Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -

Page created by Herman Lowe
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -

                                     Church of St. George


                 Parish Mission Statement                                         Masses
                                                                       Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri at 8:30am
We express and embrace the Divine Will in caring for each
                                                                   Sat 4pm; Sun 9:15am; Sun 5pm (Spanish)
       other, liturgy, Eucharistic Adoration, ministries,
      stewardship, outreach, social gatherings and prayer.        Reconciliation in the Confessional
                                                             Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm, Saturdays 3:00pm-3:45pm
                   Eucharistic Adoration
                Mondays & Wednesdays, 9am-8pm                                 Office Hours
                                                             Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9am-2:30pm, Friday 9am-1pm

 Church of St. George • 133 N Brown Rd, Long Lake, MN 55356• 952-473-1247 •
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
A Le er from Our Pastor
            Father Mark Juettner
             New Development to advance                             Consider the following questions and
              the Mission of Evangelization
                                                                    Are you hesitant to return to the Sacrament of
             here at the Parish of St. George                Reconciliation after a long absence? Watch Forgiven:
              under the format of FORMED                     The Transforming Power of Confession.
                                                                     Would you like to be more confident in
                                                             answering your teenagers’ questions about the validity
                                                             of the Gospels? Watch Lectio: The Case for Jesus.
                                                                    Do you search for a reliable source of Catholic
                                                             teaching on current issues? Tune in each week to The
                                                             Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray.
        Let me explain…
                                                                    Have you despaired of finding good movies that
          It gives me great joy to share with you that our   your family can enjoy together on a Friday night? Start
parish now has a subscription to FORMED, a premier           with Mother Teresa, the story of the selfless saint who
online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies,     brought hope and love to the poorest of the poor.
movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even
cartoons for our children.
          FORMED has content from over 60 apostolates,               You can enjoy FORMED on your computer or on
including Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, and the       your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple
Knights of Columbus, with material that is professionally    TV. You can even listen on your phone as you commute
produced, engaging, and solid in its catechism. Best of      to work or do chores.
all, this material is free to you.
                                                             My hope and prayer is that the content on FORMED will
        Our parish will be using the material on FORMED      enrich, deepen, and inspire your faith. I am grateful for
to support our ministries and provide continuing             the full endorsement of our parish trustees and parish
education for staff members and parishioners, as well        council members to help bring this FORMED
as outreach for our sick and homebound members.              subscription to a reality for our parish. I am grateful for
Much of FORMED’s content is available in both English        the people at the Augustine Institute who create this
and Spanish.                                                 wonderful and much-needed Catholic content for our
        You will have easy access to all of the material     people.
on FORMED to support your own faith journey and that                         Fr. Mark Juettner, Pastor
of your family
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE                                     SUNDAY, JANUARY 16th
Our long-delayed parish directory process must
unfortunately start over. Lifetouch's Church Directory      CELLPHONE SUNDAY at 9:15am
division went out of business as a result of the
                                                            BRING YOUR CELLPHONE TO MASS!
pandemic. As some of you know, we started
photography for this directory in January 2020. The         DONUTS AND DOWNLOADS, After 9:15am Mass
directory was supposed to celebrate the 50th
Anniversary of Corn Days, and the plan was to use           The Church of St. George is giving you a special gi , a
photos of the 2020 Corn Days for most of the collage        subscrip on to FORMED that can be used by every member of
pages. The directory was then supposed to be                your family. Do you want to find out more about your faith or
distributed in late November or early December of           to be able to explain your Catholic faith to anyone who is
2020. Once the pandemic hit, Lifetouch's Church
                                                            asking you what it means to be Catholic? This App will give you
Directory division suspended and resumed and
suspended and resumed their operations multiple             a library of movies, videos, programs and learning tools for
times. We had hoped to do one more photo session            everyone in your family. This App from the Augus ne Ins tute
with parishioners. We scheduled April, June, and            it is a great way to be er understand and grow in your Catholic
September dates in 2020, but each time, Lifetouch           faith. FORMED staff will be handing out flyers with all the
cancelled those dates as Covid numbers were rising,         informa on to download this wonderful App and will also be
and they were suspending operations yet again. We
                                                            available to help you to access FORMED on your phone or a
attempted many times to communicate with Lifetouch
regarding finishing the directory, but received no          tablet. Gather in the Community Center to enjoy donuts and
response. We finally discovered that they had closed        your favorite beverage and learn how to download this App
their church directory division permanently.                while viewing one of the great videos from The Augus ne
                                                            Ins tute.
The church is not out any money, as we do not pay for
our directory, but clearly this is inconvenient as our
church directory process will have to start over with       SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER BREAKFAST
another company. The current parish directory is very
out-dated, and I know we were all looking forward to        ST. MARY’S MISSION SCHOOL, RED LAKE
having a new one by last Christmas.
                                                            THIS WEEKEND!! JANUARY 9th After 9:15am Mass
Universal Church Directories is a company that has          There will be a breakfast fundraiser after the Sunday
been in business for forty years. We are currently          9:15am Teen Mass to benefit St. Mary’s Mission in Red
working with this company to schedule dates for late
winter and early spring, as well as some late spring or     Lake. The breakfast includes bacon, eggs, and hash
early summer dates to accommodate our snowbirds.            browns. Checks can be made out to St. George, and the
                                                            church will send one check for the full amount to the
For those of you who have already paid a $10 fee to
                                                            school. Donation amounts beyond the value of the
submit a bulletin picture rather than having your picture
taken, we can either refund that fee now or roll it over    breakfast ($6 per person) are tax-deductible.
the next directory. Please contact the parish office at
                                                            Respect Life Breakfast | Jan 23
952-473-1247 or to let us
know what you would like to do.                             St. Joseph Catholic Community

