Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited

Page created by Clifford Walsh
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
Parish Mission Statement / Declaración de la Misión Parroquial


                                                        Parish Website:

           Masses are now celebrated in the Church,
            NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited,
             please arrive 30 minutes early to check in.

   41933 Blacow Road      40382 Fremont Boulevard     FORMATION OFFICE
   Fremont, CA 94538         Fremont, CA 94538      40374 Fremont Boulevard
                                                       Fremont, CA 94538
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish           Fremont, CA                   April 4, 2021

Fr. Joy Kumarthusseril, mf, Pastor                          Sat., April 3 - HOLY SATURDAY
                                              8:00pm          Newly Initiated
                                            Sun., April 4
Fr. Anthony Madanu, mf                        7:30am        + Al & Claire Paniagua
Hospital Chaplain - 510-344-8825              8:45am          Maria Tran & Family, Thanksgiving
                                             10:30am        + Msgr. Fred Sojka
Deacon Larry Aseo                            12:30pm        + José Salazar                         Mon., April 5
                                             9:00am         + Juan Miguel Alonso
Deacon Steve Budnik                         Tue., April 6                9:00am         + Virginia Barroga, + Jesus Gonzalez
510-396-3674                                                  Fred Richmond, 99 Birthday
                                                              Josie Baylosis, Birthday
Deacon Alfonso Perez (Español)                                Bettina Pancho, Thanksgiving                                 Eva Tait, Thanksgiving
                                                              Richmond Family, Special Intentions
PASTORAL STAFF                                                Ko Family, Special Intentions & Thanksgiving
S. Janice Therese Wellington,               Wed., April 7
                                             9:00am         + Patrocinio Calingo
Our Lady of Guadalupe School
                                             7:00pm         + José Medeles, + Evangelina Reynoso
Preschool - 8th Gr.                                         + María Isabel Marquez
Telephone 510-657-1674                                      + Manuel Robles, + Enrique Martínez
Fax 510-344-8775                                            + Daniel Mota, + Teresa Mota
                                                            + Almas del Purgatorio
Juan Jose Suarez, Faith Formation
                                            Thu., April 8—510-651-4966               9:00am           Don & Yvonne Siko, Wedding Anniversary
Jean Hui, Business Manager                  Fri., April 9—510-249-1770                  9:00am         + Rose Champion
                                             7:00pm         + Lucio Ramírez, + José Salazar
Gloria G. Lara, Parish Secretary                            + Rosa María Mota, + Josefa Rivera
Telephone 510-657-4043 - Fax 510-657-4055                   + María de Jesús Romero                                       + Almas del Purgatorio
                                            Sat., April 10
Cori Lara, Office Assistant                     9:00am        + Eduvijes Gonzalez, + Mary Richmond—510-651-4966                              + All Souls
                                                              Irene Jenkins, Birthday
                                                              Ko Family, Special Intentions & Thanksgiving
                                             5:00pm         + Thua Nguyen
                                             7:00pm         + Peter R. Martínez
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish            Fremont, CA            April 4, 2021

"We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song!" These words of St. Augustine express
the joy that comes with this irreversible victory of Easter. This grace is not only joyful,
but it is also transforming - it changes lives. Here are two true stories about lives that
were transformed by Christ's resurrection.
The first is about a working-class man with almost no education. He tried to make
something better out of his humble, poor life, by going to work for a friend who was
starting a new company. He was hoping for a new lease on life, but it didn't work out.
In fact, when his friend was arrested, he disowned his old friend. Later his friend was
thrown in prison, wrongly condemned for a crime he didn't commit. In the end, he was
brutally killed by a furious mob. The working-class man was not only discouraged by
this failure, but he was actually afraid that the same thing might happen to him. So, he
started to contemplate on going back to his former life.
The second true story is about a woman of ill repute who had squandered her abun-
dant gifts. She never got respect, and never did anything to deserve any. A slave to her
own sin, she cried herself to sleep night after night. She simply couldn't imagine a bet-
ter life than the one she was living. Then she met someone, a new friend, the same
man from the first story, who was starting a new business – who gave her hope. She
also went to work for him, trying to get a new lease on life. But then he was murdered,
and her hope was extinguished, like the fragile flame of a candle in the wind.
And what happened next? Well, they found out that their friend, Jesus rose from the
dead - and that made all the difference, for the woman's name is St. Mary Magdalene,
and the man is St Peter. By putting our faith in Christ, in the resurrected one, our sto-
ries can become just like theirs.

