Page created by Curtis Rose
Glynn-Vivian Miners’ Mission Incorporated 1906
Saturday 27th March Zimbabwe:- Pastor Chingovo had been
complaining about his eyes for some months and funds were made                                              THE INTERNATIONAL MINERS’ MISSION
available to visit a doctor. Praise God with the provision of a pair of
glasses, Pastor Chingovo has found the problem has mainly been                                                    FEBRUARY—MARCH 2021
resolved! He asks for prayer for himself and his wife Anna.
                                                                                                              He calls His own sheep by name…He goes on
                               Sunday 28th March Nicolas and Beatriz                                         ahead of them and His sheep follow Him because
                               Ajhuacho in Cochabamba, Bolivia asks for our                                         they know His voice. John 10:3-4
                               prayers for Brother Victor Nina from the Totoral
                               tin mining centre who God has called to travel
                               in missionary work sharing the Word                                      Monday 1st February It is with deep
                               throughout the Antequera Canyon. Pray that his                           shock and profound sadness that we
                               entire family will support him and that he will be                       inform you that long-standing IMM UK
                               encouraged in this calling. Pray that there will be                      Trustee and Treasurer Ian Dring has
                               much fruit from the harvest.                                             passed into Glory to be with the Lord. It all
                                                                                                        happened very suddenly. (Tribute in the
Monday 29th March Zimbabwe: - Many children who could not visit                                         Safety Lamp Newsletter) Please
their local school have been able to attend with the help of finance                                    remember Ronna Dring in your prayers,
provided by IMM Switzerland. There are so many children needing                                         that the Lord himself will comfort and
help, particularly with simple cooked meals. The Mine Ministry Team                                     strengthen her and their family.
provide several hundred with meals. Before they eat their food they
listen to Bible stories, sing worship songs and pray together. Several                                  Tuesday 2nd February Worldwide:- Requests from the IMM
have got to know the Lord Jesus as Saviour through this ministry.                                       mission fields throughout the world are echoing the same
Praise God.                                                                                             desire that there will soon be a solution to the Covid-19
                                                                                                        Pandemic. Please pray for all our pastors and evangelists who
Tuesday 30th March Zimbabwe:- Rev. Cleopas Manyika in Shurugwi                                          are struggling to continue their work in taking the Love of
is an active member of the Mine Ministry Team. Recently he suffered                                     Christ to the lost and facing the frustrations of lockdown
from a break-in of his house. Clothes, bed linen, books, and food were                                  and curtailment of their activities. Pray that the Lord will lay
stolen. However the IMM Swiss Committee was able to send him                                            His hand of peace upon them and give them a desire for
funds, so that he could replace the stolen articles. He needs our
                                                                                                        deeper intimacy with Him for when they are able to go out
prayers. Pastor Manyika is very active in helping women to forsake
prostitution with the setting up of chicken raising projects.                                           into the Harvest Fields again. May they have deeper
                                                                                                        revelation of the Power of the Gospel.
Wednesday 31st March The International Miners Mission is
constantly seeking to encourage miners and their families and provide                                   Wednesday 3rd February Romania:- Marian and Gabi thank
them with ‘pathways to faith’ for those who do not yet know Christ and                                  you for your passionate involvement in the Christian mission
his love and grace. But we need to pray. Thank you for your prayers for                                 work in the Oltenie region of Romania. Marian says, “As I
the pastors and evangelists supported by the IMM – it is wonderful to                                   have said every time, by what you do, you are part of this
think where your prayers might lead. Pray on!                                                           work, and we see the result of your constant prayers.” Pray
                                                                                                        that the Lord will give them discernment as they seek to
 CONTACT DETAILS:- David Shillitoe, General Secretary                                                   minister especially to the children who they believe have
       5 Old Rectory Court ~ 61 Wood Street ~ Barnet ~ Hertfordshire ~ EN5 4BL                          been the greatest losers as Covid-19 has curtailed the activity
             Visit our website at                                                 of speaking the word to the lost. Pray that there will be
             email David at                                                greater opportunity for the children to hear the good news
                                                                                                        during 2021.
