Page created by Danny Avila
                          "As the father sent me, so I send you."
1307 East Longden Ave., Arcadia CA 91006                     Parish Office: 2707 Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016
   (626) 447-6202 / Fax (626) 447-9834                                     Website:

  I   t may seem obvious that the theme for the
      Baptism of the Lord is “water,” but when
  one spends time with the readings today, one
                                                           with water; he will baptize you with the Holy
                                                           Spirit.” Yet he conducted his ministry with
                                                           faith and hope.
  can see many different connotations for that
  water and its power. Isaiah calls the poor who           BEING THE MESSAGE
  are thirsty and tired to come to the water and           As John humbly carried out his mission and
  take the spiritual food and drink that will be           Jesus accepted this simple baptism by John, the
  provided if we but seek the Lord. Here, God is           Holy Spirit indeed came down upon Jesus, and
  both destination and consolation. The respon-            God proclaimed for the first time, “You are my
  sorial psalm follows suit with the image of              beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
  drawing water from the springs of salvation. 1           Thus Jesus began his formal ministry. There
  John takes us to the reality of Christ as eucha-         must have been much that he already knew, but
  rist: not only Jesus’ birth and baptism, but his         also much that he uncovered each day in his
  death, as we hear that Jesus came “by water              encounters with the disciples and the crowds.
  and by blood.” The Gospel depicts John baptiz-           As he responded “yes” to the Father over and
  ing Jesus with water, and the Spirit baptizing           over, his thirst was quenched and his spirit
  Jesus. We experience both the humanity and               strengthened.
  the divinity of Christ. Indeed, water has much
  power to save us.                                  How many times do we witness baptisms in the
                                                     parish? The priest ministers with simple ele-
                                                     ments of water and oil, but the Spirit is called
  BEING THE MESSENGER                                down each time. Every time we participate, we
  When we go to a pop music concert, there is        are experiencing the message, experiencing the
  often an opening act. Usually they are a young call again. How many times have we blessed
  group on their way up, or older musicians who ourselves with holy water, or participated in a
  are past their prime and still hanging on in the sprinkling rite? Yet in these days, when church
  business. This is indeed a hard job. In the com- fonts are empty due to safety precautions, we
  edy world it is the same thing. You have to        need to remember those other times, trust in
  warm up the crowd. You are not who they are God, and sing the prayer of Isaiah in our hearts
  coming to see, and audiences may be unre-          about drawing the water joyfully. We must
  sponsive, come in late, or not pay a lot of atten- trust in the message. We must become the mes-
  tion. Yet John had no problem being the open- sage of God’s saving action through our bap-
  ing act, the messenger, the harbinger of faith     tism and our lives.
  for Jesus. He was very devout in his faith and
  knew what his role was. Many Jews were ac-         Today’s Readings: Is 55:1–11; Is 12:2–3, 4bcd, 5–6; 1 Jn 5:1–9;
  tively seeking a messiah, and he was quick to Mk 1:7–11
  let them know that he was not the one for
  whom they were waiting. “I have baptized you
Annunciation Church
Masses for This Week
Saturday, Jan. 9th
5:00 p.m. Fr.
S.I. Marie Smith
Sunday, Jan. 10th                         Outdoor Vs. Indoor Masses:
8:00 a.m. Fr.                              As a result of a recent Supreme court ruling, indoor religious gatherings are
S.I. Fr. Freddie Chua, the Rosales         now permitted. We recognize this as a step toward resuming Mass indoors;
Family, Kathleen Trinaystich, and the      however, we also recognize that a significant risk still exists in doing so. Cases
Parishioners of Annunciation               in Southern California continue to surge and overwhelm hospitals as a result of
RIP Helen Ardila                           people gathering for Thanksgiving and the same is expected to occur due to
10:00 a.m. VIETNAMESE Fr. Nguyen           Christmas and New Year’s. According to recent estimates by the medical com-
12:00 p.m. SPANISH Fr. de la Vega          munity, caseloads will most likely not taper off until the end of January, at the
S.I. Beatrice Morales, the Sevilla Fam-    earliest. For these reasons, we are electing to continue to offer Mass in our
ily, the Valarezo Family, and the Troya    parking lot each weekend and in the patio area of the Parish Office on week-
Family                                     days for the foreseeable future. We will continue to monitor the guidance is-
Monday, Jan. 11th                          sued by both the scientific and medical sectors, as well as any that might be
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              forthcoming from the Archdiocese. Like you, we are anxious to return to our
RIP Peter Chan
                                           church, but we strongly feel that it is our responsibility to do so only when it ap-
Tuesday, Jan. 12th                         pears to be safe for the majority of our parishioners, our ministers, and our
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              priests.
