2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill

Page created by Byron Patterson
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
2021 Waste Management Calendar

Waste         Environmental
Management    Program
Information   Information
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Collection Guidelines
Blue boxes and green bins are collected every week.
Garbage is collected every other week.

  To determine when your waste will be collected:                                  Thursday
  1. Find where you live on the map.
  2. Note your collection day and if you live in a blue zone or in a
     yellow zone.
  3. Follow your colour throughout the calendar and use the symbols
     below to determine what to set out at the curb each week.                   Friday
                                                                         Ave.      Brookside

           Blue Box           Green Bin              Garbage

           Yard Waste               Christmas Tree

Download the Recycle Coach app from
the App Store or Google Play to get a
personalized collection schedule, to                                   Tuesday
                                                                                                           0   0.5   1       2
search what goes where and more!
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Reminders                                                                                Appliance Collection
                                                                                           Free monthly collection by appointment only. To book an appointment,
         Set Out Times                                                                     visit RichmondHill.ca/Appliance.
           Place waste at the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day (6 a.m. in                  Appliances can also be dropped off at a waste depot (see page 18).
           downtown core) and no earlier than 6 p.m. the night before.
           Remove empty bins and uncollected material from the curb by 9 p.m.
                                                                                         Items Not Collected at the Curb
           on collection day. Waste left at the curb after collection day is              Renovation material, electronic and hazardous waste must be taken
           subject to fines under the City’s Waste By-law.                                to a waste depot (see page 18) for safe disposal (includes paints,
                                                                                          pharmaceuticals and sharps).
  18kg   Weight Limit
           All containers, bags and bundles must weigh 18kg/40lbs or less.         B L U E             B O X            R E C Y C L I N G
         3 Garbage Item Limit
                                                                                   Recyclables must be loose inside your blue box,
           Garbage items above the 3 item limit must have a garbage tag            not in plastic bags. Items placed in bags can’t be
           attached. You can now purchase garbage tags online and have             recycled and will be left at the curb, including
           them mailed directly to your home.                                      newspapers and flyers in plastic sleeves.
                                                                                   Gloves, masks and wipes belong in the
                                                                                   garbage. Tissues belong in the green bin.
           Visit RichmondHill.ca/BinsAndTags for more details.                     Disposable coffee cups and black plastics
                                                                                   belong in the garbage.
         Collection Safety
           Sharp items (glass, ceramics, mirrors, broken toilets, etc.) must be
                                                                                  Tips to reduce wind-blown litter:
           boxed or covered in cardboard, marked as “Glass for Disposal”.          Put heavier objects on top.
           Set out on your garbage day.                                            Place blue boxes at the curb the morning
           Toilet tanks must be separated from bowls (when possible) and           of collection instead of the night before.
           emptied of all liquids. Set out on your garbage day.                    Use extra blue boxes to avoid overfilling.

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                              2
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Weekly Collection                                                                                 Acceptable Items
 Organics must be bagged, securely tied and placed in bin.
 Compostable or paper bags are preferred to line bin. Plastic bags
 also accepted.
 No limit to number of bins you can set out.                                 Baked goods       Eggs and shells          Dairy         Butter, lard and
                                                                                                                                       grease (solid)
Avoiding Pests
 Store your bin inside (i.e. garage or shed).
 Set out your bin in the morning (by 7 a.m.) instead of the night before.
 Always securely latch your bin.
 If bin is stored outside, use a bungee cord to secure lid. Cords must be   Pasta and grains     Meat, fish        Soiled cardboard Shredded paper
 removed before placing bin at the curb. The green bin can also be hung                          and bones        and paper products (small quantities)
 on a sturdy hook to prevent animals from accessing it.

