Page created by Sara Norman
TransferMation                                  Information for Newly Accepted Transfer Students

Congratulations on your
                                                         Please review the following information
acceptance to Clemson                               to jump-start your transition to Clemson.        Orientation, Registration, Email,
University! My name is Caroline Murray,             TransferMation, Clemson’s checklist for          Laptops, Transfer Credit, Placement Tests
and I serve as the Associate Director for           new transfer students, is included in this       and Housing ......................................................2
Transfer Academic Programs at Clemson. My           brochure. It contains information you            Costs, Student Loans and
job is to assist all incoming transfer students     need as you prepare to enroll at Clemson,        Payment Deadlines ............................................4
both during and after their transition to           including financial aid and tuition payment
Clemson. As a former transfer student myself,       deadlines, immunization requirements,
I am excited to work alongside you as you           Orientation dates, residency status and/         Get Connected at Clemson.................................6
embark on your transfer experience.                 or military benefits, transfer policies          Clemson Transfer Credit
     You are now a part of the Clemson Family,      and more.                                        Categories and Policies ......................................7
which offers you exclusive leadership,                   Please plan to attend virtual Transfer
networking and learning opportunities. I hope       Orientation on Monday, January 4,                Key Contact Information ....................................8
                          you take the initiative   2021. Transfer Orientation is required.
                          to get involved on        The Orientation website,
                                                                                                        I look forward to meeting you on campus.
                          campus, whether           accepted-students/orientation, provides
                                                                                                   If you have questions or need additional
                          it is a continuation      a detailed schedule for this virtual
                                                                                                   information at any time, please contact me for
                          of your involvement       session. During Orientation, you will meet
                          at your previous          with your academic adviser, determine
   Follow us on Instagram                                                                               Welcome to the Clemson Family!
      @Transfer2Tiger.    institution or trying     your schedule, and register for Spring
     Visit our website at something new. There      2021 classes.                                                                               Best Regards,
                          is a place for each            Clemson University is committed to
     programs/transfer.   of you to showcase        the safety and health of all students, staff
                          creativity, innovation,   and faculty. Please review Clemson’s
leadership and academic success. If you are         COVID-19 Resources and Updates website
                                                                                                             Caroline Murray, M.Ed., Associate Director
not sure how to get started, contact Transfer       for the latest information regarding return
                                                                                                             for Transfer Academic Programs
Academic Programs. We have a dedicated              to campus, ongoing operations, medical                   Office of Undergraduate Studies
team of advising professionals to ensure            guidance, COVID-19 testing and FAQs,                     111 Vickery Hall
a smooth transition to campus as well as                                      864-656-6256
connecting you to available resources.                                                             

               Orientation, Registration, Email, Laptops,
               Transfer Credit, Placement Tests and Housing

