Nutritional knowledge, anthropometric profile, total cholesterol, and motivations among Peruvian vegetarians and non-vegetarians

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Nutr Clín Diet Hosp. 2021; 41(1):91-98
 Artículo Original                                                                                           DOI: 10.12873/411saintila

Nutritional knowledge, anthropometric profile, total
cholesterol, and motivations among Peruvian vegetarians
and non-vegetarians
Jacksaint SAINTILA1, Tabita E. LOZANO LÓPEZ1, Yaquelin E. CALIZAYA-MILLA1, Michael WHITE2,
1 Department of Nutrition, School of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, Peru.
2 Dirección General de Investigación, Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, Perú.
3 Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Human Medicine, Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, Peru.

Recibido: 30/noviembre/2020. Aceptado: 12/febrero/2021.

ABSTRACT                                                                64.362 ± 12.272 kg, p=0.017), (23.22 ± 3.026 kg/m2
                                                                        vs. 25.152 ± 3,373 kg/m2, p

trients and thus on his/her anthropometric profile and plasma                non-probability sampling for convenience. Participants who
cholesterol concentration. There are several reasons that mo-                did not sign the informed consent form, who did not fill out
tivate people to follow the vegetarian lifestyle5. Among the                 the instruments correctly, and those who presented diabetes
most prominent motivations are the benefits of physical and                  mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, and
mental well-being, the desire to care for the environment,                   those who underwent psychological treatment were excluded.
and compassion for animals6.                                                 The purpose of this study was explained to the participants
                                                                             before the data was collected. The study was conducted in
   Despite the benefits of vegetarian diets, it seems that not
                                                                             accordance with the ethical principles indicated in the
everyone who follows this diet can meet their nutritional re-
                                                                             Declaration of Helsinki and received the approval of the
quirements. Plant-based diet, especially the vegan diet, is as-
                                                                             Research Ethics Committee of Universidad Peruana Unión and
sociated with a favorable anthropometric profile and nutri-
                                                                             registered under reference number: N° 00124-2020/UPeU/
tional biomarkers, however, low concentrations of essential
micronutrients such as 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 (25 (OH) D3),
iodine and selenium have been found compared to reference
values7. This deficiency could be explained by the minimal ba-               Registration form and nutritional knowledge
sic knowledge that some vegetarians have about the diet.                        Data collection was done through validated instruments de-
                                                                             signed from relevant previously published studies6. A registra-
   To enjoy the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, an ade-
                                                                             tion form was used to collect sociodemographic data such as
quate and optimal nutritional intake is important. Such a di-
                                                                             age, gender, nationality, marital status, level of education. In
etary intake would not be possible without adequate nutri-
                                                                             addition, anthropometric and biochemical data were taken into
tional knowledge. Regardless of dietary pattern, nutritional
                                                                             account, such as weight, height, BMI, WC, and total cholesterol
knowledge is a key factor in achieving a healthy dietary habit
                                                                             concentration. Likewise, the motivations for choosing vegetar-
and maintaining optimal health8.
                                                                             ian diets. The levels of knowledge of the participants were de-
   Lack of nutritional knowledge is considered one of the main               termined through a questionnaire developed according to the
causes of inadequate dietary habits in vegetarians and non-                  criteria suggested by FAO in its Guide to assess knowledge, at-
vegetarians. Although the vegetarian diet generally follows a                titudes, and practices in nutrition, whose questions can be
more varied and nutritious pattern of intake, it creates a                   viewed at To de-
question as to whether or not vegetarians have greater nutri-                termine the clarity and feasibility of the questionnaire, the in-
tional knowledge than non-vegetarians9. The few existing                     strument was tested. Reliability was determined through the
studies on the subject have shown that both vegetarians and                  Kuder-Richardson analysis. Cronbach’s α coefficient was > 0.7.
non-vegetarians often have misconceptions about nutrition                    The evaluation of nutritional knowledge was made considering
and are misinformed about dietary recommendations10. This                    a scale based on a minimum score of 60% and was classified
highlights the need for nutrition education for both population              in the following way: scores lower than or equal to 60% of cor-
groups. Additionally, only a few studies have compared nutri-                rect answers were considered low knowledge, 61 to 80% of
tional knowledge between vegetarians and non-vegetari-                       correct answers were considered regular knowledge, and cor-
ans10. Having ample information on this variable is crucial,                 rect answers greater than 80% were considered sufficient
since it can highlight the need for health professionals, specif-            knowledge11.
ically nutritionists, to be trained to adequately address and
orient people to the importance of adopting a balanced diet.                 Anthropometric measurements
In addition, information on the level of nutritional knowledge
would help meet the need to design and implement specific                       The anthropometric measurements were taken in the
interventions on nutrition for the study population based on                 Nutritional Clinic at the Universidad Peruana Unión. To measure
nutritional education.                                                       weight and height, a calibrated SECA 700 mechanical column
                                                                             scale was used, with a capacity of 220 kg and a measurement
  This study aims to compare nutritional knowledge, anthro-                  range of 60 to 200 cm (SECA®, Hamburg, Germany). The BMI
pometric profile, total cholesterol, and motivations among                   was calculated according to the parameters established by the
Peruvian vegetarians and non-vegetarians.                                    WHO12, using the Quetelet index and was classified as follows:
                                                                             thin, ≤18.5 kg/m2; between 18.5 and ≤24.9 kg/m2, eutrophic;
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                        between 25.0 and 29.9 kg/m2, overweight; ≥30 kg/m2, obese.
                                                                             The WC was determined through a Cescorf self-retracting
Design, type of research and participants
                                                                             metallic steel tape measure (Cescorf Equipamentos Para
   A cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 149 veg-                Esporte Ltda - Epp, Brazil). WC was classified according to the
etarians and non-vegetarians between the ages of 18 and 49                   criteria established by the Peruvian Ministry of Health13: in
from the eastern region of the city of Lima were recruited to                men,

