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1/ 2020/21 KINGS CAPLE PARISH COUNCIL Regular Meeting of the Parish Council held via Zoom at 7.30pm on Thursday 16th July 2020 Present Parish Cllrs: Adrian Harvey (AH), Pam Apperley (PA), Mark Barry (MB), Julie Brandram-Jones (JBJ), Wendy Harris (WH), James Petter (JP) Also in attendance: Ward Cllr Barry Durkin, Harry Waymouth (Highways), Mrs Chris Bucknell (Parish Clerk) and 1 member of the public (Elwyn Brooke but with limited sound connectivity). 1. To Receive Apologies for Absence – Cllr Tim Over 2. Declarations of Interest a. To Receive Declarations of Interest b. To Approve any Written Requests for Dispensations There were no declarations of interest and no requests for dispensations 3. To Accept Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on 16th January 2020 Resolved: The Minutes were confirmed, and the Clerk would arrange for them to be signed by the Chair 4. To Receive Report from Ward Cllr Barry Durkin Ward Cllr Durkin’s report had been circulated to all Cllrs in advance of the meeting. Cllr Durkin summarised the main points Coming out of Lockdown – although we are now entering a different phase of the pandemic there was still a need to remain vigilant, acting responsibly and respecting the social distancing rules. Rubbish – there had been a large increase in the amount of litter being left around. Anyone witnessing this type of anti-social behaviour should report it. Meetings – Herefordshire Council were now holding all its meetings, including Cabinet Meetings, via various internet platforms and Cllr Durkin felt that the reduction in travel was a positive outcomes from the pandemic. Cllr Durkin thanked all his Parish Councils for their professionalism and for working hard to embrace the new technology. Phosphates – there was a significant issue on the River Arrow down to the Lugg which would have an impact on meeting the agreed housing targets across the county. Carbon Management Plan – this had now been approved and set an interim target of a 75% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025/26, as part of a commitment to Herefordshire Council becoming carbon neutral by 2030/31. Library Delivery Service – this had now been restarted after being suspended in March. The Council was considering a phased approach to opening as many libraries as possible as soon as it was safe to do so. Maylords Centre - Herefordshire Council had purchased the leasehold interest and a section of additional freehold in the Maylord Shopping Centre in Hereford. The purchase of the shopping centre at £4.5M will enable the council to safeguard and decide the destiny of this facility in the heart of Hereford. Cllr Harvey asked what the Council intended to use the site for, and Cllr Durkin said this was still under discussion. Armed Forces Day – a closed flag raising ceremony had been held at Suvla Barracks and a flag was flying at the County Hospital. Cllr Durkin reported that the Military Charities Support was due to move to a new distribution hub. Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
2/ 2020/21 Herefordshire Tourism Project - a major campaign to help Herefordshire's tourism and visitor economy recover from the effect of both the coronavirus lockdown and February’s flooding had been awarded £440,000 by the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Support for the High Street - the Government had given Herefordshire £172,000 to support the reopening of the High Street. Cllr Durkin’s understanding was that this would be focused on Hereford and the market towns and should include some limited opening of public toilets. Finally, Cllr Durkin reported on the way Coronavirus data was collected and reported, saying that full details of Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 reporting was in his Ward Report. He stressed that everyone should abide by the key public messages which laid out the actions that should be taken to keep everyone safe and secure. 5. Open Time – To Note Matters Raised by Local Residents Relevant to the Parish There were no matters raised. 6. Encouraging Liaison and Communication with Parishioners a. Website Accessibility Compliance The Clerk reported that the accessibility update had now been completed with an icon on the Home page which allowed those with disabilities to access the various formats now available. b. Parish Newsletter This had not progressed, but the Chair had put a message on the website and the Facebook page thanking everyone for their hard work during the current crisis and outlining the good things that were going on in the Parish. He particularly thanked the various voluntary groups and essential workers who had helped support the village during this difficult time. The Chair Mentioned the Parish Meeting that had taken place in 2019 and the discussion about the 5 issues that the Parish Council wanted to focus on during the coming year. As the 2020 Parish Meeting had not been able to take place, the Chair said he would write a short report for Facebook and the Website to give parishioners an update on the Council’s priorities. Action: AH 7. Financial Matters a. To Receive a Report from the RFO Current Account £11,575.36, the remaining £356.63 in the Parish Plan account has been transferred to the main account and the £10,000 Business Grant for the Old School Paid into the second account so