St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church July 11, 2021
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St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church July 11, 2021 1062 Charnelton St., Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-342-1139 Fax: 541-334-6996 Website: email:
Mass Schedule / Horario de misas Daily Mass/ Misa diaria 8:00 am: Tuesday - Thursday & Saturday Martes a jueves y sábado 12:15 pm: Monday through Friday/Lunes a viernes Sunday Mass/ Misa dominical: 5:30 pm: Latin Vigil (Saturday/sábado) 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Misa en Español, 5:30 pm Life Teen Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesdays/Miércoles - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Fridays/Viernes - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Saturdays/Sábado - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm In the Parish Center/En el Centro Parroquial Sunday, July 11 Adoration Chapel Capilla de Adoración Domingo 11 de julio Daily/Diariamente - 6:00 am to 8:00 pm The prophet hears what God proclaims and is called to speak in God’s name. The Twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to In Our Prayers preach the good news. In Him have we been …all those who are ill, including: chosen to be full of love. En Nuestras Oraciones El profeta escucha lo que Dios proclama y es ... todos los que están enfermos, incluidos: Rosie Andreason, Manuel & Marilyn Betonio, Jason Brown, llamado a hablar en el nombre de Dios. Los Do- Marissa Bruns, Juan Gonzalez Cortez family, Severina Cox, ce escuchan el mensaje de Jesús y son envia- Dolores Cunha, Flor DeLuz Cervantes, Ken & Sylvia Doggett, dos a predicar las buenas nuevas. En Él hemos David Faulkner, Cynthia Fellez, Sharon Foster, Maya Henry, sido elegidos para estar llenos de amor. Katherine Hostetter, Walt & Nancy Hunter, Terry Ianora, Next Week’s Readings: Jackie Larsen, Edward Martinuzzi, Dennis Murphy, Evelyn O’Boyle, Lecturas de la próxima semana: Denny O’Donnell, Gaye Rittal, Elsie Rodriguez, Jim Schultz, Jer 23:1-6 Ps 23:1-6 Salmo 22:1-6 Ramona Setzler, Dick & Jean Sellers, John & Linda Simpson, Eph 2:13-18 Mk 6:30-34 Mary Ann Sondag. Tary Tobin, Dee Weaver, and Jeanne Wharton In Loving Memory Mass Intentions We pray for the repose of the souls of our loved ones, including: En memoria amorosa Intenciones de misas Oramos por el reposo de las almas de nuestros seres queridos, incluyendo: July 12-18 12 -18 de julio Ken Nugent, Marjorie Van Flatern, ~ 8:00 Daily Masses/Misas diarias ~ Tue/Mar ~ Gerald Kirsch † Fr. Victor Perez Delgado, Marjorie Melner, Wed/Mié ~ Gloria Carretero Espinoza † and Roy Eberle Thu/Jue ~ Don Murray † Sat/Sab ~ Jane Dormuth † St. Mary Parish Staff ~ 12:15 Daily Masses/Misas diarias ~ Pastor - Rev. Ron Nelson Mon/Lun ~ Mary O’Brien † Parochial Vicar - Rev. Joaquim Gracias Tue/Mar ~ Rufugio Uriarte † Wed/Mié ~ Intentions of Clare Thompson Retired Assisting Priest/part time - Rev. Bryce McProud Parish Seminarian - Matthew Knight Thu/Jue ~ Our Blessed Mother Pastoral Associate - Marybeth Schombert Fri/Vie ~ Catholic Daughters Business Manager - Rose Burke Director of Outreach Ministry - Lilly Hagen ~ Sunday Masses/Misas dominicales ~ Director of Music/part time - David Phillips 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Joe & Eve Fleming † Coord. Youth Sacramental Prep/part time - Julie Rutledge-Sanchez 7:30 am ~ Patrick & Laurie Moore † Coordinator of Religious Education/part time - Sharon Dunham 9:00 am ~ Morris Kielty † Sacramental Registrar - Margaret Fleming 11:00 am ~ Joseph Parillo † Administrative Assistant – Brenda Maddux 1:00 pm ~ Amilcar Diaz de Leon † Lead Custodian - James Du Chateau 5:30 pm ~ For Parishioners Assistant Custodian/part time - Joe Crandall 2
Weekly Offertory for June 27 Updated mass Policies Ofertorio Semanal para el 27 de junio Effective July 16, 2021, Archbishop Sample Offertory/Ofertorio $14,953.23 has rescinded the general dispensation WeShare online giving/en línea $ 9,048.90 from the obligation to participate at Holy Fathers Day/Día de Padre $ 100.00 Mass on Sundays and holydays of obliga- Total Offertory/Ofertorio total $24,012.13 tion, which he granted on April 6, 2020. This +/- +6,102.13 means that the faithful are once again obli- June Need/Necesidad de junio $18,000.00 gated to participate in the Holy Mass on Monthly Offertory for May 2021 Sundays and on holydays of obligation. Ofertorio mensual de mayo de 2021 Archbishop Sample wants to emphasize Income: Budget: that a serious reason will excuse one from Offertory/Ofertorio $49,873.00 $43,985.00 this obligation by virtue of the Church’s law WeShare Online $25,987.00 $23,530.00 itself and as taught in the Catechism of the Mother’s Day $ 3,265.00 $ 1,890.00 Other Income $ 5,406.20 $ 6,160.00 Catholic Church (n. 2181). If you have any questions or concerns about what consti- Total $84,531.20 $75,565.00 +/- +8,966.20 tutes a serious reason in your situation, please speak to your pastor. Give to St. Mary via text message. Text “StMary” to 1-800-950-9952, click on the link and complete your gift. Simple, safe, and convenient. Dar a Santa María por mensaje de texto. Envía "StMary" al 1-800-950-9952, haga clic en el enlace y complete su donación. Simple, seguro y conveniente. We are looking forward to having altar servers Parish Security fund back at all Sunday Masses beginning July 18! Please consider making a donation to help pay for Want to learn how to serve at the Holy Sacrifice of the the security at St. Mary. Please contact Rose in the Mass? Join us for an upcoming Altar Server Boot Camp. All Parish Office at 541-342-1139 with any questions. who have completed their First Holy Communion are wel- come to attend. No prior experience required. Sign up for training by calling the Parish Office at 541-342- THANK YOU for adding St. Mary to your 1139 x302. Fred Meyer Rewards Card! Last quarter the Parish received generous donations of Parish Office Hours $75.21 Monday/Lunes 9:00 am - 4:00 pm From 41 Households who donated through Tuesday/Martes 9:00 am - 5:00 pm the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. Wednesday/Miércoles 9:00 am - 5:00 pm If you still haven’t signed up, be sure and visit Thursday/Jueves 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Friday/Viernes 9:00 am - 4:00 pm search for St. Mary by our non-profit # QB763 and help us earn more contributions! Please call 541-342-1139 with questions or to schedule an appointment . Habrá ayuda en español por teléfono desde las 9:00 am Archbishop’s catholic appeal hasta el mediodía el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes. ...It’s not too late to give! Advertiser spotlight To date, 150 St. Mary parishioners have contributed $37,125.00, or 45.54%, towards St. Mary’s goal of Evergreen Roofing $81,509.00 for the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. Ap- 541-344-1415 peal envelopes are located in the vestibule of the Please support our bulletin advertisers. Their generosity al- church or you may give directly online at lows our bulletins to be published without cost to the parish. Apoye a los anunciantes de nuestro boletín. Su generosi- We would like 100% participation in showing our dad permite que nuestros boletines sean publicado sin cos- support of Archbishop Sample and our Catholic to para la parroquia. Church in western Oregon. 3
1st Way Eugene 1st Way is active and in need of both volunteer and financial support. • Do you have three hours a week to do pregnan- cy tests, give out diapers and clothes or give Traveling Vocations Crucifix emotional support? =================================================================================================================== • Are you an ultrasound tech available to work Starting August 1, we are launching a tried-and true three to six hours a week? program to pray for vocations! Every week, the new • Are you able to donate clothes size 4, 5 and 6? St. Mary Vocations Crucifix will travel to a new family 1st Way is located at 1162 B street #213, in Spring- at the 9:00 am Mass. That family will keep the cross for field and is open Tues - Thurs 10:00 am to 4:00 pm & one week in a place of honor in their home and pray Friday 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please visit www.1st- together for vocations every night (prayers included). for more information and upcoming van Sign up for your week today at locations or contact 1st Way Eugene at firstwa- Please join us in praying for the Lord to raise up new laborers for the harvest here in our parish. 50th Annual Mt. Angel Abbey Virtual Bach Festival Join us each evening – July 28, 29, & 30 at Wednesday, July 28 Itamar Zorman : Bach Outdoors Thursday, July 29 Camille Thomas: Voice of Hope Friday, July 30 Goldstein-Peled-Fiterstein Trio : Understanding the links: classical to Hasidic with a touch of klezmer Please consider a gift in support of the musicians and the Abbey Bach Festival. For more Information and to make a donation go to Volunteer Catechists Needed The role of a catechist is a gift and is a vital ministry to St. Mary’s Religious Education and Sunday Chil- dren’s Liturgy programs. Whether it is the Religious Education teachings of the Catholic faith each week or Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word, the cate- chist leads the children in their faith formation. St. Mary is blessed to have an active and engaged community of parents, grandparents, and friends that support our faith formation programs. We wel- come adults of our Catholic faith who wish to lead children in Religious Education faith formation or Sun- day Children’s Liturgy of the Word. All volunteer cat- echists will be enrolled in Safe Environment training to comply with the state laws and Diocese policies that govern volunteers. There will be training session opportunities for new Catechists starting August 2021. Please call Sharon Dunham at St. Mary’s Parish Office 4
