The Great Faith of Saint Isidore the Farmer - St. Anthony of Padua

Page created by Josephine Curtis
The Great Faith of Saint Isidore the Farmer - St. Anthony of Padua
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time⦁ 28 Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario October 14, 2018

                                           411 Texas Blvd. • P.O. Box 1029 • Dalhart, Texas 79022

                                            305 East Pine St. • P.O. Box 362 • Texli ne, Texas 79087
                                                                Bishop of Rome: His Holiness Pope Francis
                                                         Bishop of Amarillo: The Most Rev. Patrick J. Zurek, STL, DD

                                            Celebration of the Sunday Eucharist
                       Saturday– 5:00 p.m. & 7:15 p.m. Texline Sunday - 9:30 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Spanish
                                                Sacrament of Reconciliation
                            Thursday - 6:30 p.m.– 7:00 p.m.        Saturday– 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

       The Great Faith of Saint Isidore the Farmer

     sidore has become the patron of farmers and rural             Isidore had deep religious instincts. He rose early in the
     communities. In particular, he is the patron of Madrid,       morning to go to church and spent many a holiday
     Spain, and of the United States National Rural Life           devoutly visiting the churches of Madrid and surrounding
     Conference.                                                   areas.

When he was barely old enough to wield a hoe, Isidore
entered the service of John de Vergas, a wealthy landowner
from Madrid, and worked faithfully on his estate outside
the city for the rest of his life. He married a young woman
as simple and upright as himself who also became a saint—
Maria de la Cabeza.

They had one son and they named him Illan. Legend has it
that when Illan was a toddler, he fell into a deep well and
there was no way to get him out. Isidore and Maria knelt
together and joined hands in prayer and the well slowly
filled, lifting Illan to the top so he could be saved. His mom
and dad believed God had given them a miracle to save
their son.

                        In thanksgiving for the miracle
                        they vowed to remain celibate for
                        the rest of their lives.
                                                                   All day long, as he walked behind the plow, he communed
                                                                   with God. His devotion, one might say, became a problem,
                                                                   for his fellow workers sometimes complained that he often
                                                                   showed up late because of lingering in church too long.
They were truly people of great faith because when Illan
died not long after, they never doubted God for a moment           He was known for his love of the poor, and there are
or went back on their vows.                                        accounts of Isidore’s supplying them miraculously with
                                                                   food. He had a great concern for the proper treatment of
The Great Faith of Saint Isidore the Farmer - St. Anthony of Padua
Parish Office ......................................................................806-244-4128
                                                                                                              Liturgical Ministers/Ministros Liturgicos
Parish Fax………………..…………………………………...806-244-7128                                                                                 Saturday, October 20, 2018 &
School ....................................................................................806-244-4811                          Sunday, October 21, 2018
Websites ...................................................                        Servers
                                                                            5:00 pm                    Gatlin McGaugh, Elijah Schartz, John
                                                                                                                                         Taylor, Joshua Walker
Parish Staff
Pastor ........................................................... Father Lawrence John, JCL                  9:30 am                    Darren Mariscal, Barrett Bezner, Elli
Deacon…………………………………………………..Deacon Louis Artho                                                                                            Bezner, Ethan Bohr, Anthony De Santiago,
Deacon ......................................................... Deacon Michael Anzaldua                                                 Dallon Gilmore
Office Administrator ................................................... Rocio Marquez
Christian Formation Director .............................. Jovita Anzaldua                                   12:00 pm*                  Salvador Ortiz, Leylany Ortiz, Ariana
Youth Director………………….…………………………….Alyssa Wieck                                                                                           Gonzalez, Helena Rivero
Office Assistant ................................................................... Connie Salas
Custodian…………………………………………..……... Aracely Vasquez                                                              Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Maintenance………………………………………………..Jorge Cendejas                                                                 5:00 pm                    Harley Banks, Stephanie Consbruck,
                                                                                                                                         Joe Villasenor, Ed Weber, Pat Consbruck
Parish Office Hours
Monday– Friday:                                                                                               9:30 am                    Kay Bezner, Cynthia Lenz, Wade Lenz,
9:00a.m.– 4:00p.m.                                                                                                                       Catherine Morgan, Madison Schroder