Unacceptable Items              x
Yard waste, soil, plastic or Styrofoam food containers, disposable wipes,
cigarette butts, wood and compostable branded cups, plastics and              Fruits and
coffee pods.                                                                  vegetables       Muffin wrappers        Paper bags      Tissue and
                                                                                                                                      paper towel
Where to Buy Green Bins
 Green bins and kitchen containers are sold at the Operations Centre
 (1200 Elgin Mills Rd. E). You can now also order them online for pickup.
 Green bins: $24.25 (includes HST)
 Exchanges of damaged green bins: $8.45 (includes HST)                      Nuts and shells     Coffee, filters      Pet waste Diapers and feminine
 Kitchen containers: $10.66 (includes HST)                                                      and tea bags        and bedding hygiene products
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
                         Follow these guidelines to ensure that blue box items                                                 Acceptable Items
                         are recycled into new products!                                                                                                              Potato
                         Weekly Collection
                          Empty and rinse containers before placing in blue box.
                                                                                                         Plastic food         Plastic cups
                          Recyclable material can be mixed; no sorting required.                         containers           (no straws)
                          Put items in LOOSE and not bagged. Recyclables in plastic bags can’t
                          be recycled and will be left behind.                                                                                Juice, soup and      Chip cans
                                                                                                                                               milk cartons
                          There is no limit to the number of blue boxes you can set out.
                          Flatten cardboard, tie in bundles (60cm x 60cm x 30cm) and place next
                          to blue box.                                                                 Plastic tubs, lids,
                          Cardboard boxes and reusable containers with attached lids are not             jugs, bottles       Cardboard and
                          acceptable containers.                                                           and jars            boxboard
                                                                                                                                             Metal and aluminum Aluminum foil
                         Unacceptable Items              x                                                                                     cans and tins      and trays
                         Food waste, plastic bags/wrap, black plastics, Styrofoam, coffee cups,                                                                    (clean)
                         lids and pods, wood, toys, small appliances, textiles, electronics, gloves,
                         masks, tissues and wipes.                                                      Egg cartons and       Paper rolls
                                                                                                         beverage trays
                         Where to Buy Blue Boxes
                          Blue boxes and large blue bins with lids are sold at the Operations Centre
                          (1200 Elgin Mills Rd. E). You can now also order them online for pickup.
                          Blue boxes (22 gal): $11.99 (includes HST)                                                                                            Empty paint and
                          Large blue bin with lid: $42.04 (includes HST)                                   Newspapers and magazines            Glass bottles      aerosol cans
                          Exchanges of damaged blue boxes (22 gal only): $8.45 (includes HST)                  (no plastic bags)                 and jars        (lids separate)

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                               4
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Christmas trees will be
collected the weeks of
January 4 and 11 on                                            Maximum
your collection day                                            Height
 Maximum height per tree is 2m/7ft.
 Remove all decorations and nails.
                                          Trees will not be collected if they are:
 Place the tree at the curb by 7 a.m.
                                           On top of snowbanks
 Artificial trees can be donated, taken
 to a waste depot or collected as a        In bags
 garbage item.                             Frozen into the snow
Christmas trees can also be dropped off at the Bloomington Yard Waste
Depot (1351 Bloomington Rd. E.). Fees apply.
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
JANUARY                                                                                        FEBRUARY
 Sunday       Monday      Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                 Friday          Saturday   Sunday        Monday       Tuesday Wednesday Thursday          Friday   Saturday

                                                                 1                   2                      1              2        3          4           5            6
                                                                 New Year’s Day
                                                                 Collections Moved

3           4           5            6                7          8                   9          7           8              9        10         11          12           13
                                 Christmas tree collection

                                     Christmas tree collection

10          11          12           13               14         15                  16         14          15             16       17         18          19           20
                                     Christmas tree collection                                                Family Day

                                 Christmas tree collection

17          18          19           20               21         22                  23         21          22             23       24         25          26           27

24          25          26           27               28         29                  30         28
    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                                    Refer to page 1 to determine your collection day and your zone
    Christmas trees – during the weeks of January 4 and 11, on your collection day.                 (blue or yellow).

