December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James

Page created by Clinton Mcbride
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
1071 Academy Drive
        December 20, 2020                              Conway, SC 29526

                                                      Phone: (843) 347-5168
                                                       Fax: (843) 347-1212

                                                        4:30pm & 6:00pm

                                                        7:30am & 9:00am
                                                       12:00 Noon- Español

                                                         at 3:15pm-4:15pm
          A SAVIOR IS BORN                               at 7:00pm-7:45pm
Christmas Mass schedule listed inside this bulletin
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
DECEMBER 20, 2020

           THIS WEEK’S INTENTION                                                THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES
                                                                              SUNDAY-FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT
                                                                     Perpetual Adoration                               daily
                                                                     Breakfast              9:00AM-3:00PM, Founders Center
                                                                     Youth Group Christmas Party for grades 6-12
                                                                                            1:30PM-3:00PM, all are welcome!!

                                                                     Perpetual Adoration                                    daily
                                                                     Rosary                                              9:30AM
                                                                     Ladies Guild Christmas Luncheon         11:00AM, Parish Hall

                                                                     Perpetual Adoration                                     daily

                                                                     Perpetual Adoration                                        daily
                                                                     Rosary                                                  9:30AM
                                                                     NO Holy Hour for the month of December. We ask that you
                                                                     join us in adoration at this time. Holy Hour resumes in January.
                                                                     Church Offices Closed                         Christmas Holiday

                                                                                             MERRY CHRISTMAS!
                                                                                                 THURSDAY-December 24
                                                                                                      Christmas Eve
                                                                                           Family Mass at 3:00PM (Live streaming)
                                                                                                 Christmas Mass at 5:00PM
                                                                                                 Christmas Mass at 7:00PM
                                                                                            Spanish Christmas Mass at 9:00PM
                            2021 CALENDARS                                                           (Live streaming)
                  are available in the hallway near the front                                beginning with Posada at 8:30PM
                  office after all the Masses. One per family
                                                                                                Christmas Mass at 11:00PM
                  please. Thank you to Goldfinch Funeral
                  Home for sponsoring the calendar again this
                                                                                  FRIDAY– December 25
                                                                                      Christmas Day
                                                                                 Christmas Mass at 7:30AM
CALENDARIOS DEL 2021 están disponibles en el pasillo
cerca de la oficina principal después de todas las misas. Tome          Christmas Mass at 9:00AM (Live streaming)
uno por familia. Gracias a la Funeraria Goldfinch por ayudarnos                   Spanish Christmas Mass at 11:00AM
con los calendarios este año.                                                              (Live streaming)

