Technology and the Problem of Change - Michael Fullan Gerry Smith - December 1999

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Technology and the Problem of Change

                  Michael Fullan
        Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
                  University of Toronto

                    Gerry Smith
                   Founding Principal
                River Oaks Public School

                   December 1999

Bringing Real-World Problems to the Classroom

   Children in a Tennessee middle-school math class have just seen a
   video adventure from the Jasper Woodbury series about how architects
   work to solve community problems, such as designing safe places for
   children to play. The video ends with this challenge to the class to
   design a neighborhood playground:

      Narrator: Trenton Sand and Lumber is donating 32 cubic feet of
   sand for the sandbox and is sending over the wood and fine gravel.
   Christina and Marcus just have to let them know exactly how much
   they’ll need. Lee’s Fence Company is donating 280 feet of fence.
   Rodriguez Hardware is contributing a sliding surface which they’ll cut
   to any length, and swings for physically challenged children. The
   employees of Rodriguez want to get involved, so they’re going to put
   up the fence and help build the playground equipment. And Christina
   and Marcus are getting their first jobs as architects, starting the same
   place Gloria did 20 years ago, designing a playground.

   Students in the classroom help Christina and Marcus by designing
   swingsets, slides, and sandboxes, and then building models of their
   playground. As they work through this problem, they confront various
   issues of arithmetic, geometry, measurement, and other subjects. How
   do you draw to scale? How do you measure angles? How much pea
   gravel to we need? What are the safety requirements?

   Assessments of students’ learning showed impressive gains in their
   understanding of these and other geometry concepts. In addition,
   students improved their abilities to work with one another and to
   communicate their design ideas to real audiences (often composed of
   interested adults). One year after engaging in these activities, students
   remembered them vividly and talked about them with pride.

                                                       Bransford et al, 1999:196

The above example is one of countless radically new examples of the new

technology at work (for many other examples see Bransford, et al, 1999,

Chapter 9; Scardamalia and Bereiter, 1999; Wiggins and McTighe, 1998).

While still in the minority, we now have enough on-the-ground examples to

know what the new technology looks like and can do to embrace learning. At

the same time we also are beginning to realize that the mo re powerful

technology becomes, the more indispensable good teachers are.

The more powerful technology becomes, the more indispensable good

teachers are. This would not be the case if rote learning were the goal but it is

especially the case when learners must construct knowledge and meaning in

order to achieve deep understanding. In this paper we identify and connect

two domains of knowledge within which great advances have been made in

the past decade. One has to do with technology and learning itself; the other

with knowledge of the process of change. By and large, the dramatic

developments in the domain of technology and learning have not been

informed by knowledge of the change process. Yet they used to be intimately


We start with a brief portrayal of new developments on the pedagogy of

technology and learning, and then we pursue the connection with what we

know about how effective change takes place.

                         Technology and Learning

DVD, gigabyte, virtual learning space, RAM, ROM, digital video, digital

cameras, ATM, PDF, graphing calculators, computer projection systems, video

streaming — all common terms to many people in the workplace and some

educators. Slide projectors, overhead projectors, Gestetner machines, dicta

machines, record players and other traditional technology — fond memories

of the past or are they? A new language using technology vocabulary many of

us are unfamiliar with today. Changing times, changing schools — a phrase

that challenges what we are currently doing in many classrooms. Are we still

rooted in the curriculum of the 70’s or have we truly made the necessary

changes to move forth and connect teaching and learning to a knowledge

work society.

There is actually an increasingly clear notion of the nature of the paradigm

shift underway in radically altering the nature of learning through

technology. What is the changing paradigm as we enter the year 2000? The

technology will necessitate that teachers change their pedagogy for learning to

become relevant and meaningful for students to acquire the necessary

knowledge and skills to be productive citizens in a global economy. ISTE

(International Society for Technology in Education) along with the Milken

Exchange on Education Technology produced a document for the U.S.

Department of Education titled “National Education Technology Standards

for Students”. The following chart from this document is a good example of

the shift in nature of the learning environment (U.S. Department of

Education, 1998:2):

Traditional Learning Environments        New Learning Environments

♦ teacher centered instruction           ♦ student centered instruction
♦ single sense stimulation               ♦ multisensory stimulation
♦ single path progression                ♦ multipath progression
♦ single media                           ♦ multimedia

Traditional Learning Environments       New Learning Environments

♦ isolated work                         ♦ collaborative work
♦ information delivery                  ♦ information exchange
♦ passive learning                      ♦ active/exploratory/inquiry based
♦ factual, knowledge-based              ♦ critical thinking and informed
♦ reactive response                     ♦ proactive/planned action
♦ isolated, artificial context          ♦ authentic, real-world context

                                          U.S. Department of Education, 1998

This same document notes that the resulting learning environments should

prepare students to:

Communicate using a variety of media and formats;

♦ Access and exchange information in a variety of ways;
♦ Compile, organize, analyze, and synthesize information;
♦ Draw conclusions and make generalizations based on information
♦ Use information and select appropriate tools to solve problems;
♦ Know content and be able to locate additional information as needed;
♦ Become self-directed learners;
♦ Collaborate and cooperate in team efforts;
♦ Interact with others in ethical and appropriate ways.

