Understanding the Jesus story - Year B - St Agnes' Parish

Page created by Chris Keller
Understanding the Jesus story - Year B - St Agnes' Parish
3rd Sunday in Lent                                       Year B                             6-7 March 2021

                                     Understanding the Jesus story
   If there is one incident in Jesus’ life that leads us to question his judgment, the story of him taking a whip and
   angrily driving people out of the temple must rank as a strong contender. We have heard in recent weeks
   that Jesus can be forthright in challenging people – even calling pharisees ‘hypocrites’ to their faces! But our
   major image is of a patient and forgiving Jesus rather than someone striking out at people with a raging
   So, how are we to understand this story? A good place to start is another story of Jesus visiting the Jerusalem
   temple with his mother and father when he was a twelve-year old boy. On that occasion, Jesus becomes so
   caught up by the temple experience, he misses the caravan taking his family back to Nazareth. When his
   parents realise Jesus is missing, they hasten back to find him among the temple priests and elders, engaging
   with them about the meaning of the Scriptures.
   Now, for traditional Israelites the temple was the holiest of all places on earth, enabling people to experience
   the presence of the living God in their lives in an unsurpassed way. This must have been Jesus’ boyhood
   experience, as is evident in his response to his confused parents: “Why were you searching for me? Did you
   not know I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lk 2:49).
   So, when Jesus returns to the temple some twenty years later and finds it filled with hawkers, merchants and
   other traders, he is incensed that greed and money-lust have turned his ‘Father’s house’ into a marketplace.
   However, rather than directing his anger to the little people who are simply trying to make a living, surely
   Jesus should have confronted the temple priests who no doubt benefited financially from this defilement of
   God’s house.
   Jesus has this opportunity to respond to the chief priests when they challenge him over his table-turning,
   whip-lashing behaviour. In answer to their question: “On what authority do you do this?” Jesus’ strange
   response confounds everyone: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up again in three days.”
   Somehow, this is a moment of insight for Jesus. He begins to realise his mission of communicating God’s love
   and forgiveness will result in the destruction of the other temple – his own body – on a cross. Yet, God’s glory
   will always shine through and triumph beyond suffering, cruelty and death itself.
   This is the paradox St Paul writes about in his letter to the Corinthians. He realises how preaching a crucified
                                                    Christ is folly to Jews and Greeks alike. Yet Paul also knows
                                                    we must acknowledge our own sinfulness and stupidity if we
                                                    are to experience God’s power and wisdom.
                                                       Too often, we are like the temple traders, busy with our own
                                                       pursuits rather than seekers of the living God. Too often, we
                                                       ignore God’s covenant because we are afraid to witness to a
                                                       crucified-and-risen Christ who heals our weakness and failures
                                                       with divine love and mercy.
                                                                                                    Gerard Hall SM
                                                                                              © Majellan Media 2021

                         OUR VISION
 "Everything is to be oriented towards the praise and glory of God."