     When is the Transfer Orientation session for     these steps, you will need to completely close    Why is it important to complete the
     Spring 2021 students?                            your browser before logging in to Clemson’s       health requirements?
                                                      iROAR web portal.
     Orientation will be held virtually on Monday,                                                      If you fail to comply with Clemson’s
     January 4, 2021. Virtual Orientation sign-                                                         immunization requirements, you may have
                                                      What is iROAR? How do I log in?
     up will open on November 9, 2020. All                                                              a registration block placed on your student
     incoming transfer students are required to       iROAR is Clemson’s student information            record and may be subject to a late fee.
     sign up for the virtual Orientation session      system for all enrolled students. To log in to    Also, uploading your insurance cards to
     and pay the Orientation and Transition           the iROAR web portal, you will need your          MyHealth-e allows Student Health Services
     fee. After completing the sign-up process,       Clemson username and password. In the             staff to have your information on file,
     transfer students will be assigned a college-    iROAR portal (, you can         making it easier to check out when you visit
     specific virtual Orientation in Canvas (see      access the Orientation registration website,      Redfern. If you have any questions, please
     page 3). Transfer students will meet with        check your financial aid status and set up        contact the Student Health Services’ health
     an academic adviser via Zoom prior to the        your official email account. Your Clemson         information department at 864-656-2234 or
     Orientation session. On Monday, January          email contains your username (username@ 
     4, transfer students will register for spring If you have trouble using your
     courses at 12 noon EST. Visit       username or password, contact the CCIT Help       Do I need a laptop? How do I sign up for a
     accepted-students/orientation for up-to-date     Desk at 864-656-3494.                             laptop workshop?
     information regarding registration, available
                                                                                                        All new Clemson students are required to
     sessions and detailed schedules.                 How does email work at Clemson? Can I
                                                                                                        have a laptop. Visit for
                                                      check my Clemson email account at home?
                                                                                                        information on laptop requirements and
     When do I register for classes?
                                                      Email is the primary form of communication        specifications, laptop workshops and ordering
     You will register for your classes at Transfer   at Clemson. You can access your Clemson           one of the recommended laptops.
     Orientation. Before registering for classes,     email from anywhere with an internet
     you’ll meet with an academic adviser to          connection. Please check your Clemson email       What is CU 1000?
     review your transfer articulation summary and    daily. Google Apps for Education (GAE) is
                                                                                                        CU 1000 is a zero-credit, pass/no-pass course
     receive advising. Visit    provided for all Clemson students. GAE offers
                                                                                                        that all new Clemson students are required
     students/orientation for more information        full email functionality and large data storage
                                                                                                        to complete during their first semester of
     about Transfer Orientation.                      and allows you to use Google’s email with your
                                                                                                        enrollment. This class — which starts the first
                                                      Clemson email address. Your Clemson email
                                                                                                        day of classes — introduces new students to
     How do I obtain my Clemson username and          ( will be forwarded
                                                                                                        Clemson’s student success resources and
     set up my password?                              to your Google Apps for Education account
                                                                                                        community standards and values. CU 1000 is
                                                      ( unless you select
     All new students are assigned a Clemson                                                            what’s called a hybrid course, which means
                                                      forwarding to another email address. To check
     username. Follow these steps to obtain your                                                        that some modules are completed online
                                                      your email, go to and click on
     username and set up your password: 1) Go                                                           while others require in-person attendance.
                                                      the “Students” tab at the top. Select Google
     to; 2) enter your                                                           Course assignments are completed and
                                                      Apps and Gmail. On the login page, enter
     Clemson CUID (C number) and the username                                                           submitted in Canvas, Clemson’s online
                                                      your username and your first-time password,
     activation code you received in an email from                                                      learning management system. For more
                                                      which is cu## plus the last four digits of your
     the Clemson Admissions Office; and 3) follow                                                       information about CU 1000, go to clemson.
                                                      Social Security number (e.g., cu##1234). You
     instructions to create a secure password.                                                          edu/asc/cu1000.html.
                                                      may check your email forwarding at clemson.
     When creating your password, be sure to
                                                      edu/email_forwarding and make any changes
     create one you can remember, and do not
                                                      you wish.
     share it with anyone. Once you complete