Fr. Joy Kumarthusseril, mf
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish                     Fremont, CA                       April 4, 2021

Parish Registration Part III……..
                      Please help update Parish Registration data!
We are asking for your assistance on updating our Parish Registration
data. Unfortunately, we have received complaints because Parish mail
has been sent to deceased members. Please understand that if the ser‐
vice was not held at our Parish, our database would not be updated
unless otherwise we are informed by the family.
To assist us, if you have moved, have a family member who has passed
away, changed your phone number or email address, please contact the office, and let us know.
We can then update our database accordingly.
We have learned a lesson during this pandemic time. The Parish needs our parishioners current
contact information to communicate any updates. The Parish is organizing a Parish Registration
weekend to invite current mass attendees to register if they have not already done so, and to up‐
date our current registered family information.
As always, thank you for your assistance!

We realize that for many people, our Scrip (gift card) program has not been convenient.
We have great news! We are making it more accessible for you to purchase cards and help
the parish through the new app Raise Right. You will be able to add the app to your phone
and order from at least 250 retailers. The cards will be sent DIRECTLY TO YOU so you don't
have to come to an office to purchase. The church will still get a percentage of the card
sales. So add the Raise Right app to your phone and sign up! Our Lady of Guadalupe
Parish's enrollment code is

Prayer & Intentions Box
                                       Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by
                                       prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make
                                       your requests known to God.
                                               Philippians 4:6
It has been over a year; we are living in Pandemic time. Each family has been experiencing some type
of troubles. As a Catholic community, we need to pray for each other and offer up our troubles to
God. There is a strength and peace that comes when we offer up our prayers/intentions to our Lord.
A Prayer & Intentions Box will be placed in front of the altar at every mass. You are welcome to
place your prayers/intentions in the box placed before mass begins. During mass, the celebrant will
offer up and pray for these intentions.
You can also go to the parish website to submit your intentions and it will be
placed in the Prayers & Intentions Box. Please be assured that all your intentions will be kept confi-
dential unless you indicate to share with the community so they can specifically pray for you. Please
do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office if you have any questions.
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish                         Fremont, CA            April 4, 2021

Our Lady of Guadalupe School: Open Enrollment
Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is open. Secure your child’s
space for our high quality Catholic education. Email or call 510-657-1674 for more information.
SAVE the Date: Monday, April 26, 2021 at 1PM
Las Positas Golf Course, Livermore, CA.
Join Fr. John Prochaska on the fairway as he golfs in support of our school.
Not a golfer? Become a sponsor of this special event, which will help to provide and
maintain an excellent learning experience for all our students.
Email or call 510-657-1674 for more information.
                              Congratula on to our Parish School’s

Alameda County Science Fair Winners!
Usually our students first enter the Dioce-
san Science Fair and then those winner
move onto the Alameda County Fair. This
year, our students had to directly enter the                                   Mathematics, Computer
Alameda County Fair. They submitted the                                              2nd place
project and then were interviewed                                               Tia Fernandes, gr. 8
                          Energy, Environmental
                             Earth Sciences
                                3rd place
                          Tannon Houston, gr. 8

                                                         Biological Sciences
                                                              3rd place

                                  Kaleb Nguyen, gr. 8                            Kelsea Espinosa, gr. 7
Masses are now celebrated in the Church, NO NEED TO REGISTER Space is limited
"¡Somos gente de Pascua, nuestra canción es Aleluya!" Estas palabras de San Agustín
expresan la alegría que viene con la victoria irreversible de la Pascua. Esta gracia no solo
llena de gozo sino también transformadora - cambia vidas. Aquí hay dos historias que
fueron transformadas por la Resurrección de Cristo.
La primera es sobre un hombre de clase trabajadora sin casi ninguna educación. El in-
tentó hacer algo mejor con su humilde y pobre vida yendo a trabajar para un amigo que
estaba empezando una nueva empresa. Esperaba una nueva forma de vida, pero no
funcionó. De hecho, cuando su amigo fue arrestado, repudió a su viejo amigo. Después,
su amigo fue encarcelado, condenado injustamente por un crimen que él no cometió. Al
final, fue brutalmente asesinado por una multitud furiosa. El hombre de clase trabajado-
ra no solo estaba desalentado por esta falla, pero también estaba temeroso de que lo
mismo le pudiera pasar a él. Así que empezó a contemplar regresar a su vida anterior.
La segunda historia verdadera es sobre una mujer de mala reputación que había despil-
farrado sus abundantes regalos. Nunca fue respetada y nunca hizo algo para merecer
respeto. Esclava de su propio pecado, lloraba cada noche hasta dormirse. Simplemente
no podía imaginar una vida mejor de la que estaba viviendo. Entonces conoció a al-
guien, un nuevo amigo, el mismo hombre de la primera historia, el que estaba empe-
zando la nueva empresa – quien le dio esperanza. Ella también fue a trabajar para él,
tratando de tener una nueva forma de vida. Pero luego él fue asesinado, y su esperan-
za se extinguió, como la flama frágil de una vela en el viento.
Y ¿qué pasó después? Bueno, se dieron cuenta que su amigo, Jesús resucitó de entre
los muertos - y eso hizo toda diferente, el nombre de la mujer es Santa María Magdale-
na, el hombre es San Pedro. Poniendo nuestra fe en Cristo, el Resucitado, nuestras his-
torias se pueden volver como las de ellos.

