CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council

Page created by Ashley Fleming
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                          Longford Parish Press                                            Issue 75

                     CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD’S
                 Some dates for your diary on the run up to
                 Christmas!            COVID restrictions allowing we hope you can join
                 us at the events below - for confirmation and full details look
                 out on noticeboards and our Facebook page around 5th December
                 12th December, 11am-2.30pm: Longford Street
                 Market – Gifts, Produce and Punch for sale at garden gates or
                 garages from Bupton Corner to the Pump Room. Enjoy a festive
                 browse while you walk through Longford! All proceeds to
                 addressing drain repairs and damp at St Chads.
                 20th December: Enjoy the Decorated Church                                  - a
                 Christmas walk through the main doors of St Chad’s, to be met
                 by carols playing and church beautifully dressed for Christmas,
                 with the help of the children of Longford School. Leave church
                 by the Priests door. *We invite you to leave a gift of a
                 new toy for boys or girls aged 0-18*. These will be
                 collected by Crossroads, a Derbyshire Dales charity providing
                 refuge for parents and children escaping domestic violence. The
                 toys will be given to children in Crossroads refuges over
                 22nd December: listen out for socially distanced carol singers
                 in Longford around 7.30pm, weather permitting
                 24th December: Midnight Service – Jane Legh will lead a
                 Midnight Service of Holy Communion, beginning 11.30pm on
                 Christmas Eve at St Chad’s
                         Face masks must be worn in church. For your own safety and that of others,
                         please remember social distancing at all St Chad’s events and please consider
                         wearing a face covering

Newsletters can be viewed online at: under News

                                                           1                                             December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                         Longford Parish Press                            Issue 75

                                           Pets Corner by Charlie Twigg
My name is Charlie Twigg and I am taking
over Pets Corner. Due to Lockdown 2 I am
going to write about one of my own pets
called Turbo. Turbo is a Horsfield tortoise
and he is 18 months old. I say he but you
cannot tell if a tortoise is a boy or girl until
they are at least 5 years old, but we think he
looks like a boy. He lives in a tortoise table as
he needs a UV light and a heat lamp to keep
him healthy and to help his shell grow. He
eats mainly weeds and flowers with
cucumber once a week as a treat and I
sprinkle calcium powder on his food to help
his shell stay healthy. My Mum has an app
on her phone called the Tortoise Table which
tells us which weeds and flowers are safe for
him to eat. He loves to dig and he also likes
to climb on his wooden arch to bask under
his lamp.
Once a week we weigh him and give him a
bath. It isn’t a proper bath we just put him in
warm water to the bottom of his shell as this
helps him grow and helps to hydrate him.
When he is fully grown he will be 8 to 10
inches long and the species can live up to
100 years old. When he is bigger my Dad is
going to build him an outdoor enclosure in
my garden. He is a very friendly tortoise and
likes company. He hardly ever puts his head
in his shell to hide and he can move quite quickly for a tortoise!
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my pet.

Pyjamas appeal
I would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who donated to the Children’s Hospital pyjamas appeal. I
have received over 70 pairs of pyjamas to date and people are still leaving them on my doorstep! These
pyjamas will be donated to mainly Derby Royal Children’s Ward and also to women’s refuges and children’s
hospices all in Derbyshire. Thanks also to Jo Rowarth who delivered the majority to our local drop off point
which is Etwall Post Office. If you would like to read more about why this appeal was started please go
to Thank you once again.
Kathryn Ferris.

                                                       2                             December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                      Longford Parish Press                                 Issue 75

Cookery Corner by Joy Beales
Mayfield Fruit Cake
This recipe is in memory of Sybil Jackson.
Sybil was such a good friend, we had spent many years having a wonderful friendship. l shall like many others
miss her greatly so l thought friends and neighbours would like to remember her with one of her favourite
8oz self-raising flour, 4oz caster sugar, 12oz mixed fruit, 2 eggs (not beaten), ¼ teaspoon spice,
¼ teaspoon nutmeg, 4 oz melted margarine, ¾ cup milk.
    1. Beat all the ingredients together for 4-5 minutes
    2. Place in a greased/lined 2 lb loaf tin
    3. Bake at 140C/275F/Gas mark 1 for approximately 2 hours