2   Spring 2021 TransferMation
How does Clemson determine which courses           What is the Math Basic Skills Test?                  What is Canvas?
will transfer?
                                                   The Basic Skills Test (BST) is designed to           Canvas is a cloud-based learning management
The Office of Admissions evaluates and             assess a student’s calculus skill level and is       system. Canvas replaces Blackboard as the
processes credit from other institutions. Final    an accurate predictor of student performance         web-based platform used by instructors to
approval for use of your transferable credits in   in the MATH calculus sequence. The BST is            post course syllabi and content materials.
a particular degree program is determined by       administered in MATH 1060, 1080 and 2060             Students interact with Canvas daily to engage
your academic adviser at Transfer Orientation.     on the second day of class and is used only to       in assignments and class discussions and to
                                                   advise students. The BST cannot be used to           utilize other online features available.
There are courses on my transfer articulation      satisfy a prerequisite.
summary that are indicated as “ELEC 0001”                                                               What is the my.Clemson app?
or subject-area credits “1999-4999.” What          I did not get accepted into my first choice
                                                                                                        The my.Clemson app is helpful for new
does this mean? Will I get credit toward           of degree program (major). What do I do? To
                                                                                                        students as they learn their way around the
my degree program for an ELEC 0001 or a            whom do I talk?
                                                                                                        Clemson campus. The my.Clemson app
subject-area “1999-4999” course?
                                                   When applying to Clemson, students are               features an interactive campus map with
Clemson reviews all previous coursework            required to list a first and second choice of        1) parking lots, 2) bus or transit routes, 3)
a student submits and determines the               academic program (major). Due to enrollment          a complete directory of campus facilities
transferability of the courses. The 100- and       limitations and other requirements, some             including hours of operation and 4) dining hall
200-level courses completed at another             students are admitted to their second choice. If     locations and other on-campus dining options.
college or university that are determined          you are interested in changing your academic         You will also be able to access Canvas and
transferable will come in as either 1) an exact    program, you may discuss your request with           iROAR and find available computer labs on
Clemson course equivalent, 2) as ELEC 0001         an Admissions Office staff member during             campus. New students will find the interactive
or 3) subject-area credit (1999, 2999, 3999 or     Transfer Orientation or before the first day of      features a plus as they are learning about
4999). Students bringing in transferable 100-      classes. Please be advised that the Admissions       campus landmarks and navigating the transit
and 200-level courses for which there are no       Office does not process academic program             bus system. You can find the app in the Apple
Clemson course equivalents will be awarded         changes after the start of classes. If you wish to   Store, Google Play and online at my.clemson.
ELEC 0001 or subject-area 1999-4999 credit.        change your academic program after enrolling         edu.
    Students are strongly encouraged to bring      at Clemson, please contact a departmental
the course description and syllabus for any        representative for the academic program in           What are my housing options?
course listed as ELEC 0001 or as subject-area      which you are interested to obtain the current
                                                                                                        Transfer students have the option of living
credit (1999, 2999, 3999 or 4999) when they        change-of-academic-program requirements.
                                                                                                        off-campus for the Spring 2021 semester.
attend Transfer Orientation. Students will
                                                                                                        For more information about off-campus
have the opportunity to review these courses       How do I take the Modern Language
                                                                                                        accommodations, visit University Housing
with their adviser and discuss the possibility     Placement Test?
                                                                                                        & Dining at
of course substitutions. The Clemson
                                                   The Modern Language Placement Test is                students/apply.
Transfer Credit Categories and Policies chart
                                                   available online. For complete details and a
included in this newsletter contains more
                                                   link to the online test, go to     How can I learn more about using my veterans
detailed information about transfer credit
                                                   departments/languages/resources/placement-           benefits while I am enrolled at Clemson?
classifications. If you have questions or need
assistance, please contact Mary Von Kaenel,                                                             To learn about military benefits and the
Ph.D., at or Caroline                                                               Section 702 Veterans Choice Act, visit
Murray at in the Office                                                   
of Undergraduate Studies, Vickery Hall 111.

I already have math credit from another
institution. Do I have to take the Clemson
Math Placement Test (CMPT)? Can I use
a math course completed at my previous
institution to meet a course prerequisite?
What if the math course(s) is (are) not listed
on my academic record at the beginning of
the semester?
No. If a math course completed at another
institution is the equivalent of a Clemson
prerequisite course, it may be used to satisfy
a prerequisite requirement. If you plan to
use math transfer credit from a previous
institution to meet a Clemson prerequisite,
that credit must be posted to your Clemson
academic record at the beginning of
the semester.

                                                                                                                            Spring 2021 TransferMation    3
the check. We recommend payment with
                                                                                                           electronic checks and credit cards due to
                                                                                                           current delays in mail delivery and modified
                                                                                                           office hours.
                                                                                                         • Sign up for a tuition payment plan. The
                                                                                                           payment deadline will be made available
                                                                                                           through Clemson’s Student Financial
                                                                                                           Services. Visit
                                                                                                           financials. A $150 late fee will be added to
                                                                                                           a student’s account if tuition and fees have
                                                                                                           not been satisfied by the due date. Please
                                                                                                           plan accordingly and mail early.

                                                                                                         When will my tuition bill for Spring 2021 be
                                                                                                         available? Where can I find it?
                                                                                                         For new transfer students, the Spring 2021 bill
    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT                                                                     will be available immediately after the student

    Costs, Student Loans and                                                                             registers for classes if registration occurs after
                                                                                                         initial bill opening. To review the estimated
                                                                                                         costs for tuition and fees, visit
    Payment Deadlines                                                                                    finance/student-financials/billing.html.

