Diocesan Teacher Evaluation based on Diocesan/Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession

Page created by Timothy Contreras
Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                       Diocesan Teacher Evaluation based on Diocesan/Ohio
                              Standards for the Teaching Profession
The Indicator Levels

In the Diocese of Youngstown/Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, the indicators are written to show performance at four levels: Not
Demonstrated/Evidenced, Proficient, Accomplished and Distinguished. These levels are based on research on the growth of educators throughout the span of
their careers. The inclusion of these leveled indicators is intended to guide evaluation and discussion about the practice of teaching in order to recognize teachers’
successes and meet their professional needs.

The indicators are cumulative. The Not Demonstrated/Evidenced level indicators describe a lack of knowledge and skills expected to be evidenced by a teacher.
Proficient level indicators describe the building blocks of knowledge and skills that allow educators to advance in their expertise as teachers. Teachers who reach
the Accomplished level demonstrate mastery of the skills and knowledge at the Proficient level. Teaching at the Distinguished level demonstrates mastery of the
skills and knowledge at the Proficient and Accomplished levels during the course of their careers. The four levels can be defined as:

Not Demonstrated/Evidenced      Any Diocese of Youngstown/Ohio teacher is expected to move from the Not Demonstrated/Evidenced level to attain minimally a
Level:                          proficient level.

                                At the Not Demonstrated/Evidenced level teachers are not demonstrating knowledge, skills or abilities needed to support their
                                students throughout the educational process. It is expected that a plan for remediation and strengthening their skills will be in place
                                through supervision, mentoring and available resources to demonstrate a proficient level in all eight standard areas.
Proficient                      All Diocese of Youngstown/Ohio teachers are expected to meet the Proficient level.
                                At the Proficient level, teachers demonstrate knowledge of the skills and abilities needed for effective content-area instruction.
                                They are in the process of refining their skills and understandings to fully integrate their knowledge and skills. They monitor the
                                situations in their classrooms and schools and respond appropriately.
Accomplished                    All Diocese of Youngstown/Ohio teachers are expected to reach the Accomplished level.
                                At the Accomplished level, teachers effectively integrate the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for effective content-area
                                instruction. They are fully skilled professionals who demonstrate purposefulness, flexibility and consistency. They anticipate and
                                monitor situations in their classrooms and schools, and make appropriate plans and responses.
Distinguished                   The Distinguished level represents the highest level of achievement for Diocese of Youngstown/Ohio teachers.
                                At the Distinguished level, teachers use their strong foundation of knowledge, skills and abilities to innovate and enhance their
                                classrooms, buildings and districts. They are leaders who empower and influence others. They anticipate and monitor situations in
                                their classrooms and schools and effectively reshape their environments accordingly. They respond to the needs of their
                                colleagues and students immediately and effectively.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process
Teacher Evaluation Rubric

                                                        Standard #1: Catholic Identity Rubric
       Teachers in the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Youngstown know, understand and contribute to the integration of
       Catholic teachings and values throughout the curriculum and school culture as it supports faith formation and student

 Standard #1: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced            Proficient                           Accomplished                         Distinguished

 1.1 Teacher actively promotes     Discipleship through Actions
     discipleship of Jesus         Teacher does not give witness to      a) Teacher displays knowledge of     ….and                                …and
     Christ as integral to         moral and social teachings of the     Catholic culture, mission and        c) Teacher designs strategies to     d) Teacher supports fellow
     Catholic culture and          church in their everyday actions.     Catholic Social Teachings.           apply Catholic Social Teachings,     faculty members to deepen their
     mission to students,                                                                                     mission across the curriculum        understanding of Catholic culture,
     parents and fellow staff                                            b) Teacher models moral and          reflected in student development.    mission and Catholic Social
     members by giving                                                   social teachings in their everyday                                        Teachings.
     witness to the moral and                                            actions.
     social teachings of the                                                                                                                       e) Teacher shares across the
     Church in their everyday                                                                                                                      curriculum designs with staff and
     actions.                                                                                                                                      participates on a diocesan level
                                                                                                                                                   to share classroom efforts or
                                                                                                                                                   work at a diocesan design level.
 1.2 Teacher fosters and           Participation in Sacramental Life
     participates in prayer,       Teacher does not foster or            a) Teacher participates and          …and                                 ,,,and
     worship, sacramental life     participate in the sacramental life   models prayer and worship            c) Teacher prepares                  e) Teacher plans, shares and
     and Christian service as      of the school or demonstrate          through an active sacramental        opportunities for students to        presents his/her learning
     an expression of Gospel       Christian service as an               life in the school.                  model an active worship and          activities that enhance worship
     values.                       expression of the Gospel values.                                           service life.                        and service opportunities with
                                                                         b) Teacher demonstrates service                                           staff and on a diocesan level.
                                                                         as an expression of the Gospel       d) Teacher uses a variety of
                                                                         values.                              resources to support a worship
                                                                                                              and service life based on Gospel
 1.3   Teacher aids parents in     Parental Religious Education Support
       their fundamental role as   Teacher does not aid parents in   a) Teacher as part of a family           …and                                 …and
       primary religious           their fundamental role as primary team involves parents/ guardians         b) Teacher learns strategies to      d) Teacher builds, sustains and
       educators.                  religious educators.              in classroom activities to support       support parents/guardians in faith   supports parents/guardians in
                                                                     student faith formation.                 formation.                           their students’ faith journey and
                                                                                                              c) Teacher uses skills to enhance    shares strategies with fellow staff
                                                                                                              parents’/guardians’                  members and on a diocesan
                                                                                                              abilities/knowledge to faith         level.
                                                                                                              journey with their student.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                                                 Standard #2: Students Rubric
       Teachers understand student learning, development, and faith formation while respecting the diversity of students.

