APRIL 10, 2022 - Holy Family Catholic Church - Parishes Online
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April 10, 2022 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (C) Lk 19:28–40 Is 50:4–7 / Phil 2:6–11 Lk 22:14—23:56 or Lk 23:1–49 Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”; and when he had said this he breathed his last. LUKE 23:46 CNS PHOTO / ANTARA FOTO VIA REUTERS He Cannot Save Himself For example, the goal of Jesus’ ministry was the establishment of the reign of God. Everything he said and did pointed to this goal. He never faltered, never S ome of us might wonder, as did many of the bystanders on the way to Calvary, why Jesus allowed matters to reach the point they did. We might backed down in the face of opposition. He was steadfast in his commitment to what he believed was God’s will for him, regardless of the price he might have to pay. ask: He saved others. Why didn’t he save himself? And pay a tremendous price he did. Jesus’ faithfulness Jesus certainly had the power. He demonstrated it to God’s will is a model for us. We have responsibilities, often as he traveled the villages and countryside of some of which might make significant demands of us. Do Israel. Through the centuries, theologians have turned we hold fast, or do we look for a way out? Holy Week calls that question over and over, upside down and inside us to follow him in his commitment. out. Hadn’t he done enough to reveal his identity? Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA Every answer offered has thrown a bit of light on the question. Still, no answer has adequately resolved the issue. The question of Jesus’ suffering and death FOR Reflection is a mystery of our faith. Holy Week offers us an ✷ We may not be asked to die for our principles, opportunity to reflect on this mystery, to discover but we are asked to live for them. something that might deepen that faith and transform ✷ Pray for the strength to be faithful. our lives—if only a bit. © 2022 Liguori Publications • Liguori, MO 63057-9999
Calendar Monday APRIL 11 How should we dispose of last year’s palms? Monday of Holy Week E Is 42:1–7 very year on Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), palm branches are handed Jn 12:1–11 out and blessed as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Tuesday We keep palm branches for two reasons. First, they symbolize our desire to APRIL 12 accompany Christ through Holy Week. Second, they symbolize Jesus’ desire to Tuesday of Holy Week enter our homes and accompany us on our journey as we face our own Good Is 49:1–6 Fridays. Taking the palms home and placing them behind a crucifix or holy Jn 13:21–33, 36–38 picture is a powerful reminder of that. Wednesday Many parishes ask their members to bring the palm branches they received APRIL 13 the previous year to church on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. These Wednesday of Holy Week branches are burned to make Is 50:4–9a Mt 26:14–25 the ashes that are distributed on Ash Wednesday. After a Thursday time, palm branches get brittle APRIL 14 Holy Thursday CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE/ANTHONY D. ALONZO and break easily, so if your Ex 12:1–8, 11–14 church doesn’t collect them, 1 Cor 11:23–26 it’s OK to break the palms up Jn 13:1–15 and burn them yourself. Friday The number of palm APRIL 15 branches we have in our homes Good Friday isn’t important. Palms and Is 52:13—53:12 Heb 4:14–16; 5:7–9 other articles of devotion such Jn 18:1—19:42 as medals and scapulars don’t bring good luck or wealth, and we shouldn’t try to use them in that way. We Saturday APRIL 16 should use them to remind us of the goodness of God and the salvation Christ Holy Saturday brings us. Gn 1:1—2:2 Fr. Patrick Keyes, CSsR or 1:1, 26–31a Gn 22:1–18 or 22:1–2, Sundaybulletin@Liguori.org 9a, 10–13, 15–18 Ex 14:15—15:1 Do you have a question for the Padre? Is 54:5–14 / Is 55:1–11 Bar 3:9–15, 32—4:4 Go to DearPadre.org to send your question and to learn more about Dear Padre. Ez 36:16–17a, 18–28 Rom 6:3–11 Lk 24:1–12 A WORD FROM Pope Francis Sunday What is most amazing about the Lord and his Passover? APRIL 17 It is the fact that he achieves glory through humiliation. Easter He triumphs by accepting suffering and death, things that Acts 10:34a, 37–43 we, in our quest for admiration and success, would rather Col 3:1–4 avoid. Jesus, as St. Paul tells us, “emptied himself…he or 1 Cor 5:6b–8 humbled himself.” Jn 20:1–9 or Lk 24:1–12 PALM SUNDAY HOMILY, MARCH 28, 2021 © 2022 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish was granted on September 2, 2021, by the Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, visit Liguori.org or call 800-325-9521.