                                                                                                         My parents need to access my tuition bill to
    What are the total costs for tuition, housing,    I am a sophomore/junior now. How much will         make payments. How do I add my parent to
    books and a laptop?                               my Federal Direct Loan amount be? How can          my student account as an authorized user?
                                                      I request additional loan monies based on my       In order for a parent or designated individual
    For estimated costs of attendance, visit
                                                      total credit hours?                                to access a student’s tuition bill, the student
                                                      Federal Direct Loans are automatically             must add them as an authorized user to the
    How do I check on the status of my financial      processed at the freshman award level (29 or       account. Log in to iROAR and click on “Student
    aid, student loans and scholarships?              fewer credits) for all new transfer students. If   Billing.” Select the “My Bill” link. Click on
                                                      you will be transferring more than 30 credits,     “Authorized Users” under the “My Profile
    To check on the status of your financial aid,
                                                      email to request an              Setup” section in the top right corner. Follow
    which includes any need-based aid, student
                                                      increase in your loan amount based on the          the instructions to add an authorized user.
    loans and scholarships, log in to iROAR. Click
                                                      number of credits you will be transferring
    on the “Financial Aid” tab and then “My
                                                      to Clemson.                                        How do I use the State Prepaid Plan or my
    Financial Aid (iROAR)” to access your financial
                                                                                                         529 College Savings Plan to pay my tuition
    aid information. On the financial aid page,
                                                      Does Clemson offer payment plans?                   bill?
    click on the box under “Financial Aid Status”
    to access your financial aid information and      Yes. Clemson offers payment plans as an            If you have the S.C. Prepaid Plan, please
    select the aid year 2020-2021. The page           option to satisfy tuition and fees. Students       submit a copy of the S.C. Prepaid Program
    has links that allow students to review their     complete payment plan enrollment via iROAR.        Identification Card to the Student Financial
    financial aid and eligibility status, award       Enrollment in a payment plan must be done          Services office in G08 Sikes Hall or email
    summary and other general financial aid           prior to the payment due date. To review plan as soon as
    information.                                      options, visit         possible. If you are using a prepaid plan from
                                                      financials.                                         a different state, please contact that state’s
    I am using a student loan at my current                                                              program administrator and complete the
    school. How do I transfer that loan to            How do I pay my bill?                              required forms to use the benefit at Clemson.
    Clemson?                                                                                             For the 529 College Savings Plan, Clemson
                                                      You may use one of the following methods:
                                                                                                         will accept a check from the 529 account.
    Your student loan does NOT automatically          • Pay online with an e-check. An e-check is
                                                                                                         Please ask the plan administrator to include
    transfer with you. You must go to studentaid.       the preferred method of payment, and it is
                                                                                                         the student’s Clemson CUID number to ensure
    gov and change your school designation code         offered at no additional processing fee. An
                                                                                                         proper credit. Payments should be mailed
    to Clemson’s code, which is 003425. You must        e-check is a direct draft from your checking
                                                                                                         to G08 Sikes Hall, Box 345307, Clemson,
    also contact your former school or lender to        account that is applied instantly to your
                                                                                                         SC 29634-5307 and must arrive prior to the
    cancel any future disbursements. Clemson            tuition bill. The e-check payment option is
                                                                                                         published payment deadline.
    participates in the Federal Direct Loan for         available in iROAR.
    students and the Federal Direct PLUS Loan for     • Pay online with VISA, MasterCard, Discover
                                                                                                         How do I add optional fees such as a meal
    parents. Previous borrowers must sign a new         or American Express. There is a 2.85
                                                                                                         plan or TigerStripe funds?
    master promissory note. Contact the Office of       percent processing fee for each credit card
    Student Financial Aid to check on your loan         payment. Credit card payments must be            Optional fees may be added to your Spring
    status by emailing               processed in iROAR and are not accepted          2021 tuition bill in iROAR. Optional fees
                                                        in person.                                       include adding funds to the TigerStripe
                                                      • Mail a check or money order to Student           account or purchasing a semester meal plan.
                                                        Financial Services, G08 Sikes Hall,              Select the “Optional Fees” link from the
                                                        Clemson, SC 29634-5307. Please include           “Student Billing” menu in iROAR.
                                                        your full name and student ID number on
4   Spring 2021 TransferMation
Spring 2021 Checklist for Newly
         Accepted Transfer Students