that it could be easily identified (see agenda item 7h) Income Since the January Meeting • Herefordshire Council Precept Part 1 - £4,000 • VAT Claim 01/10/19 – 31/03/20 £255.45 b. To Approve Payments made since January Meeting Payment Expenditure paid in Financial Year 2019/20 Amount DD Plusnet Broadband (January) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 DD Plusnet Broadband (February) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 DD Plusnet Broadband (March) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 BACS Terry Griffiths invoice TGC0968 £364.00 + VAT £436.80 BACS Wellington Parish Council 12% Contribution to Clerks SLCC Membership £19.32 BACS Kings Caple Old School – use of hall for Meetings 9 x 2 hours £126.00 BACS HALC Subscription 2020/21 £331.04 + VAT £397.25 BACS HMRC Payment related to Clerks Salary Q4 £126.80 BACS Clerks net salary Q4 as per salary summary £507.40 BACS Clerks Expenses Q4 £18.70 Payment Expenditure paid in Financial Year 2020/21 Amount BACS Information Commissioners Office - subscription 2020/21 £35.00 BACS Plusnet - Broadband for Old School (April) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
3/ 2020/21 BACS Herefordshire Council invoice 91349481 - uncontested election May 2019 £88.87 BACS 2 Microphones and Webcam. Funded through Fastershire Grant £66.66 + VAT £79.78 BACS Eyelid Productions Accessibility Upgrade for website £50.00 BACS Plusnet - Broadband for Old School (May) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 BACS Plusnet - Broadband for Old School (June) £28.50 + VAT £34.20 BACS HMRC – PAYE related to Clerks salary Qtr 1 £126.80 BACS Clerks Net salary Qtr 1 £507.40 BACS Clerks Expenses Qtr 1 (Printing only) £4.42 BACS Hfds Fire Protection Services invoice 173204 for Old School £47.74 +VAT £57.29 c. To Approve Payment of Outstanding Invoices Payment Expenditure paid in Financial Year 2020/21 Amount BACS Phil Partridge invoice 438 Internal Audit 2019-20 £75.00 Resolved: All Payments noted and approved Action: Clerk d. To Note Internal Auditor’s Report The Internal Audit had been carried out by Phil Partridge who submitted the following report Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, this year’s audit was carried out electronically. I had already met the Clerk for last year’s audit and was confident that documents could be exchanged satisfactorily. Accounts, which include a daily workbook, budgets and bank reconciliations were presented as excel spreadsheets and other relevant documents as pdf or docx’s. Random invoices (chosen by me) were scanned and emailed for inspection. Other queries were all dealt with by emailed questions and answers. Everything was laid out extremely clearly and efficiently and accounts appeared to be being kept in a very satisfactory manner. My one recommendation from last year was that it might be helpful for Councillors to see a ‘spending by category to date against budget’ sheet at each meeting. I believe this system has been introduced. I have to say – I audit two or three other councils – that all the paperwork seems to me to be effective and efficient and that it appears that the Council’s administration is being run extremely well. God forbid the pandemic is still with us next year, but either way, given the standard of the paperwork, I see no reason why the audit should not be carried out in a similar way in future. Resolved: Internal Audit Report noted and the Clerk was thanked for her work in preparing the accounts. e. To Approve Annual Governance Statement The Annual Governance Statement had been circulated to Councillors in advance of the meeting Resolved: To Approve the Annual Governance Statement f. To Approve Annual Accounting Statement The Annual Accounting Statement had been circulated to Councillors in advance of the meeting Resolved: To Approve the Annual Governance Statement g. To Approve the Certificate of Exemption from External Audit Resolved: To Approve the Certificate of Exemption. The Clerk would arrange for the Chair to sign this and submit to the External Auditors. Action: AH/Clerk h. To Note Business Grant for Old School £10,000 was awarded to the Old School from the Business Rates Grant paid out by the government as part of the Corona virus relief package. This was currently held in the Parish Council second account. 8. To Consider Planning Matters a. To Confirm Comments made since January Meeting Reference Application Number 20 Caple Avenue, Kings Caple. Remove existing conservatory and construct new kitchen and 200604 extension of third bedroom to create bedroom and study. No objection Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