With so many members moving or changing phone               41 East First St., Waconia, MN 55387
numbers and so many new members joining since the
last directory, we hope that you will all support the new   The KC’s are serving breakfast in the school commons on
directory by participating in photo sessions in 2022!       Sunday, January 23 from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm! Proceeds
Thank you.
                                                            will go to support local Enkrateia: House of Hope and
MARCH 11, 12, 13                                            other Pro-Life causes! The menu includes Sausage, Eggs,
APRIL 25, 26                                                Pancakes, French Toast, Fruit & a Beverage. The Respect
                                                            Life Breakfast is an event co-sponsored by Waconia
See the parish website for times and sign up
                                                            Knights of Columbus #2506 & Trinity Lutheran Church.
information or call the parish office after January 11th
for more information or to sign up by phone.                Learn More online at
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE                                Thank you for your generosity and con nued support of
                                                                St. George!
                 FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022
                                                                How to Contribute:
                     December 12, 2021
                                                                1. Give Electronically. You can set up automa c
General Collec on                             $     2,596.00    electronic payments in 2 easy steps. First, go to our
Electronic (week ending 12/11/21)             $      812.00
                                                                secure parish website: h p://
                                                                stewardship/ . Second, select one of two choices ("Pay
Christmas                                     $      195.00
                                                                Now Offline" or “Pay Now Online”). You can elect to make
Immaculate Concep on                          $       60.00     a regular ongoing dona on or a one-at-a- me dona on.
La no Ministry                                $          8.00   It’s as easy as that.

                                              $     3,671.00    2. Give by U.S. Mail. Simply mail your dona on to
                                                                "Church of St George, 133 North Brown Road, Long Lake,
                                                                MN 55356.
    Total Budget to date*                     $ 115,320.00
                                                                3. Contact Lynn Johnston, our parish bookkeeper, at:
    Total Collected to date                   $    89,349.97
                                                       or call and leave her a
    Net/(deficit):                            $ (25,970.03)     message at 952-473-1247 ext 103.
Other Dona ons

    Special Dona on                           $     2,000.00
                                                                FORMED PARISH SUBSCRIPTION
    Mass Inten ons                            $       146.00
                                                                Discover thousands of books,
    Christmas Flowers                         $       210.00
                                                                audio talks, movies,
                                                                documentaries, and studies...
Pass Through Collec ons                                         there is something for every member of the family to help
    Food Shelf                                $        10.00    them grow closer to Christ and His Church. Check out the
    Re rement Fund for the Religious          $       140.00
                                                                Christmas resources available on FORMED!
                                                                There are 3 easy steps for parishioners to Sign Up on
         Note: Our weekly needs are approx. $4,805.00*

                  Thank you for your generosity!                Visit h p://
                                                                Enter our parish zip code 55356
                                                                Enter your name and email — it’s that easy

ST. GEORGE ON INSTAGRAM                                         CORN DAYS MEETING
                                                                Sunday, January 23rd at 10:30am
We're on Instagram as
                                                                Anyone interested in being involved with
@stgeorgechurchll. Install the
                                                                planning Corn Days 2022 is invited! Topics of discussion
app to follow our photos and                                    will include a review of Corn Days 2021, leadership roles,
videos. h ps://                       a one day vs. two day fes val, ideas for a new food booth,
contact/?                                                       and any other ideas that people might have to make Corn
                                                                Days more fun, more organized, or more profitable!
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
For informaƟon about the Knights of Columbus,
please contact Steve Cox at 952-473-3305 or 612-308
-1253. MeeƟngs are the first Thursday of the month
at 7pm in the community center.
Knights of Columbus Mission Statement: "We
believe in human dignity and support causes that
respect life from concepƟon to reunion with Christ.”