~ Fr. Joaquim Welcome Reception ~ Please join us as we welcome Fr. Joaquim Gracias, SFX, with a reception on Sunday, July 18, in between the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses and after the 1:00 Misa. This event is hosted by the Catholic Daughters of America. Young Adult Mission “Moving past covid” Experience in Belize Reopening Work Party Join Fr. Theodore Lange and other young adults, ages 18-35, August 20 – September 2, 2021, in Belize to work July 17 ~ 9:00 am to 3 pm Everyone is welcome to join us as we relax pandem- with a parish that hosts mission teams. ic protocols & come together to reopen our church. Our work will include: There are tasks for all ages and interests: • A reading camp (to help kids get caught up after • Outside jobs include weeding, mulching, and ti- the pandemic) dying up in the garden. • Evangelization • Inside jobs include cleaning and resetting the Ad- • Painting and some construction work oration Chapel, Parish Center, and Church. • Help in medical facilities (if you have medical expe- Morning break, pizza lunch and water provided. rience and training) Please bring your own gloves, tools and nonalcoholic You will need a valid Passport to travel to Belize – so if beverages if you want more than water. you think you would like to participate in this trip, get Sign up for 1 or more hours of help at bmad- working on your passport ASAP! dux@stmaryeugenecom or by calling Brenda in the Contact St. Catherine of Siena parish for more infor- Parish Office at 541-342-1139. mation at 541-935-3933 or email St. Catherine at ~ The Chosen ~ Consider Vocations Imagine you could see the life of Jesus through the “He began to send them out two by two.” Faithful- eyes of the people that walked on earth with him – ness to one’s own vocation is essential to holiness. Is the disciples, Mary his mother, the Pharisees, the chil- yours to be a priest, deacon, sister, or brother? dren, those he healed. The Chosen is the first-ever- Contact the Vocation Office at 503-233-8368 or at multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus and al- lows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew him. Project Melchizedek: The Chosen stays faithful to the Gospels and at the same time tells us a story that is in between the lines of Vocation Discernment Small Group scripture. The series does not contradict scripture, but Have you ever thought about becoming a priest? instead puts life around it so that we can imagine, Join us for Project Melchizedek, a group open to all “What was life like with Jesus?” It really could have Catholic men high school age and older, to learn been this way. what the priesthood is all about and get practical Join Chris & Sharon Hailey as they host a viewing advice on how to discern the Lord’s will. Find out party and discussion of The Chosen, each Tuesday at more and register to join us 7:00 pm, from July 13 through August 17! at Does your marriage need a tune up? Or even a major overhaul? Sometimes a marriage can run along fine and then things change. They may need your time and atten- tion. Sometimes lines of communication break down and they need repair. Sometimes our focus moves away from our marriage and family and needs a little redirection. Sometimes a fair or average marriage is just not enough. Have you ever thought to yourself, "How can I make my marriage better?" If so, Retrouvaille can help. Retrouvaille is a marriage program for couples whose marriage has become off course. It begins with a weekend program that can help get your relationship back on track. It is an effective program that has worked for thousands of couples, and it can work for your marriage. For confidential information, or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on August 6-8, call 1- 503-225-9191, email or visit 5
Página en Español 11 de julio de 2021 “Avanzando más allá del COVID” Foro virtual parroquial Reúnase al P. Ron para un Foro Virtual Parroquial por medio de Zoom el miércoles, 14 de julio 2021, de las 6:30-8:00 pm Compartir sus pensamientos e ideas sobre cómo podemos: • Avanzar como una parroquia después de la pandemia • Fortalecer la asistencia a la misa y a los ministe- rios • Desarrollar como una comunidad dinámica y dedicada a la misión apostólica de Cristo Para participar, favor de registrarse en Si le falta acceso al inter- net o quiere más información, llamar a la oficina pa- Noticias de la oficina parroquial rroquial a 541-342-1139. El enlace de la reunión de La Oficina Parroquial tiene un voluntario que habla espa- Zoom será enviado por e-mail el lunes, 12 de julio ñol para ayudarlo desde las 9:00 am hasta el mediodía el 2021. primer y tercer lunes de cada mes por teléfono. ¡Por favor, Se puede someter preguntas