 The International Miners Mission is registered charity 221853 and company limited by guarantee 90484   Please send all correspondence to: David Shillitoe ~ General Secretary
   Registered office: 5 Old Rectory Court ~ 61 Wood Street ~ Barnet ~ Hertfordshire ~ EN5 4BL
Thursday 4th February Burundi:- Etienne asks for our prayers that      Tuesday 23rd March Ethiopia:- Beletew IMM facilitator and head
he will know the guidance of our Lord in the new plans for the new     of the Addis Kidan Baptist Church oversees a large team of pastors
year of 2021. Pray that he will know God’s strategic plans for the     and evangelists. Please pray for him and his family. Pray for the
years 2020 to 2024. Pray that that work with churches will develop     expansion of the Gospel in the region and in the Benshangul
and that God will make a way that the Church understands His           Gumuz. Pray for Kibre Mengist church's school to impact more
mission, and particularly to miners.                                   lives in the town and beyond. Photo Below Graduation celebration.
Friday 5th February Romania:- Marian and Gabi ask for prayers
that the Lord will give them strength as they work in the Churches
of Sâmbotin, Curtisoara and Cărpinis which is very busy and
demanding. “As usual every year, for Christmas 2020 we organized
specific events (for the Feast of the Nativity) attended by children
with parents and /or grandparents. In Curtisoara there were so
many people the activity for children was organised outside. At
Sâmbotin they had to hold the event in the church because of the
rain; and at Cărpinis they visited homes as a plan to evangelize
families who do not come to Church. Please pray.”
Saturday 6th February Sierra
Leone:- Pray for strength, grace and
perseverance for young                                                 Wednesday 24th March IMM Funding:- Here in the UK we are
evangelist Osman as he continues to                                    keen to find new supporters for the work of Christian outreach in
minister in the spiritually challenging                                the mining industry. The work of the Mission is not very well known
setting of Dodo. Pray that God’s truth                                 so support for this ministry is vital. Please pray for the initiatives
would shine in the midst of the                                        being taken to widen the ministry to other Christians and to inform
darkness of animistic beliefs and                                      them of the millions of lost souls living and working in a dangerous
practices. He needs much support in                                    occupation in remote places. Thank you for your concern for this
prayer.                                                                ministry. Do mention it to other friends.
Sunday 7th February Thank the Lord                                     Thursday 25th March Bolivia:- Eugenio Nina is an evangelist to
that Pastor Dennis and his family are                                  miners. He asks for prayer for his health as he has been suffering
well and the twins continue to thrive.                                 from a persistent cough. Pray that he will know the peace of the
Please pray that God will guide Pastor                                 Lord during this challenging time and that he will have a revelation
Dennis and the church at Lowoma as                                     of the heart of the Lord and a hope for his future.
they make plans towards the
construction of a church building.           Dennis and Osman
                                                                       Friday 26th March Zimbabwe:- Praise God that the Mine Ministry
                                                                       team have been protected from the Corona virus pandemic.
Monday 8th February South Africa:- Pray for Godwin a young             Pastor Chingovo writes “Our God cares for us, provides for our
man from Pastor Moses’s church, as he plans to marry in 2021 and       needs and leads us in His paths”. It requires courage and trust in
he has just been made redundant. Pray that God will open a door        God to move around and visit the believers to give them
of employment for Godwin. He has also registered to start the          encouragement. They visit the hospitals, prisons, schools and
Miners’ Bible School course in 2021. Pray for strength and             children’s homes presenting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to many.