S.I. The Yeo Family
Wednesday, Jan. 13th
                                           Current Mass Times:
8:30 a.m. Fr.
RIP Peter Chan
                                           Our Vigil Mass is celebrated at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday Masses
Thursday, Jan. 14th                        are: 8:00 a.m. (English), 10:00 a.m. (Vietnamese) and 12:00 Noon
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              (Spanish). Confessions are held on Saturdays from 3:30—4:30 p.m.
RIP Charlie Claire                         These times will be in effect until further notice.
Friday, Jan. 15th
8:30 a.m. Fr.                             Outdoor Masses:
RIP Martin Luther King, Jr.                † The Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, the Vietnamese
                                           Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, and the Spanish Mass will be
                                           celebrated at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. The 8:00 a.m. English Mass is the same.
                                           † If you wish to bring your own chair(s) and sit outside your car during Mass,
Masses for Next Week                       you are welcome to do so. To ensure everyone’s safety, chairs must be placed
Saturday, Jan. 16th                        in front of your car only, in order to maintain appropriate social distancing from
5:00 p.m. Fr.                              the cars around you. Personal-sized only umbrellas are allowed so as to not
S.I. Monsignor O’Connell, Kathy Dela       block the view of attendees who might be seated behind you.
Paz, and Annunciation Youth Ministry       † Masks are required when you enter the parking lot, if you remain in your car
Sunday, Jan. 17th                          with any of the windows rolled down, or if you choose to sit outside your car
8:00 a.m. Fr.                              during Mass. They are optional if you choose to remain in your car with the
S.I. Mary Pat Wiard, Bob Branik, and       windows rolled up.
the Parishioners of Annunciation
RIP Milagros Sapida, and the Sevilla
                                           We are trying to maximize the parking spaces for those attending Mass and
10:00 a.m. VIETNAMESE Fr. Nguyen           ask that all support volunteers (ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, music
12:00 p.m. SPANISH Fr. de la Vega          ministers, etc.) park inside the gate area just outside the Parish Hall.
S.I. Eddie Morales and Family
Monday, Jan. 18th                          Daily Mass streams at 11:00 a.m., Sunday Mass in English at 11:00 a.m., and
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              Spanish Mass at 2:00 p.m.. You can access these Masses on our website
S.I. The Lim Family                        (, Facebook (Annunciation Catholic Church), or
Tuesday, Jan. 19th                         YouTube (Annunciation Catholic Church Arcadia).
8:30 a.m. Fr.
RIP Peter Chan                            Parish Prayer Chain:
Wednesday, Jan. 20th                       The ministry of the prayer chain is to lift up to Our Lord the specific requests
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              and concerns of our parishioners and friends. To request prayer for someone,
S.I. The Klein Family                      please call Marie Nimmrich at (626) 448-3304, or e-mail her at: mareeeliza-
Thursday, Jan. 21st               All prayer requests are kept confidential within the prayer net-
8:30 a.m. Fr.                              work. To become involved as a Prayer Warrior, please e-mail Marie and she
RIP Peter Chan                             will get you started! Thank you and God bless you.
Friday, Jan. 22nd
8:30 a.m. Fr.
RIP The Unborn
The Baptism of the Lord                                                                     Jan. 10, 2021
  Did You Know?                                                                          Please Pray For:
  As parents, we teach our children that the truth is important. In fact, the            Gerrie Rothermel, William Litwicki,
  truth is a critical part of the healing process for victim-survivors of abuse.         Richard Lugo and all who are ill.
