring into existence. On a hill
overlooking the quiet, southern Italian town of San Giovanni Rotondo sits a state-of-the-art
private hospital and research center built by St. Padre Pio, who received the living wounds of
Jesus on his body, called the stigmata. He had the desire to create a hospital founded on the
principle of caring for both the body and soul of the sick and suffering. In 1939, Padre Pio
again spoke of his desire to build a hospital, this time with several men who also believed in
the project and who formed a group to support it. St. Padre Pio called the hospital the “Casa
Sollievo della Sofferenza”, or “Home for the Relief of the Suffering”, because, as he said
later, this “work” was “inspired and created to be a spiritual demonstration of God’s love
through a call for charity.” With only 4 million Italian Lira (about $2,400 today) in the bank,
construction nevertheless began in 1947, though the roughly 20 workers hired at the start did
not yet have an architectural plan for the building! At that point in time, some people thought the Capuchin friar and his
group of supporters were crazy to be building a hospital in a village in rural, southern Italy. But Padre Pio said: “The Work
is not mine… but Providence’s.” If he could, he said, he would build the hospital in gold, because whatever is done for the
sick is done for Christ, and nothing can be too good for the Lord. Eventually, by God’s providence, the hospital of 250 beds
was completed and inaugurated on May 5, 1956. Soon after its launch, the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza was given to the
Holy See by Padre Pio, being one of just two hospitals under the jurisdiction of the pope. “Without prayer, our House for
the Relief of Suffering is somewhat like a plant without air and sun,” Padre Pio said, calling his prayer groups the “frontline
of this little City of charity.”
          St. Padre Pio had a tremendous reverence for our Lord Jesus in the sick, the suffering, in the humbleness of Jesus in
the Eucharist. Let’s pray that our love and charity may continue to grow so as to become, as Jesus Himself said, His
brothers and sisters and mothers — that’s who we become when we do the will of His heavenly Father, His brothers, His
sisters, His mothers! Let’s also pray for one of our Joliet seminarians, Jared Rutnicki, as he begins sharing his life,
presence, graces, gifts and blessings with us here at St. Matthew’s! Blessings of shalom and joy and good health for all,
especially our dear young people who seek the good things that lead to lasting happiness and meaning!

In the living, loving, giving, caring and merciful Hearts of Jesus and Mary and Joseph,
Fr. Gregor

St. Matthew Parish  Glendale Heights, Illinois                                  Page 2                            (630) 469-6300
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
Dear St Matthew’s Parish, Estimado Parroquia de San Mateo,
                                                       My name is Jared Rutnicki, and I am a
                                              seminarian for the Diocese of Joliet. I am happy to
 ¡Bienvenido! Welcome!                        announce that I have been assigned to St Matthew’s as a
                                              Teaching Parish! This means that I will be present on the
           to                                 weekends and assisting in parish ministries as a way of
                                              integrating seminary formation. In the spring, I will live
   our New Shepherd!                          in residence at St Matthew’s for my internship semester.
                                                       Mi nombre es Jared Rutnicki, y soy seminarista
                                              de la Diócesis de Joliet. Me han asignado a San Mateo
                                              como mi “parroquia de pastoral.” Este significa que
                                              estaré aquí el fin de semana y ayudaré en los ministerios
                                              parroquiales mientras me preparo para ser un sacerdote católico. La
                                              primavera, viviré en residencia a San Mateo para mi pasantía.
                                                       I grew up in Bourbonnais with two brothers and two sisters. I
                                              encountered Jesus Christ in a powerful way as a freshman in high school and
                                              soon after began discerning a call to priesthood. I entered the Priestly
                                              Discernment Program at Franciscan University where I studied for four years.
                                              In 2015, I came to Saints Peter and Paul parish in Naperville doing Totus Tuus
                                              where I began working as a youth minister. Two years ago, I made the jump
                                              to seminary where I have grown in my friendship with Christ and his Church.
                                                       Yo crecí en Bourbonnais, Illinois, y tengo dos hermanos y dos
                                              hermanas. Encontré a Jesucristo en una manera poderosa cuando estuve en
                                              la prepa y empecé a discernir sobre el sacerdocio. Antes de entrar el
                                              seminario estudié en la Universidad Franciscana y trabajé en la parroquia de
                                              San Pedro y San Pablo en Naperville en el ministerio de jóvenes. Hace dos
                                              años, entré al seminario donde he crecido en mi amistad con Jesucristo y su
                                                       I am excited to meet you all. Please keep me in prayer, and know that
                                              I will remember you in mine.
                                                       Estoy emocionado para encontrar a ustedes. Por favor recuérdame en
                                              tus oraciones, y sabe que se recordaré in míos.
                                              Jared Rutnicki, Seminarian of the Diocese of Joliet