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Wednesday 17th March South Africa:- Pastor Mohau gives thanks              Tuesday 9th February Burundi:- Etienne gives thanks that in 2020
for the outreach in Mahobiskraal that went very well. He has vision        30 souls have been saved: 5 men,18 women and 7 children. Pray
for more crusades; pray that the Lord will guide him and keep him          that each of these people will grow in their faith and the love of the
close to Himself. Thanks goes to pastor Franscisco Rodrigues for gifts     Lord and bear fruit in their communities. Please continue to pray
of the Bibles that were given to 7 new converts. Praise God that the       for unity among the Churches in Burundi to bring the Good News
Ikageng Church also went well. Thanks to the IMMSA Rustenburg              to the people.
team who helped with the preaching. Praise God that people
escaped injury when a tent collapsed due to strong wind and rain.          Wednesday 10th February Peru:- Santos Valero (IMM facilitator)
                                                                           writes; “I ask your prayers for Missionary René Churata who has
Thursday 18th March Kenya:- One of the partners in Mining God’s            already started his trips to the Orcopampa mine, may God take
Way, Joshua Read, would appreciate your prayers as he seeks to             care of them on their travels. In this time, travel is very dangerous
consolidate his future in serving Jesus to the best of his abilities. We   since it is the rainy season and the road is not always in good
thank the Lord for his competencies and enthusiasm for the                 condition. God give him wisdom so that René continues to be a
ministries he has been involved in, and pray that God reveals the          blessing for the Miners in Orcopampa”.
next steps for Joshua to follow.
                                                                           Thursday 11th February Peru:- Santos Valero (IMM facilitator)
Friday 19 March We really thank God for John Asembo, a
                                                                           tells us, “Missionary Roberto Masca, has already started his trips to
Christian artisanal miner in Kenya, who has been the driving force         the Salinas Moche mine. Pray that God will give him wisdom so
behind assisting local lady miners to continue making a living             that Roberto can have words of reconciliation between the
during the pandemic. We thank the IMM for their financial                  brothers of Salinas Moche, Salinas Huito and Salinas Santa Lucia,
support and pray that the IMM will be blessed in return.                   since these communities have unfortunately come into conflict
                                                                           over communal boundaries. The problem is these communities do
Saturday 20th March We ask for prayers for the Rev. Cap. Simon             not agree on the boundaries of each community and these
Okoyo in Kenya, as he perseveres with his pastoral work with               lands contain the Borax and Salt mine. This situation can bring bad
artisanal miners and at the same time continues his academic               testimony among believers.”
studies. He is also an integral part of Mining God’s Way and has
been patiently waiting for the next steps in the programme to              Friday 12th February Peru:- Pray for the believers of the Church
become reality.                                                            Saint John of Tarucani, that God works in the lives of believers so
                                                                           that this Church can be a missionary Church: it is the only Church
Sunday 21st March South Africa:- Thank the Lord for Pastor                 that is fairly regular in its commitment to the Lord. Pray for Sister
Mohau and his passion to take the Word of the Lord to the                  Norma Choque who faithfully travels there every Wednesday to
people. Pray that he will find a good internet service provider with       teach the women the word of God. May God bless this sister and
a good internet connection, and also that he will be able to raise         give her wisdom to be a good teacher and God bless her and her
funding for a photocopier (£200 approx.) for the                           husband in her work.
Miners Bible School work. Pray for provision for Mohau’s car that
the Lord will keep it on the road, essential for visiting.                 Saturday 13th February Pray for the ministers in the mining
                                                                           community. For provision, for good health, for safety from
Monday 22nd March South Africa:- Pray for Pastor Andrew                    infection, for safety in their homes, churches and community. Pray
Mayathula and his family for protection and covering. He gives             that all will stay focused on the purpose of their life’s work, which is
thanks that two of his nephews have found employment. Pray for             to spread the Good news – to bring salvation to lost souls. Pray for
the many young people in our country who are unemployed. Pray              the IMMSA ministry team to go forward with determination in the
that the Lord will provide jobs for them.                                  days ahead. Pray for an enlargement of territories for the Lord.