  When a victim-survivor tells the truth about abuse that has happened to
  him or her, it robs the secret of its power and begins to break down any
  fear surrounding it. This helps a victim-survivor on the path to being free
  from the effects of abuse and enables the church and other institutions to
  take appropriate action to keep others safe. For more information about
  the importance of truth-telling, visit

                                                                                         Calendar of Events:
                                                                                         Sunday, Jan. 10th
Skilled Nursing Care Available at Santa Teresita:
Santa Teresita Manor offers both short and long-term skilled nursing and                 Monday, Jan. 11th
 rehabilitative services. The Carmelite Sisters there are committed to
 providing care of uncompromising quality, together with a devoted nurs-                 Tuesday, Jan. 12th
 ing and rehabilitation team. Among the services offered, included are:
 24-hour skilled nursing care, Palliative and Hospice care, respite care,                Wednesday, Jan. 13th
 Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy, wound care and IV Ther-
 apy. If you wish to learn more about these, and other, services, please                 Thursday, Jan. 14th
                                                                                         Friday, Jan. 15th
Daily Mass Schedule:
 Daily Mass is being celebrated at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday in                    Saturday, Jan. 16th
 the patio area on the north side of the Parish Offices. Parking is avail-
 able either in the Parish Office parking lot, or on Peck Road, and the
 seating is all socially-distanced. Masks are
 required.                                            Lord, Protect Them
                                                Joseph Villamayor          Air Force
Your Church Contributions:                      Elizabeth Villamayor       Air Force
                                                Robert James Logan IV      Army
 To make your contribution, you can: use        Adrian Mc Nally            Army
 our website (,      Ronnel Resurrecion         Navy
                                                Daniel Smith               Marines
 drop it through the mail slot in the Parish    Patrick Thompson           Navy
 Office door, or mail it using the pre-         Catherine Holdren          Coast Guard
 addressed envelope in your monthly             Robert Wrischnik           Marines
                                                Brandon Tennis             Navy
 mailed package.                                Rafael Hernandez, Jr.      Marines
                                                Mario Monoz                Marines
                                                Emma Larenas               Navy
                                                Gabriel Jimenez            Air Force
                                                Brian Griffiths            Marines
                                                John B. Goss               Marines
                                                Noe Villanueva             Army
                                                Stephen Cain               Marines
                                                Preston Ellis              Air Force
                                                Matthew Aldrete            Army
                                                Patrick Parra              Army
                                                Justin R. Lozano           Marines
                                                Vianca Medina              Army
                                                Carlos Casillas            Army
                                                Alex Quesada-Bocanegra     Marines
                                                Carlos Rodriguez           Army
                                                Jacob Davis                Navy
                                                Shannon S. Everitt         Air Force
                                                Liezl Sarte                Air Force
      Last Week’s Offertory Collections         Mariel Constantino         Air Force
                                                Christopher Moss           Marines
       Jan. 3, 2021: $ 6,489.00                 Nicholas GoddardApril 7, 2002
          Last Year : $ 8,546.00                David Aguilera             Army
                                                Jason Smith                Marines
      Online Giving: $ 6,855.00                   Offering
                                                Brandon         CollectionNavy
                                                          Patanjo           $9,310.50
        Together in Mission—2020                Michael Stanton            Army
        Goal Amount: $ 54,834.00                Alex Ascanio               Marines
      Amount Pledged: $68,869.00                ThankMartinez
                                                Matthew     you and GodArmy bless you.
                                                Osvaldo Santillan          Air Force
         Amount Paid: $65,442.57                Lazarus Fuentes            Marines
      Difference OVER Amount Paid:              Cristian Jesus Garcia      Army
                                                Marco Andres Garcia        Army
                   $10,608.57                   Michael Beltran            Navy
C    uando vamos a un concierto de música pop, por
     lo regular hay un espectáculo con el que se abre.
Normalmente son un grupo joven que va iniciando, o
                                                           Debía de haber mucho que ya sabía, pero también
                                                           demasiado que descubriría cada día en sus encuen-
                                                           tros con los discípulos y las multitudes. Al responder
músicos ya conocidos que ya pasaron por su mejor           “sí” al Padre una y otra vez, su sed fue saciada y su
etapa, pero aún están en el mundo del espectáculo.         espíritu fortalecido.
