MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church

Page created by Jeffery Obrien
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
MARCH 2022

          MESSIAH MESSAGE           Love God. Love People. Serve Others.

     Couch Covers
     I do not understand plastic couch covers! My apologizes if you use them, it’s never my intention to
     o end. I suppose they help your couch last longer, which will likely save you money overtime, but isn’t
     comfort the whole point of a couch? A worn-out couch usually means that a family has enjoyed
     watching TV, playing board games, and being together. I know plenty of parents and grandparents that
     would do anything for a worn-out couch. If the value of being frugal outweighs functionality and
     usefulness, then we’re woefully misguided. Believe it or not, I’ve heard, “Pastor, we shouldn’t be using
     the Church equipment so much because then we will have to replace it sooner.” While coming from a
     well-intended place, I politely shared my goal to wear-out every inch of this Church.

     One of my favorite leadership quotes originated from Peter Drucker, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
     Living together in a loving community that grows and thrives requires putting in a ton of e ort from
     everyone involved. Unfortunately though, all the time in the world and the best strategy ever concocted
     does not guarantee success. Culture is the di erence maker. Some people never think twice about the
     silliness of putting on a plastic couch cover. They don’t think twice because it has become a part of their
     culture. Similar behaviors exist everywhere in the Church. A locked door is clearly unwelcoming, having
     no name tags is unwelcoming, denying someone’s identity or calling it sinful, is clearly unwelcoming.
     These individually small behaviors and mentalities accumulate into an unwelcoming culture overtime. My
     grandmother was the sweetest person on earth, I just never felt comfortable on her couch.

     Culture is so di cult to create because it can sometimes take years to cultivate a generous and
     welcoming environment. Even one hurtful behavior, or one toxic mentality can ripple through a
     community. It can take months, sometimes years, for someone to decide they trust a worship
     community enough to o cially join them. Often, all it takes is one passive aggressive comment to never
     see those newcomers again. As a church, not only must we have love understood, we must have it
     mastered. If you’re wondering what that means, that’s why Jesus taught us how to love before heading
     to the Cross.

     Loving like Christ is a tall order, I know. Make no mistake, I say and do things that I regret all the time.
     We all make mistakes. The tricky part comes from not being able identify when we’re being hurtful or
     unwelcoming. I’m more interested in our willingness to seek forgiveness once the mistake has been
     realized. So, what is a Christian culture? We give everyone the bene t of the doubt. We are quick to seek
     and extend forgiveness. Hospitality comes natural. Generosity is our way of life. Love is our message.
     Christ is our saving grace when we inevitably mess up.

     Within a Christ-centered culture, there are no couch covers. In our community, we are pulling up a
     footrest, pouring a drink, and xing a meal. If a guest spills and makes a mess on our couch, then we
     reply “I needed a new one anyway.” Heck… I may even spill on the couch myself and consider it apart of
     the decor. Nothing about faith is neat and tidy. A messy church is a used church. We’re not here to x
     anyone, or to set anyone straight. We are here to say, “we’re sinners too, come join us!”
     Making a mess,

     Pr. Lucas Mcsurley
     Cell: 937-725-5587
     Blog: revre
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah Message
                                                            At a Glance...
                      Fall Prevention Program - Thurs, Feb. 17 - Mar. 24 at 12pm
                                          Ash Wednesday - Wed, Mar. 2 at 7pm
                             Lenten Soup Supper - Wed, Mar. 9 - April 6 at 6pm
                                               Fish Fry - Mar. 11 from 4pm-7pm
                                  Community Expo - Sat. April 2 from 10am-4pm
                                 Youth Bread Making - Sun, April 3 from 11am-2pm
                                   Church Clean Up - Sun, April 10 from 11am-2pm
                                    Cooking Class - Mon, April 11 from 6-7:30pm
                                                   Good Friday - April 15 at 7pm
                                  Easter Potluck Breakfast - Sun, April 17 at 9am
                         Church Movie Night “Father Stu” - Wed, April 20 at 7pm
                                           Pub Theology - Thurs, May 5 at 7pm
                       Messiah’s Constitutional Convention - Sun, May 15 at 11am
                                  Memorial Wall Fundraiser - Sun, May 29 at 11am
                                   Memorial Day Parade - Mon, May 30 at 9am

Recurring Ministries                                        *All recurring Messiah ministries have resumed gathering in-person!