Standard #2: Elements              Not Demonstrated/Evidenced            Proficient                            Accomplished                           Distinguished
2.1 Teacher expects that all       Understanding Expectations
    students will achieve to       Teacher has not communicated          a) Teacher establishes and            …and                                   …and
    their full God-given           high expectations to all students     clearly communicates high             c) Teacher sets specific and           e) Teacher creates challenging
    potential.                     or modeled a belief that all          expectations through such             challenging expectations for           expectations for his/her students
                                   students can learn. Teacher has       actions as focusing on students’      each individual student and each       and assists other educators in
                                   not set specific expectations for     positive traits and conveying a       learning activity.                     the school and Diocese in setting
                                   individual students and activities.   belief in their abilities             d) Teacher develops a sense of         high expectations for all
                                                                         (giftedness).                         his/her ability to influence student   students.
                                                                         b) Teacher models a belief that       progress and persists in seeking
                                                                         all students can learn and            approaches for students who
                                                                         persists in efforts to help all       have difficulty learning.
                                                                         students achieve.
2.2 Teacher models the             Respect for Diversity
    Gospel virtues showing         Teacher does not model the            a) Teacher displays knowledge         …and                                   …and
    respect for students’ faith,   Gospel virtues toward his/her         of the various faiths, interests or   e) Teacher analyzes his/her own        h) Teacher challenges
    diverse cultures, language     students of respect for faith,        cultural heritage of groups of        faith cultural perspectives and        disrespectful attitudes by
    skills and experiences.        diverse cultures, language skills,    students and recognizes the           biases and develops strategies         modeling behavior for others and
                                   and experiences. Teacher has          value of this knowledge.              to diminish the impact of those        working to ensure that all
                                   not established clear rules of        b) Teacher sets rules and             biases.                                students are recognized and
                                   classroom behavior.                   reinforces the Gospel virtues of      f) Teacher implements                  valued.
                                                                         respecting individuals and            instructional strategies that
                                                                         individual differences. He/she        support the learning of English
                                                                         avoids the use of bias,               as a second language and the
                                                                         stereotypes and generalizations       use of standard English in
                                                                         in his/her classroom.                 speaking and writing in the
                                                                         c) Teacher builds relationships       classroom.
                                                                         with students by establishing and     g) Teacher fosters a learning
                                                                         maintaining rapport and valuing       community in which individual
                                                                         each student as an individual.        differences and perspectives are
                                                                         d) Teacher respects and values        respected.
                                                                         the native languages and
                                                                         dialects of students and uses
                                                                         students’ current language skills
                                                                         to achieve content area learning

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #2: Elements              Not Demonstrated/Evidenced          Proficient                          Accomplished                          Distinguished
2.3 Teacher recognizes the         Identification, Instruction and Intervention
    unique characteristics of      Teacher does not assist with        a) Teacher assists in identifying   …and                                  …and
    each student in order to       identifying students with various   gifted students, students with      e) Teacher collaboratively            g) Teacher advocates within the
    assist in appropriate          needs or seek support of            disabilities and at-risk students   develops and implements               school, Diocese and the broader
    identification, instruction,   specialists to meet those student based on established practices.       learning plans for gifted students,   community to ensure that gifted
    and intervention.              needs.                              b) Teacher follows laws and         students with disabilities and at-    students, students with
                                                                       policies regarding gifted           risk students.                        disabilities and at-risk students
                                                                       students, students with             f) Teacher adapts the pace and        have access to all appropriate
                                                                       disabilities and at-risk students   depth of curriculum and               learning opportunities and
                                                                       and implements Accommodation        instruction to meet the needs of      resources.
                                                                       Plans and Service Plans.            those students whose
                                                                       c) Teacher refers students for      performance is advanced or
                                                                       screening and assessment when       below level.
                                                                       d) Teacher seeks and uses
                                                                       support from specialists and
                                                                       other sources of expertise to
                                                                       enhance student learning.
2.4 Teacher displays how and       Knowledge of Human Development
    when students develop          Teacher does not demonstrate        a) Teacher demonstrates an          …and                                  …and
    and gain knowledge,            understanding of learning theory    understanding of research on        c) Teacher analyzes individual        d) Teacher supports colleagues’
    acquire skills and develop     and therefore does not plan         human development, catechesis,      and group student development         understanding of student
    behaviors for learning         instruction accordingly.            learning theory, and the brain.     in order to design instruction that   development and helps other
    both spiritually and                                               b) Teacher demonstrates             meets learner needs at an             teachers evaluate students for
    academically.                                                      understanding that student          appropriate level of development.     purposes of instructional
                                                                       development (spiritual, physical,                                         planning and implementation.
                                                                       social, emotional and cognitive)
                                                                       influences learning and plans
2.5 Teacher understands what       Understanding of Students’ Knowledge and Skills
    students know and are          Teacher does not pretest or         a) Teacher gathers information      …and                                  …and
    able to do, and uses this      gather information to plan for      about students’ prior learning,     b) Teacher presents concepts          d) Teacher leads the design and
    knowledge to meet the          appropriate instruction.            abilities and learning styles to    and principles at different levels    implementation of strategies to
    needs of all students.                                             plan and deliver appropriate        of complexity to reflect varied       assess individual student
                                                                       instruction.                        levels of student development.        abilities, learning styles and
                                                                                                           c) Teacher prepares work tasks,       needs.
                                                                                                           schedules time for tasks and
                                                                                                           differentiates instruction as
                                                                                                           needed to accommodate student
                                                                                                           learning differences.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                                                Standard #3: Content Rubric
                   Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.