Similarly, Dwyer, et al (1991) talk about classroom approaches of knowledge

instruction and knowledge construction. Knowledge instruction is viewed as

the transfer of thoughts from one who is knowledgeable to one who is not

and teacher work is perceived as direct instruction. Knowledge construction

views learning as a personal, reflective, and transformative process where

teacher work comprises facilitating students’ abilities to integrate ideas,

experiences, and points of view into something new. The two approaches are

not incompatible and simply position on a continuum of learning strategies.

Technology plays a different role in the two approaches. In a knowledge

instruction classroom, technology can be a patient tutor giving students the

opportunity to repeat the learning of a concept until mastered. This is quite

appropriate for some students. In a knowledge construction setting,

technology becomes a tool to help students access information, communicate

information and collaborate with others. In today’s classrooms there is

certainly the need for some knowledge instruction but a great deal of student

activity might involve knowledge construction given the explosion of

information. We do need to move away from students coming to school to

watch teachers work.

The following table summarizes the contrast of knowledge instruction and

knowledge construction (Dwyer et al, 1991):

                         Knowledge Instruction         Knowledge Construction
Classroom Activity       Teacher centered (didactic)   Learner centered (interactive)

Teacher Role             Fact teller (always expert)   Collaborator (sometimes

Student Role             Listener (always learner)     Collaborator (sometimes

Instructional Emphasis   Facts (memorization)          Relationships (inquiry and

Concept of Knowledge     Accumulation of facts         Transformation of facts

                          Knowledge Instruction      Knowledge Construction
Demonstration of          Quantity                   Quality of understanding

Assessment                Norm referenced            Criterion referenced
                          (multiple choice items)    (portfolios and performances)

Technology Use            Drill and practice         Communication
                                                     (collaboration, information
                                                     access, expression)

                                                                 Dwyer et al, 1991

In addition to the above directional analyses there are an increasing number

of   examples    of   these   technologies-in-use   in   sophisticated    learning

environments. Bransford et al’s (1999) chapter on ‘Technology to Support

Learning’ provides many examples of how new technologies work in practice

and with what impact. Bransford and his colleagues explore how these

technologies do five things by:

New Technologies:

♦ Bring exciting curricula based on real-world problems into the classroom;
♦ Provide scaffolds and tools to enhance learning;
♦ Give students and teacher more opportunities for feedback, reflection, and
♦ Build local and global communities that include teachers, administrators,
  students, parents, practising scientists, and other interested people;
♦ Expand opportunities for teacher learning. (Bransford, et al, 1999:195)

Further, detailed descriptions of radical transformation of learning are

contained in Scardamalia and Bereiter’s (1999) work in which they have

developed Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments (CSILE)

to support schools as ‘knowledge-building organizations’. Similarly, the

establishment of a technology-based learning environment at River Oaks

contains many concrete examples of what these exciting ideas look like in

practice (Smith, 1999).

In many of the examples cited above there is evidence of impact on student

learning (standardized tests as well as conceptual understanding and

performance based assessment) — see Bransford, et al (1999); Scardamalia and

Bereiter, 1999; and Smith, 1999 for details. In essence, the role of technology

envisaged is one where it helps transform learning by helping to answer the

question, “What kind of education will best prepare students for life in a

knowledge society?” (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1999:275)

                 Technology and the Problem of Change

The problem, then, is not the absence of concrete examples of what these new

learning ideas look like in practice (although this too is continually

expanding). The more difficult problem is that teaching in a knowledge-

building community represents a very sophisticated change for teachers and

all those who work with them.

Fortunately, knowledge about the change process has also been becoming

more sophisticated (for this body of knowledge see Fullan, 1991; 1993; 1999;

and Fullan and Hargreaves’ trilogy (1996-1999). In this short paper we address

three key aspects of this knowledge: the teacher as learner, organizational

learning, and program coherence.

Teachers as Learners

Many years ago we asked the question ‘What kinds of changes would teachers

experience if they were to implement a new learning approach?” (Fullan,

1991) We suggested three aspects:

♦ New materials;
♦ New behaviors/practices;
♦ New beliefs/understandings.

