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St. Mary Catholic Church

                     He took the child by the hand and said to her,
                           “Talitha koum,” which means,
                           “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”
                                                   Mark 5:41-42
27 2021 St. Mary Catholic Church - cloudfront.net
Dear Friends,                                               FAITH FORMATION
It was so exciting to see people back in church pray-       Our Teen Leaders are at work
ing together and celebrating the Lord’s goodness and        getting ready for the campers
healing of our world. Let’s not get too lax but contin-     coming to Vacation Bible School.
ue to be vigilant in keeping each other safe and well.      There is lots of enthusiasm and
We encourage you to sanitize your hands as you en-          energy as teens learn music,
ter the church, and if you feel more comfortable, you       leadership skills, choose group
may wear your mask through the entire liturgy.              names and practice small group techniques.

Another exciting announcement: The Adoration                Camper and Teen Registration is closed at this time.
Chapel will reopen on Tuesday, July 6. It will be           We are FULL. Email mkerfs@stmary-wc.org to be
open Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to              placed on a Waiting List.
3:00 p.m. Spread the news!
                        In the Gospel today we hear
                        of Jesus raising a young girl
                        from the dead. What an in-
                        credible but loving thing that
                        was, for sure. We, too, are
                        sharers in the Lord’s healing
                        grace whenever we turn to
Him in our need. When we receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation, when we share the Eucharist, when we
spend time in prayer and reflection with the Lord,          READINGS FOR THE WEEK
when we reach out to our brothers and sisters in need
– all these are times when Jesus shares His grace and       Monday:    Gn 18:16-33; Ps 103:1b-4, 8-11;
healing with us.                                                       Mt 8:18-22
Let us continue to pray for the help we need to live        Tuesday:   Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8,
out our Faith in action, and in love for others.                       17-18; Mt 16:13-19
                                                            Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13;
                           Father Fred                                 Mt 8:28-34
                                                            Thursday:  Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9;
   JESUS’ EXAMPLE OF HELPING OTHERS                                    Mt 9:1-8
                                                            Friday:    Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67;
In today’s second reading Paul offers a wonderful                      Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 9:9-13
argument to his converts at Corinth for seeking to help     Saturday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2;
those in need. He is dealing with a practical problem,                 Jn 20:24-29
arranging a collection for the poor of the church of        Sunday:    Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-4; 2 Cor 12:7-10;
Jerusalem; but as he often does, he develops an im-                    Mk 6:1-6a
portant teaching about Jesus to make his point.
After asking that they show their faith by generous
gifts, he reminds them of the “gracious act of our Lord                              Physical illness is
Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for your sake he                              not always the
became poor, so that by his poverty you might be-
come rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). In the Incarnation, our                              worst that can hap-
Lord assumed our human nature, certainly becoming                                    pen to a person. Pray
poor for one who is God. The ultimate gracious act of                                that sick friends,
this poverty was going to the cross with all its terrible
sufferings. By this act of poverty we definitely be-                                 family members, and
come rich. Now our sins can be forgiven; we can share                                parishioners may
in the very life of God through the sacraments; we
can attain eternal salvation!                               “touch the hem of Jesus’ garment” and be
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                            healed in ways they need it most.
                                                            Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
27 2021 St. Mary Catholic Church - cloudfront.net
Staff and Administration                                              MASS INTENTIONS
           Website: www.stmary-wc.org                             DATE         TIME                    INTENTION
Parish Office                     891-8900                      06/26      4:30 pm       Cesar Reyes
                                  Fax 934-1358
Fr. Fred Riccio,                  friccio@stmary-wc.org         06/27      9:00 am       Special Intention
    Pastor                        891-8900
Fr. John Blaker,                  891-8900                                 11:00 am      Wilfredo Orpiano
    In residence                                                           1:00 pm       Patrick Miloradovitch
Deacon Paul Turek                 pturek@stmary-wc.org
Ana Lau,                          alau@stmary-wc.org            06/28      12:05 pm      Karen Miller (L)
    Office Manager                891-8908
Aileen Baker,                     abaker@stmary-wc.org          06/29      12:05 pm      Thomas Pathiparampil (L)
    Bookkeeper                    891-8911                      06/30      12:05 pm      Larry and Tammi D’Addabbo (L)
                     Faith Formation                            07/01      12:05 pm      Walter Glynn
Maureen Tiffany                   mtiffany@stmary-wc.org
                                                                07/02      12:05 pm      Special Intention
    Director of Faith Formation   962-5808
Mary Kerfs,                       lifeteen@stmary-wc.org        07/03      8:30 am       Ken Wells
    Administrative Assistant      891-8939
Austin Pisciotto                  apisciotto@stmary-wc.org
    Coordinator K-Grade 6         891-8944
Jethro Castillo                   jcastillo@stmary-wc.org                          JUNE 29
   Youth Minister Grades 7-12     891-8920
Heather Abraham,                  habraham@stmary-wc.org
    Coordinator Confirmation      891-8934
   & Community Service
Tim Mannix                        tmannix@stmary-wc.org
    RCIA & Liturgy Coordinator    891-8921