Above: Bishop Ronald Hicks offering a Missal prayer at         On Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th, we
the 1:30pm Sunday Spanish Mass on October 4, 2020,             will have our regular morning Mass at 7 AM.
with our Joliet seminarian Jared Rutnicki serving.
                                                               In observance of the holiday, the Parish Office
                                                               will be closed.
Building and Grounds

Please notice the mulch that has been                                    St. Matthew Council of Catholic Women
spread at many areas on the parish                                                         Sisters in Christ
campus. It has improved the look along the
west wall of the school. The mulch has been                            Congratulations to all who received the sacrament
placed around all of the trees and bushes near the church       of Confirmation. What a wonderful day! God’s Blessings.
and the Tasker Parish Center. Mulch has also been placed
in the planters adjacent to the Tasker Center and the rose      Undy Sunday
garden. Work was begun on and completed on Saturday,            Please note the announcement in the
September 26, 2020.                                             bulletin regarding Undy Sunday. Because of
                                                                the VIRUS, these important needs must be
Thank you members of the KC Spanish Roundtable who              filled in a different way. The needs are just as
donated your time, talent and treasure to this project.         necessary this year as in past years -
Material for this undertaking was donated by J&L Property       perhaps even more so this year. Thank you.
                                                                Thought for the Week — In the Kingdom of God, everyone
There is no limit to what can be accomplished when good         is important.    —St. Mother Theresa
people unite for a good cause. Thank you all.                      Page 3               Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time  October 11, 2020
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
Mass Intentions                                         Scripture
Sunday, October 11, 2020
   8:00 AM   † Joan Kordzinski (Family)                                            Readings
  10:00 AM   † Lourdes Porciuncula (Napoleon & Rogelia Ramiro)
  12:00 PM   St. Matthew Parish Family
   1:30 PM   † Maria Guadalupe & Salvador Salazar (Salazar Family)                        for the Week of October 11, 2020
   6:00 PM   † Michael Faut
Monday, October 12, 2020
  7:00 AM    † Yolanda Karall (Husband-David )                                       Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                          Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6;
Tuesday, October 13, 2020                                                          Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or Mt 22:1-10
   7:00 AM    † Clement Lake(DiPirro Family)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
  7:00 AM   † Tirso D. Monteroso (Marilyn Liwanag)                                 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Ps 113:1b-2, 3-4,
  8:45 AM   † Luz Villaflor (Dolly & Vicky Villaflor)                                         5a and 6-7; Lk 11:29-32

Thursday, October 15, 2020                                                                         Tuesday
   7:00 AM    † Julieta Collado (Aurea Busuego)
   8:45 AM    † Gregory Puzon (Puzon Family)                                          Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48;
                                                                                                     Lk 11:37-41
Friday, October 16, 2020
    7:00 AM    † Rufino O. Aquino (Aquino/Sison Family)                                           Wednesday
Saturday, October 17, 2020                                                         Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6; Lk 11:42-46
   8:00 AM    † Alfonso T. Liwanag Sr. (Marilyn & Orly Liwanag)
   5:00 PM    † Richard Miller (Gorniack Family)                                                   Thursday
                                                                                       Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6;
Sunday, October 18, 2020
                                                                                                    Lk 11:47-54
   8:00 AM   Dom & Norma Estrada (Family)
  10:00 AM   † Anastacio & Lourdes Ramiro (Family)
  12:00 PM   St. Matthew Parish Family                                                            Friday
   1:30 PM   † Judith & Liz Salazar (Salazar Family)                                Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7
   6:00 PM   † Richard Miller (Sharon Kobe)
                                                                                    Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-5, 6-7; Lk 12:8-12

                                Please note:                                                       Sunday
       The WEDNESDAY 8:45 am weekday Mass attendance                                  Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
              is only for the School Community.                                        Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10;
                                                                                            1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
 At the start of this new school year, no school parent, nor any other person,
 besides a parishioner for that Mass intention, will be permitted to enter the
                  School Mass for an indefinite period of time.