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                               6
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Common Reasons for Items
     YARD WASTE                                       Not Being Collected
                                                      Items not set out on time
Collection                                             Waste must be set out by 7 a.m. on
 Every other week from April 13 – October 8 on         collection day.
 your garbage day.
 Weekly from October 12 – December 3 on your
 collection day.                                       Waste items placed in the wrong stream.
 Bundle branches, sticks and twigs with twine         Excess garbage items without a tag
 (maximum length 1.2m/4ft).
                                                       Garbage items above the 3 item limit must
Acceptable Items                                       have a garbage tag attached.
Corn stalks, pumpkins, shrubbery, tree clippings,
leaves, garden plants, weeds, flowers, sticks,
                                                      Items are not collected at the curb
twigs and branches.                                    Renovation materials, hazardous and electronic waste must be taken to a waste
                                                       depot for disposal. See page 18.
Unacceptable Items              x
Grass, sod, soil, stumps/tree branches over 10cm
in diameter, root balls, gravel, cement, stones and      Double-Up Days                +
animal waste.
                                                         During Double-Up Days you can set out up to 6 garbage items, instead of 3,
Containers                                               without garbage tags!
 Paper bags, cardboard boxes and
 open-top reusable containers                            A garbage item
 (maximum 125L/33Gal) are                                means a bag, bundle,
 accepted. No plastic bags.                              garbage can or piece
 Place a yellow YARD WASTE                               of furniture.
 sticker on open-top reusable
 containers. Free stickers are available at Access         Yellow Zone: March 30 – April 3 and September 28 – October 1
 Richmond Hill and the Operations Centre.
                                                                     Blue Zone: April 6 – 9 and September 21 – 24
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
MARCH                                                                               APRIL
 Sunday       Monday      Tuesday Wednesday Thursday           Friday   Saturday    Sunday        Monday     Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                      Friday           Saturday

            1             2         3          4           5            6                                                                1               2                    3
                                                                                                                        DOUBLE UP                          Good Friday         Friday
                                                                                                                        DAYS                              Collections Moved
                                                                                                                        Yellow Zone                 +
7           8             9         10         11          12           13          4           5   Easter
                                                                                                    Monday   6          7               8                9                    10
                                                                                                DOUBLE UP
                                                                                                DAYS                +
                                                                                                Blue Zone

14          15            16        17         18          19           20          11          12           13         14              15               16                   17
                                                                                                                        Bi-weekly yard waste collection begins

21          22            23        24         25          26           27          18          19           20         21              22     Earth
                                                                                                                                               Day       23                   24
                                                                                                                        Bi-weekly yard waste collection begins

28          29            30        31                                              25          26           27         28              29               30
            DOUBLE UP
            Yellow Zone         +
    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                        During Double-Up Days, you can put out up to 6 garbage items, instead of
    Yard waste – every other week from April 13 – October 8 (same day as garbage)
    and weekly from October 12 – December 3, on your collection day.                    3 items, without garbage tags!
                                                                                        Yellow Zone: March 30 – April 3 Blue Zone: April 6 – 9
905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                                       8
2021 Waste Management Calendar - Waste Management Information - City of Richmond Hill
Waste Bins and
Garbage Tags Now
Available Online
       Residents can now go online to purchase new
       blue boxes, green bins, kitchen containers and
       garbage tags, as well as pay to exchange broken
       Richmond Hill labelled blue boxes and green bins.
         Online orders can be picked up at the
         Operations Center (1200 Elgin Mills Road E.)
         during operating hours.
         Garbage tags can also be delivered by mail.
       Waste Bin and Tag Prices                            June 26, July 31, August 28 and September 25
       Blue boxes (22 gal): $11.99
       Large blue bin with lid: $42.04
       Green bins: $24.25
       Kitchen containers: $10.66
       Exchanges of damaged blue boxes (22 gal only)
       or green bins: $8.45
       Garbage tags (set of 5): $10.90

       Visit RichmondHill.ca/BinsAndTags for details.
M AY                                                                             JUNE
 Sunday       Monday        Tuesday Wednesday Thursday         Friday   Saturday    Sunday        Monday     Tuesday Wednesday Thursday            Friday   Saturday

                                                                        1                                   1           2           3          4            5

2           3               4       5           6          7            8           6           7           8           9          10          11           12

9           10              11      12          13         14           15          13          14          15          16         17          18           19

16          17              18      19          20         21           22          20          21          22          23         24          25           26

23          24   Victoria
                 Day        25      26          27         28           29          27          28          29          30
30          31
    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                        For collection inquiries, contact Access Richmond Hill at 905-771-8800
    Yard waste – every other week from April 13 – October 8 (same day as garbage)
    and weekly from October 12 – December 3, on your collection day.                    during regular business hours.