Use this information for a successful transition to                     as soon as possible to begin the
                                                                                 process for securing their benefits. Visit
Clemson!                                                                         registrar/veterans for more information.
                                                                             •   Clemson offers priority registration for student veterans.
 1 Verify that the Clemson Admissions Office (105 Sikes Hall) has
    received all of your final transcripts. January 12, 2021, is the
    deadline for submitting transcripts to avoid having a registration
                                                                          6 Complete the health requirements. All entering students must
                                                                            complete the required student immunization forms and the TB
    block placed on your student record. Visit
                                                                            Risk Assessment questionnaire by December 1, 2020. Forms
    admissions/undergraduate for more information.
                                                                            can be uploaded to the MyHealth-e web portal (redfernweb.
                                                                  , or they can be faxed or mailed to Redfern
 2 Review your transfer articulation summary and any financial
                                                                            Health Center. Please visit
    aid awards at Log in and select the
                                                                            health/new-students.html for further instructions and required
    “Undergraduate Admissions” tab. Click on the “View Transfer
                                                                            documents. If you are unable to obtain verified immunization
    Credits” tab to find the summary.
                                                                            records, all required vaccines are available at Redfern. You
                                                                            are also encouraged to upload your pharmacy and medical
 3 Complete the Clemson Math Placement Test (CMPT). For
                                                                            insurance cards in MyHealth-e if you have outside insurance. A
    new transfer students with AP/IB or transfer credit, please
                                                                            Clemson student health insurance plan is available at competitive
    visit the CMPT website,, for a list
                                                                            premiums. To learn more, visit
    of introductory mathematics and statistics courses and their
    prerequisites. If it is necessary for you to take the CMPT, know
    the CMPT may be taken up to four times, but it must be taken
                                                                          7 Visit COVID-19 Resources and Updates at
                                                                            to review the Healthy Clemson: United as Tigers awareness
    using the online proctoring software, Respondus Monitor. There
                                                                            campaign for information regarding University policies and
    is a $25 fee for access to the CMPT and a $5 fee for Respondus
                                                                            procedures for return to campus, learning on campus, visiting
    Monitor. To view details, visit
                                                                            campus, medical guidance, COVID-19 testing and FAQs.
 4 Attend Transfer Orientation on January 4, 2021. Online
    registration for Orientation began November 9, 2020.
                                                                          8 Review the Clemson Laptop Program website for information
                                                                            on purchasing the recommended laptop, laptop specifications,
     • Bring course descriptions and syllabi for courses marked
                                                                            registering for a laptop workshop and receiving Laptop Program
         ELEC 0001 or subject-area elective credit (1999, 2999,
                                                                            updates. For more information, visit
         3999 or 4999) on your transfer articulation summary.
     • Meet with your academic adviser to determine how your
         transferable courses will fit into your intended Clemson
                                                                          9 Download the Clemson app to your smartphone, tablet or
                                                                            computer. The my.Clemson app has everything you need to
         degree program.
                                                                            stay connected on campus! Use the interactive map of campus
     • Review the course descriptions and syllabi for elective
                                                                            to find your classes, search the directory to find contact
         courses with your adviser. Your adviser will determine if a
                                                                            information for all students and faculty members, and keep up
         request for a course substitution is appropriate for any of
                                                                            to date with transit and safety alerts. Download the my.Clemson
         your courses. For more details, visit
                                                                            app via the Apple Store or Google Play. You can also access it at
                                                                                  Be sure to sign up for DUO, Clemson’s two-factor
 5 Review your bill for tuition and fees at Click
                                                                            authentication system. Visit
    on the “Student Billing” tab and then select the “My Bill” tab.
                                                                            how-to/duo-authentication to find out more and enroll.
    Make arrangements to satisfy your tuition and fees prior to the
                                                                                  Download CU Navigate for easy access to graduation
    deadline. Visit Student Financial Services for more information
                                                                            information and campus resources (academic and student life)
    at A late fee of $150 will
                                                                            and to schedule academic advising appointments.
    be added to the student’s account if tuition and fees have not
    been satisfied by the due date.
     • Students who plan to use VA education benefits should
                                                                         10 Review the Transfer Academic Programs website for more
                                                                            information about resources for new transfer students. Visit
          contact the VA certifying official, Emily Bloxdorf, at
                                                                   for more information.

                                                                                                                      Spring 2021 TransferMation   5
Develop leadership skills by working in student organizations.
                                                                                      The University has more than 500 recognized student
                                                                                      organizations. With so many different groups, it’s important to
                                                                                      know what your interests are. Organization categories include
                                                                                      athletic, academic, cultural, faith-based, honorary, professional,
                                                                                      political, residential, service, leadership and social. Visit
                                                                             to learn more.