                         Let’s go wild for the sake of nature by Ginty Leedham
So autumn is well and truly here, the leaves are falling but still
forming a colourful carpet on the ground. I have seen quite a few
different fungus too, they are fascinating, but not the time of year to
see butterflies and bees but we can be thinking of early spring
flowers in our gardens that they can feed on. l have heathers that the
honey bees love - the best varieties I find for our garden are Erica
cornea and erica darleyensis; these will be coming into flower soon
and are a lovely splash of colour. Another wonderful early flowering
plant is hellebore, pictured right, a must for any garden and
beneficial to the bees, and of course there are crocus, snowdrops and
aconites to name but a few.
There are a couple of experimental projects being tried in the village
to see what wild flowers appear. Firstly you may have noticed a small
area in the church yard has been marked out, this is being left unmown next year to allow the wildflowers to
grow and seed. It will then be mown in August and the seeds allowed to set for next year, let’s hope this
ancient grassland produces some lovely wild flowers, keep watching and see what you can spot.
The other area to be left unmown is the deep corner on the roadside at Bupton. The kerb will still be mown to
keep the roadside clear; not sure there will be much in wildflowers here but maybe some interesting grasses,
somewhere to develop over time I think.
You may have noticed a couple of half barrels have appeared in the village, one at the pump-house and one at
the Marsh under the Longford sign. They have been installed by the parish council and funded by The Local
Project Fund courtesy of our District Councillor, Councillor Morley. They are planted up with violas with spring
bulbs to follow. Hope you all enjoy the splash of colour.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any ideas or comments.
Looking forward to spring already.
P.S. Teasels are a great all-round plant for nature, we had the goldfinch feeding on ours last week and the
bees love them in the summer.
Happy gardening.
Ginty Leedham 01335 330356

                                                    3                                  December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                      Longford Parish Press                                  Issue 75

                               Farming Past and Present by George Twigg
Hi my name is George and I have been asked to write a new feature for each edition about vintage tractors in
the village past and present.
I have my own vintage tractor called Edward. The
reason he is called Edward is because my Grandad
collects vintage tractors and he names all of them.
Edward was manufactured on Tuesday 8th
November 1955 by the Standard Motor Company in
Coventry. I found this out as I am a member of
Friends of Ferguson Heritage and they hold the
original factory records from the tractor’s serial
numbers. We are in the process of getting the
numberplate for it as we have applied for a V5
certificate. I am also a member of the Ferguson club.
I have had my Fergie for a few months and I have
lots of ideas of things to tinker with and improve him
with help from my Dad and my Grandad.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my Fergie and I will write about a different tractor in the next issue.

Telephone box
For the first time, l used the book kiosk in the village. l would like to pass on my thanks to the people who
organise it. It was clean and tidy, and even had a lovely lavender smell from an air freshener. It was a pleasure
to use. Joy Beales.
Thanks also to Lynda Pywell who has been looking after the defibrillator in the telephone box.

Pump Room bookings
If anyone would like to book the Pump Room please call Kathryn Ferris on 01335 330140 or email

                                                     4                                  December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                       Longford Parish Press                               Issue 75

                              The Longford Book Group by Angela Churchill
We had a chilly outdoor meeting at the end of September, followed by a return to meeting on Zoom in
Our two books were The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead, and The Shepherds Life by James Rebanks.
The Nickel Boys, Book Group Score 7
Like The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead’s previous book, The Nickel
Boys is based on real events, in this case linked to the real life Dozier School for
Boys in Florida. Hard working and studious Elwood Curtis, whose hero is Martin
Luther King, finds himself unjustly sent to the Nickel reform school, where he
meets Jack Turner. The regime at the school is far from what Elwood imagined
and he and Jack do their best to navigate the system. I missed the group
discussion but felt at times that the inclusion of incidents not relating directly
to Jack or Elwood (though interesting and perhaps relevant to the original
Dozier School) occasionally made the main story seem a bit thin. Overall
though, an easily read, absorbing story which has relevance in today’s world.
The Shepherds Life by James Rebanks (Penguin), Book Group Score 8
A calming book for worrying times. James Rebanks takes us off to the Lake
District fells through a series of memories, reminiscences and
observations which come together to give us a detailed picture of the life
and work of a Lake District shepherd through the seasons. We learn about
the value and breeds of sheep, the many skills passed through
generations that are required to build and care for a successful flock, and
the challenges and privileges that the modern shepherd’s life brings. The
book speaks of the personal as well as the general, so we get to know
James’s family, his struggles with the educational system and also how he
progresses through childhood to adulthood, working alongside his
grandfather, arguing with his father, and finally finding contentment in
the life he had always hoped to achieve.