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                   10
Collection Every Other Week                                                                          Acceptable Items
 Maximum of 3 items per garbage day. A garbage item means a bag,
 garbage can (maximum 125L/33Gal), bundle (maximum 1.2m/4ft)
 or piece of furniture (maximum 68kg/150lbs).
 Items above 3 item limit must have a garbage tag attached.
 Tags sold in sets of five for $10.90 (includes HST) at any Richmond Hill
 library or at the Operations Centre (1200 Elgin Mills Rd. E). Tags can       Gloves and masks        Foam cups, containers       Plastic bags
 also be purchased online and mailed to your home.                                                       and packaging             and wrap
 For more information, visit RichmondHill.ca/BinsAndTags

                                                                               Plastic cutlery       Plastic straws and lids     Black plastics

 Sharp items (glass, ceramics, mirrors, broken toilets, etc.) must be
 boxed or covered in cardboard, marked as “Glass for Disposal”.                Coffee
 Separate toilet tanks from bowls (when possible), empty all liquids.
 Tank and bowl count as one item.
                                                                            Disposable coffee cups      Wipes, mops and            Light bulbs
Unacceptable Items             x                                               and coffee pods           dryer sheets                (not CFL)
Recyclables, organics, yard waste/grass clippings, animal carcasses,
concrete, drywall or other construction/renovation materials, hazardous
waste and electronic waste. See page 18 for disposal options at
waste depots.
                                                                                 Personal care products          Non-recyclable plastic items
J U LY                                                                                   AUGUST
 Sunday       Monday     Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                     Friday   Saturday   Sunday        Monday         Tuesday Wednesday Thursday        Friday   Saturday

                                               1                    2            3          1           2                3       4         5           6            7
                                                 Canada Day
                                                                                                         Civic Holiday
                                                Collections Moved

4           5           6           7          8                    9            10         8           9                10      11        12          13           14

11          12          13          14         15                   16           17         15          16               17      18        19          20           21

18          19          20          21         22                   23           24         22          23               24      25        26          27           28

25          26          27          28         29                   30           31         29          30               31

    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                                Masks, gloves and wipes belong in the garbage, not the blue box. If these
    Yard waste – every other week from April 13 – October 8 (same day as garbage)
    and weekly from October 12 – December 3, on your collection day.                            items are put in the blue box, they contaminate otherwise good recyclables.

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                           12
Reduce Waste from
 Online Shopping
Buy less. If you don’t buy it, there’s no packaging!
Buy multiple items from one retailer at once rather than     Keep the
ordering them separately and request that they be sent in
the same box.
                                                             Messages Coming!
Request minimal or plastic-free packaging if that shipping   Despite more material being set
option is available.                                         out for collection during the
                                                             pandemic and the added safety
Reuse packaging for holiday gifts.                           precautions, our waste collection
Learn how to properly recycle                                workers have continued to provide
and dispose of the rest:                                     excellent customer service during
 Boxes and paper can be recycled.                            unprecedented times!
 Film plastic, air pillows, bubble wrap and                  Many Richmond Hill residents have showed their gratitude
 bubble envelopes go in the garbage.                         through thank you messages or with a friendly wave.
 Large pieces of Styrofoam used for
 packaging electronics and appliances                        We know how much this has meant to our collectors and
 can be recycled at a York Region                            we encourage residents to keep the           ’s coming…
 Community Environmental Centre.                             from a safe physical distance, of course.
SEPTEMBER                                                                                     OCTOBER
 Sunday       Monday       Tuesday Wednesday Thursday          Friday   Saturday    Sunday        Monday        Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                      Friday   Saturday

                                    1          2           3            4                                                                                   1            2

5           6              7        8          9           10           11          3           4               5         6               7                 8            9
              Labour Day

12          13             14       15          16         17           18          10          11              12        13              14                15           16
                                                                                                 Thanksgiving         Weekly yard waste collection begins
                                                                                                                         Weekly yard waste collection begins

19          20             21       22          23         24           25          17          18
                                                                                                                19        20              21                22           23
            DOUBLE UP
            DAYS                +                                       CURBSIDE                REDUCTION
                                                                        GIVEAWAY                WEEK
            Blue Zone
                                                                                                October 18–24

26          27             28       29         30                                   24          25              26        27              28                29           30
            DOUBLE UP
            Yellow Zone         +                                                   31
    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                        During Double-Up Days, you can set out up to 6 garbage items, instead of
    Yard waste – every other week from April 13 – October 8 (same day as garbage)
    and weekly from October 12 – December 3, on your collection day.                    3 items, without garbage tags!
                                                                                        Blue Zone: September 21 – 24 Yellow Zone: September 28 – October 1
905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                                14
NOVEMBER                                                                             DECEMBER
 Sunday       Monday     Tuesday Wednesday Thursday            Friday   Saturday    Sunday        Monday     Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                   Friday         Saturday

