AUGUST 9, 2020 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - St. Theresa Church
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Abreu, Loretta Foo Sum, Sylvia Piller, Kathy FEAST OF THE Ambata, Emily Inzano, Karen Pinaula, Joseph ASSUMPTION Aquino, Patzy Johnson, Anne Putney, Elaine OF THE Aranaydao, Maria Juengling, Ashley Quesada, Carmen BLESSED Asuncion, Lino Klempert, Patricia Reyes, Bennett Bauer, Brian Kotubetey-Adodo, Renee Romero, Teresita VIRGIN MARY Bediamol, Patricia Lubaton, Cornelio Salisbury, Jane Saturday, Beck , Leiko Maea, Tanifa Sanchez, Arnold August 15, 2020 Berry, Shan Osaki, Marie Santiago, Casamajor 8:00 a.m. MASS Bolger, Mary Oswald, Therese Schulte, Marybeth Bolosan, Chyle Pada, Filipinas Shepard, Marvin On August 15 each Bumanglag, Arnold Palleson, Harold Sink,Ian year, Catholics Cablay, Carlotta Phaneuf, Gail Spens-Blakley, Becky celebrate a feast day in honor of one of the Davidson, Cathy Tesoro, Robert greatest mysteries of Dizon, Redentor Toves, Doris & Jim the life of the “Denny” & Ofelia Untalan, June Blessed Virgin Mary, Venencians, Justiniano her bodily Fontanilla, Joy Wrolstad, Ella Lynn assumption into Wrolstad, Julianne heaven. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it: The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her HEALING PRAYERS earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul FOR THE SICK & DYING into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in & FOR YOUR INTENTIONS the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of His Body (974). On November 1, in the Holy Year 1950, the day after • RIP Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. the closing of the International Marian Congress in + Edna DiFalco—Memorial Mass: Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 7 AM Rome, Pope Pius XII solemnly defined the dogma of the + Patricia Ross—Memorial Mass: TBD Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven: • And Let perpetual light shine upon them... “Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” This great event took place in St Peter’s Piazza in the presence of 40 Cardinals, 500 bishops, thousands of L IVING T HE P ASCHAL M YSTERY priests and more than a million of the faithful. But why is Mary so important to warrant such a special We might wonder why Jesus commanded his disciples to passage into heaven? The Church teaches that Mary set out by boat at dusk to meet him on the other side. It was without sin. She accepted God's will for her life and does not sound like a very wise or prudent request, and freely and perfectly obeyed. She served God, and followed her son, Jesus Christ. She was present at his especially so after the storm arose. Nevertheless, the disci- death and resurrection. As a just reward for her good- ples follow the advice of their master. Rather than meet ness and devotion, she was assumed into heaven them on the other side, during the darkest part of the where she resides today in the company of God, and all night, the disciples experience Jesus walking on the water the saints. in the midst of the wind and storm. Impetuous Peter seeks Mary, like the saints, can hear our prayers. She has a special connection to Jesus Christ as His mother and, to walk on the water too, but he is unable to do so due to therefore, we believe she can intercede for us. There is his lack of faith. In the end, the Lord calms the storm and also substantial evidence that Mary has delivered joins the disciples in the boat. revelations to people throughout history, and she When we experience turbulence and storms, we may be remains active in our world today. Countless miracles reassured that the Lord is near. When we call, he answers. are attributed to her intercession. The Virgin Mary remains one of the most important He will join us and the storms will subside. Is it any wonder figures in the Catholic faith, as well as for most this story has been read for centuries as an allegory for the Christians around the world. All people are encouraged relationship between Christ and the church? The boat may to follow her example and to emulate her devotion. protect us from the storm, but we still experience the Prayers, such as the Hail Mary, the Memorare, and the Hail Holy Queen are constantly recited by Christians, as effects of the storm. It is only Jesus himself who can calm well as the Rosary, which is a devotional prayer dedicat- the waters. ed to Mary and her son, Jesus Christ. Copyright owned/controlled by Liturgical Press. All rights reserved.