We observed that the (mere) use of new materials (curricular, technology,

etc.) was important but was only the tip of the implementation iceberg. The

more difficult parts related to whether teachers (a) developed new skills,

behaviors, and practices associated with the change; and (b) acquired new

beliefs and understandings about the change. In other words, change

involved a process of redoing and rethinking. Given the dramatic distance

from current to new practice represented by new technologies (or more

accurately, new pedagogies) this change process, involving millions of

teachers is obviously an enormous challenge.

As we have studied the implementation process we have discovered that

virtually all teachers go through an ‘implementation dip’ during the first

stages (of redoing and rethinking) even when there is good support. In any

case, we know a fair amount about what to expect and how to support

teachers during this period of change. It is also clear what kinds of

professional development will be helpful. Clearly, one-shot workshops, no

matter how good, will not (cannot) have much of a carryover effect. There

needs to be continuous assistance during initial implementation. Good

professional development provides follow-up. There are many examples

around of ‘teacher development centers’ in which model examples of practice

are demonstrated and in which teachers can learn from and receive network

or ‘hands-on’ support to apply the ideas.

There is no doubt that the kinds of pedagogical changes generated by the

partnering of cognitive science and technology have profound implications

for the way teachers will teach and the way they need to think about and

understand teaching and learning. Scardamalia and Bereiter (1999) capture

this nicely:

   In our experience, the teachers who remain continually fascinated and
   involved are ones who have a dual interest. They are interested in
   advancing their understanding of history, geology, biology, cultural
   anthropology, and so forth; and each year they experience some
   advances themselves as they work with students on problems in those
   areas. But they are also interested in understanding the process of
   understanding itself. The students’ efforts (and their own as well) to
   explain phenomena, to grasp theories, and to overcome naïve
   conceptions are an endless source of insights into that distinctively
   human phenomenon, the pursuit of understanding.

   An interest in understanding how understanding grows does not seem
   to be a feature of most people’s curiosity. It is an acquired interest, and
   one that teacher education programs ought to be passionately dedicated
   to developing. Without it, we find, teachers tend to remain detached
   from students’ knowledge-building efforts to reduce knowledge-
   building activities to merely another set of schoolwork routines. (p. 287)

Organizational Learning

Unfortunately, good professional development by itself is not very effective.

Studies of change have also enabled us to understand that the culture of the

school makes a huge difference. Put one way, imagine one or two teachers

who are involved in a highly motivating professional learning series

involving technology. Picture the teachers returning to a negative work

culture. In this situation, the culture wins every time. For this reason, a

general aspect of supporting change involves developing ‘collaborative work

cultures’ within a school (or ‘professional learning communities’). We, and

others, have worked on this issue for some time and now have strong

evidence that collaborative cultures make a difference in both teacher and

student learning; we have also been working on how to develop professional

learning communities through what we call ‘reculturing’ (Fullan, 1999).

In brief, research shows that schools that only restructure (change the

curriculum, add new roles, reorganize) make no difference in teaching and

learning. However, schools that reculture (as well as restructure) do make a

difference if they (a) focus on student learning; (b) link knowledge of student

learning to changes in instructional practices; and (c) work together to assess

teachers and school leadership to make improvement. Out of this work we

have concluded that teachers must become ‘more assessment literate’.

Assessment literacy is the capacity to examine student work and student

performance data and make critical sense of this information; and to develop

instructional and school improvement plans to make the kinds of changes to

get better results — doing all of this on a continuous basis. Technology, of

course, (as in the above examples) is absolutely crucial to this entire process.

Schools, in other words, must become learning organizations. We now know

what these schools look like in practice (we return in the conclusion to the

question of how to develop such schools). Incidentally, this finding also

reveals the limitation of teacher networks. We, ourselves, value teacher

networks (electronically supported) but their limitation is that they only

stimulate individual learnings across the network. They do not connect the

individual learnings to reculturing the whole school — without the latter

new ideas will falter and disappear (for a positive example see Smith’s (1998)

report on River Oaks).

Program Coherence

A third change learning is that teachers and schools are inundated with a

continuous torrent of fragmented and unconnected policies, innovations and

other demands. The natural tendency in our complex systems is toward non-

linearity and piecemeal reform (see Fullan, 1999). Innovations in technology

so far have been part of the problem not the solution, that is, the vast

majority of attempts to introduce technology have come in the form of new

machines and software, one-shot workshops at best, and generally the

episodic infusion of new monies for technology unconnected to the

curriculum let alone to whole school improvement.

The most effective schools are not the ones that take on the sheer most

number of innovations (which actually adds to overload and non-linearity)

but the ones that work on program coherence, connectedness, synergy and the

like (Fullan, 1999; King & Newmann, 1999).

The good news is that not only can pedagogically driven technologies

powerfully address the program coherence question, they are absolutely

essential for this task.