   Monday          Tuesday                 Wednesday                 Thursday                 Friday    Saturday            Sunday

10am - Warm-up   10am - Bible            8am - Serving at         11:00am - Women’s                    8am - Men’s       9am - Learning
Portage Lakes                            Green Good Neighbors     Brunch Bunch                         Bible Study       Hour *Social Hall
                 Study    *Social Hall
                                         9am - Property                       *2nd Thursday              *3rd Saturday
                 6:30pm Children         Maintenance              10am - Conversations
                                                                                                                         9am - Choir
                 of Alcoholics                                    Gathering                                                    *Sanctuary
                                         12pm - AA

                                                                  6pm - Steps Beyond                                     10am - Worship
                 7:00 Boy Scouts         5:30pm Grief
                                             * 1st of the month
                                                                                                                         6pm - AA
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
Fall Prevention Program
                                                             March 2nd
    Thursdays from February 17th - March 24
                   @ 12pm.
                                                              @ 7:00pm

        Fish Fry
        Friday, March 11th                                                      Sunday
         from 4pm-7pm.                                                          April 10
  Fried or broiled fish, fries or potatoes O’Brien,
plus Cole slaw for $15. Take out option available.                              11am-2pm

                                                      Youth Bread
                                                            Sunday, April 3rd
                                                            From 11am-2pm

                                                         New Church Office Hours!
         Be on the lookout for the                    MON, TUES, WED, THURS, 8am - 4pm
             next day/time.
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
                                              April 11th
                                                                Lenten Wednesday
                                                                Join us Wednesday nights at 6:00pm during
                                                From            Lent for a brief Worship, soup supper,
                                              6-7:30pm          and meaningful discussion. You’re
                                                                invited to sign up to provide soup in the
                                                                narthex. There is no doubt about it, hybrid
                                               Led by           ministry is here to stay. Together, we will
                                              D&M Grill         discuss ways to take advantage of this new
                                                                ministry context as we move forward.

   Good Friday                                                  Soup - 6pm
                          Gather for a                          Discussion - 6:30pm
   April 15               Worship of                            Worship - 7pm (finished by 7:30pm)
   @ 7pm                  darkness as our
                          Choir carries us
                          through the

                                                           EASTER SUNDAY
                          heaviness of the

                                                            APRIL 17 @ 10:00am

Bring your family with you on Easter Sunday! Together,
     we’ll enjoy a pot-luck style breakfast at 9am!

             Community Easter Egg Hunt!
                    Saturday, April 16                      Hunts, games, snacks,
                       From 1-3pm                          egg Decorating, and FUN!
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah’s new AED has arrived. It is
                                            located outside the women’s restroom
                                            heading into the Recreation Center. Be
                                            on the lookout for a training session for     This is for you! What is it? It’s a time
                                            whoever is interested in being certi ed.
                                            Several folks mentioned that they               to enjoy yourself in conversation
                                            would be willing to help nancially                with friends… even some you
                                            support this e ort, some have given              haven’t met yet. It’s for women,
                                            already. Our next step is to purchase
                                            pediatric pads for the machine. “Thank              men… people. If you are a,
                                            you” to all who made this happen!              “people”, you qualify. It will be fun!
                                                                                          Just two rules #1. No politics #2 no
                                                                                           religion. If you want to defend your
                                                  Pastor Lucas would love to have a             favorite food … have at it.
                                                  couple people from Messiah join him
                                                  for Worship at St. Luke’s Wednesday
                                                  mornings at 11am. The residents are      When? Thursday from 10am-11am.
                                                  in real need of love and care. It can     We meet right here at Messiah.
                                                  be as simple as sitting with them.
                                                  Let Pastor know if you’re interested      Who to blame or contact: Darryl
                                                  in serving in this way.                       Kinion 406-551-3812.

