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ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX CATHOLIC CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH June 20, 2021 900 CLINGAN RIDGE DR NW CLEVELAND, TN 37312 Phone: (423) 476-8123 Fax: (423) 479-3339 www.StThereseCatholicChurch.org Email: secretary@stthereseclevelandtn.org OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-4:30 PM BIENVENIDOS (Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 PM) Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM A NUESTRA PARROQUIA MASS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: Saturday 6:00 PM Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM (Spanish) 9:30 AM 12:00 PM Daily Mass schedule Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Wednesday 5:30 PM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:45-5:45 PM or by request PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL DE LA PARROQUIA Rev. Michael F. Nolan………....Pastor Rev. Mr. Steve Ratterman……...Deacon Rev. Mike Creson……………..Retired Rev. Mr. Barry Maples……....….Deacon Ana Taylor……………………Secretary Marta Giraldo………………...Bookkeeper secretary@stthereseclevelandtn.org martagiraldo@stthereseclevelandtn.org Jessica Giraldo……………...DRE Amanda Henderson ……...Youth Minister DRE@stthereseclevelandtn.org youthministry@stthereseclevelandtn.org Jane Hubbard……………Director of Music Carla Brown…………………...…….Pianist musicministry@stthereseclevelandtn.org Ismael Ortiz …Coordinator Spanish Choir Oscar Giraldo………………..Maintenance
PRAYER LINE PARISH REGISTRATION If you have a need for prayer, call Norma Martin, If you are new to the parish, we invite you to register: 423-333-7519; the parish office, 423-476-8123 or In person during office hours send your request to: After Mass (request the form from an usher or secretary@stthereseclevelandtn.org priest) Online at www.sttheresecatholicchurch.org Request the registration form via email at NURSING HOME VISITS secretary@stthereseclevelandtn.org If you are homebound, in a nursing home or know of someone who is, and would like someone to visit and/ or bring Communion, please contact Jeanne GIVE ONLINE!! Hagar at 423-715-2249 or call the parish office. Stewardship is easier than ever at St. Thérèse with the WeShare online THE HOLY ROSARY system. Make your donation using your • Every morning immediately following the 8:30 debit or credit card, checking or savings AM Mass in the Adoration Chapel. account. Visit our website and click on • Rosary/Litany of Loretto Devotion at 5:05 PM the WeShare icon, there you can set up before Wednesday evening Mass. your account, choose your payment • A Rosary for the Unborn is offered on the third option and customize your donation. Monday of every month in the church at 6:45 PM. All are invited to attend Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION has an opening • Daily, Monday through Sunday. Contact Pat for a full-time Bookkeeper Hilliard at 472-6442 to schedule your private Adoration hour or check the list in the vestibule. The purpose of this job is to provide bookkeeping • First Friday Adoration Devotion with and related financial – administrative Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament services to the parish church and school at the after 8:30 AM Mass on the First Friday of each direction of the Pastor and Business Manager. month. Key responsibilities include keeping records of • Holy Hour for Vocations Every third Thursday of parish finances, payroll, accounts payables, and the month at 7:00 PM in the Adoration Chapel. handling contributions, This position is full time – exempt, compensated by salary and qualifies for full benefits. For a complete job description go the OLPH Parish website at: MASS ONLINE www.olph.us
~HELPFUL INFORMATION~ RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS Call the parish office if you want to get involved in the following: BAPTISM Infants and children below the age of 7 MUSIC MINISTRY Parents and Godparents must attend a baptismal Contact: Jane Hubbard preparation session before scheduling a Baptism. During the pandemic, contact the parish office to find out when YOUTH MINISTRY the next class will take place. Contact: Amanda Henderson SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION CATECHIST Contact: Jessica Giraldo MASS MINISTRIES: LECTOR, EMHC (Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion) ALTAR SERVER Baptism (above age 7) Contact: Ana Taylor First Reconciliation First Holy Communion Confirmation