por adelantado a llame al 541-342-1139 para obtener asistencia! Pensando en vocaciones Fiesta de trabajo de “Mi gracia te basta porque es fuerza en la debilidad.” Si estas pensado que has sido llamado a servir a Jesús como reapertura parroquial sacerdote, diácono, o religioso/a, considera el poder de su gracia en ti. Llama a la Oficina de Vocaciones al 503-233- Sábado, 17 de julio 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 8368 o escribe a Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros mientras relajamos los protocolos de la pandemia y unirnos Proyecto Melquisedec: para reabrir nuestra iglesia. Grupo de Discernimiento Vocacional Hay tareas para todas las edades e intereses: ¿Alguna vez han pensado en ser sacerdote? Únese a no- sotros para el “Proyecto Melquisedec,” un grupo abierto a • Los trabajos al aire libre incluyen deshierbar, triturar todos los hombres católicos de edad de secundaria y ma- y ordenar en el jardín. yor para aprender más de lo que es el sacerdocio y obte- • Los trabajos internos incluyen la limpieza y restaura- ner avisos prácticos para discernir la voluntad del Señor. ción de la Capilla de la Adoración, el Centro Parro- Descubre más y registrarse para la siguiente sesión en mel- quial y la Iglesia. No tiene que haber asistido a sesio- nes previones para unirse al grupo. Pausa de la mañana, almuerzo de pizza y agua. Por favor traiga sus propias bebidas sin alcohol si quiere algo más que agua. Información Para La misa Regístrese para 1 o más horas de ayuda en Teniendo en cuenta las pautas de seguridad actualiza- stmaryeugenecom o llamando a Brenda en la ofici- das del CDC y de la Arquidiócesis, hemos realizado los na parroquial al 541-342-1139. siguientes cambios en nuestra política de asientos: • Los asientos del lado izquierdo de la iglesia serán pa- ra los que prefieran sentarse sin restricciones (ni cu- brebocas ni distanciamiento físico). • Los asientos en el lado derecho de la iglesia serán para aquellos que prefieran seguir usando cubrebo- cas y distanciamiento físico. Se agradece su paciencia mientras navegamos estos cambios y tratamos de mantener segura y sana a nues- tra comunidad. Por favor recuerde que está excusado de misa si esté enfermo, así que quédese en casa si no se sienta bien. 6
Calendar of Events Sunday, July 11 Monday, July 12 Tuesday, July 13 Wednesday, July 14 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 8:00 † Mass ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA IN ORDINARY TIME 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 8:00 † Mass 7:30 † Mass 6:00 ~ The Chosen 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 9:00 † Mass (streamed) 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 11:00 † Mass 6:30 ~ Foro Virtual Parroquial 1:00 † Misa (transmitido) por medio de Zoom 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer Group 5:30 † Life Teen Mass Thursday, July 15 Friday , July 16 Saturday, July 17 Sunday, July 18 ST. BONAVENTURE, BISHOP 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 8:00 † Mass (streamed) SIXTEENTH SUNDAY & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 9:00 ~ Reopening Work Party IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 † Mass 3:00 ~ Reconciliation 7:30 † Mass 12:15 † Prayer Service (streamed) 5:30 † Latin Vigil Mass 9:00 † Mass (streamed) 6:00 ~ Holy Hour 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa (transmitido) 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer Group 5:30 † Life Teen Mass Monday, July 19 Tuesday, July 20 Wednesday, July 21 Thursday, July 22 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 8:00 † Prayer Service 8:00 † Mass ST. MARY MAGDALENE 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 8:00 † Mass 6:00 ~ The Chosen 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 6:00 ~ Holy Hour Friday , July 23 Saturday, July 24 Sunday, July 25 Monday, July 26 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 8:00 † Mass (streamed) SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY STs. JOACHIM & ANNE 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 3:00 ~ Reconciliation IN ORDINARY TIME 12:15 † Mass (streamed) 5:30 † Latin Vigil Mass 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass (streamed) 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa (transmitido) 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer Group 5:30 † Life Teen Mass Calendar Updates The Charismatic Prayer Group invites you to join them on Sunday, July 11, as regular Sunday meetings resume, as they praise the Lord and pray for each other at 4:00 pm in the Parish Center. On Thursday, July 15, there will be a Prayer Service, not a Mass, at 12:15 pm. Church Directory We have extra copies of the church photo directory available for $5.00 each. Contact the Parish Office at 541-342-1139 or to purchase one. 7
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