Nuestra Comunidad 10 de abril de 2022 Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión Parroquial del Señor (C) Lc 19:28–40 Is 50:4–7 / Fil 2:6–11 Lc 22:14—23:56 o Lc 23:1–49 Jesús, dando un fuerte grito, dijo: “Padre, en tus manos pongo mi espíritu”. Y, dicho esto, expiró. LUCAS 23:46 CNS PHOTO / ANTARA FOTO VIA REUTERS No puede salvarse a sí mismo A lgunos de nosotros podríamos preguntarnos, como lo hicieron muchos de los transeúntes en el camino al Calvario, por qué Jesús permitió que las Por ejemplo, el objetivo del ministerio de Jesús era el establecimiento del reino de Dios. Todo lo que dijo e hizo apuntaba a este objetivo. Nunca vaciló, nunca cosas llegaran al punto en que lo hicieron. Podríamos retrocedió ante la oposición. Se mantuvo firme en su preguntar: Él salvó a otros. ¿Por qué no se salvó a sí compromiso con lo que creía que era la voluntad de mismo? Jesús ciertamente tenía el poder. Lo demostró Dios para él, sin importar el precio que tuviera que a menudo mientras recorría los pueblos y campos de pagar. Y pagó un precio tremendo. La fidelidad de Israel. A lo largo de los siglos, los teólogos han dado Jesús a la voluntad de Dios es un modelo para nosotros. vueltas a esa pregunta una y otra vez, al revés y al Tenemos responsabilidades, algunas de las cuales derecho. ¿No había hecho lo suficiente para revelar su pueden exigirnos mucho. ¿Nos mantenemos firmes o identidad? buscamos una salida? La Semana Santa nos llama a Cada respuesta ofrecida ha arrojado un poco de luz seguirle en su compromiso. sobre la cuestión. Sin embargo, ninguna respuesta Hna. Dianne Bergant, CSA ha resuelto adecuadamente la cuestión. La cuestión del sufrimiento y la muerte de Jesús es un misterio PARA Ref lexionar de nuestra fe. La Semana Santa nos ofrece una ✷ Puede que no se nos pida que dejemos nuestros oportunidad para reflexionar sobre este misterio, principios, pero sí que vivamos por ellos. para descubrir algo que pueda profundizar en la fe y ✷ Reza para tener la fuerza de ser fiel. transformar nuestras vidas, aunque sea un poco. © 2022 Liguori Publications • Liguori, MO 63057-9999
Querido Padre, Calendario Lunes 11 DE ABRIL ¿Cómo debemos disponer de las palmas del año Lunes de Semana Santa Is 42:1–7 pasado? Jn 12:1–11 C ada año, en el Domingo de la Pasión (Domingo de Ramos), se reparten y bendicen las ramas de palma como un poderoso recordatorio de la entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén. Martes 12 DE ABRIL Martes de Semana Santa Conservamos las palmas por dos razones. En primer lugar, simbolizan Is 49:1–6 Jn 13: 21–33, 36–38 nuestro deseo de acompañar a Cristo durante la Semana Santa. En segundo lugar, simbolizan el deseo de Jesús de entrar en nuestros hogares Miércoles 13 DE ABRIL y acompañarnos en nuestro camino al afrontar nuestros propios Viernes Miércoles de Semana Santos. Llevar las palmas a casa y colocarlas detrás de un crucifijo o una Santa imagen sagrada es un poderoso Is 50:4–9a recordatorio de ello. Mt 26:14–25 Muchas parroquias piden a Jueves sus miembros que lleven a la 14 DE ABRIL iglesia, el domingo anterior al Jueves Santo CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE/ANTHONY D. ALONZO Miércoles de Ceniza, las ramas Ex 12:1–8, 11–14 1 Cor 11:23–26 de palma que recibieron el Jn 13:1–15 año anterior. Estas ramas se Viernes queman para hacer la ceniza 15 DE ABRIL que se distribuye el Miércoles Viernes Santo de Ceniza. Después de un Is 52:13—53:12 tiempo, las ramas de palma Heb 4:14–16; 5:7–9 se vuelven quebradizas y se Jn 18:1—19:42 rompen con facilidad, así que si tu iglesia no las recoge, puedes romper las Sábado palmas y quemarlas tú mismo. 