                                            Grief Support                Brunch Bunch                  Men’s Bible Study
                                            Group                                WMLC               We will meet in the Family Life
                                                                             The women of          Center on Saturday, March 19 at
                                            Otherwise known                                        8am. We’d love to welcome you
                                                                         Messiah’s next meeting
                                            as “Not By                                               for breakfast and fellowship.
                                                                            will be Thursday,
                                            Choice,” we will                                          Please connect with Mark
                                                                          March 10 at 11:00am
                                            meet on the rst                                        Ludrosky with further questions.
                                                                           in the Social Hall.
                                            Wednesday of
                                            each month at
                                            5:30pm. We are
                                            all grieving. We
                                            are all seeking
                                            closure and                                    Shine Our Light Campaign
                                            ways to process.                                 Council leadership has plans to initiate
                                                                                             a campaign to shine our light! At our
     Co ee Collection                                                                        Council’s Leadership Advance, we
                                                                                             focused on our goal to welcome new
     As always, Messiah                                                                      folks, which involves making sure our
     continues to collect coffee                                                             outdoor facility is as welcoming as it
     for Haven of Rest. Don’t                                                                can be. Thus, we’re adding lights! Be
     forget to bring coffee with you on                                                      on the lookout for more information
     Sunday or drop it in Gathering
                                                                                             about raising funds to add lighting
     Grounds during of ce hours.
                                                                                             around the parking lot and building.
                                                                                             We’re also planning to add new
     ALIVE Festival
                                                                                             lighting in the Community Rec Center.
     Our youth group ran into too many                                                       Lighting not only makes our space more
     scheduling con icts to attend the
     National Youth Gathering this summer, so                          inviting, it keeps our members and guests safe. In addition to
     ALIVE will hopefully serve as a life-giving                       lighting, we’re hoping to repair our Air Conditioning Unit in
     alternative. The festival date is July                            the Sanctuary. We also are preparing a long-term solution to
     14-17, 2022. Please notify Pastor Lucas                           our parking lot. We’re anticipating a goal of raising
     if you are interested in attending.                               $150,000. More details soon!


MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
What are we calling that … ?                                    Parking Lot Announcement
                                                                One of the most important aspects of
From Family Life Center to Community Rec Center.                developing a welcoming culture is to cut
                                                                down as many “insider” habits as
From Old Social Hall to Social Hall.                            possible. Whenever you’re here, please
                                                                refrain from parking behind the church
From O ce to Gathering Grounds.                                 building. It may seem petty, but we
                                                                always want our space to be bustling
From Space Between O ces to Donation Station.                   with people!

                                                                   Walking Track
                                                 It’s important that Messiah is both presentable and useful.
                                                     One direction we are exploring is the scrap tire grant
                                                       program, which offers funding to create scrap tire
                                                  processing and manufacturing. 100% matched funds are
                                                 available. A walking track may gain some traction. Are you
                                                        interested in getting involved or learning more?

 Parade!                Monday, May 30th

                 Messiah’s Military
              Service Wall & Memorial
  Join us on Sunday, May 29 after Worship.
   We are holding a fundraiser event for our
    memorial wall (located outside by the
 memorial garden) and our member service
 wall (located inside on the wall leading into
 the Community Rec Center). You’re invited
to add a name of a loved one outside, and if
  they are/were a member of Messiah, they
 will get a picture hung indoors. On Sunday
   the 29th, we will hear a courageous life
 story from a veteran and enjoy a light lunch
   together. In your email, and through the
  Church O ce, you will receive a form that
 asks for the service member’s information.