                                                                           Church offices closed December 23, 24, and 25
                       WE WILL HAVE LIMITED SEATING
                      AT THE 3:00PM, 5:00PM, and 7:00PM                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                            CHRISTMAS MASSES.                                                 SATURDAY
                                                                     Perpetual Adoration                                     daily
                   To prevent overcrowding we will be
                   distributing tickets for these Masses in the                          NEXT SUNDAY
                   gathering space today and then in the             Perpetual Adoration                            daily
                   church office on December 21 and 22.              Breakfast             9:00AM-3:00PM, Founders Center
Each person who attends one of the above Mass times will             Youth Group Game Day grades 6-12     1:30PM-3:00PM
need to have a ticket to be seated inside the church. (Example:
If you are a family of four, you will need to get 4 tickets.) Each                                COMING EVENTS
of these Mass times will have a different colored ticket. If you
have any questions, please call Suzanne McDonough at 843-                                       New Year’s Schedule
347-5168. ext. 234.                                                                         Thursday, December 31-- 4:00PM
                                                                                                   (Live streaming)
All other Masses will not need a ticket to                                                 Thursday, December 31 –6:00PM
attend. We will seat until the church is                               Thursday, December 31--8:00PM Spanish (Live streaming)
full then over flow into the parish hall.
                                                                              Friday, January 1-- 9:00AM (Live streaming)
    We will social distance and
                                                                      Friday, January 1--11:00AM Spanish Mass (Live streaming)
      everyone must wear
                                                                         Church offices closed Thursday, December 31 and
        a mask at Mass.                                                               Friday, January 1, 2021
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
       WORSHIP THIS WEEK December 19-27
Sat.   3:15pm-4:15pm Confession                                                       ADORATION
Sat.       4:00pm Rosary
           4:30pm Mass               + Marianne Hibbs                            CAN YOU SPEND AN HOUR
           6:00pm Mass                + Jacob Hancher                               WITH OUR LORD?
Sun.       7:30am Mass         + Josephine and Charles
                                       Wojciechowski                                      ADORACIÓN
           9:00am Mass          + Mary Yvonne Phelps                            ¿PUEDES PASAR UNA HORA CON
  11:00am-11:45am Confession                                                         NUESTRO SEÑOR?
          12:00pm Spanish Mass           For the Parish       We have several other hours with only one person. You can go
                                                              to our website or
*Rosary at 9:30AM after weekday Masses                        contact Lanny B at 843-246-2522 (text also) or
*Confession available following daily Masses        
Mon.         9:00am Mass                 + Water Zometsky
Tue.         9:00am Mass                     + Helen Smith             SIGN UP TODAY FOR JUST ONE HOUR!
   7:00pm –7:45pm Confessions                                 Coverage needed for these hours:
             8:00pm Spanish Mass                In honor of   Sunday 2:00AM-3:00AM
                                    Dan and Marion Fallone    Tuesday 1:00AM-2:00AM and 12:00 Noon-1:00PM
                                                              Thursday 8:00AM-9:00AM, 9:00AM-10:00AM, 3:0PM-4:00PM
Wed.         9:00am Mass          + Mr. and Mrs. T. Malloy
                                                              Saturday 12:00 Noon-1:00PM, 1:00PM-2:00PM
                 Christmas Eve Masses:
Thu.        3:00pm Family Christmas Mass
                                      + Timothy Skurat        SPECIAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: If you have
            5:00pm Christmas Mass + Charles Maxwell           experience in business management, banking, investments, or
            7:00pm Christmas Mass                             accounting, and would like to volunteer at St. James, please
                                                              contact     Paula      Loehr     at     843-347-5168      or
                           + William and Kathleen Bond
            9:00pm Spanish Mass           For the Parish
           11:00pm Christmas Mass + Larry Stevens and
                               + Jane and Sam Caughey
                                                              CONGRATULATIONS to Mark Anthony Bechtel and Kaitlin
                 Christmas Day Masses:                        Mary Coyne, who were married this weekend at St. James.
Fri.        7:30am Christmas Mass              No Intention
            9:00am Christmas Mass            + Dennis John
           11:00am Spanish Mass                No Intention

Sat.       4:00pm      Rosary
           4:30pm      Mass                 For the Parish
           6:00pm      Mass         + MarieJean Robillard
Sun.       7:30am      Mass               + EJ Monaghan
           9:00am      Mass              + Jerry Chiolero                               COAT DRIVE
  11:00am-11:45am      Confession                             The Social Justice Ministry is looking for donations of new or
          12:00pm      Spanish Mass          No Intention     gently used coats for men, women, and children! We will be
                                    + symbol for deceased     distributing the coats free of charge to those in need. Please
                                                              bring donations through December 25, and place them in the
                                                              designated donation box in the gathering space. Thank you for
OFFERTORY: We thank everyone who gives so generously to       helping us keep all of our brothers and sisters warm this winter!
our weekly collection.

COLLECTION FIGURES FROM DECEMBER 13, WILL BE IN                                          Youth Ministry
NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN.                                                           Sunday, December 20: Youth Christmas
                                                                                Party for grades 6-12 1:30PM-3:00PM, all
CHRISTMAS COLLECTION-DECEMBER 24 AND 25. Please                                 are welcome!!
be generous.
                                                                                Sunday, December 27: Game Day for
SECOND COLLECTION FOR DECEMBER 24 AND 25 IS FOR                                 grades 6-12 from 1:30PM-3:00PM. All are
MINISTRY OUTREACH. Please be generous.                                          welcome!!