Sin duda alguna, este es un trabajo arduo. De igual        ¿Cuántas veces presenciamos los bautismos en la
manera pasa en el mundo de la comedia. Tienes que          parroquia? El sacerdote realiza el rito con elementos
preparar a los espectadores. Estas personas que            sencillos de agua y aceite, pero el Espíritu es invocado
abren un espectáculo no son a quienes las multitudes       cada vez. Cada vez que participamos, experimenta-
van a ver, a veces el público no se conecta, llega tarde   mos el mensaje, experimentamos la llamada de
o no presta la atención suficiente. Sin embargo, Juan      nuevo. ¿Cuántas veces nos hemos santiguado con
no tuvo problemas para abrir el acto de apertura, el       agua bendita o recibimos el rocío del agua en el rito de
mensajero, el precursor de la fe en Jesús. Él era muy      aspersión? Sin embargo, en estos días, cuando la pi-
devoto a su fe judía y sabía cuál era su papel. Muchos     las o fuentes de agua de la Iglesia están vacías debido
judíos buscaban seriamente a un mesías, y él se apre-      a precauciones de seguridad, necesitamos recordar
suro a darles a conocer que no era él a quien estaban      aquellas veces, confiar en Dios y cantar en nuestros
esperando. “Yo los he bautizado con agua, pero él los      corazones la oración de Isaías que habla de sacar
bautizará con el Espíritu Santo”. Sin embargo, realizó     agua con alegría. Debemos confiar en el mensaje. De-
su ministerio con fe y esperanza.                          bemos convertirnos en el mensaje de la acción salva-
                                                           dora de Dios a través de nuestro bautismo y nuestras
SIENDO EL MENSAJE                                          vidas.
Mientras Juan humildemente realizaba su misión y           Lecturas de hoy: Is 55:1–11; Is 12:2–3, 4bcd, 5–6; 1 Jn 5:1–9; Mc 1:7–11
Jesús aceptaba este bautismo simple de Juan, el
Espíritu Santo bajó sobre Jesús, y Dios proclamó por
primera vez, “Tú eres mi Hijo amado en quien me
complazco”. Así Jesús comenzó su ministerio formal.
Các        Bài đọc 1 Is 55,1-11                       Suy Niệm
                           bạn sẽ      Đến cả đi, nước đã sẵn đây : hãy nghe
                             vui       thì các ngươi sẽ được sống.                  Giáo lý Hội Thánh
                           mừng                                                     Công giáo đã dạy:
                            múc         Bài đọc 2 1 Ga 5,1-9                        Nhờ Bí tích Thánh
                            nước        Thần Khí, nước và máu.                      Tẩy, người Kitô hữu
                             tận                                                    được nên đồng hình
                           nguồn        Tin Mừng Mc 1,7-11
                                        Con là Con yêu dấu của Cha, Cha hài         đồng dạng với Ðức
                           ơn cứu
                                        lòng về Con.                                Giêsu một cách bí
                                                                                    tích. Nhưng, làm
thế nào để có thể trở nên đồng hình đồng dạng với Chúa? Thánh Gioan Eude đã khuyên mỗi người
chúng ta: “Tôi xin anh em hãy coi Ðức Giêsu Kitô, Chúa chúng ta, là thủ lãnh thật của anh em và anh em
là chi thể của Người. Người thuộc về anh em như đầu thuộc về các chi thể. Mọi sự của Người là của anh
em. Tinh Thần của Người, trái tim của Người, thân thể của Người, linh hồn và tất cả khả năng của Người.
Anh em phải sử dụng những gì của Người như của riêng anh em để phục vụ, ca ngợi, yêu mến và tôn vinh
Thiên Chúa. Anh em thuộc về Người, như chi thể thuộc về đầu. Can vậy, Người ao ước sử dụng tất cả
những gì của anh em, như thể là của riêng Người để phục vụ và tôn vinh Cha của Người”.

