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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Specially honored on June 27 ST. RAPHAEL the ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH ADDRESS PARISH STAFF Fr. Ma hew Kowalski, Pastor 40000 North U.S. Highway 45 Dr. Gregory K. Webster, Deacon Old Mill Creek, Illinois 60046-7464 Dr. Mark Mrowiec, Opera ons Director phone 847.395.3474 fax 847.395.3552 Ms. Anne e Wynn, Coordinator of Religious Ed. email Mr. Alex Fries, Music Director
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Dear St. Raphael Parishioners, Sunday Mass a endance has gradually been increasing as the Covid restric ons are li ed. Sunday Mass at 11:00 returned this past weekend and will remain on the schedule as long as we stay free from the restric ons. There may s ll be parishioners who don’t know the mask requirements have been relaxed, so please help spread the word to neighbors or fellow parishioners. In other parish updates, we are looking forward to the return of our Parish Picnic and rummage sale this summer. The picnic is scheduled for Sunday, July 25, and the Rummage sale during the first week of August. We will need plenty of volunteers for both events! Details on how to sign up will be in the bulle n for a few weeks. Masks are s ll recommended in church if you have not been vaccinated. Check with your doctor if you have par cular concerns, and do what you think best for your own medical needs. It is s ll common to see some people in public wearing masks, and we are not keeping any records of who is vaccinated. Priests have the op on to wear a face shield while distribu ng Holy Communion, and I have been wearing one the last few Sundays. I’m doing this as a precau on, as long as some of the congrega on chooses to wear masks. I can’t possibly know everyone’s medical situa on, so I’m staying cau ous for a few more weeks. There was a na onal news report last week of great importance to the Catholic Church. The US Supreme Court ruled that a Catholic adop on agency in Philadelphia was within their rights to only allow adop on by couples consis ng of a duly married husband and wife. Catholic teaching on the family assumes that children have a right to both a mother and a father. To inten onally deprive a child of this fundamental right would be a serious sin. A court verdict like this would have been considered obvious and automa c only a decade ago, so it is a sign of how confused the status of legal (state-recognized) marriage has become today. Some analysis of the decision suggests it may be narrow in what situa ons it covers. But the decision was reached unanimously by all nine jus ces, so it sends some kind of message about religious freedom to the city of Philadelphia, which the court ruled against. I make note of this because my understanding is the State of Illinois has the same legal posi on that the Court overruled. I hope that the legal precedent of this ruling will eventually make a difference here in Illinois. Our basic right to religious freedom should never be taken for granted. God bless you all, Fr. Ma hew Kowalski
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 St. Raphael The Archangel Confession Current Mass Schedule and Times Saturday a ernoons from 3:00 pm—3:40 pm Weekday: 8:30 am (Monday-Saturday am) Bap sm Saturday: 4:00 pm Registered parishioners should contact the parish Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:00 am office at 847-395-3474. St. Raphael the Archangel Office Hours Marriage Prepara on The Church Office is open Monday through Registered and suppor ng members should call Thursday from 9:00 am un l 4:00 pm and closed the office. A date should not be set un l consul ng on Fridays. the pastor. SAVE THE DATE: PARISH PICNIC Sunday, July 25 With the arrival of summer, it's terrific to spend more me outdoors and visit with our neighbors. Our upcoming parish picnic is an excellent way that we can get to know more of the folks in our community of St. Raphael. Please pencil in Sunday, July 25 on your calendar. Everyone is welcome to join us on the parish grounds following the 11:00 am Mass. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for coordina ng the picnic planning. Sign up to volunteer on the parish website. Watch the bulle n for more informa on in the coming weeks.