       MERRY CHRISTMAS AND                                    Sunday, January 3: Middle School Youth Group 10:00AM-
                                                              11:30AM; High School Youth Group 1:30PM-3:00 PM
        HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
Fax (843)347-1212                     Website:              E-Mail:

                                                                  USHERS NEEDED AT ALL OUR WEEKEND MASSES:
                                                                  Would you like to be an usher at the Mass you attend on the
                                                                  weekend? If so, please contact Suzanne McDonough at 843-
                                                                  347-5168, ext. 234 to volunteer. It is a great way to be involved
                                                                  in the Mass.

    BUS TO STAND UP FOR LIFE MARCH                                                                 TIDY WHITEY
              AND RALLY                                                                  ADULT UNDERWEAR PROGRAM
                                                                                 Tidy Whitey Underwear Donations will begin
       SATURDAY JANUARY 9, 2021                                                  in January: The Knights are making our annual
                                                                                 plea for Underwear for ADULTS. For those
Grand Strand Citizens for Life will again provide buses to                       new to St. James, this is the 8th year
the State March for Life and Rally in Columbia, SC on                            parishioners are being asked to donate new
Saturday, January 9, 2021                                         underwear for adults. We all donate our coats, shoes, and
                                                                  regular clothes, but of course not our underwear. The poor and
Pick-up times and locations are as follows:                       homeless do not have clean, and in some cases, any
• St Michael’s Church parking lot, 542 Cyprus Drive,              underwear. Beginning in January, there will be
    Garden City - 6:30AM                                          boxes in the gathering space with “Tidy Whitey”
                                                                  signs on them. Please place your donations in
•    St Andrews Community Life Center 37th Ave N. near            them. Please be generous. "Amen, I say to you,
     Kings Hwy N., Myrtle Beach at 6:45AM.                        whatever you did for one of these least brothers
                                                                  of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40.
•    Belk’s Mall on Hwy 501 in Conway - 7:15AM

Your cost to take the bus is only $10 per person and
reservations are required. Please do not let the cost deter you
from joining us. If you need assistance covering the cost,
please let us know.

You must make reservations by calling Andrew Woitko at
H 843-734-0137 or M 302-981-1528. Your seat will be
reserved when payment is received. Make checks
payable to GSCL and mail them to 154 Woodlyn Ave.,
Little River, SC 29566. You may also pay online at https://

 Please make every effort to join us in taking a stand
for life. Let our voices be the voice for the voiceless.