Về kinh nghiệm nên đồng hình đồng dạng với Chúa thánh Phaolô cũng đã chia sẻ rằng: “Ðối với tôi, sống
là Ðức Kitô”. “Tôi sống, nhưng không còn là tôi, mà là Ðức Kitô sống trong tôi”. Mong muốn chúng ta
khát khao trở nên đồng hình đồng dạng với Chúa, Mẹ Hội Thánh đã dạy chúng ta lời “kinh xin lòng
mến” như sau: “Lạy Chúa Giêsu êm ái dịu dàng, xin cho lòng con bừng cháy ngọn lửa mến yêu Chúa, xin
biến đổi thân con trở thành chính Ngài. Xin Thần Linh Chúa thánh hóa bản thân con, ngõ hầu mọi cử chỉ,
hành vi của con đều làm đẹp lòng Chúa. Ước chi Ngài thực hiện điều ấy nơi con, nhờ quyền phép Thánh
Thể mà con lãnh nhận mỗi ngày. Ôi, con nóng lòng ước ao biến đổi toàn thân con thành chính Chúa. Ôi
Chúa của con. Amen”. Câu kinh mở đầu “Lạy Chúa Giêsu êm ái dịu dàng” đã gợi lên trong tâm trí chúng
ta một Chúa Giêsu rất sống động và gần gũi thân thương. Ngài đang ngước đôi mắt hiền dịu nhìn chúng
ta “đang vất vả mang gánh nặng nề.” Ngài chạnh lòng thương xót và mời gọi: “Hãy đến cùng Tôi, Tôi sẽ
cho nghỉ ngơi bồi dưỡng”. Cảm nhận được tình yêu của Chúa, chúng ta sẽ mạnh dạn mở lòng mình ra để
tỏ lộ với Chúa nỗi niềm khao khát thâm sâu bằng câu kinh tiếp theo: “…Xin cho lòng con bừng cháy ngọn
lửa mến yêu Chúa”, ngọn lửa tình yêu mà Chúa đã từng ném vào thế gian và những mong phải chi nó được
bừng cháy lên trong lòng mỗi người, “xin biến đổi thân con trở thành chính Ngài” để từ nay “con sống,
nhưng không còn là con, mà là Chúa sống trong con”. “Xin Thần Linh Chúa thánh hóa bản thân con, ngõ
hầu mọi cử chỉ, hành vi con đều làm đẹp lòng Chúa”, “để dù ăn dù uống, hay làm bất cứ việc gì, con chỉ
làm vì vinh danh Chúa” mà thôi. “Ước chi Ngài thực hiện điều ấy nơi con, nhờ quyền phép Thánh Thể con
lãnh nhận mỗi ngày”. Thực tế cuộc sống đã chứng minh cho chúng ta thấy, trong tình yêu không phải
người ta chiếm đoạt được đối tượng để yêu, nhưng là chính đối tượng tình yêu đã chủ động thu hút và lôi
cuốn làm cho người ta phải say mê như thánh Gioan Eude đã nói trên đây. Chính thánh Gioan Tông đồ
cũng đã khẳng định cho chúng ta chân lý ấy một cách minh nhiên: “Tình yêu phải được bắt nguồn từ Thiên
Chúa vì Thiên Chúa là tình yêu”. Thật vậy, “nhờ quyền phép Thánh Thể lãnh nhận mỗi ngày” chúng ta đã
cảm nhận được Thiên Chúa luôn đi bước trước trong tình yêu và “Ngài cũng thực hiện điều ấy nơi mỗi
người chúng ta”. Về phần con, “Con nóng lòng ước ao biến đổi toàn thân con thành chính
Chúa”. Nhưng con lại thấy mình quá nhỏ bé và bất xứng với ân huệ tình yêu cao quí mà Chúa đã ban tặng.
Thế nên, lòng con hằng xao xuyến mỗi ngày con sẽ lặp đi lặp lại lời kinh với khát khao, xin cho con nên
một với Chúa.