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Sunday 14th February Peru:- Santos Valero (IMM Facilitator)              Friday 12th March Peru:- Cerilo Choque is a leader of the Church
writes; “I ask your prayers for my family and myself, that God will      near San Juan de Tarucani, who has been supporting the different
help us to be faithful to Him and that we always have the necessary      Churches including the Churches of the Mining Zone. Cerilo fell 3
sustenance during this year and those to come and that our health        metres from the roof of his house and does not have any feeling in
is always in the care of our Lord. May we as a family honour God         his lower limbs. There is fear that he could be confined to a wheel
through our personal testimony, and our permanent service to our         chair. Please pray.
Lord Saviour Jesus.”
                                                                         Saturday 13th March South Africa:- Rev. Elijah Dube thanks his
Monday 15 February Portugal:- We continue to pray for Pastor             worldwide supporters for their prayers that are sustaining him
Jorge Paradela who has to take some painful readjustments                during these times following the loss of his wife Thuli to COVID-19.
following the passing into Glory of his dear faithful wife, Adelia.      Please pray that the Lord will use him in a special way to reach out
Everything must be thought out again. May God stand beside               and be a light in the darkness. May our God of all hope and comfort
Jorge as he takes various decisions about his future in the              give him hope and vision for the future.
Braganza church, where he and his wife had been ministering
over many years in the town, where years ago there were several                                         Sunday 14th March Philippines:-
tin mines.                                                                                              Wennie Manila and Salvador Espante
                                                                                                        write; that even during the Pandemic
Tuesday 16th February Ruben Paco is the IMM facilitator in                                              they were able to meet with the
Bolivia and asks for our prayers for health and hope for him, his                                       miners and hold a thanksgiving
family and the team of evangelists and pastors he supports and                                          celebration for 7 years at
encourages; Andres and Elma, Nicolas and Beatriz, and Eugenio.                                          Calagasan Church. Although they were
That it would soon be possible to work normally and that during                                         not able to invite as many people as
these circumstances he can hear the Lord and be aware of His                                            they would like owing to the Covid-19
company with him. Please pray for him that the Lord will encourage                                      restrictions, they praise God that they
him and give him strength and wisdom.                                    are still able to meet with some miners occasionally in the
                                                                         household of a miner.
Wednesday 17th February Burundi:- Etienne tells us that there
are many things they need to help them to reach miners and their         Monday 15th March Zimbabwe:- Please pray for all five of the
families for the Lord. Pray that God will open miners’ hearts to         IMM Swiss sponsored evangelists working in the Mine Ministry
receive the Good News. Pray that He will build up and encourage          Team under the able leadership of Pastor Pardon Chingovo. They
more missionaries in the harvest fields. Thank the Lord that in 2020     have a huge responsibility for their congregations in the
six churches linked with Etienne and Chantal giving them the             churches. Praise God, that many have come to the Lord Jesus
opportunity of sharing about their mission and vision.                   Christ in penitence and faith over these difficult months. Many
Thursday 18th February Sierra Leone:- Jayne (IMM Facilitator,            are without jobs in the area as many mines are currently closed.
writes that they want to arrange a trip to Dodo to encourage and
support Osman; and hopes that they will be able to do a children’s       Tuesday 16th March Kenya:- We are immensely thankful that the
program there as a way of modelling what kids’ ministry can look         IMM has agreed to officially host Mining God’s Way as an internal
like, particularly as most churches in the provinces tend to have lots   project specifically for artisanal and small-scale miners. As a result,
of children attending. “We have also found that running a kids’          MGW has applied for a financial grant from a British trust to
program in a particular area can cause greater interest among the        develop appropriate mercury-free technology. Prayer is needed for
community about what is going on at the local church. Please do          its success and for other proposals yet to be submitted.
continue to pray for Osman and the ministry at Dodo.”