                                                                                                              12:00 pm*                  Crixthelma Sanchez, Kevin Ortiz, Maria
Event Calendar                                                                                                                           Saldana, Mary Anaya , Veronica Reyes,
                                                                                                                                         Elena Quevedo
Mon. 10/15 8:15 am                         Holy Mass
                                           Dale Holtapp                                                       Lectors
Tue. 10/16 5:00 pm                         Legion of Mary - San Antonio Rm                                    5:00 pm                    Steve Brorman, Steve Consbruck

Wed. 10/17 6:30 am                         Adoration &                                                        9:30 am                    Aidan Weber, Shelly Lenz
                                           Justice & Liberty Rosary
                       7:00 am             Men’s ACTS                                                         12:00 pm*                  Beatriz Rivero, Juventino Espinoza
                       8:15 am             Holy Mass                                                          Ushers
                                           †Marvin Batenhorst
                                                                                                              5:00 pm                    Randy Bradford, Don Bowers
Thur. 10/18 8:15 am                        Holy Mass
                                           Ramon & Laura Garcia                                               9:30 am                    Breezy Walters, Jarret Bishop, Mario
                                           Anniversary                                                                                   Chavira, Hector Gomez
                       6:30 pm             Confessions                                                        12:00 pm*                  Juventino Rodriguez, Raul Rivero, Ananhi
                       7:00 pm             Bilingual Holy Mass with the                                                                  Saldana
                                                                                                                                                *Spanish Mass
                                           †Richard Avila

Fri. 10/19             8:15 am             Holy Mass
                                           †Robbie Ann Gwinn
                     12:10 pm              Holy Mass- Texline                                                                               Stewardship
                                           All Souls                                                          October 7, 2018
                                                                                                              Regular Collection Income................................................. $7,772.00
Sat. 10/20 3:30 pm                         Confessions                                                        Children’s Collection ................................................................ $334.00
           5:00 pm                         Holy Mass                                                          Total Weekly Income Needed .......................................... $9,327.00
                                           Graham Family                                                      Difference (+/-) .....................................................................-$1,221.00
                       7:15 pm             Holy Mass– Texline
                                           All Personal Intentions                                            Month of October
                                                                                                              Regular Collection Income................................................. $8,106.00
Sun. 10/21 9:30 am                         Holy Mass                                                          Monthly Income Needed ................................................. $37,308.00
                                           People of the Parish                                               Amount Needed by 10/31/18 ..................................... -$29,202.00
                     12:00 pm              Holy Mass (Spanish)
                                           †Jesus Garcia                                                      Upcoming Second Collection: October 21, 2018
                                                                                                              World Mission Sunday– Please offer your prayers and most
                        Donuts - C.J & Barbara Unruh,
                                                                                                              generous sacrifice. You will help the Church’s missionary
                           Jim & Carolyn Wieck,
                                                                                                              work around the world.
                              Germaine Meyer                                                              2
ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                     ANNOUNCEMENTS