Padre Joy Kumarthusseril, mf
Aunque la Oficina Parroquial está temporalmente cerrada, la secretaria está trabajando
desde su casa. Por favor llame al 510-657-4043 o o envíe un correo electrónico a secre- Seguimos dando los siguientes servicios:
       1. Ofrecer Misas/Solicitar certificados/Ofrecer velas votivas y otras cosas
       2. Bautizos - Por favor llame a la secretaria para hacer una cita para una entrevista.
       3. Funeral - Por favor llame al Sacerdote.
       4. Matrimonio– Por favor llame al Sacerdote.
       5. Quinceañera - Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Formación en la Fe para hacer
          una cita para una entrevista.
La Oficina de la Parroquia está abierta de lunes a sábado, por favor llame en horas de ofi-
cina, todas las clases son en la plataforma de Zoom. Están invitados a visitar la Tienda de
Regalos Religiosos y Tarjetas de Regalo.
    Oficina de la Parroquia: 510-657-4043           Sacerdote: 510-315-7001
                          Formación en la Fe: 510-651-4966

Caja para Oraciones e Intenciones
                                    No se inquieten por nada; más bien, en toda
                                    ocasión, con oración y ruego, presenten sus
                                    peticiones a Dios y denle gracias.
                                           Filipenses 4:6

Ha sido más de un año que hemos estado viviendo en tiempo de pandemia. Cada familia ha
experimentado algún tipo de problema. Como comunidad católica, necesitamos orar uno por el
otro y presentar a Dios nuestros problemas. Hay una fuerza y paz que viene cuando ofrecemos
nuestras oraciones e intenciones a nuestro Señor.
Se va a colocar una Caja para Oraciones e Intenciones enfrente del Altar en todas las Misas.
Los invitamos a que depositen sus oraciones o intenciones en la caja antes de que comience la
Misa. Durante la Misa, el Celebrante va a ofrecer y a orar por estas intenciones.
También pueden visitar el sitio de Internet de la Parroquia para enviar sus
intenciones y se van a depositar en la Caja de Oraciones e Intenciones. Tengan la seguridad
que todas sus intenciones se mantendrán confidenciales, a menos que ustedes nos indiquen que
las compartamos con la comunidad para que puedan orar específicamente por ustedes.
No duden en comunicarse a la Oficina de la Parroquia si tienen preguntas.
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe     Fremont, CA       4 de abril, 2021

Inscripciones Abiertas para la Escuela de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Nuestras clases de Kindergarten hasta el 8° grado se han estado
llevando a cabo en persona y virtuales desde noviembre 2020.

Para más información, por favor llame al 510-657-1674 o
correo electrónico a
Estaremos felices de compartir el tesoro de la educación católica por medio de
una visita virtual.
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe           Fremont, CA        4 de abril, 2021

     Domingo de la Divina Misericordia, una celebración de la Fiesta de la Misericordia
      11 de abril, 2021, Domingo de la Misericordia, el domingo después de la Pascua
                                             Acompáñenos en oración
                                           Rosario bilingüe a las 2:15 pm
                                   Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia a las 3 pm
                                 Traigan y depositen su carta con sus peticiones,
                                             oraciones y bendiciones
                   Estén al frente de la Imagen de la Divina Misericordia en
                           la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
                             41933 Blacow Road, Fremont CA 94538
               Todos los que asistan deben ser revisados en el antiguo vestíbulo
                            (mismo protocolo que si vienen a Misa)
Respondamos a su llamada cuando Jesús dijo – “Vengan a mí, todos ustedes”
 “No tengas miedo de tu Salvador; Oh alma pecadora. Yo hago el primer movimiento para
venir a ti, porque sé que por ti mismo eres incapaz de elevarte hacia mí. Hijo no te alejes de
 tu Padre; debes estar dispuesta a hablar abiertamente con tu Dios de misericordia quien
                quiere decir palabras de perdón y fastuosas sus gracias sobre ti.
             ¡Cuán querida es tu alma para mí. He inscrito tu nombre en Mi mano;
 estás grabada como una herida profunda en Mi corazón.” Diario de Santa Faustina, 1485