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Sunday 7th March Zimbabwe:- We pray for Mr. Shoko, who                  Friday 19th February Isa 43:1 “Do not fear, for I have redeemed
discovered his house on fire. Praise God the flames were                you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Thank our
extinguished in good time, but the damage was considerable. IMM         Heavenly Father that in the midst of the calamity, He knows our
Switzerland able to provide financial support so that burnt items       names and we are His and nothing, neither death or war or sickness
could be replaced. This was a terrible shock to him and his family.     can separate us from Him and His love for each of us. Let us stand
Pray that the Lord will comfort him through His Word and His            in this love and be the hope to the dying world around us.
presence give peace to the whole family.
                                                                        Saturday 20th February Sierra Leone:- Pray that those arriving into
Monday 8th March South Africa:- Isaac came to the Lord                  mining areas for work purposes from ‘least-reached’ communities,
through Pastor Elijah’s preaching at the mine head and has been         would have opportunities to hear the gospel. Pray that God will
helping him with Miners’ Bible School. Please pray for him as the       soften hearts and draw them to meet with believers with a passion
roof of his house was blown off during a tornado. Pray that he will     to share their love of the Lord Jesus. Pray that God will raise up
be able to rebuild and will experience the Lord’s provision and         strong leaders in the faith that will be a light for Christ.
protection. Thank the Lord that he and his family were not hurt.
Pray for Isaac that he will continue to reach people for Christ. Pray   Sunday 21st February Stuart Burns IMM USA has set up “The
that his work will be sustained. Pray for wisdom and guidance as        support a miner scheme” to help fund the missionaries and
he assists with MBS work.                                               evangelists from Bolivia, and Peru. Pray that God will bring new
                                                                        supporters with a heart for the miners in these counties in
Tuesday 9th March Ukraine:- Alexey writes in January, “For the          particular and also help for Stuart as he seeks to expand the work
last week my family and I were sick with some acute respiratory viral   of IMM. Also pray for Cherry as she battles ill health.
infection. I was the worst with hard headaches and extremely
                                                                        Monday 22nd February South Africa:- Pray for the youth in Pastor
running nose with sneezing. No medicine could help me for several
days.” Please pray for him that he will be encouraged by the            Solly’s church who are traveling and ministering in churches. Pray
                                                                        for Pastors and their families in the mining community and around
Lord and also that the Lord will keep him and his family safe from
any further sickness. Pray that he will be comforted by the Lord as     the globe to be covered by the blood of the Lamb. Ask that the
another friend and good Christian brother lost his life to Covid-19.    Lord will bless Solly with wisdom, energy, compassion and
                                                                        resourcefulness as he encourages his congregants to trust in the
Wednesday 10th March Ukraine:- Pastor Vasiliy asks for our              Lord.
prayer for strength, wisdom and opportunities from the Lord for his     Tuesday 23rd February Burundi:- Please pray that the loan
pastor’s ministry in Bakhmut church, for the missionary work in the     scheme run to help people earn a living will flourish and that
new church building at Klescheyevka village. He has heavy               through the scheme hearts will be touched and people drawn to
responsibilities as leader of the Evangelization Department in          the Lord. Pray that this will make a difference in the community and
Donetsk Baptist Union.                                                  pave the way for some to come out from abject poverty in this very
                                                                        poor country and help others. Pray that these initiatives will spread
Thursday 11th March Ukraine:- Vasiliy writes; “Please, pray about       and the Lord given His glory.
our new project we plan to start with Bishop Alexander Kobzar
soon. It is new Church starting in Pokrovskoye village (15 km           Wednesday 24th February Bolivia:- Pastor Andres continues
from Bakhmut town). May God use us to light one more Gold Lamp          to suffer with back pain. Please pray that he will be encouraged by
in this dark world of evil. Also continue to hold the development of    the Lord, that he will have hope for the future. Pray that the medical
the new church in Klescheyevka village and the ministry to be           team will be filled with wisdom and know the best way to proceed
undertaken there”.                                                      with treatment and that Andres will be restored to full health.