4/ 2020/21 b. To Consider New Planning Applications and Agree Comments There were no new applications c. To Note any Decisions/Notifications Received Since January Meeting Reference Application Number Approved Cherry Trees, Kings Caple HR1 4UD – taking down the existing conservatory and 193958 with constructing a single storey rear extension. No Objection Conditions 20 Caple Avenue, Kings Caple. Remove existing conservatory and construct new Approved 200604 kitchen and extension of third bedroom to create bedroom and study. No with objection Conditions d. Update on NDP Meeting with Herefordshire Council including Emerging Core Strategy and Need for Review of NDP Cllr Harvey reported on the seminar with Samantha Banks, Herefordshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Team Leader attended by himself, Cllr Barry and the Parish Clerk on 6 March. Samantha Banks had outlined the changes to planning likely in the light of the revised National Planning Policy Framework, the new 2021- 2041 time framework and the change of administration on Herefordshire Council. The fact that the Kings Caple NDP had defined a settlement boundary and had allotted sites meant it still carried considerable weight though technically out of date; it also had the additional protection of lying wholly within an AONB. Its continuing robustness would depend on its degree of conformity to emerging national and county plans; at present no revision seemed necessary. The Local Planning Authority was due to begin a review of its Core Strategy later this year after the issue of a new White Paper by the Government. Some indication of what this might contain would be outlined in an ‘accelerated’ version due for issue the following week. Indications were that it would probably not put pressure for further development in open countryside but rather focus on land around towns, possibly including green belt. The revision of the Core Strategy was likely to adjust the settlement hierarchy to exclude some villages from proportionate development status. An options paper for the new Core Strategy might be available by March 2021, with a first draft by late 2021/early 2022. The new Core Strategy was likely to be ready for adoption by 2025. Cllr Durkin said that with regard to housing land supply, it was thought that when the July figures were published they would indicate that Herefordshire was now at less than 3 years which was just over half of the required 5 year requirement and would leave the county wide open for development. e. To Consider any other Planning Issues and Updates Access to Cherry Trees, Kings Caple HR1 4UD This item related to developments at the property, including work and extension to a building at the rear of the residence, possibly involving change of use, and to the creation of a new access to the public highway. Members were already aware of most of the relevant information. Three complaints had been received from parishioners. There had already been correspondence with the Planning Authority but no action had been taken despite what members felt to be an issue of highways safety. It was agreed to make a further representation to the Southern Team Development Manager, also invoking the good offices of the Ward Councillor. 9. Highway and Public Rights of Way a. Update on Review of Roads in the Parish Cllr Harvey reported that he had been working with Harry Waymouth to produce documentation to regularize and progress the Parish Council efforts to improve the maintenance of public highways. It was the intention to have two sets of documents: • A strategic overview, describing the road network in the Parish, noting the differential usage of individual roads and also major recurrent maintenance issues and their locations. This document would be used to inform Balfour Beatty and the Local Planning Authority in relation to planning applications and the revision/updating of the Herefordshire Council Core Strategy and Kings Caple’s NDP. Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
5/ 2020/21 • Detailed maps showing 54 specific problem locations and the related explanatory spreadsheet, prepared by Harry Waymouth and Russell Nunn. These would form the principal aide in negotiating work with the Lengthsman and would give easily identified locations for classification of problems on the highways A road report had been circulated to all Councillors in advance of the meeting All of the potholes that had been marked up had been repaired and the Parish Council asked for thanks to be passed to Balfour Beatty for completing this work so efficiently. Action: Clerk Update on Drainage Grant Application An application for a drainage grant of £5,725 to enable all drains, ditches, grips and gullies to be cleared and reformed on C and U roads in the Parish has been submitted to Herefordshire Council. The result of this application is awaited. To Consider Purchase of Replacement Salt Bins Harry Waymouth proposed the purchase of 4 blue bins and 1 lidded bin for the crossroads. It was felt that to have a permanent salt bin on the Church slope would be unsightly, particularly in the summer and it was proposed that this bin could be located on the other side of the road, which would probably be on common land but this would need to be investigated. Cllr Durkin asked if the replacement bins would be provided free of charge, but this was not known. Harry Waymouth would progress this. To Consider any other Actions and Expenditure – none b. Update on Common Land and Management There was no further update c. To Receive a Report on Footpath Maintenance Cllr Apperley reported that with the current situation little footpath maintenance had taken place. The bridle gate still had not been fitted and there had been no indication of when this would take place. Mr Brooke was in attendance at the meeting but had limited sound connectivity. Cllr Apperley would contact Mr Brooke after the meeting. Tourist Access to Bridge Linking Sellack and Kings Caple Parishes With the better weather there had been increasing issues with tourists visiting the river, with gates to the maize field often being blocked with