Nos hemos percatado que para muchos, nuestro programa de Scrip (tarjetas de rega-
lo) no ha sido conveniente. ¡Tenemos buenas noticias! Lo estamos haciendo más acce-
sible para que puedan comprar tarjetas y ayudar a la Iglesia por medio de la nueva apli-
cación Raise Right. Les será posible a ustedes bajar esa aplicación a su teléfono y orde-
nar por lo menos de 250 negocios. Las tarjetas serán enviadas DIRECTAMENTE A USTE-
DES para que no tengan que venir a la oficina a comprarlas. La Iglesia continuará reci-
biendo un porcentaje de las ventas. Bajen la aplicación Raise Right a su teléfono y re-
gístrese. El código de registro de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es

                                                          UN PUEBLO PASCUAL
                                                             ¡Somos un pueblo pascual y el
                                                          aleluya es nuestra canción!
                                                          —San Agustín
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish                      Fremont, CA             April 4, 2021

            Readings of the Week                       Pray for the Sick:     Margaret Bevins
                                                                              Judith Lutgring
Monday:    Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;      Toni & Joe Johnson
           Mt 28:8-15                                                         Josephine Lin
                                                       Zosimo Alfonso         Gloria Arce
Tuesday:   Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
           Jn 20:11-18                                 Arnold Daniels         Dale Brazil
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35   Amanda Lampe           Gladira Montes
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48     John Richards          Anette Fagundes
Friday:    Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a;         Dan Batacan
           Jn 21:1-14                                                         Joseph Perry
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21;      Maria Strong           Esther Ferrau
           Mk 16:9-15                                  Anita Diaz             Guozhen Zhong
Sunday:    Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;     Pablo Gonzalez
           1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31                                            Rosalind Stephen
                                                       Karen McGregor         Mary Stephens
      Saints & Special Observances                     Joe Salazar            Erlinda Alvarez
Sunday:    Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of        Sandra Fyke            Mercedes Mondragon
           the Lord; Julian Calendar Palm Sunday       Pham P. Hou            Joe Salazar
Monday:    Monday within the Octave of Easter          Frances Edwall
Tuesday:   Tuesday within the Octave of Easter         Fleurdelys Abaya
Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of              Michael Gavin
           Easter.     Yom HaShoah
                                                       Maria Ormonde
           (Holocaust Remembrance Day)                                        Charito Cabantac
Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter         Paul Herrera
                                                                              Pedro Alcantara
Friday:    Friday in the Octave of Easter;             Agnes Hui
                                                                              Fern Ragni
           Julian Calendar Good Friday                 Jerry Munro
Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter

                         1. You can mail in your donation to the Parish Office.
                         2. Please visit the Parish website and click E-giving https://
                thru Faith Direct.
                     3. Sign up OneParish App from your APP store, select “Our Lady of
                     Guadalupe Parish” as your home parish. For a Donation to the Parish,
    you can choose one-time donation or recurring via either Credit Card, or ACH (your
    checking or saving account).
4. OneParish Online portal at It has all the great features of the
   mobile app but is available for anyone without a smartphone or who prefers a more ac-
   cessible computer-based experience.
5. Go to the Diocese of Oakland website: you
   can make a onetime donation or recurring donation. 100% of all the gifts will be distribut-
   ed directly to the parish.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish                        Fremont, CA                  April 4, 2021

                     Divine Mercy Sunday, a celebration of the Feast of Mercy
                 April 11, 2021, Mercy Sunday, Sunday after Easter

                                                     Join us in praying
                                                Bilingual Rosary at 2:15 pm
                                               Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 pm
                                   Bring & drop a letter of petition for prayer & blessing
     Be at the front of the Image of the Divine Mercy at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
                            41933 Blacow Road, Fremont CA 94538
                 All the attendees need to be check- in at the Old Vestibule
                         (same protocol as you are attending mass)
                    Let us answer His call when Jesus said – “Come to Me, all of you.”
            “Be not afraid of your Savior; O sinful soul. I make the first move to come to you,
                     for I know that by yourself you are unable to lift yourself to me.
        Child, do not run away from your Father; be willing to talk openly with your God of mercy
                    who wants to speak words of pardon and lavish his graces on you.
                 How dear your soul is to Me! I have inscribed your name upon My hand;
                 you are engraved as a deep wound in My Heart.” St. Faustina Diary, 1485

Please join us to prepare for consecration to St. Joseph. We will start on Tuesday , March 30,
time to be determined by group availability and need, the sessions are by conference call. It
takes 33 days and the date of consecration will be on Saturday, May 1, the Feast Day of St.
Joseph the Worker. The book will be provided for free. We need faithful men and women to
consecrate themselves to St Joseph for our families, church and the world! Please call Yvonne Rounds at (510)
676-6837 if you would like to join or have questions. You can go to the website:
for more information. St. Joseph pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe
41933 Blacow Road
Fremont, CA 94538

Bulletin # 513394

Gloria Lara


Transmission Time: Wednesdays @ 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

13 pages
Please print 450 copies this week. Thanks.
You can also read