                      OUR MISSION
    The St Agnes' Parish Community strives to make our Vision a
                reality by a commitment to:
 holiness in the image of Christ.     minister within the faith community.
 proclaim the good news of            the service of all, particularly those
  salvation.                           in need.
Understanding the Jesus story - Year B - St Agnes' Parish
Bishop Greg’s Lenten Talk Series                                   No Mass on Friday 12 March
This year’s Lenten talks will focus on Reflections on COVID-     There will be no 12.05pm Mass in St Agnes’ Church on
19. The talks are being held on the following Tuesdays in        Friday 12 March as our priests will be attending
St Carthage’s Cathedral:                                         Prodencio Bognay’s Ordination to the Diaconate. This
       9 March                                                  will at 5.30pm in St Carthage’s Cathedral, Lismore.
       16 March                                                 Please keep him in your prayers over the coming
It will not be live-streamed, but will be recorded and on        week.
YouTube by close of business on the following Thursday.                        Parish Publications
Lismore Diocese You Tube Channel link is on the back page
of the parish newsletter.                                        2021 Services Directory
                                                                 The updated 2021 Parish Services Directory outlines all
                                                                 the services our parish is involved in. Everyday through
                                                                 our services we reach some 14,000 people in our
                                                                 community. You only need to look through the offerings
                                                                 in this directory to realise that we really do reach
                                                                 people at all stages of their lives and will continue to do
In today’s gospel, Jesus drives the traders out of the temple    so for many years to come.
saying, ‘Stop making my Father’s house a market place!’
Jesus cleanses the temple because values have gone astray.
                                                                 Vision, Mission & Values Booklet
This cleansing is symbolic of reform and renewal. We are         This booklet outlines the Parish Vision, Mission and
the Church—it is through our actions and works that we are       Values that guide and direct our efforts to think, act and
the hands and feet of Christ in our world today. Caritas         communicate like Jesus Christ.
Australia’s annual Lenten campaign theme for this year is        Copies of both of these publications are available on the
‘Be More’, which comes from the words of St Oscar Romero         parish website and in printed form from the Presbytery
‘Aspire not to have more, but to be more.’ This is a             Office.
wonderful invitation to rethink what is important to us,
what renewal or reform is needed in our own lives and as a            Australian Catholics Magazine
community. Hearing of how, with some support from                There are still copies of the informative quarterly
Caritas, communities are able to be architects of their own      magazine published by the Jesuits available from the
development, brings about a change in us. We are invited         church and chapels. These magazines are free. The
to be part of the story of working in partnership for a better   articles included are: A disciple in the waiting; Dreaming
world.                                                           of a Reconciled Australia; A Life of Waiting (living in a
Please take home a Project Compassion box and/or a set of        refugee camp); Holding onto Hope (spending time with
donation envelopes and support Caritas Australia this            asylum seekers in detention).
Lenten season themed “Be More”. You can donate through
Parish boxes and envelopes, by phoning 1800 024 413                     Help Us Plan for our Future
 or by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion.            We are in the next stage of planning for the St Agnes’
                                                                 Catholic Parish Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Thank you to
          Project Compassion Prayer                              those parishioners who contributed to our recent
                                                                 survey. We now have some themes collated from the
            God of all peoples and nations,
                                                                 data collected and we would like to validate the
     As you accompany us on our Lenten journey,
                                                                 messages we are hearing. All parishioners are welcome
     may our fasting strengthen our commitment                   to join in this next step of Strategic Plan Feedback Focus
                  to live in solidarity,                         groups to be held on Sunday 21 March in the St Agnes
        our almsgiving be an act of justice, and                 Parish Hall. Groups will convene after each mass on the
    our prayers anchor us in love and compassion.                Sunday - 7 30am, 9 00am and 5.00pm. Each session will
     Through living simply and loving generously,                be 45 minutes. For planning purposes contact: Brooke
      may we care for our global family and our                  Bloomfield at Parish Administration on 6588 7444 or
                common home, as we                               email: brooke.bloomfield@stagnesparish.org.au.
      “Aspire not to have more, but to be more”.
          We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.                                    Ladies Morning Tea
                   St Oscar Romero                               We invite parishioners to please join us for a cuppa and
                                                                 chat at Caramels at Cathie at 10.30am on 11 March.
    Up-to-date information on St Agnes’ Catholic                 This is a ladies morning tea hosted by Star of the Sea,
      Parish is available on our parish website                  Lake Cathie each month. We are a friendly and welcom-
                                                                 ing group and especially invite all ladies who are new to
                                                                 our parish. For enquires phone: Suzanne on 6584 8192.