                                                                                      Socialize and serve through civic engagement.
                                                                                      There is plenty to learn at Clemson University — in the
                                                                                      classroom and outside in the surrounding communities.
                                                                                      Clemson students participate in various service projects to help
                                                                                      make a difference in the local and national community. Find
                                                                                      more information at

                                                                                      Get together during campus recreation.
     Get Connected                                                                    Located in Fike Recreation Center, the Department of Campus
                                                                                      Recreation provides facilities and programs campuswide to the
     at Clemson!                                                                      students, faculty and staff of the University. Campus Rec offers
                                                                                      students multiple opportunities to get involved, whether it’s
                                                                                      playing a club or intramural sport, using the fitness facility or
                                                                                      taking a special course such as scuba diving. Visit
     Make the most of your college experience. Log in to
     TigerQuest to learn about 500+ clubs and organizations on
     Clemson’s campus. Most students say it’s their experiences                       Partner with others in multicultural and international programs.
     outside the classroom that they remember most and that                           Clemson provides a variety of educational, developmental
     best prepare them for the future. Below are just a few of the                    and social programs that help students learn about the many
                                                                                      cultures that are part of the Clemson Family. The University also
     many reasons to participate in student life at Clemson. Go
                                                                                      provides various support programs and services to some of our
     to and get connected by setting                    underrepresented populations. Learn more at
     up your personal TigerQuest account.                                             centers-institutes/gantt.

     Unite through Student Government and Transfer Council.                           Make your own connection.
     Transfer Council is a dedicated group of transfer students who represent         Can’t find the right organization for you? Start your own!
     the “voice” of the transfer students on campus. As a part of Undergraduate       Go through Undergraduate Student Government to begin
     Student Government, the council meets weekly to plan support activities and      the process to create a recognized undergraduate student
     implement new ideas to help transfer students in their transition to Clemson.    organization. Visit for
                                                                                      more information.
     Participate in the Transfer 2 Tiger Mentor Program.
     The Transfer 2 Tiger Mentor Program (T2T) is a peer-to-peer program for new      Be connected to support services.
     transfer students to connect with upperclass transfer students. The purpose      The office of Student Accessibility Services at Clemson is ready
     of a transfer specific mentor program is to help cultivate a support system      to meet with new students to set up academic accommodations
     within the transfer community at Clemson. New transfer students will have        for students with appropriate documentation. Contact a
     the opportunity to apply as a T2T mentee at the beginning of the semester. All   disability specialist at 864-656-6848 or email studentaccess@
     mentees will be paired with a T2T mentor for the Spring 2021 semester.  to set up an appointment.

     Learn more about the SPECTRA Scholarship Program.                                Strengthen your academic skills.
     SPECTRA is a scholarship program for students who are transferring from          Brush up on your academic skills by viewing on-demand videos
     a South Carolina Technical College pursuing a degree in engineering or           from the iLearn video library. To review a list of available videos,
     computer science. For information about the program and qualifications           go to
     please visit or email Janey Charles at                 Once classes begin, the Academic Success Center will offer                                                              workshops each week on topics designed to help new students.
                                                                                      Learn more by visiting the ASC website at
     Get a great job or internship.
     Center for Career and Professional Development counselors can meet               Attend athletic events.
     one-on-one with students to explore career or educational options, devise        Athletic events are a fantastic way to socialize and exhibit
     résumés and cover letters, hone interviewing techniques and assist in            Clemson spirit. Don’t forget about the tailgates and pregame
     searches for internships and full-time positions. ClemsonJobLink is the          activities (First Friday Parade, Tigerama, Family Weekend, etc.)!
     center’s online recruiting system to see part-time or full-time jobs and         Check out Clemson traditions at
     internships and to sign up for on-campus interviews. Visit career.sites.         html. or call 864-656-0440.                                                    To find athletic ticket distribution information and season
                                                                                      schedules, visit
6   Spring 2021 TransferMation
Clemson Transfer Credit Categories and Policies
                                                                            CLEMSON TRANSFER CREDIT CLASSIFICATIONS

                                           Clemson Course                    Elective Course              3000-level Clemson             4000-level Clemson
                                              Equivalent                                                    Course (3999)                  Course (4999)

What classifications of transfer       Depending on course content      Elective credit can be          Depending on course            Depending on course
credit does Clemson utilize to         and institution type (two-       awarded for 1000- and           content, 3000-level course     content, 4000-level course
award credit for coursework            or four-year), credit for a      2000-level courses              credit can be awarded for      credit can be awarded for
completed at another institution?      specific Clemson course can      completed at a two- or          1000- to 4000-level courses    1000- to 4000-level courses
                                       be awarded from the 1000 to      four-year institution for       completed at a four-year       completed at a four-year
                                       4000 level. NCT is used for      which there is no equivalent    institution for which there    institution for which there
                                       courses that are not college     Clemson course.                 is no equivalent Clemson       is no equivalent Clemson
                                       transferable.                                                    course. (3000-level credit     course. (4000-level credit
                                                                                                        cannot be awarded for any      cannot be awarded for any
                                                                                                        course completed at a two-     course completed at a two-
                                                                                                        year institution.)             year institution.)