                                                                                                    Don Sopoci, John Greene,
                                                                                                      Domenica Loiacono

                                 Holy Family Candles
                     The Holy Family Candles are lit this week in
                     memory of Joan Kordzinski, being remembered
                     by the Family.
                           “ you will be with me in Paradise.”
                                           Luke 23:43                                       Sophie Schultz, Mary Jo Udell

 In Memoriam
                             Please remember Kevin O’Brien (10/13/2019)
                            on the anniversary of his entrance into Heaven.
                                                                                       III Alejandro Hernandez & Naila Palacios

St. Matthew Parish  Glendale Heights, Illinois                                  Page 4                              (630) 469-6300
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
As you know, St. Matthew uses OSV Online
                         Schedule of Events                                             Giving! Same company that provides our
                                                                                        envelope service to our parishioners. So, if you
                         WEEK OF OCTOBER 11, 2020                                       haven’t signed up yet or interested in doing
 Sunday, October 11, 2020                                                               electronic donations, follow the link below or
          8:00 AM       Dedication of Mary Monument                                     scan the QR code:
          8:00 AM       Council of Catholic Women Mass
   9:00 AM-1:30 PM      Children’s Faith Formation Classes                    

 Monday, October 12, 2020 Columbus Day
         7:00 PM       Baptism Meeting

 Tuesday, October 13, 2020
 Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 Thursday, October 15, 2020
           7:40 AM       Eucharistic Adoration
 Friday, October 16, 2020
           7:30 PM        Spanish Prayer Group Meeting
 Saturday, October 17, 2020
  9:00 AM-1:00 PM         Spanish Extraordinary Ministers Meeting
           World Missions Collection
                                                                                       If you are planning surgery or are ill and
                                                                                       would like to receive the Sacrament of
                                                                                       Anointing, please call the parish office to
                                                                                       schedule an appointment with one of our
     Undy Sunday: October 2020
Did you know that new underwear and socks are
the most-requested, but least-donated items at
Catholic Charities? These basic items (new
underwear, warm socks, a fresh diaper) are truly
treasures to those who are living in poverty.

St. Matthew Parish is supporting Catholic
Charities, Diocese of Joliet and the individuals and                                             Sunday Collection
families they serve by providing new underwear, undershirts, socks, diapers,                   Week of September 27, 2020
and other basic need items for children and adults living in low-income                Needed for Expenses…………….……..$14,885.00
households throughout the month of October. This year, due to COVID-19,                In Pew/By Mail Collection……………… $5,674.82
Catholic Charities is requesting donations in either of the two following ways:        Online Giving…….………………….……..$3,790.60
                                                                                       Total Collection…………………….....…...$9,465.42
1. Undy Sunday Amazon Wish List – Choose from a list of most-needed items              Difference………………………………...- $5,419.58
and your donation will be sent directly to Catholic Charities to help those in         Cumulative Report for Year
need.                                                                                  ending June 30, 2021
2. Monetary Donations to support Undy Sunday – Donations made to Undy                  Weekly Collection
Sunday will be used to purchase the items needed by Catholic Charities’                Needed to Date………………………..$193,505.00
                                                                                       Total Collection to Date……………....$128,247.02
clients.                                                                               Difference………………………….....….-$65,257.98

Please visit to make a
donation or view the Amazon Wish List.                                                   Shortfall from Mass Cancellations
                                                                                               Beginning March 14-15, 2020
If you’d prefer to send a check directly to Catholic Charities, please mail it to:
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet/Undy Sunday, 16555 Weber Road, Crest             Received from Online giving
Hill, IL 60403                                                                                   (Week ending 9/27)....………..$3,790.60
                                                                                       From mail and drop off env:…………….$5,674.82
                                                                                       Total Collection……….………..…............$9,465.42
For more information on Undy Sunday, please email Maggie Snow at Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the poor           Avg. donations per week (Actual)..….$13,358.44
and vulnerable in our community, particularly during this difficult time.              Shortfall since Mass cancellation
                                                                                         Running Total since 3/14/20…...…($118,652.45)                             Page 5                   Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time  October 11, 2020
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
World Mission Sunday is Next Week!
Next week is World Mission Sunday. We are
called through our Baptism to be part of the
Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-
sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church
through material aid.
This year, Pope Francis asks us to respond to that
call, saying, “Here I Am, Send Me!” To “send”
ourselves, we can: PRAY for the Church’s
worldwide missionary work OFFER financial
HELP and CHARITY through the collection for
the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for
vulnerable communities throughout Asia, Africa,
Latin America and the Pacific Islands.