COME C.A.R.E. WITH US (Catholic Action Reaching Everyone) For the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, C.A.R.E. teams provide meals to those in our First Holy Communion, and Confirmation there must be parish that need a little extra help during short term and at least one to two years of Christian formation prior to emergency situations. Please call the current team: receiving the Sacrament. Kathy Quinnett 479-2382; Debbie Pease 339-1096; Adults and children of catechetical age (above age 7 ) Margaret Hopper 479-6301; Kaye Foust 472-0393 are welcomed into the Catholic Church through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). This process prepares a person for Baptism and/or the ST. THÉRÈSE PANTRY sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and “For I was hungry and you gave me food” Confirmation. Anyone wishing to join the Church or to We provide groceries to those in need on a weekly ba- complete initiation into the Church should call the parish sis. “Thank You” to all who provide non-perishable food office. items and monetary donations for our pantry on an For adults who have lived their Catholic faith but have ongoing basis. Items that are most needed are: not received the sacrament of Confirmation, call the parish office for information about the yearly Diocesan- Can fruits, vegetables, tuna, chicken and soup. wide Confirmation Mass . Pasta and pasta sauce; powder milk and chocolate; crackers. Our pantry is open during office hours. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If someone is seriously ill or is scheduled to have surgery, please call the parish office for WOMEN OF FAITH the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Our mission is to support, empower, and Note: Due to the Privacy (HIPAA) Laws, educate all Catholic women in spirituality, hospitals will not notify us if you or your loved leadership, and service by responding with one is admitted. A family member must notify Gospel values to the needs of the Church us if you wish for one of the priests to visit you and society in the modern world. in the hospital. President: Angela Pirowski MARRIAGE Couples should discuss preparation KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS arrangements with the priest at least six months prior to setting a wedding date. We are the world’s largest Catholic family service organization. Our common bond is our devotion to the Catholic faith and our brotherhood ALTAR FLOWERS in Christ. All the good works we do If you wish to offer the altar are based on our core principles of: flowers in memory or in honor of a Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. loved one, or to celebrate a Grand Knight: Bertin Kurtz special occasion in your life, please call the parish office to reserve the date. PLEASE REMEMBER ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX PARISH We have many weekends available! IN YOUR WILL
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Therésè of Lisieux Parish offers a Religious Education Program for school age students from August to May every year, observing the local schools calendar for breaks and holidays. We encourage parents to enroll their children in this program every year so that they develop a strong Catholic faith and get all the necessary knowledge and preparation for the reception of the Sacraments. Classes are on Sundays from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. in the Parish Life Center. For information, please contact the parish office (423) 476-8123. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Those who are discerning to become a Catholic, to be in full Communion with the Catholic Church or just to learn more about the Catholic faith, please contact Matthew Miles at (423) 599-4921, call the parish office or simply visit the parish website. LIVING THE EUCHARIST STUDY GROUP CMG CONNECT SAFE HAVEN The group discusses on carefully selected books, As a mandate from the Diocese, CMG Connect Safe movies and other resources for the spiritual Haven takes the place of VIRTUS Training. enrichment of each of their members. Those who All Adult Church volunteers who have been would like to join this group, contact Janet Allen at VIRTUS- trained, are REQUIRED to be re-trained and (423) 650-0395. Sessions are held on Tuesdays, undergo a background check under the new platform. 