Standard #3: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced          Proficient                         Accomplished                          Distinguished
3.1 Teacher knows the content     Knowledge of Content
    he/ she teaches and uses      Teacher does not identify         a) Teacher identifies the relevant   …and                                  …and
    his/her knowledge of          relevant components for the       research, principles, theories and   d) Teacher integrates differing       g) Teacher continues to deepen
    content specific concepts,    content he/she teaches, does not  debates specific to the contents     viewpoints, theories and              his/her knowledge of content
    assumptions and skills to     apply to planning or instruction, he/she teaches.                      processes of inquiry to guide         through new learning and uses it
    plan instruction.             and does not link students’ prior b) Teacher uses knowledge and        his/her thinking and instructional    to support the growth of other
                                  knowledge and future learning.    understanding of content area        planning.                             educators.
                                                                    concepts, assumptions and skills     e) Teacher seeks out
                                                                    in his/her planning and              opportunities to enhance and
                                                                    instruction.                         extend content knowledge.
                                                                    c) Teacher identifies the            f) Teacher plans and sequences
                                                                    developmental sequence of            instruction in ways that reflect an
                                                                    learning in his/her content area,    understanding of the prerequisite
                                                                    in an effort to link current         relationships among topics and
                                                                    instruction with students’ prior     concepts.
                                                                    knowledge and future learning.
3.2 Teacher understands and       Use of Content-Specific Instructional Strategies
    uses content-specific         Teacher does not demonstrate      a) Teacher demonstrates              …and                                  …and
    instructional strategies to   understanding of how students’    understanding of how students’       b) Teacher engages students in        e) Teacher evaluates
    effectively teach the         conceptual frameworks and         conceptual frameworks and            generating knowledge and              instructional strategies to
    central concepts and skills   common misconceptions can         common misconceptions can            testing hypotheses according to       determine their accuracy and
    of the discipline.            influence learning.               influence learning.                  the methods of inquiry used in        usefulness for presenting specific
                                                                                                         the content area.                     ideas and concepts.
                                                                                                         c) Teacher anticipates and
                                                                                                         adjusts learning experiences to
                                                                                                         address common
                                                                                                         misconceptions of the discipline
                                                                                                         that influence learning.
                                                                                                         d) Teacher incorporates content-
                                                                                                         specific learning strategies to
                                                                                                         enable students to analyze, build
                                                                                                         and adapt new understandings.
3.3 Teacher understands           Knowledge and Use of Standards
    school curriculum             Teacher cannot articulate the    a) Teacher articulates the            …and                                  …and
    priorities and the Diocese    important content, concepts, and important content, concepts, and      b) Teacher extends and enriches       c) Teacher serves in leadership
    of Youngstown                 processes of school and          processes of school and               curriculum by integrating school      role, studies and evaluates
    academic/religious            Diocesan curriculum priorities   Diocesan curriculum priorities        and Diocesan curriculum               advances in content and
    content standards.            and content standards.           and content standards.                priorities with content standards.    recommends changes to revise
                                                                                                                                               school and Diocesan curriculum.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #3: Elements              Not Demonstrated/Evidenced         Proficient                           Accomplished                         Distinguished
3.4 Teacher understands the        Interdisciplinary
    relationship of knowledge      Teacher does not make relevant     a) Teacher makes relevant            ...and                               …and
    within the discipline to the   content connections between        content connections between          b) Teacher prepares                  d) Teacher designs projects that
    teachings of the Catholic      disciplines and the teachings of   disciplines and to the teachings     opportunities for students to        require students to integrate
    Church and other content       the Catholic Church.               of the Catholic Church.              apply learning from different        knowledge and skills across
    areas.                                                                                                 content areas to solve problems.     several content areas.
                                                                                                           c) Teacher collaboratively           e) Teacher leads collaborative
                                                                                                           constructs inter-disciplinary        efforts to share knowledge and
                                                                                                           learning strategies that make        model interdisciplinary
                                                                                                           connections between content          instruction, including Catholic
                                                                                                           areas and Catholic teachings.        teachings.
3.5 Teacher connects content       Real-Life Connections
    to Catholic teachings,         Teacher does not facilitate        a) Teacher facilitates learning      …and                                 …and
    relevant life experiences      learning experiences that          experiences that connect to real-    b) Teacher uses a variety of         c) Teacher designs innovative
    and career opportunities.      connect to real-life situations,   life situations, faith development   resources to enable students to      learning activities that replicate
                                   faith development and careers.     and careers.                         experience, connect and practice     faith challenges, real-life and
                                                                                                           Catholic Social Teaching with        workplace activities.
                                                                                                           real-life and career applications    d) Teacher models for other
                                                                                                           through activities such as service   educators the integration of
                                                                                                           learning.                            content area classroom
                                                                                                                                                experiences with Catholic
                                                                                                                                                teachings, real-life and
                                                                                                                                                workplace experiences.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                                               Standard #4: Assessment Rubric
           Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.