7th Annual Brawt Trot                                             Liturgical Minister Trainings
5K Run and 1 Mile Walk/Fun Run                                    We will have trainings for all new and existing ministers after
Saturday, October 20th 9:00 am                                    9:30 am & 12:00 pm Masses. All are required to attend.
All proceeds to benefit the St. Anthony Catholic Church Youth     Sunday, October 28th– Server Training
Start your Oktoberfest weekend off with a great run or walk       Mark Your Calendars!
on Saturday morning beginning at 9 a.m. and support St.
                                                                  To recognize the contribution of rural communities and to
Anthony’s youth group. Starting location will be at the Peoples
                                                                  promote devotion to Mary, Our Lady of Gentle Rain, Bishop
Church south parking lot.        Early registration is $20!
                                                                  Zurek will soon offer special Masses in each of the rural
Registration after September 5th is $25. Registration forms
                                                                  deaneries. Support the way of life that supports you!
are available at St. Anthony Catholic Church office, online at (select News & Events, then             Plan to attend one of these special liturgies. East Deanery:
Calendar) or on the Brawt Trot Event Page on Facebook.            Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Groom, Wednesday,
                                                                  October 3rd, 7 PM; North Deanery: St. Anthony Church in
                                                                  Dalhart, Thursday, October 18th, 7:00 PM; South Deanery:
                                                                  Holy Family Church in Nazareth, Wednesday, October 24th,
                                                                  6:30 PM
If you would like to baptize your child or be a sponsor please    Oktoberfest
contact the parish office at 244-4128.                            Oktoberfest is set for Sunday, October 21 and will be here
                                                                  before you know it! If you would like to make a monetary
Prayer Blanket Ministry                                           donation toward the meal, checks can be made payable to St.
                                                                  Anthony Oktoberfest and dropped off at the church office or
If you know of someone in need of a “Prayer Blanket”, please      mailed to PO Box 1029. If you have any questions, please call
contact Rosie Barber - 244-4602, Virginia Wright-                 the church office at 244-4128 or Jenny McDaniel at 333-6997.
268-0035, Rocio Marquez - 244-4128 The special blankets are
blessed and given to the recipient transforming the
blanket into a “Prayer Blanket” whose threads become              Beginning Experience
interwoven with pleas to God for healing on behalf of those
struggling with a serious illness.                                Beginning Experience helps us deal with the grief and through
                                                                  God, turns the pain of loss into an experience of positive
DEVOTION TO MARY                                                  growth.
(Rose to Mary Ministry)                                           October 26 - 28
O MOST BLESSED MOTHER, heart of love, heart of mercy,             Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center
ever listening, caring, consoling; hear our prayer. As your       Cost: $200 shared room / $260 single
children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son.       Reg: 806-383-1811
Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we
place before you today, especially for
                                                                   Let Us Pray
                Marvin Batenhorst
                                                                   Francis Ondracek, Ramon Garcia, Nicholas Wynia, Lisa
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those       Surginer, Mikki McDonald, Audrey Jurgens, Louise Dirks,
who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and          Justin Whitaker, Mary Ellen Stoppel, Irma Joe Mitchell,
intercession those whom we love, who are sick, lonely, hurting     Ramon Valdez, Rudy Valdez, Chris Valdez, Billy Valdez,
or have gone before us. Help all of us, Holy Mother to bear our    Larry Hill, Tanya Perez, Gery Bezner, Kevin Costa, Maria
burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace     Estrada, Manuel Torres, Cindy Reif, Lupe Fernandez,
with God forever. Amen.                                            Santina Farris, Ken Wieck, Jerry Stone, Tally & Gary Reagan,
_______________________________________                            Joyce Heckman, Brandon Hadley, Marti Padilla, Dora Griego,
The rose often symbolizes Mary, the Queen of Heaven. In            Fred Albracht, Gary Johnson, Sharon Giefer, Irene Heckman,
relation to the Blessed mother it displays perfect love, form,     Phillip Gomez, Barbara Podzemny, Dan Corbitt, Hanah
fragrance, and color. For Mary the thorns on the rose remind us    Reagan, Steve Rumley, Connie Perez, Delia Mireles, Imelda
that Our Lord Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns and gave up      Castillo, Matt Thompson, Salvador Castro, Kenneth Sadau,
his blood for all humanity, as His Mother, Mary witnessed this     Olivia Vasquez, Beatrice Sandoval Marez, Rory Gomez,
suffering and death first hand at the foot of the cross.           Olivia Davila, Giancarlo Padilla., Priscilla Gonzalez,
                          St Anthony’s of Padua Altar Society      Benjamin Garcia, Deacon Ron Hein, Cyrus Wagner, Frank
                                                 Dalhart, TX 3     Wheeler, Terri Johnson.
ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                         ANNOUNCEMENTS

