Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District

Page created by Joann Curtis
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Northeast District Office
                                                                              P.O. Box 2054
                                                                              Statesboro, GA 30459
                                                                              Phone 912-871-3306
                                                                              Fax 912-681-9739
David Graves – Resident Bishop         Stephen B. Grantham - Superintendent

                                       September 2021

                      Alive Together At The Table
                     Crises are Opportunities for Change
                          Rev. Stephen B. Grantham, District Superintendent

         A crisis, by its very nature, is unsettling. It forces us to deal with realities we
   have not been prepared to meet. It gets us out of the world of comfort and makes
   us confront uncomfortable realities. It exercises muscles we need to use.

         The crisis of Christians being systematically persecuted and killed in
   Jerusalem, forced many to leave Jerusalem, their home, and to share the Gospel in
   the Gentile world, thus fulfilling the Great Commission: “All authority in heaven and
   on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
   baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and
   teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I
   am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18b-20)

          To be honest with you, I do not like crises. I don’t like how they make me
   feel; unsettled, nervous, not quite at peace. I have learned from life that they are
   one of the most important teachers in life. They prepare us for doing the new
   things we need to do for God.

          Dealing with Covid is no different. It is tragic in the way it has affected
   people’s lives. My Mother-in-Law died of Covid last October, after a careless care
   giver brought it into her home. What did we learn?
   Be careful. Ask questions. Clearly communicate our expectations. Take good
   precautions. Be compassionate to everyone.
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
What implications does it have for our churches?

Sanitize well. Encourage folks to think more about their brothers and sisters in
Christ and their health. Figure out how to worship in ways that utilizes technology.
Pastors are having to learn to pastor more using email, text messages and
telephone. Some are doing front porch and doorstep visits. There is more than
one way to skin a cat. Do not give in. Be creative and remain effective. Remember,
he is with us to the end of the age.


                     Important Dates to Remember

September 2nd      Pointer Cluster @ Sardis UMC @ 10:00 am
September 2nd      Sweet Onion Cluster @ Vidalia FUMC @ 11:00 am
September 3rd      Between 2 Rivers Cluster @ Wall’s Diner @ 12:00 pm
September 6th      Labor Day – District Office Closed
September 7th      District Office Closed
September 7th      Statesboro Cluster @ PPUMC @ 10:00 am
September 13th     Long Road Cluster @ Louisville @ 6:00 pm
September 16th     Crossroads Cluster @ Swainsboro @ 7:00 pm
September 22nd     First Day of Fall
October 7th        DCOM @ PPUMC - 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
November 15th & 16th      Bishop Graves will meet with the Northeast District
December 11th      District Christmas Party @ Pittman Park
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Welcome, Bishop Graves

September 1 officially begins Bishop David Graves’ episcopal leadership in the
South Georgia Annual Conference. Bishop Graves currently serves as bishop of
the Alabama-West Florida Conference. With the postponement of General and
Jurisdictional Conferences, Bishop Graves will provide episcopal leadership to
both the South Georgia and the Alabama-West Florida Conferences.
Let’s extend a warm South Georgia welcome to Bishop Graves!
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Kelly Roberson to assume interim role as
            Connectional Ministries Team Leader
                  Last month, Allison Lindsey announced she will be stepping
                  down from her role as director of Connectional Ministries
                  effective Aug. 15. As a new grandmother, she now has the
                  opportunity to provide daily care for her grandson, Mac.
                   While we rejoice in this new role for Allison, we will miss her
                   leadership as Director of Connectional Ministries. Allison has
                   served South Georgia so effectively, both as a member of the
                   Connectional Ministries staff and as director of that ministry
                   for the past year. The good news is that Allison is willing to use
her experience and expertise to assist us with OnBoarding and other training
events in local churches, when her schedule is able to accommodate.
During this time, from now until the end of our conference year next June, it
is clear we need interim leadership, someone who knows the Connectional
Ministries staff well and has a history of working with them very effectively.
After a discussion with the Appointive Cabinet and other conference staff
including Human Resources Director Eleanor Dickson and Conference Personnel
Committee chairman Scott Tucker, I have decided to appoint Kelly Roberson as
Team Leader of Connectional Ministries for this interim period. She will continue
her role as Director of Communications. Read more

     SEJ College of Bishops appoints Dr. Brad Brady as
                 SEJ Conference secretary
During their virtual meeting Thursday, Aug. 19, the Southeastern Jurisdiction’s
                College of Bishops appointed Dr. Brad Brady to serve as the South-
                eastern Jurisdiction Conference Secretary, effective upon current
                secretary Anne Travis’ retirement Sept. 1. Read more
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference Forms
The 2021 Charge Conference Forms are now live and may be found at In addition, the Extension Ministry dashboard is updated and
ready as well at

Section 1 requires the use of the church dashboard (Clergy Compensation Form for clergy
serving a local church or extension ministry and the Local Church Leadership List). Please
contact the district office if you need help with your username and password.