Standard #4: Elements              Not Demonstrated/Evidenced            Proficient                             Accomplished                            Distinguished
4.1 Teacher is knowledgeable       Knowledge of Assessment
    about assessment types,        Teacher does not demonstrate an       a) Teacher demonstrates an             …and                                    …and
    their purposes, and the data   understanding that assessment is      understanding that assessment is       c) Teacher demonstrates an              e) Teacher serves as building and
    they generate.                 a means of evaluating and             a means of evaluating and              understanding of why and when to        diocesan leader in establishing and
                                   supporting student learning; does     supporting student learning.           select and integrate varied             evaluating assessment programs.
                                   not understand the characteristics,   b) Teacher demonstrates an             assessment types into the
                                   uses and limitations of various       understanding of the                   instructional cycle.
                                   types of diagnostic, formative and    characteristics, uses and              d) Teacher demonstrates an
                                   summative assessments.                limitations (advantages and            understanding of assessment
                                                                         disadvantages) of various types of     related issues, such as validity,
                                                                         diagnostic, formative and              reliability, bias and scoring, by
                                                                         summative assessments.                 using a variety of assessments and
                                                                                                                the information from them.
4.2 Teacher selects, develops      Use of Varied Assessments
    and uses a variety of          Teacher does not align classroom      a) Teacher aligns classroom            …and                                    …and
    diagnostic, formative and      assessments with curriculum and       assessments with curriculum and        c) Teacher purposely plans              e) Teacher works with other
    summative assessments.         instruction.                          instruction.                           assessments and differentiates          educators to design and revise
                                                                         b) Teacher uses a variety of formal    assessment choices to match the         assessment practices and
                                                                         and informal assessment                full range of student needs,            procedures as appropriate.
                                                                         techniques to collect evidence of      abilities and learning styles.          f) Teacher enhances other
                                                                         students’ knowledge and skills.        d) Teachers use assessments to          educators’ knowledge of best
                                                                                                                identify student strengths, promote     practices in assessment.
                                                                                                                student growth and maximize
                                                                                                                access to learning opportunities.
4.3 Teacher analyzes data to       Analysis of Assessment Data
    monitor student progress       Teacher does not utilize              a) Teacher utilizes assessment         …and                                    …and
    and learning, and to plan,     assessment data to identify           data to identify students’ strengths   d) Teacher reads and interprets         g) Teacher promotes the use of
    differentiate and modify       students’ strengths and needs and     and needs, and modify instruction.     data and uses this analysis to          student data to inform curriculum
    instruction.                   modify instruction.                   b) Teacher monitors student            differentiate learning for and tailor   design.
                                                                         progress toward achievement of         instructional goals to individual       h) Teacher promotes the use of
                                                                         school and diocesan curriculum         students.                               student data to implement targeted
                                                                         priorities and the academic content    e) Teacher examines classroom           strategies for instruction.
                                                                         standards.                             assessment results to reveal
                                                                         c) Teacher maintains accurate          trends and patterns in individual
                                                                         and complete assessment records        and group progress and to
                                                                         as needed for data-based decision      anticipate potential learning
                                                                         making.                                obstacles.
                                                                                                                f) Teacher uses student
                                                                                                                assessment results to reflect on
                                                                                                                their own teaching and to monitor
                                                                                                                teaching strategies and behaviors
                                                                                                                in relation to student success.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process
Standard #4: Elements              Not Demonstrated/Evidenced            Proficient                             Accomplished                           Distinguished
4.4 Teacher collaborates with      Communication of Assessment Results
    students, their parents, and   Teacher does not provide              a) Teacher defines assessment          …and                                   …and
    his or her colleagues in       substantive, specific and timely      criteria and standards and relates     c) Teacher uses a variety of           e) Teacher leads collaborative
    order to communicate the       feedback of the whole child’s         these to students.                     means to communicate student           efforts to create common
    progress of “the whole         progress to the student, parents      b) Teacher provides substantive,       learning and achievement.              assessments among grade-level
    child.”                        and other school personnel while      specific and timely feedback of the    d) Teacher designs and shares          and/or content-area teachers, and
                                   maintaining confidentiality,          whole child’s progress to the          resources with parents to facilitate   share assessment results with
                                                                         student, parents and other school      their understanding of their child’s   colleagues to collaboratively plan
                                                                         personnel while maintaining            learning and progress.                 instruction that will best meet
                                                                         confidentiality.                                                              individual student needs.
4.5 Teacher involves learners in   Integration of Self-Assessment
    self-assessment, spiritual     Teacher does not provide students     a) Teacher models the use of self-     …and                                   …and
    reflection and goal-setting    with opportunities to be involved in, assessment, spiritual reflection and   c) Teacher prepares student self-      e) Teacher creates a learning
    to address gaps between        assess and articulate the             goal-setting.                          assessment tools and strategies,       environment in which students
    performance and potential,     knowledge and skills they have        b) Teacher provides students with      regularly monitors their use,          develop their own self-
    focusing on each student’s     gained.                               opportunities to assess and            encourages student goal-setting,       improvement plans, measure their
    God-given talents and                                                articulate the knowledge and skills    and provides opportunities for         own progress, and follow a spiritual
    abilities.                                                           they have gained.                      spiritual reflection.                  reflection model.
                                                                                                                d) Teacher organizes opportunities     f) Teacher improves colleagues’
                                                                                                                for students to articulate how they    abilities to facilitate student self-
                                                                                                                learn and what learning strategies     assessment and goal setting.
                                                                                                                are most effective for them.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                                            Standard #5: Instruction Rubric
                 Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.