Top Toddlers Playgroup (0-5 Years)
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Hopefully we can get the playgroup up and running again early next
year. Roll on a vaccination programme. If anyone would like to help me run it, either every week, fortnightly
or even once a month, please get in touch with me, Jacque Davis on 07855 551234 or via the Top Toddlers
Facebook page.

                                                      5                                December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                      Longford Parish Press                                  Issue 75

                                   What’s Happening at St Chad’s
                                 Visit our Facebook page: @stchadslongford
Wedding It was lovely to open church for the wedding of Abbie and James, after the long lockdown. Abbie
and James very kindly shared their beautiful photographs with us, some of which are on the St Chads
Facebook page.
Funeral Church was opened with extreme sadness in October for the funeral of Sybil Jackson. Sybil’s
kindness, friendship, support and help was part of many people’s lives in the village and beyond, over many
years. She will be greatly missed.
Bells A generous donation has enabled us to have the bells repaired and serviced. We look forward to
hearing them ring again once COVID restrictions permit.
St Chad’s Survey Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey and thank you also to the many
people who offered help. Surveys of this sort generally achieve between 3-10% return rates. We had 53
responses, representing about 15% of households in the Parish. 85% of respondents believed Option 1 to be
the best way forward for St Chad’s. We have updated everyone who left contact information and will be in
touch again soon. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more - by email or telephone
Harvest It was good to see everyone who visited
church for our Harvest Giving. In total 14 large
carrier bags of food and toiletries were collected.
With some usual Harvest Festivals being
cancelled, your kind donations will be more
welcome than ever this year as Padley were
concerned about being able to provide food to
those needing it on the run up to Christmas and
beyond. Dave played a fantastic piece on the
organ towards the end of the morning which can
be seen on St Chad’s Facebook page.
Remembrance Sunday We were all set for a Remembrance Sunday service, but it had to be cancelled due to
the new COVID restrictions. Church was however already dressed with some beautiful displays of poppies
and opened for private prayer on Sunday Morning. The Last Post was hauntingly played on viola by Joshua,
and can be seen on the St Chad’s Facebook page and Instagram account.
Christmas Restrictions permitting there will be a Street Market at garden gates in Longford, between the
Pump Room and Bupton Corner, on December 12th. The church will be decorated using decorations created
by Longford School children as the main theme, and church will open on December 20 th for everyone to
come and see (we have a one way system through church, and have implemented COVID health and safety
requirements). Visitors are invited to leave Christmas gifts of new toys for children 0-18 years who are living
in refuges to escape from domestic violence in the Derbyshire Dales. Listen out for Carol singers 7-7.30pm
on December 22nd, and Jane Legh will hold a service of Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve at St Chad’s,
if guidelines allow. For updates please keep an eye on our St Chad’s Facebook page, the church noticeboard
outside the school in Longford, and the board near South Lodge at the end of the drive leading to church.