Sections 2-4 contain fillable .pdf or Word documents, and Section 5 contains links provided by
agencies/ministries of our Conference.

If you have never completed charge conference forms or need a refresher, Dr. Derek McAleer
has provided a Charge Conference Overview Webinar to assist you.

There are several reminders and updates to note:

Lay Leadership List
As a reminder, the district and conference offices communicate with those persons holding
various leadership positions of the local church throughout the year. This includes delegates to
the Annual Conference session. It is vitally important that each required leadership position
includes name AND email address.

Clergy Compensation Form
For clergy serving a local church the Compensation Form is accessed through the Church
dashboard. For clergy serving in an extension ministry position the Compensation Form is
accessed through the Extension Ministry dashboard.

This year, the Compensation Form will be only one section. No need to go back later and do a
second part anymore! Clergy will not be reporting their health insurance elections on the
compensation form. Clergy will go ahead and complete their Compensation Form - including
their pension elections - online and turn it in through the Charge Conference. After Open
Enrollment has concluded, clergy will print out their health insurance/benefits elections
confirmation form and give a copy to his or her Treasurer so that the Treasurer will know what
to withhold from their paycheck beginning Jan 1.

PLEASE NOTE: No one from the District or Conference offices will communicate your health
elections to your local church treasurer. This is the responsibility of the clergy person.

2021 Charge Conference Form Timeline
August 2        Charge Conference Forms Open Online (including compensation)
November 3-18 Health Flex Open Enrollment
November 19     Completed Equitable Compensation applications due to District Offices
December 3      Clergy Compensation Forms Close Online
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
   Sweet Onion Clergy Consultations – Vidalia FUMC September 13th
 11:00 am                 Bill Baker         2:00 pm               Brian Durden

 12:00 pm                 Jim Smith          3:00 pm             Michael Hammond

  1:00 pm                 Arnie Raj          4:00 pm              Patrick Brannen

Between 2 Rivers Clergy Consultations – Sylvania FUMC September 14th
 10:00 am                Carroll Gay         1:00 pm               Karen Zeigler

 11:00 am              Dorsia Atkinson       2:00 pm               Perry Medley

 12:00 pm                                    3:00 pm               Uley Robbins

  6:00 pm               Steve Sirmons

Between 2 Rivers Clergy Consultations – Sylvania FUMC September 15th
  9:00 am               Robert Poston        11:00 am            Jeane Sturdivant

 10:00 am               Judson Barnes

   Sweet Onion Charge Conference – Vidalia FUMC September 19th
             8:30 am                              Mt. Vernon/Long Pond

             11:00 am                            Ruth’s Chapel/Ailey (meal)

             2:00 pm                         Alamo/Cedar Grove (refreshments)

             4:00 pm                             Vidalia 1st (refreshments)

     Altamaha Clergy Consultation – Lyons FUMC September 20th
 11:00 am                  Bill Lee           2:00 pm             Shareon Womack

 12:00 pm               Randall Smith         3:00 pm                Ros Parker

  1:00 pm               Ron Womack            4:00 pm               Ron Johnson

            Sweet Onion Charge Conference –September 20th
            6:00 pm                                      Grace

            Sweet Onion Charge Conference –September 21st
            6:00 pm                      Nepsey-Warren/Ebenezer (refreshments)
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
           Sweet Onion Charge Conference –September 22nd
           6:00 pm                                  Shiloh/Spring Hill

      Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference – September 26th
           9:00 am                           Oak Grove (light refreshments)

           11:00am                                 Rocky Ford/Goloid

           2:00 pm                              St. Andrews/Horse Creek

           5:00 pm                           Sylvania 1st (light Refreshments)

  Statesboro Clergy Consultations– District Office September 27th
10:00 am               Steve Brown            1:00 pm                 William Reaves

11:00 am              Kenneth Griffin         2:00 pm                  Allen Cason