es el nombre propio de lo que a veces se llama erróneamente
"últimos ritos" o "extrema Unción". Está destinado a cualquier    SACRAMENT OF THE SICK REQUEST: This is the proper
persona que tiene una enfermedad grave, se enfrenta a una         name for what is sometimes mistakenly called “Last Rites” or
cirugía, o incluso si está tratando con los efectos de la         “Extreme Unction.” It is meant for anyone who has a serious
ancianidad. No debe limitarse a los moribundos. Como dice         illness, is facing surgery, or even is dealing with the effects of old
claramente la Carta de Santiago: "¿Hay alguno que esté            age. It should not be limited to the dying. As the Letter of James
enfermo entre ustedes? Que envíen a los sacerdotes de la          says clearly, “Are there any who are sick among you? Let them
Iglesia, y que los sacerdotes oren sobre ellos, ungiéndolos con   send for the priests of the Church, and let the priests pray over
aceite en el nombre del Señor..." Es un sacramento de sanación    them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord...” It is a
para el espíritu, la mente y con frecuencia el cuerpo. Se         sacrament of healing for spirit, mind, and often body. It is
administra en una Misa mensual, por lo general el primer lunes,   administered at a monthly Mass, usually on the first Monday,
y en cualquier momento a petición.                                and anytime on request.
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
Please help us keep this updated.
 Our list has been updated, if a name has been removed and you would like to add it back to the list,
                                   please call the office. Thank you.
THE PRAYER LIST: Please pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of parishioners and friends: Daniel Aiden Richardson, Kim
McGuire, Irene, Cipriano Juan, Dan and Helen Dellaire, Mary Ann Baronoski, Kelsy Palmer, Michelle Adams, Bridie Healy, James
Dixon, Sam and Debbie Coccia, Don Samsel, Kennedy James Kraft, Marc Timms, Randy Amos, Debbie Schaible, Carol Cole, Jimmy
Wigal, Keith Derrickson, Geneva Twigg, Loretta Voghel, Ronald Solomon, Beth Miller, Morie and Angie Pollard, Bernard Swann,
Thomas Martorano, Marisa Jo Merliss, Katie Molenda, Tim Vance, Kevin Hamilton, Marie D’Andrea, Ronald Blank, Dennis Allen
Main, Charles Wokutch, Fran Garrity, Gertrude Delitta, Bob Arias, Terry Youman, Travis Schrift, Jeffrey Goodrich, Phyllis Schaffer,
Suzie Gordon, Rebecca Trustee, Joyce Sgro, Guy Aliotta, Billy Ray Hughes, Jr., Daniel Bireley, Kathy Walsh, Brendan Horstman,
Lynn Clark, Joan McLean, Marion Fallone, Richard Greff, Janette Polon-Ramirez, Ray Kilpatrick, Maggie Heverly, Kurt Korczyk,
Maureen Florio, Rick Barraza, John DeSalse, Christi Rippy, Susan McGuffin, Devin Rinaldi, Christina Powell, Anna Schwartz, Sandy
Lagasse, Joe Hughes, Maria Soto, Marcella Fahey, Sonia Hayes, David Bartlewski, Carol Ring, Cheryl Scerba, Andrew Zepada,
David Larkins, Joshua Thomas, Bob Gagne, Karen Catania, Arlene Forman, Rachel Wesselius, Rita Williams, Barbara Geschlecht,
and Joe Abate.

WHEN YOU OR A LOVED ONE IS IN THE HOSPITAL: Would you like an Extraordinary Minister to bring communion? Would you
like a priest to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? Please call the office and let us know.

                                  St. James New Mission/Vision Statement
                                           Go and make disciples/Vayan y hagan discipulos
                                A community of joyful disciples/Una comunidad de discipulos alegres

                            Pastoral Staff
Pastor……………….……..……….Father Oscar Borda, ext. 222
Medical Emergency Number—when you need a priest:                                 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30AM - 3:30PM
                                                                                 Religious Education/Catecismo: Call office
Deacons…………...…………..Jim Hinnerschitz and Tim Papa
Executive Assistant……..…………….....Paula Loehr, ext. 221                           Infant Baptism: The Sacrament is normally celebrated during a weekend
Director of Evangelization/Religious Education Director                          Liturgy. Please call the office to register for the preparation process.
...................................................Suzanne McDonough, ext. 234
                                                                                 Marriage: By arrangement at least six months before the proposed
Director of Evangelization……...…..…Felipe Castillo, ext. 229                     wedding.
Youth Minister………………...……Taylor Monahan, ext. 235
                                                                                 Ministry to the Sick: Call to request visitation. Please let us know when
Secretary……………….……….…...Kathy Caughey, ext. 224                                  loved ones are in the hospital.
Maintenance Director……………...……..Earl Videan, ext. 232
Director of Music……………………..……….....Peggy Kamp                                    Bulletin Articles: Items of communal interest must be at parish office no
Organists……………………………….……..Bradley Hardee                                         later than 9:00am Monday.

                                                                                 Columbarium: Available to all registered Catholics of the Diocese. Call
                                                                                 the church office for more information

                      To email staff members, use
             first initial, last
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
Readings for the week of December 20, 2020
Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [2a]/
Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38
Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21
[1a; 3a]/Lk 1:39-45
Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd]/Lk 1:46-56
Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14 [cf.
Lk 21:28]/Lk 1:57-66
Thursday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5,
27 and 29 [2]/Lk 1:67-79
Friday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29 [2a]/Acts 13:16-
17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25. Night: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-2, 2-3,
11-12, 13 [Lk 2:11]/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14. Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps
97:1, 6, 11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20. Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98:1, 2-3,
3-4, 5-6 [3c]/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or Jn 1:1-5, 9-14
Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc
and 17 [6]/Mt 10:17-22
Next Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3/Ps 128:1-2,
3, 4-5 [cf. 1] or Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 [7a, 8a]/Col 3:12-21 or
3:12-17 or Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40