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Altar & Rosary Sodality Women's Group Instead of our regular business mee ng, ARS will be gathering for a social dinner on Monday, June 28. Join other ladies of the parish at 6:30 pm at El Camino Restaurant: 9900 77th Street, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158. We need to give El Camino a count, so please RSVP to Karen Hopkins if you are able to a end ( or 847-395-3474). The Book Club will meet in a member’s home on July 1st to discuss 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life by Dan Piper. Contact Mary Ellen Riley at or call 847-395-3474 if you are interested. The Altar & Rosary Sodality Women’s Group is partnering with Catholic Chari es in their annual School Supply Drive to support low-income families in Lake County. You can help by dona ng any of the following NEW items. Just bring them to church the weekend of June 26/27 & July 3/4. Thanks for your generosity. List for Primary Grades (K-5) List for Middle Grades (6-8) • Backpack • Backpack • 1 Box of Tissues • 1 Pencil Sharpener • 1 Package of #2 Pencils • 1 Package of #2 Pencils • 1 Pencil Sharpener • Black or Blue Pens • Glue S cks • 1 Box Colored Pencils • 1 Spiral Notebooks – wide rule • Glue S cks • 1 Box crayons • 3 Spiral Notebooks • 1 Package index cards – wide rule • Expo Markers • 1 Pair of Scissors • Post-It Notes • 3 Pocket Folders • 1 Pair of Scissors • 1 Box of Markers - washable • 1 Ruler - Not Bendable • Erasers • 1 Protractor • 1 Ruler - Not Bendable • 5 Pocket Folders • 1 Package of Loose-Leaf Paper – wide rule • 1 Box of Markers • Erasers • 1 Package Loose-Leaf Paper • 1 Package Ruled Index Cards • 1 Package of Highlighters Peter’s Pence Collec on, June 27 Cast the Love of Christ upon the world The Peter's Pence collec on is a gesture of solidarity through which every member of the faithful can par cipate in the ac vity of the Pope as Pastor of the universal Church. The faithful's offerings to the Holy Father through the Peter’s Pence Collec on are des ned to Church needs, to humanitarian ini a ves and social promo on projects, as well as to the support of the Holy See.
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Registra ons for the 2021-2022 Religious Educa on Program are now being accepted. Tui on per family: $200; Fees per child: $50; Late fee assessment per child $25 (Late fees are assessed a er June 30, 2021.) Please note you should be registered as a parishioner to register your children for Religious Educa on. Teaching the Catholic Faith to children and teens is important at St. Raphael. The Religious Educa on program is held on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm at Milburn Middle School. Children going through their sacramental years (First Communion & Confirma on) should have two years of prepara on through religious educa on. Volunteers as catechists, aides, and hall monitors are welcome. To register, contact Anne e Wynn, Coordinator of Religious Educa on at religiouseduca on@straphaelcatholic.orgor 847-395-3474. MISSION STATEMENT Foster Personal and Spiritual Growth of Children and encourage responsible par cipa on in the Life, Mission, and Work of the Catholic Faith Community Worship & Spiritual Life Schedule Sunday Masses, July 4, 2021 4:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am Mass Times Saturday Sunday Sunday Clergy Fr. Ma hew Kowalski Fr. Ma hew Kowalski Fr. Ma hew Kowalski Lector John Boldt Steve Laky Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Communion Altar Servers Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Leo Riley Ushers Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Mass Intentions Week of June 27, 2021 Inten ons for: Requested by: Saturday, June 26, 2021 8:30 am † Sister Marie a Mehalic, OSF Marie a Centko 4:00 pm † Rod Loomis Kathy and Carrie Loomis 9:00 am † Giacinto Pellicci Norma and Pat Sunday, June 27, 2021 Lucansky 11:00 am The People of St. Raphael Monday, June 28, 2021 8:30 am Anna Daleiden The Tebben Family Tuesday, June 29, 2021 8:30 am † Gerardo Medina Victoria Cadenas Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8:30 am † Robert T. Berry Anne e Wynn Thursday, July 1, 2021 8:30 am Donna Beeler The Tebben Family Friday, July 2, 2021 8:30 am Special Inten on Donor 8:30 am † George Centko Marie a Centko Saturday, July 3, 2021 4:00 pm People of St. Raphael 9:00 am † Alden Arul Rajan The Arul Rajan Family Sunday, July 4, 2021 11:00 am John & Laura Dmytrenko Toni & Geri DeMarco 53rd Wedding Anniversary Please pray for those in our parish and community who are sick: Pat Lucansky Lynn (Lenny) Graham Dean Pedersen Dana Arends Wanda Hagerty Residents of Rolling Hills Paula Emmerth Bonnie Parkman Bob Geske Claire Pavelski
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