Standard #5: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced       Proficient                          Accomplished                          Distinguished
5.1 Teacher aligns                Alignment of Standards and Instruction
    instructional goals and       Teacher does not select learning a) Teacher follows Diocesan         …and                                  …and
    activities with school        experiences with clearly defined curriculum priorities.              c) Teacher selects, prioritizes,      d) Teacher actively participates
    priorities and Diocese of     goals that align with school and b) Teacher selects learning         sequences and groups concepts         in the development and
    Youngstown academic           diocesan curriculum priorities   experiences with clearly defined    and processes to provide a            implementation of Diocesan
    content standards.            and academic content standards. goals that align with school and     continuous, articulated               initiatives focused on improving
                                                                   diocesan curriculum priorities      curriculum aligned with school        student performance and closing
                                                                   and academic content standards.     and diocesan priorities and           the achievement gap.
                                                                                                       academic content standards.           e) Teacher assumes leadership
                                                                                                                                             role to define and revise
                                                                                                                                             Diocesan curriculum priorities.
5.2 Teacher uses information      Instruction Based on Student Needs
    about students’ learning      Teacher does not adjust         a) Teacher uses pre-assessment       …and                                  …and
    and performance to plan       instruction based on student    data and information he/she has      d) Teacher monitors the               f) Teacher reflects critically on
    and deliver instruction       learning; teacher does not use  gathered about students’             performance gaps of students          his/her own and others’
    that will close the           pre-assessment data and         learning needs and performance       within the classroom and              instructional practices to make
    achievement gap.              information he/she has gathered to develop appropriate learning      develops interventions that close     appropriate curriculum and
                                  about students’ learning needs  activities.                          those gaps.                           instructional decisions based on
                                  and performance to develop      b) Teacher adjusts instruction       e) Teacher makes curriculum           the teaching context and student
                                  appropriate learning activities based on student learning.           and instructional decisions that      needs.
                                                                  c) Teacher identifies how            respond to the immediate
                                                                  individual experience, talents and   teaching context and student
                                                                  prior learning as well as            needs.
                                                                  language, culture and family
                                                                  influence student learning and
                                                                  plans instruction accordingly.
5.3 Teacher communicates          Communication of Learning Goals
    clear learning goals and      Teacher does not link goals to  a) Teacher clearly                   …and                                  …and
    explicitly links learning     achievement and does not        communicates learning goals to       c) Teacher establishes and            e) Teacher empowers students
    activities to those defined   clearly communicate learning    students.                            communicates challenging              to independently define short and
    goals.                        goals to students.              b) Teacher communicates to           individual learning goals based       long-term learning goals and
                                                                  students the link between            on the needs of each student.         monitors their personal progress.
                                                                  learning activities and goals.       d) Teacher creates instructional
                                                                                                       environments where students
                                                                                                       actively and independently set,
                                                                                                       articulate and internalize learning