     www.stagnesparish.org.au.                                   ST AGNES’ CATHOLIC CHURCH | PORT MACQUARIE
Understanding the Jesus story - Year B - St Agnes' Parish
Women in the bible
       A reflection on one unnamed
                                                                  Remember in Prayer
                                                                Recently Deceased: Kenny Jamieson, Yvonne Walter,
When you google ‘Women in the Bible’ it comes up with           Bishop Bede Heather, Gerry Cruzabra, Eduardo Cueto,
the names of women we seem to know well… from the               Rex Kneller.
Old Testament, names like Sarah, Miriam, Ruth and Esther        Anniversaries: Simone Vella, Gwen Daley, Bill Skane,
(among others); and from the New Testament, the three           Dianne Byrnes, Betty Rennie.
Mary’s (the mother of Jesus, from Bethany, and                  Other Mass Intentions: Piper Grace Gosling, Amelia
Magdelene) and Elizabeth and Martha.                            Monica Doyle, Tom and Barbara Payne, Tony Yardley,
Yes, these truly are wonderful and blessed women with           William Cavanagh, Hilton Dodds, Phyllis and Edward
much to teach us about love, service, generosity and            Dunn, Julia and Edward O’Brien, Eileen Monahan, Phil
more! Today, however, as we approach International              Moore, Trixie Davidson, Florence Shergold, Florence
Women’s Day on 8 March, I wanted to honour and reflect          Turner, deceased members of Dunn, O’Brien and Reilly
on one unnamed biblical woman whose faith and trust in          families, Br Michael O’Connor, Beryl Thomas, Marjorie
Jesus changed her life forever.                                 Carnie, Jeanne Levy, Deb Kelly, Huntley O’Connor,
The woman who touched the cloak of Jesus after suffering        Barbara Grant, Geoff Porter, Shirley Daborn, donor
12 years of bleeding, was cured as soon as she touched its
                                                                intentions, masses for the sick, masses of thanksgiving.
hem. Unnamed though she is, this woman and her story
appear in three of the Gospels (Matthew 9: 20-22; Mark 5:                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
25-34; Luke 8: 43-48). Her ‘bump into Jesus in the street’              Important Mass Protocols
healing certainly made an impression on someone! It must        The number permitted to attend church services is
have been told, and retold, by many people over many            determined by the 2 sq metre government regulations.
years until it was included in the Gospels when they were       It is compulsory to book in for all Masses at the
actually written down. This is amazing when you really          chapels and churches. To make a booking, go to the
think about it!                                                 parish website www.stagnesparish.org.au and follow
The woman’s bleeding made her ‘unclean’ under the Law,          instructions, or phone the Presbytery on 6583 1024.
so she could not approach Jesus directly, she was invisible     We ask attendees please arrive at least 10 minutes
to all! Jesus, as he became aware of her touching, not any      prior to the commencement of Mass to allow enough
part of him, but rather the edge of his cloak, fully            time for the allocation of distanced seating and to
understood her and the power of her faith as she drew,          minimise movement once Mass has started.
trustingly, on his power to cure her.                           Church Entry and Exits: All three church doors will
Prior to meeting Jesus, she had been unsuccessful in            now be open before and after Mass. However, please,
finding a remedy for her condition, despite numerous            please, please only enter by the Presbytery side door
attempts. Afterwards, she was a woman renewed, made             so Covid check in can occur and sanitise your hands.
both physically and spiritually strong because she dared to     Seating:     Be aware of social distancing, sit in
reach out to him.                                                            allocated seats or where instructed to sit.
As a woman today, I ask myself ‘How can I reach out in          Singing:     There is no singing.
faith the way this woman did, to seek out Jesus and be          Holy Communion: Only be given on the hand.
fully known by Him?’                                            Masks:       Optional.
         By Megan Barber, Communications Coordinator for
                                    St Agnes’ Catholic Parish                 Weekly Resources
                                                                Tony Worner, Leader of Lay Formation, sends a weekly
                                                                email to parishioners with links to various resources,
From the Catacombs - here & beyond                              including the coming week’s readings with a reflection
Episcopuss Wisdom…                   From the Catechism…        on these, information of upcoming on-line prayer and
                                                                formation opportunities, and information that may
                                                                help in growing a person’s faith and/or spirituality. If
                                                                you do not presently receive this, and would like to do
                                                                so, please contact the Presbytery with your email de-
                                                                tails or email Tony tony.worner@stagnesparish.org.au

                                                                Parish Safeguarding Support Committee
‘We would not have had the courage to believe in a God          Thank you to those parishioners who have volunteered
 who loves humanity, if we had not known Jesus. What            to be part of our PSSC. Should you swish to register
 kind of God is prepared to die for people? What kind of        your interest to be on this important committee please
 God loves always and patiently, without demanding to           contact the Presbytery Office on 6583 1024 during
         be loved in return? ’ Pope Francis Tweet               office hours by Wednesday, 10 March.