16 DE ABRIL Sábado Santo El número de palmas que tengamos en nuestras casas no es importante. Las Gn 1:1—2:2 palmas y otros artículos de devoción, como las medallas y los escapularios, no o 1:1, 26–31a traen buena suerte ni riqueza, y no debemos tratar de usarlos de esa manera. Gn 22:1–18 o 22:1–2, Deberíamos usarlos para recordarnos la bondad de Dios y la salvación que nos 9a, 10–13, 15–18 Ex 14:15—15:1 trae Cristo. Is 54:5–14 / Is 55:1–11 P. Patrick Keyes, CSsR / Sundaybulletin@Liguori.org Bar 3:9–15, 32—4:4 Ez 36:16–17a, 18–28 Rom 6:3–11 UN MENSAJE DEL papa Francisco Lc 24:1–12 ¿Qué es lo más sorprendente del Señor y de su Pascua? Es Domingo el hecho de que alcanza la gloria a través de la humillación. 17 DE ABRIL Triunfa aceptando el sufrimiento y la muerte, cosas que Pascua nosotros, en nuestra búsqueda de admiración y éxito, Hechos 10:34a, 37–43 preferiríamos evitar. Jesús, como nos dice San Pablo, Col 3:1–4 o 1 Cor 5:6b–8 «se despojó de sí mismo... se humilló». Jn 20:1–9 o Lc 24:1–12 HOMILÍA DEL DOMINGO DE RAMOS, 28 DE MARZO DE 2021 © 2022 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Impreso en los Estados Unidos de América. Imprimatur: “Conforme al CIC 827, el 2 de septiembre de 2021, ha sido concedido el permiso de publicación por el reverendísimo Mark S. Rivituso, obispo auxiliar de la arquidiócesis de St. Louis. El permiso de publicación indica que la obra no contiene contradicciones con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Este permiso no implica la aprobación de las opiniones que se expresan en ella ni con él TM se asume responsabilidad alguna por posibles perjuicios”. Ninguna parte de esta obra puede ser utilizada en forma alguna sin previa autorización escrita de Liguori Publications. Los textos escriturales que aparecen en esta obra han sido tomados de the New American Bible, edición revisada © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Todos los derechos reservados. Para hacer pedidos del Boletín Dominical de Liguori, llame al 800-325-9521 o visite Liguori.org.
Mass Book Mass Book will open for Mass Intentions on April 4th, for the months of May, June, July, and August. Call the office for more information. El libro de Misas El libro de Misas se abrirá el 4 de abril para los meses de mayo, junio, julio y agosto. Tuesday of Holy Week The Ark's Second Online Silent Auction Chrism Mass You can bid on nearly 150 At the Corpus Christi Cathedral individual items April 12 6:30 PM (including a barbecue smoker, baskets, gift Holy Thursday certificates, home decor April 14, 2022 7 p.m. Mass and toys) from 10 a.m. Good Friday Sunday, April 17 through April 15, 2022: 10 p.m. Thursday, April 1:30 PM Live Stations of the Cross 21 at https://www.biddingowl.com/ark4kids during The Ark Assessment Center and in the Pavillion Emergency Shelter for Youth's Second Online 3 p.m. Good Friday Service in Church Silent Auction benefiting abused/neglected Easter Vigil children. Info: (361) 241- 6566. Saturday Faith Formation News April 16, 2022 8 p.m. We ask for your prayers for our RCIA Candidates & Catechumens Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer DIOCESAN EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS Traveling Monstrance at Holy Family 7 – 8 p.m. Wednesday June 1, 2022 HOLY FAMILY FOOD PANTRY Holy Family Church has partnered with the Coastal Bend Food Bank and Catholic Charities to supply and