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #5: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced           Proficient                            Accomplished                        Distinguished
5.4 Teacher applies               Instruction for Learning
    knowledge of the faith        Teacher does not understand the      a) Teacher understands the            …and                                …and
    formation process and         cognitive processes associated       cognitive processes associated        d) Teacher articulates a logical    g) Teacher evaluates
    how students think and        with learning, and does not          with learning, and demonstrates       and appropriate rational for the    instructional processes in order
    learn to instructional        demonstrate through instruction      through instruction that he/she       sequences of learning activities.   to ensure a systematic,
    design and delivery.          that they know how to stimulate      knows how to stimulate these          e) Teacher links the content of     purposeful, research-supported
                                  these processes; teacher cannot      processes.                            each learning activity to the       process for teaching new
                                  implement instructional activities   b) Teacher uses research-based        content of previous and future      knowledge skills.
                                  that are sequenced to help           instructional strategies.             learning experiences.
                                  students acquire concepts and        c) Teacher implements                 f) Teacher prepares learning
                                  skills of the discipline.            instructional activities that are     activities with clear structures
                                                                       sequenced to help students            that allow for content review,
                                                                       acquire concepts and skills of the    student reflection and different
                                                                       discipline.                           pathways, depending on student
5.5 Teacher differentiates        Differentiated Instruction
    instruction to support the    Teacher does not gather or use       a) Teacher gathers and uses           …and                                …and
    leaning needs of all          student data to choose               student data to choose                d) Teacher differentiates           g) Teacher and students create
    students, including           appropriate instructional            appropriate instructional             instruction to meet individual      and use innovative methods,
    students identified as        strategies for groups of students;   strategies for groups of students.    student’s learning needs.           strategies and materials to
    gifted, students with         teacher does not recognize that      b) Teacher uses appropriate and       e) Teacher appropriately adapts     accomplish individual learning
    disabilities and at-risk      the scope and sequence of            flexible grouping during              instructional methods and           goals.
    students.                     learning activities must be          instruction to support the learning   materials and paces learning        h) Teacher creates professional
                                  differentiated to meet the needs     needs of all students.                activities to meet the needs of     development opportunities for
                                  of all students.                     c) Teacher recognizes that the        individual students.                colleagues to study research-
                                                                       scope and sequence of learning        f) Teacher provides varied          based methodologies and design
                                                                       activities must be differentiated     options for how students will       materials that support students’
                                                                       to meet the needs of all students.    demonstrate mastery.                individual learning needs.
5.6 Teacher creates and           Instruction for Independence
    selects activities that are   Teacher does not choose              a) Teacher chooses learning           …and                                …and
    designed to help students     learning activities that support     activities that support the           c) Teacher provides complex,        e) Teacher facilitates learning
    develop as independent        the development of students’         development of students’              creative, open-ended learning       by using innovative instructional
    learners and complex          cognitive abilities; teacher does    cognitive abilities.                  opportunities for students.         methods and strategies that
    problem-solvers across        not employ effective, purposeful     b) Teacher employs effective,         d) Teacher encourages               promote discovery and self-
    the curriculum.               questioning techniques that          purposeful questioning                students’ critical thinking by      directed learning.
                                  encourage problem solving            techniques that encourage             asking challenging questions
                                  during instruction.                  problem solving during                about disciplinary content.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #5: Elements         Not Demonstrated/Evidenced       Proficient                          Accomplished                        Distinguishd
5.7 Teacher uses resources,   Use of Resources
    including technology,     Teacher does not use materials   a) Teacher uses materials and       …and                                …and
    effectively to enhance    and resources that support       resources that support his/her      d) Teacher selects and uses         f) Teacher helps his/her
    student learning.         instructional goals and meet     instructional goals and meet        teaching resources and              colleagues understand and
                              students’ needs; teacher does    students’ needs.                    curriculum materials for their      integrate technology into
                              not effectively use technology   b) Teacher effectively uses         comprehensiveness, accuracy         instruction.
                              that is appropriate to his/her   technology that is appropriate to   and usefulness in representing      g) Teacher creates and selects
                              disciplines.                     his/her disciplines.                particular ideas and concepts       instructional materials from
                                                               c) Teacher effectively supports     and for meeting individual          varied sources to engage
                                                               students in their use of            students’ needs.                    students and meet their learning
                                                               technology.                         e) Teacher develops students’       needs.
                                                                                                   abilities to access, evaluate and
                                                                                                   use technology.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                                   Standard #6: Learning Environment Rubric
Teachers create Christ-centered learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students.