  PARISH NEWS                                               St AGNES’ CATHOLIC CHURCH | PORT MACQUARIE
Understanding the Jesus story - Year B - St Agnes' Parish
                                                       Mass Times in St Agnes’ Catholic Parish
                                                        Please remember to book for all Masses through the
                                                                website www.stagnesparish.org.au or
                                                    phone the Presbytery Office on 6583 1024 Monday to Friday.
                                          Monday: No Mass
Parish Priest                             Tuesday:
Father Paul Gooley                        9.30am        Residential aged care only
Assistant Priest                          11.00am       Residential aged care only
Father Peter Wood                         12.05pm       St Agnes’ Church
Assistant Priest                          Wednesday:
Father Roland Agrisola                    9.30am        St Francis of Assisi Chapel (celebrated as Sunday Mass)
Deacon Elect                              6.00pm        St Bernard’s Church (celebrated as Sunday Mass)
Prodencio Bognay                          Thursday:
Presbytery Office                         12.05pm       St Agnes’ Church
47 Hay Street: PO Box 23                  4.30pm        Christ the King Chapel (celebrated as Sunday Mass)
Port Macquarie 2444                       Friday:
T (02) 6583 1024                          12.05pm       St Agnes’ Church (No Mass on 12 March 2021)
E pastoraloffice@stagnesparish.org.au     Saturday:
Web: www.stagnesparish.org.au             6.00pm        Vigil Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Lake Cathie
Office Hours:                             Sunday:
8.30am - 4.30pm                           7.30am        St Agnes’ Church
Monday to Friday                          9.00am        St Agnes’ Church
                                          5.00pm        St Agnes’ Church
                                          Reconciliation:      (Please book for Reconciliation)
                                          Friday        11.30am - 12 noon
                                          Saturday      11.30am - 12.30pm
                                          Held each Sunday in St Agnes’ Church. Please contact the Presbytery Office,
                                          or visit the Parish website for more information.

                                                        READERS AND COMMENTATORS ROSTER
                                                           Week commencing 14 March 2021
                                           7.30am:     Anne O’Brien          Tuesday 12.05pm: 16 March
                                                       Jennifer Campbell     Volunteer
             DOGMA                                     Greg Grace
                                           9.00am:     Cathy Hawtin          Thursday 12.05pm: 18 March
“During Lent, let us find concrete                     Wayne Evans           Volunteer
     ways to overcome our                              Sandra Hartas
          Indifference”                    5.00pm:     Suzanne Savage        Friday 12.05pm: 19 March
             Pope Francis                              Jodie Rich            Anne O’Brien
 __________________________                            Tess Koning           Aland Wheatland

Liturgical Celebrations                   Suggested Live Streaming of Masses
  Third Week of LENT                      Lismore Diocese - Bishop Greg Homeming. Sunday 8.00am.
Monday 8 March
St John of God (Collect only)             Daily Mass on Demand
Optional                                  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYRq7AjVimr-hcHFJD_HVaQ
Tuesday 9 March                           Mass for you at Home
St Frances of Rome (Collect only)         Sunday 6.00am streamed on Channel 10.
Optional                                  Reflections:
Saturday 13 March                               Lismore Diocese YouTube Channel
(Anniversary of election of Pope                Fr Paul Daily Reflections
Francis, 2013)

                                                DIOCESAN INVESTMENT FUND NOW PAYS 0.45%
                                The Port Macquarie office of the DIF is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm.
                                           Phone Veronica or Mary for any enquiries on 6583 7439
                                            All enquiries outside these hours phone 1800 802 516.
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