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Thursday 25th February Burundi:- Etienne gives thanks to                Monday 1st March Philippines:- Pastors Salvador Espante and
answers for prayer in 2020. They were able to found and develop         Wennie Manila visited the Bella mine in Bayabas during heavy rain
12 Good News Clubs and visited and helped 602 people who were           and bad weather. One of the greatest fears of miners is that their
ill. Thank God for His heart for the poor and continue to pray that     tunnels will collapse. Please pray that these men will know the
there will be more opportunities to bring hope to poor families and     Lord’s protection for them and their livelihoods that in spite of the
those struggling in poverty and with hardship.                          rain the tunnels will not give way and collapse. Pray the Lord will
                                                                        give them wisdom and direction in building safe tunnels and that
Friday 26th February Burundi:- Etienne gives thanks to the Lord         the miners will continue to seek the Lord’s face even in the mine.
for his family, his team and the work of Harvest Initiatives and the
IMM. Pray for protection and that the Lord will give him wisdom         Tuesday 2nd March South Africa:- Please pray for Teena’s family as
and guidance in his work. Pray also for Chantal as she seeks to         one of her close relatives was brutally killed on Saturday, 28th
teach and shares the love of God amongst the women and the              November. (Another gender-based crime of violence) Pray for
Batwa people. The photo shows the Christmas celebration with the        strength for the family and that Sherne will find eternal peace in the
gifts of food for the Batwa (pigmy) people of Gahararo.                 arms of Jesus. Pray for her 6 year old son as he struggles with
                                                                        losing his mother. Pray that justice will be served.
                                                                        Wednesday 3rd March South Africa:- Maria Tsipe requests prayer
                                                                        that the needs of church families will be met during these times
                                                                        and in the coming year as she trusts God for His goodness and
                                                                        provisions. Pray that there will be possibilities for Maria to continue
                                                                        with outreach and Miners Bible School studies in a safe way going
                                                                        forward. Pray for the safety of Maria’s students as they return home
                                                                        from the holidays.
                                                                        Thursday 4th March Bolivia:- Andres and Elma Negretty thank the
                                                                        Lord for the provision of a car again which will allow them to visit
Saturday 27th February Philippines:- Pastor Wennie Manila and           several churches in remote areas. Elma has two requests for prayer;
Pastor Salvador Espante inform us that because of bad weather           1. That Andres health will improve and 2. That she will be able to
they have held meetings in the homes of the miners and their            communicate the Good News with the sisters in the churches.
families. They share the word together and sing songs of praises
and afterwards have a meal together. Thank the Lord for the             Friday 5th March Ethiopia:- There are currently 19 pastors being
opportunity to pray for the sick. Pray that this fellowship will be a   supported in Guji Zone and three in Benshangul. The three
light to the Kingdom in this area. Pray for Bother Luis who shares      Churches in Benshangul are growing and the Gospel in bringing
his home that these miners can meet together and share                  transformation to the region which is known for its conflicts and
fellowship.                                                             instability. Pray that the Lord will grow future leaders from this
                                                                        church. Beletew is still hoping to be able to visit.
Sunday 28th February Ethiopia:- Beletew Kibede, IMM facilitator
requests prayer for the stability of the country. There is extreme      Saturday 6th March There are Christians in artisanal mining all
conflict resulting in many refugees fleeing through Sudan. Christian    over East Africa and we ask for prayers for pastors such as George
evangelicals have been martyred. Covid-19 and also locust swarms        Mngonya in Tanzania and others in Uganda who have chosen to
are ravaging the country. Please pray for believers threatened for      minister to this marginalised group. Miners engaged in this
their faith that they will stand firm in the Lord and not compromise    livelihood face dangers and temptations daily, and any outreach
their faith; and that they will be a good witness of the Love of God.   and discipleship in this sector needs immense prayer.
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