≥ 88 cm, very high risk. The anthropometric measurements          in the nutritional knowledge level of the two groups. In ad-
were taken in triplicate by the same professional nutritionist    dition, a sufficient score was not observed in either group
trained in anthropometry.                                         (>80 %). Vegetarians had significantly lower average weight
                                                                  compared to non-vegetarians (59.948 ± 8.923 kg vs. 64,362
Determination of total cholesterol                                ± 12.272 kg, p

   Another finding of the study is that “health benefits,” “eco-                 vegetarians7,16,17. Health is a very significant motivational el-
logical or environmental reasons,” and “moral principles”                        ement in terms of disease prevention and reduction of dis-
were the main reasons for following the vegetarian diet                          comfort when disease is present. The health reasons that
(table 1). Various studies have shown that health, environ-                      motivate people to opt for vegetarian diets are well founded
mental issues, as well as animal welfare, are important for                      in previous extensive research1,3. These studies showed that

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics and motivations of vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

                                                     Vegetarians (n = 62)                 Non-vegetarians (n =87)
                   Variable                                                                                                        χ2       p-value*
                                                       n                   %                    n                   %

 Age (years)                                                                                                                     5.515         0.063

   ≤ 25                                                20                 32.3                 18                  20.7

   26 - 35                                             13                 21.0                 33                  37.9

   >36                                                 29                 46.8                 36                  41.4

 Sex                                                                                                                             0.242         0.623

   Female                                              43                 69.4                 57                  65.5

   Male                                                19                 30.6                 30                  34.5

 Nationality                                                                                                                     13.775        0.003

   Peruvian                                            48                 77.5                 84                  65.8

   Non-Peruvian                                        14                 22.6                  3                   3.4

 Marital status                                                                                                                  0.000         0.989

   Single                                              32                 51.6                 45                  51.7

   Married                                             30                 48.4                 42                  48.3

 Level of education                                                                                                              31.307

Table 2. Anthropometric profile, total cholesterol and nutritional knowledge among vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

                                     Vegetarians (n = 62)                Non-vegetarians (n =87)
           Variable                                                                                                 t*                p-value**
                                     Mean                 SD                Mean                 SD

 Weight (kg)                         59.948              8.923             64.362              12.272             -2.413                 0.017

 Height (m)                           1.604              0.103              1.595              0.083              0.603                  0.547

 BMI kg/m2                            23.22              3.026             25.152              3.373              -4.563