What are the                           Credit for equivalent 1000-      Elective credit is the only     No course completed at         No course completed at
differences in how                     and 2000-level Clemson           credit that can be awarded      a two-year institution can     a two-year institution can
course credits                         courses can be awarded           for 1000- and 2000-level        transfer to Clemson as a       transfer to Clemson as a

earned at a two-                       for 1000- and 2000-level         courses for which there is no   3000-level course or be        4000-level course or be
year or four-year                      courses. NCT is used for         Clemson equivalent.             substituted for a 3000-level   substituted for a 4000-level
institution will                       courses that are not college                                     Clemson course.                Clemson course.
transfer to Clemson?                   transferable.

                                       Depending on course              Elective credit can be          Depending on course            Depending on course
                                       content, credit for equivalent   awarded for 1000- to            content, 3000-level course     content, 4000-level course
                                       Clemson courses can be           4000-level courses for          credit can be awarded for      credit can be awarded for

                                       awarded from the 1000 to         which there is no Clemson       1000- to 4000-level courses.   1000- to 4000-level courses.
                                       4000 level. NCT is used for      equivalent.
                                       courses that are not college

Can transfer credits Clemson has       Yes. Credits awarded as          Yes. Credits awarded as         Yes. Credits from a four-      Yes. Credits from a four-
awarded be applied to satisfy          Clemson course equivalents       elective can be used to         year institution awarded as    year institution awarded as
Clemson degree requirements            can be used to satisfy           satisfy elective requirements   3999 can be used to satisfy    4999 can be used to satisfy
(major, general education and/or       major-specific, gen ed or        that the student has not yet    3000-level major-specific      4000-level major-specific
elective)?                             elective requirements that       completed.                      or elective requirements       or elective requirements
                                       the student has not yet                                          that the student has not yet   that the student has not yet
                                       completed.                                                       completed.                     completed.

Can transfer credits Clemson has       Yes, if approved by the          Yes, if approved by the         Yes, if 1) the credits were    Yes, if 1) the credits were
awarded be used to substitute for      appropriate departmental/        appropriate departmental/       earned at a four-year          earned at a four-year
a Clemson degree requirement           college representative(s).       college representative(s).      institution and                institution and
(major, gen ed and/or elective)?                                                                        2) approved by the             2) approved by the
                                                                                                        appropriate departmental/      appropriate departmental/
                                                                                                        college representative(s).     college representative(s).

Can a course completed elsewhere       Yes, if approved by the          Yes, if approved by the         Yes, if approved by the        Yes, if approved by the
be reevaluated so that credit is       departmental faculty credit      departmental faculty credit     departmental faculty credit    departmental faculty credit
awarded differently than it was        evaluator.                       evaluator.                      evaluator.                     evaluator.
awarded originally?

                                                                                                                                       Spring 2021 TransferMation     7
                                                                                                                        U.S . P O STAGE

    Undergraduate Studies                                                                                                  PAID
                                                                                                                        CLEMS ON, S C
    Clemson University
                                                                                                                         PERMIT #10
    101 Vickery Hall
    Box 345105
    Clemson, SC 29634-5105

    Key Contact Information
    Academic Success Center                 Orientation Office
    864-656-6452                            864-656-0515               

    Admissions Office                         iROAR Student Portal
                                            Student Financial Services (billing office)
    Email, CCIT Assistance or Google Apps   864-656-5592
                                            Student Accessibility Services
    Financial Aid Office                      864-656-6848
    864-656-2280                                                                                     Questions or concerns?
                                            Student Health Services
    Housing and Dining Office                 864-656-2233                                Contact Caroline Murray
    864-656-2295                                     Associate Director for Transfer Academic                                                                 Programs
                                            Undergraduate Studies
                                                                                        Vickery Hall 111
    Laptop Program                          864-656-3022
    864-656-3494                                                                                     864-656-6256

8   Spring 2021 TransferMation
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