¡El Domingo Mundial de las Misiones es la
próxima semana!
La próxima semana es el Domingo Mundial de las
Misiones. Estamos llamados a través de nuestro
Bautismo a ser parte de los esfuerzos misioneros
de la Iglesia, a través de la oración, el
autosacrificio y el apoyo de la Iglesia Misionera
mediante la ayuda material.
Este año, el Papa Francisco nos pide que
respondamos a ese llamado, diciendo: "¡Aquí me
tienes, mándame a mi!" Para "enviarnos" a
nosotros mismos, podemos: ORAR por la obra
misionera mundial de la Iglesia OFRECER
AYUDA financiera y CARIDAD a través de la
Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe para las
comunidades vulnerables de Asia, África, América
Latina y las islas del Pacifico.

St. Matthew Parish  Glendale Heights, Illinois      Page 6   (630) 469-6300
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
St. Matthew Parish                                                                      St. Matthew Mission Statement
                                                                                                                     We, the members of the St. Matthew Parish
                                                                                                                     community being many parts but one
                                                                                                                     sacramental body, are sent by the love of God
                                                                                                                     to make Christ present in the world.

                                                                                                                     Declaración de la Misión de la
                              1555 Glen Ellyn Road                                                                       Parroquia San Mateo
                         Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139
                 Phone: (630) 469-6300 •     Fax: (630) 469-6302
                                                                                                                     Nosotros, los miembros de la comunidad
   •                                                        parroquial de San Mateo, siendo muchas
                                                                                                                     partes, pero un solo cuerpo sacramental,
                                                                                                                     somos enviados por el amor de Dios para
Office Hours                                                                                                         hacer presente a Cristo en el mundo.
Monday - Thursday .............................. 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Friday.......................................................................................... 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM                         Sacraments
                                                                                                                     Saturday Vigil.............................................. 5:00 PM
Diocese of Joliet Bishop ….…….…………..…………..Bishop Ronald A. Hicks                                                     Sunday ........................................8:00, 10:00, 12:00,
                                                                                                                                                   1:30 PM (Español), 6:00 PM
                                                                                                                     Daily - M thru F ........................................... 7:00 AM
Pastor ....................................................................... Rev. Gregor Gorsic, ext 312           Wed (only school community) and Th…8:45 AM
                                                                                                                     Saturday ..................................................... 8:00 AM
Parochial Vicar .......................................................... Rev. Raj Kocherla, ext 311                 (Rosary after the 7:00 AM and 8:45 AM Mass)
                                                                                                                                Sacrament of Reconciliation
Permanent Deacons .......................................Dcn. Gabriel Gamboa, ext 309                                Monday ...................................................... 7:40 AM
                                                            Dcn. Robert Malek, ext 307                               Tuesday ........................................................ 6:30 PM
                                                                                                                     Saturday ..................................... 8:40 AM, 3:30 PM
                                                          Dcn. Lindsey Parsons, ext 308
                                                                                                                             (Or contact one of the priests.)
                                                          Dcn. Michael Ruddle, ext 314
Director of Faith Formation ……………………..Dcn. Michael Ruddle, ext 314                                                   Second Saturday of the month at 12:00 PM. Pre
                                                                                                                     -Baptismal meeting held the second Monday
Faith Formation Office ................................................................... (630) 469-5178            of the month. Pre-registration is required.
Director of Music and Liturgy .................................. Christian O’Kelley, ext 313
                                                                                                                     Please call the Parish office at least 6 months
                                                                                                                     prior to the celebration of the Sacrament.
School Principal ........................................... AnnMarie Mahay, (630) 858-3112
                                                                                                                                     Parish Registration
St. Vincent de Paul Society ........................................... (630) 469-6300 ext 302                       Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a
                                                                                                                     registration form.
                                                                                                                     Please call the Parish Office to notify us of anyone
                                                                                                                     homebound, critically ill or in the hospital.
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139 - Bishop Ronald Hicks - St. Matthew Church
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