9:00-10:30 a.m. in Trinity Room (Rooms 100 and If you are thinking to become a volunteer for any 102) in the Parish Life Center. parish activity or if you have questions about your previous training, contact Jessica Giraldo in the parish CATHOLIC 201 office for details. All adults are invited to a study group headed by Matthew Miles. Strengthen your Catholic faith CMG CONNECT SAFE HAVEN through dynamic discussion on Sacred Scripture, Como mandato de la Diócesis, CMG Connect Safe prayer life, finding a ministry, and more. Plus join Haven toma el lugar de VIRTUS Training. Todos los the group for occasional fellowship opportunities! voluntarios adultos de la Iglesia que han recibido la capacitación a través de VIRTUS deben volver a This group meets on Sundays 10:45-11:45 a.m. in capacitarse y someterse a una verificación de antece- the Youth Room, (St. Aloysius Room) 2nd Floor of dentes en la nueva plataforma. Si está interesado en the Parish Life Center. You may sit in and learn ser voluntario para cualquier actividad parroquial o si for the day! Contact Matthew Miles at tiene preguntas sobre su capacitación anterior, (423) 599-4921 or contact Jessica Giraldo in the comuníquese con Jessica Giraldo en la oficina de la parish office for inquiries. parroquia para obtener más detalles. THE GOSPEL AND BEYOND Missed VBS? Deacon Steve holds a scripture study with the VBS is back! "Choo Choo group based on the weekly readings. Those who Train... Let's Track Jesus and Mary" will take place on July 14- are interested to join, contact Jessica in the 16, 6:00 p.m. to 7: 30 p.m. Adults office for more information. Sessions are held on and youth are invited to help out. Sundays, 10:45-11:45 a.m. in the Trinity Room. Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade will surely have fun this summer. Registration for volunteers and children can be found in the vestibule. SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Albert Chmieloski “St. Albert, even with your physical disability and great wealth, you did well in answering the call of God by living in poverty and in serving the homeless. Pray that we be reminded that nothing and no one can stop us in serving Him. Amen!”
Bless Our Fathers Heavenly Father, Today we ask You to bless our earthly fathers for the many times they reflected the love, strength, generosity, wisdom, and mercy INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday, June 19 that You exemplify in Your relationship with us, 8:30 AM † Barbara Crisp Your children. 6:00 PM † Scott Ratterman We honor our fathers for putting our needs above Sunday, June 20 their own convenience and comfort; for teaching us 8:00 AM † Dominica Aguilar to show courage and determination in the face of 9:30 AM For an Increase of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life adversity; for challenging us to move beyond 12:00 PM People of the Parish self-limiting boundaries; for modeling the qualities that would turn us into responsible, principled, Monday, June 21 caring adults. 8:30 AM † Scott Ratterman Tuesday, June 22 Not all our fathers lived up to these ideals. 8:30 AM † Kathie Smith Give them the grace to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes. Give us the grace to extend to Wednesday, June 23 them the same forgiveness that you offer us all. 5:30 PM Intentions of Mary Baier on her Birthday Help us to resist the urge to stay stuck in past bitterness, instead, moving forward with humility Thursday, June 24 8:30 AM Intentions of Kathie Chambers and peace of heart. for Health and Healing We ask your blessing on those men who served Friday, June 25 as father figures in our lives when our biological 8:30 AM † Joseph Coleburn fathers weren't able to do so. May the love and selflessness they showed us be returned to them Saturday, June 26 8:30 AM † Cindy Powers in all their relationships, and help them to know 6:00 PM † Phil Brown that their influence has changed us for the better. Sunday, June 27 Give new and future fathers the guidance they 8:00 AM † Maria Hernandez need to raise happy and holy children, grounded in 9:30 AM † Julie Wuesthoff 12:00 PM People of the Parish a love for God and other people - and remind these fathers that treating their wives with dignity, compassion, and respect is one of the greatest gifts they can give their children. June 13, 2021 Fiscal Week 50 of 52 / We pray that our fathers who have passed into the Semana Fiscal 50 de 52 next life have been welcomed into Your loving Collection / Colecta embrace, and that our family will one be day be 2021 2020 reunited in your heavenly Collection for the Week / Colecta Semanal 5,970.08 4,891.00 