                                                                          Las lecturas de la semana del 20 de diciembre de 2020
                                                                       Domingo: 2 Sm 7, 1-5. 8-12. 14. 16/Sal 89, 2-3. 4-5. 27. 29
                                                                       [2]/Rom 16, 25-27/Lc 1, 26-38
                                                                       Lunes: Cant 2, 8-14 o Sof 3, 14-18/Sal 33, 2-3. 11-12. 20-21
                                                                       [1; 3]/Lc 1, 39-45
                                                                       Martes: 1 Sm 1, 24-28/1 Sm 2, 1. 4-5. 6-7. 8/Lc 1, 46-56
                                                                       Miércoles: Mal 3, 1-4. 23-24/Sal 25, 4-5. 8-9. 10 y 14 [cfr. Lc
                                                                       21, 28]/Lc 1, 57-66
                                                                       Jueves: Mañana: 2 Sm 7, 1-5. 8-12. 14. 16/Sal 89, 2-3. 4-5.
                                                                       27 y 29 [2]/Lc 1, 67-79
                                                                       Viernes: Vigilia: Is 62, 1-5/Sal 89, 4-5. 16-17. 27. 29 [2]/Hch
                                                                       13, 16-17. 22-25/Mt 1, 1-25 o 1, 18-25. Noche: Is 9, 1-6/Sal 96,
                                                                       1-2. 2-3. 11-12. 13 [Lc 2, 11]/Tit 2, 11-14/Lc 2, 1-14. Matutina:
                                                                       Is 62, 11-12/Sal 97, 1. 6. 11-12/Tit 3, 4-7/Lc 2, 15-20. Día: Is
                                                                       52, 7-10/Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4. 5-6 [3]/Heb 1, 1-6/Jn 1, 1-18 o Jn
                                                                       1, 1-5. 9-14
                                                                       Sábado: Hch 6, 8-10; 7, 54-59/Sal 31, 3-4. 6 y 8. 16 y 17 [6]/Mt
                                                                       10, 17-22
                                                                       Domingo siguiente: Eclo 3, 2-6. 12-14 o Gn 15, 1-6; 21, 1-3/
                                                                       Sal 128, 1-2. 3. 4-5 [cfr. 1] o Sal 105, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 8-9 [7. 8]/
                                                                       Col 3, 12-21 o 3, 12-17 o Heb 11, 8. 11-12. 17-19/Lc 2, 22-40
                                                                       o 2, 22. 39-40

                                                                          VIVIR LA LITURGIA - INSPIRACIÓN DE LA SEMANA

      LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK                     ¿El mundo se da cuenta de que está esperando? A medida que
Does the world realize that it is waiting? As we go about all of      avanzamos en todo el ajetreo de nuestras vidas y entretenemos
the busyness of our lives and entertain our distractions, there       nuestras distracciones, hay muchos agujeros y brechas en
are many holes and gaps in our lives that need to be filled. We       nuestras vidas que deben llenarse. Siempre estamos queriendo
are always wanting more, but not really sure what that “more”         más, pero no estamos realmente seguros de qué es ese "más".
needs to be. Fulfillment, happiness, contentment, and true            El cumplimiento, la felicidad, la alegría y las verdaderas
satisfactions are fleeting occurrences and often come to us in        satisfacciones son hechos fugaces y a menudo nos llegan de
illusive ways. What we think is the ultimate fix to our anxious       manera ilusoria. Lo que creemos que es la solución definitiva
emptiness really is only a fancy trend that we entertain. The         para nuestro vacío ansioso, en realidad, es solo una tendencia
world does not realize any more today than it did over two            elegante que entretenemos. El mundo no se da cuenta hoy más
thousand years ago that it is waiting for a Savior. We need a         de lo que lo hizo hace más de dos mil años de que está
Savior. We need to see and embrace the God who has broken             esperando un Salvador. Necesitamos un salvador. Necesitamos
into history and become one with us. It is this union of God and      ver y abrazar al Dios que ha irrumpido en la historia y se
man that sets us on a straight path, orders our relationships,        convirtió en uno con nosotros. Es esta unión de Dios y el
establishes proper focus and goals, and tells us whose kingdom        hombre lo que nos pone en un camino recto, ordena nuestras
we really are meant to serve. The world does not know how             relaciones, establece un enfoque y objetivos adecuados, y nos
truly lost it is. Do you realize how lost you are and that the One    dice a qué reino realmente debemos servir. El mundo no sabe
you need most is here among us and within your grasp? ©LPi            lo verdaderamente perdido que está. ¿Te das cuenta de lo
                                                                      perdido que estás y que el que más necesitas está aquí entre
                                                                      nosotros y a tu alcance? ©LPi
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
* * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * *
                                                                                      ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES
                                                                                              ESTE DOMINGO
                                                                      9:00AM-3:00PM Desayuno en el Centro Fundadores
                                                                      11:30AM Rosario en la Iglesia
                                                                      12:00PM - Celebración de la Santa Misa
                                                                      Misas en la Iglesia y el Centro Fundadores (Asientos limitados)
                                                                      Siga todas las regulaciones e instrucciones.
                                                                      1:30PM-3:00PM Fiesta de Navidad del grupo de jóvenes
                                                                      para los grados 6-12, ¡todos son bienvenidos!