                                                                Both Peter and Paul were men of action, the work
Office                            935-5054                      of each complementing that of the other. Both ar-
Website:                          www.st-mary.net
                                                                dent lovers of the Lord, each could rightly say, “I
Alumni:                           stmaryalumni@st-mary.net      have fought the good fight; I have finished the
Garrett Padia, Principal          935-5054                      race; I have kept the faith. From now there is re-
                                                                served for me a crown of righteousness, which the
                                                                Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day,
                                                                and not only to me but also to all who have longed
Allison Flamez                                Nancie Campi      for his appearing.” (2Tim 4:7-8). Ironically, they
Susana Jaime                                     Betty Baker    both earned that “crown of righteousness” around
Rosalinda Reyes                                Carol Erikson
                                                                the same time (c. 67) during the reign of Emperor
Jeanine Gordon                                Danyel Sheets
Jake Johnstone                              Beth Wainwright     Nero, who was all out to decimate the Christian
Diane Hewson                                    Robin Wood      community. Peter was crucified, as foretold by
Clarissa Gutierrez                                Billy Silva   Christ himself, on Vatican Hill (where today stands
Fred & Emilia Sohn                            Mary Kennedy      St. Peter’s Basilica), but upside down, in deference
Raul Gonzalez                                Cheryl LaMarre     to his feelings of unworthiness at dying in the posi-
Raquel Zittel                                Marissa Magno      tion in which the Lord had been crucified. Paul, a
David Toy                                          Ed Regan     Roman citizen, was beheaded on the Ostian Way
Ana Lopez                                 Annabelle Semira      at Tre Fontane, where now stands the magnificent
Dominador Hontucan                         Mary Ann McGill      basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.
Oralee Floria                               Maryann Moran       On June 29 (c.268) the bodies of the two martyrs
Mary McLoughlin PRAY FOR                  Bibiana Christman
                                                                were brought together at St. Sebastian’s catacomb
Angela Crane
Beverly Regan
                   THE SICK                 Carmen Bardges
                                               Pat O’Rourke     and thenceforth their feast, ranked among the
Josefina Zabat                            Marina de Castilla    twelve most important liturgical celebrations of the
Audry Robinson                                   Mark Butler    Catholic Church, has been jointly celebrated on
Loretta Holmes                                                  June 29. (From Saint Companions for Each Day, AJM & JK Mausolfe)
27 2021 St. Mary Catholic Church - cloudfront.net
What is the
                                                           Medal” and why
                                                           is it called that?
                                                           The medal of the Im-
                                                           maculate Conception
            Touching the Cloak of Christ                   that has come to be
Look to today’s Gospel and you’ll find one of the most     called simply the
arresting images in all of Scripture. Christ in a crowd,   “Miraculous Medal”
everyone clamoring for his attention, pressing against     dates back to an apparition of Mary to Saint Cathe-
him. Several feet away, is a chronically ill woman,        rine Laboure, who was then a novice sister with the
weak and desperate for help. She knows she doesn’t         Daughters of Charity. On November 27, 1830, Our
have a chance of getting his attention. She has no con-    Lady appeared to her standing on a globe, with
nections. She has no strength. All she can do is lift up   shafts of light streaming from her hands and the
her hand.                                                  words, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us
    So that’s what she does. She reaches out.              who have recourse to thee,” surrounding the image. In
    There comes a time, or maybe several times, in         the same vision, Catherine saw a capital “M” with a
each of our lives when we become this woman. We’re         cross above it and below two hearts. Catherine
tired and we’re sick. Is it with sin? With fear? With      seemed to hear a voice telling her to have what she
anger? It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, it’s made us     saw struck as a medal and a promise that those who
weak, and we feel like we’ve run out of options.           wore the medal would have the protection and inter-
We’ve looked for help and come up empty. We’ve             cession of the Mother of God. The first 1,500 of med-
consulted friends and gotten nowhere. We’re lost in        als were distributed in 1832. Many miraculous favors
the crowd of life, unable to stick our heads above the     were attributed to the use of the medal.
pressing throng to wave for help.                              Saint Catherine’s “Miraculous Medal” is among the
    And there is Christ, always passing by us. The hem     recognizable and popular symbols of modern Cathol-
of his cloak is never far from our grasp. We have no       icism. Reflecting on its widespread use, the 2001 Vat-
hope of a big miracle like the synagogue leader. We        ican document, “Directory on Popular Piety and Litur-
don’t even bother asking for that. But that cloak ... we   gy,” observes that the medal “recalls the mystery of
can touch that cloak. That’s something we can do.          Redemption, the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Do we do it, though? Do we have the confidence of      and of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. It signifies the
that sick, beaten-down woman who knew so totally           mediatory role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mys-
that healing was there for the taking? Or do we re-        tery of the Church, the relationship between Heaven
treat back into the crowd, stumbling back home with        and earth, this life and eternal life.” ©LPi
our pain and our sinfulness? Reach out, friends. How-
ever, whatever, whenever — reach out. Christ will not
fail you. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS. ©LPi

                  VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is an
experience for married Christian cou-
ples who value their relationship and
desire a richer, fuller life together.