                                                  To incorporate Messiah’s mission into this event, we
 Tune into Q&A with Pastor and Shelly as
 we explore social, theological, and everyday    are hoping to have our members represent each of our
 issues related to faith. Currently, this can     outreach ministry partners at the Expo. Connect with
    only be found on our Facebook page,                      Shelly Kadilak to get involved!
        though we have bigger plans.
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
                                                                              Leadership Advance
Get EXCITED! We have painted the hallway walls! Piggybacking                 Messiah Lutheran Church
on an insurance claim, we are replacing all the blue carpet. Also,              February 27, 2022
we are painting the Social Hall and helping it become additional
rental space that looks presentable. We hope that this builds          Devotion - Pastor
some momentum for other projects, so if you’re looking to get          Council Orientation
involved with labor, funding, or have ideas, please be in                - Commitment
communication with Pastor Lucas and our Property Committee.              - Function
                                                                         - Responsibilities

                                                                       Assigned Council Positions
Sunday, May 15                                                           - Mark, Vice President
                                                                         - Beth, Worship & Music
at 11:00am                             Constitutional                    - Diane, Social
                                                                         - Discipleship, Jim
Every few years, it’s important         Convention
                                                                       Constitutional Adjustments
for Messiah to come together
and make sure our Church                                               Treasurer/Generosity - Carl & Je
Constitution still applies to our                                         - Solidifying process for giving
context. Some adaptations                                              President's Report - Laura
are mundane and                                                           - Igniting Mutual Ministry
straightforward, others have to do with shifting an emphasis in
structural architectural. Join us as we hold a vote. You will          Fellowship - Mark
receive a detailed list of constitutional adjustments soon. If you’d      - Cookie Sunday every week
like a full Constitution, one can be provided to you.                  Property - Jack
                                                                          - Painting has begun
                                                                          - CRC lights

  Cookie Sunday                                                        Discipleship - Kelly
                                                                          - Easter Egg Hunt
  March 13th @ 11:00am                                                 Pastor
                                                                         - Setting calendar earlier
 Beginning on March 27th, we’ll begin having Cookie Sunday every
 week after Worship. Some of our ministry groups will each take a      Goal Setting
 Sunday to provide cookies (or snacks). Fellowship is more important      - Invest in making our outdoor
 now than ever!                                                             space more welcoming with new
                                                                       Lord's Prayer
  1st Sunday - Youth & Choir
  2nd Sunday - Women’s Group
  3rd Sunday - Men’s Bible Study
  4th Sunday - Adult Sunday School &
               Tuesday Morning Bible Study
  5th Sunday - Council & Pastor

 New Fiscal Year
 Carl & Sandy work tirelessly for Messiah, putting in hours of
 service. In an e ort to alleviate some pressure in January, we’re
 hoping to shift the Church scal year to run from July 1 - June 30.
 This will also give the congregation an extended opportunity to
 respond to the Proposed Mission Spending Plan (budget). For now,
 we’re just experimenting and more details will unfold overtime.
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
 Movie Night!
 Father Stu
 Wednesday, April 20
 @ 7:00pm
 RSVP with Pastor Lucas

                                                                 Beginning in May, join Pastor
                                                                 Lucas on the rst Thursday of
                                                                  every month at 7pm! We’ll
                                                                  gather at Caston & Main to
                                                                   wrestle with theology and
 Learning Series                                                      enjoy a beverage!
 Gender & Sexuality

 Sundays @ 9am                                                          Youth Fitness
                                                                     March 10, 17, 24 @ 5pm
 June 12 - July 31                                                        Ages 10-13,
 In-person & Zoom (RSVP for a Zoom invitation).

 A Church that does not address the current issues of its
 time is an irrelevant Church. Together, we will listen to one
 another, grow, and share our ideas on how Jesus might
 respond to our evolving world.