a healthy plant-based diet helps reduce the risk of cardio-                  lower in vegetarians; furthermore, the majority of vegetarians
vascular disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, hyperten-                 presented an adequate concentration of total cholesterol.
sion, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus1-3.                              Previous studies1,2,7, have reported similar findings. These re-
                                                                             sults could be due to the fact that vegetarian diets are char-
   As for the environmental reasons for vegetarianism, these                 acterized by a lower intake of cholesterol, total fat, and satu-
are justified by the fact that meat production and consumption               rated fatty acids, which would lead to a lower absorption and
contribute to excessive water use and pollution, greenhouse                  transport of cholesterol in the blood, thus decreasing the risk
gas emissions, the use of forest land for crops to graze animals,            of cardiovascular disease by approximately 9% to 10%28.
and soil erosion18. Conversely, plant-based foods produce lower              Additionally, plant-based diets contain a high concentration of
greenhouse gas emissions19. A change to a vegetarian diet                    phytochemicals which are capable of reducing intestinal ab-
would result in a significant reduction in gas emissions, in ad-             sorption of cholesterol and, what’s, they favor a blood reduc-
dition to mitigating the negative effects of climate change18,20.            tion of total cholesterol by inhibiting its biosynthesis29.
  Regarding moral reasons, some studies report similar find-                    Regarding the level of nutritional knowledge, both vege-
ings21. This could be explained by affective reasons towards                 tarians and non-vegetarians presented a score below 80%
animals, which is most evident in women; as it happened in                   (table 3), which indicates a regular level of nutritional knowl-
the present study, in the vegetarian group, there was a higher               edge; furthermore, there was no significant difference.
proportion of women than men. Furthermore, for vegetarians,                  Although the vegetarians in our study were more academi-
concern for animals and animal welfare is a philosophical ex-                cally minded than the non-vegetarians, their nutritional
pression of nonviolence or nonharm to animals22. Even eating                 knowledge was not higher than that of the non-vegetarians.
plant-based foods is part of an ethical commitment for some                  Similar results were found in a study in which both vegetar-
vegetarians23. Knowing these main motivations for vegetarian                 ians and non-vegetarians lacked adequate nutritional knowl-
diets could be used as an effective method to encourage peo-                 edge30. There is clear evidence of the need to implement nu-
ple about the importance of consuming plant-based foods                      tritional education programs in both groups to maintain an
through nutrition education programs17.                                      adequate level of nutritional knowledge9. On the other hand,
                                                                             there are findings which show that vegetarians demonstrated
   In this study, the vegetarians had a significantly lower av-
                                                                             greater nutritional knowledge10. The results of the present
erage weight; moreover, they presented a BMI within the
                                                                             study suggest a clear need to implement nutrition education
normal range (table 2). Our results are consistent with those
                                                                             programs for both the general population and for healthcare
reported in a study conducted by Cramer et al.5. The rela-
                                                                             professionals so that they can be trained on healthy dietary
tionship between vegetarian diets and an adequate anthro-
                                                                             patterns, especially vegetarian diets, for better nutritional
pometric profile is well documented in the scientific litera-
ture. The possible tie between vegetarian diets and weight
control and low cardiovascular risk may be explained by the
fact that a vegetarian diet is characterized by lower caloric                Limitations
density, and less sodium, due to the presence of a higher                       The present study has some limitations. First, the size of
content of foods rich in dietary fiber, vitamins C, E, and B1,               the sample. Second, the recruitment of participants was car-
folate, Mg, Fe, and bioactive (phytochemical) elements24.                    ried out in the region of East Lima and third, the cross-sec-
Bioactive elements, can have a significant impact on the pre-                tional design does not allow for a temporal or causal relation-
vention of chronic non-communicable diseases in the long                     ship between events to be established, finally, the quality of
term. Furthermore, the majority of vegetarians presented a                   the participants’ diet was not evaluated, since this would im-
lower WC compared to non-vegetarians, indicating a low risk                  ply a bias when evaluating the nutritional status of both
of presenting cardiovascular disease (table 3). Similar evi-                 groups. A longitudinal research study should be carried out in
dence was found by Matsumoto et al.,2, who, after conduct-                   which an intervention program is considered with the purpose
ing a correlation analysis between vegetarian diet and car-                  of improving nutritional knowledge. Likewise, it is necessary
diovascular risk factors in a group of participants in the                   to take into account the evaluation of the quality of the diet
Adventist Health Study-2. This may be due to the fact that                   in future research. Additionally, the evaluation of the reliabil-
the consumption of vegetable proteins is associated with bet-                ity and validity of the knowledge questionnaire has not yet
ter weight control evidenced by a lower incidence of obesity                 been carried out and, therefore, the current results should be
and, consequently, lower cardiovascular risk25. In addition, a               interpreted with caution.
BMI >27.5 kg/m2 and a WC above the recommended range
are associated with a higher incidence of death from cardio-                 CONCLUSIONS
vascular diseases26,27.
                                                                               In this study, no significant difference was observed in the
  As for total cholesterol, we have shown that although most                 level of nutritional knowledge in vegetarians and non-vege-
values were within the normal range, they were significantly                 tarians. In addition, both groups presented an insufficient

                                                                                                               Nutr Clín Diet Hosp. 2021; 41(1):91-98

knowledge score. On the other hand, vegetarians presented                  12. World Health Organization (WHO). Obesity: Preventing and
significantly lower BMI and WC compared to non-vegetarians.                    Managing the Global Epidemic. Report of a WHO Consultation on
Total cholesterol was significantly lower in vegetarians.                      Obesity, Technical Report Series 894 [Internet]. Geneva,
“Health benefits”, “ecological or environmental reasons”, and                  Switzerland.; 2000. Available from:
“moral principles” were the main motivations for following the
vegetarian diet.                                                           13. Ministerio de Salud. Gobierno del Perú. Guía técnica para la valo-
                                                                               ración nutricional antropométrica de la persona adulta [Internet].
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                Lima; 2012 [cited 2020 Jun 24]. Available from: https://reposito-
  This research was supported by the School of Human
Nutrition and Human Medicine from the Universidad Peruana                  14. Allès B, Baudry J, Méjean C, Touvier M, Péneau S, Hercberg S, et
Unión and is part of master's thesis by Jacksaint Saintila.                    al. Comparison of Sociodemographic and Nutritional Charac-
                                                                               teristics between Self-Reported Vegetarians, Vegans, and Meat-
                                                                               Eaters from the NutriNet-Santé Study. Nutrients. 2017 Sep
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