Standard #6: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced      Proficient                           Accomplished                        Distinguished
6.1 Teacher treats all students   Development of a Respectful Learning Environment
    fairly and establishes an     Teacher does not demonstrate    a) Teachers demonstrate caring       …and                                …and
    environment that is           caring and respect framed in    and respect framed in gospel         d) Teacher creates classrooms in    f) Teacher models expectations
    respectful, supportive,       gospel virtues in their         virtues in their interactions with   which students demonstrate          and behaviors that create a
    caring and reflective of      interactions with all students. all students.                        caring and respect framed in        positive school and Christ-
    Gospel virtues.                                               b) Teacher develops and              gospel virtues for one another.     centered climate of openness,
                                                                  teaches expectations for             e) Teacher seeks out and is         respect and caring framed in
                                                                  respectful interactions among        receptive to the thoughts and       gospel virtues.
                                                                  students.                            opinions of all students.
                                                                  c) Teacher uses strategies to
                                                                  promote positive relationships,
                                                                  cooperation and collaboration
                                                                  among students.
6.2 Teacher creates an            Development of a Safe Learning Environment
    environment that is           Teacher does not use effective  a) Teacher clarifies standards of    …and                                …and
    spiritually, emotionally      classroom management            conduct for all students.            d) Teacher consistently,            f) Teacher creates a classroom
    and physically safe.          techniques.                     b) Teachers use a variety of         effectively and respectfully        in which students take active
                                                                  effective classroom management       anticipates and responds to the     roles in maintaining a Christ-
                                                                  techniques.                          behavior of students.               centered environment that is
                                                                  c) Teacher provides a safe           e) Teacher makes decisions and      conducive to learning.
                                                                  learning environment that            adjustments that support positive
                                                                  accommodates all students.           behavior, and enhance social
                                                                                                       behavior and engagement in
                                                                                                       productive work.
6.3 Teacher motivates             Development of Students’ Personal Responsibility
    students to work              Teacher does not foster student a) Teacher fosters student           …and                                …and
    productively and assume       enthusiasm for and curiosity    enthusiasm for and curiosity         c) Teacher encourages self-         e) Teacher works with other
    responsibility for their      about the discipline.           about the discipline.                directed learning by teaching       educators to support
    own learning.                                                 b) Teachers establish methods        students to outline tasks and       independent learning
                                                                  for recognition of students and      timelines.                          experiences for students, such
                                                                  relate recognition to specific       d) Teacher varies his/her role in   as service learning activities and
                                                                  student achievement, either          the instructional process           cooperative learning groups.
                                                                  individually or in groups.           (instructor, facilitator, coach)
                                                                                                       based on the content, focus of
                                                                                                       learning and student needs.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #6: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced         Proficient                           Accomplished                         Distinguished
6.4 Teacher creates learning      Development of a Collaborative Learning Environment
    situations in which           Teacher does not use flexible      a) Teacher uses flexible learning    …and                                 …and
    students work                 learning situations, such as       situations, such as independent,     d) Teacher employs cooperative       f) Teacher creates environments
    independently,                independent, small group and       small group and whole class.         learning activities.                 where students initiate
    collaboratively and/or as a   whole class.                       b) Teacher develops guidelines       e) Teacher effectively combines      purposeful         learning
    whole class.                                                     for and models cooperative           independent, collaborative and       groups and take responsibility for
                                                                     learning.                            whole class learning situations to   the group’s productivity.
                                                                     c) Teacher offers students           maximize student understanding       g) Teacher models and assists
                                                                     opportunities for independent        and learning.                        other teachers in implementing a
                                                                     practice with and reflection on                                           variety of learning situations in
                                                                     new concepts and skills.                                                  their classrooms.
6.5 Teacher maintains a           Development of an Environment Conducive to Learning
    Christ-centered               Teacher does not begin class       a) Teacher begins class              …and                                 …and
    environment that is rooted    purposefully, with prayer,         purposefully, with prayer,           d) Teacher conducts periodic         e) Teacher influences the
    in the Catholic education     assignments, activities, materials assignments, activities, materials   reviews of classroom routines        establishment of diocesan wide
    philosophy and conducive      and supplies ready for students    and supplies ready for students      and revises them as needed.          policies to maximize the amount
    to learning for all           when they arrive.                  when they arrive.                                                         of class time spent learning
    students.                                                        b) Teacher transitions between                                            (such as textbooks and
                                                                     learning activities and uses                                              technology enhancements).
                                                                     instructional time effectively.
                                                                     c) Teacher converts physical
                                                                     space to facilitate instruction.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                          Standard #7 Collaboration and Communication Rubric
  Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators, and the faith community to
                                   support student development, learning, and faith.

Standard #7: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced          Proficient                         Accomplished                         Distinguished
7.1 Teacher communicates          Communication Skills
    clearly and effectively       Teacher does not communicate        a) Teacher exemplifies clear and   …and                                 …and
                                  clearly and effectively through     effective communication by using   b) Teacher uses effective            c) Teacher models effective
                                  spoken and written language         clear and correct spoken and       communication strategies to          verbal, nonverbal and media
                                                                      written language.                  convey ideas (such as using          communication techniques and
                                                                                                         vocabulary appropriate to            supports positive changes in
                                                                                                         students’ age and interests), ask    colleagues’ communication
                                                                                                         questions and stimulate              abilities and styles.
7.2 Teacher shares                Collaboration with Families
    responsibility with parents   Teacher does not welcome            a) Teacher uses a variety of       …and                                 …and
    to support student            communication from parents or       strategies to communicate with     d) Teacher forms partnerships        g) Teacher creates classroom,
    learning, spiritual,          reply in a timely manner; teacher   parents about student learning.    with parents to support student      school, and Diocesan learning
    emotional and physical        does not maintain appropriate       b) Teacher maintains appropriate   learning, faith formation, and       environments in which parents
    development and mental        confidentiality in communications   confidentiality in all             development.                         are active participants in
    health.                       with parents.                       communications with parents.       e) Teacher offers a variety of       students’ learning, faith
                                                                      c) Teacher welcomes                volunteer opportunities and          formation, and achievement.
                                                                      communication from parents and     activities for families to support
                                                                      replies in a timely manner.        students’ learning and faith
                                                                                                         f) Teacher communicates
                                                                                                         appropriate techniques and
                                                                                                         provides materials to support and
                                                                                                         enrich student learning and faith
                                                                                                         formation at home.
7.3 Teacher collaborates          Collaboration with Colleagues
    effectively with other        Teacher has not established         a) Teacher establishes             …and                                 …and
    teachers, administrators,     productive relationships with       productive relationships with      c) Teacher learns by engaging in     e) Teacher advocates for and
    Pastor(s), school and         members of the school               members of the school              professional dialogue, peer          initiates increased opportunities
    Diocesan staff.               community and does not consult      community and consults with and    observation and feedback, peer       for teamwork to support school
                                  with and learn from others.         learns from others.                coaching and other collegial         and Diocesan goals and to
                                                                      b) Teacher consults with and       learning activities.                 promote student achievement
                                                                      learns from colleagues in          d) Teacher uses effective            and faith formation.
                                                                      planning and implementing          collaboration skills in his/her
                                                                      his/her own instruction.           work with others within the
                                                                                                         school community