High School Bible Study                                               37th Annual Oktoberfest October 21,
Attention all High School Ladies: There will be a free bible          2018
study on Thursdays starting October 25 from 12:20-1:00 in
                                                                      The 37th annual Oktoberfest to benefit St. Anthony of Padua
the San Antonio Room. Lunch will be provided. We’ll eat
                                                                      Catholic School is set for Sunday, October 21,
together and study weekly lessons from Courageous Virtue
                                                                      2018 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Rita Blanca
for Teens: A Study on the Heroines of Biblical History. To
                                                                      Coliseum. Tickets are $10.00 and can be purchased in
sign up and reserve your book, please call or text Jenny at 806
                                                                      advance from St. Anthony Catholic School students, at the
-333-6997 by October 15.
                                                                      school office, or at the door the day of the meal. There are
                                                                      many ways parishioners can help, from making desserts for
October Rosary - Month of Mary                                        the dinner, making a donation for pies, to helping out at the
                                                                      coliseum the day of the dinner. We appreciate all the support
Please join the Legion of Mary, in praying the rosary 30
                                                                      of the parish, we are very blessed to be a part of a vibrant
 minutes before all the weekend Masses. As you know,
                                                                      parish that is so generous in supporting our Catholic school!
October is the month to pray for Mary our Mother’s
intercession. All are welcome!
                                                                      Be a Box Tops for Education
Food Pantry                                                           SUPERHERO!
The food pantry will be open to the public on Sunday, October         St. Anthony Catholic School is proud to be a part of the Box
7th at 1 pm.                                                          Tops for Education program. Our school has received over
                                                                      $9,000, to date, just by sending in the Box Top coupons found
                                                                      on items you use every day in your home or office.
Lost and Found
                                                                      How can you help St. Anthony Catholic School through the
If you have lost anything over the last year in the church,           Box Tops program?
please stop by the parish office before October 31st. Anything
not claimed will be donated.                                          While shopping for groceries, office supplies, paper goods for
                                                                      your home and more, just look for the Box Tops logo on
                                                                      hundreds of products. Then clip and drop them in the
Coon Memorial Service                                                 collection bin located in the narthex – each one is worth 10¢,
We will have a coon memorial service on Sunday, October               and they add up fast! Our goal this year is $1,000!
28th at 3:00pm. All are invited to attend.
                                                                      Thank you for your support of this program for our
Online Giving Now Available
1. Go to www. using any device                  October Activities:
2. Select “About” tab at the top of screen
                                                                      OKTOBERFEST & AUCTION 2018
3. Choose “ePayments”
                                                                      We are preparing for Oktoberfest 2018, crusaders are out
4. Choose One-Time or Recurring donation
                                                                      selling tickets $10 each. If you need tickets, call the school
5. Select your preferred form of payment & enter your info
                                                                      office we can help! 806-244-4811. Many new and exciting
6. Submit your donation
                                                                      things happening for our auction this year! Come out and
                                                                      enjoy the day with us!
                                                                      CRUSADER OF THE WEEK
An invitation is extended to…                                         Emma Wilbanks, she is always lending a helpful hand and
   Those who are unbaptized                                          encouraging the class to be ready to learn. Samantha Hopper
                                                                      is Emma's mother. Congratulations Crusader!
   Those baptized in the Catholic Church who have not
received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation
                                                                      Looking ahead:
 Those baptized in another Christian Church who are
                                                                      October 8 - NO SCHOOL
    interested in learning more about the Catholic Church
                                                                      October 16 - 2:45PM Dismissal/Staff Mtg
                                                                      October 21 - Oktoberfest
St Anthony of Padua community invites you to meet with
                                                                      October 31-All Saints Day Celebration
members of the RCIA team who welcome your interest and
                                                                      November 1-No School
questions regarding the Catholic Church and our parish
community. This team of volunteers assists people who would
like to experience full communion in the Catholic Church and
the richness of the Christian life.
Call the parish office for more information 806-244-4128.         4
ANUNCIOS                                                                    ANUNCIOS
Octubre– El Mes del Rosario                                             Matachines
Durante el mes de octubre se rezara el Rosario 30 minutos               Los matachines ya están practicando. Si le gustaría ser parte
antes de cada Misa. Favor de asistir y rezar el Rosario con             de los matachines por favor de asistir a las practicas los
nosotros.                                                               lunes, martes, y viernes en el gimnasio a las 7:00pm.