Although this has been an all too brief summary of change knowledge, two

things should be clear. First, the combination of teacher learning through

assisted professional development, organizational learning through the

development of collaborative cultures, and program coherence are essential.

No one or two of these will make an impact. Second, these changes in

combination are exceedingly deep and complex to achieve.

                           Still, The Problem of Change

There are two additional perplexing problems about educational reform. The

first problem is what we will call ‘the pathways’ dilemma. Even if we have an

idea of what the destination would look like, and even if we know the

requirements of change (good professional development, organizational

learning cultures, program coherence), this is not the same as knowing how

to get there in one’s own situation. Put differently, to know that

organizational learning cultures are essential, and even to know what they

look like, tells you very little about h o w to establish them. Research tells us

the impact of learning cultures ‘once they are up and running’ but does not

say much, if anything, about the pathways of developing a learning culture’ if

you don’t have one. This is why we have said ‘steer clear of false certainty’

(Hargreaves & Fullan, 1999). There is no substitute for working diligently on

local strategies for change based on one’s own context and informal (not

determined by) visions of what the new order should be and what change

knowledge one needs in setting out on the journey.

The second perplexing problem is how to ‘go to scale’. If we can point to a

handful of successful examples, how do we propel them into 100 or more

examples? We do not have space to address this issue in depth but we are

gaining an appreciation of the problem of scale (see Fullan, in press).

Essentially, if we do not improve the quality of the reform infrastructure

(policies and agencies of pressure and support) it is not possible to achieve

reform on a large scale. Even on a small scale, innovative examples which are

established in given instances will not last if the infrastructure is not

supporting them. Put another way, it is possible to create an innovative

school which is highly successful for a few years; it is not possible to sustain

innovations in the face of a neutral or non-supportive infrastructure.

In addressing the infrastructure from a technology perspective, the Milken

Exchange has developed a valuable framework of seven dimensions (along

with   indicators     of   implementation)       including:     learners,   learning

environments,       professional   competency,    system      capacity,   community

connections, technology capacity and community (Lemke, & Coughlin, 1998).

There remains, of course, the very difficult task of ‘implementing the

framework’ itself, but the agenda is well established.

These are exciting times in pursuing the new pedagogies and the new

technologies. For the first time we can think of the education profession as

engaged in the business of scientific breakthroughs about learning. What we

have attempted to establish in this paper is that the phenomena about

learning potential will not be realized unless we learn how to incorporate the

knowledge of the change process, and the critical role of the teacher as learner

and schools and networks as learning communities.

To achieve any significant breakthroughs it is going to require that we marry

the professional new examples of technology-based pedagogies with grounded

knowledge in the complexities of bringing about reform on a large scale. The

content of reform in technology and learning, and knowledge of the change

process must feed on each other if substantial impact is to be achieved.


Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (eds) (1999) How People Learn: Brain,
      Mind, Experience, and School, Washington, DC, National Academy

Fullan, M. (1993) Change Forces: Probing the Depths of Educational Reform,
      London, Falmer Press; Levittown, PA, Falmer Press (Taylor and Francis

Fullan, M. (1997). What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship?, 2nd edn,
      Toronto, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario; New York,
      Teachers College Press; Buckingham, Open University Press.

Fullan, M. (1999) Change Forces: The Sequel, London, Falmer Press;
      Levittown, PA, Falmer Press (Taylor and Francis Inc.)

Fullan, M. (in press) ‘The return of large scale reform’, The Journal of
      Educational Change, 1, 1.

Fullan, M., and Hargreaves, A. (1996) What’s Worth Fighting For in Your
      School? Toronto, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario; New
      York, Teachers College Press; Buckingham, Open University Press.

Fullan, M., with Steigelbauer, S. (1991) The New Meaning of Educational
      Change, New York, Teachers College Press.

Hargreaves, A. and Fullan, M. (1998) What’s Worth Fighting For Out There?
      Toronto, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario; New York,
      Teachers College Press; Buckingham, Open University Press.

King, B. & Newmann, F. (1999) School Capacity as a Goal for Professional
      Development, Madison, University of Wisconsin.

Lemke, C. & Coughlin, E. (1998) Technology in American Schools: Seven
     Dimensions for Gauging Progress, Santa Monica, Milken Exchange.

Scardamalia, M. & Bereiter, C. (1999) ‘Schools as knowledge-building
      communities’, in D. Keating and C. Hertzman (eds), Developmental
      Health and the Wealth of Nations, New York, The Guilford Press.

Smith, G. (1998) ‘Lessons in school and classroom change’, unpublished

Smith, G. (1999) ‘Teaching, learning, technology and effectiveness’,
unpublished paper.

Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (1998) Understanding by Design, Alexandra, VA,
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