12:00 pm                                      3:00 pm                  Bill Bagwell

      Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference – September 26th
            6:00 pm                                        Hiltonia

  Statesboro Clergy Consultations– District Office September 28th
10:00 am         Stephanie Smith and          1:00 pm                 Chip Strickland
                    Jonathan Smith

11:00 am              Janet Odegaard          2:00 pm                  Ricky Varnell

12:00 pm                                      3:00 pm                  Scott Hagan

       Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference –September 28th
 6:00 pm                                       McBride

      Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference –September 29th
 6:00 pm                  Buck Creek/Blue Springs/Harmony (meal @ Buck Creek)
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
      Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference –September 30th
6:00 pm                             Newington (refreshments)

           Between 2 Rivers Charge Conference –October 3rd
11:00 am                                  Black Creek

              Statesboro Charge Conference –October 3rd
            4:00 pm                                   Pittman Park

            6:30 pm                       Charlestown/Mt. Zion/Springhead

             Statesboro Charge Conference –October 4th
            6:00 pm                                   Statesboro 1st

                      District Office – October 5th
           10:00 am                                   Chad Watkins

              Statesboro Charge Conference –October 5th
            6:00 pm                               Brannen Chapel

             Statesboro Charge Conference –October 6th
            6:00 pm                           New Hope/Hubert (meal)

             Statesboro Charge Conference –October 7th
            6:00 pm                                     LifeSpring

             Statesboro Charge Conference –October 10th
            8:30 am                               Brooklet (Meal)

           11:00 am

            2:00 pm                                Union (Bulloch)

            4:00 pm                                      Metter
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
           Long Road Clergy Consultations– Louisville October 12th
9:00 am                David Boggs          11:00 am                Mike Collins

10:00 am               Hugh Baxter          12:00 pm                Chris Shoemaker

           Long Road Clergy Consultations – Louisville October 13th
     9:00 am             Dan Underwood           11:00 am                   Ed Chance

     10:00 am                Faye Burgamy        12:00 pm

                    Altamaha Charge Conference –October 17th
                  8:30 am                                 Harden’s Chapel

                  11:00 am                                    Smyrna

                  2:00 pm                                    Lyons’s 1st

                    Long Road Charge Conference –October 17th
                  6:00 pm                                     Louisville

                Fruitful Clergy Consultations– Louisville October 18th
     9:00 am             Thomas Kennison         1:00 pm                   David Donnan

     10:00 am                  Rus Black         2:00 pm                   Scott Brenton

     11:00 am                Jesse France        3:00 pm                   Steve Posey

     12:00 pm

                    Altamaha Charge Conference –October 20th
                  6:00 pm                                      Center

                Fruitful Clergy Consultations – Claxton October 20th
     9:00 am                 Clay Loadman        11:00 am                   Mike Lyons

     10:00 am               Tammy Fincher        12:00 pm

                    Altamaha Charge Conference –October 20th
                  6:30 pm                              Uvalda/Alston/Charlotte
Alive Together At The Table - Crises are Opportunities for Change - Northeast District
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
            Altamaha Charge Conference –October 21st
           6:00 pm                                Sharpes Chapel

            Long Road Charge Conference –October 24th
8:30 am                Waldens          2:00 pm                   Keysville

11:00 am                 Zoar           4:00 pm                    Wrens

            Long Road Charge Conference –October 25th
           6:00 pm                                   Bartow

            Long Road Charge Conference –October 26th
           6:00 pm                                   Vidette

            Long Road Charge Conference –October 27th
           6:00 pm                                  Wadley 1st

            Long Road Charge Conference –October 28th
           6:00 pm                                   St. John

              Fruitful Charge Conference –October 31st
8:30 am                  Nevils         2:00 pm                     Union

10:30 am               Reidsville       4:00 pm                  Daisy/Hagan

             Fruitful Charge Conference –November 1st
           6:00 pm                                  Harmony

     Pointer Clergy Consultations– Waynesboro November 2nd
9:00am               Randy Carnley     12:00 pm

10:00 am              Charles Way       1:00 pm                  Sonny Moon

11:00 am             Jose Velasquez     2:00 pm                  Jerry Sharpe

            Fruitful Charge Conference –November 2nd
           6:00 pm                                   Bellville
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
                Fruitful Charge Conference –November 3rd
             6:00 pm                                        Glennville

      Pointer Clergy Consultations– Waynesboro November 3rd
 9:00 am                Isaac Salgado       11:00 am                     John Drake