            1           2           3          4           5            6                                               1            2                3                  4
                                                                                                                                    Last week of yard waste collection

                                                                                                                                Last week of yard waste collection

7           8           9           10         11          12           13          5            6          7           8            9                10                 11

14          15          16          17         18          19           20          12           13         14          15           16               17                 18

21          22          23          24         25          26           27          19           20         21          22           23               24                 25
                                                                                                                                                                         Christmas Day

28          29          30                                                          26           27         28          29           30               31     Year’s
                                                                                    Boxing Day

    Blue boxes and green bins – weekly on your collection day.
    Garbage – every other week on your collection day.
                                                                                        Pumpkins, clean straw and dried corn stalks can go out with yard waste.
    Yard waste – every other week from April 13 – October 8 (same day as garbage)
    and weekly from October 12 – December 3, on your collection day.                    Christmas trees will be collected during the weeks of January 3 and 10, 2022,
                                                                                        on your collection day.
905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                                     16
Moving or Upgrading Items in
  Reduce Single-Use Plastics!                                      Your Home?
                                                                   Plan ahead to avoid leaving unacceptable
Simple switches reduce waste and protect our environment           items at the curb
                                                                    Each piece of furniture or large item counts as
                                                                    1 item for collection on garbage day.
                                                                    Extra items over the 3 item limit must have a garbage tag to be collected.
                                                                    Bulky items can also go to a York Region waste depot (see page 18).
                                                                    Wood and/or carpet must be tied in bundles, no longer than 1.2m/4ft and no
                                                                    heavier than 18kg/40lbs. Remove all nails. Each bundle counts as 1 item.
                                                                    Don’t put garbage in cardboard boxes.
                                                                    Flatten cardboard for recycling.
   Bring reusable shopping bags   Carry a reusable water bottle     Appliances and large metal items are collected for free by appointment only.
                                                                    Remove doors from fridges and freezers.
                                                                    To book an appointment, call 905-771-8800 or book online at
                                                                    Uncollected waste left at the curb is subject to fines.

                                                                                                       Disposing of Toilets
                                                                                                       For safety reasons, separate the tank from the
      Wear reusable masks            Pack reusable cutlery                                             bowl where possible. Empty all water before
                                                                                                       setting it out at the curb.

             WHEN ORDERING TAKEOUT FOOD                                                                The tank and bowl count as 1 item toward the
                                                                                                       3 item garbage limit.
Say “NO” to plastic cutlery, straws, Styrofoam and plastic bags.
Bloomington Yard Waste Depot
          1351 Bloomington Road East, City of Richmond Hill
   For most current information visit millercompost.ca or call 1-866-887-6457
                                                                                                                       Waste Depot Information
  Hours of Operation                                                                                                      Elgin Mills Community Environmental Centre
  April 1 to November 30                                                                                                           1124 Elgin Mills Road East, City of Richmond Hill
  Monday through Friday                             7 a.m. to 5 p.m.             Hours of Operation                                                        Materials Accepted - chargeable
  Saturday                                          7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  Sunday                                            Closed                       Monday and Tuesday                      Closed                            • Concrete              • Refrigerated appliances
  December 1 to March 31                                                         Wednesday through Saturday              8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.            • Drywall               • Wood
  Monday through Friday                             8 a.m. to 4 p.m.             Sunday                                  8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.            • Garbage
  Saturday and Sunday                               Closed                       Materials Accepted- no charge                                             Fees                                           CASH
  Materials Accepted                                                             • Blue box recyclables         • Large polystyrene foam                   • Loads of chargeable material                    $125 per tonne
  • Flowers and garden plants • Leaves, shrubs, branches, weeds                  • Clothing, fabric items       • Refrigerated appliances                  • Mixed loads of chargeable/ no charge material   $125 per tonne
  • Grass clippings                 • Sod (small residential quantities,         • Cooking oil                    with valid CFC removal sticker           • Loads up to 100kg                             minimum $10 fee
  • Hay (clean, small amount)         dirt removed)                                (limit of 4L per day)          (residential only)                       • Loads of no charge material only                           $0
              Yard waste in plastic bags must be emptied.                        • Electronic waste             • Scrap metal
                                                                                   (limits apply)               • Shredded paper (in clear plastic         Refrigerated Appliances
  Materials Not Accepted                                                                                                                                   • Residential/Commercial without                            $20
                                                                                 • Household hazardous            bags)
  • Animal droppings                 • Kitchen and food waste                      waste (limits apply)         • Tires (limit of 10 per day)                valid CFC removal sticker
  • Branches larger than             • Rocks, root balls, stumps, soil                                                                                     • Commercial with valid CFC removal sticker                 $10
    15 centimetres in diameter
    or 1.8 metres in length                                                                             Vehicle size restrictions may apply. Items must be manually unloaded, no mechanical lifts allowed.
  Residential                                                                   Waste depots are for York Region residents only.        Due to COVID-19 there may be some service reductions in place.
  • Less than one cubic yard (up to 9 paper bags)           $10                 Proof of residency required.                            All materials listed may not be accepted at this time.
  • More than one cubic yard                      $68 per tonne                 Fees and hours subject to change without notice.        Cash payments may also be restricted. Visit york.ca/wastedepots
  Commercial (business)                           $68 per tonne                 All depots closed civic and statutory holidays.         for most current information or call 1-866-665-6752