distribute food to individuals and families in need of our community. We will be doing food- Divine Mercy Sunday distribution twice a month on the of each month April 24, 2022 at the Father Fernandez Hall. The Food Pantry will In the Church at 3:00 pm open its doors on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Father Sanctuary Light in the Church April 10 – April 23, 2022 Fernandez building. If you know of anyone who “For the Victims in Ukraine” needs this assistance, please let them know about this service. Sanctuary Light in the Chapel April 10 – April 23, 2022 PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION DURING OFFICE HOURS. “For Peace in Ukraine”
PARISH MASS INTENTIONS Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:00 a.m. †Joe Alexander Moreno by Parents 8:00 a.m. †Velia Landin by Landin Family Wednesday, April 13, 2022 6:00 p.m. †Luwan Villarreal, †Enrique & †Anita 8:00 a.m. †Gerald Lerma “In Memory of Villarreal, †Noe & †Alicia Contreras his Birthday” by His Church Family by Ramona Villarreal †Raul M. Flores “In Memory of his 15th Holy Thursday, April 14, 2022 Anniversary” by Wife and Family 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper †Arturo Melve “In Memory of his 3rd Anniversary” & †Paulita Reyes “In Good Friday, April 15, 2022 Memory of her 48th Anniversary” 3:00 p.m. Good Friday Services by Nori Melve †Jose Angel Guerra “In Memory of his Holy Saturday, April 16, 2022 5th Anniversary” by Family 8:00 p.m. EASTER VIGIL MASS †Joe Alexander Moreno by Parents "For the People of the Parish” †Andres Jesus Medina by Belia Lewis For the Deceased loved ones of the EASTER SUNDAY, April 17, 2022 Reyes, Castillo, Cuellar, Chacon, and 8:00 a.m. Toribio O. Reyes “En Accion de Gracias Salinas Families by Family Por Su Cumpleanos” by his Wife Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022 10:30 a.m. †Steven Salazar by His Dad 8:00 a.m. “Para los Fieles de la Parroquia” 12:30 p.m. †Dilia Solis by Solis Family †Maria de Jesus Rojas Zamarron by 10:30 a.m. †Jerry Reyes by Wife and Family Family †Felipa Bernal by Daughter, 12:30 p.m. †Virgilio & †Maria Olga Solis by Family Aida Rodriguez †Joe Alexander Moreno by Parents Monday, April 11, 2022 †Andres Jesus Medina by Jesus & Diana 8:00 a.m. Communion Services Medina In Reparation for Offenses against the Holy Family REMEMBER THOSE WHO ARE S I C K Tami Bacon Jacinto Deleon Gracie Moyar Gonzalez Michael Menchaca Edward Rivera Clarissa Carpentier Juanita Martinez Deleon Yolanda Gonzalez Richard Martinez Eluterio Rodriguez Pete Carpentier Modesta Deleon Maria Elizabeth Guillen Manuel Morin Susie Rodriguez Sally Carpentier Felix Deleon III Lynda Guzman Sterling Murphy Fidencia Salazar Greg Cirlos Maria Carmen Diaz Jessica Flores Angie Musquiez Jay Salazar Daniel Cisneros, Jr. Ruben Elizarlde Aurora Jolly Hernandez Eugene Ortiz Cassie Shriver Adolfo Chapa James Gannon Jackie Hernandez Jesse Rey Ortiz Edward Solis Michael Chapa Alfred Garcia Loretta Hernandez Rosie Pool Guillermo Suarez Rudy Chapa Miguel Garcia Paul Hernandez Maria Ramirez Jesse Stakes Juan Chapa Maria R. Garza Amado Iglesias Mary Ramirez Juan Suarez Enrique Chapa Odie Garza Gloria Longoria Tomas Ramirez Michael A. Torres Rosario Chapa Teresa Garza Johnny Longoria Allison Ramos Alasia Vargas Simon Clarish Priscilla Emily Garcia Iris Lopez Ramon Ramos Olga Vasquez Adam Deleon Roland Garza Sally Martinez Janie Y. Reyna Amador Deleon Velma Garza Sylvia Martinez Rebecca Rios
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