St. Theresa Church August 2020 Week of August 2nd: Sunday Offerings $ 5,317.00 AUGUST 15th & 16th—SECOND COLLECTION Online Offerings $ 2,582.00 Donations to St. Theresa Church $ 89.41 Donations to Hale Kau Kau $ 2,583.00 Maintenance: $ 767.00 Life Teen $ 5.00 INCOME TOTAL: $11,343.41 “When our gaze is focused on Jesus, we find the strength and resources to do things that frighten us...” RE-OPENED! ST. THERESA CHURCH GIFT SHOP SUNDAY: 8:00 AM TO 12:00 PM In July 2020, Catholic Charities Hawaii welcomed first tenants into Kahului Lani, WEEKDAYS: IF YOU WOULD Maui’s affordable senior living complex, LIKE TO PURCHASE A GIFT and blessed the ground for Phase Two. FROM OUR SHOP, PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE — 879-4844
MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO – ALENTAR UN ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LA ESCRITURA 9 de agosto de 2020 19º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ojalá, que como Pedro deseemos pedirle al Señor que nos mande a caminar sobre las aguas. En las situaciones difíciles de enfer- medad, pérdida de trabajo, falta de vivienda y muerte de seres queridos, sepamos correr el riesgo de buscar a Dios a ejemplo de Pe- dro. Pero, sin dudar, sino con una confianza firme. Nuestra vida está en manos de Dios, dice mucha gente y hasta nosotros lo deci- mos continuamente. En otras palabras, aceptar la voluntad de Dios, que sea lo que Dios quiera, Dios no nos abandona, y en fin tantas palabras muchas veces vanas porque a las primeras de cambio, nos hundimos y perdemos la fe. En el fondo, como Pedro, confiamos más en nuestras fuerzas que en la misericordia de Dios. Cada quien trae su propio costal y sabe lo que contiene, sus propias tempestades y altas olas que lo desubican y que le impiden confiar en Jesús. Hoy, el Evangelio nos pide confianza y la seguridad de dejarnos tomar de la mano de Jesús. Dios, es suave confian- za e intimidad segura. Santa Teresa de Ávila lo asegura en la siguiente oración. “Nada te turbe, nada te espante. Todo se pasa, Dios no se muda. La paciencia todo lo alcanza; quien a Dios tiene nada le falta: sólo Dios basta”. El Señor nos dice que no tengamos miedo, que como Pedro o cualquier discípu- lo de su tiempo y de este tiempo, Él exten- derá su mano y nos sujetará ante la tempes- tad. Sólo se pide fidelidad y confianza. Haga- mos la prueba y veremos la misericordia del Señor. No perdamos de vista al que camina sobre las aguas y nos pide que vayamos a su encuentro. Él tiene el poder de hacer cosas nunca vistas en todos los que creen. ©LPi
WEBSITE: DONATIONS: NewQuickGive WATCH MASS: Available by 9:00 AM on Sunday PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WE ARE RECORDING VIDEO AND AUDIO OF TODAY’S MASS. Recordings will be uploaded into St. Theresa’s Facebook and YouTube Channels. By entering and remaining inside St Theresa Church during Mass, you acknowledge and grant permission to be recorded and included in the media files created. Thank you.
Night Group Now Forming! Monday Nights @ 6:30 PM Begins September 14th $36.00 for the Study Guide Please contact Karen Powers 808-879-4844 ext. 25 Or To join this Study Group for Women
ST. THERESA CHURCH PARISHIONERS WHO VOLUNTEERED TO CLEAN THE CHURCH ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 Medel Aquino George Kolo Joe Mitchell Medel Aquino, Jr. Lomano Kolo Cliff Valite Vic Cardona Siaosi Kolo Jansen Valite Don Cherry Clive Lobo Jing Vega Richard Dulcich Gail Mitchell Juno Vega Special thanks to Clive for spearheading this project!!! HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY HALE KAU KAU!!! Hale Kau Kau is celebrating its 29th Anniversary in 2020, feeding the homebound and hungry 365 days a year, come rain, COVID-19 or shine. Thanks to our dedicated kitchen volunteers and drivers, HKK is committed to our belief that no one in South Maui goes without a daily meal. Your assistance and prayers are truly appreciated as we support our community through these pandemic challenges. A special mahalo to our partners at Maui Food Bank for their unswerv- ing support and supply of the basic food we need to fulfill our mission. If you are able, please participate in our virtual fundraising events and/or volunteer time in our program. There’s nothing more rewarding than providing for those in need.
On Sunday, August 2, 2020, the St. Theresa Filipino Catholic Club (STFCC) was pleased to present its 2020 Awards and Blessings to three outstanding leaders in our faith community. MEDIATRIX “TRIXIE” GALAM Outgoing President, St. Theresa Filipino Catholic Club Throughout her years as President of the STFCC, the “Four Pillars” of Stewardship A Way of Life— Thanksgiving, Prayer, Faith Formation, and Service— have shaped Trixie’s compassion and generosity to the STFCC and to our local community. She truly lives up to her name, “Mediatrix”! [In Catholic Mariology, the title Mediatrix refers to the intercessory role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son, Jesus Christ, and that He bestows graces through her. Mediatrix is an ancient title used by many saints since at least the 5th century.] Trixie’s notable contributions to the STFCC, the MCFCC, and to our Faith community include: 2016 to 2020 St. Theresa Filipino Catholic Club (STFCC) PRESIDENT—Two terms Chair, Ways & Means Committee Chair, Publicity & Catholic Press Committee Editor, Newsletter: Chair, Flores De Mayo Committee: Chair, Misa De Gallo Committee: Maui Council of Filipino Catholic Club (MCFCC) Vice President - Two Terms: Chair, Ways & Means Committee Diocesan Congress of Filipino Catholic Clubs (DCFCC) Chair, Publicity & Catholic Press Committee Chairperson & Editor, Newsletter St. Theresa Church Ministries — Ongoing: Church Environment Committee Extraordinary Minister of the Body and Blood of Christ. Filipino Choir, Lector, & Sacristan/Linen