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca/Waste                                                                                                                                                                                          18
How Can Our Community Become                                                           Help Keep Our Waterways Clean!
More Resilient to Climate Change?                                                      Rain and snow from driveways, roads and roofs can pick up pollutants
Richmond Hill has experienced, and will continue to experience, the impacts of         and carry them into our streams and lakes. You can help to protect
climate change. Extreme weather events, such as ice storms, heat waves, and            our waterways.
intense rainfall threaten our homes, public spaces and natural environment.
Resilient Richmond Hill aims to bring our community together to find solutions and
opportunities in the face of climate change. As part of Resilient Richmond Hill, our
Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) is seeking ways for residents and
businesses to increase energy efficiency, decrease greenhouse gas emissions
and save money.
Learn more about the project and how you can help by visiting

                                               Join a Collective
                                               Garden or Create a
                                               New One!
                                               Applications are currently being
                                               accepted for new collective gardens.     Wash your car at a commercial car wash, NOT on your driveway.
                                               With support from the City, these        Dispose of hazardous waste (like oil and paint) at waste depots, NOT down a
                                               community gardens are run and            storm drain (see page 18).
                                               maintained by a community group          Fix your car if it is leaking fluid.
                                               and/or organization and can range
                                               in size from small raised planters to    Clean up animal waste and use fertilizer carefully. Excess nutrients in stormwater
                                               large vegetable gardens.                 harm our streams and lakes.
                                                                                        During winter months, use salt alternatives, or use salt sparingly. Salt products
Visit RichmondHill.ca/CommunityGarden for more information.                             harm natural areas and fish.
Volunteer to
Help contribute to Richmond Hill’s
biodiversity and tree canopy in
your own yard!
In the spring, you can pre-order native
trees, shrubs, wildflowers, rain barrels
                                                                                              with us!
and composters at an affordable cost.
To find out how to pre-order plants                                                           Since 1998 with your help and with our
and/or eco-friendly products visit                                                            partners we’ve planted more than 240,000
RichmondHill.ca/HealthyYards.                                                                 trees and shrubs in Richmond Hill through
                                                                                              our Community Stewardship Program.
Backyard Tree Planting Program
                                                                                              Want to get in involved? Visit our website
                                      Create a backyard oasis on a budget!                    to learn how you can join our efforts to help
                                      LEAF’s arborists will help you make the right           preserve our natural environment!
                                      decision about the best type of tree for your
                                      property. Subsidized native trees, shrubs and
                                      garden kits are available for delivery with
                                      options for on-site consultation and planting
                                      For more information visit yourleaf.org
                                      or call LEAF (Local Enhancement &               RichmondHill.ca/TreePlanting
                                      Appreciation of Forests) at 1-888-453-6504.

905-771-8800 • RichmondHill.ca                                                                                                                20
A Snapshot of Richmond Hill’s 2020 Achievements
In a year of unprecedented challenge and change due to the global
pandemic, our Council and City achieved many great things for the
Richmond Hill community.
Here are some of the highlights:
 Achieved the lowest tax increase (0.73%) in a decade while also adding new services.
 Responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the health and safety of the
 community, provided tax and water bill relief measures to support those dealing
 with financial hardship, ran virtual and modified in-person recreational programs
 and implemented the Recover Richmond Hill Action Plan to drive economic
 recovery and help local businesses thrive.
 Celebrated the first full season of the City-wide snow windrow clearing service,
 which was funded through efficiencies.