Online collection / Colectas internet 3,977.21 4,372.25 kingdom. Collection for the Year / Colecta Anual 679,067.07 651,435.18 Year to Date Budget 722,850.00 739,250.00 Average per Week / Promedio Semanal 13,581.34 13,028.70 In union with St. Joseph, Weekly Budgeted / Presupuesto Semanal 14,457.00 14,785.00 whom you entrusted with Your Son, we ask Your Other Collections / Otras Colectas Designated Funds 578.95 346.60 generous blessings today and every day. Amen. Mass Attendance / Asistencia a Misa: 591 ~ Tony Rossi ~ HAPPY FATHER’S DAY HOME Campaign Pledged 974,673.00 HOME Campaign Received @ 6/2021 912,170.50 to all the Fathers of our Parish Share 472,458.38 Parish! * (Spent $586,068.99)*
MINISTERIO HISPANO CLASES DE PREPARACIÓN PARA BAUTIZO Estas clases son mandatorias para los padres y padrinos. Se ofrecen el segundo Sábado de Enero, Marzo, Junio y Octubre a las 6:00 PM en el salón Breen Hall #3. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Las parejas deben contactar al padre por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. Se requiere que asistan a las clases de preparación y a un retiro espiritual para parejas. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Si alguien está gravemente enfermo o va a a ingresar al hospital para tener una cirugía, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia para recibir el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. (Debido a las leyes de privacidad (HIPAA), los hospitales no nos avisarán si usted o un ser querido es admitido para algún procedimiento quirúrgico. Un miembro de su familia deberá notificarnos si usted desea que un sacerdote lo visite en el hospital) MISA DE QUINCEAÑERA Debe llamar a la oficina de la parroquia para reservar la fecha con anticipación. Se requiere que la quinceañera haya recibido la Primera Comunión y debe tomar la clase preparatoria que se ofrece a través de la oficina. FORMACIÓN DE FÉ Y CATEQUESIS SANTO DE LA SEMANA Este grupo lo invita a asistir a un estudio de nuestra fe St. Alberto Chmieloski basado en las Sagradas Escrituras, las Tradiciones Apostólicas y el Magisterio. Si está interesado, comu- "San Alberto, incluso con tu níquese con Karen Mora al (423) 716-3423. También discapacidad física y tu gran riqueza, puede comunicarse con la oficina de Educación Reli- hiciste bien en responder al llamado giosa para inscribirse. Las sesiones se llevan a cabo en de Dios viviendo en la pobreza y el Salón 104 del edificio nuevo los domingos durante el sirviendo a los desamparados. Ora para que horario de clases de formación religiosa ~10:45 AM- recordemos que nada ni nadie puede detenernos 11:45 AM~ También puede asistir solo por un día! en nuestro deseo de servirle a Él. ¡Amén!" Oración por los Padres EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Dios Padre eterno, La parroquia ofrece un programa de educación En Ti encontramos el verdadero amor. religiosa para estudiantes de Kinder a Grado 12, de Agosto a Mayo todos los años, observando el Bendice en este día a todos calendario de las escuelas locales para los los padres de familia. descansos y días festivos. Recomendamos a los Que los que son padres por primera vez, padres de familia inscribir a sus hijos cada año puedan guiar a sus pequeños con Tu en este programa para que ellos desarrollen una sabiduría. fe católica sólida y obtengan todo el conocimien- Que los que tienen a sus hijos lejos, to y la preparación necesarios para la recepción fortalezcan más sus lazos de amor. de los sacramentos en su debido momento. Las Que los que luchan por su familia, clases se llevan a cabo todos los domingos de renueven sus fuerzas todos los días. 10:45 a 11:45 a.m. en el edificio nuevo. Y que los padres ya ancianos, Para obtener información, comuníquese con la sientan siempre la cercanía de oficina parroquial (423) 476-8123. sus seres queridos y el valor ¿Extrañaste VBS? que aportan al mundo. ¡La Escuela Biblica de Gracias Padre Celestial por Verano está de vuelta! mostrarnos Tu gracia y amor a El "Tren Choo Choo ... través de nuestros padres Rastreemos a Jesús y María" se llevará a cabo terrenales. del 14 al 16 de julio, de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Amén. Se invita a adultos y jóvenes a ayudar. FELIZ DIA DEL PADRE Los niños desde el jardín infantil hasta el 5º grado a todos los Padres seguramente se divertirán este verano. La inscripción para voluntarios y niños está disponible de nuestra Parroquia! en el vestíbulo.
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