                                                                                            ESTE MARTES
                                                                      7:00PM Confesión
                                                                      7:30PM Rosario en la Iglesia
                                                                      8:00PM Misa en español (Asientos limitados)

                                                                                         ESTE MIERCOLES
                                      COAT DRIVE                      NO Hora Santa en Diciembre. Le pedimos que se una a
                            ¡El Ministerio de Justicia Social         nosotras en adoración en este momento.
                            está buscando donaciones de
                            abrigos nuevos o poco usados                                         ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!
                            para hombres, mujeres y niños!                             Noche buena–Jueves 24 de Diciembre
                            Distribuiremos los abrigos de                              Misa de Navidad en español a las 9:00PM
                            forma gratuita a los necesitados.                                     - (Live streaming)
                            Por favor traiga donaciones                                 comenzando con Posada a las 8:30PM
entre el 7 y el 25 de diciembre y colóquelas en la caja de
donaciones designada en el espacio de reunión. ¡Gracias por                                   Viernes 25 de Diciembre
ayudarnos a mantener abrigados a todos nuestros hermanos y                          Misa de Navidad a las 11:00AM (Live streaming)
hermanas este invierno!
                                                                                        Las oficinas de la iglesia están cerradas
                                                                                              el 23, 24, y 25 de diciembre

                                                                                           PRÓXIMO DOMINGO
                                                                      9:00AM-3:00PM Desayuno en el Centro Fundadores
                                                                      11:30AM Rosario en la Iglesia
                                                                      12:00PM - Celebración de la Santa Misa
                                                                      Misas en la Iglesia y el Centro Fundadores (Asientos limitados)
                                                                      Siga todas las regulaciones e instrucciones.
                                                                      1:30PM -3:00PM Grupo de jóvenes para los grados 6-12,
                                                                      ¡todos son bienvenidos!

                                                                                          Horario de Año Nuevo
                                                                      Jueves 31 de diciembre - 8:00PM en español
COLECTA: Damos gracias a todos los                   que    aportan                  (Live streaming)
generosamente en nuestra colecta semanal.                                  Viernes 1 de Enero 2021–11:00AM
                                                                                     (Live streaming)
December 6, 2020                                                        Las oficinas de la iglesia cerraron el 31 de
2020            Offertory            Budget         Variance                Diciembre y 1 de enero de 2021
611                $17,944.58      $15,500.00      +$2,444.50
Month:              Actuals          Budget        Variance
(1Sunday)         $17,944.58       $15,500.00     +$2,444.50
Year to Date:     $291,867.81     $308,874.00      -$17,006.19
Amount needed to meet Budget for December Offertory: $53,368.00.



favor sea generoso.
December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James December 20, 2020 - Catholic Church of St. James
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