We encourage you to take notes as you reflect on this week readings / homily:
                      1307 East Longden Avenue, Arcadia CA ~

                                          Pastor:                                 Liturgy
                                          Rev. Freddie Chua                       Francine Moore        (626) 930-0448
                                          In Residence:                           Eucharistic Ministers
                                          Rev. Eugene Herbert                     Linda Gutierrez       (626) 446-7837
                                          Pastor Emeritus                         Lectors
                                          Msgr. Timothy O’Connell                 Christine Hunt        (626) 422-3934
                                                                                  Kathy Trinaystich     (626) 359-6553
                                          LITURGIES                               Altar Servers
                                          Saturday Evening Vigil                  Frances Luna          (626) 327-6147
                                          5:30 PM                                 Ushers
                                          Sunday                                  Raul Arias            (626) 357-6465
                                          7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.          Music Ministry
                                                     12:00 Noon (Español)         Joella Merten, Dir.   (626) 821-0264
                                          3:00 p.m. (Vietnamese)                  Joe Adamski           (626) 437-5921
                                          4:45 p.m.—Liturgy of the Hours          Francine Moore        (626) 930-0448
                                                                                  Carlos Orozco         (626) 371-6438
                                          Weekday Mass Schedule                   Deidre Stadler        (626) 357-1433
                                          8;30 a.m. Mon. Tue. Thurs. Friday
                                          Wed. [Marian Devotion]
                                                                                  PARISH ORGANIZATIONS
                                          with O.L.O.P.H. Devotion
                                                                                  Pastoral Council
                                          7:00 P.M. Rosary
OFFICE:                                                                           David Gutkind         (626) 622-5024
                                          7:30 P.M. Mass of the B.V.M.
2701 Peck Road                                                                    Couples/Singles for Christ
Monrovia, CA 91016                        First Friday Schedule                   Perry Rivera          (909) 594-6475
Telephone:     (626) 447-6202             7:45 A.M. Reconciliation                Bereavement
      Fax:     (626) 447-9834             8:30 A.M. Mass & Exposition             Gary Cooper           (626) 482-5041
Monday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.                All Day Adoration            Finance Council
(Closed for lunch from 12:00—1:00 P.M.)   7:30 P.M. Benediction                   Jerry Gutierrez       (626) 446-7837
Office Manager                                                                    Perpetual Adoration/Nite Adoration
Ms. Christine Hunt Ext. 11                Fatima First Saturday Devotion          Leticia Carbajal      (626) 277-9429
Receptionist                              7:00 P.M. Adoration                     Rosary Prayer Group
Mrs. Kathleen Trinaystich Ext. 10         8:00 P.M. Mass                          Gary Miller
                                                                                  Meditation Group
                                          Holy Days                               Pat Arkosy            (626) 444-9355
                                          Vigil: 5:30 P.M.                        Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick
2701 South Peck Road
                                          8:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.                 Marie Nimmrich        (626) 448-3304
Monrovia, CA 91016
Telephone:    (626) 446-1625                                                      Christian Service
                                          Reconciliation                          Temporarily Closed
Monday & Wednesday 5:00—8:00 P.M.         Saturday: 3:30 to 5:00 P.M.
Tuesday & Thursday 2:00—8:00 P.M                                                  Grupo de Oracíón
                                          or by appointment                       Teresa Villareal      (626) 236-0374
Closed on Fridays
Director                                                                          Safeguard the Children
Arcie Reza                                                                        Dianne Logan          (626) 303-6299
                                          Six months notice required. Please
Office Staff: Alexandra Dixon and                                                 Encuentro Matrimonial:
                                          contact the Parish Office to schedule
              Jessica Tang                                                        Ramiro y Mirna Cabrera (626) 376-1079
                                          an appointment with the Pastor.
Confirmation/Youth Ministry                                                       Fatima First Saturday Devotion:
Arcie Reza                                Baptism                                 Jo DeLa Torre          (310) 663-1955
                                          Please stop by the Parish Office to     Divine Mercy Prayer Group
                                          pick up the necessary paperwork         Lupe Sheets             (626) 716-1714
R.C.I.A. (Adults Only)
Sandra Rivera    (626) 506-9068           and to be given the name and phone      Women’s Ministry
                                          number of the Baptism Catechist to      Joella Merten           (626) 821-0264
                                          contact and pre-register for your       BLD Prayer Community
R.C.I.A. for Children/F.I.R.E.                                                    Kathy Dela Paz          (626) 629-0788
Children’s Liturgy                                                                Intercession Ministry
Esther and Susan (626) 446-1625           Child Abuse Hotline                     Gloria Murillo     (626) 316-0628
                                          Reporting Sexual Abuse:                 Justice & Peace Ministry
                                          (800) 355-2545                          Mark Mc Cormick
                                          Heather T. Banis    (213) 637-7650      Prayer Chain Ministry
                                          Ph.D                                    Marie Nimmrich           (626) 448-3304
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