10:00 am                Rene’ Enlund

 2:00pm               Brenda Johnson      District Office

                Fruitful Charge Conference –November 4th
             6:00 pm                                    Sikes Chapel

           Crossroads Consultations– Swainsboro November 5th
9:00 am           Chris Archambeault        12:00 pm

10:00 am                Tom Tidwell          1:00 pm                     Tommy Veal

11:00 am                 Lee Pettis          2:00 pm                     David Unkles

                Pointer Charge Conference –November 7th
             8:30 am                      Union Grove/Midville (refreshments)

             11:00 am                                  Waynesboro 1st

                Fruitful Charge Conference –November 7th
             6:00 pm                                     Claxton 1st

                Pointer Charge Conference –November 8th
             6:00 pm                        Sardis/Ellis Chapel (refreshments)

                Pointer Charge Conference –November 9th
            6:00 pm                                         Millen

               Pointer Charge Conference –November 10th
            6:00 pm                     Fair Haven/Habersham (refreshments)

               Pointer Charge Conference –November 11th
            6:00 pm                     Green’s Cut/Friendship (Refreshments)
Charge Conference and Consultation Schedules
       Crossroads Consultations– Swainsboro November 12th
9:00 am                Chris Holt      12:00 pm

10:00 am               Mark Miller      1:00 pm                 Kevin Palmore

11:00 am               Bryan Price      2:00 pm                  Mark Hardin

              Pointer Charge Conference –November 14th
           9:00 am                      Oak Grove/Nannie Williams

           11:00 am                      Asbury/Haven Munnerlyn

           2:00 pm                          Bethany/Bethesda

    Crossroads Charge Conference– Swainsboro November 17th
           6:00 pm                      Adrian/Poplar Springs/Keas

    Crossroads Charge Conference– Swainsboro November 18th
             6:00 pm                         Cobbtown/Ebenezer

             Crossroads Charge Conference–November 21st
             9:00 am                                 Calvary

            11:00 am                              Swainsboro 1st

             2:00 pm                                Twin City

             4:00 pm                    Portal/Oak Park/Payne’s Chapel

             Crossroads Charge Conference–November 22nd
             6:00 pm                                Chris Holt

             Crossroads Charge Conference–November 23rd
             6:00 pm                         Garfield/New Beulah

             Crossroads Charge Conference–November 28th
             2:00 pm                                 Lothair

             5:00 pm                    Soperton/Landsburg/Glenwood
The Conference Hosts a Farewell Reception

A farewell reception was held for Bishop R. Lawson Bryan and Mrs. Sherrill Bryan
at Vineville United Methodist Church on Sunday, August 15th after 46 years of
ministry. We wish them well in their retirement.
When Tropical Storm Fred passed through South Georgia last week it sprouted
a tornado in Americus leaving significant damage to over a mile and a half of
residential neighborhoods. On Friday, August 20, team leader Chris Hughes,
from the South Central District-South Georgia UMC, and Bob Grieco, assistant
conference disaster response coordinator, collaborated for a quick response to
the call from Sumter County's Emergency Management Director for an early
response team (ERT) with chainsaw capabilities. Five ERT from the Northwest
District joined on Saturday. The team is being augmented by a skid steer,
operated by one of our ERT members, Dan Henderson. Additional teams will
be responding over the next few weeks to help affected residents. South
Georgia ERTs willing to help can contact Bob at 478-335-0092.

                  UMCOR Issues First Haiti Grants
In response to the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti on Aug. 14,
the United Methodist Committee on Relief is working with partners to provide
urgently needed medical supplies to Haitian hospitals. Two grants — one to the
Église Méthodiste d’Haiti (Methodist Church of Haiti), in coordination with local
doctors and nurses, and the other to Service Chrétien d’Haiti — will enable the
procurement of bandages, gauze, IV fluids, antibiotics and personal protective
equipment at Les Cayes General Hospital and two clinics. Read story
Hurricane Ida Update: Wait, Pray, Give, and Prepare

We watched and prayed as the powerful Hurricane Ida made landfall Sunday. Our
best response today is to pray, wait, actively communicate, and prepare. We'll
have more news later from this developing situation as we coordinate with
UMCOR & partners in the affected areas to add action to our prayers. Read more

2021 Dates for Lay Ministries (LSM and CLM)
The 2021 dates for Lay Ministries - Lay Servant Training and Certified Lay Ministry -
have been posted on the conference website. The time is right for churches to take
advantage of these leadership development opportunities.
More than ever, we need well trained leaders in our local churches. For more
information, contact Anne Bosarge, Associate Director, Office of Congregational
Development, at or 912-262-1331.