cars and access for delivery lorries etc being restricted because of inconsiderate parking on the roadside. Rubbish and dog faeces was also a significant issue. Signage had been effective but there was still a safety issue at the junction as traffic accessed the bend from both ends and there was limited visibility on a road which was also used by pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists. It was suggested that a mirror may help with visibility, but it would need to be positioned so that it could be seen by the vehicle but high enough so that it did not get hit by passing vehicles. Ward Cllr Durkin asked who owned the land either side of the bridge and it was noted that on Kings Caple side the field to the left of the ditch was owned by the Williams family and farmed by Bellamy. The Clerk noted that Balfour Beatty do not usually support the installation of mirrors and was asked to clarify this with Balfour Beatty. Action: Clerk Cllr Harvey wondered if there would be any advantage to working with Sellack Parish and would follow this up. Action: AH Keep Britain Tidy – Dog Fouling This had been carried over from the previous meeting and was not going to be pursued To Consider any Actions and Expenditure - none d. To Note any Defects to be reported to BBLP and any other Updates It was noted there was a recurring problem by Lightfields and two requests had been put in for the section of road from Clusters to Lightfields to be resurfaced, but this had not yet taken place. Ward Cllr Durkin said he would take this up. Cllr Harvey and Harry Waymouth would continue to carry out the monitoring of the roads and report and issues to Balfour Beatty. Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
6/ 2020/21 To Note Submission of Annual Maintenance Plan 2020/21 – this had been completed and submitted to Balfour Beatty 10. Liaison with Agricultural Holdings Pennoxstone Court – Cllr Harvey had visited every property on the west side of the U71005 and had spoken to all but 2 residents. A report had been put together which had been circulated and presented to the Pennoxstone Liaison Committee. The minutes from the Liaison Committee were now being put on the Parish Council website. Andrew Eames had been due to come to the March meeting to answer questions but as this had been cancelled Cllr Harvey would contact him about the September meeting. There had been 1 further complaint about noise from the orchards at the back of the Tump and Cllr Harvey had spoken to Neil Cockburn who had agreed to look again at the operational schedule. S & A Produce – Cllr Harvey noted that the Liaison Committee would normally meet in February with their Public Relations Manager and Operations Director, but this year the meeting had been put back and then cancelled because of the lockdown. Cllr Harvey had therefore spoken to Jude Norcott, Public Relations Manager, outside of the Liaison Meeting and had put a statement on the Parish Council Website noting that operations would be similar to 2019. Cllr Harvey noted that there had been 4 minor complaints, the season had been much shorter and had finished 10 days earlier than usual. Another meeting will take place in February 2021. 11. Climate Emergency Update The planned public meeting did not go ahead because of the lockdown and there was nothing further to report. The Village Hall now had the Business Rates grant and the Committee felt heating was of prime importance. It was planned to hold a meeting to discuss ideas of how this could move forward and any agreed solution would come under the green remit with consideration on how the carbon footprint of the Hall could be reduced. 12. National Tree Council Tree Planting Project Funding The project was open to schools or Community Groups to plant trees or hedgerows this winter. Funding was for projects between £300 - £1,500 (ex VAT) and must actively involve young people up to the age of 21. Cllr Petter had spoken to Jamie Gittins, Head of School at Kings Caple Primary Academy, and they had agreed that the school would like to be involved in the project. The next stage would be to identify a space where the trees could be planted, and which would be accessible to the young people. One suggestion was the common land by the Tump, the land by the river was also mentioned by this may not be close enough to the school. Cllr Barry noted that the land by the Tump was a scheduled monument and the landscape features were critical. Millennium Corner was mentioned but there was a need to find out who owned this piece of land. This would be investigated further with the caveat that any trees planted needed to be maintained and the project needed to be manageable. 13. To Note the Information Sheet (July 2020) and any other updates Resolved: The Information sheet was noted. There were no further updates 14. To Raise Items for the next Regular Meeting of the Parish Council (no discussion) - None 15. To Note Date and Time of the next Regular Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.30pm – format and location to be agreed. Note: This meeting was subsequently rescheduled for 8th October 2020 at 7.30pm The Meeting closed at 9.20 pm Signed ……………………………………… Date 8th October 2020 Chairman of Kings Caple Parish Council Regular Meeting of Kings Caple Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2020
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