                                                      6                                 December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                      Longford Parish Press                                  Issue 75

                                Longford Village Website by Alan Hall
A new Longford village website ( is being created by the Parish Council, kindly
funded by our District Councillor, Michele Morley. The aim of the website is to support the thriving village
community by improving communication, sharing stories, interests and events, and as an open forum for
everybody to use. The site can include features such as:
    •   Village newsletter
    •   Church events and information
    •   Clubs and other organisation pages, e.g. book club, walking group, photography etc
    •   Sections for special interest groups such as birds, wildflowers, cooking, chickens etc
    •   Sections for village charities and charity events
    •   Competition events such as the annual pumpkin competition
    •   Buy and sell pages
    •   Local industry advertising and possibly promotions/sponsorship
    •   A village directory
    •   Notifications such as changes in bin collections
    •   A village calendar
    •   Village history perhaps with residents’ photographs etc
    •   Blogs that people wish to share
    •   A gallery of village photographs
    •   And much more
The site has been started with some temporary content and will be expanded further during the next few
weeks. We very much welcome contributions from all parishioners. Photographs, village history,
interesting stories, church events, or a topic of interest they would like to share – all welcome. I can add
more pages to the site very easily. So, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions to be included, please email
them to

Longford and Local Help
We know that people are feeling tired and fed up of all the restrictions with Lockdown 2.0 and with winter
well on the way. We know that COVID has also felt a lot closer to home for many this time with the Midlands
being particularly hard hit and many more local cases. However, remember that we are all here for each
other in our local community - if you simply need a chat on the phone or an extra pint of milk when you’re
running low and are self-isolating - nothing is too small or too much of a problem. Feel free to contact
Rosanna Montgomery, Kathryn Ferris, Anne Mitchell, Rob Wakefield, Richard Leedham or Angela Churchill,
or Margaret Foot in Rodsley (see posters/flyers for contact details or sign up to our Facebook group page for
more local information and resources). We still have a long list of volunteers who are ready and willing to
Best Wishes and Stay Safe this winter.
The L&LH Team.

                                                     7                                  December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
Winter Edition 2020                      Longford Parish Press                                Issue 75

                                                           Welcome to new residents
                                                           The Parish Council would like to take this
                                                           opportunity to say ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’ to all
                                                           new residents of Longford.
                                                           Your Parish Councillors can be contacted as
                                                           Rob Wakefield 330144
                                                           Ginty Leedham 330356
                                                           Kevin Johnson 330410
                                                           Kevin Newman 330886
                                                           Lara Mosedale 330363
St Chad’s Church Longford                                  Alan Hall        216300
Planned events (subject to Covid restrictions):            Clerk to the Council - Mick Tunnicliffe 01335
December 12th 11.00am-2.30pm, Street Market,
                                                           District Councillor - Michele Morley 07711
Longford Pump Room to Bupton Corner.
December 20th St Chad’s open for visits to see the         County Councillor - Steve Bull 01629 580000
decorated church, (times to be arranged). You are          x36022
invited to leave a Christmas gift of a new toy in
church for a child aged 0-18. These will be given to       Parish Council meetings
Crossroads, a Derbyshire Dales charity providing
                                                           Wednesday 9th December 2020
refuge for parents and children escaping domestic
violence.                                                  2021 meetings are not yet set, dates will be on
                                                           the Parish Council website
December 22nd 7.00-7.30pm listen out for socially
distanced carol singers in the main parts of Longford      All commencing at 7.30 pm. Meetings are still
village, weather permitting.                               taking place via Zoom – joining details will be on
                                                           the agenda (which will be on the parish
December 24th 11.30pm A service of Midnight                noticeboards and on the Parish Council website).
Communion with Jane Legh at St Chad’s
                                                           Please note these meetings are open to the
Please check St Chads Facebook page                        public and all are welcome to attend.
(@stchadslongford) and village noticeboards for
updates.                                                   A note for your diary:-
                                                           The latest date for your contributions to the next
                                                           Newsletter is Friday 19th February 2021

W.I. Diary
The WI have continued to meet albeit using Zoom. The zooms have consisted mainly of quizzes and chat but
in October we had a speaker who told us of her mother’s life story and how she became one of the first
Macmillan nurses. In November we had our AGM.
If you are interested in joining our group or would like to find out about future meetings, please contact
Lorna on 01283 734 544 or 07399 513 167, email, or visit our Longford WI Facebook
page. Newcomers are always very welcome.
Keep safe.

                                                       8                              December 2020
CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council CHRISTMAS AT ST CHAD'S - Some dates for your diary on the run up to - Longford Parish Council
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