                                                                                        Opened four new state-of-the-art amenities including Oak Ridges Library;
                                                                                        Ed Sackfield Arena expansion featuring an NHL-sized rink, fitness centre and the
                                                                                        City’s first indoor track; a redeveloped David Hamilton Park; and the 130 metre
                                                                                        long Lake Wilcox Boardwalk.
                                                                                        Modernized City services, offering a credit card payment option for tax and water
                                                                                        bills, as well as online purchase options for:
                                                                                          Residential building permits
                                                                                          Waste bins and garbage tags
                                                                                          Engineering drawings
                                                                                          Tree permits
                                                                                        Achieved a platinum-level ISO 37120 certification from the World Council on City
                                                                                        Data that measures indicators for City services and quality of life.
2020 Achievements Continued
 Developed our first Urban Forest Management Plan, which strengthens our ability
 to manage and maintain a healthy urban forest until 2040.
 Planted 8,800 native trees in parks and natural areas with the help of our partners,
 local schools and businesses.
 Approximately, 550 residents purchased 915 trees and shrubs, 2,350 wildflowers,
 350 rain barrels and 300 backyard composters for their property through the
 Healthy Yards Plant and Garden Sale.
 Supported pollinators and encouraged the community to participate by distributing
 200 free Monarch-friendly plant kits for residents to plant on their property.

                                                                                        Won several awards including:
                                                                                         2020 Parks and Recreation Ontario Award of Excellence, Recreational Facility
                                                                                         or Park Design for the Lake Wilcox Park Youth Area.
                                                                                         Two OVATION Awards of Merit from IABC Toronto (International Association of
                                                                                         Business Communicators) for the Lake Wilcox Park – Youth Area promotional video.
                                                                                         Best Web GIS Award from BeSpatial/URISA Ontario for the Resilient Richmond Hill
                                                                                         Award of Distinction from the So(cial) Good Design Awards for the Resilient
                                                                                         Richmond Hill video.
                                                                                         Promotion and Education Silver Award from the Municipal Waste Association for
                                                                                         the 2019 Waste Management Calendar.
Subscribe to RichmondHill.ca/News                                                                                                                                           22
                                        Term of Office: December 1, 2018 – November 14, 2022

                                                 Dave Barrow                                     Greg Beros                                                             David West
                                                 Mayor                                           Councillor Ward 1                                                      Councillor Ward 4
                                                 905-771-2493                                    905-771-2530                                                           905-771-2480
                                                 officemayor@richmondhill.ca                     greg.beros@richmondhill.ca                                             david.west@richmondhill.ca
Municipal Offices
225 East Beaver Creek Road
                                                 Joe DiPaola                                     Tom Muench                                                             Karen Cilevitz
                                                 Deputy Mayor/Regional and Local Councillor      Councillor Ward 2                                                      Councillor Ward 5
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
                                                 905-771-2517                                    905-771-2549                                                           905-771-2510
                                                 joe.dipaola@richmondhill.ca                     tom.muench@richmondhill.ca                                             karen.cilevitz@richmondhill.ca
Operations Centre
1200 Elgin Mills Road East                       Carmine Perrelli                                Castro Liu                                                             Godwin Chan
                                                 Deputy Mayor/Regional and Local Councillor      Councillor Ward 3                                                      Councillor Ward 6
Richmond Hill, ON L4S 1M4
905-884-8013                                     905-771-2498                                    905-771-5497                                                           905-771-2509
                                                 carmine.perrelli@richmondhill.ca                castro.liu@richmondhill.ca                                             godwin.chan@richmondhill.ca

                                                                                              This calendar was printed by an accredited waterless printer ensuring the highest standards
                                                                                              in environmental responsibility. The calendar was printed on Enviro 100 paper which is
                                  One Stop for City Services                                  produced in a paper plant utilizing bio-gas (gas produced from decomposing waste).
                                                                                              The paper is 100% post-consumer recycled, FSC® certified, ECO certified and chlorine free.

       905-771-8800                            access@richmondhill.ca
                                                                                                                                          Printer is carbonzero certified.

       225 East Beaver Creek Road*
       *In-person services may be              RichmondHill.ca/Access
       unavailable due to COVID-19.
       Visit our website for updates.                                                                                                                                               Recyclable
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