REINHARD JONATHAN “RJ” SALACUP 2020 Graduate of Maui High School The son of Pedro & Mary Jane Salacup of Kihei, RJ was born & raised on Maui. RJ’s ZOREN-VAL DIVINA ATIJERA mother, Mary Jane, is a programmer with VIP 2020 Graduate of Maui High School Foodservice. JR has been accepted to the University of Hawaii Maui College and intends to The son of Lorenzo & Remedios obtain his degree in Electrical Engineering. RJ Atijera, Zoren was born & raised on credits his mother’s inspiration and support. “She’s Maui. Zoren’s father, Lorenzo, is a the one who encouraged me to join robotics and valued member of the St. Theresa who gave me the idea of becoming an engineer. I Church community who maintains our want to pursue this career, gathering all the beautiful campus. Zoren’s mother, knowledge and skills necessary while in UHMC, Remedios, is an auditor and hostess at then join the U.S. Air Force and complete my col- the Grand Wailea Maui. Like his lege degree while in the Air Force.” RJ’s strong parents, Zoren is a hard worker who is Catholic faith is evident throughout his focused and goal oriented. Zoren has service to our St. Theresa Church community, in- been accepted at the University of Ha- cluding being an usher during Mass and waii Maui College and intends to delivering food to the homebound. obtain his degree in Criminal Justice. For such a young man, Zoren is insightful, purposeful, and filled with faith. According to Zoren, “Out of all my years helping at St. Theresa Church, I would say that every time was the best time. Our parish always makes me smile because my church is all about giving and brightening peo- ple’s day. It is a blessing and a jour- ney to be able to help people and to show them the path of God.” The STFCC was delighted to present these outstanding youth with financial assistance to pursue their career goals at the University of Hawaii Maui College.
In the year 1300, the church in Rome celebrated one of the Stewardship spirituality first “holy year” feasts that would come to mark each invites us to centenary, then each twenty-five years, and occasionally each year ending in 33 (the traditional age of Jesus) or even 83 (the surrender control of our traditional age of Jesus, plus 50!), as in 1833, 1933, 1983. In lives to God in grateful 1300, pilgrims descended on Rome for this holy year, as they recognition of the simple would for centuries thereafter. As part of the commemora- fact that all we have is a tion, two years prior the mosaicist Giotto di Bondone was gift from Him. Today’s commissioned to create the navicella (the little boat) that readings illustrate what depicts the scene we read in the gospel today for St. Peter’s amazing things can Basilica. Centuries after di Bondone, during the time that St. happen when we fully Peter’s Basilica was completely renovated, the navicella was invite God to take charge nearly destroyed. It was ultimately restored and moved to the of our lives by embracing portico of the renovated Basilica where it can still be seen today. Often visitors and pilgrims walk right under it without the stewardship way of knowing it’s there! When one stands under the portico, life. looking out to the piazza, the mosaic is directly overhead, on When we take our eyes off God, we fail to see that all we the inside panel of the exterior wall of the façade, facing the have is a gift from Him. We lose trust in the Lord and we basilica. do not make our lives a grateful response to Him. The episode in the gospel (Jesus walking on the water) Peter makes this mistake in our Gospel passage from appears in two other gospel accounts, but Matthew has a Matthew. Jesus sends the disciples in a boat ahead of Him unique version of the story. It is only Matthew who has Peter to the other side of the shore. Later that evening, Jesus on the water with Jesus, then sinking due to a lack of faith. Of casually strolls up to the boat, walking on the sea. He course, Jesus rescues him and that is the moment depicted in invites Peter to join Him. As Peter begins to walk on the di Bondone’s mosaic at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It doesn’t take much imagination to see in this story that the water, he momentarily takes his eyes off Jesus to notice boat represents the church (Matthew is the only gospel to use the strong wind surrounding them. With that, he sinks. the term “church”) and that Peter, as leader of the twelve But what if Peter had not taken his eyes off Christ? What himself, is reliant upon Jesus. In fact, the entire boat is buffet- a grand adventure he could have experienced walking on ed by the storm, but does not sink. When Jesus comes aboard, the sea with Jesus! When we take our eyes off Christ, the the storm subsides and the waters are calm. many blessings He has given us, and the loving way He We are told this happened during the fourth watch of the treats us, we sink, too. night (between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.). Modern folks might When we embrace the wonder what the twelve were doing on the water at that time stewardship way of life of night, especially during a storm! The answer is that Jesus — letting go of a tight had commanded them to meet him at the other side. The Sea of Galilee is about thirteen miles long by eight miles wide. So hold over our money, even to traverse the shorter distance could have been time and talents — our treacherous, especially at night. lives become a grand As for those of us in the boat today, we can expect adventure, rooted firmly turbulence much like the disciples themselves experienced. and gratefully in the God Though Peter was willing to step outside the boat, his faith Who always cares for us. was little, not enough for him to stand on his own. His immediate cry for help was heard and he was saved. We may Stewardship Reflections Catholic take comfort in knowing that those in the ship will be safe Stewardship Consultants All rights reserved. even if the journey is bumpy. And the Lord is there to save us when we cry out. All content available from the Liturgical Press is protected by copy- right. All rights reserved.
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