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #7: Elements            Not Demonstrated/Evidenced         Proficient                           Accomplished                         Distinguished
7.4 Teacher collaborates         Teacher-Community Collaboration
    effectively with the local   Teacher does not participate as    a) Teacher participates as part of   …and                                 …and
    community and                part of an instructional team that an instructional team that           c) Teacher participates as part of   e) Teacher builds and sustains
    community agencies,          identifies when and how to         identifies when and how to           a team to collaborate with local     partnerships with the local
    when and where               access appropriate services to     access appropriate services to       community agencies about             community and community
    appropriate, to promote a    meet exceptional learning needs    meet exceptional learning needs      issues that affect student           agencies in response to
    positive Christ-centered     and implement referrals            and implement referrals              learning and achievement.            identified needs of students.
    environment for student      appropriately.                     appropriately.                       d) Teacher uses various medical      f) Teacher serves as advocate
    learning.                                                       b) Teacher involves community        and social service providers in      for the Diocesan schools and
                                                                    members in classroom activities,     the community to support             communicates the value of their
                                                                    as appropriate.                      students’ mental health and well-    work within the community.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

                                     Standard #8: Professional Responsibility and Growth Rubric
     Teachers assume responsibility for their professional academic/spiritual growth, performance, and involvement as an
                              individual and as a member of a Catholic learning community.

Standard #8: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced        Proficient                          Accomplished                         Distinguished
8.1 Teacher understands,          Meeting Professional Codes of Conduct
    upholds and follows           Teacher does not meet his/her     a) Teacher meets his/her ethical    …and                                 …and
    professional ethics,          ethical and professional          and professional responsibilities   d) Teacher helps his/her             e) Teacher helps shape policy at
    policies and legal codes of   responsibilities with integrity,  with integrity, honesty, fairness   colleagues access and interpret      the local or Diocesan level.
    professional conduct.         honesty, fairness and dignity;    and dignity.                        laws and policies, and
                                  teacher does not align their      b) Teacher aligns his/her           understand their implications in
                                  personal beliefs with Gospel      personal beliefs with Gospel        the classroom.
                                  virtues for positive interactions virtues for positive interactions
                                  with students and families.       with students and families.
                                                                    c) Teacher understands and
                                                                    follows Diocesan polices and
                                                                    state and federal regulations.
8.2 Teacher takes                 Ongoing Professional Development
    responsibility for            Teacher does not participate in   a) Teacher participates in          …and                                 …and
    maintaining Diocesan          relevant professional             relevant professional               d) Teacher uses Church               f) Teacher creates and delivers
    Religious Education           development activities or         development activities and          documents, professional              professional development
    certification and State       ongoing religious education or    ongoing religious education and     literature, professional dialogue,   opportunities for others.
    licensure by engaging in      does not incorporate what they    incorporates what he/she learns     collaboration with colleagues and    g) Teacher pursues advanced
    continuous and                learn into their instruction.     into instruction.                   other resources to support           degrees, advanced religion
    purposeful religious and                                        b) Teacher knows and uses the       his/her development as a teacher     certification and/or National
    professional development.                                       building accrediting plan and       and leader.                          Board for Professional Teaching
                                                                    his/her IPDP to guide               e) Teacher analyzes his/her          Standards (NBPTS) certification.
                                                                    professional development.           content knowledge and
                                                                    c) Teacher works collaboratively    instructional strengths and
                                                                    to determine and design             weaknesses, and presents and
                                                                    appropriate professional            implements targeted ideas for
                                                                    development opportunities for       professional growth.

Diocese of Youngstown Teacher Evaluation Process

Standard #8: Elements             Not Demonstrated/Evidenced        Proficient                         Accomplished                         Distinguished
8.3 Teacher is agent of           Teacher as Change Agent
    change who seeks              Teacher does not participate in   a) Teacher participates in team    …and                                 …and
    opportunities to positively   team or departmental decision     or departmental decision making.   b) Teacher is actively involved in   c) Teacher takes leadership roles
    impact teaching quality,      making.                                                              professional and community           in department, school, Diocesan,
    school improvements, and                                                                           organizations that advance           state or professional
    student achievement.                                                                               teaching and learning.               organizations’ decision-making
                                                                                                                                            activities, such as curriculum
                                                                                                                                            development or policy design.
                                                                                                                                            d) Teacher facilitates the
                                                                                                                                            development of efficacy-the
                                                                                                                                            belief that teachers can impact
                                                                                                                                            the achievement of all students –
                                                                                                                                            among other teachers in his/her
                                                                                                                                            school or Diocese.

*Adapted with Permission from the Diocese of Columbus.

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