Local Knights of Columbus to Sponsor Pilgrim Icon
                                                                 admirable model of those manly virtues of quiet strength,
                                                                 integrity and fidelity which the Knights of Columbus are
Honor of St. Joseph
                                                                 commi ed to preserving, cultivating and passing on to
Our local Knights of Columbus Council will be hosting a          future generations of Catholic men.”
beautiful icon of St. Joseph here at our parish from January
                                                                 The St. Joseph icon is the latest icon to be a part of the
8th to January 14th. Everyone in the parish is invited to
                                                                 Knights of Columbus Pilgrim Icon Program. Every few
special prayer services after the 4pm Mass on Saturday,
                                                                 years, the Knights of Columbus selects an icon of a saint
January 8th and the 9:15am Mass on January 9th. In
                                                                 whose patronage is particularly inspiring to Knights and
addition, the icon will be featured in our Divine Will Chapel
                                                                 their communities to be featured in the program. The icons
during Eucharistic Adoration on Monday, January 10th and
                                                                 travel from council to council and serve as the centerpieces
Wednesday, January 12th.
                                                                 for prayer services in parishes throughout the Order. Since
This special prayer service, flowing from the Year of St.        its inception in 1979, the program has held more than
Joseph declared by Pope Francis in 2021, and inspired by         174,800 local council and parish prayer services with some
his apostolic le er Patris Corde, is sponsored by our            22 million participants. Featured images have included
Knights of Columbus Father William Nolan Council 12293           Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our
to honor St. Joseph and pray for his intercession in             Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Pochaiv, Our Lady of
preserving, cultivating and passing on the Catholic faith to     the Rosary, Our Lady of Charity, Our Lady of Persecuted
future generations. Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly chose to        Christians and the Holy Family.
entrust his service as Supreme Knight to St. Joseph and
                                                                 The Knights of Columbus Father William Nolan Council
through this Pilgrim Icon Program, to encourage Knights
                                                                 12293 is one of 17,000 Knights of Columbus councils
and their communities to "turn in prayer to St. Joseph, give
                                                                 Number Town/City that make up the world’s largest
thanks to God for the gift of fatherly example, and ask St.
                                                                 Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in 1882 to
Joseph to be a father to us" as we seek to "grow in our own
                                                                 assist working-class and immigrant Catholics in the United
imitation of St. Joseph's quiet strength, integrity and
                                                                 States, today the approximately two million members of
fidelity." In the first year of his pontificate, Pope Francis
                                                                 the Knights put their faith into action through a broad
received the Order’s Board of Directors in a private
                                                                 range of charitable causes locally, nationally and
audience, during which the Holy Father said, “I commend
                                                                 internationally with financial contributions and hands-on
all of you in a special way to the intercession of St. Joseph,
the protector of the Holy Family of Nazareth, who is an
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
Saturday, JANUARY 8, 4:00pm: †Erick Titrud                                          REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS
Sunday, JANUARY 9, 9:15am: For the Aman Family
Sunday, JANUARY 9, 5:00pm: For the People of the              Those who recently died: Lorraine Kaley, Dorothy (Dot) Se lemire
                                                              (mother of Donna Bowen), Chris Niesen (brother-in-law of Sue Fasching
Tuesday, JANUARY 11, 8:30am: †Jennings Family
                                                              Stevens), Ed Eisinger (brother of Dave), Bob Jennings
Wednesday, JANUARY 12, 8:30am: For the Aman
Family                                                        Those who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating: Michelle Flannery,
Thursday, JANUARY 13, 8:30am: †Jennings Family                Piper Mann, Don Mann, Mary Leighton

Friday, JANUARY 14, 8:30am: †Jennings Family                  Those who are homebound or in nursing homes: LaVern Bauer, Clarence
Saturday, JANUARY 15, 4:00pm: †Jim Roden                      Stangl, Art Theis

Sunday, JANUARY 16, 9:15am: For the Aman Family               For those who are serving our country: Eric Henjum, Whitney Eisinger,
Sunday, JANUARY 16, 5:00pm: For the Aman Family               Justin Eisinger, Dylan Jones, Ben Persian, Jack Tucker

                                                              All those currently in treatment for their respective addictions, and those
                                                              who need to face their addictions.