Participate in a Marriage Encounter
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27 2021 St. Mary Catholic Church - cloudfront.net
Marcos nos lleva ahora paso a paso, a ver los mila-                Según san Mateo             SAN PEDRO Y SAN PABLO
gros de Jesús. En este caso son dos: el de la mujer                (14:25), una noche,
que sufría de hemorragias y la resurrección de la                  mientras los discípulos
hija de Jairo, jefe de la sinagoga y responsable de                estaban en la barca de
la comunidad judía. Hoy el Evangelio nos narra un                  Pedro, Jesús vino hacia
doble acto de fe. Jesús iba camino a la casa de Jai-               ellos caminando sobre el
ro y de repente entre el gentío que lo apretujaba                  mar de Galilea. Ellos se
sucedió lo siguiente: “Se encontraba allí una mujer                espantaron creyendo
que padecía un derrame de sangre desde hacía                       que era un fantasma de
doce años... la mujer pensaba: Si logro tocar, aunque              algún pescador que
sólo sea su ropa, sanaré. Al momento de tocarla,                   murió en el mar. Jesús
cesó su hemorragia y sintió en su cuerpo que estaba                los calmó diciendo:
sana” (Marcos 5:24-28). Enseguida viene el diálogo                 “¡Ánimo!, que soy yo; no
de preguntas y respuestas entre Jesús, sus discípulos              teman”. Debió ser impactante ver al Señor caminar
y la mujer, quien responde asustada a lo que Jesús le              sobre las aguas, especialmente en una época donde
dice: “Hija, tu fe te ha salvado; vete en paz y queda              las aguas eran consideradas como el caos y lugar de
sana de tu enfermedad” (Marcos 5:34).                              demonios. Caminando sobre el mar, Jesús les muestra
                                                                   que él es Señor de toda la creación, incluyendo las
Este episodio impidió que                                          aguas de nuestra vida.
Jesús llegara rápido a la casa                                       A los latinos nos gusta recordar la presencia de Dios
de Jairo. Llegaron algunos de                                      y sus santos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Ellos nunca
la casa de éste y le dieron la                                     están lejos de nuestra vida, de nuestras alegrías y
mala noticia de que su hija ya                                     penas, por eso los invocamos y celebramos. En varias
había muerto. Jesús se hace el                                     partes de Latinoamérica, los fieles celebran a distin-
desentendido, como que no se                                       tos santos con procesiones de barcos sobre ríos o
da cuenta. Entonces se dirige a Jairo y le dice: “No               mares. En el Puerto de Paita, Perú, se llevan a los
tengas miedo; solamente ten fe.” ¡Qué poca cosa nos                santos Pedro y Pablo en una procesión acuática. Am-
pide Jesús! Solamente tener fe, fe como un granito                 bos santos conocen bien los peligros del mar. San
de mostaza. Y sucede el milagro de la resurrección                 Pablo naufragó en el Mar Mediterráneo (Hechos 27)
de la niña. Talitá kumi que quiere decir: ¡Niña, te di-            víctima de una tempestad. San Pedro, que fue pesca-
go, levántate! “Vayamos hoy a casa con este icono                  dor, también conoció las tempestades del mar. Él se-
del Evangelio de hoy: el jefe de la sinagoga que se                guramente se siente seguro en la barca, ya que son
arroja ante Jesús, sin miedo de avergonzarse o ser                 barcas de pescadores las que forman la procesión.
objeto de burlas. En juego estaba la vida de su hija”              Esta procesión reconoce el caos del mar honrando a
—Papa Francisco. (Homilía, Santa Marta,4 de febrero, 2014). ©LPi
                                                                   los pescadores que, durante el año, perdieron su vida
                                                                   en la mar, con guirnaldas lanzadas a la bahía. Pero,
                                                                   esta procesión no se espanta del mar, ya que es una
                                                                   fiesta en honor de dos siervos de aquél que camina
                                                                   sobre las aguas, dominando el mar y el mal.
                                                                   Fray Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Lunes:     Gn 18:16-33; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 8-11;
           Mt 8:18-22
Martes: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9;
           2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
                                                                   La enfermedad física no es siempre
Miércoles: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Sal 34 (33):7-8, 10-13;                 lo peor que le puede suceder a una
           Mt 8:28-34
Jueves: Gn 22:1b-19; Sal 115 (114):1-6, 8-9;
                                                                   persona. Ora para que los amigos,
           Mt 9:1-8                                                familiares y feligreses enfermos se
Viernes: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67;
           Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 9:9-13
                                                                   acerquen a Jesús y puedan “tocar
Sábado: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 117 (116):1bc-2;                           el borde de su manto” y quedar sa-
           Jn 20:24-29                                             nos de lo que más necesitan.
Domingo: Ez 2:2-5; Sal 123 (122):1-4;                              Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
           2 Cor 12:7- 10; Mc 6:1-6a
27 2021 St. Mary Catholic Church - cloudfront.net
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