 Each sermon from June through July will explore
the story of the Prodigal Son from the perspective
of each character. By the end, we will know by heart
                     Luke 15:11-32.

           June 12 - The Pharisees & Scribes
              June 19 - The Younger Son
                 June 26 - The Father
                July 3 - The Older Son
                  July 10 - The Farmer
                  July 17 - The Slaves
               July 24 - The Prostitutes
                 July 31 - The Friends
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
Chart Interpretation
     This congregational survey was only completed by 28 representatives, so it only serves as a
     snapshot. Nothing about the results are particularly surprising. The topics of these questions explore
     congregational life, worship life, and stewardship. Meaningful relationships are what the Church is
     o ering the world. As all relationships go, you get out of them what you put into them. With that said,
     if there is something Messiah can be doing to make connection easier, please pass those ideas along.
     This survey should not have used “always” and “never” because absolutions are never fully accurate.
MESSIAH MESSAGE Love God. Love People. Serve Others - Messiah Lutheran Church
Worship Attendance                                             Worship Readings                                       HAPPY
                                                               March                                                BIRTHDAY!
                                                               6 - 1st Reading: Deut. 26:1-11
 2 - 122 online             28 in-person                            2nd Reading: Romans 10:8b-13                      MARCH
 9 - 132 online             32 in-person                            Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
                                                                                                                   4 Randy Reed
16 - 68 online              31 in-person
                                                               13 - 1st Reading: Genesis 15:1-12;17-18               Don Cincurak
23 - 52 online              25 in-person
                                                                    2nd Reading: Philippians 3:17-4:1
                                                                                                                   9 Marlene McCloskey
                                                                    Gospel: Luke 13:31-35
February                                                                                                             Eric Johnson
                                                               20 - 1st Reading: Isaiah 55:1-9
                                                                                                                  11 Lynda Seiler
 6 - 65 online              44 in-person                            2nd Reading: 1st Corinth.10:1-13
13 - 103 online             51 in-person                            Gospel: Luke 13:1-9                           14 Melissa MacDonald
20 - 55 online              40 in-person                                                                             Matt Sanders
27 - 49 online              40 in-person                       27- 1st Reading: Joshua 5:16-21
                                                                    2nd Reading: 2nd Cor. 3:12-4:2                15 Bill Schmiedel
                                                                    Gospel: Luke 15:1-3;11b-32                    21 Lynda Farkas
                                                                                                                  24 Diane Ward
                                                                                                                  26 Audrey Johnson
                         Messiah Lutheran Church Finances January 2022
                                            Income   Expense     Income - Expense                                 27 Sallie Petrak
              Income is $800 less vs budget. Primarily, Building Rental fell short.                               29 David France
 $400,000     Expense is $500 under budget. Primarily, Salary increases not paid until                               Shandell Mooney
              after congregational mtg.
              Balance is $300 deficit vs budget.

x $350,000
                                                                                    $350,000   $350,000         Anniversaries
                                                                                                             11 Tom & Kay Becker
 $300,000                                                                                                    19 Clayton & Janis Hughes
                                                                                                             20 Stephen & Dianne Hines

 $250,000                                                                                                   Messiah Goes
                                                                                                            By the end of first quarter of
                                                                                                            2022, Messiah plans to be
                                                                                                            100% paperless. No bulletins,
                                                                                                            no paper
 $150,000                                                                                                   cups, with LED

                                                                                                          What is Pastor Reading
                                                                                                          This Month?
                                                                                                          Portraits of Peace: Searching
                             $22,000                            $22,500
                                                                                                          for Hope in a Divided America
                  $17,700                            $18,500
                                                                                                          by John Noltner
                                                                                                          Voices Long Silenced: Women
                                                                                                          Biblical Interpreters Through
                                                                                                          the Centuries by Joy
  ($50,000)                                                                                               Schroeder & Marion Ann Taylor
                    Year To Date Actual                Year To Date Budget               Annual Budget
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