                                                                                THIS WEEK’S CHURCH ACTIVITIES
              TODAY’S READINGS
First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant
whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth                   Sat.     01/08   KC Icon Prayer Service                         5:00pm-5:30pm
justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah
40:1-5, 9-11.                                                 Sun.     01/09   KC Icon Prayer Service                       10:15am-10:45am

Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with                   Sun.     01/09   Red Lake Breakfast                             10:15am
peace (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104.
                                                              Sun.     01/09   Pre-K/K Good Shepherd                          10:15am
Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God
with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and                 Sun.     01/09   Confirmation Class                             3:00pm-4:45pm
doing good (Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7.
                                                              Wed.     01/12   Faith Formation, grades 1-8               6:30pm-7:45pm
Gospel — A voice comes from heaven
proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom               Wed.     01/12   Choir Rehearsal                           6:45pm-8:15pm
God is well pleased (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22).
                                                              Thurs.   01/13   AA Meeting                                     7:00pm

                                                                                  UPCOMING CHURCH ACTIVITIES
Monday:          1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
Tuesday:         1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk
                 1:21-28                                      Sun.     01/16   Cellphone Sunday & Donut Download             9:15am/10:15am
Wednesday:       1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk     Sun.     01/16   NO Confirmation Class                          3:00pm-4:45pm
Thursday:        1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;      Wed.     01/19   Faith Formation, grades 1-8                    6:30pm-7:45pm
                 Mk 1:40-45
                                                              Wed.     01/19   Choir Rehearsal                                6:45pm-8:15pm
Friday:          1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk
                 2:1-12                                       Thurs.   01/20   AA Meeting                                     7:00pm
Saturday:        1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7;
                                                              Sun.     01/23   Pre-K/K Good Shepherd                          10:15am
                 Mk 2:13-17
                                                              Sun      01/23   Corn Days Meeting                              10:30am
Sunday:          Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11;
                 Jn 2:1-11                                    Tues.    01/25   Parish Council Meeting                         7:00pm

                                                              Thurs.   01/27   Community Dinner at Calvin Presbyterian        5:30pm-6:30pm
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
Consider Remembering                                                                                                                RETTINGER
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Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
Church of St. George
                           133 North Brown Road, Long Lake, MN 55356
                                 952-473-1247 ▪ w w w . s t g e o r g e l o n g l a k e . o r g

                        Parish                                                                    Cemetery

                                                                                  401 Willow Drive • Long Lake
                    Phone: 952-473-1247
                                                                  Deacon Joe Ki ok                      (763) 221-6658
                                                                  John Hughes                           (612) 804-2449
Emergency Line: to report a medical emergency or death, Paul Benne                              (952) 200-7399
                         call 612-356-2246.
                                                              For inquiries regarding plot information and availability or
 It is essential that you either leave a voicemail message or
                                                                 to schedule a burial, contact Sara Dore at 952-473-1247
 email the office. Our phone system’s voicemail is failing, so
                                                                 X100 or
 when we are not in the office, we are routing the phone calls
 to the emergency line. Please leave a message even if it is
 not an emergency. Thanks for your patience.                      Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator
                                                                      Jean Ko emann, 763-458-1591
                                                                  Knights of Columbus Grand Knight
Pastor Fr. Mark Jue ner, 952-473-1247 X104
                                                                      Steve Cox, 952-473-3305 or 612-308-1253       Emergency line: 612-356-2246
                                                                  ACCW Women’s Council President
Deacon Bruce Bowen, 612-298-4867
                                                                      Shannon Banks, 612-554-3274
                                                                                           Parish Council
Bookkeeper/Business Administrator Lynn Johnston
  952-473-1247 X103                                               Chair Dick Speeter, 952- 475-1244
                                                                  Secretary Molly Yates
Parish Secretary Sara Dore 952-473-1247 X100
                                                                  Trustee Douglas Williams , 612-868-8969
Latino Ministry Coordinator Melba Cruz Reyes
                                                                  Trustee William Ko emann, 612-802-4397
  952-473-1247 X106,
Music Director Kelly Kadlec, 952-473-1247 X100 X105
                                                                  Other Parish Pastoral Council Members:
Assistant Music Director Nuriel Abdenur                              Daren Grothaus        Jeff Strand
                                                                     Frank Fraser          Danielle Miskowic
Faith Formation Director, Amy McEvoy,
                                                                     Marie Suchy          Shannon Banks

Faith Formation Assistant, Rowanne Dombeck,
                                                                   To register for the parish, contact the parish office at 952-
Head of Bldg., Grounds & Supplies Mike Dombeck                           473-1247 X100 or
  (612) 716-7107,
Church of St. George THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 9, 2022 -
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