                             It’s a Block Party

St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Sylvania will be hosting a Block Party
on Saturday, September 4th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. There will be live music,
family fun, bounce house, face painting and food!
If you are interested in providing a booth, there is a $25 booth fee.
Contact Myrtis Roberts @ (912) 425-0981 or Sopia Medley @ (912) 412-3214.
Everyone is welcome! Please come and enjoy the fun and fellowship!
Pastors Due for Sexual Ethics Workshop
               Before Annual Conference 2022

Bill Bagwell            David Boggs                 Steve Brown
Faye Burgamy            Allen Cason                 David Donnan
George Durham           Rene’ Enlund                Tammy Fincher
Carroll Gay             Chris Holt                  Bill Lee
Clay Loadman            Perry Medley                Mark Miller
Ros Parker              Steve Posey                 Uley Robbins
Isaac Salgado           Jerry Sharpe                Steve Sirmons
Stephanie Smith         Chip Strickland             Jeane Sturdivant
Ricky Varnell           Tommy Veal

Everyone on the lists will get emails from the Conference in August
with the pre-video dates and the dates and locations for the 2.5-hour
discussions. This information is scheduled for September, February,
and April.
For more information contact Kate Tyler at

Georgia United Methodist Foundation Newsletter
Check out the latest edition.
Sign up at to have
Growing Generosity delivered right to your inbox.
For more information, please contact GUMF at
770-449-6726, 877-220-5664 or
Epworth By The Sea

Epworth By The Sea will reopen to the public this fall.
Epworth By The Sea, which has been closed to the public since Sept. 22, 2020,
plans to reopen to the public in late fall 2021.
When Epworth By The Sea reopens, guests are invited to experience Epworth’s
peace, connection, and beauty, said Executive Vice President Rev. Wayne Racz.
The campus has undergone significant improvements including cabins enlarged
and upgraded with central heat and air, larger bathrooms, and tankless gas water
heaters; lodge room interiors remodeled and updated; and construction of a
picnic pavilion and amphitheater under the oaks will begin this fall. Food service
has also expanded and improved.
“Epworth is eager to resume normal activities and welcome guests back,”
Rev. Racz said. “You have been missed along with the ministry that happens. We
have missed our churches, children and youth groups, camps, law enforcement,
military, families, and individual guests. We yearn to see our campus full of guests
and activities once again.”
Video about Epworth reopening

Registration Open for Fall Children's and Youth Retreats

Registration is now open for KidzQuest, the Conference's annual fall children’s
retreat for students in third through sixth grades, and Encounter, the
Conference's annual youth retreat for students in sixth through twelfth grades.
KidzQuest is scheduled for October 15-17, 2021, at Camp Jekyll 4-H Center on
Jekyll Island, Georgia for 3rd-6th grade students and is limited to 250
participants. Information I Register
Encounter Youth Retreat, for 6th-12th grade students, will take place November
19-21, 2021, at Epworth By The Sea on St. Simons Island.
Information I Register
1st    David Boggs                         4th     Joanna Underwood
5th    Sunshine Bird                       5th     Chip & Tris Strickland
6th    Keta Hardin                         9th     Chris Archambeault
9th    Kevin & Alivia Palmore              12th    Sam Wilder
13th   Uley & Ruthie Robbins               14th    Brian Durden
18th   Tammy Fincher                       18th    Kevin Palmore
19th   Ed & Jane Chance                    19th    Chris Shoemaker
22nd   Christa Archambeault                23rd    Steve Posey
23rd   Jan Smith                           24th    Joni Durden
25th   Steve Brown                         30th    Kevin Rountree
30th   Jeane Sturdivant

                            Cares and Concerns
Please be in prayer Rev. Ros Parker (Sharpes Chapel) home recovering from

Please be in prayer for the Family of Mrs. Marty Durham (wife of Rev. George
Durham) who passed away Tuesday, August 17, 2021.

Jimmy Sturdivant (husband of Jeanne Sturdivant).
The Methodist Home for Children and Youth

    Sunday, September 19, 2021, is Workday/The Methodist Home
Offering Sunday. Your support to The Methodist Home is a blessing and
makes our mission of restoring childhoods and strengthening families
You can also read