Ultrella                                                                Entrenamiento Para Ministros
La ultrella se llevara acabo el 25 de octubre a las 7:30 pm en el       Tendremos un entrenamiento para todos los ministros
cuarto de San Antonio.                                                  nuevos y actuales después de las Misas de 9:30 am y 12:00pm.
                                                                        Domingo, 28 de octubre-           monaguillos
Lleno de Amor
Todos los viernes a las 6:00pm están invitados a asistir a
Lleno de Amor del programa Ven Señor Jesús en el Cuarto de              Sé un SUPERHEROE de Box Tops para la
San Antonio.                                                            educación!
                                                                        La Escuela de San Antonio se enorgullece de ser parte del
Amor Eterno                                                             programa Box Tops para Educación. Nuestra escuela ha
Amor Eterno entre familias un grupo familiar dirigido mas a             recibido más de $ 9,000, hasta la fecha, simplemente enviando
las parejas. Para mas información mandar un mensaje de                  los cupones Box Top que se encuentran en los artículos que
texto a Elsa 469-703-1442.                                              usa todos los días en su hogar u oficina.
                                                                        ¿Cómo puede ayudar a la Escuela de San Antonio a través del
Cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia                                      programa Box Tops?
El cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia se llavera acabo cada             Mientras compra comestibles, suministros de oficina,
lunes a las 7:00 pm en el Cuarto de San Antonio y en Texline            productos de papel para su hogar y más, solo busque el
cada sábado a las 5:30pm. Todos están invitados.                        logotipo de Box Tops en cientos de productos. Luego córtelos
                                                                        y colóquelos en el contenedor de recolección ubicado en el
                                                                        narthex; cada uno vale 10 ¢ y se suman rápidamente. ¡Nuestro
Manta de Oración                                                        objetivo este año es $ 1,000!
Si conoce a alguien que necesita una "Manta de Oración",                ¡Gracias por su apoyo a este programa para nuestra escuela!
comuníquese con Rosie Barber - 244-4602, Virginia Wright -
268-0035, Rocío Márquez - 244-4128. Las mantas especiales
son bendecidas y entregadas al destinatario para transformar
                                                                        Actividades de Octubre:
la manta en una "manta de oración" cuyos hilos se entrelazan
con súplicas a Dios para sanidad en nombre de aquellos que              OKTOBERFEST & AUCTION 2018
luchan contra una enfermedad grave.                                     Nos estamos preparando para el Oktoberfest 2018, los
                                                                        estudiantes están vendiendo boletos $ 10 cada uno. Si
                                                                        necesita boletos, llame a la oficina de la escuela para que
Quinceañera o Boda para el                                              podamos ayudarlo 806-244-4811. ¡Muchas cosas nuevas y
2018/2019                                                               emocionantes están sucediendo en nuestra subasta este año!
                                                                        ¡Ven y disfruta el día con nosotros!
Si usted esta planeando tener una boda o quinceañera en este
año o el año que viene favor de pasar por la oficina para ver si
califica y para reservar la fecha. Tenga en mente que las               CRUSADER DE LA SEMANA
fechas se llenan rápido.                                                Emma Wilbanks, siempre está ayudando y animando a la cla-
                                                                        se y esta lista para aprender. Samantha Hopper es la madre de
                                                                        Emma. Felicidades cruzado!
Donación por Internet
1. Vaya a www.
2. Seleccione “About” arriba de la pantalla                             Mirando hacia el futuro:
                                                                        8 de octubre - NO HAY ESCUELA
3. Elija “ePayments”                                                    16 de octubre - 2:45 PM Salida / Junta de
4. Elija One-Time (Una ves) o Recurring donation                                        Personal
                                                                        21 de octubre - Oktoberfest
5. Seleccione su método preferido para pagar                            31 de octubre- Celebración del Día de Todos
   (cheque electrónico o tarjeta de debito/crédito)                                     los Santos
6. Pongan información                                                   1 de noviembre-No hay clases
7. Envié su donación!
Muchas gracias a todos por su generosidad!                          5
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